#(c) rumpel
pdouwes · 28 days
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I can't be what you expect of me but I'm trying every day with all I do.
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compneuropapers · 9 months
Interesting Papers for Week 30, 2023
Adult-born neurons inhibit developmentally-born neurons during spatial learning. Ash, A. M., Regele-Blasco, E., Seib, D. R., Chahley, E., Skelton, P. D., Luikart, B. W., & Snyder, J. S. (2023). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 198, 107710.
Behavioral origin of sound-evoked activity in mouse visual cortex. Bimbard, C., Sit, T. P. H., Lebedeva, A., Reddy, C. B., Harris, K. D., & Carandini, M. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 251–258.
Exploration patterns shape cognitive map learning. Brunec, I. K., Nantais, M. M., Sutton, J. E., Epstein, R. A., & Newcombe, N. S. (2023). Cognition, 233, 105360.
Distinct contributions of ventral CA1/amygdala co-activation to the induction and maintenance of synaptic plasticity. Chong, Y. S., Wong, L.-W., Gaunt, J., Lee, Y. J., Goh, C. S., Morris, R. G. M., … Sajikumar, S. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(3), 676–690.
 An intrinsic oscillator underlies visual navigation in ants. Clement, L., Schwarz, S., & Wystrach, A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(3), 411-422.e5.
Not so optimal: The evolution of mutual information in potassium voltage-gated channels. Duran-Urriago, A., & Marzen, S. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0264424.
Successor-like representation guides the prediction of future events in human visual cortex and hippocampus. Ekman, M., Kusch, S., & de Lange, F. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e78904.
Residual dynamics resolves recurrent contributions to neural computation. Galgali, A. R., Sahani, M., & Mante, V. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 326–338.
Dorsal attention network activity during perceptual organization is distinct in schizophrenia and predictive of cognitive disorganization. Keane, B. P., Krekelberg, B., Mill, R. D., Silverstein, S. M., Thompson, J. L., Serody, M. R., … Cole, M. W. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(3), 458–478.
A striatal circuit balances learned fear in the presence and absence of sensory cues. Kintscher, M., Kochubey, O., & Schneggenburger, R. (2023). eLife, 12, e75703.
Hippocampal engram networks for fear memory recruit new synapses and modify pre-existing synapses in vivo. Lee, C., Lee, B. H., Jung, H., Lee, C., Sung, Y., Kim, H., … Kaang, B.-K. (2023). Current Biology, 33(3), 507-516.e3.
Neocortical synaptic engrams for remote contextual memories. Lee, J.-H., Kim, W. Bin, Park, E. H., & Cho, J.-H. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 259–273.
The effect of temporal expectation on the correlations of frontal neural activity with alpha oscillation and sensory-motor latency. Lee, J. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 2012.
Describing movement learning using metric learning. Loriette, A., Liu, W., Bevilacqua, F., & Caramiaux, B. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0272509.
The geometry of cortical representations of touch in rodents. Nogueira, R., Rodgers, C. C., Bruno, R. M., & Fusi, S. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 239–250.
Contextual and pure time coding for self and other in the hippocampus. Omer, D. B., Las, L., & Ulanovsky, N. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(2), 285–294.
Reshaping the full body illusion through visuo-electro-tactile sensations. Preatoni, G., Dell’Eva, F., Valle, G., Pedrocchi, A., & Raspopovic, S. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0280628.
Experiencing sweet taste is associated with an increase in prosocial behavior. Schaefer, M., Kühnel, A., Schweitzer, F., Rumpel, F., & Gärtner, M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 1954.
Cortical encoding of rhythmic kinematic structures in biological motion. Shen, L., Lu, X., Yuan, X., Hu, R., Wang, Y., & Jiang, Y. (2023). NeuroImage, 268, 119893.
Mindful self-focus–an interaction affecting Theory of Mind? Wundrack, R., & Specht, J. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0279544.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
WBW Angel?
full name: Angel Rose Dearly (Anita Violet Dumas)
gender: Female (cis)
sexuality: Bisexual, I think
pronouns: she/her
family: (Anastasia Dearly / Adelaide Dumas, grandmother), James Dearly ( / Jim Darling, father, deceased), Annette Dearly ( / Ariana Dumas, mother)
birthplace: Enchanted Forest
job: baker/waitress at Granny’s Diner
phobias: snakes, wasps
guilty pleasures: 
morality alignment?: lawful good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Angel x Roman; Angel x Graham; maybe Angel x Gabriel?
ot3: Angel x Roman x Gabriel
brotp: Angel & Ruby
notp: Angel x Rumpel
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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harangwook · 1 month
Week 10 - Digital Citizenship and Conflict: Social Media Governance
Understanding Online Harassment
Online harassment, encompassing a range of abusive behaviors facilitated by technology platforms, poses significant challenges to digital citizenship and conflict resolution (Fladmoe & Nadim, 2017). Gender-based online harassment, in particular, is a pressing concern, with women often disproportionately affected by various forms of abuse (Lenhart et al., 2016). Despite the prevalence of online conflicts, efforts to combat harassment are underway, leveraging technologies such as natural language processing and machine learning algorithms for detection and mitigation (Hosseini et al., 2017).
Exploring Gender Disparities in Online Harassment
Contrary to common perceptions, research suggests that women are not inherently more likely than men to face online harassment overall (Nadim & Fladmoe, 2019). However, significant gender disparities emerge concerning the types of harassment encountered, with women experiencing more sexualized forms of abuse compared to men (Bartlett et al., 2014). While factors beyond gender, such as political ideology and online behavior, influence exposure to harassment, women are disproportionately targeted based on their gender identity traits (Nadim & Fladmoe, 2019).
Challenges in Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship, encompassing responsible and secure internet usage, is vital in addressing online conflicts and fostering positive online communities (Levy et al., 2022). Despite efforts to promote digital literacy, online safety, and polite behavior, conflicts persist due to various factors, including misconceptions, disagreements, and individual goals (Levy et al., 2022). Online harassment, ranging from flaming to doxing, poses significant challenges to digital citizenship, with women often bearing the brunt of more serious violations (Lenhart et al., 2016).
Combatting Online Harassment
Technology companies are actively developing solutions to combat online harassment, employing natural language processing and machine learning algorithms for automatic detection and avoidance (Hosseini et al., 2017). Initiatives like the Perspective Project, utilizing machine learning models to assign toxicity scores to text, aim to provide real-time feedback and speed up moderation, contributing to a safer online environment (Hosseini et al., 2017).
Ash, TG 2017, Free speech: ten principles for a connected world, Atlantic Books, London.
Bartlett, J, Norrie, R, Patel, S, Rumpel, R & Wibberley, S 2014, 'Misogyny on Twitter', apo.org.au.
Blackwell, L, Dimond, J, Schoenebeck, S & Lampe, C 2017, ‘Classification and Its Consequences for Online Harassment’, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 1, no. CSCW, pp. 1–19.
Bruns, A 2005, Gatewatching: collaborative online news production, P. Lang, New York.
Duggan, M. (2017). 'Online Harassment 2017'. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. Available at: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2017/07/11/online-harassment-2017/#:~:text=Around%20four%2Din%2Dten%20Americans [Accessed 22 Mar. 2024].
Fladmoe, A., & Nadim, M. (2017). 'Silenced by hate? Hate speech as a social boundary to free speech'. In A. H. Midtbøen, K. Steen-Johnsen, & K. Thorbjørnsrud (Eds.), Boundary struggles: Contestations of free speech in the public sphere (pp. 45–75). Oslo, Norway: Cappelen.
Hosseini, H., Kannan, S., Zhang, B. and Poovendran, R. (2017). 'Deceiving Google’s Perspective API Built for Detecting Toxic Comments'. arXiv:1702.08138 [cs]. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.08138.
Jane, EA 2012, ‘“Your a Ugly, Whorish, Slut”’, Feminist Media Studies, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 531–546.
Jane, EA 2014, ‘“Back to the kitchen, cunt”: speaking the unspeakable about online misogyny’, Continuum, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 558–570.
Lenhart, A., Ybarra, M., Zickuhr, K. and Prive-Feeney, M. (2016). 'Online Harassment, Digital Abuse, and Cyberstalking in America'. Data & Society Institute.
Levy, S., Kraut, R.E., Yu, J.A., Altenburger, K.M. and Wang, Y.-C. (2022). 'Understanding Conflicts in Online Conversations'. Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022. doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/3485447.3512131.
Nadim, M & Fladmoe, A 2019, ‘Silencing Women? Gender and Online Harassment’, Social Science Computer Review, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 089443931986551.
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haanhhuynh · 1 month
Week 10: Understanding Gender Disparities in Online Harassment
The advent of the Internet and social media has vastly expanded the realm of free expression, challenging the traditional gatekeeping role of mainstream media  (Bruns 2005) and ostensibly democratizing the public sphere (Ash 2017). However, alongside this newfound freedom, concerns have emerged regarding the polarization of public discourse, the prevalence of aggressive communication styles, and the silencing effects of online harassment (Fladmoe & Nadim 2017)
Gender-based online harassment is increasingly recognized as disproportionately affecting women. However, current claims often lack empirical support, relying on anecdotal evidence or high-profile cases (Nadim & Fladmoe 2019). This post aims to elucidate whether women indeed experience more and different forms of online harassment compared to men. 
In the first part, we will discuss the definition of online harassment. “Online harassment refers to a broad spectrum of abusive behaviors enabled by technology platforms and used to target a specific user or users.” (Blackwell et al. 2017). This harassment often manifests through hyperbolic and sexualized language, including threats and fantasies of violence (Jane 2012; Jane 2014). Studies indicate a prevalence of online hate directed towards women, with women experiencing more sexualized harassment compared to men (Bartlett et al. 2014). While some research suggests that gender differences in online harassment are minimal, women tend to encounter more sexual harassment, while men face more name-calling and physical threats (Powell & Henry  2015). Despite discrepancies in findings regarding overall exposure levels, it's consistent that men and women experience different forms of online harassment (Nadim & Fladmoe 2019). 
It is considered that exposure to online harassment is influenced by factors beyond gender, such as political ideology and online behavior (Nadim & Fladmoe 2019). For example, individuals expressing non-mainstream political views or engaging in aggressive online discussions are more likely to experience harassment. According to Nadim and Fladmoe (2019) women may face harassment targeting their identity traits, whereas men may encounter more harassment related to their opinions. 
In conclusion, contrary to common perceptions, it reveals that women are not inherently more likely than men to face online harassment overall (Nadim & Fladmoe 2019). However, significant gender disparities emerge when considering the types of harassment encountered. Men tend to experience more harassment directed at their opinions or arguments, while women are disproportionately targeted based on their gender. 
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Reference list
Ash, TG 2017, Free speech : ten principles for a connected world, Atlantic Books, London.
Bartlett, J, Norrie, R, Patel, S, Rumpel, R & Wibberley, S 2014, Misogyny on Twitter, apo.org.au.
Blackwell, L, Dimond, J, Schoenebeck, S & Lampe, C 2017, ‘Classification and Its Consequences for Online Harassment’, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 1, no. CSCW, pp. 1–19.
Bruns, A 2005, Gatewatching : collaborative online news production, P. Lang, New York.
Fladmoe, A., & Nadim, M. (2017). Silenced by hate? Hate speech as a social boundary to free speech. In A. H. Midtbøen, K. Steen-Johnsen, & K. Thorbjørnsrud (Eds.), Boundary struggles: Contestations of free speech in the public sphere (pp. 45–75). Oslo, Norway: Cappelen.
Jane, EA 2012, ‘“Your a Ugly, Whorish, Slut”’, Feminist Media Studies, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 531–546.
Jane, EA 2014, ‘“Back to the kitchen, cunt”: speaking the unspeakable about online misogyny’, Continuum, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 558–570.
Nadim, M & Fladmoe, A 2019, ‘Silencing Women? Gender and Online Harassment’, Social Science Computer Review, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 089443931986551.
Powell, A., & Henry, N. (2015). Digital harassment and abuse of adult Australians: A summary report. Tech & Me Project, Melbourne: RMIT University and La Trobe University.
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sassyandclassy94 · 4 years
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I almost feel bad for her until I remember how she treated Bae and Rumpel... and then I also remember the fanfic ‘Into the Woods’... But THEN I think that maybe if Rumpel hadn’t obliterated her soul she would’ve seen Hook and that would’ve been the end of toxic and disgusting CraptainSwan. UGHHH!!
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piraticalarchive · 3 years
@stilzchen​ :   :) (menacingly)
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Killian’s station is chaos, flour mixed with some sort of put together at the last minute chocolate frosting sticking to every surface, including the fingers of his one (currently functional) hand. It rises, pressing said digits to his lips in an attempt to get rid of such a thing - and for a moment he’s so engrossed in the act that he doesn’t feel the vibration of his cell against his thigh. Giving ringed thumb one last lick, he digs in his pocket, brows furrowing in a frown. He has no idea who’d be bloody texting him, let alone in the middle of a daft baking competition - but as blue eyes scan the simple “....” thoughts turn to only one thing. Gaze rises to stare across the room, brows furrowing in a scowl. The crocodile is there - always staring, always waiting - and for a moment the Irishman lets emotion get the better of him, throwing expectations to the wind.
Fingers pick up a fudge covered spoon, flinging it across the tent where it falls disappointingly short. No doubt they’ll have to censor what comes next, but he doesn’t care - thoughts can’t possibly understand why they’d allow in such a freak.” Fuck off, mate.”
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worryinglyinnocent · 3 years
Fic: Fascination
Summary: In a cursed Storybrooke, Mr Gold can't tell why he's so drawn to the pregnant librarian. There's a hole in his memories. A librarian-shaped hole.
Written for the @a-monthly-rumbelling January moodboard prompt, available here.
Rated: G
Mr Gold was not sure what it was about the little librarian that made him so fascinated, but there was definitely something about her that always drew his eye whenever she walked past the pawn shop. And since the library was almost directly opposite the pawn shop, such an occurrence happened quite a lot. 
He supposed that the most obvious reason for his interest in her was the fact that she was very obviously heavily pregnant, and in addition to that, there seemed to be no significant other on the scene. Still, she didn’t seem to be at all perturbed or worried by the thought of entering into motherhood in a solo condition. In fact, he had never seen her anything other than bright and cheerful whenever she met people in the street, and from her interactions with the children who patronised her library, he knew that she was going to be an excellent mother when the time came. 
He wasn’t quite sure why that was so important to him, or why it gave him a warm feeling in his cold and hardened heart when he thought about it. It was almost concerning how much he found himself looking forward to the day when he would see her with her baby in her arms or in a stroller. He wanted to meet the little one, and he had no idea why. 
He didn’t make any mention of his fascination to anyone else in the town, of course. Hardly anyone ever came into the shop and noticed his abstraction for a start, and when he was making his rent rounds it was really not an appropriate topic for discussion.
The library and by association the librarian’s apartment above it was one of the few buildings in the town that he did not have an owner’s stake in, so he never got to speak to the little librarian face to face. He was only vaguely sure what her name was: Annabelle, Isabelle, something like that. 
Nevertheless, when he went home to his very large and very cold home that felt very empty despite the fact that it was crammed to the rafters with stuff, he felt an odd sense of loss at being separated from her over on the other side of town in her snug little apartment. He just wished that he could remember what the connection between them was, because he was certain that there must be something causing these strange feelings. It was as if there was a gap in his memories somewhere. A little librarian-shaped gap. 
The dreams didn’t help, of course. Odd, misty dreams that felt more like those missing memories than they did dreams. A huge castle and a little librarian - although not a librarian now, a little maid in blue and white. A castle crammed to the rafters with stuff, just as his house was. And in it a little maid in blue and white - although not a maid now, the lady of the castle in her own right, glowing with happiness and impending motherhood. Every time he woke up from one of these strange dreams he was left feeling even more confused than before, wondering if there was any truth in the visions that had swum before him in his slumber or if it was just his fancy, his subconscious desperation for love and company manifesting itself in this way, a desire that he had long since tried to suppress completely in favour of remaining aloof and retaining his reputation and hold in the town.
Then Emma Swan arrived.
When everything that had been lost and buried under layers of curse returned in a flood and all those memories fitted neatly into that little librarian-shaped gap, it took all of Rumpelstiltskin’s many years of keeping his guard up not to let slip that anything had happened. If he was sharper and meaner than usual with the people whom he passed in the street on his way home, well, it wasn’t exactly out of character for Mr Gold. (It wasn’t exactly out of character for Rumpelstiltskin either, because he was so many things to so many people that absolutely nothing was out of character for him.)
Once he was safely back in his own home, he sagged back against the door, looking up the stairs as if he were back in the Dark Castle in the Enchanted Forest and was looking up the main staircase towards his workroom in the tower where he knew that he would find Belle tidying up. 
After everything that had happened, how could he have forgotten her?
Well, he knew how, of course. It was the curse. She had forgotten him, too. They were all doomed to this life of forgetfulness, but his little failsafe had worked, and now he remembered - better late than never. 
Belle was here. She was all right. Just as Regina had promised that she would be. And their baby was safe and well too. 
With the flood of all his memories of his previous life, he saw the progression of their relationship as if it was all on fast-forward, and he had barely had time to register one scene flashing in front of his eyes before he was bowled over by the next one. He saw their tentative courtship through those first few months in the castle together, a flirtation that it had taken him a very long time to recognise for what it was and even longer to believe could be real. But Belle’s patience, kindness and perseverance had paid off, and their relationship had begun in earnest, going from strength to strength. 
He remembered now, the torrent of mixed emotions that had buffeted him when she had told him that she was pregnant, and her calm and firm reassurance that he was not going to make the same mistakes of his first experience of fatherhood, that they would find Bae, and they would all be reunited as one big happy family, and that this child of theirs would be a symbol of hope and new life, starting afresh whilst never forgetting what had come before.
Rumpelstiltskin had been very much looking forward to that fresh start, but the curse’s casting was inevitable, and so it had arrived and torn them away from each other just before their child was born.
Still, even as it left him gasping for breath, the memories gave Rumpelstiltskin a new resolve. 
Belle had to remember, by any means necessary.
“Good morning, Mr Gold.”
It seemed strange to Rumpelstiltskin that Belle should show no fear or loathing of him like the entire rest of the town did, but then again, Belle had never held any fear of him in all the time that they had spent together, and he was beginning to think that her bravery and her steadfastness were things that no curse would ever be able to erase. To do so would be to completely erase Belle herself. 
“Good morning.” He still didn’t know her name in this world, but hopefully that wouldn’t matter. He needed to make her remember her old name and her old life, what did he care for her new one?
“What can I do for you today?” She was as bright and wonderful and sunny as she had always been back in the Enchanted Forest, and perhaps that was Regina’s gift and curse all in one. Belle was fundamentally unchanged in her demeanour. She was bright and happy, and she would have her baby and live a nice normal life - but she would be separated from Rumpelstiltskin, and thus separated from her true happy ending. What she thought of as happiness would always have something missing from it, something that she would never be able to define and would come in time to resent. 
“Mr Gold?”
Belle was looking at him inquisitively with her head on one side, and it was at that moment that Rumpelstiltskin realised that he hadn’t answered her question and had just been staring at her for the last few moments. 
“I, erm…”
“Can I help you?”
He hadn’t come into this with any kind of plan, and now he was really feeling the lack of one. This wasn’t like him, he had plans and contingency plans coming out of his ears, but he had been so eager to see Belle again in the full remembrance of her identity that all of his usual carefulness had gone completely out of the window. 
“I’m…” He couldn’t very well say that he was a) the father of her child, b) Rumpelstiltskin and c) going to attempt to give her True Love’s Kiss to wake her up because she was currently under a curse.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to, for at that moment, Belle let out a sharp hiss of pain, touching her belly.
“Are you ok?”
She nodded. “Yes. He’s kicking. Really quite violently.” When she looked up, there was a huge smile on her face. “I haven’t felt him kick for…” She shrugged. “Ages.”
Of course she wouldn’t have done, because time had been standing still for the last twenty-eight years. At least being in stasis like this meant that she wouldn’t have been suffering too much from pregnancy complications. 
“Do you know he’s a boy?”
Belle shook her head. “No, but I feel it in my bones. I’m sure he’s a boy.” Evidently another kick came as she moved her hand, and Rumpelstiltskin was quite alarmed as she grabbed his own hand, the one not clutching his cane, and pressed it against her stomach. She’d done it often enough in the Dark Castle when the baby had been kicking her then, but this was different; he was a stranger to her now.
“Feel that? It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
Rumpelstiltskin could indeed feel the pressure of a little foot against his palm, but as well as that, he could feel something else. Something altogether entirely magical, something which he shouldn’t have been feeling in this land without magic at all.
Suddenly, Belle’s hand tightened around his with a little gasp. 
Her voice was barely more than a breath, but something inside Rumpelstiltskin shouted with relief. 
“Hello, Belle.”
“Rumpel, is it really you?”
He nodded, and almost staggered as Belle threw her arms around him. 
“How long have you remembered?” she asked. 
“Just last night. The saviour arrived in the town and time started moving again. My failsafe worked. But how can you remember?” 
No kiss had occurred, nothing momentous like that had happened to break the curse on Belle, and he could tell from the lack of commotion outside that it was not broken for the rest of the town or else there would definitely have been a lynch mob coming for Regina. And for him, most likely. 
“I think…” Belle looked down at their hands, clasped over their child. “I think our baby recognised his papa.”
Rumpelstiltskin could only look on in amazement. They had always known that their child would inherit his magic, but he had never for a moment believed that it could have been the cause of the curse breaking for Belle and her remembering everything. His son was going to be a marvel indeed. 
Belle just laughed and went up on her toes to kiss him, and everything else flew from Rumpelstiltskin’s mind immediately. They would have to be careful; they could not let Regina know that they remembered, not yet at least. But for now, they could rejoice in each other and in their reunion, and in the child that had brought them together in more ways than one.
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thornfield13713 · 3 years
So, my addiction to dating sims continues, and now I find that a major love interest in this one is:
a) a very, very dedicated doctor.
b) something of a flirt.
c) named ‘Rumpel’.
I can’t- I can’t not romance him now. See you all once I’m out of the pit.
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
Waiting for Godot - Broadway - November 24, 2013 (Opening Night) (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Aidan Gemme (The Boy), Billy Crudup (Lucky), Ian McKellen (Estragon), Patrick Stewart (Vladimir), Shuler Hensley (Pozzo)
War Horse - West End - February 27, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Sion Daniel Young (Albert Narracott), Josie Walker (Rose Narracott), Alistair Brammer (Billy Narracott), Alex Avery (Captain Nicholls), Steve North (Ted Narracott), Tom Hodgkins (Arthur Narracott) NOTES: Multi-cam pro-shot broadcast live to cinemas as part of National Theatre Live, Includes interval interview and documentary. 
War Paint - Broadway - March 11, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the Broadway transfer. Some changes for Broadway from the previous Goodman Theater production. Excellent performances from the entire cast with clear picture and great sound throughout; very good video. 2 DVDs. A War Paint - Broadway - April 29, 2017 (Matinee) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Helena Rubinstein), Christine Ebersole (Elizabeth Arden), John Dossett (Tommy Lewis), Douglas Sills (Harry Fleming) NOTES: The master gets caught during Face to Face. You can hear someone say “TURN IT OFF”. Blackout during that part. Wasted - Southwark Playhouse - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Matthew Jacobs Morgan (Branwell Brontë), Molly Lynch (Anne Brontë), Natasha Barnes (Charlotte Brontë), Siobhan Athwal (Emily Brontë) We Are The Tigers - Off-Broadway - March, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Lauren Zakrin (Riley Williams), Wonu Ogunfowora (Cairo), Jenny Rose Baker (Kate Dalton), MiMi Scardulla (Reese), Kaitlyn Frank (Annleigh), Cathy Ang (Mattie Wheeler), Celeste Rose (Chess), Zoe Jensen (Farrah), Sydney Parra (Eva Sanchez), Louis Griffin (Clark) NOTES: Starts at the beginning of "I Just Wanna" and missing part of "Mattie's Lament." The theater was really full tonight so there are a good number of heads in this video, but they are worked around to the best of my ability. This is a super small theater (less than 160 seats) and at times the cast members were definitely singing to the camera and honestly giving their best performances because of it. All of the things on the upper level (the bathroom, the pathway, and the kitchen) are captured perfectly, and the zooms on the lower level (the living room and bench) look good as well. Obviously because this is a murder mystery kind of show the lighting can get a little bit dark, but my camera handles low lighting incredibly well. This is honestly the best video you could expect from this venue We Will Rock You - Germany (Cologne) - August, 2005 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Melcher (Galileo), Vera Bolten (Scaramouche), Brigitte Oelke (Killer Queen), Martin Berger (Khashoggi), Michaela Kovarikova (Meat/Oz), DMJ (Brit/J.B.), James Sbano (Pop/Buddy/Bap), Harald Tauber (Teacher), Willemijn Verkaik NOTES: Multicam proshot We Will Rock You - Utrecht (The Netherlands) - October, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: John Vooijs (Galileo), Marjolein Teepen (Scaramouche), Pia Douwes (Killer Queen), Paul Donkers (Khashoggi), Floortje Smit (Meat/Oz), Ruud van Overdijk (Brit/J.B.), Rutger le Poole (Pop/Buddy/Bap) NOTES: Good capture. Heads in the way, but also a lot of good close-ups. Dubble DVD! We Will Rock You - West End - February 11, 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tony Vincent (Galileo), Hannah Jane Fox (Scaramouche), Sharon D Clarke (Killer Queen), Alexander Hanson (Khashoggi), Kerry Ellis (Meat/Oz), Nigel Clauzner (Brit/J.B.), Nigel Planer (Pop/Buddy/Bap) The Wedding Singer - Broadway - April 1, 2006 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Stephen Lynch (Robbie Hart), Laura Benanti (Julia), Matthew Saldivar (Sammy), Kevin Cahoon (George), Rita Gardner (Rosie), Amy Spanger (Holly), Richard H Blake (Glen), Felicia Finley (Linda) NOTES: Includes pictures of outside of the theatre and playbill. This was before the changes were made to the production. Blackouts throughout the show. The Wedding Singer - Off-West End - March 1, 2020 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kevin Clifton (Robbie Hart), Rhiannon Chesterman (Julia), Ashley Emmerson (Sammy), Andrew Carthy (George), Sandra Dickinson (Rosie), Tara Verloop (Holly), Jonny Fines (Glen), Erin Bell (Linda), Lori Haley Fox (Angie), Andy Brady (David Fonda), Nathan Ryles (Harold Fonda), Jordan Crouch (Donnie), Aimee Moore (Tiffany), Simon Anthony (Shane McDonough), Paris Green (Donatella), Vanessa Grace Lee (Donatella’s Mother), Morgan Jackson (Mookie), Ellie Seaton (Crystal) NOTES: 38 minutes of act 1 of the closing performance, unobstructed. Welcome To The Club - Broadway - April 8, 1989 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Avery Schreiber (Milton), Bill Buell (Gus), Jodi Benson (Betty), Marcia Mitzman (Carol), Marilyn Sokol (Arlene), Sally Mayes (Winona), Samuel E Wright (Bruce), Scott Waara (Kevin), Scott Wentworth (Aaron), Terri White (Eve) NOTES: Filmed during previews. Well filmed from the balcony. Mostly a full stage shot. Some generational loss. Wenn Rosenblätter Fallen - Oberhausen - June 13, 2016 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Rose), Anton Zetterholm (Till), Annemieke van Dam (Iris)  
West Side Story - Hollywood Bowl - July 19, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jeremy Jordan (Tony), Solea Pfeiffer (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Matthew James Thomas (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Drew Foster (Action), Jose Moreno Brooks (Chino), Anthony C Chatmon II (A-Rab), Kyle Selig (Baby John), Mike Schwitter (Big Deal), Jeff Smith (Diesel), Kevin Chamberlin (Krupke), Jennifer Sanchez (Rosalia), Erica Dorfler (Consuela) NOTES: This concert version of the show is abridged with shortened scenes, simple costumes, and no sets or choreography, but Jeremy, Solea, and Karen are absolutely phenomenal with soaring vocals and emotional performances. Very well captured with no dropouts, no obstruction, and no washout. The stage is filmed directly most of the time; the screens are occasionally filmed, usually when the actors are not onstage. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. West Side Story - Leicester Curve - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jamie Muscato (Tony), Adriana Ivelisse (Maria), Carly Mercedes Dyer (Anita), Ronan Burns (Riff), Jonathan Hermosa-Lopez (Bernardo), Isaac Gryn (Action), Damian Buhagiar (Chino), Ryan Anderson (A-Rab), Alex Christian (Baby John), Dale White (Big Deal), Michael O’Reilly (Diesel), Beth Hinton-Lever (Anybodys), Darren Bennett (Lt. Schrank), Christopher Wright (Krupke), Christopher Wright (Doc), Darren Bennett (Glad Hand), Mireia Mambo (Rosalia), Abigail Climer (Consuela), Thea Bunting (Graziella), Katie Lee (Velma), Richard Appiah-Sarpong (Pepe), Dominic Sibanda (Indio) NOTES: Missing 7 minutes at the beginning. No dropouts and no obstruction. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - February 23, 2009 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Cody Green (Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Curtis Holbrook (Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Ryan Steele (Baby John), Tro Shaw (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Greg Vinkler (Doc) NOTES: Stunning production of this revival. Josefina and Karen still steal the show. The cast was on fire and there was a lot of energy in the audience as it was the first performance on Broadway. There are some changes from the DC run, which work better. Beautiful production and capture with no obstructions. West Side Story - Second Broadway Revival - November 16, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Cavenaugh (Tony), Josefina Scaglione (Maria), Karen Olivo (Anita), Wes Hart (u/s Riff), George Akram (Bernardo), Eric Hatch (u/s Action), Joey Haro (Chino), Kyle Coffman (A-Rab), Brendon Stimson (u/s Baby John), Joshua Buscher (Diesel), Mike Cannon (Snowboy), Kaitlin Mesh (Anybodys), Steve Bassett (Lt. Schrank), Lee Sellars (Krupke), Mark Zimmerman (s/b Doc), Lindsay Estelle Dunn (Velma), Michael Williams (u/s Pepe), Kaitlin Mesh (Zaza) West Side Story - Third Broadway Revival - January 6, 2020 (Preview) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Jordan Dobson (u/s Tony), Mia Pinero (u/s Maria), Yesenia Ayala (Anita), Corey John Snide (u/s Riff), Amar Ramasar (Bernardo), Dharon E Jones (Action), Jacob Guzman (Chino), Kevin Csolak (A-Rab), Matthew Johnson (Baby John), Tyler Eisenreich (Big Deal), Ahmad Simmons (Diesel), Daniel Ching (Snowboy), Zuri Noelle Ford (Anybodys), Thomas Jay Ryan (Lt. Schrank), Danny Wolohan (Krupke), Daniel Oreskes (Doc), Pippa Pearthree (Glad Hand), Lorna Courtney (Rosalia), Gabi Campo (Consuela), Marissa Brown (Francisca), Alexa de Barr (Graziella), Madison Vomastek (Velma), Gus Reed (Gee-tar), John Snide (Tiger), Carlos Gonzales (Pepe), Ricky Ubeda (Indio), Roman Cruz (Luis), Israel del Rosario (Anxious), Michaela Marfori (Nibbles), Marc Crousillat (Juano), Sheldon True (Toro), Stephanie Crousillat (Teresita), Marlon Geliz (Estella), Satori Folkes-Stone (Margarita), Uni-Seng Francois (Minnie), Jennifer Gruener (Pauline) NOTES: Wideshot. Stage right is slightly obstructed due to where the master was sitting. Good audio. SD M4V (567.0 MB) West Side Story - UK Tour - May 23, 2009 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Daniel Koek (Tony), Hazel Gardner (u/s Maria), Jayde Westaby (Anita), Edd Post (u/s Riff), Dan Burton (Bernardo), Aki Omoshaybi (Chino), Ged Simmons (Lt. Schrank), Martin Chaimberain (Krupke) When We're Gone - Joe's Pub (2014) - March 12, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Gerard Canonico (Todd), Jeremy Kushnier (John), Luke Wygodny (Ashton), Hannah Whitney (Rosie), Eric William Morris (Colin), Bradley Dean (William) NOTES: Concert performance.   
The Wild Party (Lippa) - Encores! Off-Center - July 17, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sutton Foster (Queenie), Steven Pasquale (Burrs), Brandon Victor Dixon (Black), Joaquina Kalukango (Kate), Miriam Shor (Madeline True), Talene Monahon (Mae), Ryan Andes (Eddie) NOTES: Excellent HD capture from the Encores Summer Series! The cast was terrific and full of energy giving everything they had. Great to see these songs performed again by this caliber of talent! A The Wild Party (Lippa) - Off-Broadway - 2000 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Julia Murney (Queenie), Brian d'Arcy James (Burrs), Taye Diggs (Black), Idina Menzel (Kate), Alix Korey (Madeline True), Charles Dillon (Oscar d'Armano), Kevin Cahoon (Phil d'Armano), James Delisco Beeks (Max), Todd Anderson (Reno), Jennifer Cody (Mae), Kena Tangi Dorsey (Dolores), Felicia Finley (Rose Himmelsteen), Peter Kapetan (Sam Himmelsteen), Lawrence Keigwin (Jackie), Charlie Marcus (The Neighbor), Kristin McDonald (Nadine), Raymond Jaramillo McLeod (Eddie), Steven Pasquale (Cop), Megan Sikora (Peggy), Ron Todorowski (Kegs), Amanda Watkins (Ellie) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Winter's Tale - West End - November 26, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kenneth Branagh (Leontes), Dame Judi Dench (Paulina), Miranda Raison (Hermione), Jessie Buckley (Perdita), Hadley Fraser (Polixenes), Tom Bateman (Florizel), John Dagleish (Autolycus) The Witches of Eastwick - UK Tour - April 4, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: James Graeme (Clyde), Marti Pellow (Darryl), Poppy Tierney (Jane), Rachel Izen (Felicia), Rebecca Thornhill (Sukie), Ria Jones (Alex) NOTES: Beautifully filmed from the balcony, with a great mix of close-ups and full stage shots. Crystal clear. Widescreen. The Wiz - NBC Live! - December 3, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (4K) CAST: Shanice Williams (Dorothy), David Alan Grier (Lion), Ne-Yo (Tinman), Elijah Kelley (Scarecrow), Uzo Aduba (Glinda), Queen Latifah (The Wiz), Mary J Blige (Evillene), Stephanie Mills (Aunt Em), Amber Riley (Addaperle) NOTES: A live production of the 1975 musical The Wiz produced for television; excellent video. A+ The Wizard of Oz (Webber) - First National Tour - September 28, 2013 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Danielle Wade (Dorothy Gale), Jamie McKnight (Scarecrow/Hunk), Mike Jackson (Tin Man/Hickory), Lee MacDougall (Cowardly Lion/Zeke), Jacquelyn Piro Donovan (The Wicked Witch of the West/Miss Gulch), Cedric Smith (The Wizard of Oz/Professor Marvel), Robin Evan Willis (Glinda the Good Witch), Charlotte Moore (Aunt Em/Munchkin Barrister), Larry Mannell (Uncle Henry/Philippe/Head Guard) NOTES: Nice capture of Andrew Lloyd Webber's re-imagined classic; no obstruction and very little washout; a few quick dropouts in act one and a couple in act two, only last about three minutes all together; filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums,and close-ups. The Woman in Black - West End - July 8, 2001 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christopher Ravenscroft (Arthur Kipps), Sebastian Harcombe (The Actor) The Woman in White - Broadway - November 30, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Adam Brazier (Walter Hartwright), Angela Christian (Anne Catherick), Jill Paice (Laura Fairlie), Lisa Brescia (Marian Halcombe), Michael Ball (Count Fosco), Ron Bohmer (Sir Percival Glyde)  
The Woman in White - West End - February 25, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Maria Friedman, Michael Ball, Adrian der Gregorian (u/s), Oliver Darley, Jill Paice, Elinor Collett (u/s) NOTES: Nice video with good closeups and zooms and great sound. Woman of the Year - Broadway - March 27, 1982 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lauren Bacall (Tess Harding), Harry Guardino (Sam Craig), Eivind Harum (Alexi Petrikov), Roderick Cook (Gerald), Grace Keagy (Helga), Jamie Ross (Larry Donovan), Marilyn Cooper (Jan Donovan), Rex Everhart (Maury) NOTES: Good color video with clear sound with some generation loss, but a nice video. B+ Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - December 29, 2010 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show.
  Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - Broadway - January 2, 2011 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP3 (tracked) CAST: Sherie Rene Scott (Pepa), Laura Benanti (Candela), Patti LuPone (Lucia), Brian Stokes Mitchell (Ivan), Justin Guarini (Carlos), de’Adre Aziza (Paulina), Danny Burstein (Taxi Driver), Nikka Graff Lanzarone (Marisa), Mary Beth Peil (Pepa's Concierge/TV and Radio Announcer), Samantha Shafer (u/s Woman at Train/Ana) NOTES: Also includes press reels, cast/creative interviews and video of David Yazbek singing songs from the show. Wonderful Town - Television Production - November 30, 1958 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rosalind Russell (Ruth Sherwood), Sydney Chaplin (Robert Baker), Jacquelyn McKeever (Eileen Sherwood), Joseph Buloff (Mr. Appopolous), Dort Clark (Chick Clark), Jordan Bentley (Wreck), Cris Alexander (Frank Lippencott), Jack Fletcher (Night Club Patron), Michele Burke (Helen Wade), Ted Beniades (“Speedy” Valenti), Isabella Hoopes (Mrs. Wade), Ray Weaver (Shore Patrolman), Gene Carrons (Violet), John Wheeler (Officer Lonigan), Don Grusso (Fireman) Wonderland - Broadway - March 23, 2011 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Very limited trade 3:1 at the master's request. Wonderland - Broadway - April 2, 2011 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare), Darren Ritchie (The Victorian Gentleman), Karen Mason (Edwina) NOTES: Beautiful bright capture of this short lived show that only played 31 previews and 33 performances. I thought this show was very enjoyable and fun with great music. Great performances and voices from the cast! A+ Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - Broadway - May 12, 2011 (juniper47's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Janet Dacal (Alice), Kate Shindle (Mad Hatter), Carly Rose Sonenclar (Chloe/Ellie), Edward Staudenmayer (The White Rabbit), Karen Mason (Queen of Hearts), Darren Ritchie (Jack the White Knight), E Clayton Cornelious (Caterpillar), Jose Llana (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Danny Stiles (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: Filmed in widescreen with very few obstructions except for a head blocking the farthest corners of downstage stage left and right, but very little is missed there. Very good video and excellent picture and sound. Wonderland - UK Tour - June 10, 2017 (Matinee) (bestworstcase's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rachael Wooding (Alice), Francesca Lara Gordon (u/s Mad Hatter), Naomi Morris (Chloe/Ellie), Dave Willetts (The White Rabbit), Wendi Peters (Queen of Hearts), Stephen Webb (Jack the White Knight), Kayi Ushe (Caterpillar), Dominic Owen (El Gato/Chesire Cat), Ben Kerr (Morris the March Hare) NOTES: DVD menu states June 6 2017 matinee, but all other evidence, even the master's weebly claim it's June 10 2017. Good video! Wonderland (Beth Steel Play) - Hampstead Theatre - July 14, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Unknown NOTES: Livestreamed April 2020. The Worst Witch - West End - August 22, 2019 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Danielle Bird (Mildred Hubble), Rosie Abraham (Ethel Hallow), Molly-Grace Cutler (Miss Bat/Piano/Guitar/Cello/Dulcimer), Meg Forgan (Fenella Feverfew/Bass Guitar), Rachel Heaton (Miss Hardbroom), Rebecca Killick (Maud Spellbody), Emma Lau (Drusilla Paddock), Megan Leigh Mason (Miss Drill/Guitar/Drums/Percussion/Clarinet/Bass Guitar), Polly Lister (Agatha/Miss Cackle), Consuela Rolle (Enid Nightshade), Lauryn Redding (Griselda Blackwood/Sax) NOTES: A very good show! It’s a show aimed more toward kids so there was a lot of kids in the audience. An amazing performance by Polly Lister as Agatha/Miss Cackle in particular. The Wrong Man - Off-Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP3 (untracked) CAST: Joshua Henry (Duran), Ciara Renée (Mariana), Ryan Vasquez (Man in Black), Amber Pickens, Anoop Desai, Debbie Christine Tjong, Julius Williams, Libby Lloyd, Malik Shabazz Kitchen, Tilly Evans-Krueger NOTES: Near perfect HD capture of this new Off-Broadway show with fabulous performances by the whole cast. There is some wandering throughout but overall a very centered orchestra video with extremely vivid colors. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows. Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 6, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ruben (Matthias Lubanski), Vera Bolten (Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt. Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), Patrick A. Stamme (alt. Bruno Lubanski), Elisabeth Hübert (Anette Ackermann), Florian Soyka (alt. Paul Ackermann), Robin Brosch (Sepp Herberger(Bohse), Jogi Kaiser (Tiburski/Putzfrau/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic/Franziska Trunte/Esther Mink (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Mark Weigel (Fritz Walter), Dennis Henschel (Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Hendrik Schall (Toni Turek), Matt Cox (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Giuliano Mercoli (Josef Posipal), Fabian Kaiser (u/s Karl mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: This video was recorded right after some changes on the show were made (doesn't include the new song which will be published on 11th July, 2015). Full show; beautiful picture quality and nice close-ups but rather shaky in the beginning/end of both acts Das Wunder von Bern - Hamburg - July 23, 2015 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Tanja Schön (u/s Christa Lubanski), Patrick Imhof (alt Richard Lubanski), Marie Lumpp (Ingrid Lubanski), David Jakobs (Bruno Lubanski), Shari Lynn Stewen (alt Anette Ackermann), Patrick A Stamme (alt Paul Ackermann), Mark Weigel (Sepp Herberger/Bohse), Michael Ophelders (alt Tiburski/Putzfrau im Hotel/Adi Dassler), Tetje Mierendorf (Pfarrer Keuchel), Alexandra Farkic (Wunderfräulein), Amaya Keller (Wunderfräulein), Franziska Trunte (Wunderfräulein), Dominik Hees (Helmut Rahn), Florian Soyka (alt Fritz Walter), Hendrik Schall (alt Berni Klodt), Robin Koger (Horst Eckel), Matteo Vigna (Max Morlock), Fabian Kaiser (Toni Turek), James Cook (Werner Kohlmeyer), Daniel Therrien (Ottmar Walter), Pasha Antonov (Josef Posipal), Adrian Fogel (Kar Mai/Fußballartist), Dominik Kaiser (Hans Schäfer/Fußballartist) NOTES: "Julius" as Matthias Lubanski. Full show. Great picture quality and beautiful close-ups, though some little obstruction due a railing. The last few minutes of both acts are shot blind without zooms but still capturing the action on stage
11 notes · View notes
pdouwes · 14 days
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I'm never going back, the past is in the past.
83 notes · View notes
monstersandmaw · 4 years
For Iskander and Sarrith: Know any books that have taken your fancy? (This blog has become my happy place 😩💖)
Well, Ghosti j-just showed me this s-series c-called Wh-Wheel of Time? It’s pretty g-good but it’s a l-long one. If you l-like your fantasy tropes and some str-strong women, then it’s a g-good one to invest some t-time in...
~ Iskandar
Sarrith: Ohh! Books! Ascal has loads of books!! Don’t you? - *pokes Ascal in the ribs with a leggie* - They’re mostly fairy tales though, but still, they’re kind of fun. I liked the one about Rumple.. Rumpel... Rumplestilts... Uhhhh *looks to Ascal*
Ascal: Rumpelstiltskin. And you only like that because it involves spinning.
Sarrith: Well, yeah... that’s true... But who hasn’t dreamed of spinning straw into gold!?!
Ascal: *deadpan* Me.
13 notes · View notes
emospritelet · 4 years
1/2: Rereading KttC. 1) Adore the opening line, first for its own sake, and second b/c it reminds me of the opening line of A Discovery of Witches: “The leather-bound volume was nothing remarkable.” 2) “Her library. Perhaps it would be enough to put up with - the rest of it. Her mouth twisted as she shook her head. No. Nothing would be enough to put up with that.” I love how that’s both a rejection and a foreshadow of the “Marry the Beast and Get That Library” meme.
2/2: 3) I love the details of Rumpel’s hand in the circle of light, and I love the details when he pulls back his hood and Belle sees him. 4) How precisely is a decapitation “funny”? 5) Totally support turning Gaston into a sentient squeaky toy and throwing him to the nearest dog. 6) Love the banter. Love how they’re already halfway in love with each other.
Man, I need to finish this fic...
Anyway, thank  you! I love the idea of squeaky toy!Gaston lol
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rumbelleshowdown · 5 years
The Wych Elm
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Author: Goose Prompt: alone in the moonlight Group: C
His son hadn’t come home.
It wasn’t unusual. Sometimes he’d stay out with Morraine and her sisters and spend the night in front of their fire. But usually that happened closer to market, around the time Rumpel’s storages got lower and lower. Rumpel missed his son those night, but at least Bae got to eat.
But Morraine’s family had gone to the next town that morning to buy a mule. They were gone.
And so was his son.
It was a safe town, all things considered, and Rumpel wouldn’t have worried had Bae not had the unfortunate luck of being the son of the town coward. No one would think twice of leaving his sweet boy in a ditch if it meant punishing him.
That was how Rumpel found himself out in the dark forest, the moon high in the sky, his old lantern and battered walking stick the only protection he had. When he hadn’t found Baelfire along the road, he had walked into the forest, thinking maybe he had gotten lost or found a tree to sleep under for the night.
The night sounds of frogs and critters moving in the underbrush accompanied his search, but the further he walked, the quieter the sounds became, until all that walked with him was silence. Even the moonlight avoided him. It was eerie, and Rumple shivered.
Then he came to a small clearing. There was an old bush- no, a wych elm, in the middle. It looked old and a little scorched, like it had been struck by lightning, or lit ablaze.
Rumple’s gaze fell to a tree branch that was pointing to the east. No, it wasn’t a tree branch. It wasn’t dark like the tree was. He limped closer, squinting.
It was a hand. Palm to the sky, fingers arched and craggly.
That couldn’t be right. Rumpel raised his lantern, mystified as the small sickly light reflecting off the pale white flesh. He felt a sudden urge to take the hand in his, to share his meager warmth, offer what comfort he could. He didn’t know why.
“My hand of glory.”
He yelped, jumping back. Rumpel stumbled, his grip on his walking stick the only thing that kept him upright.
He heard a raspy laugh. It sounded like a voice that hadn’t been used in a long time.
“It’s been a long time since someone has found me,” the voice said.
Rumpel held out the lantern, trying to find the source. Shaking, wondering if he really wanted to know, he trailed the lantern down the arm, to the naked torso of a woman. She seemed to be stuffed into the trunk, only the upper half of her body visible.  Blushing hard, he raised the light to see her face, her head, resting against the bark.
Her eyes, a brilliant blue, glowed in the light of the lantern. Even with her wild, unkempt hair that was full of twigs and leaves, her shallow face, she was beautiful. Easily the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
What was she doing here? No one was missing from the village. Someone would have remembered her, had she passed through.
“Are you alright?” he asked. “Do you need help?”
She smiled, teeth gleaming like jewels. “I could ask you the same question, I think.”
Rumpel gripped the wood of his staff. “My s-” he coughed. Tried again. “My son. He’s lost.”
Her blue eyes focused on him, the gaze strong enough to hurt. She leaned back in her tree, as best she could. The woman raised her chin, so she gave the appearance of looking down on him.
“What is your name?” she finally asked.
“Rum-Rumpel,” His voice caught in his throat again.
“Rumpel?” The woman frowned. “That’s odd.”
“Rumpelstiltskin,” he finally spit out.
She laughed, her head thrown back, the colom of her pale throat gleaming. “That’s even worse. What a name you have, Rumpelstiltskin.”
“What-what is your name?” The arm holding the lantern up was getting stiff.
The woman turned her head, her shoulder lifting in a shrug as best it could, with her arm trapped like it was.
“I have many names.” Her voice was dry like tinder.
Rumpel twisted his staff in his hand. “Do you need help?”
“That’s the second time you’ve offered. What makes you think you’d be able to?”
“I don’t,” he began. Shook his head. “Maybe I can’t. But it’d be a terrible thing to just leave you here.”
Her chuckle was a long fingernail down his spine. “It’s only terrible when you’re beautiful.”
The clouds moved, shifting in the sky, and the moonlight spilled down into the clearing. It spilled onto the woman, painting what was clear, pale skin into something rotting. Where the moonlight hit her, she looked green, molded.
“Am I a tragedy?”
Rumpel let go of the lantern. It dropped to the ground with a dull thud, the light flickering out. The moonlight stayed, casting it’s eerie glow. Her eyes weren’t blue anymore, but yellow, like a cat’s. In them was the sun, and they glowed just as brightly.
The woman was cursed, clearly. Was she a witch, perhaps? A demon? A specter haunting the clearing? But she hadn’t attacked him. She might look fierce, but she’d done nothing.
“Are you in pain?”
The woman leaned back, closing her eyes. “Go home to your boy, Rumpel,” she said, voice like the wind, like a death rattle. “Leave me be.”
Rumpel went home. He was sure that he wouldn’t be able to find the way, that his leg would give out and he’d be lost and dead by morning. But the path was straight and clear and easy. And as if waking from a dream, he opened the front door of his hovel and there, by the fire on his cot, was his boy.
Rumpel fell to his knees in relief.
But sleep came slowly. He kept thinking about the woman in the wych elm, and who must have put her there.
Perhaps, he could find a way to free her.
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kyaruun · 5 years
I’ve been playing Cinderella Phenomenon this week while studying and boy, do I have a lot of things to say about this game and how it played with my feelings and my heart c,:
Like excuse me but I’m really mad that I can’t marry Karma AND Waltz irl because AHHHHHHHHHH (I’m missing Rumpel and Fritz’s routes tho)
Plus don’t get me started on secondary characters because I love every single one of them!!!
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compneuropapers · 5 years
Interesting Papers for Week 7, 2019
Robust spatial memory maps encoded by networks with transient connections. Babichev, A., Morozov, D., & Dabaghian, Y. (2018). PLOS Computational Biology, 14(9), e1006433.
Learning deficits in rats overexpressing the dopamine transporter. Bernhardt, N., Lieser, M. K., Hlusicka, E.-B., Habelt, B., Wieske, F., Edemann-Callesen, H., … Winter, C. (2018). Scientific Reports, 8, 14173.
Space and Time: The Hippocampus as a Sequence Generator. Buzsáki, G., & Tingley, D. (2018). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22(10), 853–869.
Abstract concept learning in a simple neural network inspired by the insect brain. Cope, A. J., Vasilaki, E., Minors, D., Sabo, C., Marshall, J. A. R., & Barron, A. B. (2018). PLOS Computational Biology, 14(9), e1006435.
Neural implementation of Bayesian inference in a sensorimotor behavior. Darlington, T. R., Beck, J. M., & Lisberger, S. G. (2018). Nature Neuroscience, 21(10), 1442–1451.
Measurement invariance explains the universal law of generalization for psychological perception. Frank, S. A. (2018). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(39), 9803–9806.
Coordinated cerebellar climbing fiber activity signals learned sensorimotor predictions. Heffley, W., Song, E. Y., Xu, Z., Taylor, B. N., Hughes, M. A., McKinney, A., … Hull, C. (2018). Nature Neuroscience, 21(10), 1431–1441.
Sensation, movement and learning in the absence of barrel cortex. Hong, Y. K., Lacefield, C. O., Rodgers, C. C., & Bruno, R. M. (2018). Nature, 561(7724), 542–546.
Triple dissociation of attention and decision computations across prefrontal cortex. Hunt, L. T., Malalasekera, W. M. N., de Berker, A. O., Miranda, B., Farmer, S. F., Behrens, T. E. J., & Kennerley, S. W. (2018). Nature Neuroscience, 21(10), 1471–1481.
Inferring decoding strategies for multiple correlated neural populations. Lakshminarasimhan, K. J., Pouget, A., DeAngelis, G. C., Angelaki, D. E., & Pitkow, X. (2018). PLOS Computational Biology, 14(9), e1006371.
STDP Allows Close-to-Optimal Spatiotemporal Spike Pattern Detection by Single Coincidence Detector Neurons. Masquelier, T. (2018). Neuroscience, 389, 133–140.
Inhibitory connectivity defines the realm of excitatory plasticity. Mongillo, G., Rumpel, S., & Loewenstein, Y. (2018). Nature Neuroscience, 21(10), 1463–1470.
Social reward monitoring and valuation in the macaque brain. Noritake, A., Ninomiya, T., & Isoda, M. (2018). Nature Neuroscience, 21(10), 1452–1462.
Temporal Coding of Visual Space. Rucci, M., Ahissar, E., & Burr, D. (2018). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22(10), 883–895.
Saccadic inhibition interrupts ongoing oculomotor activity to enable the rapid deployment of alternate movement plans. Salinas, E., & Stanford, T. R. (2018). Scientific Reports, 8, 14163.
Network mechanisms underlying the role of oscillations in cognitive tasks. Schmidt, H., Avitabile, D., Montbrió, E., & Roxin, A. (2018). PLOS Computational Biology, 14(9), e1006430.
Model-based spatial navigation in the hippocampus-ventral striatum circuit: A computational analysis. Stoianov, I. P., Pennartz, C. M. A., Lansink, C. S., & Pezzulo, G. (2018). PLOS Computational Biology, 14(9), e1006316.
Learning of spatiotemporal patterns in a spiking neural network with resistive switching synapses. Wang, W., Pedretti, G., Milo, V., Carboni, R., Calderoni, A., Ramaswamy, N., … Ielmini, D. (2018). Science Advances, 4(9), eaat4752.
Hexagonal Grid Fields Optimally Encode Transitions in Spatiotemporal Sequences. Waniek, N. (2018). Neural Computation, 30(10), 2691–2725.
Causal contribution and dynamical encoding in the striatum during evidence accumulation. Yartsev, M. M., Hanks, T. D., Yoon, A. M., & Brody, C. D. (2018). eLife, 7, e34929.
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