blinkpen · 3 months
sick in bed n thinking about epilogue-specific AUs, multi-century timeskips and fantasy race lifespan disparity angst
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
Crawly, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was an angel, that he was a bit of a bastard, and that he desperately needed to be pinned against the Eastern Gate.
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somekindofmoss · 3 months
Now, I'm not entirely sure what came first, the tcw show or all of the novels expanding on Mandalorian culture, but nonetheless it annoys me so much whenever i watch tcw and they depict the Mandalorian people, one of the most diverse cultures in starwars, all with blue eyes and blonde hair. Mandalorian is a culture, a religion, not a race. A creed anyone of any species or origin can join.
The Mandalorians were so prolific in adoption into their creed, that it lives on despite their ancestors -the Taung- having died out. All you even have to do in Mandalorian culture to adopt someone is speak a vow, (The gai bal manda) which is recognised by Mandalorian law. (and I'm distraught that in the Mandalorian show we didn't get to see Din speak this vow to Grogu, but I digress.)
The show also presents Sundari, Mandalore's capital at the time, as so... clinical and bare? Yes the new pacifist Mandalorians have foregone the war worshipping ways that founded their culture, but the worship of war also bred a celebration of life and relishing each moment and day you get -Shereshoy being the term for it. From a culture like this I'd expect a little more... soul to their home.
They dress everyone in such plain (lack of) colours too!! When the pacifist Mandalorians discarded their armour, did they discard the cultural meanings or importance of colour too? (And I'd love to see New Mandalorians treating their clothing with as much respect and reverence as they traditionally did armour, following the Resol'nare's tenet of Beskar'gam in their own, new way. I have so many thoughts on how the Resol'nare can apply to a peaceful lifestyle, but ultimately I know that's far too much detail for tcw to have delved into, and I'm sure i wouldn't be the first to talk about it, if only there was a show solely about Mandalorians that could explore their culture in such depth-)
Ever since I had a hyperfix on Mandalorian culture a year or two ago I haven't been able to consume Mandalorian related content the same way, and I am trying to resurrect the intense interest because it ended before I was able to learn Mando'a, and by goodness I think it might be working.
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 6 months
closed starter for @prof-indigo
Blackthorn wheels up to the reception desk of the hospital for a second time. 'This doesn't get easier, huh...' she muses to herself, before speaking to the receptionist; 'Heya, Blackthorn Kintsugi looking to visit Indigo Chroma? I know I can't visit for long, I got a mask if I need it, anything else?'
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addictedantler · 2 months
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tomorrow >.<
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paperlovesadness · 5 months
Alex & Miles and New Year mentions
(this isn't any grand theory - literally just a little collection. You could maybe draw connections between some, but generally that isn't the point this time)
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[Don't Let It Get You Down - Miles Kane]
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[Shades - Alexandra Savior, co-written by Alex Turner]
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[She Looks Like Fun - Arctic Monkeys]
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[Only Ones Who Know - Arctic Monkeys]
And then of course - the main event - the story of how they wrote Aviation.
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A: New Year's Day M: Yeah A: uh... you wrote a riff M: yeah, New Year's Day. Is when it was. The riff for Aviation A: New Year's Day... M: On 2014.
If you want to hear them talk about that special special day, this interview is great (Aviation/ New Year's Day talk starts at ~4:40):
Kisses & wishing y'all a Puppety New Year 🧡💛✨
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hottestthingalive · 7 months
one of these days I’m going to write a dissertation about my “rose tyler’s encounters with her mom and mickey are actually super out of order which makes a lot of shit that much more tragic and also explains why she went missing despite calling jackie” theory. and it will be a beautiful one
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dreamerinsilico · 22 days
If I ever have to do another chemical stability stress test like the one I am trying, and failing to start this week, I'm making the damn synthetic chemists downstairs weigh out the fucking samples. They can do it on their own time and I won't give a damn how long it takes them to get me the material for the study. Do not hand me six bulk vials when we talked about three and act like the 486 samples you just asked me for are in any way easy to set up.
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fulgurbugs · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Octopath Traveler (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Primrose Azelhart/H'aanit, Alfyn Greengrass/Therion Characters: Tressa Colzione, Olberic Eisenberg, Alfyn Greengrass, Cyrus Albright, Ophilia Clement, Therion (Octopath Traveler), Primrose Azelhart, H'aanit (Octopath Traveler) Additional Tags: Spongebob Voice: The Gang's All Here, Post-Canon, I just want to give them all proper send offs alright, like ot1 go girl give us nothing!, The Travelers as Found Family (Octopath Traveler), Octopath Traveler Spoilers, um its post canon so spoilers for everything i guess LMAO Summary:
Just as quickly as the world had fallen away as they had walked through the Gate, they were back, all still alive, as a quick head count confirmed. Eight plus one…
“Is it over?” Tressa says from the ground somewhere. “We won?”
Hey ya’ll heres that fic i wrote instead of making it into comics when i realized how out of hand it was getting. 
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camelspit · 7 months
hey guys quick question regarding the keeper sexyman tournament coming up in february. would people interested in drawing portraits rather start them december or january
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haonqq · 1 day
Downside of working overnights is if u get overtime kn ur friday it actively cuts into your weekend
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krshush · 5 months
My Asst Manager isn't here today bc he Knows if he were, I'd be whacking him with a squeaky toy mallet for the way he scheduled us all week
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not-amh · 6 months
got a sudden feeling of distance and being left out that made me feel stupidly overwhelmed and now i'm even more depressed
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buthappysoverrated · 8 months
Idk when night is for you but here's an ask: what's the best type of tea for doing maths (or is there more than one?)
(Also thanks for reminding me of The Used I haven't listened to some of these songs for a full decade lol)
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wangsejabin · 1 year
Chapter 112
These words instantly made Pan'er wake up with a jolt.
   What, is he planning to appoint a crown prince?
   When the emperor ascends to the throne, apart from sealing the palace, one of the most important things he should consider is the creation of a crown prince.
   After all, the crown prince is the foundation of the state, and most people who become emperor are not young, and most of them have already had sons, and more than one. It is a common belief that many sons are a blessing, but if you look at the royal family, you can see that sometimes this is not always true.
   As the sons grow older, they are surrounded by more and more subordinates, tangible and intangible, subconscious and subconscious, and everyone is betting on them. Can the family prosper for another hundred years? Who doesn't want to last forever?
   In her previous life, at first she never dared to think that Zong Yue could sit in the emperor's seat, after all, the crown prince's position was as secure as a mountain. It was only later, when there was a hint of it, and she found out that Zong Yue also had that kind of mind, that she gradually moved her mind.
But before that, that is, before Zong Cong mentioned it, she had not thought about it at all, and probably subconsciously felt that many things had changed in this life, so she did not think about it. She thought that Zong Yue was still young and did not need to think about this for the time being, but at this moment, Zong Cong's words made her wake up at once.
   How to answer?
   Although she and he were now getting to know each other better, and there was a little bit of heart-to-heart between them, and he was willing to talk to her about things that bothered her, these trivial matters were not the same as setting up a crown prince.
   The crown prince was too sensitive, especially as she had given birth to the second son, Zong Yue.
So she turned over in his arms and said, "Your Majesty, that's a strange question to ask, I've never been a crown prince, how do I know whether it's good or bad to be one? This should be asked of Your Majesty, weren't you the Crown Prince before?"
   "I used to be the crown prince, but a long time ago, I actually didn't want to be the crown prince."
Pan'er fell silent, and Zong Cong did not speak either, falling into memory.
Everyone thought that the crown prince was above all others, the future Emperor, and that he must have been a great success and highly valued. But they did not know that all this was a shackle, an existence that made them walk on thin ice.
The memories of the past, which Zong Cong never wanted to recall, were the days when he carried his mother and himself on his back, the days when he studied hard behind the scenes but pretended to be light-hearted on the surface, the days when he pretended to be generous even when he was angry, the days when he laughed in the face even when he knew that he was up to no good, the days when he had to tense his nerves every day, the days when he forced himself to be thorough and never missed a beat, and the days when he was not able to be a good friend. ......
Therefore, when he saw that Zong Duo seemed to be following his old path, Zong Cong's feelings were very complicated.
   If he was in good health, he might have been relieved in his complexity, but he was not in good health and had to compete with Zong Yue.
   But he could not blame the child, accuse him of not working too hard, and as for Zong Yue, he was even more innocent, was it a fault that he was smart and good at reading and had a competitive spirit?
Zong Cong could foresee that when the dust had settled, the court would definitely start a heated debate on the crown prince.
   What should we do when the time comes?
"Brother Cong you'd better not think too much about it, after all those things have passed, you're now the emperor, I remember you told me before that you had a lot of things to do? You still have so many important big things to do, so why do you need to think about these small things."
   Yes, he still had a lot of big things to do.
It must be said that Pan'er was still quite good at comforting, no, diverting, and Zong Cong's attention was soon diverted to his government affairs.
   He was lost in thought, his hand stroking her back with one hand, while Pan'er breathed a soft sigh of relief.
   It was clearly a cold day, but Empress Chen was very active, asking daily about the progress of the Ning Shou Palace's repairs.
   It was the first year of the new emperor's ascension to the throne, so it was particularly significant that the Ning Shou Palace had not been repaired, and Empress Fu could not move out of the Kun Ning Palace.
   Two snowstorms in a row meant that repairs had to be suspended.
   Empress Chen was anxious but could not say anything on the surface. At the same time, Zong Duo fell ill again and although he was only coughing, he was still not well for half a month, which added fuel to the fire.
This was to be followed by the ceremony of the enthronement of the Empress and the investiture of all the concubines in the Eastern Palace.
After this, they have all become official and rightful ladies, although not yet moved to the palace, but several lower ranking concubines would not be able to be the master of a palace and instead would live under the supervision of a more senior concubine.
Kunning Palace and Jingren Palace is naturally out of the question, one is the empress residence, one is Su Guifei's residence. Su Guifei has always been solitary, and no one was allowed close, she's just favoured like that, it is not possible to get a person to their own palace to share favor. The only thing that remains is the palace of Consort Hu Shufei Zhou Xianfei and others.
At first, when Hu Shufei saw the frequent visits of Qian Guiren and others, she was a little surprised at what they were doing there. But she was always a meat and potatoes kind of person, and she was also a big fan of watching the fun, so she met them.
   The two of them were sent away in a rare outburst of anger.
   Qian Qiao and the two of them were still a bit aggrieved, so if they didn't want to, why did they have to get so angry? When the concubine Li found out about this, she even went to laugh at them.
   "If you don't go to Concubine Su's place and run to Concubine Hu's, you're clearly saying that she's not in favour and needs your help?"
Qian Qiao and the two of them realized that they still had no choice but to go there, otherwise each of the six eastern palaces would be dominated, what if none of them wanted them or if they were given to concubine Li by the Empress?
   They went back to Consort Xu, who was very decisive and refused on the grounds that the Fifth Prince had recently been unwell and it was inappropriate for someone to visit him.
After these two incidents, Consort De was not stupid either, so the Sixth County Princess were also a little uncomfortable.
   So there were only two concubines left, Li and Zhao.
   At this point, concubine Li was so pleased with herself that you didn't want to live in my palace because you didn't like me, so what are you doing here? The door was closed, and the concubine Zhao's place had been very busy lately.
These are all things that Pan'er heard from the people below her, just like listening to a book, and after listening to it,
After hearing this she poured cold water on the situation: "Even the Empress has not moved her palace, where else would the others want to move?
In fact, Pan'er's words proved true, and it was only a few days before the New Year's Eve that Empress Chen finally realised in despair that she would not be able to move this year and would have to stay in the Eastern Palace.
   There was no need to think about the congratulations of the first wife, or about being worshipped on the phoenix throne.
On New Year's Eve, Zong Cong hosted a family banquet at Qianqing Palace. There were many people there, including princes and their families, some close relatives, the Grand Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, several imperial concubines and the ladies of the Eastern Palace.
   The atmosphere was very cordial and, although it may have been somewhat of an illusion, at least it proved that the majority of the people had come to terms with the reality of the new emperor's accession to the throne.
After the family feast, Zong Cong led the crowd to the Hall of the Nurtured Heart to visit the emperor.
This New Year's Eve, the Hall of the Nurtured Heart is probably the only place in the entire Forbidden City where there is no festive atmosphere, as the emperor has to recuperate from his illness and naturally needs quiet, especially since the emperor has been ill and cannot speak, his temper is getting worse every day, and the servants are all cautious and downcast as they wait on the sidelines.
   The crowd of people dressed in auspicious clothes visiting the Emperor looked particularly sarcastic.
   After all, it was not easy for the new emperor to think of the emperor at this point in his life, and even if he did, he was still being filial.
It was the emperor who seemed unusually unsettled, his mouth ahhhhh and not knowing what he was saying, but no one paid any attention to this.
The only one who took advantage of the Emperor's performance was the Prince of Qi, who made a fuss, reprimanding his lackeys for not serving him well, and saying that Zong Cong was treating the Emperor with apparent filial piety, but in fact he was secretly having people sparring with him, otherwise the Emperor would have behaved like this?
   But no one believed him, not to mention the fact that so many imperial concubines were present and had to queue up every day to attend to their illnesses. It was Pan'er's idea for Zong Cong to attend to his illness, but it was a lie to avoid suspicion. The Prince of Qi is being unreasonable, and at the same time, he is at the end of his rope.
After all, if he really had a solution for Zong Cong, why would he make a fuss over such a trivial matter? There were many clansmen present, and they all had their own opinions.
On the first day of the first month, the new emperor paid homage to his ancestors at the Imperial Temple, and announced the change of the reign name to Jianying.
   At the same time, the Kunning Palace was also bustling with activity.
   The Empress Dowager Fu was in the centre, Empress Chen was on the lower left, and the concubines of the new emperor, including Pan'er, were standing on either side.
   They were all dressed in gorgeous gowns, and it was difficult for the Home Office to rush so many gowns, but the momentum was really something like a new year.
But it's not a new year, since the fifth day of the first month, Zong Cong opened the seal, Zong Cong was all kinds of big action.
The first thing he did was to tell Empress Chen that her father had been made a marquis.
   This is a distinction that only imperial relatives can have, and it is usually added to the shade of the mother's family when the empress is crowned, but it is a lower rank than in the previous life, when it was a dukedom.
   Empress Chen was so happy and pleased that when Pan'er went to pay her respects, she could see the joy on her face.
   But as a result, Empress Chen was even more anxious to move the palace, and after the first month was over, she was concerned about the repair of the Ning Shou Palace.
   In the meantime, the six eastern palaces were also undergoing simple renovations, the only major one being the Jingren Palace, the residence of the princesses and the three southern houses where the imperial sons lived.
   In time for March, Zong Duo and Zong Yue moved to the South Third House, and Pan'er made several trips there to see the new paint, new doors and windows, new furniture and furnishings, and she also opened a special storehouse and added a lot of furnishings and other things for Zong Yue.
   In April, the Ning Shou Palace was finally repaired.
   Empress Chen personally supervised the decoration and furnishings inside, and waited for half a month after everything was finished before carefully mentioning that the Ning Shou Palace had been repaired when she went to the Kun Ning Palace to pay her respects.
Pan'er was present at the time, and now that she is a consort of the new emperor, she naturally cannot be as lazy as before.
The Empress Court was not the only one, but there was still the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, so she could not wait around for the concubines to come to pay their respects, so she gathered at Kunning Palace and paid her respects to Empress Dowager Fu, and then went to Cining Palace to pay her respects to the Grand Empress Dowager at her discretion.
It is not that Empress Dowager Fu is not willing to go, but the Empress Dowager also knows that she is old, every day tossing and turning disgusting, a month only on the first fifteen to come to ask for peace she will not say anything, other times to come to her are too noisy, and over time to go gradually less and less.
   Although Empress Chen had already been very particular about the way she spoke, and did not open the door to the princesses, but made a reference to the courtyard where they lived, Pan'er still saw Empress Fu and Nianqiu beside her glance at each other.
   The gesture was a little more meaningful.
   So the Empress was no ordinary person, Pan'er sighed once more.
   It wasn't that Empress Dowager Fu had tasted the hardships of being an empress before, and now she had to pick on Empress Chen. You think that the palace is so big, some of Empress Chen's actions will not fall on deaf ears, watching the repair process of Ning Shou Palace, at best filial obedience, at worst is eager to let Empress Fu move out of Kun Ning Palace.
But it's also true that she, the empress, wants to move into the Kunning Palace in a hurry.
   So the hearts of the people are like this, no one is wrong, but it is inadvertently in everyday life that countless conflicts are gathered.
   Fortunately, this had nothing to do with her, and Pan'er was sincerely grateful.
   Empress Fu didn't delay much and ordered her minions to pack up the next day. She had been Empress for many years and had lived in Kunning Palace for decades, so there was as much stuff as one could imagine.
When Zong Cong heard about this, he even made a special trip, saying that the Ning Shou Palace had just been repaired and that it would be better to wait for the paint inside to dissipate for a while before moving it, as there was no rush anyway.
   The Empress Dowager didn't say anything, she just said to move the things over slowly first.
When Zong Cong came out, Nianci told him what had happened yesterday.
He asked Pan'er why she knew.
It was because it happened that she had been recruited to go to Qianqing Palace that day, and Zong Cong had a rare moment of anger in front of her, demonstrating his displeasure with Empress Chen.
   He was becoming less and less shy of Pan'er, but Pan'er was anxious. You say he said something bad about the Empress in front of her, should she, as a favoured concubine, to advise, or not advise?
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unsettlingcreature · 4 months
curled up weeping and crying, you know what?? maybe i don't want to write skyrim fic anymore because i just want to play it and not have to worry about writing chapters and falling behind on my playthrough and-
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