#(they love to pretend to be a doctor and sell fucked up little medicines <3)
oqulis · 1 year
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actually speaking of thara. you will behold their fruity little outfits
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vtmb2s · 3 years
and audrey fuck it. basics (1, 2) + life (2, 3, 9) + wasteland (9, 13, 14 [pretend there are some in the west <3]) + factions (12... great khans 😏)
Hii sorry i’m posting this 10 years late, anyway this includes 2 other asks by @roberthouses  and @rainbowtroutlesbian ❤
1. What are their SPECIAL stats?
Strength: 4
Perception: 6
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 5
Luck: 3
2.Which skills would be “tagged” for them?
Her tagged skills are medicine, speech and guns 😏 she sucks at literally everything else :(
7. Do they have a preferred way of fighting, or do they avoid physical conflict?
She prefers to avoid physical conflict but some people are just bad, no one would miss them if they were gone 🤷‍♀️ She likes to use shotguns, especially the sturdy caravan one 😏
2. Were they born into a particular faction or city? What was it like growing up there?
She was born sooomewhere in California, a small little village in og NCR territory. It originally consisted of people who descended from a group of palestinian/lebanese immigrants and slowly grew in size when the NCR took over... her mom's family was one of the original inhabitants. Her dad, originally from Arroyo, might be in the NCR's army, who knows (I really don't know. I made him my chosen one but im not that far in fo2 yet so he's a mystery for now), in any case her whole family wholeheartedly supports them. It wasn't perfect but she still had a rather privileged upbringing, she was safe, had access to clean water & food and a somewhat good education, a loving family and all that... she'd definitely call it happy. Bad things didn't really happen until after she reached adulthood </3
3. What sort of education did they receive? Are they barely literate or are they well-versed with technology?
I like to think the NCR has schools (they probably do anyway) so it was pretty good, especially compared to other random wastelanders who can barely read. She studied medicine as an adult, I imagine it's not like a present day medical school though. She knows a lot more about tending to people's injuries and common illnesses but not much about other things... she definitely doesn't know everything that an actual doctor would but it's enough ig.
7. If they travel frequently, what’s their favorite place to visit?
Out of the in-game locations... definitely Goodsprings... it's nice little village that reminds her of her home. In a way she likes New Vegas too, the glamour of some of the Casinos are fun, if you ignore everything else going on in there and just go there to dress up and spend the only two caps you have. She's not a huge fan of big cities in general and prefers smaller towns that have all the comfort she needs but without large masses of people around.
9. Do they prefer to travel alone or with a companion or a group? Do they have many friends or connections otherwise?
she's someone who prefers travelling with someone else, it's safer that way and she likes having someone to talk to 😌 she does have a lot of connections to all sorts of people, at least to the sort who appreciates nice people (these are more... lose connections. She's not officially part of anything except the NCR but also not really). Everyone else just thinks she's a loser -_-
1. Are they familiar with pre-war culture? If so, is there anything they’re fond of from that era?
A bit, mostly music and fashion!! She particularly likes pre-war songs of the late 1960s, she's a fan of Nancy Sinatra and the Mamas & the Papas c: She likes pre-war fashion of the same era too, even though she usually wears more practical things.. She likes the hairstyles, makeup and clothes from the sixties though and likes to wear that when she's not out adventuring, looking like a cowboy 😌
2. What’s the worst experience they’ve had in the wasteland?
Apart from being shot in the head... her sister dying :(
5. How do they feel about wasteland food? Do they have access to fresh food and water or do they rely on pre-war canned goods?
Big fan of fresh food!!! They had a lot of farms back home where she grew up so she had access to fresh vegetables and meat (not iguanas or some shit) AND clean water, so she's used to that... Of course you can't have homemade stew when you're out travelling so she has to make do with the gross shit they sell out in the wasteland, at least as long as it's not pork. As for drinks.. the mojave does have clean water, though it's not always available so she resorts to nuka cola all the time i :/
9. Do they prefer to scavenge or trade for the things they need, or do they somehow make it themselves?
She's not a big fan of scavenging, her luck stats are pretty low so she almost never finds anything valuable -_- Sometimes she has to but she prefers to trade or buy things, or make them herself if she can.
10. Do they listen to the radio? Do they have a favorite station, song, program, etc.?
YES she listens to Radio New Vegas ALL the time... she's a fan of the country songs played there, the other ones too of course but those are her favorites. She likes the news program too, mainly for Mr. New Vegas.. she has a big fat crush on his voice
13. What’s their experience with chems like?
Welllll.. she used some of them for medical purposes, on her patients back in her doctor days as well as on herself (yk the ones like stimpaks, radaway or med-x), if they help her heal shes gonna take it 🤷‍♀️ she maaay have taken mentats once or twice back when she was studying but don't tell her mom
14. Do they believe in cryptids?
Yes 😳 The in-game mojave doesn't really have any cryptids except aliens i suppose, but she's supersticious. She believes in all sorts of creatures her family back home told stories about whenever one of their bighorners went missing 🙄
12. What do they think of the Great Khans?
She's a little suspicious of them because they're raiders but there's still this feeling of guilt because of Bitter Springs... which she had nothing to do with, she was out of the NCR when it happened but she still feels weirdly responsible for it for some reason, because she used to be NCR and her whole family still is. She actually gets along with them quite well after she helped them out in Boulder City, most of them are okay with her, probably because she wouldn't tell anyone about her past -_- her 🤝 arcade i suppose
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Ghosts from the rain forest
Summary: A simple rescue mission will bring him back to a place full of nightmares, and maybe this time he could find redemption. Situated in 1975, 2 years after the events of Skull Island.
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James Conrad x Reader
Warnings: Violence, blood, wounds, mentions of war, cursing, implied smut, angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 2: Hilmi
Even when you were more than happy in the jungle in the middle of nowhere, and not having to deal with people, you couldn't deny that Bandar Seri Begawan was in fact a beautiful place, and the market of Tamu Kianggeh was always nice to walk through.
You have chose to take one more day in the city before your medicine shipment arrived tonight, and see the city some more, you even had chosen to dress up different and use one of the many dresses you bought but never use, it was nice to play the tourist for a change, even when the last time you were there you end up picking up a fight with some vendors and being stubborn enough that they end up humorously calling you Himli, that means peaceful or polite.
That's when you saw him, trying to buy some fruit from one of those sketchy vendors you have a love/hate relationship with, he was to put it on one word stunning, his dark blonde hair, perfect baby blue eyes, or maybe was the shirt he was wearing that make them bright that much, and the afternoon shadow over a perfectly sharp jawline. American maybe, after they left the country alone three years ago they have been popping up everywhere as tourists.
"That's a lot of money for a simple piece of fruit" He said to the vendor in a perfect British accent.
"Liying to tourists again Zikri?" You said in an authoritarian voice approaching them "You really are a menace"
"Ah Himli" He said part annoyed part happy to see you. "One can no longer make a decent way of living because you have to come and criticize me"
"Ten ringgits for a mango is decent?" The man said and you loved Zikri's shocked face.
"There there Prince Charming" You said winking at him "I'll buy your mangoes, just stay away from this man" you gave Zikri the 20 rn, and give the two pieces of fruit to the stranger. "Consider it a welcome to the island gift."
"Thank you, Himli was it?" He smiled at you with what of course was a perfect smile and you forgot to tell him your actual name "James Conrad" He offered you his hand.
"I prefer prince charming" You smiled back at him and shake the hand he offered you. "Aren't you a little far from your island?"
"A little, not as much as you, are you american?"
"From birth maybe, but haven't been there in ages, is way better here" You said honestly. "First time?"
"I have been before, actually, but it was not that great then, although 'm quite enjoying my visit so far this time" he gave you a look that you haven't recieved in a long time, a more than welcome look by the way.
"Do you want a beer?" You said to him and point to a near bar that you like, it was 5:00 pm and you have time until 10:00 at least, to pick up the cargo, "Do British play darts?"
"I'm better at pool, but sure let's go" he said and you walked him to the bar.
A couple of beers later and a lot of bad jokes next to the pool table and you were already cursing yourself because you have to go back to the middle of nowhere the next morning, and he was going to stay there with al his beautiful self alone.
A couple minutes later he was teaching you how to play, and the electricity that run through your back when he hold you in his arms was enough to make you lost touch with reality. By the time your mind tried to wake you up, you were already kissing against his hotel door, and by that time there was not much else to do, apart from opening the door and let your burning clothes fall to the ground and follow the pure instinct that was driving you.
"James we are ready" a young man voice said from the other side of the door hours later and make you wake up from the sheets you were covered with.
"Thanks Slivko, I'll be out in a minute" James said and make a shh sing to you with his long perfect finger.
"What time is it?" You said quietly, smiling at him and the sweet puppy eyes he have trying to make you stay in bed.
"Hey Reg, what time is it?" He asked the boy on the other side.
"Almost nine man, we are waiting, I'll be at the lobby."
"Fuck" you said standing up and quickly taking up your clothes "I'm so sorry, but I have to leave, this was... amazing. Thank you"
"You have nothing to thank for, if anything you have become my single happiest memory from this place" He said with dark shadow crossing his eyes and you were dying to ask what he mean but your seller was a dick and you had to flee.
"If you are still here tomorrow I promise you I'll give you a couple more happy memories" you kissed him one more time and walked out of his window, thankfully his room was on the ground.
You ran as fast as you could to put on work clothes, something your seller would respect and not that ridiculous dress. Noah was neither a good nor a bad man, he only followed an strictly business ethic, and for a man who robbed big hospitals to sell medicine and vaccines in the black market he was quite picky about punctuality and respecting previous arrangements, maybe it was just a British thing, you would have to ask James later. You smiled thinking on how well that have gone down, it have been quite some time since you feel like a normal woman, able to have a little romantic afternoon with a handsome man, he was definitely a nice change from the mercenaries you usually hang around.
This was definitely not what you have planned out of your life, you could still remember the you from ten year ago, that who believed she was helping shape the world into a better place by making cultivation practices more efficient, it was a dumb dream now, with all the devastation humanity had caused, especially with all the damage your government had created by using their precious Orange Agent, that's what have finally driven you apart from the big man, the idea that some day one of your creations could end up killing and damaging innocent people. You have seen personally the mutations and illness those substances could produce, and how men only following orders caused that damage without any remorse, that kind of men you truly hate, if there was anything that you couldn't tolerate in this world was soldiers, all of them pretending to be heroes when they were only glorified murderers...
You shake those thoughts out of your head and took the money for Noah in a bag, and walked into the night to the peers. Like always you wanted to be there before he and his man arrived.
"Always a pleasure making business with you Y/N" Noah said counting out the money "And as always my boys are ready to help you carry this precious cargo to its destination" He always made those fake ceremonious remarks that you didn't like. The boys as he called them were already packing the medicine into your truck and would scort you back to Borneo the next morning.
"You are a life saver" you smiled at him as fake as he did.
"Boss we found a rat" one of his man said suddenly appearing from behind one of the many containers that were at the peers, he was using a large gun to push a young looking man towards you, with his hands behind his head.
"What? Who is this little shit?" Noah said suddenly losing his charm "Y/N what are you playing here?" He took you rather harsh from the wrist and start shaking you.
"I haven't see him in my life" You said honestly, trying to make sense out of that bizarre situation. "You are hurting me Noah what the hell?"
"Well then he is just some nasty nobody, kill him" He said to his man, still not letting you go, and you were about to scream him to stop when an angry voice talked from the shadows behind you.
"I wouldn't to that if I were you, we have you surrounded so let the boy and Dr. Y/L/N go" you turned around in shock immediately when you recognize his voice.
"Captain Conrad?" Noah's voice sounded terrified and he let you go immediately and signaled his man to release the boy and then he turned at you total panic "You bring bloody SAS on me Y/N?"
"What? Of course not, wait what do you mean SAS?" You said looking confused at both men, James had come closer to help the young guy.
"Y/N? I thought your name was Hilmi" Now it was Conrad's turn to look confused.
"Would someone explain what the fuck is happening here?" The guy, Slivko was it? Said as confused as you.
"I don't bloody know, but I know this, I'm leaving, boys let the nice Dr. take care of her medicine alone." The five men with the cargo let the boxes on the ground and start walking towards their own vehicle "Please don't call me again" He said looking at you one last time. "Captain" he made one solemn bow to James and almost run out of there.
"What? No, Noah please wait!" But he was already away. "What the fuck is going on?" You turned angry to face Conrad "Did you have any idea of what you just did? And how in hell you knew I would be here? Captain" you said putting a lot of hate in the last word.
"Beg your pardon? How was I supposed to know that you were buying drugs from a bloody mercenary?!" Why the fuck was he angry? He was not going to stay waiting for medicine for a month "And by the way Doctor" Oh very mature Conrad "I thought your name was Hilmi"
"Oh excuse me, your majesty for not going around giving my profession and full name everywhere I go" Then the realization hit you like a lightning "How did you know I was here? You work for that annoying man from DC right?" Oh you were absolutely furious now. "I don't go peacefully when Mr Houston snap his fingers and he send a militar party to get me back, is that it? What if I said no? Are you going to put a gun on my head and force me to walk??"
"I work with Brooks Houston that's true" He started making his voice soft trying to de escalate the situation making you more mad. "But I believe we can found a way you can come back with us"
"Well is settle then" you said sweetening your voice too. "Reg was it?" You said at the boy that still looked pretty confused "Lift with your knees son, some of those boxes are heavy" you pay him on the back and then look back at Conrad "Tell the rest of your men if they are actually surrounding us that we leave at 5" He was about to say something but you were not going to allow it "If I have to come back to America at least I'm going to finish my work first, one month tops, is all I'm saying" He nodded angrily and made sing in the air with his hand and suddenly another 4 men appear and started loading the truck.
You walk away from them back to your hotel furious about the situation, of course he was not really interested in you, he was being paid to lure you back home, how could you be so stupid? You got in the shower and turned on the hot water so you could wash away his touch from your skin, this whole day was a mistake, one you would never make again.
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