#(( i might have had cass on the brain lately >.> no promises but I kinda wanna revive her ))
waitlifted · 2 months
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(( sooooo, I'm not dead ))
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pl-panda · 4 years
To marry a Vigilante: Part 1
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When they finally pulled apart, Marinette needed a moment for her brain to restart. She was sure she would melt right then and there. At the same time, she wanted to jump and scream from sheer ecstasy. It was all she ever wanted and now she had it. 
Damian stared at her empty expression. 
“I think you broke her.” Plagg suddenly zoomed out of her pocket, followed by Tikki who tried (and failed) to catch him. 
This was enough for Mari to finally start thinking coherently. “Um… Yeah… I… Maybe…” Or mostly coherently at least.
“Habibti. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out.” Damian guided her. Slowly, Mari returned to her senses. 
“Thank you… I think I might have kinda lost my breath there.” She gave him an apologetic smile. 
“Nothing happened. Now I think I need to leave or my brothers will get some stupid idea and I will have to practice my skill with a sword.” Damian deadpanned. 
“Since I know I can’t stop you, please at least don’t kill them until I get to know them better?”
“I can try, but no promises.” He turned to leave, but she grabbed his hand.
“Oh! Wait!” She fumbled through her pocket for a moment before pulling out a small box. Plagg immediately was pulled inside it (much to Tikki’s amusement). “Damian Wayne. As Guardian of the Miraculous, I give you the miraculous of the Black Cat, which gives you the power of destruction. I trust you to protect it and use it to help others.”
Damian was stunned only for a short moment and definitely didn’t move his mouth like a fish. Definitely. “I accept that honor and thank you for your trust.”
“There is no one I would trust more than you with this. If not for your and your family’s help, I would’ve never caught Hawkmoth or the Cat.” 
“Don’t sell yourself short. You’re brilliant and it was only a matter of time.” 
“Time I might’ve not had. Chat was working with Hawkmoth. Who knows when I would’ve fallen into a trap…”
“It’s all over now, Habibti.” He grabbed her hand. “Everything is going to be better now.” When she smiled he let go and opened the box. Plagg appeared in a flash. 
“For the record, I hate these boxes.”
“Stop complaining. If you stayed there it wouldn’t have been so bad.” Tikki scolded him.
Marinette giggled at the interaction of the two little gods. Damian just shook his head and donned the ring. 
“Can I see how you’ll look?” She asked before her smile took a more grin-like look. “I want to see if you’ll have a cute cat-ears.”
“Maybe when you are in Gotham.” He scoffed. “Thank you, angel. It’s the best Christmas gift you could’ve given me. Your trust means more than gold to me.”
“But Christmas is still a long way away…” Mari tried to dismiss him, but seeing his expression she doubled back. He looked almost scared. Almost, since Damian Wayne did not get scared.
“Angel… Christmas Eve is tomorrow. That’s why your class is leaving on Monday. You are all going to be attending the Wayne New Year Gala next Friday.”
“But… But… Wouldn’t there be decorations in stores? And Santa Clauses on the street? Or at least…”
“There were. Mostly Miraculous themed though. I can’t believe you didn’t notice.” He said with a bit too much amusement slipping into his voice.
“Kwami! Kwami! Kwami!” She started to pace. “I completely forgot! How could I have forgotten Christmas!?” She was close to collapsing. Damian was quickly by her, holding her wrists together to not accidentally get slapped by her flailing arms. 
“Habibti. There is nothing to worry about. You already gave everyone the greatest gift possible by ridding them of that terrorist. I admit I regret that we will not be able to spend our first Christmas together as a family, but the last several months were the best of my life already. You don’t need to give me anything more.”
“But… But…” She was at the edge of crying.
“Marinette. Don’t worry. I have an idea.” Tikki reassured her Chosen. “Go tell your parents to pack everything.”
“But… Maman and I must be here at six on Monday” She tried to argue. 
“You will be. Kaalki owes me a favor.” The kwami dismissed her. 
“But… But I can’t just abuse the miraculous.”
“Marinette. All Kwami love you. They would be happy to help you if the need arose.” Tikki nuzzled into her cheek. Mari finally relented.
“Fine… But I’m buying her three boxes of sugar cubes,” she said with conviction. 
The two kwami giggled and Damian cracked a smile. 
Adrien cursed loudly. He barely managed to escape those damn heroes. And to think that his Lady marries some American ragtag instead of him? That’s how she repaid him for his loyalty? For all of his sacrifices? That was just a travesty. 
But it didn’t matter in the end. She didn’t deserve to be Ladybug anyway and now finally, the world could be free from her. Of course, heroes could try to save her. They could even succeed. But he made a point. He severed all the ties with that cursed bitch. Now he could focus on his true soulmate: Marinette. She was the real Ladybug. She was loyal, honest, brave, kind, selfless, beautiful. They’re made for each other. In a perfect world, they would be with one another if he was not blinded by the imposter. She had a crush on him in the past, but he ruined it. Now he had to work trice as hard to get her to join him. 
“Don’t worry mother. We will have our family again.” He said, looking at the stasis chamber. 
When Marinette and her parents exited the portal in Wayne Manor, they were greeted by Alfred the Butler and Alfred the Cat. 
“Ah. Young Madame Marinette, Madame Cheng, Master Dupain. It is my pleasure to welcome you. I was told you would be arriving through… extraordinary means.” He greeted them. 
“We’re sorry for all the trouble we’re causing you on such short notice.” Marinette immediately started to apologize.
“You are no trouble at all. Definitely not compared to the usual Christmas mess.” He dismissed her apology. She wanted to protest, but the cat jumped onto her and she instinctively grabbed him and hugged.
“I see Alfred the Cat likes you, Angel.” Damian’s voice came from behind. Immediately, Marinette whirled around, only to stare into a pair of green eyes. 
“Damian!” She wanted to hug him, but the cat was a bit in the way. Instead, she just leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. They both smiled. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Sabine spoke. “Is Cassandra home? I would like to meet my niece. We spoke several times over the phone, but meeting in person is…”
“She is in the gym, practicing ballet,” Alfred informed her. 
“Thank you. Tom, be a kind husband, and carry my things to our room. And don’t forget the bag.” She patted Tom’s cheek before leaving. 
“Come, Habibti. I will show you the garden.” Damian grabbed her waiting hand.
“Take my bags too, dad? Thanks!” Mari shouted without looking back before she, Damian, and the cat left the room, leaving Tom with half the house packed into bags. 
“Why do women carry so much with them…?” He sighed. 
“It’s a mystery of the world that we, mere mortals, will never know, Sir,” Alfred answered in his usual tone. 
“Cassandra?” Sabine asked, leaning through the doors leading to the gym. The mats that would usually cover the ground were all rolled in the corner to make space. A large mirror covered the entire right wall. A lone girl in a white ballet outfit danced to Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker ballet music. 
The girl did not answer or break her dance, but Sabine noted that her gaze shifted toward doors in the mirror. It was just a short moment to assess the threat without breaking concentration on whatever one did. It was the same as she often did. It was an instinct learned through years of training. David Cain better stayed in that cell or else.
When the song ended, Cass turned the music off and walked closer to Sabine until they were standing about a foot apart. 
“You’re a great dancer.” The woman started. Cass only nodded in response. 
“Practice.” She said. There was more awkward silence where the two measured each other. 
“I’m sorry sweetie. For what happened to you. If I knew, I would’ve searched for you and gave you a proper home.” A tear appeared in Sabine’s eye. When they spoke through video, it was mostly about meaningless things to get used to one another or neutral subjects. Now, in person, Sabine wanted to get all regret off her heart. 
“No… fault.” The girl answered. “All… good.” 
“Can I… Hug you?” Sabine asked, fully aware that not everyone liked physical contact.
“Hug?” Cass asked. To this day, only Dick or Tim wanted to give her hugs and it was rare. “Okay?” She more asked than agreed, but her aunt responded by slowly pulling the girl to her heart. 
“I’m still sorry. If I see my sister, she is gonna get her ear screamed off.” She assured the girl. “How could she… You’re such a sweet girl.”
Cassandra Cain smiled. She liked being hugged by that woman. And the image of her mother cowering before her older sister was too funny. 
“Damian!” Marinette shouted as he dragged her through the garden. It was much colder in Gotham than in Paris. And it was still only late morning here while she left Paris in the afternoon. She was a bit tired. 
“I want to show you something, Angel. Come on! Before my brothers find us and drag me into their ‘Christmas spirit’ stuff.” He groaned at the thought.
“Christmas is important!” She argued.
“Definitely when you are here.” He answered easily. It was lucky he was too focused on the road to look back because she blushed… hard. 
They walked through the forest that was on the manor grounds until they entered a small clearing. In the center, there was a stone garden gazebo with the fire burning in the center. It definitely gave heat, but little smoke dispersed in the air before it could alert anyone to that location. There were several stone benches inside.
“I found it during one of my… escape attempts when I was younger.” He admitted. “Now I use it as a retreat from my brothers. The herb mixture I use as fuel gives no smoke.”
“Why bring me here?” She asked. 
“I just thought that we should enjoy the peace before the hurricane that my brothers become washes over us.”
Mari giggled. “I met your brothers.”
“No. You saw them. I had to live with them for the last five years. They are crazy.”
“It can’t be that bad… right?”
“Last year Todd set the Christmas Tree on fire.” He deadpanned.
“Okay, that might’ve been an accident.” She tried to argue. 
“Four years ago Grayson decided to show his acrobatic skill to put a star on the top of the tree. He ended up crashing it on us and the dinner table.”
“It… happens?” She said, but with less conviction. 
“Two years ago, Drake decided to surprise Brown and bought her a life-sized statue of them made out of chocolate.”
“It doesn’t sound that bad…” 
“Except that insomniac idiot accidentally ordered it made out of chocolate ice cream!” 
“Oh…” Marinette didn’t have an answer for that.
“So as I said, they can be a bit much.”
“Don’t worry. I still think it could be worse. My Nona once gave my parents a motorbike with two sidecars as a Christmas gift.”
“Tt. That sounds normal.” 
“Except one of them was made as a crib for me. I was one at the time.” 
Damian cracked a smile.
“I still think you will thank me for showing you this place.” 
“May I remind you that you will all be stuck with my mom for the better part of the exchange. She will keep them in check.” Mari huffed. 
“I don’t doubt that.” He pulled his phone and showed her a photo of Sabine standing over Talia. The next one was of unconscious Talia with Tom standing over her with the broken chair.
Mari giggled and she would later swear that Damian laughed a bit. Not that anyone saw them. Well, no human. Alfred the Cat could hardly testify.
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navpike · 5 years
cry out what you need to: chapter 4
“Okay, so, you know my partner, Amy Rohrbach? She died, on Sunday. And she had a daughter. She’s five years old and she had no other family and they were going to put her in the system and I just felt so--” “Dick, did you adopt the kid?” “I adopted the kid.”
Or, the one where Dick adopts a child, learns to balance parenting and superheroing, and falls in love, not necessarily in that order.
Chapter Four: so i’ll beat the drums and scream at the sun [on ao3]
Steph stays for dinner Monday night, and drives off on Dick’s motorcycle when they’re done. He gets Rona showered and put to bed, quickly as he can, and retreats to his own room, sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. It’s the first moment he’s had, his mind not addled by exhaustion and concern for Rona, to sit and truly process the past week.
Amy’s dead. She’s gone, and when Dick goes back to work next week, he’ll be assigned a new partner, and life will move forward, even though Dick doesn’t want to. Rona has no mother now, no real parent, and as much as he can be there for her, and as much as he knows Steph, Cass and Babs will provide strong role models for her, Dick doesn’t know how to pick up the rest of the slack. He just started packing away his partner’s life, his closest friend outside of the superhero life, and in another day or two, it’ll be like she never existed at all, nothing left but a memory and a house for sale.
Dick does the only thing he can think to do.
He calls Wally, and he cries.
He cries out what he needs to and tells Wally every concern he has about his sudden parenthood and how worried he is about Rona and his lack of ability to take care of her properly and how he doesn’t know what he’s doing and how he feels like he’s unprepared to go back to work without Amy by his side because she was his friend goddammit. She was more than just a coworker, more than just his partner.
He takes a deep breath when he’s done unloading everything, and lets it out very shakily.
“Sorry. That was a lot.”
“Holy shit, Dick.”
“No, shut up, don’t say sorry to me! You’ve been packing that all away ever since Amy died? God, I’m surprised you’ve-- you Bats and your fucking-- Dick. Dude, you’ve got to talk about these things. If you have a kid to worry about, you can’t be worrying about falling apart yourself. God, you worry me sometimes. Just. You gave me the okay to tell the group chat what’s going on with you, and I did. Roy’s obviously no stranger to unusual parenting situations, and the rest of us are more than happy to listen to whatever you’ve got to say. Just talk to us, Dick. You’re not alone. You’ve got us, you’ve got your family, and Babs and Steph. Don’t think you have to be Mr. Strong and Silent. You’re not Bruce.”
It’s kind of like a smack in the face, but it’s just what Dick needs, really. He can always count on Wally for that. Something warm blooms in his chest and he has to actively fight to stamp that far down and way back. Now is not the time for this quasi-crush to be rearing its ugly head.
“I just hate bothering everyone,” Dick tries, but he knows it’s a thin excuse and he knows Wally will call him on it.
“Shut up. Talk to your friend like a normal person. I’m gonna hang up now, and you’re going to text the group chat. If there’s nothing from you in the next ten minutes, I’m going to drop everything and run to Gotham, got it?”
It’s just the right amount of guilt to get Dick to agree. He can imagine the smug look on Wally’s face as he mutters out his assent. Wally hangs up with a laugh after Dick calls him something very unkind, and Dick takes a deep breath. He doesn’t know if he can really handle the full force of all of his friends right now, but he trusts Wally, so he’ll go along with it.
He double checks that Rona is soundly sleeping in her room, steps in and smooths the wrinkle in her forehead with his thumb, and just as his ten minutes is up, he sends a text to the group chat he’s had on mute for the past week.
[from bird boi, 9:32 PM]
hey guys
[from wallington, 9:32 PM]
nice to see you listened to me
[from dad bod, 9:33 PM]
nice of you to let us know youre alive dick
[from mom, 9:33 PM]
I can’t tell if you’re saying his name or insulting him but either way.
Doesn’t matter.
Nice to see you’re not dead.
How’s the little one?
[from bird boi, 9:35 PM]
thanks donna.
she’s asleep right now. sorry i’ve been absent lately, it’s just been kind of a crazy week
[from mom, 9:36 PM]
You’re welcome.
And don’t worry about it. We understand. Just let us know what’s going on with you. Kind of sucks to have to learn you’ve become a father from Wally instead of from you.
Dick winces to himself, where he’s tucked himself into the corner of the couch, wrapped in a blanket. He let Steph tell Tim about Rona, and he let Alfred and Bruce tell Damian, and while it was necessary because he’s been so busy, he feels bad that he couldn’t sit down and have a conversation with either of them, especially Damian. He really kind of wishes that he had waited, let the ten minutes pass so that Wally would have come to Gotham, so that he could just have someone there with him, because feeling bad on his own makes it even worse.
[from bird boi, 9:40 PM]
i’m really sorry.
i’ve been kinda freaking out about all of this and the kid and i had to make funeral plans for amy.
sorry, not an excuse
being a parent is hard
[from dad bod, 9:42 PM]
be less hard on yourself dick, surprise parenthood is rough
just dont be stupid you asshole, tell us whats going on with you every once in a while
also, lians pissed off that she hasnt gotten to meet her favorite uncles kid so you have to deal with that now
[from bird boi, 9:43 PM]
that’s the scariest thing that’s come out of this week
side note: wheres garth in all of this?
[from mom, 9:44 PM]
Garth’s got Atlantis business most of this week, he’s going to be in and out.
But unlike you, Boy Blunder, Garth told us what he was doing so we’d know he was okay.
[from wallington, 9:45 PM]
okay, okay, ease up on dick, hes had a bad week.
[from bird boi, 9:45 PM]
thanks walls.
[from mom, 9:46 PM]
I’m done now.
I’m sorry about your friend Dick. And I’m sorry we haven’t been able to be there for you. Soon as that little girl settles in, you’ve got to let us come visit her. I didn’t think we’d be getting a new niece so soon. I can’t wait to meet her.
[from dad bod, 9:47 PM]
seconded. lian thinks she’s got a new built in best friend
and i’m sorry about your partner too
Dick smiles to himself, clutching the blanket wrapped around his shoulders closer to his chest. There is a deep, aching sadness still weighing heavy in his chest, making his ribs throb with it. Now that he’s thinking about it, that’s likely the month old rib injury he’s just beginning to really get over. But, he’s wallowing for a moment. So he’s going to be dramatic about it.
Sue him.
[from bird boi, 9:49 PM]
thanks guys
i’m going to try to finish clearing out as much of amy’s house tomorrow as i can before rona gets out of school. i did a lot with steph today but it’s harder than i thought it would be
[from dad bod, 9:50 PM]
jesus dick, that’s brutal. i wish i could lend a hand but i promised i’d help ollie with something tomorrow
[from mom, 9:51 PM]
I’m sorry I can’t help either. I’ve got meetings all day tomorrow.
[from bird boi, 9:51 PM]
no guys, don’t worry about it!
[from wallington, 9:52 PM]
shut up and let us worry about you.
youre our friend and we care about you and youre having a really shitty week.
[from dad bod, 9:53 PM]
yeah shut up jackass
[from mom, 9:53 PM]
Hey now.
[from dad bod, 9:54 PM]
sorry mom
point tho: youre not b, dont act like it
[from bird boi, 9:55 PM]
you know, wally told me the same thing.
[from wallington, 9:56 PM]
its the red hair, we all share a brain cell
[from dad bod, 9:59 PM]
i was gnona get mad but jesusnfuck walls i just lost it at that
[from mom, 10:00 PM]
Good lord you lot are like children.
[from wallington, 10:01 PM]
you know it and you love it wonder chick
[from mom, 10:03 PM]
You’re all insufferable and Garth’s my favorite now by default.
[from bird boi, 10:04 PM]
HEY! i haven’t even done anything!
[from mom, 10:05 PM]
Nope, you’re guilty by association because you’re here for all of this, you’re a part of this. Now I’m going to get a good night’s rest for once in my life, no one disturb me unless the world is ending, I have early meetings tomorrow morning, good night, heathens.
Dick turns his phone off with a grin and wraps it in his hands, close against his chest. The profound sadness that Dick had felt crushing through his chest feels a little less crushing now that he’s talked to his friends. They never fail to lift his spirits.
His phone buzzes again and he glances down at it to see a single message from Wally.
[from Walls, 10:10 PM]
good luck tomorrow, dick. we love you buddy. let us know when you think the kiddo can handle some new people and we’ll all come over with lian for dinner. you’ve got this daddy-o.
Dick almost cringes at the terrible nickname, half a wince and half a hysterical grin, and texts back a smiley face. He turns off his phone, and, checking in on Rona one last time, he heads to bed. He’s out like a light as soon as his head hits the pillow.
Unfortunately, he only gets a couple hours of sleep before he’s woken up by a tiny body kneeling on the edge of his bed. There’s a moment where he instinctively grabs for a weapon, for something to defend himself, before he pauses, thinking about what might actually be happening. The thought takes a moment to make its way through his sleep addled mind, but it does, and in the span of a few seconds, he goes from searching for some defense to his hand coming to rest on a tiny, trembling wrist.
He looks up, and Rona is kneeling on the edge of the mattress, her eyes shining in the low light filtering in from the small night light in the hallway outside the half open door.
She doesn’t say anything, just sits there, clutching Zitka the stuffed elephant in her other hand, and Dick sits up, gathering her up in his arms immediately.
“Hey, sweetheart, what happened?” he says, the concern evident in his voice. “Did you have a bad dream again, honey?”
She nods miserably, hugging Zitka close to her chest, and burrowing into his arms.
When she doesn’t say anything further, Dick settles down into bed a little further, holding her close. “Come on, you can stay in here with me tonight.” She nods again, her hair tickling the underside of his chin, little flyaways catching in the few days’ old stubble there. “Do you want me to tell you a story?” Another nod. Dick situates himself, half sitting, half lying against the headboard, getting Rona nestled into his side, partially draped across his chest. Her tiny hand curls into the thin material of Dick’s shirt, her face pressing into his side as she tries to stifle a sniffle.
“I miss my mommy,” she says, almost inaudibly.
Dick’s heart cracks.
“Well, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he could fly. He and his family could soar through the air just like birds, and people came from far and wide to watch them put on shows. But then one day, while they were performing at a fair for a prince, the little boy’s parents had an accident. While they were flying around for the show, their wings stopped working, and they fell to the ground.”
“This story is too sad,” Rona sniffs miserably, and Dick holds up a finger, poking her on the nose.
“But it’s going to get happier, just you wait. The little boy didn’t have his parents anymore, and that was terribly, terribly sad, and he thought he would never be happy again, because he missed his mommy and daddy very much. He was all by himself for a little while, until one day, the prince who they had been performing for found the little boy. The prince went up to the little boy, and offered to give him a home. Now, the little boy was worried about going to live with the prince, because the prince couldn’t fly, you see, and the little boy thought that the prince would try to make him live on the ground all the time. He thought the prince would take away his magic, and take away everything that reminded the boy of his parents. So the boy was very afraid. But he didn’t like being alone, even more than he was afraid, so he went to live with the prince. And when he got to the prince’s castle, the prince was very formal, and had a butler and it was nothing at all like what the boy was used to. But after he was there for a while, the prince did not take the boy’s magic away, so the boy took a chance, and he started flying around the castle, because he missed it so much. He was flying around the castle one day, and the prince caught him, and the boy was afraid the prince would be mad, but he wasn’t mad at all. In fact, the very next day, the prince had set up an arena in the castle, so that the boy could practice his flying and get better at it, and get to be stronger, so that the boy would never have his wings stop working like his parents’ had. And the boy said to the prince, ‘I thought you were going to take away my magic, so that I’d be more like you. I thought you’d take it, so that you’d be my new dad.’ And the prince told the boy, ‘I’d never take your magic from you. You’re special to me because you’re different from me. I am going to take care of you as best as I can, and I will love you like my own, and you will be my family, but I will never try to replace your parents. We’ll be family in a different way. And it will be just as good, but it won’t replace what you had with them.’ And the boy kept his magic, and later on, when the boy got brothers, and a sister, he taught them his magic too, and the prince even tried to learn the boy’s magic too. And they all became a family, and they were much different from the boy’s parents, but he loved them very much nonetheless.”
When Dick looks down, Rona is drifting off, no longer looking so upset. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, and settles a little deeper into the bed.
“I’ll never take your magic from you, little one,” Dick mutters, and before he knows it, he’s drifting off too, cradling Rona close to his side.
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