#(part of tmwsl)
clownprince · 1 year
Mental spiritual emotional needs: for Jason to bitterly/mockingly call Joker Batman's boyfriend at least once in canon
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fractualized · 1 year
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I guess this is just a thing I'm doing now. Commentary on The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3!
(Spoilers and lotsa gore below the cut.)
You know, between whatever is going on with the two Jokers in TMWSL, the DNA gremlins in The Deadly Duo, and the multiple Jokers in Bruce's head over in Zdarsky's Batman, there are a lot of Joker clones running around these stories right now!
But in this story, we come back in to Jason attacking Protagonist Joker, who isn’t much upset about it.
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This made me think of that bit in the Arkham Knight game, when Joker talks like he and Bruce are Jason’s parents.
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Poisoned > shot, thinks Joker.
Jason says his intention is to kill the clown, but he sure doesn’t get it over with. Here it seems like he plans to do some interrogation first.
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"I don't really understand, no" and "but you asked me a question" are my readings. lol
Anyway, all the hubbub gives Joker the opportunity to trick Jason into thinking Batman has shown up to keep Joker alive as usual.
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Escape time! Joker uses the OG Harley bust to help him sink under the cover of the water. And maybe I’m thinking too much about this, but it comes off as symbolic? Joker clinging to a past version of Harley to keep him alive, which she used to happily do. And if you read it like that, of course he ends up losing the bust too. lol
Meanwhile, Possible Clone Joker tries to get back in with the Legion of Doom, but he can’t help but be kind of a dick about it.
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Joker stops the confrontation from descending into a gunfight, and Luthor says this.
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A clue that this is Definitely Clone Joker? Maybe!
Ultimately, the Legion is not impressed with Joker and tells him to get lost, and what's weird about this is that Punchline has the same sentiment.
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Punchline has been around for so short a time and DC is already dropping the ball on her. I've read Joker War, her origin story, her B-side story in the Joker 2021 issues, and the two issues of The Gotham Game so far, and there's been no moment where her obsession with being Joker's acolyte and spreading "his message" converts into not caring about  him and worrying only for her own self-interest. Does that make sense as a transition? Sure! But I'd like to see that transition! The last time Punchline talked to Joker, it was strongly implied that her mass manipulation of the public during her trial was part of some scheme they'd worked out together, so when she sees him again and just drops him like this, it’s super strange. I guess it’s possible that's part of some other plan? Or I missed something? Meh. She's still written so flatly and it's getting to me.
Anyway, both Jokers have no friends and they are sad. :(
Meanwhile, Protag Joker washes up on shore.
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Poisoned > shot > drowning, thinks Joker, before he heads to the hospital.
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More positive words for Jason! Maybe Jason will be his friend? :(
Joker gets the doctor into a back room and persuades him to give him treatment.
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A clue that this is Not The Real Joker? Maybe!
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I’m highlighting this because 1) I'm glad Joker managed to hang onto some fun boxers and 2) This is my preferred Joker physique, wiry, near skeletal. And filled with bullet holes, I guess. That’s the lifestyle!
The doctor patches Joker up but says that he thinks there's still a bullet in Joker's brain. Joker says take it out, because of course he does.
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And then. I mean. This page is, frankly, amazing.
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No one is surprised at Joker’s choice of foreplay.
So I thought when the bullet was removed, we’d finally get some kind of revelation, like Joker remembering what went down pre-getting shot in the head. Alas, this chapter ends soon after this.
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And we're still left with no firm clues as to who is real Joker. You can't distract me with the horny brain surgery, Rosenberg!! Or with this poor woman who appears to have given birth outside in the snow with only a blanket for cover??
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I have questions and no answers!
So then we get the Silver Age-y B-story, which also takes place at a hospital, at least after Joker gets sliced in half by a train.
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So I guess there’s also two Jokers here, heyoooo
Joker continues to be hopelessly hapless at the hospital.
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This is also an amazing panel.
The hospital staff flee the chaos, so it's up to the henchmen to get Joker help, with this fun gag.
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I’m not sure if Professor Pyg is actually a doctor in some capacity, but he "helps” Joker just about how you’d expect.
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So this B-story is not about Joker’s failed personal relationships like the first two, but about seeking medical assistance to become whole, and not at all finding the care he needs or was even seeking. In fact, the treatment ends up severing the minor, consistent relationships he does have. Some hidden fear he has about actually cooperating with Arkham staff? Maybe! Am I over-reading? Maybe!
If you’re also reading Zdarsky’s Batman, you’ll see in #130 that the main story features Batman using compassion to fight Failsafe, and that compassion is also significant in the B-story, where Bruce reinforces that Joker is included in his desire to help people. And that could so easily tie into TMWSL, with Bruce again reaching out to Joker... I can’t help but wonder!
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fractualized · 1 year
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Another month, another Man Who Stopped Laughing (#6)!
Warnings for blood and gore (including the death of an animal).
We spend extensive time with Los Angeles Joker in this one. He's scheduled for a flight back to Gotham, but he decides to take in a comedy set first.
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I like the implication that Joker has a higher voice, as that's the kind of Joker voice I prefer!
When the comedian gets a better look at his fan, he is much less amused.
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Oh god don't do a riff. DO NOT DO A RIFF. That couple in the back sneaking out absolutely have the right idea. This cannot end well.
But the comedian forges ahead, and he has some good jokes about Gotham.
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Until he fucks up.
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Joker just got divorced from that flying rat and he does not want to talk about it!!
Of course, per the first image in this post, Joker was always planning to use his drink to acid the poor comedian in the face. Chaos erupts, but then Mr. Waffles shows up.
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I really enjoy the dynamic with the henchmen in this issue, how Joker's interactions with them are almost friendly. Mr. Waffles wasn't sure where you were, Mr. J! He was so worried. :(
Before leaving for Gotham, though, Joker has an errand.
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Look at your boss's face back there! Don't question him!
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I said the dynamic was almost friendly. (Hee, lookit the guy hiding in the red car.)
They then head up to the observatory, where they watch the second part of Joker's farewell to the City of Angels. (Hold on, does that mean something, that Joker is from such a dark city, so of course he's unhappy in the City of Angels?? Eh, maybe not, just a thought.)
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Is it insane to look for messages in the smoke? Yes? Nevermind.
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Aw, Joker you miss Batsy, don't you? That's why you gotta go back to your roots– except Joker didn't realize where his flight was leaving from and he kinda screwed himself.
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The pun on the van is meh but now I'm wondering if Joker thinks of himself as a lettuce head– and oh my god I just realized that icon on that blimp is a Joker face and get the joke.
There's a brief interlude where Jason learns that his clown-killing last issue isn't so clear-cut, and then we're back to LA Joker trying to get to the dang airport through a riot that he started.
But never fear, Mr. Waffles is taking charge!
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Oh good, he's okay, but you may notice that the van is now on fire, which isn't going to get Joker to LAX. And look at Waffles' concern! He doesn't want Boss to get hurt! :(
And then another interlude…
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Goddamn, I guess Protag Joker really did get hit by that train. And now he's stuck getting fed rat blood. Yeeeeeeesh.
This raises the question of when the next issue of Punchline: The Gotham Game takes place. Protag Joker showed up at the end of GG's last issue, and I'd assumed he came across Punchline after dodging the train. But maybe their reunion takes place in Joker's wanderings pre-TMWSL #5, or after Grundy fixes him up? Questions, questions!
Anyway, over in Hollywood, Joker has escaped the riot and is still trying to get to the airport.
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He tries to use his clownly wiles for a ride, but it's a no-go.
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And then… LE GASP
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Okay, no one believes this is the real Batman coming up. I still can't tell where TMWSL takes place in relation to what Bruce is up to. Is Bruce "dead" now? Is Bruce fighting literal demons now? Who knows!
Anyway, Joker's bemusement at Costume Batman is entertaining.
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And of course there's a Robin.
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wuh oh
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Look, Joker still has some post-divorce aggression to work out. He should get home and work it out with his ex!
But not quite yet.
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I know nothing about Manhunter but I guess I'll learn next month!
Then it's backer time, and we have a different artist, and I don't know how I feel about it. Francavilla's style really complimented the strangeness of the plot lines. But it is what it is, and it's Ralph!
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Joker's henchmen have come to tell Ralph about a death in the family.
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Twin brothers, of course! Looking back I'm surprised we didn't get to this clone explanation sooner.
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He died almost doing what he loved: riding a bat.
Ralph leaves his family to attend to his brother's affairs.
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lol boners reference
Ralph carries out all of Joker's schemes, my favorite being toilet papering Arkham, just because… the simplicity and near innocence of it, I guess!
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But then as his duty comes to a close, Ralph realizes he's found a new calling.
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Not a huge fan of this backer, perhaps because it makes me think of Three Jokers, which I still viscerally dislike even though I barely even remember why. But this does call back to the idea that Joker is an unstoppable force that Gotham will always need to deal with, and that's fun!
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