#(please can someone hold my hand as I babble and yap about these songs please and thank you)
melit0n · 1 month
So, for all the time that I've listened to Sleep Token (been a hot minute now, jeeze) there have been three songs that I have avoided like the plague; Atlantic, Fall for Me and Missing Limbs. I haven't been avoiding them because they're bad, not at all, but because the first time I listened to them, they brought out a Hell of a lot for me. Never in my life had I had a song, let alone three, do that to me, so, I avoided them. Distraction and WTBB cause me enough pain, and these three inch out of the boundary for songs that just push me over the edge.
Even when I did my massive SFX post, I kind of zoned out when I listened to them, mainly focusing on little sounds rather than lyrics and breakdowns. In a weird way I dreaded listening to them again just because. Plus, one of my first ST posts on here is a clip of Fall for Me, which I heard, had to sit down for a minute at, posted it, and refused to look at again (bear with me here I know I'm sounding disastrously dramatic and overly sensitive).
So, today, I decided to take a little re-listen. And Christ Almighty I need a minute. Atlantic had my lying down on my floor having to take a moment, Fall for Me took me right back to one of my first relationships and Missing Limbs had me contemplating how I've loved and been loved. What the fuck man. You all will definitely be getting a little lyric analysis soon, but, here are some of my favourites so far;
- "Eyes like frozen planets, just orbiting the vacuum I am"
- "Flood me like Atlantic, weather me to nothing"
- "Echoing futures are the buckling sutures, that hold shut the wounds of the past"
- "Slowly I remember why I cannot pretend, that I never think of you and all this screaming silence; oh God I wish you were here"
- "The outer rounds of heaven don't keep up on the charm offensive anymore"
- "To swallow my desire and choke on it"
- "The blessings rain on battles in the heaven's arms"
- "I live like I've got missing limbs for you"
Like. Pen game is on POINT.
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ringa-starr · 5 years
What You Mean to Me Ch6
A/N: Whoo! Finished! Hey all my beautiful dudes and dudettes! Here it is: the chapter that starts all the drama! I hope you guys are as excited to read it as I am for you all to read it! lol That being said I won’t babble too long I just wanted to say I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please leave any comments or suggestions you have below.
See you guys for part 7!
Stay breathtaking, excellent, and as always be excellent to each other!
I love you all,
-Deidra <3
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Emily smiled as she looked through the display full of t-shirts at Hot Topic the next afternoon.
Eyes lighting up, Emily gasped as she picked up a white t-shirt with the words My Brain is 80% Song Lyrics in gray letters.
“Dee”, Emily said to her best friend who was looking through another display of shirts a couple steps behind her, “don’t you just love this shirt? You should get one too! And they come in all kinds of colors- “
Emily stopped talking, her smile fading when she noticed her friend wasn’t paying attention to her, a frown on her face as she distractedly went through the clothes on the display she was looking though, barely giving them a glance.
“Dee?” Emily tried again.
Deidra slowly looked up, feeling nervous suddenly.
“Hey, Em?” she said quietly. “W-When you first had sex with Bill-“Deidra could feel her face turning warm as she went on with her question. “How long did you miss your period for?”
Emily’s eyes went slightly wide, taken aback by the question.
Laying the shirt across her arm, Emily looked through a couple more t-shirts before answering Deidra’s question.
“Dee, I never missed my period”, she replied, confusion and concern lacing her voice. “That does remind me though, on the way home I need to pick up some more tampons.”
“Good”, Deidra added quickly. “My mom asked me to pick up some medicine for Adam anyways. He hasn’t been feeling well lately.”
“Aww poor Adam”, Emily said sympathetically. “I hope he feels better soon.”
“Yeah”, Deidra agreed, feeling bad that she lied to her best friend. “Me too.”
“Are you sure you’re okay, Dee?” Emily asked as the girls sat down at the mall’s food-court later that day. “You don’t look very well.”
“I’m ok, Em”, Deidra replied, looking down at the orange chicken from Panda Express on her plate. “I guess I’m just tired. I didn’t really sleep well last night.”
Emily took a bite of her tuna, bacon, cheese, ranch dressing, and all the salad makings except olives sandwich from Subway before gently leaning over and feeling Deidra’s forehead, causing Deidra to smile.
“Em”, Deidra said with a laugh. “I’m okay really. Boy, you’re getting as bad as Barry.”
Emily laughed before taking a sip of her Mellow Yellow.
“Yeah”, she said. “Barry told River you got sick last night.”
“Boy, that moron doesn’t know when to keep his big yap shut, does he?” Deidra asked with a smile, stabbing a Chinese noodle with her fork and twirling it around. “Now your brother’s gonna be concerned.”
“Well, duh!” Emily cried, sticking her tongue out and crossing her eyes. “You know River looks at you like another sister. Of course, he’s concerned.”
Emily wiped some tuna off the side of her lip with her napkin.
“He told me to ask about you”, she added, “and for me to tell you that he’s thinking about you.”
Deidra smiled. “Well, tell him I said thanks”, she replied, “but I’m sure this is nothing but a stomach bug or something.”
She took a sip of her sweet tea.
“You guys worry about me like I’m dying or something”, Deidra added with a laugh.
Emily smiled back.
“That’s what friends do”, she replied. “We worry. It’s like our job.”
“Well, thank you”, Deidra told her. “In some…weird way I actually appreciate it.”
After leaving the food court, the girls went into Claire’s, each buying a few sets of new earrings before leaving the mall.
The closer they got to Walgreen’s, the more Deidra thought as she stared out Emily’s passenger seat window, trying to come up with a good explanation for why she felt so sick and what she could get in order to make herself feel better.
Emily parked her cherry red Mazda Mazda3 in front of the store and the girls got out, the cool, medication-scented air hitting them as soon as the automatic sliding doors opened.
Emily headed for the magazine section in the back of the store while Deidra headed for the medicine aisle.
As Deidra walked down the medication aisle, cold and flu medications in both liquid and tablet form surrounded her.
She picked up a bottle that contained a liquid medication that was made especially for nausea and vomiting, reading the back of it.
‘This kind of sounds like what I’m doing’, the teen thought to herself as she continued down the aisle, ‘but I’ll keep looking.’
Surely there had to be something in the store that could help her with her sudden tiredness as well.
Suddenly, Whams! Wake Me Up Before You Go Go played on the store’s overhead speakers, causing Deidra to smile and snap her fingers to the beat.
There was no way someone could be in a bad mood while this song was playing!
As she turned the corner to go down the next aisle, thinking it led to more medications, Deidra started lip syncing the lyrics and eventually started dancing as she went up and down the next aisle, not even taking time to notice the items on the shelves.
“I wanna hit that hiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhh!” Deidra sang, her eyes squeezed shut as she slid all the way to the end of the aisle on her knees.
She may have carpet burn now but Deidra didn’t care.
At that moment she had something else to worry about: in the mist of her dancing, she had knocked over almost a whole row of supplies.
Deidra felt her cheeks turn beet red as she looked around at all the baby bottles, rattles, cans of formula, and little jars of baby food that surrounded her feet, the shelves that were holding them almost completely empty except for maybe five or six items.
“Oops”, she said in a quiet voice, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.
Hearing the loud crash, Emily ran to the end of the aisle her friend was on and shook her head, folding her arms across her chest as she eyed the large mess on the floor.
“Let me guess”, she said nonchalantly, her eyes slightly narrowed and a smirk on her face. “Wham! happened?”
Without moving an inch, Deidra nodded her head, knowing it was Emily standing a couple feet away from her.
Emily sighed and got on her knees, helping Deidra clean up the mess.
Deidra gave her friend a grateful smile as she got down on her carpet burned knees, picking up some formula cans.
Deidra had just set the cans back on their shelf and was about to get on her knees again, when a sick feeling came over her stomach causing her to close her eyes and place a hand around her middle.
“You ok?” Emily asked as she slowly stood up with a set of baby bottles in her hands.
Without opening her eyes, Deidra shook her head.
“I think I’m gonna be sick”, she said quietly before running to the store’s restroom.
Emily sighed sadly as she shook her head.
She wished there was a way she could help her friend feel better but what could she do?
That exact question was still in Emily’s head as she set the packet of baby bottles she was holding back on the store rack.
She was just about to bend over and start picking up some more items when something caught Emily’s eye: a whole straight line of different branded pregnancy tests.
“No!” Emily gasped to herself in a near whisper, feeling for a moment as if some force of power greater than herself was trying to tell her something.
She slowly looked in the direction of the Walgreen’s bathroom then back at the tests just as slowly.
“Could she really be- “Emily whispered to herself, the thought sounding more and more crazy the more she thought about it.
“Deidra?” Emily whispered again, cocking an eyebrow. “Pregnant?”
With shaking hands, Emily slowly reached over and took a random pregnancy test off the rack, studying it carefully.
Emily was so engrossed with the test that she didn’t even notice Deidra standing behind her.
“Hey, whatcha lookin’ at?” Deidra asked with a smile, causing Emily to jump out of skin.
“Oh, I’m sorry”, Deidra apologized as she bent down to clean up more of the mess she made. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
The teen noticed the pregnancy test in Emily’s hand and smirked.
“Emily Phoenix!” Deidra cried, a teasing smirk on her face. “Is there something you’re not telling me, young lady?”
Emily smirked back.
“Maybe you should ask yourself that question, Dee”, Emily replied as she eased herself back up off the ground.
She held out the test to her friend.
“Anything…you wanna tell me?” Emily asked quietly, yet seriously.
Deidra frowned, a serious look coming across her face as she slowly looked down at the test before making eye contact with her best friend again just as slowly.
The girls stood still in their places, the only sounds around them being the store’s air conditioner as well as their speakers overhead playing a local radio station, and the sliding doors opening and shutting as customers came in and out, just looking into each other eyes, each holding an end of the pregnancy test.
Finally, after what seemed like centuries, tears welled up in Deidra’s eyes, everything making sense to her now as she finally admitted to herself something she kept denying.
With a tearful sob, she threw her arms around Emily’s neck, almost knocking the poor girl over.
“I’m scared, Em”, Deidra admitted in a quiet, tearful voice.
“I’m so scared”, she added in a barely audible whisper.
Emily tightly hugged her friend back, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, her mouth forming a thin line as she said a silent prayer for her friend.
Deidra didn’t want to let Emily go and to be honest, Emily wasn’t ready to let go of Deidra either.
She wanted to take her best friend’s fear away and at that moment, Emily felt the only way to do that was to hold onto Deidra as tight as she could, knowing deep in her heart that was not the answer.
Deidra finally opened her eyes and looked at the clock on the wall several aisles over.
For the first time in a while, relief washed over her.
2:41 p.m. That meant that her parents were most likely still out, having their own plans to go out to lunch at Applebee’s then go see some friends.
Her brothers had their own afternoon plans as well.
Barry was most likely with River playing basketball at the high school gym and Adam was at the 2:40 showing of Back to the Future.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, Deidra slowly reached behind Emily and started taking one of each different brand of pregnancy test Walgreen’s had to offer in her arms, ranging from the cheapest to the most expensive.
Neither girl said anything as they walked towards the check out line, Emily almost positive Deidra was going to be sick again, pass out, or both.
Deidra didn’t meet the cashier’s eyes as she sprawled the armful of tests she held onto the counter, but it seemed as if the cashier didn’t really care either way.
The teenage cashier with jet black hair with one large lime green streak in her face and gray eyes rang up each test one by one as she chewed her strawberry flavored gum, blowing a bubble.
When it popped, Deidra jumped a little causing Emily to gently place a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s ok, Dee”, she tried to reassure the anxious girl beside her. “It’s going to be ok.”
At the sound of Emily’s voice, the cashier glanced up at the two teenagers in front of her before shrugging her shoulders and ringing up the rest of the tests, now chewing her gum louder just for spite.
‘Bitch’, Emily thought with a small scowl as the cashier laid a now full Walgreen’s bag on the counter for the girls to take.
“That’ll be $35.21”, the cashier said as she took out a copy of 16 magazine, opening it.
Deidra made a move to take her wallet out of her purse, but Emily placed a hand on her arm, stopping her.
“I got this”, she told Deidra softly with a small, warm smile.
Deidra gave Emily a small smile in return, willing herself not to start crying again.
Emily placed the amount needed on the counter and took the bag, leaving with Deidra without another word from either teen or the rude cashier.
Sliding into the passenger seat, Deidra let out the breath she was holding before putting her head in her hands, jumping as the sound of Emily shutting the driver’s side door was heard.
Emily quickly buckled her seat belt before putting one hand on the wheel, starting the car with the other.
She looked over and gave Deidra a teasing smirk before putting her car in reverse, trying to lighten the tension in the air.
“You better drink up, Girl”, Emily said as she looked over shoulder and out the rear view window behind her, referring to Deidra’s unopened bottle of Root Beer she bought at the vending machine outside the mall before they left.
“You’ve got a lot of tests to take”, Emily added as she drove down the road towards Deidra’s house, glancing down at the drug store bag at her best friend’s feet.
Just as Deidra predicted, her house was eerily quiet and empty.
Even Lucky, the Goldberg’s family pet was quiet as she slept in her little doggy bed next to Murry’s, Deidra’s dad’s favorite chair.
To be honest, she really wasn’t used to the house being this quiet as there was always something going on with somebody…and this was no exception.
Looking over her shoulder, Deidra nodded her head at Emily who was still standing by her car, the Walgreen’s bag in her hand.
Emily quickly followed Deidra inside the house, shutting the door behind them.
“C’mon!” Deidra hissed. “Let’s go upstairs!”
Emily quickly followed Deidra upstairs and into the bathroom, shutting the door and switching on the light.
Sitting on the closed toilet, Emily started ruffling through the bag.
“Okay”, she said thoughtfully. “Do you want to take the cheapest one first, one in between first or the most expensive one first?”
Deidra finished her bottle of Root Beer, throwing it in the small trash can beside the toilet.
“Probably the cheapest one first”, she replied, feeling her drink slosh around in her stomach.
“Oh, God why did I drink that water too?” Deidra asked, a part of her speaking her thoughts as she gripped the side of the bathroom sink, remembering the long drink of water she took from the Walgreen’s water fountain earlier.
Her stomach felt so full of liquid at this point that it hurt a little to move.
Emily quickly found the test and handed it to Deidra before standing up and walking towards the door.
“I’ll be standing out in the hall”, Emily told her.
Deidra nodded and opened the toilet lid before examining the box, slowly opening it.
Deidra sighed taking out the boxes contents and reading the direction.
“Please please just be a bad stomach virus”, she pleaded in a whisper, pulling her shorts down and sitting on the toilet.
Emily slightly jumped when the bathroom door opened and Deidra walked out into the hall a few minutes later.
Emily gave her friend a questionable look.
“Well?” she asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.
“Well what?” Deidra asked, a part of her playing dumb.
Emily smirked slightly.
“Are you…” She let the question cut off and it suddenly clicked in Deidra’s mind.
“Oh, I don’t know yet”, she admitted. “The test takes 10 minutes.”
Emily nodded. “And you still have several to take”, she added.
“Don’t remind me”, Deidra groaned slightly, feeling of her stomach.
“I feel like there’s enough liquid in here for every girl in San Dimas to take a pregnancy test or two”, she said, partly kidding.
Emily laughed out loud at her friend’s comment.
“If only it worked that way”, the teen laughed through laughs.
A little alarm from inside the bathroom started ringing 9 minutes later, signaling the test was ready.
Emily gave Deidra comforting smile as she gently touched her shoulder.
“Just focus on the negative, Dee”, Emily said kindly.
Deidra forced a smile back before taking a deep breath and walking in the bathroom, shutting the door.
“Hey”, Emily said to herself, eyes lighting up as she was reminded of something.
Smiling wide, the blonde grabbed her phone out of her pocket and went to her music player, ‘The Negative’ from Waitress the Musical filling the whole upstairs of the house.
Emily had just pressed the ‘Repeat’ button on the song when the bathroom door opened and Deidra walked back out.
Emily quickly paused the song and looked up at her friend.
Tears filled Deidra’s eyes again as she slowly made eye contact with her best friend, her face saying everything.
Emily’s smile dropped.
“Oh, Dee”, she softly gasped, rushing over and enveloping her best friend in a hug.
Deidra’s body started shaking as she quietly cried on Emily’s shoulder.
“What am I going to do?” Deidra cried, her tears falling down her face.
“Now, wait a second here”, Emily said, slowly pulling away from the hug. “There are still more tests to take in there.”
She gave Deidra an encouraging smile.
“Maybe this one was a fake positive”, Emily continued. “I mean, it was the cheapest test after all.”
“Yeah”, Deidra said thoughtfully as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “You’re right.”
“Yeah!” Emily added, her smile growing wider as she turned the song back on again. “Like Jenna, Dawn, and Becky said, we’ll just keep our focus on the negative!”
For the first time that day, Deidra started feeling better.
Laughing, she rolled her eyes.
“Oh, boy”, she sighed. “Are you still obsessed with that musical?”
“I can’t help it”, Emily said with a small pouty look on her face. “It’s so good!”
Deidra laughed before going back into the bathroom.
About to shut the door, Deidra gave Emily one last big smile, crossing her fingers as well as her arms.
Emily smiled back, crossing her own arms and fingers as she watched Deidra shut the door.
Emily let out a relaxed, joyful sigh as she fell back on Deidra’s parent’s bed, her hair sprawled all around the bed, her arms spread out.
“Emily Phoenix”, Emily said to herself with a wide smile, eyes slightly narrowed, “is there anything you can’t do?”
Emily lay there on the bed of best friend’s parents for the next hour and was about to drift off the sleep when suddenly, her feeling of tiredness vanished and she was suddenly wide awake.
Emily hoped to her feet, pushing stray pieces of hair out of her face as she speed-walked over to where Deidra stood in front of the open bathroom door with her arms behind her back.
“Well?” Emily asked, eyes shining with wonder. “Was I right? The rest of them were all negative right?”
She didn’t even give Deidra a chance to open her mouth to answer.
“Oh, I knew it!” Emily cried happily. “See, Dee? You had nothing to worry abo-“
It was only then that Emily made eye contact with her best friend, accidental mind you, but contact none the less.
“Dee?” Emily questioned slowly. “Dee…are you ok?”
Deidra said nothing for a moment.
“You tell me”, Deidra finally said, releasing her arms from behind her back, dropping every pregnancy test she took onto the floor.
Emily jumped out of the way, preventing any of the tests wetness from getting on her.
The teen only had to look down for a split moment to see that all those tests said one thing…
“Positive”, Emily gasped out, her jaw dropped as she slowly looked up at Deidra.
“All those tests are positive!”
Deidra slowly nodded her head before sinking to her knees as she put her head in her hands, sobbing loudly, Emily instantly rushing over and taking her shaking best friend in her arms.
“Well, Emily”, Emily said to herself with a sigh. “What have we leaned today?”
@shhh-no-ones-home? @celestiaelisia @derangedcupcake @lindszeppelin
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27 | The Monte Carlo Affair
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April 28th 2000
"The flowers! Where are the fucking flowers?"
It was the spring of the last year in the twentieth century and Dinah Tobias was all the rage.
"No! Ay, Dios Mio. We need white roses and Chrysanthemums, you idiot!"
It was also the year I discovered she was half Mexican. She talked to the landscaping guys fluently when she really felt like they did something wrong.
"You know, who are you? I might just have you fired-"
"Ma, you need to relax."
"Relax? You know what, Elijah. Don't...fucking talk to me until this day is over. Got it?"
It was comical, that day. The sun was shining and it didn't rain for weeks which was odd for Mississippi in May.
All I could remember was the sun shining perfectly on Esther's face when I seen her walk down the aisle. She had no flaws, man. She was perfect that day and forever more.
My mom was totally insane and somehow she made everything and everybody work together for us that night.
"I'd like to make a toast." She sang, diddling the little wine glass with her cinderella gloves. She could really play the part when she needed to.
"My son....My daughter...." Were the only two words worth anything. The rest were about our childhood and how we met as kids. Never did she mention that Esther was my cousin once. It was alright with me, I mean who would really want to broadcast such a thing.
And mother was the queen at knowing what and what not to broadcast.
We had a good time that night. All of us. The music was good, the food was good, the wine was great.
I was marrying my fucking cousin for christ's sake.
I'd like to think we were getting married because we wanted to but I would be lying through my teeth.
Mother didn't need a reason to marry us off. She just did. The second she got wind of me growing up and fending for myself she just had to draw one of her eyes out of their sockets to keep watch on me somehow.
Maybe it was because she couldn't let go of me entirely so she felt inclined to entrust someone she knew would take care of me.
Esther truly was a good woman.
But, come on. We were young.
We were so young.
I was blinded by Esther's beauty the night we bounded vows. But in all truths, I hated to admit that my mother was right about something.
After all, she didn't force me to marry Esther.
Esther really was the perfect woman. With or without makeup on she was a beacon. She was a beacon of strength when I had none and she prayed with me when I had no words. When my words were taken from me, she breathed them into my soul like chain smoke.
Esther and I truly gave content a positive connotation.
Yes, later on we'd come to the realization that we were never meant for marriage. But we stayed married. Because I needed her. She knew I needed her. And despite the situation, she was always there. For me. For the family. For whatever was right.
Needless to say, I loved that girl. It was only that night had I realized that I wasn't afraid to say it.
Yeah, it might've been weird but we made whatever relationship we had official in the eyes of God. Right or wrong. Mother or no mother.
Almost like I was marrying my best friend.
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Car rides with Asia were always silent until she started yapping about something feeble and vain. If it wasn't about a new exercise she found in a magazine it was about some diet pills she found for half off. She was mediocre in everything she did and then had the nerve to ask me what I thought. She dragged me along to accompany her with her spree's, asking "How do I look?". It was fun at first but it never mattered what I said. Her mind was an open abyss and she had no intentions of finding out what I really thought about anything. I was her walking machine that just went along with everything she did and said. So no, weight and beauty weren't really her biggest issues.
"I was looking at the World Wide Web today..."
I wondered about Sanaa without feeling guilt probably for the first time. Was she alive? She never went this long without at least trying to contact me.
"Apparently, there's this girl named Amelia Bergin: goes by the name Pepper. She went missing a few days ago..."
Was I pushing her away? I don't exactly remember what went down the last time I saw her. Not that it was that important.
"This will make the fourth incident in Los Cabasas in which a woman has been reported missing and found dead not too long after..."
Everything I did was for her. I kept her in mind when I did anything. My mom gets in the way of everyones personal life. What makes her think she's not going to put her two cents into ours?
"The fourth...Elijah. Elijah? Elijah, are you listening to me?"
If she couldn't accept my family to begin with, there was just no way we would've worked out. And she had to respect that.
"Elijah, slow down. Slow down! You're about to hit her!"
It was even worse on my part especially since I done already told her everything pertaining to Esther's death and her little friend Kylo. It was like she was waving this flag of guilt above my head with every day we were apart.
"Fucking slow down!"
It was the first time Asia cursed and the first time someone physically controlled the wheel without my consent.
I stomped on the breaks forcefully, sending Asia and I both towards the dashboard.
"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
"I think so." She whined holding her nose. "Is it broken?"
"Let me see. Wiggle it."
She sniffed, touching it lightly.
"No, it's not broken."
"How do you know?" She whimpered.
"Trust me. You'd know if it was broken. You wouldn't be able to talk."
"Thank God. I have an AKA meeting tomorrow. I can't afford to have a wrap on my nose."
We were in the middle of the street so horns began honking furiously.
"Gosh, people can be so insensitive."
"Say's the guy who couldn't hear a god damn thing I was saying and almost broke my fucking nose!"
"Wait, didn't you say we almost ran someone over?"
Asia's eyes wandered the scene, landing directly on a woman crossing the street quicker than shit running down a stick.
"Fix the car, damn it."
I did as she said, pulling over on the sidewalk.
"Wait!" She called over to the girl, holding her nose. "I'm sorry. My boyfriend's an idiot. We didn't mean to scare you!"
Ugh. Just hearing the word made me gag in my throat. What else was about to happen, the romantic signing of our prenup?
"Oh, it's quite alright." The girl responded.
"Come on. We'll drive you to wherever you need to go."
"No, it's really alright."
"Oh, come. It's the least we could do."
The girl hesitantly walked over towards the car. She was tall and shapely wearing an uneasy smile the shape of a crescent moon. Disappearing every now and then and rare as a north star.
"Hello," She greeted before hopping into the backseat.
"Hey, I'm Asia." Asia welcomed, extending the hand that wasn't viciously holding onto her nose. "Pleased to meet you."
The girls laden eyes drifted towards mine.
It was the way her jaw silently dropped that told me exactly who she was. If it wasn't for her form and her anxious physique I probably wouldn't have put two and two together. But, I remembered.
"Elijah," Asia scolded, wrapping my arm with the sharp slap of her fingers. "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?"
I didn't know if it were appropriate to call a family reunion since I barely knew the girl. However, I did know that she was pretty close to Kylo and Sanaa: Two people I've been trying to block out of my mind for while.
And if she were anywhere near me I knew that one of them were as well.
Which also meant Sanaa would show her face very soon.
And just when I thought I'd gotten my mojo back.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
"What do you like in your tea?"
I was at a standstill between a mute and an overbearing girlfriend. If all was truly fair in love and war I'd loose every time.
"Nothing. I like it by itself."
Of course she did. Isolated, like she truly was.
I crossed my arms, placing my head on the table.
"Don't look so gloom, Elijah. You know we still have to drop her off at her home." Asia babbled.
"Why couldn't we have just done that at first."
"We have to show some hospitality. We almost ran the girl over not even forty five minutes ago."
Peaches gazed at me quickly. I could've sworn she had a smirk on her face. If she weren't pretty, maybe I wouldn't have noticed as much.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" Asia interrogated.
"...Peaches." She finally spoke. Her voice singing songs of comfort almost instantly.
"Well, isn't that a pretty name."
If I could slit my wrists with a knife I would've. I hated petty, superficial conversations.
"So, Peaches...where do you stay? Once you finish your tea we can head out there."
"It's out that way," She revealed, extending her index finger north. "Down by the water."
"Water? What water?" Asia inquired.
See, Asia knew nothing about the rancid water sitting within the abandoned park. Not many people did. I didn't at first. Which reminded me of Sanaa and made me want to slit my wrists even more.
"It's near the hospital. I know exactly where it is." I carped, exchanging stares with Peaches. She wanted a staring contest? I was bout to give her one.
Asia sat back in her chair.
"Well if I didn't know you, Elijah I'd say you all know each other." Asia joked. Although it wasn't funny.
"He's an old friend." Chimed Peaches, unexpectedly.
I wish she wouldn't have done that.
But before Asia could question and object, her pager rang loudly.
"Er- hold on." She got up, answering her phone in the other room.
Once I knew she was fully out of the kitchen, I faced Peaches and began to speak just above a whisper.
"Where is she?" I declared.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, save the bullshit. You know exactly where she is and you're hiding her from me."
"Hm, that's what you think?"
"What is this? Some kind of lesbian love story going on here?"
"I think you're rude and disrespectful and I don't have to sit here and listen to you banter on about something that's never gonna happen."
"Give her a break. She's been through enough with you, as is."
"She has? What other lies has she been moaning into your ear?"
Asia switched back into the kitchen, grabbing her gucci jacket and purse.
"My mom called." She faltered. "I'm heading out."
Her demeanor had totally changed. She went from being overly social to uncertain. I don't know if it was the phone call or if it had something to do with Peaches running her mouth about me being an old friend of hers.
"Well...since you know where she lives you don't need me to tell you to take her home."
Within a few seconds she finally left through the garage.
With the closing of the backdoor, Peaches stood up emptying her glass into the sink.
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"Nice gal you got there." She incited.
"As much as I'd love talking to you about what doesn't concern you, I'd rather discuss our prior conversation."
"Like I said, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You know, I don't even need to talk to you. I really could just drive down there now and find her by my damn self."
"Well if you didn't need me so much why am I still here?"
I stood, emptying my tea in the sink next to her.
"What the fuck are you mumbling about?"
"I'm not mumbling, sir. And what I mean is, why haven't you put me out by now?"
I scrunched my face, unamused by her humor. It made no sense.
"I'm bout to take you home now."
Silence laved between us much like it did when Asia was around. However, now it was different. I no longer had to hide the fact that I did but didn't know Peaches and neither did she.
I took advantage of her terra-cotta eyes resembling the sharp color of milk in black tea. Her hands clenched onto her sweater. She was still hiding.
I set the dirty china down in the sink beside hers.
She just kept staring. The reticence among us was fatal. I knew it was. Her delicate hands swiped a strand of hair away from her eye and she smiled. I smiled back as she was my mirror.
When I looked at her I saw myself. I saw a representation of me and how I hid from everything. How I longed desperately for something to hold onto and claim. Like a blanket. No matter what, people like us would find whatever it was we were looking for and we would hold onto it.
And I liked that.
"Home. Where Sanaa is, right?" She teased, wrapping her tongue against her pearly teeth.
Our personalities fused that afternoon.
I was rough with her because she was the closest remnant of myself and although it was only temporary I enjoyed not feeling afraid to express that. No blood ties meant no blood, no baggage. We could explore each other like a map and no one could find us.
She was alright with that.
And so was I.
We came together.
She left by her lonesome.
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