#(Shrieking Into My Void rn)
vool-zam · 1 month
hey, I'm likely shrieking into the void rn. and probably two ppl will read this. but. I ranted about this on my old blog/in the tags. and. it's still on my mind 💀
just wanted to let u all know that I want this blog to be a VERY conversation-friendly and collaborative space!! I wanna follow ur stories and art w/bated breath and screech about them in the tags/comments!!
part of what burnt me out on simblr the first time around was how isolating/weirdly competitive it began to feel. all the weird hoopla about big/small simblrs. keeping ur blog "clean" and full of only ur own content. the anti-reblog/commentary culture for the sake of aesthetics. feeling like u were on the grind to always produce "content" that somebody would look @ for five seconds & then never again.
and ofc, most of that was very internal. @ the end of the day, ur experience in a community is what u make it. but, I mean, I can't deny.......it burnt me out.
this is even more apparent to me after being in other fandom spaces & having the polar opposite experience. it's really shown me that fandom is only truly sustainable when everyone is excited about the same stuff/willing to engage w/each other.
so. tl;dr: pls feel free to chat w/me on here. link me to ur stories/gameplay!! I really wanna have FUN this time around. u know.
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colossal-niamh · 1 year
Hey just realized I bother my non wrestling friends with my wrestle talk when I could be shouting into the void of Tumblr. I’m watching Revolution rn and here’s my thoughts so far
Ricky Starks vs Chris Jericho- an alright match. Hopefully this is the end of this feud and Ricky gets a bigger hotter feud
Jungle Boy vs Christian Cage- fun little brawl, didn’t realize how nostalgic I was for a casket match. The casket dropping was dope
The Elite vs House of Black- probably my favorite Trios Tag title match. I somehow keep forgetting how good Malakai Black is until I see him in action. Glad him and his spooky boys finally got some gold
Jamie Hayter vs Ruby Soho vs Sayara- I feel like I would have enjoyed this more if it was just Soho and Hayter. Sayara just does not click with me. Hayter continues to prove how sick she is and knows it
Hangman Adam Page vs Jon Moxley- absolute banger. I was shrieking my head off at every gnarly weapon spot. Probably the goriest match I’ve seen in a hot minute
Samoa Joe vs Wardlow- honestly quicker than I was expecting. Was kinda hoping for Joe to win but if they make the TNT title a division of large men tearing each other apart I won’t complain. Side note was not expecting the Misawa reference on commentary
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cttrajan1206 · 4 years
So maybe. While among us is booming rn. Cough, ill share a lil drabble i did, based on my games with my friends @dragonfruiteen and @justalexnoelle and @a-mega-sad-nerd
(note this took me two nights and Mercutio was present for the first one and you can Really Tell Because It Reads Better, Frui's pov was All Me And It Shows akbdf)
Eyes. It always seemed to be the eyes that opened the gateway to emotion. To empathy. Humans lacked such a key feature. If they did indeed have eyes, the windows to the soul, the mind of another creature, then it was clouded. Hidden behind a frosted blue screen that provided a concealing shade to any hint of emotion. It was with these "eyes" that they looked upon CT.
And what they saw, they turned blind to, the fog of their visors deceiving them and clouding up their vision. What they saw was a monster, a hideous creature with unnatural limbs and eyes. What CT saw was the same. Except there were more of them.
Shrieking desperately, their cry of fear was taken as a roar of hunger and these multi-chromed cloned monsters closed in. Their hands held no warmth, gone from their bodies and empty faces was any sign of a living sentient being with a conscience. If there ever were any there in the first place.
The experiments were horrible. Terrifying masks devoid of any tainted spots betrayed nothing on their facade of a frigid outer exterior as they conducted the tests. CT was trapped, alone and afraid. The electrocutions didn't aid their jitters, their tendrils quaking with fear each time they were forced upon the podium. No manner other than Man's could be so cruel. Unspeakable things to do with drills and lasers occured in that test lab. Things too horrid to repeat.
And yet. There was a shining light that burned brightly and illuminated the path ahead. Frui. Frui always treated CT as a friend, fir dark skin patterned with glowing cyan networks that ended with the plant sprouting atop fir head. No matter the amount of experiments that day, Frui and Teddy always made sure to visit CT secretly afterwards, often bringing treats. CT could speak to them, using phrases and words they knew well. Though the constant screaming left their voice hoarse and sore, they always made sure to give them in turn their thanks - a love shaped by finding a blooming bud of friendship in a stale place of loneliness.
But that didn't last long. Because all beauty is meant to never last and alas, theirs was meant to have its time cut short ever swifter.
It wasn't on purpose. Not the first time. A tired security guard must have miscalculated their reaction time and left the door open. CT stared. They'd always dreamed, too afraid to dare and grab a hold of a rope to save themself. And Frui was due to visit soon. But what caged bird would ignore its chance for freedom? So they rushed out, slithering across the floor and through the corridors. Not one map could help their journey and each path they tried twisted endlessly like a writhing snake. It seemed hopeless but no light could be without the darkness. Determined, they pushed on, discovering the useful utility of the vent systems. Just as they caught sight of the exit, down from their eye they spied Frui's plant. Goodbye. That was what they wanted to say one last time. Goodbye and Thank you for all the time Frui had spent with them, for being the light in their life and for being kinder than the others. Entering the room, they waved a tentacle friendlily, happy to see their friend
Frui immediately gave CT up to security.
Blank eyes. As cold and clouded as a dead fish's. CT knew every human must've had the same but they somehow had convinced themself that Frui must be different. That some empathy lay behind that voided screen for eyes. They had seen how tender and loving fe was with Teddy and fe had always treated them as a friend.
Now, however, CT realised that such affection was reserved only for other humans. A lowly monster like them couldn't ever truly be seen as a friend. As someone to trust and set free. As someone to treat as an equal. Only as something to be used. After all, if that hadn't been the case, and Frui felt they were a friend, why did fe turn them in?
The experiments became more and more frequent and painful after that day. Each hour was torturous, excruciatingly beating the seconds past as slowly as possible. Frui and Teddy tried to visit CT anyway but they wouldn't let the two humans in. Never again would their lonely heart even consider opening up to another ever again. Never.
The second time was no mere accident. This time, CT had planned, schemed and plotted it all out. This time, __they__ would be the betrayer.
A squadron of humans were to depart on a mission through the dropship to the basecamp Polus. CT knew this. They weren't to cone as the investigation was on the lava's seismic activity not their alien form.
But that didn't deter them.
Frui was on that ship. Defenceless and wide open. So after killing a local human with keys, CT set their plan into motion. Their suit was lime, a nice enough bright green colour,
And looking through the owner's stuff made for the discovery that fedoras were the Ultimate Hat. A little bit of practice was needed but they handled it quickly and efficiently. Soon, they donned their screened eyeless mask and waited. They were ready.
Was Frui?
Last Frui checked, the lime suit belonged to one of the security guards. It seemed weird since fe didn't recall them being on the mission. When fe went over to say hi, fe got no answer. Instead, the suit fished out a notebook and wrote inside.
“Throat sore. Can't talk.”
Frui nodded, understanding, and gave them a thumbs up. The guard seemed to study them before scribbling down.
“I'm new here and don't know my way around, could you help me?”
Frui nodded and then whipped around.
"Alex! I got a parasite for you to take!"
The fedora nearly fell as they flinched, seemingly disturbed by the nickname. Frui quickly explained.
"Oh we just do that since Alex leads the mission. We say neb 'hosts' the assignment since neb's leader and we joke that we're all parasites seeking to take over the ship."
Fe laughed and the guard nodded solemnly. It was a little weird, a bit sus, but eh. Who was Frui to judge? Fe lead the guard to Alex and waved goodbye just before the dropship landed.
That was the last fe saw of neb.
It was slow and subtle at first. Frui hardly notices any suspicious going ons as fe did fir tasks faithfully. Sure, fe passed Nerd once and never saw him again but fe figured he was just doing tasks too. Teddy was always with fir too. They held hands the entire time and went everywhere together. They were inseparable, doing tasks alongside each other and never leaving each other's sight. It was nice, they were nearly both finished as they headed to the medbay to get scanned the halls moaned emptt, haunted with absence. Their footsteps echoed as they headed past the laboratory. Teddy was right by Frui. He was safe so fe was glad.
And then the lights died.
Frui couldn't see anything, it took fir eyes time to adjust to the dark. Teddy yelped and fe instinctively reached out and grabbed his arm, sliding down to his hand. It felt… thinner and slightly more squelchy than bone but in fir panic fe overlooked it.
"Come on Teddy, let's go!"
Running to fix the light, fe pulled Teddy along with fir. Fe got as far as outside before Teddy pulled away, yanking his hand out of fir grip. Confused, Frui half whispered in choked shock.
There was no reply.
Fe was left there in the dark cold. Alone and afraid.
This wasn't like him. Teddy would never abandon fir.
Suddenly, fe felt a presence near fir. A hand on fir shoulder. Teddy. In the dark, fe couldnt see it but that reassuring squeeze had to be Teddy.
And then the lights flickered back on.
And fe saw there was no one there. Just a wispy trail of snow. Confused, scared and worried, Frui ran into the lab. Desperately searching for Teddy. Any sign of him. Nothing. No one. What happened?? Where did everyone go?? Why was fe… all alone. Think. Think think think. Frui thought and remembered that Teddy had a task in the office. As fe headed there, fe reassured faethself that Teddy would be there. The hope was slim and delusional but fe needed it. Sliding open the east entrance, fe walked towards the office. Eyes constantly shifting, fe scanned every inch of fir sight for Teddy, skimming every surface when a flashing light caught fir eye. Wandering closer, it became evident that it was the vitals monitor, keeping track of everyone. Frui didn't move close. Seeking answers from this had the chance of solidifying one of fir fears. Did fe dare? Yes. For Teddy. Slowly, fir sights focused on the monitor and fir heart dropped.
Dead. They were all dead. No signs of life showed for any of the crew members. Not even Teddy.
All that still flashed and thrummed with energy was Frui's heartbeat…
...And the lime guard's.
Stomach dropping in an instant, Frui stared at the monitor in horror. No. Nonono. Why? Why would they? Fe felt sick, barely restraining faethself from puking as the timeline matched up in fir head abd fe realised what had actually been going on. Fir crewmates were being murdered in cold blood and fe had had no idea.
A squelching sound of something crawling out of a hole alerted fir of someone else's presence. Hesitantly, fe turned around, already knowing what would face fir. After all, who else? There, standing casually against the wall, was Lime. They waved cheerfully. Frui bolted for the doors and heard an inhuman laugh as fe realised. The doors were locked.
Thud. Thud. Thud. The monitor beeped quickly, matching Frui's heartbeat. The lime suit stepped forward and in time to it, walking leisurely and yet quickening smoothly. In a flash, they had Frui backed to a wall unsure what to do, Frui was about to try pushing them away and running when… curiously… they began to unlatch their helmet. A hiss sounded as they slowly unscrewed it off, the fedora falling to the floor. Frui couldn't believe fir eyes. Staring back at fir, almost mournfully, was…
They nodded and reached forwards with a tentacle. Frui flinched. This made CT pause and anger flashed in their eyes. Suddenly, Frui felt a stabbing pain searing througg fir stomach. Blood dripped from CT's mouth as the serrated tongue slid back in. They seemed sad yet satisfied as Frui's body fell to the floor, limp. The last thing Frui saw was the monster walking away, uttering a single word with their hoarse throat.
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cardan for the character list? if you’ve already done him & i missed it, that’s cool; don’t worry about it :)
i haven't done cardan, and let me tell you friend, i am so happy you've asked for him :')
*cracks knuckles* alright, Folk and folks. let's shriek into the jurdan void 🖤💫
favourite thing about him:
this has been said by the lovely @darklesmylove in a post she made a while back, but i absolutely love how cardan's interests lie, not in sword fighting or jousting or war, but in fashion and makeup and reading. yet, he is never once made to feel less valuable for these stereotypically feminine pursuits.
he is soft. he is bean. he loves jude. jude is his wife. and i love him endlessly.
least favourite thing about him:
that i can't hug him rn :(
favourite line:
"i would. and perhaps one day i will."
this is out of context but if you know you know :)
(i'm still screaming from this line)
okay within the series, i really love cardan's friendship with vivi. i think they have a ton in common (i.e. black sheep of the family, fascination with mortals, general mischief) and i wish holly had had time to flesh that out more.
but actually, i think my all time FAVOURITE brotp for cardan, is a crossover one i came up with recently: cardorian (aka cardan and dorian havilliard from tog)
they are both young, recently crowned kings who have lots of emotional trauma/baggage. they're both interested in fashion and we thought cardan would absolutely give dorian makeup lessons in exchange for dorian's tutelage in controlling/honing magic. their experiences with trauma are definitely things they would sort through together.
cardan/nicasia (ew, she cheated on him). cardan/locke (ew, who would dare?). cardan/velarian (ew, he's a psychopath).
basically cardan w any abusive persons/faeries.
random headcanon:
cardan is bi. he just is. this is canon. he's also a bottom. also canon.
unpopular opinion:
i know we like to laugh ab cardan being a belligerent drunk for half the series, but i'm actually so proud of him for sobering up during the second half of twk and qon. i think drinking was turning into an unhealthy coping mechanism for his trauma, and i'm so happy he didn't continue down that path :')
songs i associate with him:
Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer, I Hate You So Much by Alexander 23, Cruel by The Veronicas, Wicked Game by James Vincent McMorrow
favourite picture of him:
this one by oblivionsdream purely for the bantz. view full post for context, it's honestly hilarious.
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other than that, literally any cardan drawing/paper craft by rosiethorns88. her version of cardan is literally how i imagined him whilst reading the books. she read my mind.
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le-fruity-fool · 4 years
✨Ok I’m documenting all of my TAZ Balance reactions on this post now...✨
Ep. 7 So the jelly fish is the voidfish right? (did I spell that correctly?) Also wtf did Magnus just drink fish water?! Desgosting. ...Yeah it was the void fish. ...Poor Yohan (did I spell that correctly?) ... hang on!!! There’s no need to feed Magic Brian records to the voidfish. Also where are these records coming from..?
Ep. 8 I’m ready to meet Lucretia 💖💘💝 Oop I had no idea Lucretia was snooty. ... IS THAT REALLY WHAT DAVENPORT SOUNDS LIKE?!?! While I’m asking questions, is he ok..? ...Also I had no idea that Taako was an idiot until today. ...They’re talking to Lucretia, right???? ...maybe this campaign hits different cuz Fandalin (did I spell that correctly?) exploding set a weird tone. Taako is getting rly close to inventing the taco hella fast. ...I’m just gonna call her The Director until her name is revealed. Honestly thought it was cruel putting Taako in the arena but he thriving rn. Kinda worried about those ogres tho. Lup 🥺🥺🥺 ok just finished ep.8 so imma stop for awhile :)))))
Ep. 9 Why won’t Griffin give Travis a dog? :(((( ... Yo I know that Lup is in the Umbrustaff but that thing is MEAN. ...Aww Merel got a clip-on earring 🥺 r-Rail Splitter?🥺 Fantasy Costoso?! ...Oop is this when Griffin claimed the “Best Friend” title?
Ep. 10 “A swamp is not a beverage” -Griffin McElroy
Forgot to react to 11 & 12 all I have to say is 💖✨Ango 🥺✨
Ep. 13 rip Jenkins I guess.
Ep. 14 The scuttle bug 🥺🥺🥺. ...I kinda feel like the Bureau is testing them again.
Ep. 15 Cool they all have character voices now
Ep. 16 Does The Little Mermaid Disney movie exist in the balance universe..? ...so was that shriek/light thing the hunger?
Skipped a bunch of episodes but I like that Bane guy & RIP Trent. Also Hurley (did I spell that right..?) & Sloan are in love right? Also Travis & his fish 🥺🥺🥺
Ep.22 RIP Jerry(Barbra) & I have yet to see fan art of them burying a body. ...CLARG!!! 💖💖💖
Ep.28 So I missed a few updates but like wow Hurley & Sloan 🥺🥺🥺, I love Garyl, The Director the seemed pretty upset about those Red Robe ppl... IDK how to feel about Lucas. I guess his fear of the voidfish is natural cuz they don’t know anything about it... The voidfish has feelings & he’s friends with Magnus 🥺🥺🥺... YOHAN & THE VOIDFISHfishie??? HAVING A LITTLE JAM SESSION😭💀💖 W A I T AAAAaaaaaaAaaaa THIS IS THE SONG it’s so pretty & I have context for it now! I LOVE IT😭💖💘💝... That wasn’t a Yohan song?! It was a Voidfish original?!... Ouch I forgot about Captain Captain Bane :(... Again, poor Yohan. Is he depressed?... Poor Leon! Why do they keep handing him their coins, he’s so stressed.. OMIGOD is that rly the last of Leon..?... Wow Merle is canonically left-handed... THE JINGLE. The Fantasy Costco Jingle all produced & shit :’) 💖 (the music in this episode has been great) it seems like Griffin started producing more music for TAZ at some point during Petals to the Metal 🤔🤔🤔... Oh it’s the Flaming Poisoning Raging Sword of Doom 💖 I had no idea it was 60,000gp that seems like a fair price :)
Episode.29 Ok so this is when that candlenights gift exchange happens. I love that they got Angus on their team now. Lucretia finally got that name drop so I can stop calling her The Director. And now I know that Lucas is their scientist. This is T E A. Why would Griffin name one of the relics The Philosophery Stone? Ok so Griffin pronounces icor like “ick-er” but Travis says “eye-core”... So the suits protect them from transmutation magic huh?... I think I know how Merel lost his arm🤔. Carey!!!💖💖💖... The dwarfs name is Boyland💀💀💀. Wait I like Boyland he seems cool...
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#the middle person is in fact not very good at deduction but i'm pretty sure they're doing it on purpose to be trans and bi phobic so you kno
My Top Posts in 2021
The new RQG episode took five years off my life what the HECK who else is screaming into the void rn
25 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 22:05:28 GMT
I just SHRIEKED and I do mean SHRIEKED
"OH ITS THE BLOODY MR. CEILING CONVERSATION AGAIN" and then lied face first down on the floor
26 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 23:17:23 GMT
Okay so are we all in agreement that Prez’s mysterious role model that she doesn’t really remember is probably Gwen’s mom? From that one party?
49 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 16:49:29 GMT
Jonah Magnus has been dead for one slutty, slutty day
50 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 12:42:15 GMT
Sasha walks downstairs wearing a dress: *Grumbling* This is so dumb... *Louder* How do I look?
Zolf: Hmmm yeah this isn't gonna work. You look super awkward and uncomfortable. Go put your pants back on. Bertie, you'll be the fake prostitute.
Bertie: This is my time to shine!
53 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 14:48:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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zoenightstars · 7 years
Post-It Notes, ch12
on Ao3
ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 | ch7 | ch8 | ch9 | ch10 | ch11 | ch12
oops sorry about that long wait! hope this makes up for it! huge thanks to @sunlitshowers and @megatraven for helping me work through this chapter. i owe you my life tbh and shoutout to @reyxa and @agrestenoir for listening to me scream into the void and smash my head against the keyboard as i wrote this!!
i hope you guys like it!!!!
Adrien Agreste is horribly, visibly nervous. He stands in front of his locker, aggressively tapping his foot and refreshing his text messages with Nino again—
From: lover boi To: alya’s bf Hey i need u to come to my locker i’m freaking out
—and again—
From: lover boi To: alya’s bf It’s important i have done something horrifically stupid Even by my standards
—and again.
From: lover boi To: alya’s bf Bro it has been fifteen minutes where in the fuc k
Adrien can’t stop thinking about it. About how he had asked Marinette out. About how her hand had felt in his, and how badly he wants to feel that again.
About how she didn’t look at the note before he’d left.
About how he might have ruined everything.
His post-it note game had turned into a gamble, and the universe’s slot machine is refusing to tell him if he’s won or lost the bet. Finally, his phone vibrates.
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi hey my dude my bro my dudebro i couldn’t find my phone… turns out i put it in the wrong pocket or something headed over rn
From: lover boi To: alya’s bf Thank god Never call me dudebro again
“What’s wrong, my dudebro?” Adrien hears Nino’s voice and snaps to attention, hitting his head against the locker behind him in the process.
“That nickname,” Adrien grumbles, rubbing the back of his head where he’d hit it. “And also, I asked Marinette out. And now I’m having a crisis.”
“That nickname is fantast— holy shit, you did what?”
“Asked Marinette out. I gave her a post-it note asking her to be my girlfriend? I think?”
“Adrien,” Nino shakes his head incredulously. “You think?”
“I mean, it kind of feels like a dream? I was kind of detached from that whole thing, honestly. I accidentally held her hand for about thirty seconds while I slipped her the note because I got so caught up in the moment, so now she probably hates me.” 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Nino places his hands on Adrien’s shoulders, steadying him. “Breathe, dude. Breathe. We’re breathing.”
“If you say so?”
“Okay, let’s go over this. One, you asked out Marinette. That is not an undoable action.”
“Thank you, I feel so encouraged right now.” Adrien rolls his eyes.
“Two, shut up. Three, you are simultaneously disgusting and adorable. You held her hand for thirty seconds without even realizing? Seriously?” 
“I… don’t know? It could have been longer?”
“Jesus Christ. Four, why the fuck would she hate you?”
“Because she didn’t open it before I left? And she hasn’t responded?”
“That is ridiculous. And five, we’re ten minutes late for physics.”
“Holy crap, we are ten minutes late for physics!” Adrien throws his phone into his bag and makes a run for it.
“Whoa, slow down!” Nino yells, running after him.
“I’m gonna get my ass kicked by Ms. Mendeleiev! I am so screwed and I am—” Adrien skids to a stop, smacking a hand to his forehead in frustration. “—forgetting my fucking textbook.” Adrien sprints back to his locker, nearly knocking an out-of-breath Nino in the process.
“Dude, please chill?”
“NO,” Adrien shrieks, frantically inputting the combination and throwing open the locker door. He grabs his textbook and makes a beeline for the physics classroom.
Ms. Mendeleiev purses her lips in disapproval as Adrien and Nino burst into the room, panting. “Mr. Lahiffe,” she says as they slide into their seats, “I cannot say I am surprised.”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence,” he responds, with a guilty yet amused look in his eyes.
Ms. Mendeleiev turns on Adrien as he slowly opens the textbook cover to try to quash the adrenaline rush that has overtaken his system and to avoid any and all attention directed at him from his very angry teacher. “Mr. Agreste, on the other hand,” she scolds, “I was not expecting to be so tardy.”
Adrien averts his eyes and stares down at his textbook as he opens it. “I’m so sorry, I am—” Adrien sees the yellow sticky note and a flash of pink and glitter. He yanks it from the inside cover and slams the book shut, jumping to his feet. Oh god. “—going to the bathroom now. I am going, right now, to the bathroom. Thanks.”
He can feel Marinette’s stare burning into his back as he dashes out of the room.
Adrien lets out a long exhale as he closes the stall door behind him. He carefully smoothes out the creases in the note before reading what it has to say. “Please let this be good,” he whispers to no one in particular.
Yes! With love, your lady, Marinette.
And this is the high he’s heard about. The rush of being in control, of winning the bet. He’d been afraid of the risk, but with this note, the odds are a hundred to none in his favor. Moments like these, he thinks, are the kind that get people addicted to gambling.  
He waits for her outside of class. She’s the last one to leave. She glances around the hallway, looking for something, but doesn’t seem to find it. Adrien clears his throat. Marinette jumps a little, startled, but when she turns to face him, her eyes are all mischief and nervous energy and excitement.
Adrien raises his hand in greeting. It’s hesitant, but the smile she returns is immediate.
She giggles, and Adrien wants to record that sound and play it on loop forever. “So… did you get my note?”
“I did.”
“Is that why you left physics?”
“It is.”
“Did you like it?”
“Of course.”
Her eyes sparkle. “I’ve never heard you talk like this. What happened to your standard eloquence?”
“I am…” he trails off, trying to memorize the sound of her voice. “I am at a loss to describe how over the moon I am right now.”
“I’m not at a loss. I’m on a whole other planet.”
Adrien cannot even rationalize the cocktail of emotions he feels in this moment, but the one thing that keeps coming back to him is lucky. “Well?” Adrien extends his hand for Marinette to take. “Shall we, princess?”
Marinette glances down at it with a smile full of anticipation and warmth that makes Adrien melt. “We shall.”
As their fingers intertwine, Adrien can’t help but notice how different this is from the last time. Last time, his head was in the clouds, full of fantasies, far away and separate from the reality of their touch. This time, though, the feeling of her hand in his brings him down to Earth, more aware than he’s been in a while.
This time, he’s grounded. This time, he’s safe. And this time, he’s not wishing for a miracle— he has his miracle. That’s what Marinette is. His miracle. His princess. His lady.
And he couldn’t be happier. 
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