#(but please forgive me if I keep popping into your IMs to ask a million little questions to make sure I'm on the same page as you!)
phoenix-flamed · 7 months
Continued from here:
Judging by the weapon his partner had at his side, Otto very much meant business. Which was even more intriguing and concerning, and this time it was more of the latter. The moment the other man turned towards him, Miles began searching his face for any clue, any indication of the severity of the situation -- fortunately, he wouldn't need to wait long for his answers.
And what answers they turned out to be.
As soon as the words Rosalith Castle left the bearded man's lips, Miles paled a shade. His entire body tensed up, pupils dilating; and for that moment, all he could hear was the frantic beating of his heart within his ears. But when Otto's composure started to slip just the slightest fraction, a sheen of wetness glimmering in his eyes, the older man snapped himself out of it, forcing back that steady, serious expression to mask the myriad emotions coursing through him.
An escaped Bearer to track down. Not just any Bearer, but Otto's own son. It was Miles who broke their eye contact, just for a few moments -- after turning his head downward, his blue-green eyes squeezed tightly closed, the furrow of his brow only deepening further. Being separated from a child was a pain he could relate to, and while his own story thus far had a bittersweet ending, in that he now knew his sons were alive, despite him lacking the courage to reveal his truth to them...
... He hoped, and prayed to Metia, that his friend and companion's story would have a happy ending. Of course, he did have questions, or curiosities rather, pertaining to Otto's past; those could wait until later, and he would wait patiently for Otto himself to be ready to divulge the information.
All too soon after, his eyes reopened, now filled with resolve for their mission -- and he nodded. "Time is indeed of the essence, if he is somewhere in Rosalith. Anabella may be gone, but there is ever a chance that her Black Shields may yet linger, or that pillagers have already descended upon the city to take advantage of the chaos."
Not to mention the fact that last he had heard, Rosalith had suffered much and more under the aggressions of Dhalmekia, as led by Hugo Kupka. But that was an entirely other matter that he didn't wish to dwell upon, when combined with everything else the city had suffered.
"But you already know these things," Miles apologized a moment later, before stepping forward to cross the gap between them and place a reassuring hand upon Otto's shoulder. "We will find him. I know the city and the castle both -- if he is still taking refuge there, rest assured that there are no places that he might hide that I am not myself aware of. Now, before we depart, were the new arrivals able to give a description of the area in which they took shelter, beyond simply near the castle? Any detail, no matter how small, will be an invaluable boon."
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a-jynx · 3 years
:0 uh more Dream smp stuff?? cause y’all liked the other one??? (Georgenotfound edition & kinda long)
being Dream’s sister was rough already so imagine how tough life gets when you start dating one of his besties???
you met george through dream - obviously - and well.. putting it kindly, you hated each other. I mean, HATED each other! It always became a rivalry between you two, shooting down one another’s video ideas and never compromising until Sap or Dream stepped in.
“why do you hate him?” dream groaned as he watched you dislike ANOTHER Georgenotfound video. you glanced up at your freakishly tall brother before scoffing
“because he’s a spoilt brat and.. and he shouldn’t expect everyone to grovel like you do.” you scoffed, as Dream groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“nope, nuh-uh you green tellatubby i’m not befriending him.”
“you’ve been hanging out with techno and tommy on discord too much.. Anyway, just.. please TRY and get along with him? at least pretend for a little bit - the fans get all protective and will baby him before they defend you..” dream’s voice trailed as he sat next to you, making you huff.
“ofc they’d baby him.. and it’ll be fine - I’ll be fine, Clay! I’m a big kid, some trolls on the internet won’t upset me.” you grinned, wrapping an arm around your little brother’s shoulders. he rolled his eyes before poking his index into your ribs, causing you to yelp.
“okay, but i warned you and i’ll try and help if stuff gets too much, okay? remember you’re my sister.. i still worry about you.”
“okay, don’t get sappy you waking tree! we have a stream to start,”
which lead to now.. A Geoguesser and Jack Box stream with the Dream Team ft. y/nwasnttaken - it started out awesome! The chat was having a blast having their boys stream, the guys were happy to be streaming, and you were having a great time.. until George came after you for guessing the wrong country..
“seriously, y/n?? you were, like, a million miles away!” george snorted as sap and dream joined in the laughter, you sighed before faking a short laugh.
“please, you usually suck at this game and it was one bad guess while you’ve been guessing wrong foe the past five minutes.” you couldn’t hold back the slight venom in your voice as the discord grew an awkward silence as chat began to grumble about the sudden change in atmosphere.
“chill, y/n/n, i don’t think George had an real issue, right Gogy?” sap nervously chuckled, he knew just as well as dream that for some reason you and george were always at one another’s throat.
“yeah, i had to ill intent, it’s called playful banter, y/n lighten up, honey,”
“is this just go after y/n day or what? i don’t mean to be an asshole but you’ve been after me the entire stream! and maybe the fans and you guys don’t care, but it’s hard to act like im not affected by you constantly bashing me and then laughing when dream or sap - or even yourself - get it wrong!” you grew quiet once your piece was out in the air, your heart was pounding against your ribs and you felt like you were going to be sick. “i..”
“no! no, it’s… im just going to go, you guys have a good stream.” you quickly exited the discord call, closing out of all your tabs and leaving yourself to stare at your shrunk form.. oh shit..
you grabbed your phone and opened Twitter, a mistake honestly, it was already trending.. clips, screenshots, and the #nightmareofasibling in the US. you gawked at the screen - tapping the hashtag, you should’ve listened to Dream..
‘i knew they were lousy but my god it’s a game..’
‘they always act like they’re better when they aren’t, poor gogy 💔😔’
‘i feel bad for dream and sapnap - they have to live with that 😳’
‘@y/nwasnttaken you disgust me and i can’t believe they even tolerate you. rot’
each @, each tweet was one wishing for your demise or saying that the dream team deserves better. maybe they’re right but you had a right to stand up for yourself! sure.. it was a over a geoguesser game but dealing with that for an hour in a half, anyone would be tired of it.
tears were already starting to drip as you hastily wiped at your cheeks, attempting to keep the water works at bay. it got harder when a ping went off from your phone, indicting another tweet was made at you. even with your blurred vision you frowned as @GeorgeNotFound popped up.
‘Regarding the stream, I do not hate y/n. Nor do I want hate sent to them. I will not tolerate any of my fans hating on one of my friends, it was partly my fault for antagonize them.
I care for them deeply and I hope they know how sorry I actually feel and the guilt rushing through me while I write this. I hope you can forgive me, sweets.. @y/nwasnttaken’
you hiccuped a laugh, a small smile breaking across your lips. you liked the tweet before heading to discord to find your messages had been blown up - Niki, Wilbur, and George had sent you multiple messages asking how you were. Selecting George’s messages, you grinned..
‘y/n?? hey come back to the stream’
‘i was kidding, come on, this is how we work..’
‘okay, i’m starting to get freaked out cause you’re not answering and twitter is spamming- shit i need to fix’
the messages had stopped for a few minute before a small video was sent, showing george in his recording room.
“y/n i’m honestly really sorry, it was dumb of me to keep poking at you when you looked and sounded like you didn’t like it - it’s just.. that’s how we’ve always been! i just.. please message me when you can? i know dream’s already pissed at me, and sap won’t stop threatening me to fix this now - even though they laughed too - BESIDES the point… just message me soon?” he sheepishly sent the camera a small smile, his cheeks and nose a slight red. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes before quickly typing him.
‘y’know i have half a mind to be pissed at you, but.. i’m sorry too. i should’ve have blown up at you or the others, especially on stream.. can - can we hop on call and sort this out?’
Gogster is typing… Popped up instantly, making a smile flash across your face. Suddenly a call chimed in, making you jump slightly before clearing your throat and answering the video call.
“Y/N!! Oh my god, you answered- ah, i’m so sorry I just, teasing each other and acting like we hate each other was always our act and I know i pushed it too far on stream,” George continued to ramble as you shook your head.
“George, Gogy you’re rambling..” you mumbled as he looked back at the camera, clearing his throat with a sheep smile on his face.
“uh, sorry.. look, can we just.. try again?” he muttered as you broke into a dazzling smile.
“we can, but I still get to call you Gogster..”
George broke into a loud laugh, you joining in with his contagious giggle. He nodded, clearing his throat again as he sighed gently.
“That’s all i ask, y/n.. but can i tell you something? dream and sap have been nagging me for the last couple of months to mention this..” His voice trailed as you nodded, rolling your shoulders and sinking further into your chair.
“i may not get along with you, British brat.. but you can always talk to me,” you smirk as George coughs out a laugh, shaking his head as you broke into a grin.
“you’re jealous that I have a hot accent, but seriously.. i.. Y/N I’ve liked you for a while and I’d like for us to try,” his voice trailed out as you blinked, staring at the dark brunette before giggling.
“i.. i actually have a trip coming up, to come see Niki and Wilbur.. I wouldn’t mind adding another person.” You trailed, sheepishly glancing at George as a large smile broke across his face, making you giggle as he quickly nods and laughs.
“Wait, really?! But- But we always- We.. Oh my gosh!” safe to say.. George was at a lost for words and you couldn’t help but be excited for these next two weeks to fly by..
and ofc dream and drista and sap made bets - dream bet you guys would date because of drama, drista just bet that you’d go on a date but would want to kill each other, and sapnap bet you guys would want to instantly date - some were more right than others, but in the end,.. Y/nistaken & Georgewasfound became trending and knocked the harmful trends down
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kcatta-wodahs · 4 years
MC Who Does Not Fear Death x OM! Demon Brothers
Or maiming, or apparently any other consequences. You’ve walked into this situation with absolutely no filter and no fear. Time to tear down every structure of Devildom society.
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You look at him with a withering stare when he tries to intimidate you into behaving.
“I was summoned out of my trashy apartment to this place, where literally anyone could snap me like a twig on accident. I’m just working on the assumption that I’m already dead.”
He sternly looks at you. “You’re under my protection during your time here. No harm will come to you.”
You snort derisively, which visibly irritates him. “Don’t worry about it. I won’t come back to haunt you if it happens.”
As you continue through your life in Devildom he keeps calling you out for meddling and all that, like usual, and he HATES that you literally *do not care* when he threatens you.
Like HE knows that he wouldn’t hurt Diavolo’s transfer student but YOU are supposed to be AFRAID of him dammit.
His frustration at this ends up turning into a form of respect. You’re about the only person who will stand up to him, and tbh like you’re so fucking fragile but you’ll yell at him all day? That takes guts. Annoying guts. But you’ve got guts.
But also STOP IT. He has enough stress in his life and now he’s constantly terrified that you’ve decided it’s a great idea to adopt a baby balrog
Which you did once. He’s just afraid that “Flamin Hot Cheeto” is going to come back since you somehow managed to imprint on it.
despite the fact that the BABY could easily tear your arms off on accident
Not to mention he gets the flack for EVERY SINGLE ONE of these following stories. You stress him out so much. Please. Please, stop. 
He’s almost to the point of begging. The Avatar of Pride is three steps away from either locking you away for the rest of the year or begging on his knees for you to calm down. 
 But you know you’d find a way out if he locked you up so no worries. It’ll be a good challenge.
“Well you WON’T be dead because it’s my job to protect you! Are you doubting the Great Mammon?!”
Stupid human. Yeah, you’re fragile and weak, but that’s why HE’S your bodyguard now, and there’s no way in hell (lol) that he would let you die on his watch.
Lucifer would kill him.
You welcome the challenge, and he thinks it’s funny at first but quickly becomes a flustered mother hen.
“NO, we are NOT going out to Madam Scream’s at 3am! Do ya know what kinda CREEPS are out there at 3am?!”
And you sneak out the fucking window.
He has had more heart attacks in the past week than he has had in the last 100 years of life.
He starts agreeing to your ridiculous adventures JUST because then he can actually keep an eye on you. 
He adores the chaos of the laugh that bursts from you every time you narrowly escape death. 
He HATES how often you have to NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH. So he will never tell you.
He almost doesn’t have time for his own shenanigans anymore, because all his time is taken up by trying to make sure you stay alive.
And you’ve figured out that if you turn *any* of your ideas into a money-making one, he will join you whole-heartedly.
So you bribe him because what’s money to you anymore anyway?
I mean he doesn’t leave his room much, so tbh he probably just gets texts from you that make him want to scream.
‘hey uh levi say if someone were to hypothetically be stuck in a succubus’ devil basement to become an unwilling sacrifice to asmo what would that person, hypothetically, do?’
‘probably die’ is usually all he sends back
You always come back, because he always sends a text to the other brothers. In that case Asmo came to rescue you himself and scold the succubus.
You become the friend that he makes funny throwing-shade reddit posts about. (Devvit? Devil reddit? Eh??)
‘Levi so this has nothing to do with anything but is there a cure for a dangerously potent ‘always win at rock-paper-scissors' curse? Asking for a friend’
‘Friend is being held hostage tho so maybe be quick about a response’
He didn’t even know that kind of curse existed. None of them did. What the fuck did you do.
How did you get taken captive by playing rock paper scissors?
He doesn’t know. Nobody does. He expects the play-by-play so he can recommend it as a new anime to his favorite producers. 
Somehow your chaotic plans end up with stories almost as great as TSL. 
He physically carries you around.
He’s like “fuck this you can’t get into trouble if I’m holding you.”
If Beel’s on MC watching duty, he’s almost the only one who is successful, just because you physically cannot get away. 
But at the same time, he is very easily bribed. 
So yes, he’ll go to Madam Scream’s with you at 3am. Sounds like fun.
But he is very protective after losing someone he cares about (who you remind him of so much….) so he keeps you close when you’re out and about too.
If you start getting into a fight with some other demon he literally just takes the fight for you and wins with no trouble at all.
You like having Beel with you.
Especially finding street festivals! You’re in a whole new world and there’s a MILLION things to try. Beel is more than happy to try them with you.
But that leads to arguments about whether deadly creatures to humans are still deadly when dead. 
“No, you can’t eat that it’s on fire. I know even small fires hurt humans. I’ll eat it for you.”
“That hot sauce makes every demon I know cry. You really shouldn’t buy a bottle. Please. No, don’t try it. No, that’s too much for one-- oh. Oh no.”
He forgives you as long as you don’t actually get hurt and you give him your leftovers.
“If I get wrinkles because of you I promise you will never hear the end of it. I will curse you forever.”
He swears on every single one of his lovers that you have started giving him grey hairs.
Why can’t you just settle down and let them all take care of you? You don’t have to prove anything to the other demons!
But you will. You’re living in Devildom now, and by everything unholy, you are going to live that life to its fullest extent.
He was thrilled at first when you were all for joining him at his nightclubs and parties. Now he hides every party’s date from you.
That time you almost threw yourself off a balcony to try and emulate a very drunk demon’s newest dance move.
“I need to stay TRENDY, Asmo!! I’ll be fine!!”
Ever since learning Demonus doesn’t affect humans you have challenged every single stuck-up tough boy to a drinking contest.
And every single time you win, Asmo has had to *narrowly* save you from being killed by said demon.
And you just say “he deserved it” every time.
And like, yeah okay, he probably did but YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE.
Somehow, you manage to out-party Asmo.
dON’T TELL THE OTHERS but he lives for the times when you practically fall asleep on his shoulder while coming home from a rager. You may not get drunk, but when you’re sleepy, you’re so affectionate and something in his heart melts.
At first, Satan was all for the rebellious “life life with no restraints” thought process you explained to him.
I mean, he didn’t like the assumption that he and his brothers couldn’t control themselves to not accidentally kill you, but also… fair.
But he didn’t realize that this mindset followed through for EVERY demon in ANY place.
Including RAD, where old and wizened demons were *really* not used to being contradicted
Which led to you “accidentally insulting” your 5000 year old Human Studies professor by giving them a pop quiz on current memes (which they failed).
And left Satan as the one who had to make sure that said professor didn’t kill you. 
And the thing is, this keeps happening.
You’ve written all over the school’s library books, pointing out every error.
You *continue* to argue with the demons who threaten to kill you when you say silly things like “No, Solomon did not learn his sorcery at Hogwarts because Hogwarts isn’t REAL.”
(Solomon, meanwhile, refutes you vehemently and seems to grow three inches taller every time you glare at him.)
Satan assures you that he values knowledge and truth and all that, but could you maybe find a less dangerous way to push it?
No can do, Satan, because you already had plans with Mammon to use a curse that writes the history of the actual Sorceric Academy that Solomon attended like 400 years all over the desks in Human Studies. It’s activated by anyone saying “Hogwarts”. 
No, no, Satan, it’s brilliant, because you can’t do magic. It can’t be you who did it.
Satan, no don’t tell Lucifer.
I thought you hated him. Satan, wait. 
You are the only person in the history of ever who convinces him to come to Lucifer for intervention. You wear that badge with pride and also deep, deep, bitter sadness. 
Like, through the plot your willingness to be a thorn in anyone’s side just to get more information really works for Belphie.
He’s like all I gotta do is ask? Sweet. Yeah. Go, human.
But then when he’s all big and threatening and “im gonna kill you” and you just kind of look at him and nod like “yeah, this checks out.” 
Frankly, that’s rude, MC. 
And then he keeps threatening to kill you and it doesn’t even PHASE you like. You just keep listening to him rant and going “OH i think i get it now”
He liked that you were always looking for more information when he was the one pushing you around, but now?
No. Human, he is going to KILL you here, STOP ASKING QUESTIONS.
And then you do the time-travel bit, and see that he *literally has killed you in one timeline* and you just like
Shrug it off and keep talking about Lilith???????
Tbh what probably stopped him from doing it again is just that you’re fucking insane, MC 
“MC, you literally just saw yourself dead in Mammon’s arms”
You wave your hand vaguely in his direction and say, “Yeah okay, but can we talk about the lack of communication in this household because it is tearing this family apart.”
What the fuck MC
When he’s back to normal, tbh he loves that side of you. He loves getting into shit when he’s not sleeping. He will 100% encourage you and be there to make sure that you *don’t* actually die again.
He’s the only one who doesn’t actually try to stop you. Who knew he was so into chaos.
But if you try to drag him to a plan when he should be sleeping he will be like Beel and literally just hold you down while he naps dammit. You brought this on yourself. He needs sleep.
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rekrappeter · 4 years
illicit affairs [7]
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader || topper thornton x fem!reader
warnings: emotional abuse, mention of cheating, cursing, violence, physical fight, mention of blood, kissing 
summary: the last thing you expected entering an anonymous chat room was to be connected with a man from the same island. nevermind, building a proper bond with them through late-night messages, not knowing who or what they were. you told them everything, you leaned on them in times of need. it was a secret you held tightly, even from your boyfriend, Topper. But what happens when you find out the stranger you’ve fallen in love with is the man that despises you for being a kook, the one and only JJ Maybank?
notes: thank you all for the lovely comments on previous parts. I hope you like this one just as much, let me what you think! if you want to be tagged, please send me an ask as I might lose it if it’s a comment. Thank you :) y’all can thank @rafecameron​ for me taking it easy on topper !! yes im using a kissing booth gif, apologies 
this is also dedicated to my love @diverdcwn​
part six || series masterlist || part eight
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It became routine after that night. JJ would knock on your window at eleven p.m, bringing different types of snacks and drinks. He’d stumble over your furniture, you’d stiffen the laughs that wanted to escape and he’d get comfortable on your bed, snuggling into you. You were sure to keep quiet but he never failed making you shush him in fear that your mother would hear his loud obnoxious laugh. Your bedroom was your safe haven, it was the space you shared solemnly with JJ. You avoided him in public, and he would ignore you, pretending that he didn’t just leave your embrace hours beforehand. It was better this way, for the time being. 
On Wednesday night, he came right on time, carrying goldfish and caramel chocolate bars in his backpack. You got to pick the movie for the night, knowing that neither one of you would be paying attention to it instead updating each other on your antics of the day. You opted for Clueless, a movie that could play in the background but what you didn’t expect was for JJ to become totally engrossed to it.
‘Have you never seen this?’ you chuckled, popping a goldfish into your mouth. 
JJ shook his head, ‘I-I just, aren’t they step siblings? They can hardly date each other..’ his face turned to a grimace and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. He turned to look at you, smiling softly and rolling his eyes. ‘Stop that.’
‘Stop what?’ you asked, twisting your body to look at him. 
‘Stop giggling, it’s cute,’ he replied, a blush sketching across his cheeks. 
‘Stop making me giggle then,’ you retorted. 
JJ bit his bottom lip, moving the packet of crisps that separated your body and moved in closer to you. His hand trailed along your hip, your crop top riding up slightly. Your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation of his fingers brushing your bare skin, and your stomach felt like it was twisting in on itself. ‘Have you spoke to Topper yet?’ JJ’s voice was small and soft, almost as if he was afraid to ask the question.
‘No, not yet, but I’m meeting him Friday night,’ you said, opening your eyes to look at him. His face was closer, you could feel his breath fawning over your lips and you wanted nothing more than to close the gap between you but you refrain yourself from doing so. That’s the thing about this; you and JJ were friends, slowly turning to becoming each other’s best friend. The last week has been nothing short of amazing, creating that connection that you once established online. There was no doubt you were in love with him. 
‘Are you meeting him at the boneyard?’ he asked, circling his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. You rested your head on his chest, letting him cuddle into you. 
‘Yeah, is that okay? I know you’ll be there.’
‘It’s fine, don’t let me stop you from meeting your boyfriend,’ JJ chuckled, you knew he was trying to play it off as if it didn’t matter and deep down, it did to him. He wanted to be the one showing you off, bringing you to parties. He wanted to be the one kissing you goodnight and goodmorning, he was the one that was always there anyway. 
You pushed away from him, hovering over him. ‘You know it’s not like, Jay.’
He forced a smile, brushing some of your hair behind your ear. ‘I’m teasing, I know what I signed up for. Now c’mere.’ He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, something that you would never had associated with JJ before; being gentle, being sweet. The man that lay beside you each night was a person that you thought you knew for a long time, but you had yet to figure him out until the last couple of weeks. 
‘You know, he’s not my boyfriend, right?’ you muttered, laying on your back, your arm brushing against his. He raised his right hand in the air, yours following his movements and tangled your fingers in his. 
‘But you still care about him, you won’t let me kiss you.’ 
‘Friends don’t kiss, JJ,’ you hummed, brushing his fingers. ‘We’re just friends.’
JJ chuckled softly, glancing at you for a split second with a smirk on his face, ‘Yeah, okay.’ You laughed along with him, shaking your head. 
‘What’s that suppose to me?’ you muttered when you laughs died down. JJ clasped his larger fingers over yours, bringing your hand to his lips and peppered kisses on your skin. 
‘I love my friends, but I don’t love them like I do you,’ JJ whispered, his heart hammering against his chest as the confession left his tongue. He was nervous, opening up to you about you. He was so used to pushing his other baggage on you; his family history, his friend problems, his worry about the future. But he wanted to talk about the thing that was bothering him the most, that thing being you and his feelings towards you. 
You were at lost for words, never thinking you’d hear JJ admit that he was in love with you. It’s so easy to fall in love online, you create this picture perfect persona for the person you’re talking to and when you meet them in real life, you always expected that picture to burn away, being replaced with reality. But the time you’ve spent with JJ has been special, you looked forward to seeing him and you giggled and blushed a lot. You felt like a teenage girl again, sneaking around and this time you weren’t going to beat around the bush.
‘You love me?’ you whispered, turning your body to face him.
JJ licked his lips, swallowing back any hesitation before nodding, ‘I do, I do love you.’ 
A smile tugged on your lips, ‘I’m in love with you.’ 
Having you say those words to him, JJ felt like he was on top of the world. His heart was soaring high, his stomach flipping and his palms sweating. He ran his hand up your body to cup your face, feeling you sucking in a deep breath, he brought you closer, resting his forehead on yours. You breathed in each other’s scent, eyes closed and this was the most intimate it was going to get because he knew you didn’t want your first kiss to be riddled with guilt and shame. He knew he’d have to wait. 
You had a skip in your step the whole next day, a wide smile plastered on your face as you interacted with other people despite the blue eyed boy being on your mind twenty four seven. It wasn’t until you crossed paths with your mother minutes before you were about to walk out your front door and make your way to the boneyard. The moment she spotted your smile, her eyes gazed down at your outfit and it was like a mask covered her face in a split second. 
‘Where do you think you’re going dressed like that?’ she asked. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes at her words, pulling at the thread of your jean shorts; your outfit was nothing short of what every other person would wear on the island. 
‘I’m meeting Topper at the beach,’ you simply replied.
‘So he forgave you?’ your mother chuckled drily, taking a sip of the wine glass, ‘I hope you realise how lucky you are.’ 
Shuffling on the pristine carpet, you looked between her and the mirror in front of you in the hallway, noting the little similarities that you shared with her. You heaved out a sigh, running your hand over your face. ‘I’m not asking him to forgive me tonight, I’m ending it completely.’ 
The heavy silence settled. You watched as she ran her tongue along her pearl white teeth, her lips smacking together. Her lips looked like they wanted to twitch into a smile, but it was a smile of disappointment and disbelief. ‘I-I don’t know what to do with you anymore.’ 
‘You don’t have to do anything with me, I’m twenty years old now.’
‘Oh, because you’re twenty, you don’t need me anymore,’ she nodded her head slowly, as if she was coming to terms with something life changing. She walked towards you, her pink fluffy slippers dragging along the carpet. 
‘I-i don’t think I ever really needed you,’ your voice was miles apart from your brain. You stumbled back as she walked towards you, closing the gap. Her eyes were full of amusement, but fiery lightning behind them at your words. You could see her knuckles getting paler as she grasped the wine glass. ‘You never did anything good for me.’ 
‘Good for you? Look around, look at where you’re living! I did all this, for you. For you to live a good life.’
‘No, mother! You did all this for you! You never cared about me!’ you shouted at her, watching her take a step back at your raised voice. ‘You put me down everyday! You belittle me! You make me feel like everything I do is wrong!’
‘Because it is!’ She screamed, suddenly raising her arm and throwing the glass in your direction. You jumped out of the way, letting the glass break into a million pieces against the wall, the red wine painting the cream wallpaper. Your heart hammered against your chest, staring wide eyed at your mother. ‘You have never done anything right!’ The tears were streaming down her face, the anger simmering over.
‘You never gave me a chance, you watched me like a hawk. Every mistake I made, you judged. You never let me be a kid, or a teenager, I was under lock and key ever since father-’ your voice broke, your eyes watering over. 
‘You say I kept you under lock and key but look at you, y/n. If I had any control over you, you would be in college, aiming for a good life but you’re throwing it away. You’re nothing but a disgrace to this family, to me, to your father.’ She turned on her heels, her voice echoing in your ears as you sobbed uncontrollably. Your cries were whimpers, barely a sound passing your lips. The house was closing in, suffocating you to the point that you stumbled out of it, making sure to slam the door as loud as you could.
Climbing into your jeep, you made a beeline towards the boneyard. You only wanted one person. You longed to be wrapped in his arms, to have his warmth and scent comforting you. You swerved on the road multiple times, slamming on your breaks when you pulled into the parking lot half a mile from where people were gathering. You didn’t want to cause a scene, you just wanted JJ to wrap his arms around you and tell you everything was going to be okay. 
As you walked down the walkway, the fresh air from the sea washed over you. Your numbing mind waking up, making you aware of what was going on. You were unconsciously walking towards the group of pogues that were gathered around the keg. You halted in your step, feeling the breath being knocked out of you when JJ noticed your figure there. He stood up straighter, seeing the tears streaming down your cheeks. The sky was still bright, welcoming the summer evening, he could see your figure from miles away. JJ stepped around the pogues, making his way over to you in a rush but he paused. 
‘Hey, y/n, you made it,’ the voice sent shivers down your spine, turning to face Topper. JJ watched you intently, your eyes still on him, it was like he was waiting. Waiting for you to make a decision. Topper’s arm gripped your forearm, pulling you to the side. You lost sight of JJ when your body spun around, thanks to Topper. ‘What’s wrong? Why are you crying?’ 
‘It’s nothing, Topper,’ you mumbled, wiping away the tears with the white sweater you threw on. 
Topper’s stare switched to the pogue watching the couple, his eyes narrowing slightly. ‘Is this something to do with him?’ he snarled, you turned your head to see JJ, watching him swallow and twist on his heels, walking back to the keg.
‘N-no, Topper, it was my-’ But Topper pushed past you, not letting you explain. You watched him rush towards JJ, knocking him in the back and pushing him to the sand. Topper hovered over him, throwing punches while grabbing his shirt, pulling him from the sand. ‘Topper!’ you screamed, running to the men that were gathering a crowd, chanting. 
You tried to jump on Topper, but when he pulled his arm back to punch JJ, his elbow connected to your jaw making you fall back onto your ass. ‘Topper!’ you screamed again, tears free falling from your eyes. ‘Pope, do something!’ you screamed at the only familiar face you could make out from the crowd. You scrambled from the sand, going in for a second attempt of pulling Topper off JJ. 
You and Pope both grabbed an arm each, reaving him off the body. Pope held him down, but the blonde underneath him scrambled away on his ass, watching you. Topper watched you glance at him for a split second before your attention was solemnly on JJ, who sat up, spitting blood from his mouth. 
‘Hey, hey, are you okay?’ you asked frantically, cupping his face to see how bad the damage was. His eyes were disorientated and fatigued, barely opening but he managed to nod before collapsing to the sand again, trying to catch his breath. 
‘I take it you told him,’ JJ mumbled, but from the cringe in your face, he knew he said the wrong thing.
‘Tell me what?’ Topper snapped from behind you, standing now. You swallowed back the lump in your throat, cursing JJ under your breath. You stood up slowly, turning to look at the man you once loved. His face was a mix of emotions, eyes flicking between you and JJ. You reached to grab his hand but he stumbled backwards away from you, ‘What’s going on?’ 
‘Can we go somewhere private?’ you muttered, glaring at the crowd still around you. Some people looked away and turned their back, but others’ ears perked up and were waiting for you to continue. ‘Don’t make me do it here.’
You followed Topper away from the gathering, down towards the shore. JJ stood from the sand, watching your retreating figure and he wanted nothing more than to be there with you, but he knew you needed to do this yourself. Topper turned to look at you, waiting for you to start your explanation, to give him a bit of insight into what the hell was going on. 
‘Topper, just know I didn’t mean for this to happen,’ his eyes screwed close at your words, sucking in a deep breath, ‘and I never did anything. It just happened, we created this connection and-’
‘And you cheated on me?’ he asked, looking at you intently with his eyes glossing. 
‘No,’ you urged, ‘N-not physically anyways, I never kissed him.’ 
‘But you wanted to?’ 
You nodded slowly, hearing Topper curse and run his hand over his face, as if he was trying to contain some of the hurt he was feeling. ‘Why does this always happen to me? L-like what am I doing wrong?’ Any anger or fear that you were feeling completely disappeared, replaced with guilt and sadness. You didn’t mean to make Topper feel like this, you didn’t know he felt like this at all or that there was a possibility of it. 
‘Topper, you are such a great guy..’
‘But I don’t know.. you’re a little intense,’ you mumbled, nibbling on your bottom lip.
‘You cheated on me because I was intense? Because I loved you too much?’ He asked in disbelief, his eyes wide. He paced on the sand, kicking the grains with his sandals. 
‘You don’t love me, Topper, you-’
‘Don’t pull that shit, Sarah did the same thing. It became a phenomenon,’ Topper snapped, his fingers gliding through his hair. ‘What’s going on with you and JJ now?’ 
You looked up at the beach, seeing JJ standing to the side, watching you. You tried to suppress the smile, but you couldn’t. Topper seemed oddly at ease, something you weren’t expecting; maybe it was the break you were on that eased the blow of it. He must have suspected something. ‘We’ve just been hanging out as friends.’
‘A pogue,’ Topper rolled his eyes, and you were about to retaliate until you spotted the smirk resting on his lips. You pushed his arm, and he used this as an opportunity to pull you into a hug, his face nesting into your neck. He tightened his arms around you, squeezing you.
‘I’m sorry, Top,’ you muttered into his ear, wrapping your arms around him. 
‘I’m sorry too,’ he replied, pulling back slightly, ‘Maybe you could help me, be my wingwoman sometime.’ 
You threw your head back laughing but nodded, smiling up at him. ‘Deal.’ 
You made your way back up the beach, ignoring prying eyes before you went your separate ways, bidding each other goodbye with small smiles. You walked towards JJ who was waiting patiently, two drinks in his hands. He reached one out to you, which you gladly accepted and you sighed, downing it. 
‘That seemed to have gone reasonably well,’ JJ mumbled, looking at you over the rim of his own cup. 
‘Better than expected,’ you smiled, ‘I’ll be his new wingwoman, find him a good aul pogue.’
‘I have a few friends,’ JJ offered, and you chuckled, ‘you kooks do seem to have a thing for pogues. First Sarah Cameron, now y/n y/l/n.’
‘Who says I have a thing for a pogue?’
JJ threw his cup to the sand, taking yours and tossing it to the ground. He grabbed your hands, pulling you in closer. You giggled at the impact of his chest against yours, tilting your head to look up at him. ‘You still love me?’ he asked, his blue eyes staring into yours.
You pretended to think about the answer, making him tickle your side. ‘Aye, stop. Of course I do,’ his heart hammered against his chest again, he won’t ever get used to hearing that you love him. A sly smile landed on his face, and you ran your fingers up his arms, letting him hold you close to him. 
‘Where does this leave us then?’ JJ asked softly, fluttering his eyelashes at you. He felt vulnerable in this moment, giving you his heart. 
Your fingers brushed his jaw, running them through his hair before they rested at the back of his head. His eyes shut at the sensation, taking a deep breath in. You took this as your opportunity to lean towards him, slowly pressing your lips to his. He was shocked at first, but followed your lead and applied more pressure. Moving your lips against his, he pulled you in closer by the hips and you gripped his hair gently, deepening the kiss. 
@diverdcwn​ @yuxsh06​ @starlightstarkey​ @hmspoguee​ @ryley1020​  @thefangirlofthecentury​ @lahey-paradise​ @bailspogue​ @fangirlfree​ @thisishowifeelrn​ @deviouscharitos​  @pink-meringues​ @teamnick​ @jjmaybankwildtimes​ @x-lulu​ @danicarosaline​ @canibeoneofthepogues​ @http-cherries​ @sinkbeneathwaves​ @ilymarkchan​ @afterglows7b-tch13​ @rudyypankow​ @kahnacademyforfun​ @ifilwtmfc​ @asaks6082 @casper17​ @coloradogirl07​ @basically--meghan​ @alternativehp​ @outrbanks​ @deathcompass​ @prejudic3​ @jewel25​ @teenwaywardasgardian​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @why-is-gamora-786​ @jasminesuperstar123456789​ @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @outerbongs​ @kennedywxlsh​  @bxmaaa​ @httpstarkey​ @velyssaraptor​​ @duskangxl​​ @sweetlysilent​​ @haharudy​​ @urlocalbrochure​​ @diverrdown​​ @obx-direction-sos​​ @poguestyleskye​​ @stfukie​​ @butgilinsky​​ @outerbnx-stiles​​ @maysbanks​​  @ultranikilove​​​ @arianawills​​​ @newsies-yeet​​​ @vindictive-hearts​​​ @queenieloveswriting​​​ @rudths​​​ @heyitsmeimdead​​  @solllaris​​ @cremextart​​ @olsenholic​​ @arianabrashierstuff​​ @apoguecalledjj​​ @renatafairchild​​ @obx-snippets​​ @jaxandcomet​​ @lunaticlua​​ @bolditalicwriter​ @summerkaulitz​ @maybankiara​ @strivingforelegance @anonymous0writer​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @nicolefarley603
crossed out means i couldnt tag you for some reason :)
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sunniewrites · 2 years
elloello!! just popping in for a second to comment on your review on the movie encanto, as i myself am latino and the comments you made specifically about abuela are quite offensive.
the movie in its whole is trying to teach a lesson about generational healing as well as generational trauma. in latino families, its very common in some families for the grandparents to have some form of trauma which then their trauma and extremely toxic environment gets passed down to their children and so on and so forth. in my experience, being in a family with generational trauma is absolutely suffocating and scary because if you talk about your feelings? you get beat. try to make things better? get beat.
and its so frustrating and it really feels like a hit to the stomach when white people (to my assumption, please tell me if youre not!!) trash on abuela without the information or context on just how REAL the situation is for millions and millions of latinos- minus all the magic of course. except for one crucial, special detail- mirabel forgives abuela.
mirabel forgiving abuela after abuela realizes all shes done to effect her family is like a DREAM to so many Latinos! because the alternative- mirabel not forgiving abuela and instead abandoning her family as many white people suggest- wouldnt change anything. the rest of her family would still be living in a place of generational trauma, and mirabel would just be another outcast like bruno. and GOD dude, us latinos are just so f-ckin tired of being shown what we thought was our fate, to abandon our family. this movie has given me and millions of latinos hope that there is an alternative ending for us.
and keep in mind as well, family is EXTREMELY important in many latino and Hispanic countries! this is less so in countries that are predominantly white because as of modern day people in predominantly white countries are taught to live by their own terms more often than to pay mind to traditions. this is why mirabel was so quick to forgive abuela. because she truly cares for her and she didnt wanna leave her family despite what abuela has done to the family. this isnt nessicarily a bad thing either since abuela apologized.
thats pretty much all i have to say thus far. id like to ask you to delete the post about abuela if thats alright? i understand that your words came from a place of ignorance and lack of information on Latino culture, but now that you do know, its really really uncomfortable and disturbing to see.
~krabs :]
hello krabs!!! im sorry if i came off ignorant or offending to you. i myself don't know much about the latino culture and it was wrong of me to rant about it without any knowledge.
i will take down the post! i also am sorry if i offended you or anyone else who saw that post. that was not my intention and i made a mistake on my part. im so sorry /gen
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hollyxqx · 4 years
just business  //  shownu  //  04
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↪ PAIRING: Reader / Shownu ↪ SUMMARY: Y/N’s mysterious new neighbour has definitely caught your eye. He’s quiet but the two of strike up an unlikely friendship. He doesn’t speak about his work to you and you don’t ask, but when his job puts your life in danger questions have to be answered once and for all.
↪ WARNINGS: non-con kissing/wonho is a creep im sorry/blood/violence/mentions of drug dealing/guns
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Your eyes fluttered open and immediately the pain in your head screamed at you. It was dark and you were disorientated, mind foggy and body aching. The side of your head felt wet and you reached up to touch it but your hands were tied together. The reality of your situation set in and you remembered with horror what had happened to you.
You had no idea how much time had passed. Looking around you analysed the room you were in.  It looked like a basement, with stairs in the far right corner leading up. You were on a bed in the corner wrists and ankles tied together but at least you were alone. Groaning in pain, you tried to sit up, willing your body to listen to you.
An image of the stranger who hit you flashed in your mind and you wondered if he was here as well. Then Kihyun and the bar popped into your mind. Would he notice something had happened? Would he notice you were gone? How could anyone find you if you didn't even know where you were?
Suddenly, the door to the basement opened, startling you. Light flooded into the dark room and your eyes took a second to adjust. The silhouette of a man stood in the doorway. "Ah, princess, you're awake." A voice said and you instantly recognised it as the man who had captured you. He strut down the stairs and to your dismay you saw he was smiling. Out of instinct you cowered, bringing your tied hands up to your chest. "Don't be scared, sleeping beauty." He laughed.
You could do nothing but watch as he moved towards you. He roughly grabbed you by the wrists, bringing you to your feet. To your surprise he lifted you with ease and threw you over his shoulder, as if you weighed nothing. His strength was intimidating. "Where are you taking me?" You cried before you could stop yourself.
"You're going to meet someone important." He stated, making his way up the stairs. You struggled against him but he only gripped you tighter. "You're a feisty baby aren't you?" He laughed again and you felt terror pool in your stomach. He seemed to be enjoying this.
From the awkward angle you couldn't see where he was taking you, just the hardwood of the floor. After a few moments you could hear voices and you knew you were close to whatever destination he had planned. He swung open a door and before you could blink you were thrown on top of a sofa. You yelped in surprise.
"This is the bitch he's fucking?" Someone said with a laugh. Your eyes landed on the source of the voice, a very tall slender man stood leaning casually against the wall, twirling a knife in his hands.  "Thought he'd have better taste than that." He scoffed and rolled his eyes with a smirk.
"I kind of like her." Your captor said, licking his lips at you. The way he looked at you made your breath catch and not in a good way. He looked at you like you were his last meal.
"You would, Wonho." The tall man replied. He looked almost bored by the situation. You barely breathed as you quickly scanned the room. Aside from who you learned was Wonho, and the tall man there were two men you recognised from earlier, who had helped with your kidnapping. Neither of them spoke, just stood silently by the door as if they were guarding it. They both help guns in their hands and you gulped in fear.
"She's got a fire in her." Wonho said, eyeing you up and down. "I like a challenge." He sat down on the sofa next to you and leaned over, brushing your hair out of your face. The gentleness of the gesture somehow terrifying you even more. "You going to be a good girl and not move? I don't want to hit you again." All you could do was nod.
"I'd listen to him, before Jooheon gets here." The tall man looked over at you, eyebrows raised in warning. "He's not as forgiving as Wonho." That thought alone was scary, giving that this man had already knocked you unconscious. You wondered how bad this Jooheon person could be.
"Jooheon just wants to chat, baby girl." Wonho said. "So make sure and talk." He added with a smirk.
You could do nothing but sit there, wide eyed with fear, mind racing. The zip ties on your wrists were uncomfortably tight and you wanted nothing but to cut them off and run a million miles away from this room. It made no sense to you why these people would want to capture you. You were nobody. Unimportant. You knew nothing of this side of Shownu's life so if they wanted information they were out of luck. You just worried what they would do when they found out that you really didn't know anything.
The door to the room opened with a click and your eyes immediately went to the sound. In walked a dark haired man in a leather jacket, shoulders hunched and eyes narrowed. Behind him trailed a smaller man who was talking quickly but in a language you didn't understand. "Sir." Both Wonho and the tall man greeted him. You assumed this had to be Jooheon. His eyes landed on you and you looked away, unable to hold his powerful gaze. He sat down at the desk situated on the other side of the room.
"Bring her here." He said, making you look back up to him. "Now." He added. Wonho obliged instantly and hoisted you up, carrying you over to where Jooheon had instructed. He sat you down in the chair opposite the desk. "Do you have her phone?" He asked Wonho. The muscular man simply nodded and slipped your phone out of his pocket, sliding it across the desk to Jooheon. You wanted to speak, to cry out but you felt frozen. The cold calmness in the way Jooheon acted was intmidating. "Do you know why you're here?" He asked suddenly.
"N-no." You stuttered.
"Your boyfriend has something I want." Jooheon said calmly. "And I want you to get him to give it to me."
"I-Im really sorry but I can't help you," You stressed, trying to control the panic rising in your voice.
"You might be the only one who can help me." His voice was deadly and it gave you chills.
"How can I help you?" You said feebly. "He really isn't my boyfriend, he's not going to listen to me, you're wasting your time." You were rambling now, the fear overcoming you. Jooheon silenced you with a wave of his hand.
"That might be true, but he cares about you. I can see it." Jooheon leaned back in his chair, eyes still trained on you. They had been watching you, spying on you and Shownu for god knows how long. "I've known Shownu a lot, lot longer than you have. Since we were children essentially." He said, taking you by surprise.
"Then why can't you get him to do what you want, if you know him so well?" The words slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them. Jooheon's eyes darkened.
"Why do you think you're here? This is how I'm doing it." He leaned on the desk, eyes never leaving yours. "You're my leverage. I'm willing to bet there's not much he won't do to keep you safe."
"What are you going to do to me?" You asked quietly.
"Nothing," Jooheon said simply. "Yet." He added, making your stomach knot with fear. "I want Shownu to worry a bit first, so you're going to be with us for a while."
"No, please!" You begged. "Please, I have a job, I have friends who will look for me. I'll do what you want just please let me go."
"I know excatly who will look for you." Jooheon replied. "Kihyun's going to be so worried...." He trailed off. God, you hoped Kihyun was okay and they hadn't touched him. You would never forgive yourself if something happened to him. "Here's what's going to happen." Jooheon stated calmly. "I'm going to keep your phone and you're going to stay here for however long it takes for Shownu to get in touch. When he does I'll negotiate you for what I want. Simple."
"What do you want?" You asked.
"Your naughty boyfriend has been trading drugs with a very huge dealer and making lots of money. I want that dealer's business." He said simply. Your face twisted in confusion. Just exactly how dangerous was Shownu? You knew he was up to something, but something of this magnitude was completely unexpected. He was a drug dealer. A major drug dealer. "You didn't know?" Jooheon asked, seeing the look on your face.
"No." You said quietly. You could see Wonho smirking out the corner of your eye.
"So innocent!" Wonho laughed and squeezed your thigh. You recoiled in horror but he only laughed. Jooheon shot him a warning glance and he removed his hand but the smile remained on his face.
"Your boyfriend is a dangerous man, make no mistake." Jooheon warned. "But he's not stupid either. If he knows what's best for him he'll do what I'm asking."
"And if he doesn't?" You asked in a small voice.
"I'll kill you myself and leave your body on his doorstep." Jooheon was so calm you knew he really meant what he said. He didn't even blink as the words left his mouth. "Wonho," He turned to the man beside you. "Take her back to the basement." Wonho nodded and moved to lift you again. "And hands off, yeah? Don't want to traumatise her just yet."
Wonho picked you up once more, this time bridal style. You weren't sure who you were more scared of, him or Jooheon. He carried you back to the basement, this time you didn't struggle at all, accepting your fate for now. Once you were down the basement steps he sat you down on the bed and flicked the light on. "I'll be back later with some food, angel." He said, winking at you and leaving the room. You had to get out of here, you couldn't wait around for Shownu.
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It had been nearly 48 hours since Kihyun had discovered the bar half destroyed, which meant it had been 48 hours since anyone had seen or heard from Y/N. He had told the police what he knew but they hadn't had any leads yet and he was starting to get sick with worry. He felt useless, he just wanted to be able to do something. Anything to help.
He was cleaning the bar when a voice tore him from his thoughts. "I'm looking for Y/N." His eyes were met with Shownu's and instantly his grip on the cloth tightened, jaw clenching. "Is she here?"
"Nope." He said curtly, returning his attention back to cleaning, using every effort to control himself. He blamed Shownu for you disappearing. He hadn't trusted the older man from the moment he first laid eyes on him.
"Do you know where I might find her? I can't get a hold of her..." Shownu trailed off.
"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to you." Kihyun spat. Shownu's face screwed up in confusion at the younger man's hostility. "Or maybe she's gone fucking missing."
Shownu's brows furrowed. "Missing?" He said quietly. "What do you mean, missing?"
Kihyun stopped what he was doing and threw the cloth down harshly. "You tell me." He said coldly.
"What are you talking about?" Shownu's voice was calm but that didn't stop the panic start to creep up on him.
"Something's happened and she's gone, don't pretend like you don't have something to do with it. You probably did it yourself, asshole." Kihyun narrowed his eyes, watching Shownu closely.
Shownu snapped, grabbing Kihyun roughly by the forearm before snatching him so their faces were almost touching. "Firstly, the only thing stopping me from smacking you across the mouth for speaking to me so rudely is I know how much Y/N cares about you, and she wouldn't want that. So watch your fucking tone when you speak to me." Kihyun stayed silent, furiously scowling at the older man. "Secondly, you need to tell me what happened. Now." He let go of Kihyun, shoving him away.
"Something happened, here, at the bar." Kihyun sighed. "I came to work the day after she was closing up alone. There were bullet holes and the door was kicked in. That's all I know."
Shownu froze. "Are you fucking serious?" Kihyun nodded gravely.
"I've reported it to the police, but nothing has come of it..." Kihyun threw his hands up in frustration.
"Listen to me," Shownu commanded. "No more police ok?"
"What? Why? We need - "
"No." Shownu interrupted, holding a hand up to silence the younger man. "I know more about this kind of stuff than you."
"What, kidnapping?!" Kihyun scoffed incredulously.
"Yes." Shownu said seriously. "Now stop being a brat and listen to me. Do you have cctv footage here?" Kihyun nodded, a confused look on his face. "Can I see it?"
"It's on the computer in the back." Kihyun stated. "Follow me." He led Shownu to the back office and started the computer. Shownu was silent, his expression unreadable. Kihyun pulled up the footage from that night and played it for Shownu. "There's no sound, only video." He explained.
Shownu said nothing as he watched. From the angle of the camera it was hard to see what happened, let alone who the perpetrator was. He suspected they knew that and had planned accordingly. "Pause here." He instructed and Kihyun did as he asked. It was the clearest shot of the incident and Shownu's stomach dropped when he recognised the face.
"What is it?" Kihyun asked, trying to read his face.
"I have to go." Shownu said suddenly. He made to leave.
"What is it?!" Kihyun was yelling now, frustrated. Shownu said nothing and stormed out of the office, making his way out of the bar, ignoring Kihyun's shouts. "Fucking weirdo." Kihyun mumbled under his breath. He didn't trust Shownu one bit and he suspected that he knew something, he only hoped it would help in finding Y/N alive.
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You weren't sure how long you had been in the basement, the only thing breaking up the hours were when Wonho would bring you food. Much to your dismay he insisted on watching you shower, smacking his lips in delight at your naked form. He claimed it was because you needed to be monitored at all times. As Jooheon had instructed he kept his hands off you but it didn't make you any less uncomfortable. As if on cue the basement door swung open and Wonho appeared in the doorway.
"You hungry princess?" He asked, casually strolling down the steps, tray of food in hand. You didn't answer. He crossed the room and set it on the small table next to the bed. "I think your boyfriend has finally figured out where you are." He added, completely taking you by surprise.
"How do you know?" You asked quickly.
"Jooheon got a very threatening phone call." He said. He sat next to you on the bed and instinctively you shifted further away from him. "At least he knows what Jooheon wants now..." He scooted closer to you and you averted his gaze. "I'm going to be sad when you go. Or when Jooheon kills you." He grabbed you roughly by the chin, forcing you to look at him.
"I thought you were told not to touch me." You spat, struggling to get out of his grip. He smirked and held you harder.
"Oh but I want to, Y/N." He leaned in close, his lips hovering over yours. "You're so cute when you're scared."
He was right, you were shaking you were so frightened but you were defiant. You'd had enough. "Let go of me!" You wiggled out of his grip but he was stronger, he grabbed you, rolling over so he had you on your back, pinned down with the weight of his muscular frame. "Get off!" You whined, trying to shake him off of you.
He ignored you, pinning your arms above your head in one swift movement. Wonho leaned down close to your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin. "I bet you moan like a bitch in heat when you get fucked." He thrust his hips up as if to drive his point home. It made your skin crawl. "The things I would do to you, princess." He planted a kiss on your neck. "I'd make you cry, baby girl."
You felt like you were going to cry already at his words. He moved to your mouth and gave you a sloppy kiss, getting frustrated when you turned your head away. Using his free hand he grabbed you by the chin forcing you to kiss him. You screwed your eyes shut tight, not even wanting to look at him. "Stop, please!" You cried but it was no use.
He started to undo your pants and that's when you snapped. Seizing his moment of distraction you did the only thing you could. You headbutted him as hard as you could, your skull colliding with his nose. "Fuck!" He screamed, hands flying to his face. His nose was bleeding profusely and he jumped off of you. "You bitch!"
He was so preoccupied with his nose you knew you had to act. You ran. Flying up the stairs, taking two at a time, not daring to look back. He shouted something but you didn't catch it, hellbent on getting out of there. You made it out of the basement door and into the hallway you recognised from before. You didn't know the way out but you had to act knowing Wonho wouldn't be long behind you.
Immediately you turned left and ran. All you needed was a window and you could escape.
You spotted one and your heart surged. This was it.
Before you even got close the wind was knocked out of you and you were flat on your back, the tall slender man you met when you arrived had tackled you, stopping you dead in your tracks. You groaned in pain rolling over. "What the fuck happened to your nose?" He said to Wonho as he roughly grabbbed you, pulling you to your feet.
"That bitch hit me," Wonho spat. "Tie her fucking hands." He said to the other man, still clutching his bloody face.
The tall man complied and grabbed some rope that was nearby. "What did we tell you?" He sighed, tightening the knot. It was painfully tight.
"What's going on?" All this commotion had attracted Jooheon's attention and he appeared as if from nowhere. He didn't look happy.
"She hit me that's what!" Wonho yelled, angrily pointing at you.
"It's under control Sir." The tall man replied.
"You had one job!" Jooheon yelled, his voice like thunder and you jumped. He grabbed Wonho by the scruff of his jacket and threw him to the ground, the blood from his nose going everywhere. "So fucking do it."
"I'm sorry." Wonho said, getting to his feet.
"I don't have time to be dealing with this shit." Jooheon said looking between Wonho and the other man. They said nothing, looking embarrassed. The man that was following Jooheon when you arrived suddenly appeared and he spoke quietly in that same foreign language as before. Jooheon's eyes fell on you immediately. "It looks like your boyfriend is here."
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It wasn't the chaos you expected. In fact, it was oddly calm when Shownu arrived. Jooheon instructed the tall man, who you learned to be Hyungwon, to take you into the office where you had your first meeting. So here you sat waiting for Shownu to arrive, feeling nervous. Jooheon was sat at the desk in the room, his black gun resting an arms length away from him. You'd seen more weapons in the last 2 days than you had your entire life combined.
"If you try anything stupid again, I won't be afraid to use this." Hyungwon said, flashing his silver blade at you again. You gulped at the seriousness in his voice.
The door opened and Wonho entered. Your heart stopped when your eyes landed on Shownu, two men you had never seen before in tow. His gaze instantly went to you, tied up in the corner. "Are you ok?" He asked, eyes roaming the blood on your face that Wonho had spilled on you. You nodded, opening your mouth to reply but Jooheon spoke first.
"I'll ask the questions, if you don't mind." He said coolly. Shownu turned his attention to the dark haired man.
"What do you want Jooheon?" Shownu demanded, his voice low.
"You know what I want."
"I told you before, Min Yoongi works with who he wants. It's not my decision." Shownu said, an exasperated tinge to his voice. You were confused, unfamiliar with the name of the person being mentioned, although you could hazard a guess that this was the big time drug dealer Jooheon had mentioned before.
"You can't lean on him a little? Nudge him in my direction hyung?" Jooheon's words were friendly but you knew they meant anything but. In the short time you'd spent around him you sensed his powerful energy and you feared it.
"You know I can't do that." Shownu replied.
"You will if you want your pretty girlfriend back...in one piece." Jooheon said with a smirk. He had the upper hand and he knew it.
"Leave her out of it, Jooheon." Shownu said darkly.
"Too late. She's in it." Jooheon nodded to Hyungwon who grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking you to your feet. You cried out in pain, completely at his mercy. It was subtle but you didn't miss the wince Shownu did at the sound of your cry.
"This is between me and you. Let her go." Shownu said, jaw flexing at the restraint of keeping his voice calm and steady.
"Do what I've asked and I will."
The tension in the room was palpable now as Jooheon waited for Shownu's answer. "It's not that simple." Came his reply. You were starting to get uncomfortable, Hyungwon's grip on you hadn't loosened.
Jooheon shrugged. "That's your problem, not mine. Get Min Yoongi to give me his business, I don't care how you do it."
"Fine." Shownu said to your surprise. "Let her go, now." He pointed to you. "I've agreed to your ridiculous demand."
"It's not that simple." Jooheon said, mocking Shownu's words from earlier. Shownu looked down at the dark haired man, his face hard. "She can go when you've actually done what I've asked."
"No." Shownu countered immediately. "She's not staying here a second longer." He said, his voice louder now.
"You've always been so demanding hyung, ever since we were little." Jooheon spat. "It's my way or no way."
Jooheon looked at Hyungwon again and gestured with his hand. Instantly he started to drag you out of the room by your hair and you wailed. Shownu reacted without thinking, his hand encircle Hyungwon's arm in a warning. "Let go." He threatened.
"Or what?" Jooheon exclaimed. Shownu didn't take his eyes off Hyungwon's silently telling him to do as he asked. You heard the unmistakable sound of a gun cocking and peered round to see Jooheon had raised his weapon and was pointing it at the three of you.
Shownu didn't seem fazed, expression stoic as ever. "You're not going to shoot me." He said with such confidence it bewildered you.
"Try me, Hyunwoo." Jooheon taunted. You looked in between the two men, confused at the name. Hyunwoo?
"You don't have the guts," Shownu said darkly.
Jooheon fired the gun, deliberately missing Shownu. You screamed at the unexpected sound, ducking out of instinct. "You want to test that theory?" Jooheon asked.
Shownu turned back to Jooheon. "I'll do what you want, but she leaves here today with me. How badly do you want my help?"
Jooheon's chest was heaving, seething with anger. You wondered what had happened between the two men for them to have this much tension. Without warning he swung his fist and it connected with Shownu's face. He stumbled back a bit, caught off guard. His hand touched at his lip, blood starting to spill. "If you don't," His words were like ice, dripping with malice. "I will find her, I will fucking kill her slowly and I'll make you watch the entire thing."
Hyungwon shoved you towards Shownu, who caught you before you stumbled, pulling you into his arms. "Are you quite finished?" Shownu said, his voice equally cold.
"Get the fuck out of my sight." Jooheon spat.
"Gladly." Shownu replied and turned on his heel to leave, taking you with him. The two men he had brought followed behind. You stumbled along in a daze, feeling utterly shocked at what you witnessed. Your eyes went to Shownu as you walked and you couldn't help but feel like he was a stranger.
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Shownu was almost totally silent the entire ride home. You didn't speak either, nervous to say anything in front of the two strangers that rode along with you. It wasn't until you were alone that Shownu spoke up.
"Are you ok?" He said softly, brushing your hair out of your face and looking down at you with such sad eyes you wanted to cry. You just nodded, making him sigh. "Let's get you home."
He held your hand as you walked into the apartment building you shared together. You felt numb. The past few days felt like a bad dream you never wanted to have again. You let yourself in to your apartment, Shownu close behind. "I want to shower," You mumbled. "Wash this blood off me."
"Are you hurt?" Shownu asked, looking worried.
"It's not my blood. I broke Wonho's nose." You pointed out. "He tried to - he tried to-" You couldn't even say it out loud, words catching in your throat. Before you realised it hot tears were spilling down your cheeks.
"Hey, it's ok." Shownu cooed, wrapping his arms around you but it only made you cry harder. "What did he do to you?" He asked, tucking your head undeath his, a palm resting gently on the back of your head.
"He's a fucking creep." You managed to get out. "I think he would have raped me if hadn't hurt him." Shownu's grip on you tightened at your words.
"I'll fucking kill him." He spat.
You flinched at the words, having had enough of violent men recently. You pushed Shownu away. "We need to talk, Shownu." He nodded, understanding that this conversation was inevitable. You took his hand in yours and led him over to the sofa, pulling him down next to you as you sat.
"These people will pay for this." He said to you, his eyes dark and cold once more. "I'll make sure of it. I'm so sorry this happened to you." He clenched his fist in anger and you knew he was deadly serious. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."
"There's so much you haven't told me, Shownu." You said quietly. His eyes bore into yours, his gaze intense, waiting for you to continue. "You need to change that, because what you haven't told me almost got me killed today. I can't go through that again."
He took a deep sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "I told you before, I tell you what you need to know."
"You don't think your name is need to know information? Yeah that's right Hyunwoo." You added before he could respond. He looked down at your interlaced hands and you wondered if he felt guilty.
"That's not who I am anymore. I didn't think it was relevant..." He trailed off, still refusing to look at you.
"I feel like I don't know you at all. Jooheon of all people told me what you do. All this time I never knew." You said, removing your hand from his. "I don't think I can do this anymore." He finally looked up at you and you couldn't miss the hurt in his eyes. "I don't want to live in constant fear, Shownu."
"I warned you when we first started talking that my life is like this." He said and your heart twinged at how small his voice sounded. "You think I want you to be scared all the time? Of course not. I just liked you so much I couldn't stay away." He sighed again.
This was the person you thought you knew. Not the drug dealing thug you'd witnessed today. "Did you know they were going to do that to me?" You asked suddenly.
"No." He said quietly. "I didn't even know they got to you until I spoke to Kihyun."
Your heart dropped at the sound of your friends name. "Is he ok?" You asked quickly.
Shownu nodded. "Yeah, he's fine. Just a bit shaken up."
You made a mental note to phone your friend later. Right now all you wanted to do was sleep and forget. Your body was aching from the physical abuse it suffered. "Are you going to do what Jooheon wants?" You asked, because your life literally did depend on it.
"Yes. I don't have a choice." Shownu said, eyes raking over you silently saying because of you. "I won't let anything happen to you again Y/N. I mean it."
"How can I trust that when something already did?" You mumbled. His eyes wrinkled, your words hurting him.
"Because I won't let you out of my sight ever again." His face was deadpan, he meant what he said. He grabbed both of your hands and pulled you into his lap, kissing you as he did so. It felt so nice to be in his arms again. You kissed him back, your body betraying you at his touch. He had this way of making you feel so secure in arms, thoughts of how dangerous he was vanishing like a cloud. His hands were all over you, needing to feel every inch of you. "Anything you want to know, ask and I'll tell you. No secrets." He said quietly against your lips, pulling you in for another kiss.
"Shownu," You sighed in pleasure as you felt his hand skim the waist band of your jeans, before disappearing into your underwear. He rubbed your clit a few times making you whimper against his mouth.
"Let me make you feel good." He whispered. "Please." He sounded so desperate, his desire to make it up to you thick in his voice. His hand slid down and he slipped two fingers in to you, making you grasp his bicep in shock. He gently began to move them in and out and already you could feel yourself start to heat up. You buried your face into the crook of his neck and let him have his way with you, moaning every time the palm of his hand touched your clit. "You always feel so amazing, so warm and so wet." He breathed into your ear.
You were getting close and he could tell. He stood you up and peeled off your jeans and underwear. You let him, brain on autopilot, wanting nothing more than to feel close to him. Shownu then lifted his hips off the sofa just high enough to pull down his trousers and boxers. You wasted no time, immediately straddling him, sinking down on to his cock. "Fuck." You moaned at the sensation of finally having him inside you. He pulled you close, arms wrapping so tightly around your body you could barely breathe. It was as if he never wanted to let go.
He began to thrust his hips up, slowly at first, careful to keep his cock buried deep inside of you. "Please go faster," You whined, rocking your own hips to encourage him. "Make me feel good." You repeated his promise pressing your forehead against his and he groaned, complying and moving his hips quicker.
It wasn't long before you were both coming undone. You cried out loudly against his neck when your orgasm washed over you, clinging to him for dear life. He followed soon after, the sensation of your pussy squeezing him pushing him over the edge and with a cry of your name he came deep inside you. You moved to climb off him but he only held you tighter, wanting to savour the moment of feeling this connected to you. He was still hard but you could feel his cock start to soften.
"You mean so much to me, Y/N." Shownu said breathlessly, gazing intently at you. You responded by kissing him sweetly on the lips. He had come to mean a lot to you too over the last few months. You cared a lot about him and you knew he appreciated that you accepted him as he was, violence and all. But how much longer could you continue? You couldn't stop the question forming in your mind as you looked at him. Is this worth it?
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The moment you saw Kihyun he pulled you into a rib crushing hug, which felt strange but familiar given that he had been cold towards you the last few weeks. "You're hurting me, Ki." You mumbled into his chest, your body still aching from your ordeal.
"Sorry," He breathed, with a sigh of relief. "I'm just so glad you're okay." His eyes went to the now healing cut on the side of your head and he touched a finger to it. "Shit." He mumbled. "Are you even ok?"
"I'm getting there." You replied with a reassuring smile.
The two of you were alone in your apartment. Kihyun had practically invited himself over when you had called him to let him know that you were fine and not missing. You sat on your sofa, blushing at the memory of what happened there with Shownu less than 12 hours ago. "Are you going to tell me what happened?" Kihyun's voice cut through your thoughts.
You winced a little at his words, really not wanting to discuss the last few days in depth. Kihyun was your friend. Your closest friend probably and you wanted to tell him but couldn't find the right words. "Shownu saved me." You tried to smile but Kihyun's expression remained stony.
"I'm pretty sure he was the reason some men fucking kidnapped you in the first place." He said coldly. You stared at him, a little taken a back. How much did he know exactly?
"Listen I've been through a lot," You began with a sigh and his expression softened. "Be nice to me ok, Ki?"
He grabbed your hand and squeezed, looking at you with kind eyes. "I'm sorry. I just want you to tell me the truth."
And so you did. You explained what had happened to you, leaving out the attempted rape because it was too traumatic to speak aloud. Kihyun sat quietly, listening carefully and occasionally giving your hand a squeeze at the parts that were more difficult for you to get out. You finished speaking and he sighed for what felt like a long time. He scooted closer to you, pulling you into a hug.
"I missed you, you know." You said to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "It's so nice to have you speak to me again. Like old times."
"Before you painfully rejected me and broke my heart." Kihyun joked but you caught the flicker of sadness in his eyes.
"Ki," You whined. "Don't be like that."
"I missed you too, Y/N." He admitted. He slowly withdrew his arms from you and leaned back on the sofa. "What's going on with you and him now anyway?"
"I honestly don't know Ki," You said truthfully. The whole situation was messy and part of you just wanted to cut your losses and get away. Then Shownu would kiss you and you'd never want him to stop. "I know he feels really guilty, he blames himself entirely. I just don't know how safe I am continuing to be with him."
"That sentence there should be enough for you to just end it." Kihyun frowned, looking at you. "You shouldn't be with anyone who makes you feel like you're in danger, Y/N."
"I know, you're right." You sighed.
"What if something bad happens again? Or something worse?" Kihyun was getting exasperated now, voice rising. "Why would you want to increase your chances of that?"
"I like him, Kihyun. I can't help it." You said, knowing how much those words would sting your friend but you had to be honest regardless.
If he was hurt, he didn't show it. "Enough to risk your life?!" He scoffed.
"No." You said quietly. At least you didn't think so.
"I can't tell you what to do Y/N," He said slowly. "All I can do is give you my advice. Regardless of whatever happened between us you know I care about you."
That much was true. You knew Kihyun really did care for you and you didn't want him to worry. The thought of Jooheon's threat popped into your mind, and an image of your mangled corspe followed a second after. You couldn't put your friends and family through that. So you decided, the only way to ensure your safety was to be where Jooheon couldn't find you. Which, you thought sadly, it meant you had to break up with Shownu.
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You put it off for a few days. Shownu had called a few times but you ignored him. He had even come by your apartment once but you pretended not to be home. You were a coward. The last thing you wanted was to see his beautiful face in pain. However the guilt was gnawing at you and you decided to just bite the bullet and do it.
"Where have you been? I've been worried." Were the first words out of his mouth as he crossed the threshold into your home. You bit your lip, already feeling slightly nauseous.
"Sorry, I've just been busy, with work and Kihyun..." You mumbled your excuse, trailing off. "Shownu, we need to talk." He froze at your words, body tensing up immediately. Everyone knows the phrase 'we need to talk' is rarely followed by anything good. "Can we sit?"
He nodded and followed you to kitchen. Your mind flashed back to the night you tended to his wounds, sat in the very same chair as now. God if only you had known what would happen after that night maybe you never would have bothered. "Talk." He ordered.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore." You said. You didn't mean to be so blunt but you were nervous and it just sort of came out that way.
"Okay..." Shownu said slowly, looking a little confused.
"I know you said you'd keep me safe, but I just can't risk it Shownu." You said quietly. "I don't belong in your world, I don't agree with it. It scares me. I don't want to live my life like that. As much as I like you..."
"You can't. I get it." He said roughly. "I think you're making a mistake."
"I'm sorry." You said, looking down. "I have to do this."
"I meant what I said Y/N. I care about you, deeply." He sighed heavily. "And the no secrets part. I meant that too."
You felt like you were going to cry. This was the same soft side of him that always reeled you in. "I really am sorry." You repeated.
"I can't force you to be with me." He mumbled, standing up. "I think I should go now." You silent as you watched him walk to your front door. He grabbed the handle and pulled, pausing for a second he looked at you and said "Stay safe, Y/N." Echoing the first time he ever bid you goodbye, except now it would be the last. He didn't wait for your reply, choosing to leave your house and your life for good.
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shafiqahbay-blog · 5 years
Another failure but its ok. I dont regret
So in 2018, I was in a relationship with S. Someone that I thought I would marry with. I was so happy and so in love. I finally found the love of my life. We started dating on Nov,2017. Everything went well until June,2018. He wanted to break up with because he said he wanted to focus on himself. I didnt believe it. I was in denial. I asked him to stay and told him that I would change. He refused. He mentioned that he had a bad experienced with his long term ex. I asked him whether he still loves her or not. He said he was not sure. I asked him to get back to her if he loves her and surprisingly he said SHE WONT WANTS ME BACK IF I ASK HER! My heart broke into a million pieces. I couldnt believe it that he said that. So yeah we broke up. It was hard for me to move on. We still kept in touch after that. But everytime we tried to talk to each other, we ended up arguing. He wanted to be friends only but I didnt want. So he suggested that we should stop talking to each other. 
A week passed by, he messaged me and asked “how are you? its ok if u dont want to reply”. Well, i loved him so much. Of coz i replied to his text. We talked again. I brought up again the topic of us back together. He said no. So hell yeah, we stop talking again. It became a pattern. Every week the same thing happened. To the point, i fed up. I didnt reply to his text. He messaged me for straight 3 days and said “ You really dont want to talk to me anymore”. Of coz, me being stupid. I replied. Hahahaha. For 3 months, we kept doing this to each others. Both of us were being toxic. I blamed myself also. Its not 100% his fault. 
3 months passed by, I asked him again that we should be back again. Yeah it was me again that asked him. You can see that I was so desperate. He agreed. Yeah finally!!!!!!! But things didn’t work out well. He was still confused after that. Sometimes, he loved me sometimes he didn’t. I was so heartbroken. I felt like I forced him to love him. Months passed by, I started to feel fed up. I thought maybe we should just stay friends. When I was about to change my mind, he started to love me again. He changed. I could see he really tried his best to love me.
Both of us were madly in love. I asked him “ You removed me from your instagram. Can we follow each other back?” and he said “ No. Please I want to have a healthy relationship. We shouldn’t follow each other”. I was okay with that. Maybe he was right. Months passed by I asked him to introduce me to his friends and family because no one knew about us. He said he wanted to keep it private. He said I will introduce you to them when we are about to get married but not now. I agreed with that.
I was less busy in 2019, because  I quit my previous job and stated to do freelance. We met very frequent. At least once a week. I fell in love with him even more. After we back together, everything was different. I was so madly in love with him and I never want to lose him anymore. 
All that didn’t last long. Both of us started to drift apart due to our jobs. I told him that I wont be able to meet him for at least a month. He was okay with that and asked me to focus on work. As he wanted to focus on his job as well.
Even tho we were busy, we still messaged each other everyday. I missed him every single day. My love for him was even stronger. I couldn’t wait to finish my project. I counted every single day. A week before I flew to Shanghai was when he started to change. He didnt message me much. I know he was busy. I tried to understand him.
So I went to Shanghai to finish off my project. The 2nd day I was there, he texted me and said he wanted to break up. I was in front of the pc and tried to be cool. I was speechless but I tried not to cry because I didnt want to cry in front of everyone. After I finished my job, I went back to my room. I cried in the toilet. I told him if this is what he wants then I respect his decision.  
2 days later, he messaged me and asked me “ Are u ok?” . I didn’t reply because I was still in Shanghai. After spent 4days 3 nights in Shanghai, I finally went back home. I was so tired. I rested for 2 days. I finally replied to his text. I told him about how I felt. He said  he was sorry but he said he didnt love me as much as before. But he told me “ I sayang you sangat” . Eh babi btl, confused kan aku lagi. 
So we agreed not to talk to each other until I am ok. Hmmm.. Guess what? within 1 month after we broke up, he got himself a new girlfriend. Hahahahaha..Babi kan? How did I know? oh well. I am good at stalking people. I just googled his name in twitter and it popped out. His twitter is private but his friends are not. So kantoi lah and also he changed his twitter DP to the photo of him and his gf. Ah tu lagi aku sakit hati. Dengan aku dulu, sorang pon dia x nak bg tahu. Semua orang ingat dia single. Bagi alasan then aku bodoh percaya. 
So yeah I dont know when they are together. It could be when he was with me or after. Tapi confirm dia announced kan kat semua orang. Siap tukar dp bagai. 
2 months later, I messaged him and asked him. He said yes he has someone else. And he said ‘Im sorry’. fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh rasa macam being used and betrayed. 
For now, I just wish to forget and forgive him. I just want to move on. Thats all I want. I know I can do it! Fuh what a loooooooooong story. Fiqa, I know you can do it!
0 notes
ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] began messaging tapeFace [TF] --
LR: i felt a disturbance in the force
LR: whats up
TF: wait
LR: this motherfucker sounds like they miss the ocean a bit too much
TF: I still haven't actually asked what they are (-_ლ)
LR: i know what they are
LR: A bitch
LR: B)
LR: -applies sunglasses-
TF: They're pissed off because I didn't take their revenge threat seriously
TF: Speaking of which, if they actually do have some bad shit planned, you got dibs on all my instruments and my jokes ★~(◡ω◕✿)
LR: aw shit son thanks
LR: ill keep it all in mint condition until you rise from your ashes like the memelord you are
TF: I think I broke them.
TF: By not being afraid and begging forgiveness, I ruined their mood
TF: So now they're just sulking
LR: holy shit
LR: soggy fish
LR: you sure popped their bubble
TF: They wanted a fight and now that I didn't give them one, they're upset (◕︿◕✿)
LR: why is that such a highblood thing
LR: whats their handle i wanna troll 'em
TF: I have no idea @︿@
TF: I dunno, I think I can get them to chill out enough to drop this whole thing
TF: I think I just blew their mind
LR: what did you do
TF: Since I didn't take the bait, they got kinda self reflection-y
TF: I think I hurt their feelings (◕﹏◕✿)
TF: By not letting them hurt my feelings
LR: what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
TF: ohhhhh shit
TF: I think
TF: We might
TF: make FRIENDS ∑(゜Д゜;)
TF: Or at least they'll realize what a dildo they're being and try to not be a dildo
TF: Nope nevermind they're still a dildo
LR: you said theyre a seadweller right
TF: Yeah
TF: Oh shit I don't think I ever asked their name
LR: aw shit the moment of TRUTH
LR: names are like
LR: everything
LR: oh shit oh shit
TF: It's Floren (◕△◕✿)
LR: is their handle causticErudition
TF: Yeah! (⊙△⊙✿) You've met them too?
LR: you gotta stop talking to them
LR: They're really dangerous.
LR: I'm being serious dude, this guy is bad news.
TF: Holy shit, seriously?
TF: Do I even want to know what they did??
TF: Actually
TF: That's probably super traumatic and not my business
LR: They're the reason I'm afraid of doctors.
TF: Okay, I'm not talking to them anymore and never will again
LR: good
LR: stay safe man
LR: they look frail and weak but theyre pretty fast and they can easily get the drop on you if youre not careful
TF: Oh man, now I'm wondering if they were actually serious about the whole revenge thing
LR: shit they actually threatened you??
TF: Did I dodge a bullet making them see how dumb they're being? Or just make things a million time worse??
LR: bro do you need a bodyguard for the time being cuz like
LR: ill beat a motherfucker
TF: Look dude, if they did something to you I don't want to put you in a position where you'll have to actually face them.
LR: ive faced them before since then
LR: i mean its terrifying
LR: and it makes me remember things
LR: but if i need to protect a friend who fuckin cares
TF: I do!
TF: Don't get me wrong
TF: I'm super appreciative that you'd do that for me
TF: Like seriously, I really do.
TF: But I don't want to put you through that if I can avoid it
LR: alright
TF: I don't want you getting re-traumatized or something on my behalf
LR: thanks
LR: just be really careful okay?
LR: theyre fucked up
LR: they kidnap and hurt people cuz they can
LR: they like it
LR: theyre really fucked up dude.
TF: Then I REALLY lucked out that night holy shit
TF: That's fucking terrifying
TF: Whatever they did to you, I'm so sorry that happened.
TF: You're legit the coolest person I know, and even know we've only known each other for like a week? Two weeks??
TF: Whatever the hell happened to you, you 1000% didn't deserve it.
TF: I said even know instead of even though dammit
TF: I'm trying to be sincere and I played myself
LR: heh
LR: i appreciate it but can we talk about something else??
TF: Yeah, totally
TF: You remember that matchmaker thing I did?
LR: yeah :O
TF: It actually went really well! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
LR: sweet!
TF: I had to dial back my HILARIOUS jokes and shenanigans, but we actually had fun
TF: He took me to an opera (⊙△⊙✿) Like an actual live opera at a huge theater!
TF: And it was (ノ⊙ヮ⊙)ノ~『✧~*AMAZING!!!*~✧』
LR: yo what the fuck!
LR: thats awesome
TF: I'd only ever seen operas on tv or like dvd or something
LR: same
LR: no wait
LR: thats not true lol i lie
LR: d
TF: I thought what we had was special o(╥﹏╥)o WAS ALL OF IT A LIE SO YOU COULD GET MY TOTALLY RAD STUFF o(;△;)o
TF: I'm sorry, but you've hurt me too much (︶︹︺) It's gonna take a whole ten seconds for me to recover
TF: Aaaand all is forgiven (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
LR: bruh
LR: my dog? is so cute
LR: shes so cute
TF: Aaawww!
TF: What does she look like?
LR: sorry i got super distracted by her
LR: small
LR: and her ears ar eHUGE
LR: with long fur cuz shes a papillon
LR: and shes only got one eye
TF: Poor baby (´∩`。)
TF: What's her name?
LR: her NAME
LR: is Melody
LR: she brings MUSIC TO MY LIFE
LR: local nerd loves their dog too much
LR: more news at 11
TF: There is literally no such thing as loving a dog too much (▰˘◡˘▰)
LR: yes there is
LR: if you feed them people food
LR: and then they get super fat
LR: and then they die
TF: Nooooooooo (/□\*)・゜
LR: it happens my guy
TF: (╥﹏╥) Those poor dogs
LR: RIP in pepperoni
TF: There's a pupperoni joke I could make but that would imply eating dogs (≖﹏≖✿)
LR: oh my god
LR: bruh im not sure if i can be your friend now
LR: let me reflect in on my soul
LR: see if i can find it in me
LR: to forgive you
LR: yep youre good
LR: all forgiven
TF: 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。 You're such a kind and beautiful soul
LR: i know im too good for this world
TF: Your lusus raised you well (´。• ᵕ •。`)
-- tapeFace [TF] is mcfreakin dead --
TF: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)
LR: rest in mcfreaking pieces
TF: Serious though, that really sucks (◕︿◕✿)
TF: I gotta go (◕︿◕✿)
LR: awww man
LR: thats cool though im getting tired anyway
TF: (☞゚∀゚)☞ Until next time
LR: hells yeah
LR: stay safe
TF: I will, I promise (◕ω◕✿) Thanks
-- tapeFace [TF] ceased pestering liberatedRaptor [LR] --
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