#((though i haven't played any fire emblem games in a while actually))
abyssembraced · 1 year
Fire Emblem?
Send me a fandom and I'll tell you my blorbos!
Blorbo: If you want me to stick to Awakening, since that's where Robin's from, then that'd be Lucina! I love her. My daughter <3 (because I married Chrom lmao). I made her absolutely busted in FE Heroes too, though I haven't actually played that in a while.
Though technically Lucina's my second favourite Fire Emblem character overall. First place actually goes to Edelgard! That's My Wife right there. My beloved. I like the other house leaders too, but,,, El <3
...But once again, as much as I love these girls, sadly I don't think I could write them well. But maybe. They're on the list of characters I would consider adding if I ever added another Fire Emblem muse here, just because I love them, but I'd definitely have to replay their respective games first.
Skrunkly: Uhhhhh. So the funny thing is, I usually really like the characters that tend to be described as "pure" or "cinnamon rolls", and just overall those who would fit into this category well, but for some reason with Fire Emblem, I just don't get as attached to them? So I dunno who I'd say for Awakening specifically, but at least for Three Houses I do like Ashe?
Scrimblo Bimblo: Could Henry count as underrated? Probably not, huh. I think he's pretty popular. But I do like him a lot! My funny murder crow guy. And Owain... Probably also doesn't count here, huh. Not sure how popular he is among the fandom, but like. With his appearances in Fates and Warriors, the games themselves sure give him a lot of love. But he's also really funny, and one of my other favourites from Awakening. So... I dunno!
Ashe could probably also fall in this category, since when it comes to the Blue Lions I think most people tend to focus on Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain (and Ingrid and Dedue?) more than anyone else. But that would be reusing characters, so. hhhhhhh dgdhshf
Glup Shitto: So like. I thought this was gonna be a difficult question but then I remembered. Nobody fucking played Echoes. I feel like anyone from there is free game except for Alm and Celica ashshdfh. So! I remember liking Mae quite a bit, but I think my favourite from there was Conrad! I remember him being really sweet
Too bad I haven't played any of the Japan-exclusive games to have some really obscure favourites asdghsf. I do wanna play Genealogy someday though, if a fan translation exists
Poor Little Meow Meow: I don't like reusing characters for these but. C'mon. I don't think there's an FE character out there that's more controversial than Edelgard von Hresvelg lmao. I have absolutely zero interest in dealing with any of the Discourse, so all I will say is: we love Edelgard in this house. This is an Edelgard Appreciation Zone, or at the very least an Edelgard Tolerating Zone if you personally dislike her.
That said, I also wanna give a shoutout to Takumi from Fates, because I adore him too and still stand by him being one of the better things to come out of Fates. He's a bit of an ass to Corrin at the start, sure, but like. I feel like that's kinda justified?? He doesn't remember Corrin like Hinoka and Ryoma do, so from his perspective some random stranger from the country they are currently at war with has just waltzed in and is basically being treated like a god when they very well could be an enemy spy. And iirc, he does want to accept Corrin and get to know them? But he's smart, and remains wary until Corrin does choose his family's side.
...The Blame Takumi memes are still funny though, I won't lie dghdsf. I started with Conquest, so those memes are actually what led me to look into him more when I got around to playing Birthright
Horse Plinko: Y'know what. Lorenz. Is that unfair to say, given that I never did get around to playing the Golden Deer route? Yeah, kinda. Am I gonna say it anyway, because I'm not sure who else to say? Haha yea
I guess Takumi can get a little bit of bullying for being a grump, but only affectionately, because I still care him and he deserves a hug
Eeby Deeby: Validar and Thales are the easy options, yes, along with all the other villains, but like. Fuck em lmao
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(Sorry for the length this ask will be. You really dont have to post or even read this I'm just into fe3h.) About the edelgard propaganda and anon saying its bullshit thing:
People joke about Rhea being homophobic cause she wants to kill everyone in Edelgards group(unless youre in another group and have stolen her guys) and they're the only ones with more than one non straight character in it(3 in the base game 4 in dlc i think) but Rhea isn't literally homophobic.
As for the eugenics thing, though. Edelgard is the only one who is immediately going for the root cause of the feudalism, theocracy, + supremacy of those with crests(a thing some with noble blood have that give them funky lil powers). But yes, eugenics is the wrong word in the context it was used. Those with crests are seen as automatically superior than those without, nobles with crests often(or want their kids to) have kids with people based on crest things, children born without crests are sometimes discarded etc but it's not really "the selection of desired heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations" in a large scale way. Crests are like, gatekept by the nobles, they're supposed to be exclusive and there's supposed to be people without crests so it's not the classic eugenics 'all people should be like this'.
The game is very political, deals with heavy stuff and puts a lot of focus on 'Hey, don't you like this character? You'll stay by their side forever, right?' So people(esp those who picked one route and ignore the other viewpoints of the story) get very passionate about the ones they think are right or wrong and will just claim stuff that isn't supported in-game(good example would be that some extremist Dmitri and or Rhea fans keep calling Edelgard a genocidal facist?? People will really just throw those kinda words around, huh). I personally played Rhea's route(then Dmitri's) first but am now an Edelgard+Claude fan cause i agree with them and like them more while staying chill with everyone, which seems to be the exception cause people have gotten really vile regarding this game.
Also I married Edelgard in her route but as someone who's played all routes I don't actually think any of these bitches would be very dateable. I'm a they should have all lost early truther.
Again sorry for the really long ask i know you don't care about fire emblem, but three houses really has an extreme fanbase... I hope you haven't had to deal with any death threats or some shit and that you have a good day.
Oh yeah, I've seen that Fire Emblem fans can be a bit extreme or mean in my notes / asks but don't worry, I've never had any death threats! I can see that the game means a lot to you all and that you're just taking it to heart!
Have a good day too!
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legofrans · 5 months
Fire emblem tier list based on my own personal enjoyment of the games. Don't ask what happened to the colors I'd like to know too. Tiers are ordered.
Obviously heavily biased towards my own tastes, but also to the expectations I had going into each game. This is in no way intended to indicate the actual quality of the games.
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Short thoughts on my experience on all the games below. It adds up to a pretty long post.
Fates: I originally played it back in late 2016. Dumb as I was, I thought "oh hey if I just play revelation it'll kind of be like I get to experience both routes right?"
Well it turns out revelation sucks ass. I got to the final chapter but Soleil (I had an affinity for lesbians back then. Wondered why that was) got countered with a 3% crit, I ragequit, and I haven't touched any of the games since.
New years resolution is to play conquest. I've heard good things about it's gameplay so if I go in with 0 expectations for the story I think I'll be able to enjoy it.
Dark dragon and the blade of light, as well as Gaiden, have several problems that can be very neatly summarized: they're old. Not much here in terms of story to comment on.
. . . Engage. Let's start with the good: the gameplay is fantastic. One of the best in the series. Most games add some unique spin on the formula to make it their own, and for most it works out well. Engage takes that and goes above and beyond. Smashing weapons (forgot the term) is a fun addition. Engaging is also a really interesting strategic aspect. Skill management is really, really good. (although I wish weapon durability had also been a part of it.)
Problems start coming with the story. It's pretty much a stock standard Fe story. Evil dragon gets resurrected, we gotta stop him. This is considerably less interesting here than with Marth though. Marth was kind of a nobody (crown prince of a minor country but who is keeping track) while Alear is like. The Divine Dragon. Everyone knows them and loves them and is willing to bend over backwards or the nearest countertop for them. It just does not make for an interesting story for me.
There's also the Emblems! As said, fantastic gameplay addition. Story wise they first make no sense. Secondly, if you're going to put some of the most beloved characters from a franchise in a game, you should make sure they represent how they were in the game. Engage kinda falls flat here imo.
Then there's also the artstyle. I dont think Mika Pikazo is a good fit for fire emblem. It works for a few characters, but overall it leaves me wanting something else. Especially for the Emblems, I don't think I like how any of them look except like Roy and Camilla.
For most of the games in the series I can genuinely say that my critique comes from a love of the game. Im not sure I can say that in regards to Engage. It definitely comes from a love for the series as a whole, but I think engage is the only entry in the series which I actually dislike.
Shadow Dragon! Not too much to say here. It's Marth! You girls know Marth right?
The plot and gameplay are both very basic, and not much to write home about. Marth being s bit of an underdog makes him more interesting than Alear. The reclassing is interesting in concept, but I never really got into it.
New mystery of the emblem is kind of just more of the same, but with a larger cast and everything is happening again. It kind of works.
This entry and Shadow Dragon could kind of go either way, but ultimately the Gaiden chapters are enough of an interesting addition to put new mystery ahead.
Three houses was a pretty fun game! But I don't think it's a good fire emblem game. there's a lot I could say about the monastery and the class system, and the skill system and the grinding and the completely uncapped levels! I have a hard time considering it a mainline entry.
In short, around 70% of the game is either grinding or non-FE gameplay and I didn't enjoy that. What's more, I started with CF, and that route is straight up unfinished.
Three hopes isn't here because it's not a mainline entry but unironically enjoyed it more than Three houses.
Binding Blade! Good game. Good FE too. Pretty basic plot, but it's good enough. I'm not at all fond of the "true ending" stuff and also there's the hitrate issues for everything that's not swords. Roy as a protagonists is also one of the weaker ones in the series I think. Sorry man.
If I had played fe6 before 7 & 8 I'd probably have rated it higher. But all the GBA games are good, and everything that's C-tier and aboveis something I'd recommend.
Genealogy of the holy war is a very different fire emblem, but unlike 3H it is still distinctly Fire emblem. I didn't have much in terms of expectations going into this one. It has a lot of quirks, both good and bad.
The typical story formula has a very nice twist on it this time and keeps things interesting. Which is good since the story is one of the biggest draws, since the game offers a bit less in terms of challenge when compared to the other games in the series.
The gameplay quirks are very interesting, such as weapon kills, but because some units are extremely heavily favored in this game, it only ends up mattering for very few units or if you go out of your way to use other, worse units.
Shadows of Valentia is a game I really would've liked to put in high A-tier. It is probably the best remake of a game I've ever played.
But it's too faithful to the original. My problems with Gaiden were not just that the graphics actually hurt my eyes and that the menus were confusing and everything looked kind of weird. The maps. . . . also kind of suck.
There's too much weird terrain with too powerful bonuses. There's also too much open field. Enemy starting locations feel random. Many maps have one chokepoint to get through and that's all the features there is to it.
And then there's the story. One problem with having the script be about 300 times that of the original is that you can fit so much more misogyny in there. And they did.
Thats the negative stuff out of the way let's go to the positive. The class system rules. I'm a big fan of promotion bonuses going to a class base stat instead of adding flat numbers. The magic system with learned spells and HP cost is also really cool.
The weapon system is also great, with being able to promote certain weapons into other things with special features and skills. I like it! It's interesting! Items are kind of whatever though.
Radiant dawn is a mostly fantastic game with two very big problems and one major nitpick. The latter is that there's true ending bullshit again.
The problems are: the new support system. It's boring. Less opportunity for characterisation for everyone that's not a major player in the story.
The later chapters are also just a slog to get through. If you've been in the Fe fandom for a long time you've probably seen memes about RD enemy phases. It is like that.
Good things! The bonus XP system! It's fantastic. Being able to almost pick which stats you want a unit to grow in if you know what you're doing is great! Makes it so practically every unit can be good.
They did kind of screw over Laguz units though. And the Renning bullshit pisses me off so bad.
Blazing blade is a very good game and was many peoples first FE game. I don't have many thoughts on this. If Blazing blade was a dish it'd be bread dipped in olive oil. Simple. Fantastic. You don't need much more.
Awakening was also the introduction to fire emblem for a lot of people. According to some it saved the franchise, according to others it killed it.
Personally I had a lot of fun playing this. It has many well designed chapters, and a simple and fun skill and class system. Though, it has some issues in overleveling and access to grinding. The pair up mechanic is also somewhat of a double edged sword, which I really like. Do you want one stronger unit, or multiple strong ones? It's interesting! . . . . Until you get to A support or unlock dual guard+ at which point there's just one correct choice.
I really liked how silly the writing in awakening got. Very funny script, and a lot of memorable characters.
Mystery of the emblem turns 30 in a few days, and looks surprisingly good for its age. I started playing this a few months before three houses came out, and I had already played all the other games in the series ('cept fates) at that point. I had low expectations considering how bad DD/Gaiden felt to play, but mystery of the emblem feels almost good to play.
I don't miss weapon level being a stat like all the others. But I do miss the starshards (growth modifiers my beloved) and the very funny again staff.
S tier :)
Sacred stones was the first turn based strategy game I ever played and I've been hooked since. No, real chess does not count.
It has a really good tutorial, it's not that difficult of a game, and it has a very simple and easy to follow plot. It's definitely the best game to play if you want to get into fire emblem.
Chapters are well designed, the graphics are charming, and the characters are too.
Again, all the GBA games are very good. There's not too much to say here.
Path of Radiance features several of my favorite characters in the series. Titania, Ike, Soren, Lethe, Jill, "Eat rock" guy, Leanne, and Lucia.
This is probably the best the series ever got in terms of writing. It breaks of from the typical "oh no the evil dragon is being revived" formula and manages to have a plot that feels much more centered on the characters, which I love. The base conversations really help with that.
It's not just the story that's phenomenal the gameplay is also really good. The skill system is a bit limited, but the decisions feel all the more impactful because of it.
The class system has a pretty unique twist in that your units are promoted by leveling past level 20 this time around. The bonus XP system also helps a lot with that, although the Bonus XP system this time is just random stats, unlike in Radiant dawn.
While not the game I enjoyed the most, it's definitely the game I recommend the highest.
Thracia 776 is almost infamous in the fandom. Its known for being one of the hardest, if not the hardest game in the series. It has a lot of peculiarities, like capturing, leadership stars, movement stars, movement growths, magic and resistance being the same stat, stealing equipped weapons, forced dismounting, no Langes indoors, FUCC, Infinite duration statuses etc. . . Theres a lot going on.
But most of it is really good. And more importantly. Almost all of the bullshit goes both ways. Sleeping enemies sleep permanently. Enemies can capture your units, too.(which also has strategic value since it halves their stars) Your units have leadership stars. The fucking thief staff.
It also features one of my favorite mechanics, the crusader scrolls. It's essentially the same thing as the starshards but this time around they also help preventing crits. The modified growths together with thracias extremely low stat caps means effectively every unit can become very strong. Though there's still FUCC, movement stars, and skills to consider. All units are not created equal.
Thracia also has one of my favorite narratives. It is the smallest scale conflict (except Lyn mode) in the series and it makes for a very interesting change of pace. It's not a grand heroic adventure, but just about Leif trying to live to fight another day.
And that is also pretty well reflected in the gameplay. Thracia introduced both Escape and defense maps. It would've been a very different game if it had been all rout and seize maps.
All in all though, the game does at some points feature some actually unfair and unfun things too. Xavier's recruitment. 24x's warp tiles. Ch.4 if you don't know. Going into Thracia completely blind is a decision you'll have to make on your own. I tried doing that and had to hard reset upon hitting chapter 4. Then I opened a guide, and honestly, I don't regret it. But you should play the game if you haven't. It's good.
Also here's a tier list on how good of a game I think every game is, while trying to be impartial.
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claristhegirl · 7 months
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Finished Blazing Blade (FE7) Hector Hard Mode tonight!
Earlier this year, I decided on the long term goal of attempting to finish every mainline Fire Emblem game on the hardest difficulty. There's 8 of them I haven't even played yet (FE1-6 and the two DS games), and most of the games I have I've only finished on easier difficulties, so... there's a lot to do. When they released Blazing Blade on Nintendo Switch Online over the summer, that felt like a good place to start making serious effort towards this goal.
One unfortunate catch, though: I was starting from a new save file. And Hector Hard is unlocked by completing Hector Normal. And Hector is unlocked by completing Eliwood. And I decided I wanted to do Eliwood Hard as well. So in the end I did 4 different playthroughs of the game over the past several months. Suffice to say I've had enough of Blazing Blade for a very long time if not forever, lol. I am NOT going to miss the overly limited deployment slots.
Character and chapter info:
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Farina (431 Battles / 271 Wins / 1 Loss)
I planned on her being my main late-game carry since before the playthrough even began, and she performed far better than I even expected. She did get a good number of statboosters (Afa's Drops, Angelic Robe, 2 Goddess Icons, Talisman, Boots, Body Ring), but her four capped stats were (aside from Afa's Drops) all capped naturally. She had 18 Defense after promotion! She soloed a ton of late game without any trouble at all.
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Florina (309 Battles / 184 Wins / 4 Losses)
Also Girl!
With the help of Lyn Mode statboosters she was my main carry until Farina came along, at which point she was still very useful but was outclassed by What The Hell Farina How Do You Have So Much Defense. Her absurd luck was incredibly helpful against all the Luna enemies.
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Oswin (281 Battles / 138 Wins / 1 Loss)
Very lucky Oswin here, with almost every stat being above average. Turns out having an utterly absurd Defense stat is pretty good.
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Hector (268 Battles / 116 Wins / 2 Losses)
...Very mediocre. 8 Skill before promotion... that he can't do until there's like 5 chapters left... ow ow ow. This game sure does have some baffling design choices.
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Bartre (255 Battles / 149 Wins / 0 Losses)
Was required to use him for full recruitment, but then uhhh what the hell Bartre? What are these stats how are you 4 above average in both Skill and Speed oh my god.
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Raven (221 Battles / 134 Wins / 2 Losses)
His level ups were largely not great, but he did get a LOT of Luck levels early on to shore up his main weakness and was otherwise carried by his absurd Hard Mode bases.
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Fiora (203 Battles / 133 Wins / 1 Loss)
The least useful of the Pegasus Sisters this playthrough due to her lower strength, but still had a very nice niche with her Res. She got to be my main carry in Eliwood Hard at least!
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Eliwood (156 Battles / 82 Wins / 0 Losses)
Pretty good Strength and Speed, though ultimately didn't get used too much.
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Marcus (89 Battles / 52 Wins / 0 Losses)
Performed his Jagen role admirably.
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Guy (78 Battles / 44 Wins / 0 Losses)
Being my first Hard Mode Bonuses character, I tried to use him, but then he failed to get a single point of Strength in 10 levels and was too weak to keep up.
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Lyn (63 Battles / 34 Wins / 0 Losses)
Promoted at Level 17. I tried to use her early (especially thanks to aiming for Linus's Four-Fanged Offense) but her strength and defenses were just too awful to be worth using after that point.
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Legault (26 Battles / 11 Wins / 2 Losses)
Yup he sure did steal things while having additional limited combat utility.
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Serra (18 Battles / 5 Wins / 0 Losses)
My main staff user until Pent arrived, though she still stuck around whenever deployment slots actually allowed for it.
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Pent (12 Battles / 6 Wins / 0 Losses)
Didn't get used much for combat, but he became my main staff user late-game.
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Athos (6 Battles / 3 Wins / 0 Losses)
Yup he sure did a good job of "guaranteed final boss kill with Luna and some speed statboosters".
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Ninian/Nils (3 Battles / 0 Wins / 0 Losses, combined)
I told myself this would be the playthrough I would actually use the rings more and then I still had barely used them by the time the game was over, oops. Oh well.
Turn counts and chapter info:
Pro. A Girl from the Plains (6 Turns) Ch1 Footsteps of Fate (6 Turns) Ch2 Sword of Spirits (7 Turns) Ch3 Band of Mercenaries (6 Turns) Ch4 In Occupation's Shadow (8 Turns) Ch5 Beyond the Borders (7 Turns) Ch6 Blood of Pride (7 Turns) Ch7 Siblings Abroad (10 Turns) Ch7x The Black Shadow (8 Turns) Ch8 Vortex of Strategy (9 Turns) Ch9 A Grim Reunion (11 Turns)
Ch10 The Distant Plains (23 Turns) Lyn Mode's Prologue through Chapter 9 were shared with my Eliwood Hard playthrough. Since you can't save between completing this chapter and choosing the character mode afterward, I had to redo this chapter. Had to wait at the end for Nils to reach Level 7 (why is that a thing...).
Ch11 Another Journey (18 Turns) Took a surprisingly annoying number of attempts, though I was probably being too reckless. Welcome to Hector Hard I guess.
Ch12 Birds of a Feather (7 Turns) Ch13 In Search of Truth (14 Turns) Ch13x The Peddler Merlinus (8 Turns) Ch14 False Friends (10 Turns) Ch15 Talons Alight (8 Turns) Ch16 Noble Lady of Caelin (15 Turns)
Ch17 Whereabouts Unknown (21 Turns) Had one of the soldiers die here because I wasn't expecting them to immediately rush to their death and get ORKO'd by the enemy right outside of the cell noooooooo
Ch17x The Port of Badon (17 Turns)
Ch18 Pirate Ship (12 Turns) Every other playthrough I ended the chapter early by defeating the boss, so it was interesting to actually play it out this time. Did still barely manage to steal the boss's item on the final turn, having to plan it out exactly several turns in advance.
Ch19 The Dread Isle (13 Turns)
Ch19x Imprisoner of Magic (44 Turns) Managed to defeat Kishuna first try, which I was really grateful for given how much time I spent grinding on his morphs beforehand lol.
Ch19x pt2 A Glimpse in Time (19 Turns) Ch20 Dragon's Gate (20 Turns) Ch21 New Resolve (15 Turns)
Ch22 Kinship's Bond (7 Turns) Lost an attempt annoyingly far in because of confusion with enemy ranges, and how it doesn't show that an enemy can attack from a space if another enemy is already standing there (even though said enemy can move or die...). Bleh.
Ch23 Living Legend (33 Turns) Was super worried about the HHM exclusive fog, but then I ended up having a significantly easier time than I did in EHM due to the altered boss locations and them not moving.
Ch23x Genesis (31 Turns) This had a terrifying first impression, but it became significantly easier once I remembered that the Barrier Staff exists.
Ch24 Four-Fanged Offense [Linus] (36 Turns)
Ch25 Crazed Beast (120 Turns) This is the start of massive turn count bloat due to going for supports (mainly Hector/Farina A, and later Eliwood/Lyn A just because). The GBA support system is such terrible nonsense. But anyway, first chapter with Farina, and I took advantage of all the monks that could do nothing to her to grind her to Level 2 promoted. She ended the chapter with 18 defense!!
Ch26 Unfulfilled Heart (12 Turns) Decided to go for the Armory on the final turn, which 18 Defense Farina + Nini's Grace was able to do while surviving Vaida easily.
Ch27 Pale Flower of Darkness [Jerme] (98 Turns). Aimed for Jerme's because I did Kenneth in my EHM playthrough, and Hard Mode bonuses favor the Jerme units regardless. Got Harken because I wanted to try him out with Hard Mode bonuses… and then never used him, but I did at least use his Brave Sword. Another bloated turn count due to supports.
Ch28 Battle Before Dawn (16 Turns) Farina rushed for Ursula and nearly soloed everything in the way, making this chapter easy once reinforcements were stopped.
Ch28x Night of Farewells (98 Turns) Another chapter with Farina rushing for the boss to stop reinforcements, killing Sonia on Turn 3. And then the rest was spent slowly cleaning things up while being terrified of the status staff enemies, and then spending forever to finally reach Hector/Farina A.
Ch29 Cog of Destiny (40 Turns) Florina got unexpectedly hit by a Berserk staff early on, which was terrifying but then none of the enemies around her managed to actually do anything to her.
Ch30 The Berserker (20 Turns) I gave it a decent amount of tries with Hector + Legault to try to steal the statboosters, but had way too much trouble and my strat required a lot of luck so I decided to not bother and cleared it super easily with Hector + Farina.
Ch31 Sands of Time (12 Turns) Warped to and killed the boss Turn 1, making the rest of the chapter mostly fairly simple (...mainly thanks to getting lucky dodges against the status staff enemies).
Ch31x Battle Preparations (6 Turns)
Ch32 Victory or Death (18 Turns) This chapter felt incredibly overwhelming. Farina could take on basically everyone by herself, but there being so many enemies meant she had to return to the main group to restock her weapons, and I also wanted to get every village. I thought the attempt was lost midway through, but I guess there's a 50 enemy limit, so a lot of the reinforcements I was worried about and expecting didn't show up.
Ch32x The Value of Life (33 Turns) Spent most of this chapter feeding kills to Hector because I felt like it, which is how he ended the game at Level 18.
Final Light (20 Turns) Finished off Nergal with an unnecessary Farina Triangle Attack, then killed the Dragon with the guaranteed Athos + Luna.
Total: 949 Turns
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yue-muffin · 25 days
booted up fire emblem engage again! haven't played it since it released last year and I'm really enjoying the gameplay. the story's a bit campy (as soon as someone made the comparison to the tokusatsu genre it all made sense lol), but the gameplay is good mix of complexity for me. flexible without being too freeform (I had a difficult time with three houses because of this...i'm just too indecisive and there are too many options!).
but yikes playing the story again reminded me that the localization is really off from the original dialogue in a lot of places. there's just a lot of mismatch and it drives me up a wall. it doesn't necessarily mean it's mistranslated (though some lines do lack nuance), but they definitely took lot more liberties than three houses did. i really can't judge the previous games well, since I only own and play Fates and Echoes in Japanese, and Awakening I only own in English.
I originally used the english text this time because it was available and this game has a lot of mechanics and skills, which are harder to keep track of and understand the effects of when I play it in Japanese. but maybe I should just switch the text language too since it bothers me so much. after all, I managed to play Fates entirely in Japanese and it's pretty skill and mechanic heavy.
(I will say, I've read some of Echoes's localization and it's really good. Like, the flavor text is actually better than the original.)
anyways, it feels like so long ago that engage was released but it was actually just last year! which is kind of a bummer since that means we might not get news of the next game for a while. Fire emblem isn't a franchise that sees the need to pump out a new game every year. i am totally manifesting for an FE4 remake. that one's actually my favorite game in the series, point blank. which is interesting because it's nothing like any of the other games.
reminds me, I have to play FE5 from the beginning one day...think I got stuck last time I played. that one really really needs some QOL changes if it ever gets a remake. it's such a strange one. it's good but frustrating. mainly I think it's the hit rates. I once tossed 5+ units at a single enemy and not ONE hit the dude. hit rates are such trash in that game. the rest of the mechanics are actually pretty interesting and fun.
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itsbenedict · 3 months
Alright, so- two months into the year, how much of my ten-item list is done?
Finish the first case of Justice/Arcana and revise the draft
Finish the SakuraPetalFantasy walkthrough portion of Datasouls (not with the whole combat toy situation, just the rest of it)
Do 24 TFJ recaps, two per month
Work through all the exercises in Genki 1 and 2, and catch up on WK reviews.
Date someone. I feel like I look decent and have a lot of desirable qualities that would make this not too hard to accomplish, but I have to put effort into looking or it’s never going to happen on its own. (I am unfortunately of the gender that doesn’t typically get asked out and has to take the initiative.) It’s gonna be tricky since I’m a weird person with weird life priorities and finding someone who’d actually be happy partnering up with that long-term is a tall order.
Actually get that standing desk walk-while-working workflow set up and establish an exercise routine that I keep to for more than half the year
Release a functional version of that Fire Emblem content authoring tool
Replace grody old kitchen sink that has weird white stuff growing out from inside the handle
Finish the games I’m still playing through from this post
Find some new source of income reliable enough to pay the bills without making me work more than 20 hours a week. (I’m a programmer, this is hypothetically doable.) Freelancing/contract work maybe?
One at a time...
I've done a few updates to Justice/Arcana, and have pretty much all the art assets I'll need done. There's a bit of a writing roadblock at the moment but I just need to take some time and work it out.
I did a handful of enemy icons for Datasouls but otherwise didn't work on it
Did four recaps, staying on course
No Japanese practice yet
No dating yet. From what I hear, there are no good dating sites anymore and it's all just swipe-right hookup apps, which are no use to me. I've written a date-me doc but I still need to have some nice pictures taken for it.
I ordered a new under-desk elliptical that you can actually stand on, and it just arrived, but I haven't set it up yet. I've been exercising regularly, though!
Made a bunch of progress on Medallion Works, such that the map editor is now bare-minimum functional.
No sink amelioration yet
Played most of those games- still need to get through The Sekimeiya, though. That one is long and dense.
Contract work for the company I quit has been manageable, but isn't quite paying the bills on its own- I made $3600 in February, which- setting aside probably half of that for taxes and other bullshit expenses- covers mortgage payments and utilities but not food and other purchases. And I'll be doing less and less work for them over time, as they get their environment stood up and running smoothly. That's still going to have to be replaced by real employment of some sort sometime this year, but not a concern just yet.
Overall, January and February were a bit more scattershot than I'd like- January was a whole lot of travel and finishing up stuff at work, and February still had a bit of work getting in the way. Plus I didn't really focus on any one thing, so nothing's fully checked off yet.
March... I think I need to focus on getting J/A's first case done, since it's in the home stretch. That and a couple recaps, and probably dealing with the sink situation if I can.
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Tweet I found: "Fire Emblem takes one of the most beloved FE protagonists and makes him live up to the promise of being a morally gray genius who plays both sides ON TOP of giving him a character arc."
I'm sorry, WHAT? One, Claude was only ever originally thought of as anything CLOSE to that; the """""promise""""" of him being anything other than what we got in 3H... never existed past the rough drafts. Like sorry-not-sorry to this fandom that insists so hard on making Claude way more morally dubious than he ever was in 3H, but Claude is for the most part a soft-hearted sucker. He was never half as bad as either he tried to say he was or the fandom ever treated him. And this is partially proven by even the eastern fandom being outraged at Hopes!Claude - the eastern fandom, who was never subject to Meme Man Claude portrayals of him! Like yes he can be underhanded, but the dude's just... nice, overall.
Two, if Claude was ever really someone who "played both sides" in 3H like this person said was """promised""" to us, then why doesn't he ever directly try to willingly help the Empire at any point in 3H? You know, like he does with helping the Kingdom cross Gloucester territory undisturbed, or how Claude gives Dimitri Failnaught, or how the Alliance lords willingly decided to fold back into the Kingdom, in AM? Even though the Empire, on CF, has Byleth to make them seem legit, and even though the Church would've still had the same dogma that Claudelgard insists they have that made him become an asshole?
Three - and I'm cupping my hands around my mouth for this one - A CHARACTER DOING BAD THINGS DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MEAN THEY'RE ON A CHARACTER ARC. Claudelgard is not on any "arc" - not on one that's any sort of competently written, at least. Him killing his brother and him saying he's willing to get his hands bloody afterwards does not, by ANY means, signify that that now means he's willing to COMPLETELY THROW AWAY ANY CHANCES HE HAS AT HIS AMBITIONS FOR BETTER FOREIGN RELATIONS, or that he's willing to believe someone he KNOWS to be a liar on just her word, or that he suddenly gives a shit about expanding his power (when THAT has NEVER been a concern of his, either in 3H or even in 3Hopes before that moment) to the point that's he's willing to help the Empire in any way in order to leech off their influence. Really wished that the people who like Claudelgard would stop throwing around the term "character arc" as some kind of gotcha against those who see the very clear breaks in Claude's character that needed to happen for him to do pretty much anything he does post Chapter 9.
And would, like, just stop being so rude in general actually?? Like, the amount of times I'm seeing say things like "the people who don't like Claude in hopes just don't like him making mistakes" "they flanderized his character and forgot that he can be bad too" "oh to be a Claude fan who knows how to read (<- ACTUALLY SAID)" is enough to make me wanna scream lmao, like holy shit
This got . . . long. Oops.
I'm not going to pretend I haven't said things similar to "they just don't understand"; I've said it about the Lions, and I've said it about Claude, because while it does feel gross to say (who am I, a little clown on her corner of the internet, to go after someone's interpretation of a game), after a certain point it's very clear that the text does not matter to certain consumers nearly as much as their own conceptions of the character, which is . . . irritating, to say the least. It's less about proving right and wrong, and more coming to the conclusion that being selective regarding canon is a consumer's choice, but after a certain point their interpretation cannot be taken seriously because of how little care they give the facts in the original media. Which is to say: People can enjoy this version of Claude if they want to, but I would heavily encourage a breakdown of what they enjoy, and if that's really something that was present in Houses or if it's just something they wished were there. Because people can holler until they're blue in the face about the character Claude could have been, should have been, would have been better as, but at the end of the day, I don't give a shit about the original draft of this game's writing beyond a cute little "huh, that's interesting," because it, frankly, does not matter. It can certainly provide a frame of reference to how they bastardized his character in Hopes; and if you were going to write an essay on how writers treat characters who don't fit into their franchise's usual tropes, and how that result interacts with their consumer base, sure, you could cite the original plans for Claude as a case study, in that he was going to be some sort of conniving middle ground between Blue Lord and Red Emperor--but from a narrative standpoint you cannot reach into the writers' hard drives and say "See! This was the plan all along!" because I think if someone did that to Princes I think I would fucking implode. Intention is not product; there is a reason drafts exist. If the writers really, honestly cared about giving us a morally loose character, they would have taken care to keep him that way instead of allowing his character to become one who's firm enough in his morals to trust the Blue Lord with the state of affairs--and his family heirloom!--while he fucks off back home. The writers made choices; Claude von Riegan, AKA Khalid somethingsomething (WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET A FAMILY NAME, INTSYS?), is the result of those choices, and while he doesn't get to shine nearly as much as we all would have liked in Houses, he's sure as fuck consistent: He always has a backup plan, he doesn't take well to people using violence to get their way, he very much cares about those closest to him, and above all he treasures his ambitions and protects it with everything he has, without feeling the need to throw away his life. People are more than within their right to want something different but . . . oh well? Like I'm sorry, I really am, but that is not what we got. Frankly, that's what fanficiton is for.
And......I'm going to ask this in the most respectful manner I can, but:
What fucking character arc? Because Claude remains tragically one-note on Golden Wildfire. He's made to work for the plot, again, instead of having it go the other way around. That means he can never be confident in his plans, because the plot needs him to get to a certain point to make Decisions(TM); that means he has to throw aside common sense and his stance already established in this game to make an Alliance that makes absolutely no sense for his character, but it necessary for the plot for . . . *checks notes* reasons. There were no ups and downs for this Claude, because he was little more than a plot device instead of a full-fledged character.
The reality of it is: Claude in Hopes was poorly written, and he is by no means comparable to Claude in Houses as a means of saying what should have been. He's not even allowed to walk away with the title of smartest dude on the board because half of the decisions he makes are just straight-up idiotic. I can't look at this guy and cheer that this is the guy we were supposed to get because a) the guy we got in Houses was flawed without being insufferable, and b) you can't just undo a whole game's worth of canon because you want to. Hopes, as per the developers, is not meant to override Houses, which means they're meant to co-exist, and as we've established by this point, these two guys are . . . nothing alike. If people want to look at my takes and the takes of others and say we simply never understood Claude, or that we can't appreciate a scheme-y schemer . . . well, sorry, but no.
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5, 8, 18!
5. What game would you recommend to someone new to the series?
on one hand, I feel very underqualified to answer this because I haven't played any of the older games, so I don't exactly have the most well rounded opinion. on the other hand, though, I got into FE through one of the new games! so, while I've been told by friends that it plays a lot differently than older FE games, I do think that Three Houses is a fun way to get people interested in the franchise (and also in RPGs, which I also have never really played but now would like to). the game mechanics are neat, I think a lot of the characters are really fun and interesting, and I think the lore and plot are super fascinating. AND it succeeded at making me want to play every other FE game I can get my hands on (*stares at Path of Radiance* some day...)
8. Least favorite lord/protagonist?
Manna out here tryin to get me sent hate mail again, I haven't played very many FE games yet, so I don't really know most of the lords beyond names + faces, but right now my least favorite lord is Edelgard,,, I think she's a really interesting character and an excellent villain and I definitely don't hate her, but the more I reflect on 3H and CF specifically, the more she frustrates me. I could write a whole thing about it but my biggest issue is how much she just. lies and twists everything to suit her narrative. especially the way that she lies to Byleth, who she supposedly loves. there's a lot about how CF treats Byleth that I don't like, and this is one of my bigger issues.
as for protagonists...Shez is probably my least favorite so far. and it's not even that I dislike them; I actually thought that they were an interesting contrast and opposite to Byleth and I really like their relationship with Dimitri specifically. I just don't feel a huge amount of affection for them. granted, their case is not helped by the fact that I. really fucking hate 3 Hopes. I despis e that game it made me so angry. so unfortunately for them my freshest memories of them are from my least favorite route in the game, wherein they are partially (unintentionally) responsible for the reason the route sucked (although the actual reason is bad writing). like I said I don't dislike Shez tho. they're alright and they deserved a better game (everyone in 3 Hopes did).
18. How do you tend to play Fire Emblem? (es. casually, doing Ironman runs, playing it like a visual novel)
hard + classic full recruit perfectionist run lmao i.e. I try to recruit all characters, complete all paralogues, finish as many support chains as possible, and finish main missions with as many surviving NPCs as possible (VW Fort Merceus kicked my ass this time around tho and half the Almyran forces died :/ ) I would kind of like to go back to a more storyline-oriented recruit style tho. I full recruit because I can't bear to kill anyone I don't have to and I still have a lot of supports + end cards I haven't gotten; but, for instance, the first time I played Golden Deer I only recruited Ashe, and the first time I played Black Eagles I only recruited a small group of characters like Felix, Sylvain, and Lysithea. I don't like killing characters, but I do think it would be a nice change to go back to a smaller recruit group where I could focus on completing a set number of supports and sort of play out a storyline with them like I did with those two routes.
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mlarayoukai · 2 years
Actually yeah no Rob I gotta disagree that Xenoblade is an example of that, especially like, with Saito's character designs specifically (especially in 2, less so in 3 because he was obviously restrained lmao), because it's the opposite; all the women have the same body types and faces and are all young while all the men are varied in age and body type and have different faces. That's far from an "afterthought" imo it's just a worse kind of "the art director is obviously horny" because in this case the boys get interesting designs while the girls are all coombait. And then the first game doesn't have that problem at all outside of like, alternative, optional armor sets. I think it's because 1 doesn't have one sole, credited art director the way Saito is for 2 and 3.
I haven't played any of the games and I really meant xenoblade 2, like you said all the girls look the same. I'm just saying they didn't put enough "thought" into Rex over pyra. All the designs suck ass though. I really don't know what I'm talking about lol I'm glad to hear you're opinion!
Unrelated It's a little different from my angle because as a gay man it's very obvious when male character designs are an after thought like in the aforementioned fire emblem or fgo and other gachas. I don't mind horny designs either make it a bishoujo game or have equal rights lol it feels like a check list of whatever the artist thinks people like in men. Bad bad bad
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The actual next big post I need to write is about how great Fire Emblem Engage is and how Not Ok the Gamers have been about it, but for now it's time to complain about how disappointing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is.
I literally waited years to find a copy cheap enough I could justify picking it up, all the while seeing people go on and on about how good it is and how it's a shame it's been so many years since there was a new DK game. I finally managed to find it semi-affordable and grabbed it, ready to see what everyone had been talking about.
The short version is that it's extremely polished but also just not at all fun for me, at least up through the first main boss at the end of world 1, and I kinda suspect if I haven't gotten into yet it I'm not going to.
I guess I probably should've expected it. My history with the DKC games goes back to the original SNES one, and I've always thought they were only ok. I especially never understood why people thought the SNES games looked so amazing because they kinda looked like ass to me. The hardware just didn't have the power to display the pre-rendered sprites in a way that did them justice. I liked the art style enough in the promotional material and other places it showed up higher DPI and a decent color depth, but crushing everything down to fit in the SNES limitations just killed it for me. Thankfully newer games on modern hardware can actually handle it, so it looks perfectly fine even if it's not my first choice of aesthetics I'm into.
But more importantly I've never loved the way the DKC games feel to play. Something about the speed or momentum of the characters or something always feels slightly off to me, and that hasn't changed in this one. I'm not the biggest fan of the style of level design they use either, but it's fine I guess. I didn't get into any of the ones I played in this game enough to have any interest in going back and finding the collectibles I missed or other secret stuff though, which is not a good sign.
Also I just kind of find the general vibe of it kind of annoying? I think I like the Donkey Kong characters less after having played like an hour of this. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with them, but it just really doesn't click with me. Ironically one of the biggest complaints I've seen about Fire Emblem Engage is that too many/most/all of the characters are annoying, but I just happen to personally like the way those weirdos are annoying and not the way these weirdos are annoying, I guess.
Anyway, DK64 continues to be my favorite DK game, Beaver Bother and all, despite being the only 3D one and the least like the others (or maybe because of that), but also it's been over 20 years since I played it so who knows what I'd think now?
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Digimon Survive
Tumblr media
Adventure, Drama, Isekai, Fantasy
Average Rating (Imdb): 8.2
Takuma and his friend are on a historical extracurricular activities camp during spring break. Later they are discovering another world when being attacked by a Digimon.
My Rating: 2
Recommended to:
Digimon fans who are starved for new content, but everyone else should never even touch it.
Instead, here is a list of thing you can read/play instead:
If you want a visual novel/tactical rpg, Fire Emblem is always good or at least better than Survive.
I'd even recommend the really bad ones over Survive because at least they are so ridiculous at times that it becomes funny.
If you really want a visual novel tactical rpg with monster tamer elements then go for Devil Survivor. I haven't played any besides 2 but at least that is a million times better than Digimon Survive can ever even dream to be.
If you want a monster tamer game in general, there is Pokemon, Spectrobes, Monster Rancher, Pokemon clones on mobile, the Dragon Quest Monster Joker games, Monster Hunter has that now as well and there probably are a lot more titles I don't even know about.
If you really want a Digimon game, go for the old ones you can get for cheap or play them on an emulator on your pc. Replay a Digimon game you already have.
The only thing you get out of this game you can not get from anything else is if you really want a tactical rpg visual novel mix with Digimon in particular.
Alternatively you could grab Pokemon Conquest for a less edgy for the sake of being edgy vibes experience but if you really want Digimon in a tactical rpg, Survive is sadly your only option.
My Opinion:
This will include A LOT of spoilers, which is why I put the recommended to section first this time. I just really want to rant about how awful this game is so I will not hold back on spoilers.
Shout out to ma boi Scared btw, for letting me rant about the game to him while playing it.
Now believe it or not but I actually really wanted to like this. Espacially because I like both visual novels and tactical rpgs so this should have been right up my alley. The prologue was pretty fun to play as well. Sure the pacing was pretty slow but nothing that really bothered me. If anything I appreciated this slow approach to getting you into the game because with a slow pacing like that I thought it would put a lot more emphasize on the characters and really gets you to know and feel for them before they may or may not face their death.
At least that's what I was hoping.
The first time I started to have some doubts in the game was when they encountered that "mysterious" woman. You know, the woman that acted as if she was just taking a walk out in the wilderness where monsters could attack her at all times and acts as if she had never seen a monster before. She only stops pretending that there are no monsters when Takuma's Digimon, Agumon, talks to her directly, even though all human kids have their Digimon with them and she had seen them the whole tike while they were talking. Like encountering a yellow dinosaur that can talk is just something you do on a saturday morning.
The kids just didn't question that because, listen, it's really important that they get kidnapped for the next level ok? There was definitly no other way to get to ... whatever the developers were thinking of, I dunno, tbh.
Another thing is that the dialogues often go on for way too long for the little substance they offer, which I would be fine with if the characters would just make it fun or interesting to talk about essentially the same thing for 10 minutes.
You can probably already guess that they don't. The characters are all pretty boring. They really don't go further than the surface level. They have they are one note characters and that's it. Funnily enough I saw the same archetypes executed way better in Devil Survivor 2. There are two characters with a very similar role in that game to two characters in Survive.
Those are Daiichi who is, just like Minoru from Survive, your easy going, always joking, laid back best friend. Meanwhile Io is very similar to Aoi. Both are new to the friend group of the MC and their friend but fit right in as the more shy but very smart one that is always there for moral support.
The difference is just that Minoru and Aoi do not go any deeper than that. They are just that character archetype and that's it.
Daiichi and Io, while they aren't the deepest characters ever, are a lot more interesting than them.
Daiichi first greets you in his usual laid back and friendly, even joking manner when he picks the player up from his class. He seems to be just a nice person you'd be friends with but when you are on your way home with him you see another side of him. You see that he is scared about his future because high school is almost over and he will probably work in some miserable job that he hates soon. His future is uncertain and full of potential misery, which scares him.
The years he lives currently will probably be the best of his life and yet he doesn't really value them as much as he feels he should. Daiichi asks himself if he should even look forward to adulthood and if the system they live in is worth it if it makes so many people miserable by just trying to live their lives.
You can see something similar in Io as well. She is very shy in the beginning not thinking very highly of herself or her opinions. Before the end of the game you even find out that she had suffered from mental health problems. Over the course of the game she grows a lot more confident and relies less and less on others. She loves helping the people in need as much as she hates seeing them suffer and even seeing someone that resembled her at the beginning of the game a lot. She gives them words of encouragement and even stops them from ending their life and giving them hope.
What I wanted to say with this example is that Minoru never becomes more than a simple person who likes to joke around or reveales that he is more than that over the course of the game. Sure, he becomes more serious after one of their friends died but that's it.
Daiichi already showed in the first 10 minutes of the game that there is a lot more to him than you would see on a first glance and that he is very smart a good critical thinker despite his grades not being the best.
Same is true for Io and Aoi. Io changes a lot over the course of the game. She changes from someone who needs help from others to being the one that helps others in need and inspires changes in them. Aoi is nothing but a nice girl. Sure, she is quiet most of the time but can get loud and brash if she has to but that's all there is to her. You find out a bit more of her backstory before she dies but even that doesn't give her that much more dimension.
Now extend what I just said to every single character in the game. The only exceptions being Ryo and Shuuji, who are assholes, one more than the other, they are scared of or hate their Digimon partner. This is a thing that has to change about them to even make the game work. However that is reserved for new game +, since both have scripted death's you can not prevent in your first playthrough.
Of course not every character has to be deep, needs a tragic backstory or even character developement to be a good character. A good example would be Jungo, again from Devil Survivor 2. He enters the game as a too dumb to function himbo and leaves the game as a too dumb to function himbo. But you know what still makes his conversations interesting? That he is one of the kindest people you have ever seen. He doesn't always understand what is going on but he tries to help and protect everyone to the best of his abilities. Hell, he risks his life to safe an injured cat and help her recover.
You repeatedly see other humans be selfish and fight for themself in the game, which makes his selfless and unending kindness stand out even more.
His dialogues are also often very humerous, which is a nice bonus but the emotional core is still Jungo's endless kindness he gives even to the rudest and most selfish person in the group, though he is not unable of hating someone.
The character writing in Survive gives the characters no appeal other than their inital role and character designs, which are great. Espacially Miu and Saki's desings look fantastic and Kaito and Aoi's designs both give a really good feel for the kind of person they are. It's just sad that this is the only thing that stands out about them.
They don't really have any opinions on something or philosopies or interests to talk with them about which makes their conversations incredibly boring and flavorless.
There are a lot of smaller things I could point out now.
Like that they know that Digimon can disguise themself and yet the kids still fall for obvious illusions every single time.
That the protagonist, 14, hides from a girl, 12, that's changing her clothes, getting the clostest to a fanservice scene you have in that game with the second youngest member of the group.
That said second youngest member gets groped and it is not treated as the traumatizing thing it is but instead it is just a thing that's annoying and happens sometimes. That despite as being advertised as a game in which you can safe your characters from dieing, you are locked out of doing that until you unlock new game +.
That I encountered a bug in my playthrough that made it impossible to progress and it took me three hours to find out how to work around said bug. How Aoi is the only one cooking even though there are three 14 year olds and one 16 year old boy who could help her with it.
That the girls were the only ones that needed help from the protagonist to figure out which is a fake and which is their real partner, while the boys were all able to do that on their own. Gender and age being weirdly important to the characters without having any pay off.
The incredible amount of repetivity in certain scenes like helping someone figure which is the fake and which is the real Digimon three times after already having gone through that yourself.
Miyuki having magic for some reason.
The characters only getting their backstory explained before they die just to get some cheap reaction from the player.
And on the wrath ending, which I got, Aoi suddenly turning evil just for extra drama. That when Takuma finds out that Haru/Renamon doesn't go outside the room when the girls change you have three options to chose how to react: You either, tell him that that's not cool, which is weird 'cause Haru doesn't even appear to be 10 years old.
Other than that you can chose to let Takuma tell Haru that he is jealous of him, which is fucking creepy or you can chose to not think about it ... which is followed by a boner joke.
May I remind you that Takuma is 14 and three girls in question are 15, 12 and 11.
This game is absolutely horrible. I only played through it so I can rant about it properly and it made me want to experience almost anything else than the game itself. Without exaggerating I screamed out of joy when I finally saw the credits roll.
The worst is that this game doesn't really make me angry. Sure it's really stupid at times but I'm not angry. I'm just sad and disappointed. I love Digimon. I really do. This game however took this franchise and took everything out of it that made it stick with people in the first place. Sure the monsters are a big part of it, but what made Digimon different from Pokemon, Monster Rancher, Spectrobes and other monster tamer franchises was it's emotional core. It was mainly a story about kids with their own problems and learning to be better people who learn to deal with said problems through the adventure they go on with their Digimon.
Survive doesn't have that emotional core, despite wanting to be basically a darker version of the original Adventure season of Digimon. It tried to imitate what it thought appealed to people but completely misunderstood why it is such a beloved season and that is the true tragedy of the game.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
I’m seeing a lot of fe3h content on my dash lately and it’s really making me want to pick it up, what are your thoughts on it? I’ve never played a fire emblem game before but I’ve heard that you don’t really have to play the others first. Is there anything I should know before playing? I looked through your tag to see if you had done a review but I couldn’t find one that looked like it didn’t have major spoilers (but I’m also on mobile so that could be on my end too). Sorry this is super long winded but thank you in advance!!
I love it. It is my favorite of the Fire Emblem games I've played, although that being said I haven't played many (only Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses). It's one of my top favorite games on the Switch and I think that any Switch owner who likes RPGs would be remiss not to get it.
That said, to address some of your questions / give you more info before you make the decision to buy it (if you do end up making that decision):
Fire Emblem is a strategy role playing game (SRPG) series. What this means is that it is heavily story and character focused, but also that the combat is both turn-based and also focused on, well, tactics and strategy. When it's your turn, you decide both where your units / party members move to, as well as what actions they take. When it's the enemy's (always the CPU as these are not multiplayer games) turn, they too move each of their units and decide which actions to take. For some people, this makes the gameplay slow, because each turn can take a while depending on how fast you make decisions / how many units are on the board. But this is also a huge plus for people who like to have time to think about what they should do next, versus just having to mash buttons at the speed of light to take down a boss or enemy.
Given that it is a heavily story- and character-focused game, though, the gameplay isn't just in battles. Like the Persona games, FE3H is broken down into months, with different plot elements and activities taking place in each calendar month. While you can choose to battle every free day if you want to, you're discouraged from doing this because your units can get tired out and thus be slower to gain skills during the lectures / lessons that take place the day after (this will make sense when you play, I promise). Instead, on your free days you can choose to run around the base, give gifts to different characters, have meals with them, etc. This builds "support points" between both your character (Byleth) and the unit, as well as building support points between the units themselves. This unlocks special cutscenes which give you more insight into the characters, and can lead toward different character endings. So if you are into story, characters, and yes, shipping, then this game gives you a lot of opportunity to do that and play around with different relationships on multiple playthroughs.
Speaking of, FE3H has a ton of replayability. There are four official routes in the game: Crimson Flower, Verdant Wind, Azure Moon, and Silver Snow (also often called Church Route). At the beginning of the game, you'll pick which house you want to be with: Black Eagles, Golden Deer, or Blue Lions. The first half of the game will be roughly the same, plot-wise, no matter which house you pick. However, things change drastically after the time skip depending on which route you're on, and if you choose Black Eagles, the change actually comes prior to the time skip, since Crimson Flower and Silver Snow are both Black Eagles routes. (Note: You can be locked out of Crimson Flower, which would be a tragedy. Silver Snow is kind of like Azure Moon lite, so if you pick Black Eagles, I recommend going for Crimson Flower. Always pick Edelgard to get Crimson Flower.) There's also a whole DLC story, Cindered Shadows, which focuses on a secret fourth house called the Ashen Wolves that is worth playing, too. Needless to say, FE3H has hundreds of hours worth of gameplay in it, making it well worth the $60 price tag. (And you will want to play each of the routes at least once, sans Silver Snow, to get the full experience.)
To go back to the gameplay for a minute: while FE3H is an SRPG and therefore does have a learning curve if you've never played a game like it before, not only does it make sure to give you tutorials even on repeat playthroughs, but you also have the option to play on easier difficulty and casual mode. Easier difficulty is what it sounds like: combat maps won't be as hard. Casual mode, on the other hand, means that your units will not permanently die when they fall in battle. If you want to be able to continue exploring relationships between the characters and not permanently lose them just because an enemy boss happened to crit, I recommend playing casual mode. Classic can be nice as a challenge once you've played multiple times, but casual gives the best experience your first time through, IMO.
You are correct that you don't need to have played any of the other Fire Emblem games before this one. Fire Emblem is like Final Fantasy or the The Legend of Zelda or the Tales Series in that most of the games are not connected to one another. There are some games in the series that are (e.g. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn are a direct prequel/sequel situation, and Awakening has Tiki in it, who is a character from the Marth games), but for the most part they aren't. You'll be perfectly fine if this is your very first Fire Emblem game; you won't be missing anything, story-wise.
All in all, I highly, highly recommend FE3H. I love it so, so much. It may not be perfect, but no game is, and this one should absolutely be a staple in the Switch's library.
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iturbide · 2 years
New Three Houses Game?? Warrior style??? Revealed in the direct????
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I love you guys jumping to my inbox with news like this it always makes me smile
I saw I was actually watching the Direct from the start and it was the first thing? I heard the music and went "...Three Houses??" and yeah apparently Nintendo's potentially going to give us a golden route as a Warriors spinoff??? I'm still kind of reeling I was hoping for FE news but I was not expecting that
I actually played the original Fire Emblem Warriors a while back and had a fun time with it! The story was pretty weak all things considered, but I really do enjoy mowing through enemies with my favorites, it's extremely satisfying and honestly kind of cathartic. I guess my biggest concern is how well they're going to be able to pull it off, just because of what Three Houses is: the mainline story for Three Houses doesn't hinge on the 'one man against an army' type feel the Warriors gameplay utilizes, and especially with Claude it doesn't leave many opportunities for his scheming or tactics to really shine.
When it comes to the story and the character handling, I unfortunately don't have a lot to go on: the original Fire Emblem Warriors pulled mostly existing characters into a new setting, which likely contributed to the shallow story, and the sheer number of them made it hard for any of them to actually shine outside of their introductory chapters. Now, I know that Nintendo did the whole Breath of the Wild history game in the Warriors style a while back, but I haven't actually gotten far in Breath of the Wild and therefore never bothered to pick up its Warriors entry, so I can't say whether that handled plot and characters with any more depth. If they did a good job with it, maybe this really is a good thing to be optimistic about! We're probably just going to have to wait and see, but I'm going to say I'm at least cautiously optimistic, especially if this does end up being akin to the golden route we never got in-game (and I'm going to play as Claude at every opportunity, no one can stop me).
If they force F!Byleth as the default character option though I'm going to riot
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af1899 · 3 years
FEH - Okay, I.S. actually did me a favor
(Link to video | Official thread at Twitter)
So... the New Heroes are from Fire Emblem: Three Houses and let me say, I couldn't be more relieved than I'm now with how easy an skip this is. 🤡🤡🤡
This is because I pulled for Sigurd+Deirdre yesterday and I'm literally broke to pull for anyone, the good consensus would've been to wait for the trailer yeah, but I was hoping I could pick the Duo this time since I adore them and they're still limited units I wanted so badly to get, but nope, that'll wait another year sadly since I should be saving for Halloween Kagero, Mia and Myrrh; and it seems a bad call to try any further than what I did.
Anyway, feel free to read what I think right below (free of spoilers from DLC/FE3H).
While I'm happy this is an easy skip banner despite the very useful fodder that comes with it and potentially sparkable, I'm still kind of displeased with the choice, since there's been quite some persistence with this game's banners this year, but I won't get upset specially since there's a good side to that and there's no point to get salty I think.
However, it continues to be weird how I.S. seems to make a blind eye out the fact Mythic Heroes were originally meant to be god-like beings (we got a bunch of them like Naga, Ashera, etc. but some don't really seem to make sense like the OCs) and we literally got our second God as a regular New Hero... still feels strange even though I know I.S. can break patterns as they make them in such an unpredictable way, they're also infamous for their inconsistency. 🤡
What's more... seriously? No demote? I almost think Hapi would be it before I saw her kit and we never get demotes with Fallen Heroes banners or {Choose your Legends}.
And that assist on Yuri is kind of terrifying.
But otherwise, great fodder here with good spark value and nothing too broken or game breaking, Hapi might come as a shock with all that effectiveness but it's nothing new.
What I can also say of good, is that they've chosen the characters from the [Cindered Shadows] DLC for some variety and they're popular... this DLC includes the Ashen Wolves group (comprised of Yuri, Constance, Hapi and Balthus)... I actually barely could play the base game a little some time before the DLC was a thing through preliminary emulation in Yuzu, so I know next to nothing about those people other than just a little key info from the wiki and them being popular (specially Yuri), but everyone in the group made it to Fire Emblem Heroes in one update, with Balthus beign the "straight to 3★/4★ demote" who we can also get for free at 5★ through a log-in prize, which is nice even if you won't work on him as you can get his 5★ fodder, hopefully it'll be worth it. So good choices on the banner itself, but it could've waited some more time in favor for games like Awakening which haven't gotten a New Heroes banner in a long time.
One thing in any case... Balthus has this:
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I don't recognize this weapon but it could very well be a preference one, I don't dare take guesses since I'm minimizing what content I can see from the game if it spoils details from the plot or any side story. But if it ends up being inheritable, I hope it'll be good.
As for our [Grand Hero Battle] unit, it'll be Aelfric, he's going to be available starting this 18th... seems he makes sense to be here since apparently he suggested the creation of the Ashen Wolves group but he also had other roles... but that's about all I dare to read in the Wiki, don't think I'll make of him a project either, but we'll see with what he has on his base kit. 🤔
Anyway, congrats to whoever was waiting for the Ashen Wolves and I hope you can get any of them soon, or whatever fodder you're excited to get. I'm skipping but I'll free pull on blue hoping for free [A/R Far Trace 3] for my Legendary Lilina, otherwise colorless since I could get [C Duel Infantry 4] for Sara or red I guess, in case I can somehow get any of the other two remaining fodder units.
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pens-swords-stuff · 2 years
UNDINE!! IT IS I, THE EVER LATE KEWPIE ANON!! Sorry to have left you hanging like that--my character flaw is my terrible response time to messages. I have 2 modes: now or never. And NOW, with updated ADHD meds, I AM IMMORTAL! Anyway, moving on.
1. Thanks so much for the link!! I had actually asked for it so that my mum could watch it, since she loves バライティー番組...but then it turned out that she already uses that site LMAO. She's a pro pirate.
2. Wow your JP school was much more professional than mine!! Hundreds of students??? We had, like, TWENTY!!! And that Chicago student...WOW!! That's super cool though; I love hearing about other community schools, since they're such a formative piece of diaspora childhood.
3. YOU LIKE OTOME GAMES TOO AHAHAHAH I LOVE THAT FOR US JHAJGJSGVH. Though, I've never actually played any voltage games! I'm more of a console otome gamer. ときめきメモリアルGS is the series that started it all...when the fourth game came out after an 11 eleven year hiatus I felt alive again. Also, 剣が君 is available on the JP switch eshop and it has a FREE TRIAL! It's super meaty too. If you have the time and interest, I def recommend playing the demo! Also undine I'm so sad. I bought an otome game on the English eshop because it was on sale and therefore cheaper than the Japanese one....but I can't play with JP text. I'm devastated. I didn't know this. I thought it would let me play in full Japanese but NOPE. English text baby. So, as I'm trying to kiss fictional hotties I am going to be constantly mentally correcting the subpar translations. I bought it months ago and I still haven't played it cause of this reason. WHAT HAVE I DONE!!
4. BABE FE3H IS MY MAIN FANDOM HAHAHAH. And yes that naming choice was bizarre. Just lacks any depth whatsoever that the original title had. Like three houses?? Are we talking fire emblem or the three little pigs fable here cause they too have three houses.
Oh fuck oh NO I JUST REALISED THE FE3H DLC INTRODUCES A *WOLF HOUSE* NOOOOOO AHAHHDSHFJFGJF. Man I guess the localisers took the name inspo from the three little pigs huh. It was literary ALLUSION!
(Also yes on JP to ENG title translation being whack as well!! Frozen to アナと雪の女王?? What a mouthful!)
Thanks for your lovely vibes and friendliness! You really make an introvert want to go off anon and reach out to you with a hesitant but genuine offer of friendship via DMs.....(and maybe one day I'll be brave enough to do so🥺 👉👈)
Have a good week! またね〜
In response to this post.
You are always welcome in both my DMs and my askbox at whatever time you have the spoons for me, in whatever form is the most comfortable for you. I adore you and talking to you is the highlight of my life. I don't necessarily have the energy to answer asks promptly all the time, but I always get so excited when you visit that I have the energy and willpower to answer ASAP so I can make sure that you see it. (never mind that it takes me a long time to write because I am wordy,,,) I will always use the tag #kewpie anon when talking to you, so there's a surefire way to see anything I yell towards your direction. I might start just making posts with that tag @ you if I think of something I want to say. I've considered it. I also am not always the best at responding to DMs, but I'm sure that I'll actually be able to hold a timely conversation if it's with you.
1) My mom is the exact same way but with manga websites!! Right now we've both been using Manga Toro when she found it after Manga Hua went poof. Manga Hua/Toro have both been fantastic because they actually upload raw manga chapters in Japanese! The bad news is that the Japanese chapters haven't been uploaded in a while for the manga that we've been reading whereas the crappy English translations have 😭😭 I don't get it, isn't it so much easier to just upload the Japanese versions because you don't have to translate them???
We got a VPN to watch Japanese shows on Tver which has been nice, but we have not been successful in finding a way to watch 紅白 during お正月. We used to be able to watch it since we had TV JAPAN on our TV, and then we were able to find it uploaded somewhere but??? Not anymore. We tried doing paid subscriptions to some Japanese streaming sites but nooo you have to pay more to watch 紅白 and it's like jeez okay not worth it. We also used to watch Netflix Japan with it, but considering all of the bans that Netflix has been doing for people using VPNs, we've been laying low and have stopped doing that until that storm passes. And apparently hulu.jp is completely different from hulu.com in the US, so it's not even possible.
We've also been considering getting a Japanese Amazon Prime account since it's only like 5000円 for a full year, and then we get prime video, and I kinda wanna watch the Japanese Bachelor since 指原梨乃 is the MC for it and I love trashy reality TV.
we got like this chinese TV box thing??? I'm not actually sure what it is since my parents got it when I was away for college. But it's like this tiny little device that you connect to the wifi and to your TV via HDMI. It's all entirely in Chinese, but you know, it's possible to puzzle out what it says because it's super similar to kanji. Anyways, it's this thing that like... a bunch of anime, drama and movies uploaded to it so that you can watch it for free, in almost real time (it usually takes like a day or so to get the newest episode). It has a ton of shows and movies from not just Japan, but also China, Korea, India, all over the world, really and you can watch it for free. It also allows you to livestream channels from all over the world in real time, including all Japanese channels including the regional ones.
It's how I was able to watch あなたの番です and 半沢直樹シーズン2 while it was coming out. It even had all of the hulu exclusive episodes!! It also has a ton of old dramas and movies too, including all the Ghibli movies, and all the クレヨンしんちゃん movies.
The catch is: It's not always available in Japanese. Sometimes they only have a Chinese version, and it's impossible to turn off the Chinese subtitles. Also it doesn't have バラエティー unfortunately.
I can ask my parents about it if you want! My mom does a ton of research into these things and she was able to be fairly confident that it's not illegal in any way, but it sure is sketchy but really useful.
3) YES I LOVE 乙ゲー!I've never actually played them on my consoles (I'm a huge console gamer, but when I was younger my family had this really really weird rule of "you can only play video games during winter when dad is home from work". Which in theory was supposed to cut down on my gaming time and force me to play outside in summer, but all it really accomplished was that I did nothing but game in the winter when my dad was home and my mom got frustrated that we weren't doing things as a family and??? mom this is your own fault. Basically this is why I've never played them on my consoles; it's always been a me and dad thing when I was younger so it would've been SUPER weird). But I've heard SUCH good things about ときめも.
I'll definitely check out 剣が君!!! Super excited that it's on Switch.
Also on Switch is: スウィートルームで悪戯なキス, which is a Voltage game that goes on sale sometimes. It's not my favorite one, but hey if it's cheap on Switch I'm totally snatching it up. It's great and has a ton of content for a one time payment which is totally worth it!! Since you know, it does the thing where you have to purchase the 本編、 then the epilogue and the続編 are additional prices for their apps but you don't have to do that on the switch. It's a steal, honestly. And! You can play it in Japanese with the base game too, as long as your switch is in Japanese!!! The only downside is that although it has a ton of stuff and lets you follow the majority of the story, it doesn't have some of the later game stuff that I know the app does, but still, worth it imo.
I was actually crying about this a little while ago. I love playing games in the original language, and for certain games I even like playing them in English too (but I have to have the Japanese version too). I'm a huge Dragon Quest fan, and I have DQXI in English on my PS4, and the Japanese version on my 3DS. But I wanted to play DQXI S edition which is the complete edition and I thought hey I'll just buy the Switch version since I can play both! But no!!!!! Japanese version has to be bought separately???????? I want both but they're so expensive 😭 why are they doing this to us. Why??? This also happened with Great Ace Attorney and Super Famicon Detective Club too and I am so upset.
I want to play both languages, it's 2022 this should be possible! What's the point of having a region free console if you can't do that!! I'm betrayed, backstabbed, and left to expire. I was so excited that the Switch was region free, and this is how they betray me.
(but also I have two Wiis and two 3DSs, and multiple duplicate games on both so I can play the games in both languages (separately bought of course ;3;) so I guess it's getting a lil bit better,,,)
The best thing that ever happened in gaming history was the DS versions of the first 3 Ace Attorney games. They literally had a English version and a Japanese version on the game that you could switch between way back when we were still in the original DS era. It blew my childhood mind! And the Ace Attorney games are so clever and punny in both Japanese and English so it was absolutely amazing. More games need to do that 💔
also that bs about having Japanese voice acting but not the Japanese text??? absolutely criminal, have both you monsters.
English-speakers usually talk about how OTT anime/game dialogue is, or like how English translated otome games are so cringey but like... That's not the source material's fault. I feel like the Japanese language lends itself much better to more dramatic phrasings both culturally and linguistically and it sounds really natural in Japanese, though even the most accurate English translation sounds way too much.
Once I went through and translated some of my otome games for a friend because I was like "i love these games and you're going to love them with me", and it was relaly hard because like... The lines just wouldn't land in English. One example that really sticks out to me is this line in Voltage's bodyguard game. The stoic older man love interest was like 「私は大丈夫です。男ですから。」And it makes so much sense in Japanese, both language-wise and culture-wise because there's a more rigid gender roles and stuff, but translated into English I was like ????? this is not capturing this love interest's hotness.
4) I haven't played FE:3H in Japanese because I played it through with my extremely American, doesn't know how to speak Japanese boyfriend. I got burned out on playing it through because I was the one who grinded those extra battles to level, and got through the beginning Academy part after we beat the game the first time so he could just play through the second half of each route (to be fair, it was on my switch so he couldn't do that for me) but once I manage to recuperate from that I'm definitely planning to try it out in Japanese!
What's your favorite route on it?
My boyfriend and I started on the Black Eagles house and played through Crimson Flower for our very first playthrough, so we're pretty diehard Black Eagles supporters. Hubert is extremely underrated and he's our favorite character. He kinda resembled my boyfriend visually in some ways with the hair and the deepset eyes, so one of our dream cosplays is Edelgard and Hubert.
Initially my boyfriend was very anti-Dimitri/Claude but he ended up coming around on Dimitri and liking him a lot after we played through Blue Lions and we loved that one too. We haven't completed the Church of Seiros route or the Golden Deer route (I had grinded through the Academy part and burnt out. We recently tried to get back to it but realized we remember so little about everything and how to play so we're trying to start from the very beginning), and he's still very anti-Claude but then I was like "You hated Dimitri at first too, but then you liked him after we played through his story so you're going to like Claude too, you're just being judgmental" and he agreed so. I wish we could just speed through the process of playing it because from what little I know happens in the Golden Deer route, it sounds WILD and I'm so interested in seeing what happens in the lore...
I hope you have a wonderful week too kewpie anon, thanks so much for stopping by! I'll be looking forward to the next time you're able to drop an ask 🥰😘😍😊
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ask-jeritza · 2 years
🌸 it’s still me talking about FE3H btw I forgot to tag that ask before.
I feel similarly about ss. I can’t bring myself to play it either now. But I definitely plan to get to it at some point. Actually, when I first played FE3H, I was not aware of Jeritza and Mercedes (somehow that info slipped my mind, idk how—I think I simply didn’t care about DK/Jeritza then and I kinda hurried through my first play) and I only found out because I made Mercedes kill DK and accidentally saw the special dialogue lol. After that, I paid more attention on my next playthrough. Now they’re one of my faves! Mercie’s a great healer since she self-heals and fortifies, but otherwise Marianne takes the cake with her tankiness and better spell list. But as a character, I much prefer Mercie though still.
Aw, too bad about Awakening. I quite enjoyed it! I think it was definitely one of the universally beloved titles. Fates wasn’t as well-received, though I enjoyed all 3 paths too, especially Conquest. I am hoping for ports of the older GBA titles and maybe an improved Echoes even. I’ll take any tbh lol. I feel the same way about Persona titles too—I’m impatiently waiting for a port. These games are just handheld-perfect. I keep sending you such long asks, sorry! I don’t really talk to anybody on this site and I only happened upon this blog when I went to look for Jeritza fanart lol, so you’re taking quite the brunt of that hah.
((I wanna play SS at some point just to experience the maps and the music (don't rlly care abt the storyline but that final fight looks so cool) buuuuut who knows when that will happen. it took me a while to notice and appreciate jeritza but when i did i just fell hard ... fictional characters who kill and murder <3 <3 I suppose playing awakening after 3h felt weird bc of the huge difference in graphics, but i appreciated it as an independent game. i wish 3h had all the unique spells and weapons that awakening had. i haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of fates but i definitely want to play one day!! and dont be sorry! i dont really have many people to talk to fire emblem with so i'm always down to chat!))
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