canisalbus · 4 months
Machete has parents?? I'm not familiar with their actual lore, so I've been imagining Machete as a desolate victorian orphan boy
Everyone has parents, he didn't materialize out of thin air (or evolve from a crumpled napkin).
But he lost contact with them early on and doesn't remember much of anything about them. Machete was a sickly kid and his family was going through a rough patch at the time, they were constantly struggling to find the time and funds to care for him. Child mortality was high and it was starting to look increasingly likely that he wouldn't make it. He was around three or four when they left him at the closest monastery that accepted foundlings and he hasn't heard of them since.
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vaggieslefteye · 25 days
MORE THAN ANYTHING - REPRISE ↳ from Hazbin Hotel Season One (2024): 1x08 - "The Show Must Go On"
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
Something I realized (which was obvious to me subconsciously) is that... The family that vehemently didn't accept me when I first came out but now do accept me are still the same family that I am most unwilling to be open about things I feel protective over.
I remember that my dad reacted so poorly, not to my coming out, but to my transition specifically that my therapist was the one to ask if I wanted to put it on my file that I wanted nothing to ever be shared with him about my health after I broke down multiple times due to my anxiety that I would never transition. While there are and were protections for me, I was incredibly fearful at the time because I was a minor, and I was so worried that he would have prevented my transition that I couldn't have said for certain what (if any) lengths he would have gone to to prevent that.
He's grown a lot as a person, and made some commendable strides. But he didn't find out from me when I medically transitioned the second I turned eighteen, and I think that's among the things that truly made him realize the scope of the issue.
I'm not here to guilt trip parents, guardians, or other members responsible for the care of the children or teens or young adults in their care.... but this is a cautionary tale. You aren't saving the people in your care when you do this, you simply reinforce an idea that you will never care for them, never want them as they are, would rather them be shoved away.
When you give people reasons to be secretive, they will behave secretively. When you give people reasons to doubt their safety around you, they will become sneaky, defensive, and withdrawn. When you give people reasons to doubt that you value their life, they will believe that you don't care if they live or not.
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ot3 · 4 months
iirc you've said your comic will cover up to the end of the original trilogy (which means no trucy), so i was wondering what u think mia's relationship w trucy would be like? and also how the whole thing might've gone down differently w mia there in general
the exact circumstances surrounding phoenix's disbarment/adopting trucy would have some pretty different Flavor to it in this AU for reasons that will become blatantly obvious at some point* but i don't want to fundamentally change anything about it. the weird thing about being in a place where i'm essentially doing a full rewrite of a story i already think is good is that for as much as anything deviates we will ultimately be ending up in more or less the exact same place.
i think mia and trucy could have an interesting relationship... definitely in this situation i think mia has primary custody over pearl so i could see some sharing of parental duties stuff happening there just out of proximity. but whereas mia is doing this out of obligation phoenix has fully opted into it which i think would actually bring some strain to the relationship between the two of them. i also think they probably have pretty different ideas about how to raise a kid.
anyway considering mia's mom just fucking Ditched her in the same way trucy's dad ditched her i think mia would feel some kinship there and trucy is much more precocious than pearl so i think that paired with the fact that mia doesn't actually have to be her surrogate mother would make it decent enough for them to get along. the sort of backbone of the characterization i've settled on for mia is someone who has a rebellious/defiant streak against the expectations that have been placed on her as a child but simultaneously relies on those expectations for structure and guidance. so i think she'd chafe a bit at seeing trucy be so zealous about pursuing the family trade seemingly uncritically. i don't think she'd really be able to wrap her head around the fact that trucy actually does just love it despite the familial baggage and not really because of it. i could see this progressing into things being kind of weird between them when trucy is a teen because i think mia would be much more paternalistic in most ways than phoenix is, without Actually having any kind of parental authority over her.
there would definitely be a ton of fun stuff i could get out of these situations and in a world where i have infinite time and desire to draw i would show Everything. but im definitely going to die before i even finish the stuff i have already mentally committed to being part of the main arc. so we'll all just have to imagine it for now.
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hajihiko · 1 year
wow.... class 77 living that island commune polycule life..... beautiful...
I mean shit dude you committed atrocities and so did the people around you. And everyone else in the world except this one dude and *his* polycule HATE you. And now you're awake and you have exactly this one group to hang and cope with. And you're suddenly like 21 and so is everyone else. Of course you're gonna get creative with relationships
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pedantic-coffee · 1 year
one of the critiques of Hetalia is that “personification of countries is such an unoriginal idea!!!” which, sure, yeah... but Hetalia offers the unique spin on such an old concept by asking the very important question:
“what if they were all salty about it?”
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enashinonome · 4 days
i'm listening to my old kuroken playlist from four years ago while lying in bed, doing nothing save for feeling nostalgic. isn't it crazy how we think we leave certain feelings in the past, but then, years later, we find that they've been magically preserved somehow in the most unlikely places? i feel as if a precious pocket of time has been returned to me. i never thought i'd be a haikyuu-obsessed twelve year old in the rich, verdant summertime again. and yet, it's like nothing's changed.
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
It's 100% true that the Roy siblings did not choose to be Logan's children and Tom and Greg and the old guard did choose to work for him so their relationships to Logan are fundamentally different, and the degree of culpability they bear for their own moral degradation is also wildly different. But workplace emotional abuse is also very real and omnipresent in the way Logan treats the people who work for him. And one of the impacts of workplace emotional abuse is creating an extreme attachment to the abuser and becoming less cognizant and even defensive of their abuse towards yourself and others, and in cases where the emotional abuse is institutionalized and systemic it can also create a strong aversion to leaving because your whole sense of personal identity becomes wrapped up in the organization and so being forced to leave can cause an intense psychological crisis. I don't think the situation of working for Logan is at all equivalent to being his child but I also think that it's a bit misguided to imply that Tom and Gerri and Frank and Karl are operating from a place of pure rationality without any undue psychological influences when they make the choice to stay with and support Logan
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solvicrafts · 8 months
What gets me about certain people being so fucking pissy about Bob not writing much about Eilistraee (until the last fucking trilogy where EIlistraeans featured heavily) is that
a) Bob basically built drow culture up from almost nothing, and Eilistraee came after he started writing Drizzt
b) no you guys really don't understand. I own the first 4 modules drow appeared in. There's... not much there. And it hasn't aged well.
c) and the Big One: he has a specific vision for his specific characters when it comes to the narrative he wants to explore, from sexual abuse to religious trauma, both of which are fucking complicated and for most people just switching deities isn't enough to fix that.
I have religious trauma that I still struggle with to this day and probably will for the rest of my life to some extent, and it's fundamentally different in nature from what most people would probably expect, and the thing is even though I am happily polytheistic and very enthusiastically into it, I still struggle a lot with certain things because every time I get into my religious practice I have to actively force myself into (or out of) certain things because my whole relationship to religion and spirituality is complicated and messy.
It would be easy and frankly incredibly superficial for Bob to decide to just have them all convert to half-assed Neowiccan ~woo~ drow Jesus Eilistraee to *~*save their souls*~* and call it a day
Partly because she wasn't his creation and other authors were writing her at the time so he really couldn't, and partly because it's a shitty message to send.
Sometimes people benefit from converting to a new religion or following a new deity. Sometimes people don't.
I benefited from gradually converting to my religion, but it's come with a whole different set of complications and hasn't been a smooth journey for me.
Just going from extensive religious trauma to switching deities does not fix your problems, and for a lot of people it realistically can make them much worse.
but also
you don't have to be saved by a deity in order to have value as a person
#I fucking WAS saved by a deity and while I'm grateful it wasn't an easy ride#and in fact the way certain people in my family treated me was very emotionally abusive#to this fucking day on a journey that's taken me 19 years I STILL have issues with this whole thing#there are some people I may never speak to again because of how they treated me over this#for a Lolthite drow I could easily see them struggling with switching to a new deity especially one like Eilistraee or Vhaeraun#who are NOT seen very positively at all in the society they were raised in#and for a lot of people the fear of being found out and punished is more than enough to prevent them from seeking out a new deity#to say nothing of the already existing religious trauma that would also just as likely make someone hesitate to embrace a new religion#and speaking AS a religious person I do not at all agree with sending the message that traumatize people need to be saved by a god#or by a religious fanatic#my case is extremely unique and while it more or less worked out in the end it was frankly hellish at its worst points#and it cost me a great deal in terms of my relationships with my family and my ability to trust other people#because the way society frames belief in the Greek gods as some distant thing in time like#'haha these people were so STUPID. they believed in gods that turn into swans and stuff'#has absolutely led to a situation where paganism is only cool and okay if it's the woo crystals and sage Neowiccan aesthetic#but actually being a historically based polytheist is conflated with mental illness#and it's damn near impossible to challenge when most modern people have NO understanding of polytheism and take everything literally#as someone who has had to FIGHT just to continue EXISTING as a polytheist I am still FIRMLY against the idea that people NEED religion#in order to have value as people or to heal#yes for SOME people it works. for others it doesn't. AND THAT'S OKAY
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bellshazes · 11 months
something i think a lot about at my job vs. online culture is that terrible people deserve and need support. i'm not talking about supporting harmful ideology or politics, but at the level of parents and kids, community members - abusive parents need support, sexual offenders need it. but that doesn't mean it can or should come from the people they've harmed. you really need well-trained, experienced outside parties who can work, for example, with parents who cannot keep care of their children to become truly capable and safe at doing that.
one of the trainings i've been trained to give explicitly discussed how to work with parents who have perpetrated the exact type of trauma the training is designed to address. but many people can learn, and sometimes it's about finding ways the parents can engage with their kids even if the kids don't live with them, because if you do what we call TPR - termination of parental rights - you often end up with kids going back to their parents as soon as it's legal again when they come of age. removal of children from a home is just about one of the most traumatic things you can do to a child, and it's the state that does that, not the parents. that is additional trauma, always, no matter how bad the situation.
in a better world I think we'd have this culture embedded at the local and neighborhood and individual community levels, so that nobody ever has to bear it alone, so that there are additional supports for all kids (and parents, and community members) even beyond those close to the person. not everybody will have ideal outcomes, and people have to be willing to grow - but they won't ever become willing if they aren't engaged by people who can support them.
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snekdood · 4 months
idk who needs to hear this but im giving you a free pass to not give a fuck about anything going on in the world and to unplug from tumblr for a while to focus on yourself and actually take a breath. your problems matter just as much and deserve just as much attention. dont over weigh the worlds problems over your own. you cant even help the world if you dont take a breather. focus on yourself and what you still need to heal or whateva's goin on for you personally.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i love the headcanon/consensus that haruka and takane live in the hideout in the beginning... hibiya and hiyori would eventually go home for the year so then it's rly just haruka and takane living with the tateyama siblings(and mary but shes also super in family with them) so its like. a defined domestic dynamic already, and harutaka are just there like ugly lost puppies
anyways i was actually thinking abt kido kano seto mary and ayano all being standard morning people who are awake from really early to normal early while haruka and takane sleep til like 2pm👍 and when they finally appear everyone else is like OH. right. u guys also live here
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laomelettedufromage · 8 months
The other day I introduced myself to someone who, unbeknownst to me, was a linguistics teacher and I mentioned the spelling of my name (Kadie with a “d”) as a tool to help her remember my name and she was immediately like “oooooo I’m gonna use your name as an example in my class to talk about why it’s always been pronounced with a ‘d’ despite the traditional spelling with a ‘t’!!!” Glad to be of service ma’am.
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drjdorr · 1 year
Here's an interesting question I just realized, Athena was prophesied to be a boy, yet is famously a daughter... is Athena trans?
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dulcewrites · 1 year
I'm just thinking that, as an only child of a lord, if the reader's father passes his lands, titles, armies and wealth passes to her.
She is in the unique position to push back not only against Aemond and the Targaryen's but her own mother as well.
She could legit pack her bags and make a string case for taking her kids with her. Feudalism says Aemond's kids take his name and belong to him but also says that is because MEN are the leaders. With the reader taking up that position in the relationship she could push for the children, who is supposed to inherit from her, to be with her. She could even insist on Alaric taking her name just to give a middle finger to Aemond.
I just want reader to leave with her kids and move on from the toxicity only for Aemon to realise he wants to be with her and his kids and xhase after them.
I think reader has money and maybe some land that her dad had acquired himself (I see him as a merchant). A lot of it though is like “old” family money or money her uncle (who is over their house) has acquired as well. If she were to get anything, I think she’d want it split between her kids.
This will be seen in part 6, but I think reader figuring out how much power she could wield to get out a situation or change it. Bc while her parents would not be as accepting of her finding a way out of her marriage, she still has resources that could help her make the situation work in favor
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ablednt · 2 years
I don't understand advent children haters because like what do you MEAN you don't want to watch a 2.5 hour film taking place after your favorite video game in which the main character is trying to live an ordinary life as a father in the middle of a sci-fi plague and he struggles with all the trauma from the game that went mostly unaddressed because they didn't have time to unpack their trauma in the game and there's cool fight scenes all leading to a sequence in which every playable character in the game appears to fight together and then they all must, literally and figuratively, uplift the protagonist so he is strong enough to defeat the obstacles before him
And the film details his struggles and culminates in the ending sequence where he smiles for the first time and is able to be at peace
"Nooo Cloud can't have be broody and emotional he's just supposed to be an asshole :(" me when I didn't pay attention to any of the game actually.
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