#( this is also to get a feel for which muses of mine mutuals may want to interact with )
decoysouled · 8 months
Like for me to send you an ask from any of the muses I have from those two fandoms. I will be prioritising mutuals I've yet to interact with, but I'm just putting this out here because I do want to interact with everyone & in past, I'd send ask memes but since my sleep schedule is currently very irregular, I'm not on much when those are posted.
Please specify a fandom, if not a muse, otherwise I'll randomise both.
GENSHIN MUSES: Aether (Traveller & Abyss), Arakan (Wanderer), Kamisato Ayato, Kaveh, Neuvillette, Wriothesley.
STAR RAIL MUSES: Blade, Caelus, Yingxing
Note that Yingxing & Caelus both have Genshin Impact verses, while Aether, Arakan & Wriothesley have HSR verses.
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skullzapped · 2 months
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indie, selective, single-muse and canon divergent blog for a TEAM SKULL ADMIN, POKEMON OC. read the about and the rules below before interacting. no password required. mutuals only.
a study in ― sheading your old life behind. nature and technology, forever one and only. a monster in your own skin. transhumanism, the humanity of machinery. cowardice and survival, necessary means. love, tearing you apart. guilt and how to move on from it.
graphics blog: @noxcave
                  penned by NØX.   (   + 20.   she // her.   cinematography student.   )
about & rules.
✧  o1. asks & threads.
If you want to make a plotted thread, y'all just need to hit me up ! Be it on my DMs or Discord ( that I only give to close mutuals ), if you send something I should answer it pretty fast. And if you want to continue a thread based on an ask, there is no problem with that, no need to ask !
✧  o2. roleplay memes.
I do reblog karma here ! This means that I would prefer that you reblog a meme on my blog from the source ! I do not like the notification clogging it does ! I am BEGGING you to reblog both memes and musing posts FROM THE SOURCE. It’s such a pet peeve of mine.
Since many people tend to do that, I have decided that after 3 times someone reblogs a meme from me ( instead of the source )  without sending any, I will softblock said person. This rule does not apply if the source of the meme is broken.
✧  o3. language & grammar.
English is my third language, so be ready, there might be some spelling errors and mistakes, heck, there might be some on this page only ! You might find some posts in italian or french.
✧  o4. godmodding.
is of course non-authorized. Killing my muse without so much of a warning and us plotting beforehand will make me automatically drop the thread. METAGAMING unless warned or talked about before is also non-authorized.
✧  o5. art & credits.
The art used on this blog ( icons & graphics ) will come from both my art, commissioned art, and fery's Parties Are For Losers character's Anya, which is Felicity's face claim.
✧  o6. crossover & ocs.
Both are great ! Usually if you have an about page, you’re already halfway good to go. For crossovers, I have to know the universe your muse is from / you gotta have a verse I can work with, as for OCs, I love OCs to bits and I’ve been an advocate for ocs since 2016.
✧  o7. shipping & nsfw.
I am more than okay with shipping, if of course we’re both on the same page about it. One-sided crushes can happen, both from your character and mine, but if the feelings are unrequited I will not push you for a relationship nor should you expect yourself to do the same towards me.
NSFW will happen only in the form of violence, dark themes and sexual content, and anything will be tagged. For specific triggers, please shoot me a message.
✧  o8. Battle threads.
For any pokémon battle thread, I will be using the PWT battle system. Please give these a good read, and understand that I demand communication during these types of threads. For rolling the dices, we will be using roll dices with friends. Levels of Felicity's team may be adjusted depending on the timeline of events, or simply to make the battles more fair if there is too much of a level disparency. We can also use Showdown.
✧  o9. Blacklist & triggers.
I have very little squeaks, however I understand that others do. If you need anything tagged, tell me so ! I will not interact with The Amazing Digital Circus, other Glitch Production works, as well as any Vizpop Production muses. If you are a multimuse or have a verse that connects to those, please have a tag I can block.
✧  1o. AI art & other stipulations.
I WILL BLOCK YOU IF I SEE YOU USING AI-GENERATED ART. if you are unaware of the problems ai-generated material causes for the art industry, be it illustrators, writers or animators, i implore you to educate yourself on the matter. as someone who would like to enter the industry one day, THIS IS A DEAL BRAKER TO ME. i understand the curiousity and wanting to do it recreationaly, however, BE AWARE that those do cause harm too and feed the machine.
PLEASE TAG YOUR INTERACTIONS WITH MAE // FOXTAIL // SERA // GORE AND PAPAYA // AXOLOLT // GLORY. Their presence is pretty triggering for me. Thank you ! Their URL is enough. I WILL ALSO NOT INTERACT WITH PROSHIPPERS. if we're friends & i find out you're a weirdo, i don't care how long we've been friends, IT'S ON SIGHT AND I WILL NOT BE COVERING YOUR ASS EITHER. i'm a recovering survivor of grooming and abuse and i do not wish to be exposed to that kind of content nor people who actively get off it, and that is my right.
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LACK OF COMMUNICATION. as a roleplay partner and friend, i try to be as communicative as possible, and i believe that enjoyable interactions, be it ic or ooc, reside on all parties communicating their needs and wants. IF YOU FAIL TO DO YOUR PART, THAT IS NOT MY FAULT. don't be wishy washy about it, i take things at face value; give me CLEAR STATEMENTS.
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demcngeneral · 3 months
--[] My Rules []--
So these are my rules which are going to be pretty much short and sweet. Don’t be an ass were all here to have fun and to rp.
--[] Do Not God-Mode []--
Don’t God Mode my character I will not accept it, I will simple ignore the post and not reply. This isn’t hard, you write your character and I will write mine! If there are any issues at all Please, please feel free to contact me. I promise I do not bite. I will never God Mode you if in question I will come to you and ask questions!.
--[] Posting []--
I do this for fun, and I want it to remain fun! I will get to posts as quickly as I can. I do not rush muse. I will in turn rarely ask after threads. If it has been a long while I will inquire and I of course welcome the same.
When I write posts I will use small text and icons, I like aesthetics. I do not ask anyone else do the same. I will write with you if you have icons or not. I don't ask you match my length--if you do great if not also great, I do ask you give me a little to work with.
I will always <3 a post once I have drafted it. This is to let you know I saw it. Also to remind me I drafted it.
You may Always continue a meme. You may always continue an open or a Starter! I am unsure how to cut on here these days. Though if I feel something has gotten to long I will continue it in another thread.
Please don't post me one day after I have replied if I have not replied in the same day. I can be slow if work|school| IRL is rough.
--[] Shipping []--
I do not mind writing ships, I will write ships with chemistry. The muse is demisexual and suffering from a petrification curse. So it might take a bit for him to warm up. We can chat about ships, we can wing it to see if they are compatible, please understand not all muses are compatible. It is okay to not return a crush, or affection, it is okay to say NO. I reserve the same right.
I will under no condition write smut with an underaged character ( should it even get to that point ). I will not write smut with an underaged Mun. Please don't do it, if I find out you lied to me about your age, I will block you. I have no problem writing with either, as long as it is not shippy.
--[] Combat []-- If you decide you might want to write combat, please understand that 𝐙𝐡𝐮 𝐙𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐧𝐠 is a demon god. Yes he looks young but he truly isn't. He is the leader of the demon realm in his main verse. He is heavily combat oriented and capable in cultivation, skills and abilities. Any combat must be discussed and worked out between muns. I will not accept auto hits, nor will I write something that suggests I have hit your character, it will be left open ended for you to reply too.
--[] I am LGBTAQ Friendly & A Safe Space []-- I am a safe space, I am not drama oriented I will never make vague posts, and I will not participate in ooc drama. Its not within me to do so. IRL is terrible enough to be cruel to each other. I will unfollow blogs that are constantly vague posting. I am semi-selective in the way that if I don't see the characters immediately interacting, or a way to I will shy away. I will however chat with you to keep this minimum. I will write in other verses, but I rarely change much of my character--please be aware of this. As this is who the character is. The same respect is given to other muses. I will write with your OC's, with Crossover character, I will write with Female Muses. I am here for the fun of writing.
--[] I Prefer Mutuals []-- I prefer to write with mutuals so I know we follow each other. I will however also write with side-blogs, I just need to know who you are so I do not remove you if I am cleaning up my follows.
My rules are subject to change or be added to rewritten etc. If they do I will write an ooc post about it!
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schwarzwaldcr · 11 months
The Do’s and Don’ts of Reblogging From Me!
or What I Do And Don’t Allow To Be Reblogged [trust me, this list will not go how you think it’s gonna]
ART [mine or someone else’s I may reblog too]: As long as captions are not erased and credit remains intact, please do reblog drawn art! We as creators put A LOT of effort into our art, so I wholly condone this!
WRITING [mine or someone else’s I may reblog too]: Writing gets a worse rap on the reblogs than drawn art. If you like my writing, or someone else’s I have reblogged, pleasepleasePLEASE reblog it too! It really helps in the long run and makes us authors feel nice and beloved!
AESTHETIC POSTS: Pictures or sayings I reblog are totally okay to reblog from me! Once upon a time, a very long time ago, when Tumblr RPCs were new babybabs, we didn’t do fancy promos and friends very rarely shouted us out. We found each other by the posts mutual followers reblogged because hey guess what! We share an aesthetic, we’re totally chill with each other!
MUSIC/VIDEO POSTS: Similar to above, if you like a piece of music or video media I post or reblog, if it jives with you too, please don’t feel like you can’t use it too! This is why we’re friends, man, we share these interests, for our muses or for ourselves.
ASK MEMES/PROMPTS: Similar to Aesthetic posts up there, these were also a way to say ‘hey we have similar interests and here’s a fun way to start interacting with me!’ I’m totally down with people reblogging memes from me. Sure, sending one or two in before you do it is appreciated but at this point, if it jives with you [and especially if the source blog has been deactivated/changed their name/whatever it is tumblr code does to people nowadays] feel free to grab it!
ASKS NOT LABELLED AS RP: I wrote that. It counts as written art. Headcanons, drabbles, things not made for a RP are totally okay to reblog!
PROMOS: I know I’ve been ragging on ‘fancy promos’ this whole post to this point, but times do change and the RPC culture nowadays is ‘fancy promos or bust’. Which is weird, when did that happen. But if you like, obviously my promos [and my pinned post, for that matter] are all rebloggable! Since the information is virtually the same across the board, it don’t matter where you get it from me, if you feel like being nice [and I appreciate you if you do!], feel free to do the reblog thing!
OOC POSTS: As long as it’s not labelled with something below, OOC interaction on-dash is perfectly fine by me! Some of the best partners I’ve had were the ones who had a back and forth with my ‘drunken liveblogging’ threads, it was great! I post a picture of my cat? Reblog it and say what you think! It’s perfectly fine and over the years, I learned it helps break the ‘You Are So Intimidating’ ice! We’re all dorks here. We’re writing interactive fanfiction. We’re not intimidating in the least.
TAGGED ‘TO BE DELETED/DO NOT REBLOG/ETC’: This is it. Anything I specifically label as ‘don’t touch’? Pretty straight-up and self-explanatory. Replying is great, but don’t reblog the stuff I’m specifically asking you not to. I’m usually pretty good at letting you know, so you don’t gotta worry about me not tagging something I don’t want spread around.
RP THREADS YOU ARE NOT PART OF: Common courtesy really; if you’re not dealt in, Liking is chill. Reblogging is not. The usual on this one.
Hopefully, straight-forward! ohyeah and this post is totally rebloggable too, if you want it.
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seeasunset · 5 months
Unpopular opinion!
☆ Dunno if these count as unpopular opinions.
First things first, I think some of us are either too anxious to reach out to others or get too caught up being in certain circles. Don't get me wrong. I completely understand why people are like this, but also rping is suppose to be going out of your way and meeting new people. It's okay to put a limit to how many people are interacting with you or if you have grown too busy to talk to every single person, but also don't be afraid to reach out and talk to new people at all.
Secondly, shipping is different for everyone. Some people love to ship and that's okay! Others may not want to ship right away or don't want to ship. It doesn't mean they aren't interested in interacting with you. It depends on what they want and what their preference is. I have mutuals / friends on any social media where they highly prefer shipping and yet we can't find a way to interact because I don't have muses they can't ship with. In the end, we still interact ooc. Just be sure to check in with the person (or check their rules because 99% of the time, shipping is a rule they have put down). I, myself, prefer to have it a slowburn or certain muses of mine are more selective than others.
I feel like people make a big deal over shipping. Unless it's actively harming you, it's no big deal if someone ends up saying no to your offer or sometimes wish to do slowburns. It also doesn't mean someone is trying to force you to ship with them if they offer to ship with them. Of course, they are actively trying to force a ship on you, then, that's a different story.
Thirdly, it's okay if fandoms or interactions don't match up and you can't follow each other, especially if you are in the same fandom. Just because you are in the same fandom doesn't mean people are obliged to follow back. Sometimes someone don't want to have 100 of the same muse following them and making it hard to keep up (or don't want anyone to feel replaced). Sometimes your writing doesn't match up with theirs. It doesn't mean you aren't a good writer, nor they. Y'all are great writers. Sometimes writing isn't compatible. Sometimes even the muses, themselves, aren't compatible.
Now, before anyone comes at me, I understand people want someone to follow certain blogs of theirs before interacting with another (sometimes I am tempted to do it myself), which I don't blame anyone. That is a different story. I'm talking about about different types of people, y'know. Sometimes people can't find a way to interact with Vasco, no matter how many AUs I've put out for him. So, I always have two other blogs they can follow and interact with. Likewise to those blogs where people may not find a way to interact with these muses yet find a way to interact with Vasco.
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havfayth · 1 year
#HAVFAYTH a strictly private and selective MULTIMUSE comprising mostly canon characters with canon divergent and headcanon heavy elements ! carrd link.
current fandoms: honkai star rail, ffxiv, ffxvi, ff7 remake genshin impact, kuro no kiseki
inbox: 22 drafts: 12 starters: 3
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we're not heroes. if things get too bad, just turn tail and run. the fate of the world is only as good as the lives of all of us here.
TRAILCLOWNING WITH: @losfayth // @artisaen // @lumoire // @windspearing // @confluxium // @toadmiretoweepover // @calopsic
01 . FOLLOWING.  i’ll only interact with mutuals. due to my lack of time, I may be slow, extremely slow. snail speed, in fact. i try not to take on too many threads as i wish to focus on roleplays with my friends on here, twitter and discord. please understand. If i do not follow you back, most likely it is because i don’t see us interacting or am currently overwhelmed.
i will not interact with anyone under 21. please do not follow if you are.
02 . THREADS.  one-liners, multipara but in general, tends to match length. I tend to write a lot but you need not match with me if you feel overwhelmed. just give me something to respond to !
03 . GENRE.  my preferred writing themes are angst, drama and comedy. i love character study and development, leaning towards the philosophical and ideals rather than the literal lore sides of things. i’m not all that motivated by writing fight scenes in general but i won’t shy away from it if the plot is engaging.
i'm over 20 but most likely will not be writing sex stuff with just anyone off the bat. main reason being i am not very motivated by it.
04 . SHIPPING. i am generally alright with most ships but there are certainly a few ships that i don't have much of an inspiration to write.
i will ship with two or three versions of a character at maximum unless they are already ship exclusive to a particular ship. it's a really case by case basis. this is also because i have a limited braincell and has the attention span of cat on catnip but don't want to end up neglecting any of my partners so i'm mindful not to take up too much. ;-;
fyi if my character develops feelings for yours and vice versa, there is no need to reciprocate if the other party doesn't feel the feels. one sided or unrequited love is just as valid. but lmk if you rather not explore it though.
i adore and support crackships. i have a phd in bullshitting.
05 . CANONICAL. please don’t come to my dms with passive aggressiveness and uppity in regards to how i write my character. for one, this is canon divergent and headcanon heavy, which may at times lead into lore divergence. i don’t care that much about sticking to canon to a tee, i'm not paid to write like the source's writers and will pick and choose which lore to omit and write. i love to bend the lore, twist the rules around, explore tropey tropes and entertain myself to the best of my creative abilities.
i support people making their own aus, canon divergences and unique portrayals. i really admire that energy in anyone !
in any case, i only focus on making myself a very happy writer and hopefully someone a very happy writing partner. if you’re not a flexible person like me, then i’m not the writing partner for you.
06. HEADCANON. as far as headcanons are concerned, the are mostly just further analysis from what's already established in canon and some super weird au or canon-divergent ideas of mine. idrc if people use them, really go ahead. but i thank you if you can see rationale in my nonsensical ramblings lmao just at least like/rb the canon divergent ones to avoid potential future misunderstandings.
07. DUPLICATES. as a multi-muse blog who has way too many muses, idm duplicates. even if you want duplicate characters to interact in a thread, there are many ways to make it work !
08 . i also don’t really care for fandom drama, discourses or what people do with their blogs. life is too short for all that nonsense, yeah ? i don’t engage in fandom drama at all and i don’t look favorably upon those who start it unless the person is truly problematic and actively causing harm to others. please don't try to come up with funny excuses not to be kind.
LASTLY. in game icons on this blog are made by me. you can ask me for the raw folder and i'll gladly give to my moots. i may not have a raw folder for some muses in which i make icons as i reply to threads so sorry in advance ! >&lt;;;
icon border credit: concinnitytm
Gepard Landau
Welt Yang
Caelus Kaslana // info
Jing Yuan
Dan feng
Welt Joyce ( revival au )
Al haitham
Aaron Wei // hsr verse
Van Arkride
Cao Lee // hsr verse
Gouran // hsr verse
Aymeric De Borel
Zenos Yae Galvus
Warrior of Light 
Olivier Lesage ( dominant of alexander ) / ABOUT.
Dion Lesage
Clive Rosfield
Benedikta Harman
Cidolfus Telamon
Jill Warrick
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Welt Joyce
Lieserl Albert Einstein
Erwin Renna Shrodinger
Herrscher of Sentience
ship exclusives meaning that the muse is shipped exclusively to this particular character and other variants interactions with said character will only be of platonic or other non-romantic nature. mains meaning that i have went through lengthy discussions on characterizations between our muses, be it romantic OR platonic and i am extremely comfortable with the mun. these muses does affect/has changed the way i write my muse from the get-go and i'll give credit for the discussions that inspired the growth. i'll keep these developmental ideas and impact on my muse in mind when developing my muses' headcanons and writing them. yes i will have multiple mains for the same character as long as they influence my character's portrayal and this is my way of giving credit to our discussions and development !
aaron wei - gouran, ship exclusive to @losfayth
caelus - dan heng, mains @windspearing && @losfayth
dimitri alexandre bladdyd - claude, ship exclusive to @lumoire
gepard landau - blade, ship exclusive to @artisaen
neuvillette - furina, main to @myjustice
zhongli - neuvillette, ship exclusive to @calopsic @losfayth
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insurged · 7 months
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#𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐃 :  a  very  private  &  mutual  only  multi-muse  blog  featuring GOJO SATORU  from jujutsu kaisen.    unaffiliated  with  any  fandom.     canon  divergent  &  multi-ship.  multi-verse, crossover, and  oc  friendly.               
𝘗𝘌𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘋 𝘉𝘠 :  𝐊𝐀𝐈    (  she/her/they/them, 25+ , korean )
PERSONALS DO NOT INTERACT. please do not reblog my posts, in particular, my headcanon posts. these are only meant for my fellow writing partners. i don't want these thoughts shared with the general fandom, thank you !
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I. GENERAL.     this multi muse rp blog features characters from a variety of animanga & video games that all have their own share of mature themes & content , all of which will be tagged accordingly. as some of these series are ongoing, i will tag spoilers ! i am unaffiliated with all fandoms. common decency is expected as well as basic roleplay etiquette. please do not godmod which includes my muses’ actions, thoughts, likes/dislikes, and reactions ( assumptions that your muse makes about mine is fine ). i’ve had issues with this in the past and would rather not run into it again. i don't send in passwords or anything about reading rules, it's a common courtesy so please be assured that i read everyone's rules before following / following back!
II. SHIPPING.     i am open to all kinds of relationships. feel free to come and  discuss it with me. all relationships will happen in their own separate verse. i practice ship exclusivity, meaning that i will be shipping with one portrayal of a certain muse if there’s chemistry. i expect the same etiquette in return. please do not ship with a muse of mine and ship with another person who writes the same muse as me, it makes me uncomfy.  let me know if you click better with someone else, i won’t take it personally.
III. WRITING SPEED.     i have real life obligations so my replies are not fast but i don’t mind gentle reminders or questions about whether a thread is being continued or not.  english is not my first language and my adhd brain makes it difficult sometimes so there are, often more than not, when writing does not come easily to me and i struggle to get threads & asks out but i appreciate everyone’s patience in that regard.
IV. TRIGGERS & NSFW.     there may be triggering topics found on this blog and these will be tagged as TRIGGERS // and there will be rare moments that smut may appear on this blog that will be tagged as NS.FW as well. these moments will be extremely rare but just in case. this mostly pertains to topics of gore, violence, child abuse, human experimentation, and issues that are present in each respective series’ that my muses are from. in that respect, i do write certain villains who are definitely not good human beings. however, i do delve into their background to make sense of why they are as they are. i’m not agreeing with their actions, however i can explain where they’re coming from. with this in mind, i’m not defending their beliefs nor do i agree with them.
V. PORTRAYAL.     it might be helpful to read the muse about and verse pages to understand my interpretation, portrayal, and headcanons for each particular muse (when i get to updating them ahem). for now, feel free to ask questions until i get those pages up hehehe...  there will be times where i am most definitely canon divergent as i don’t agree with everything that happens in canon. this may also pertain to relationships in canon that i might not agree with as well.
VI. MEMES/STARTERS.     it is better for me if mutuals send in multiple memes for whichever muses you're interested in from the roster! sometimes, my writing mood differs so having multiple memes and diversity to pick from will help that we constantly interact. i will post starter calls once in a while but just be aware that i may not be able to get them all out. best way to interact with me is to send memes or plot ooc for a starter(s).
VII. THE NATURE OF THIS BLOG.     as is the nature of multis, i have a variety of muses on the roster and some that used to be there that aren't anymore. i do try to keep the main muses on the roster generally the same with some fluctuations. my fixations may differ at times but this does not mean i don't want to write or interact with you. please don't take offense to this if my fixations don't align with the muse you're interested in writing at the time. we can communicate and chat about it in that case.
gojo satoru.  jujutsu kaisen
hiromi higuruma.  jujutsu kaisen
albert wesker.  resident evil
astarion ancunín ( ascendant available on request ). baldur's gate 3
wriothesley. genshin impact
winged lion. dungeon meshi
millions knives. trigun stampede
grimmjow jaegarjaquez. bleach
vincent valentine. final fantasy
marian cross. d.grayman
kibutsuji muzan. kimetsu no yaiba
hawks.  boku no hero
benimaru shinmon. fire force
garou. one punch man
hanzo shimada. overwatch
madara uchiha. naruto
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flameblessed · 8 months
Hello, my name is topaz. I am 25+ and he/they. I run several other blogs, including ones in this space. I work full-time and am disabled so I may not always be active. If you rush me for replies, I will not want to write with you. As someone with serious chronic conditions, there are times in which I will be unable to reply. If this is something you cannot tolerate in an rp partner, we may not be compatible. In addition, I tend to prefer longer replies bordering on novella and so even if I do not intend for a thread to get long, it may. This blog is multi-verse and multi-ship. Mains get priority but I am not exclusive.
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Recently, there was an incident involving a former friend of mine in which he behaved very very strangely and cruelly to me. His name is Jay and/or JJ and he was not happy when i put him into a DNI after he hurt me very badly. He tried to make a callout about me to twist what he did and act like the victim. I never saw the post itself because I cannot stand to look at his blog. He has since deleted his blog but he did make a callout in an attempt to paint me as cruel and manipulative for my reactions to him. I posted a DNI about him in my rules, and when his friends continued to attempt to follow me, I made this post in which i continued to push that I wanted no crossover in our circles. Following that he made the callout in which I was told he edited our messages and only put parts he could use to paint his own narrative. After trying to hurt me further with this action, he deleted his blog. This is my response to him at the time. Mind you, I had him blocked but according to people who were still mutuals with him at the time, he was posting responses to my claims as if he could see my blogs. Which meant either he was block evading or having someone give him updates. Either way, the idea that he is still able to see my blogs made me incredibly uncomfortable. He hurt a lot of people. I am not his only victim. I DO NOT WANT ANYONE THAT INTERACTS WITH HIM NEAR ME. I do not care how minor the connection is. I cannot feel safe here so long as I feel he can see me. His blogs were ifri/tma/de (deleted), tales/wr/itt/en, baldu/rm/ad/e, and s/tori/esu/ng. Please be safe friends. I am not the type of person to do this type of thing, but sometimes people put you in situations. I will not discuss him further in public. I am happy for all of the supportive anons I got. They made me feel less crazy. If you do have any questions or concerns, you can speak with me privately. I do not want my blog to be all talking about him.
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PERSONAL BLOGS: do not reblog ic posts, headcanons, or answers to asks. i will tag posts with ‘ok to rb’ if anyone can reblog them. please respect this. 
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This blog is mutuals-only. If your rp account is a sideblog connected to a personal, please send me a message telling me so I know about the side blog. it may take me a little while to follow back because I am incredibly anxious because of everything that happened.
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Multi-muse blogs, I love you guys. All I ask is to please specify your muses when you try to interact with me with starter calls or memes. You can send as many muses as you want.
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I don't follow back or interact with fandoms I am not familiar with usually. Apologies about that! I have only played like 3 FF games. And only XIV and XVI since I've been old enough to actually process media.
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Very OC friendly. I have an oc and I love him. I will lovingly stare at your oc and cradle them in my arms.
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You can ALWAYS continue an answer as a thread. You can ALWAYS send me the ask. PLEASE. I want to write with you. Do not doubt this please. I also do not care if you reblog from me or the source on any NON memes. So for musings and aesthetics or whatever, you can reblog from me.
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If you are anti-lgbt+, homophobic/biphobic/transphobic, racist, sexist, or ableist, kindly fuck off. I am a disabled queer and I am not going to keep my anger quiet for the sake of your comfort. Honestly, not interested in interacting with anyone who is"right-leaning". LMAO. I also do not like people that constantly vague blog about others. Or put others down to prop themselves up.
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This blog is highly headcanon-based. I only really am married to the lore within the game and not in side material or lore books. There is some I keep but most I don't care about.
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I am not ship-exclusive. It is difficult for me to even be exclusive with certain characters since Clive is more or less in a canon relationship with Jill. I won't push this relationship on anyone outside of Clive having very strong feelings for her. But yeah, I am not ship-exclusive. Especially not with canon ships. I WILL however be exclusive in terms of shipping with certain characters. I cannot really see myself shipping with any other Cids than my main one.
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In terms of mains, they always get priority. These are typically people that I have ooc connections with or generally just really trust and have meshed with.
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These rules are subject to change!
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ardenssolis · 2 years
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I posted 1,495 times in 2022
896 posts created (60%)
599 posts reblogged (40%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,495 of my posts in 2022
#answered - 649 posts
#;;inbox - 640 posts
#;v: chaldea days - 515 posts
#;;f.go - 358 posts
#;mini - 259 posts
#;v: ??? - 233 posts
#;ooc jabber - 212 posts
#tenkoseiensei - 180 posts
#;;fgo - 161 posts
#;v: summoned forth - 155 posts
Longest Tag: 87 characters
#the king of kings is fond of a certain ancient blockhead but you didn't hear it from me
My Top Posts in 2022:
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PRONOUNS:  she / her / they / them 
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IMs usually! Discord is fine too especially for plotting and general chitchat since that IM box is tiny as hell. But it tends to definitely be easier to catch me on here since for some reason, my discord doesn’t always alert me to people talking and left messages kfjsdfhdsfs. Me checking discord to see someone talked to me hours ago -- me sweating wondering if they think I ignored them while I was posting on tumblr. 
NAME OF MUSE(S): Ozymandias
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Like...over 15 years? I have, quite literally, seen and experienced everything at this point. That’s why my rules probably sound so strict because I am just a tired woman who feels like I aged to 80 sometimes. I don’t play when it comes to my boundaries anymore like when I was younger and allowed things I shouldn’t have allowed for the sake of keeping the peace and being liked. I have been so much happier putting my foot down.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Meeting really great people and continuing to meet great people! Idk I’ve met so many who have inspired me to keep writing and just enjoying this little hobby of mine. Even now I just finger gun at all those individuals and really great mutuals that make my time here on tumblr A+.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Getting me excited for stuff and then ghosting me. Then coming to me, getting me excited again, ghosting me again -- rinse repeat like that’s a normal way to communicate with someone. Like I’m not here for that. I’ll softblock or hardblock you in a heartbeat and move on.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I like all three honestly, but angst??? Emotional stuff? GAWD DO I EAT THAT UP. Especially for Ozy because he’s just -gestures at him- Sometimes I want him to really feel things which can be difficult. But the fact it’s difficult is what makes me love it even more.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I don’t mind both since we can basic plot something like oh how they’d meet? Are they friends? Do they hate one another?? That kind of stuff can make interaction so much easier. But memes are certainly the best way to come at me and continue things from there since I don’t do starters. 
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Long replies! But short is nice when your brain is tired and after staring at a computer for eight hours and working HR, my brain is often very tired during the weekdays. So a nice balance of both!
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Normally in the evening. My writing just feels like it flows better for some reason.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Not even REMOTELY jkfhdskfdkfsd
tagged by: @chaieos​​​ (ilu Lis)
tagging: anyone! take it and talk about yourself! (also tag me I wanna read)
16 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Crossover ships and OC x Canon ships save lives.
17 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
@tenkoseiensei​ said (inbox):
sa vc teehee
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18 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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If you’re a lot younger than Ozy, chances are he will:
a.) Adopt you as his child
b.) Adopt you as his younger sibling
These are just the rules I don’t make them.
18 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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[Glowing beans. D.o not r.eblog.]
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19 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chainwards · 1 year
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—   i   was   a   𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐑   too,   longer   than   you   can   𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚.   a   𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑴...   chained   to   the   shadow   isles.   (   ahhh   !   no   one   escapes   !   i   forgot   how   squishy   they   are.   )    𝐁𝐔𝐓   𝐈   𝐀𝐌   𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄   𝐍𝐎𝐖,      𝑻𝑶   𝑫𝑶   𝑨𝑺   𝑰   𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑯. — 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃. — 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒. — 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒.
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#𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒               —                  headcanon   based   𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐇,   𝑻𝑯𝑬   𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑰𝑵   𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑫𝑬𝑵   of   riot   game's   LEAGUE   OF   LEGENDS   franchise.   private   &&   selective   //   mutuals   only.   at   times   canon   divergent.   NSFW   MATERIAL   IS   HEAVILY   PRESENT.   those   under   21   do   not   interact   !   sentenced   by   GOOSE.   29.   she/they.   prompts   always   open   to   mutuals!
𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃   𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇               —            @ahries      
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I. this blog is private and selective, as well as mutuals only. i curate my own space and like to keep my dash semi-orderly. if i follow you, it means i'd like to interact. in the same vein - this blog is multiverse, multiship, au, crossover, oc, and duplicate friendly. i tend to not do exclusives, but i will do mains, all of which will be listed here.
II. on the subject of activity - mine can be sporadic at times, with rp being a hobby and multiple blogs on top of this one. if i don't like a post you've tagged me in  within around two days time, please feel free to send me a poke about it. i also kindly request when sending in ask memes, send no more than two - otherwise i tend to get overwhelmed.
i am a wordy writer for serious threads, usually about 3 + paragraphs in length. i do also format my posts - triple spaced, small font, occasionally with colors. i neither expect formatting nor entirely matched length in replies.
III. given the nature of thresh's character and his lore, romantic shipping is not the primary focus of this blog, and may not be on the table at all. additionally, the nature of those ships will likely be toxic in some way shape or form.
if you are still, for some reason, interested in attempting shipping with thresh - i seek chemistry first and foremost, and a bit of repertoire with the mun as well. that being said - feel free to message me about it!
IV. it should be obvious that this blog will be dark and heavy on the nsfw side. nsfw includes, but is not limited to: torture, smut, violence, gore, psychological horror, trauma, drug usage, etc. i do not shy away from darker thematics but all triggering content will be tagged and placed under a read more.
as such, i ask that if you are under the age of 21 that you do not follow/interact with me. if you follow me and your blog does not list your age, or lists you as under 21, i will likely soft block you. this is for my own comfort. no exceptions. i also will not be following blogs that are exclusively minor muses. i do not want to write thresh interacting with children.
other standard dni's apply. do not interact if you, as a mun, are into pro-shipping, incest, noncon, underage, or are transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, ableist - etc. additionally, dni if you are friends with frosty ( windwandered, etc). callouts are listed here, and here.
V.  goose  / 29 / she + they / cst. i play on both na and oceanic but i'm bad no matter what my ping is. mutuals feel free to add me!
IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ ME. i believe for a muse like thresh consent is exceptionally important from both my partners, and myself. there are things i simply will not write. if you are wanting to participate in some sort of darker thread with thresh, i insist we plot beforehand. this doesn't apply to simple meetings or other interactions, but any thread that features thresh actively committing violent torture or in which your muse is harmed, i would like discussed before getting there for my own peace of mind, and yours!
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
FERRE! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I thought I'd drop by for this and send some positive vibe as the year starts 😊 I just want to highlight what I really like about your writing!! When I read your writings, I always get a sense of your clear grasp on your character profiles or characterizations which may also be rooted on the long years of writing them. It's very natural and interesting. I think that even if your writing partner may not fully read your profiles, they would still be able to catch on what sort of character or personality they carry because you often insert their thoughts or internalization in between the lines, which I think is really helpful. I always enjoy your writing and something I often notice is the weigh on actions as emphasis on their characters. Your narrative and choice of words, too, is something I love to read.
I could say more but for now I keep it up to this length!! Cheers to more writing with you soon 💚
Have a wonderful day and a year ahead!
@thegreenswillcome xia also has ( independently too ) made me go 🥺🥺🥺
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As I mentioned to the wonderful len, when I was coming into this year, I will admit, I wasn’t exactly feeling in the best of spirits, but YOU!! I know you reached out to me to check on me in the last month and that particular part of the year and I just wanted to say?? Thank you so much for doing so, honestly, that really helped with getting through the last of 2022 💕💕💕
But also!! PLS it always means so much to me that you take the time to read my writings and drabbles 🥲🥲🥲 I know that’ s not the point of my rp blogs existing and it doesn’t always involve other ppl muses SO THANK YOU?? 🥺🥺🥺 for reading and also just always?? paying attention to ur partners in the chill way you always do <3 <3 <3 I’ve said this before, but I’ve always gotten a very relaxed and friendly vibe from you and I think in that aspect?? It has encouraged me to be a bit more open with my mutuals on here – loosen up bc at the end of the day, we’re all nerds who love our characters and ( hopefully ) each other’s too!!
I also have been reading ur drabbles as well and I love?? how atmospheric they come off- if mine is supposed to be like stage, then I would consider yours to be really getting in the minds of ur characters, writing them as they were the ones putting down the words. I think that can be SO DIFFICULT at times bc it requires not only knowing who they are but also knowing the exact way they would narrate what they’re thinking 🥲🥲🥲 that and I also just?? love how lyrical they are?? Like each word is carefully picked out and it really shows in the line breaks…every word counts!!
BUT ANYWAYS, thank you so much for taking the time to send this in, but more importantly, thank you so much for sticking with me thru out this past year and onto now- I’m so grateful to have the privilege of writing with you and plotting with you AND being friends with and I can’t wait to see where you bring your characters ( and mine for the ride ) in 2023!! Care you lots xia and please have a wonderful day 💕💕💕
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infernal-dominion · 2 years
2. MUTUALS ONLY. You can send in an ask/participate in ask memes if you’re not a mutual but threads are a no unless you are a mutual.
3. This blog will be MULTIVERSE and MULTISHIP, which means interactions with other blogs will all be in their own self contained universe, as well as any potential ships that may arise from these interactions. Multiships are open to everyone, as I doubt Lucifer would at all be considered monogamous. He is absolutely going to be picky though, he won’t just fall in love with anyone. (I also would prefer if we did shipping by way of casual interaction/slowburn ships rather than instantly shipping characters together/preplan ships, with the exception of Lilith muses. Lucifer’s always gonna be Lilith’s husband.)
4. No godmodding.
5. Lucifer may not be on the same level of God here but by no means is he an easy target. He absolutely can and will destroy your muse if you try and fight him, and he can very easily take displeasure in your muse if you are needlessly rude to him when he is not in the mood to be pleasant or wave it off. He is a very easy going muse and normally won’t stoop to harm other muses so easily, but if it does happen, I will check in with you first.
Please, if you want your muse to try and pick a fight with Luci, understand that he is a fallen angel and that it will NOT be easy to do, and if you try and godmod to somehow steer the fight in your muse’s favor without any logical reason (writing that your muse waves away Luci’s magic with ease, writing that they’re immune to his power when they have no reason to be, shrugging off blows that should be causing damage, etc) or make it so that your muse effortlessly beats mine despite there being no possible way for them to do so, I will block you because I’m not gonna deal with that shit. Basically, respect my muse and the power they have and don’t try and say your muse beats them in One Punch because Reasons™️, ok?
6. My DM’s are open if you have any questions about my muse or want to plot anything out with your own muse! Please don’t be shy!
7. Given that this is the Devil, and given how I write him, he will no doubt explore a bunch of topics about immorality, the nature of sin and what it means to be a horrible person, the types of awful acts that people can commit, and, ultimately, the concept of morality and if it matters or not. This version of Lucifer also tends to actively encourage sin in others as much as possible, which absolutely can lead down very dark roads, and can possibly get into a lot of dark topics, including mentions/depictions of homicide, suicide, acts of violence (including torture) and a number of other things (although bigotry is one of the only things Lucifer will not enable by any means since he finds it incredibly stupid). However, for the sake of my own comfort, I highly ask that you never try to discuss/depict topics such as pedophilia, incest or rape with my Lucifer muse, as addressing such topics in this manner would make me intensely uncomfortable and as such I would rather avoid them altogether.
8. If you have an OC or a muse from a different fandom who you wish to have interact with my muses, please, feel free to send me an IM on tumblr or an ask in my inbox and I will check your muse out to see what we can possibly do with them! (Note; I have a right to say no/turn down interactions with muses from fandoms that I have no interest/no knowledge in, please don’t pressure me into changing my mind if I have made a decision to do so.)
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mcrrymurdcr · 2 months
Rules ❧
. I. GENERAL . This blog is selective and private, so I will only write with mutuals. However, I am very open to crossovers and OCs, and if I follow you, I am 100% interested in interacting together! I do not follow for follow or anything of the sort. I follow because I am interested in YOU and your MUSES! So please, don’t be afraid to interact if we’re following each other (but also I get it, I’m anxiety-ridden too lmao).
. II. FOLLOWING . I will not follow blogs for the following fandoms: Hetalia, Killing Stalking, Attack on Titan. Multimuses hosting muses from any of these fandoms will be regarded on a case-by-case basis, depending on my interests in the other muses present, availability of tags to blacklist, and how comfortable I may or may not be with the mun (i.e. whether we are friends prior or not).
. III. WRITING . I tend to write in both second- and third-person POV, depending on my mood! This is just how I prefer to write, and I will not be changing how I do so. However, if you are uncomfortable with second-person POV, please let me know and I will avoid using it for our interactions! It will still be present on the blog, however.
. IV. PLOTTING . Tumblr’s IM system will be used for plotting only, not any IC interactions. If any mutuals would like to plot using Discord instead (because let’s be real, it’s much easier and more dependable for notifications), feel free to ask for mine! But again, that is for mutuals only. It is, however, available for plotting, chatting, and even IC writing alike.
. V. MAINS & EXCLUSIVES . If you’d like to be mains or exclusives for our muses at any point, please do feel free to let me know! Mains are always going to be my go-to for plotting, and exclusives, while a bit more selective since it’s a higher commitment, are just as welcome! Additionally, if you want to be blog affiliates, all you have to do is ask.
. VI. SHIPPING . I am multiship! Each ship takes place in a different verse, so there is no cheating (which I do not tolerate writing anyway). Additionally, I am not ship-exclusive. The way I see it, each portrayal is unique and thus each has different potential for plotting and progression. While I am open to making muses ship-exclusive, please do not expect it by default. You will need to ask and be upfront about it– but please know that I may possibly say no, especially if I already have another version of the ship already going on.
. VII. TRIGGERS . I tag all of my triggers as (trigger) /. For example: blood /, death /, gore /, etc. As for my own triggers, I ask that mutuals tag photos of arachnids, insects, and any visuals that may trigger trypophobia. Additionally, please tag mentions and discussions of eye horror. If eye horror comes up as a subject in our discussions, please warn me first! I can handle it if I am prepared for it, at the very least.
. VIII. CREDITS & ABOUT . If you've gotten past all this, then welcome! My name is Reneli, and you can call me Ren or Eli or any nickname! I am 23 years old, go by they/he/she pronouns, and live in the EST timezone. Credits for icon borders go to @sibylsource!
0 notes
laevenderhaze · 4 months
➤ THE MUN  : 25+ years of age, In the EST timezone. I am a mother of three cats and busy around a house that seems like it wants to fall apart. I am pretty chill  and what not. I also go by the name of Myllie. 
➤ INTERACTIONS  : This blog is private and selective, meaning I will not RP with everyone. This is more so for my own sanity. I mostly run with the ‘mutuals only’ rule, meaning if we are not mutuals  it’s nothing against you, I have my own reasons for not following. 
➤ COMIC DIVERGENCE : I do not adhere by any of the comic canon unless specified. Sure, I dabble, but I am mostly if not strictly headcanon and MCU based when it comes to this blog. I don't care what may or may not have happened in issue #562 in Universe #386. What I care about is the events I saw unfold with my own eyes on the screen and in my head. The wiki can't hold me.
➤ GODMODDING : While a little bit of god-modding is allowed to get things moving, taking absolute control of my character assuming their moves is a big fat no. I will not assume things about your character, so please do not assume anything about mine. If you have any questions you are free to IM me or send me an ask. But please, do not assume control. You are not Harbinger, and this is not Mass Effect. 
➤ THREADS  : If you are not involved in the thread, do not reblog it. If you are not part of the RPC do not reblog it. I have had trouble in the past of people reblogging my memes for other people simply due to the fandom they took part in. Please don’t do that.  It’s weird. Personals, don't reblog either. You won't read these rules, so I'm not sure why I'm wasting my breath.
➤ IC DRAMA  : My characters are subject to questionable and immoral behavior. This does not mean I condone their actions or anyway support their way of thinking and what they do. I know a lot of people don’t vibe with that kind of thing which is why I keep most of it off tumblr, but should it happen know that it’s in character, and not the ways of thinking of the mun behind it. 
➤ OOC DRAMA  : Not here for it. If you want to be a part of OOC drama, that's your choice, but don’t drag me into it. It will result in an instant block. I also do not partake in fandom drama. If I see too much of it on my dash it will result in an unfollow and maybe a block. That’s just the brakes, kid.  
➤ CALL OUT POSTS  : I’m not here for it, period. Unless the person absolutely deserves it for things like being a predator or being a thief. But this petty drama that seems to happen between two people in the RPC should stay between them and they make a call out? No. If I see it on my dash I will unfollow. 
➤ MEMES  :  Memes are for mutuals only! Please respect that. Also please respect if the meme is tagged with “established ships only”.  If we do not have a ship with the muse and it’s tagged with that it will be ignored. 
➤ CHARACTER REQUEST  :  Unless I know you personally please , oh please do not send me “your choice” attached to a meme. I have a lot of muses to choose from. If you do this it will go ignored. Please have a muse in mind for whom you are sending the meme. If you send it without a character attached then it will also go ignored. If you yourself are a multimuse, please also specify your character. 
➤  POST LENGTH  :  Post length will often vary, but please never feel like you have to match length with me. You can write as little or as much as you want and I won’t hold it against you. Sometimes we have the flow to keep going and writing a lot, sometimes not so much. Do you! 
➤  ICON USAGE  : Some muses don't have icons yet so they will be iconless, but I often use rounded 110x110 icons with a fancy border. You are not required to use anything if you don't want too.
➤ REPLY SPEED  :  I am not fast. my dumb ass has made a lot of blogs. I'll regret it later.
➤ REPLYING TO MEMES  :  With how tumblr has messed up a lot , I now move memes to their own post once they are sent. You do not have to answer/reply to it if you have no desire to do so, but the option is there if you do.
➤ REBLOGGING MEMES  :  I don’t play the reblog karma game. If you see a meme on my blog and you want to reblog it, go for it. I do not give a damn. I will not shame you for it. I know that some blogs with the memes get deleted or are hard to find. You’re welcome to reblog as many of them from me as you’d like. But if you'd like to send one, that is cool too. I can dig it.
➤ FOLLOWING  :  I don’t follow everyone back, that’s a given. But there are some reasons I will not follow you and it’s pretty simple. If you have no rules written for your blog ,If you are a canon character and  I have no idea what fandom you’re frome, or if you’re an OC without any information on your character on your blog.  I know that my bios are still pretty sparse (I’m working on that...slowly ) . I have a little bit of information. Normally that’s all I ask.  
I also tend to not follow the OC children of characters unless it’s plotted and I know you personally. While I’m under the mentality of RPing whatever it is you want ( go and RP that OC child ) please realize I will not accept your character as MY character's children unless it’s discussed.
➤ UNFOLLOWING  : When I unfollow it’s for pretty simple reasons such as being I don’t think we’ll vibe with one another, you’ve been inactive for a good long while , you post a lot of negativity, you meme / interaction bait, you post a lot of political things, or you don’t cut your posts.  There is also the whole 'no one interreacts with me wah' posts. I will unfollow for those.
➤ BLOCKING  :  I don’t usually block anyone, but if I do please respect that it was for a reason. But it’s rare that I do this. You may have to do something pretty messed up to get the block button. 
➤ NSFW & SMUT  :  While there will be no RPing of any nsfw content, there will be imagery posted from time to time. Anything that seems simply sensual I don’t tag with a ‘nsfw’ but anything more I try to do so. If there is something you need me to tag, please let me know. 
➤ TAGGING FCs  : I will not tag any FC image or their source with their name plus tw. You follow this blog you are bound to see their faces. I am sorry if this upsets you, but I cannot be expected to keep up with that as it’s bound to slip my mind. You are free to unfollow, or simply block the character tag in use.  ( this is in regards to someone once asking me to tag Fifty Shades on my Graham Humbert blog. The answer is no, I will not. That kind of thing.) 
➤  TAGGING TRIGGERS  : In some instances I will do my best to tag any sort of triggers such as blood, violence, depression, death, etc. There are some things I probably won’t tag but you are free to ask. But please, I tend to forget easily so don’t hold it against me if I do. 
➤ PERSONAL TRIGGERS  :  I don’t have any that I can think of at the moment. Cancer is pretty triggering to me, but I also know that it’s a part of a lot of people's lives so I will have the word black listed, but if it doesn’t catch it I won’t hold it against anyone other than tumblr. 
➤ CHEMISTRY  : This should go without saying since it seems to be a universal rule that having chemistry is a must between characters to be shipped. I will not auto-ship. I will not be pressured into a ship simply because someone thinks a face is pretty. I won’t tolerate that. 
➤ CANON DOES NOT EQUAL AUTOMATIC : just because it's happening in canon doesn't mean I automatically ship it. Again, it all comes down to chemistry with the person I'm interacting with.
➤ SEXUALITY  : This may cause some controversy , but when it comes to shipping those of the same sexuality  I will do so with close friends only.  Due to some issues I have had in my past with people trying to force ships onto me simply because they wanted to treat it like a kink, they are closed off unless I truly trust you.
➤ AGE DIFFERENCES   : There are some that I am pretty okay with, but if your muse is around the age of 16 - 18 and you’re trying to get with my 40 year old muse, we need to have a sit down and talk about why that will not happen and, perhaps, discuss why you might think that's okay.  If your muse is 16 and you even want to get with my early 20 muse, the answer is no. In fact, don’t approach me unless your muse is 18+. Don’t approach me yourself unless you’re 18+
➤ WANTED OPPOSITES AND SUCH TAGS    : Please do NOT under any circumstance reblog an image from me of a face I use and tag it with ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘bait’ or anything of that nature. That , in my opinion, shows me that you don’t give a shit about the character in question, just the face and I will soft-block you instantly. I’m not here for that. If you want to get to know my character that’s fantastic, but if you just want the face then please leave. You can go reblog from the source for that, not from me.
➤ JUST BECAUSE YOU FIND THEM A PROBLEM DOESN'T MEAN I DO  : There are just sometimes I , personally, don’t think someone should be banned or canceled for certain things but that’s my opinion. Please do not come into my inbox and proceed to tell me why a face may or may not be problematic. 
➤ MY USE OF A FACE DOES NOT EQUAL CONDONING ACTIONS   :  Sometimes a face just fits the character and I will be honest, trying to find a replacement face is hard a lot of the times, if this bothers you then please you are welcome to unfollow me. 
➤ SOMETIMES I JUST DON'T LIKE THE FACE   :  As it says, I may have a bad history with these faces or I just don’t like them. I’m allowed to do that. 
➤ I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST USING PEOPLE WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY :  They inspired in life, and if they continue to inspire after their passing and you’re respectful, then do what you will. 
Amber Heard
Demi Lovato
Logan Paul / Jake Paul
Any youtuber faces
Justin Beiber
Scarlett Johansson, I don't care if she's the canon Black Widow.
Armie Hammer
Camila Cabello
Alexandra Daddario
People RPing as real people.
This list is subject to grow and change at any time.
Incest ( that includes adopted family or step family ) 
Even though Peter Parker and Tony Stark are not on this blog, it's not a ship that's going to happen. Anyone with Peter Parker, especially the one that's still in high school that isn't around his age is a huge fat no. Go find Jesus. He's waiting for you.
Everything you see here has been made by me for me. In the words of our lord and savior Kuzco : no touchy.
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calistayed · 7 months
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          Hello  and  welcome  to  my independent, selective,  private  roleplay  account  for  an original character, Mason  Mayfield. This  blog  is  rather  low  active  and  will  contain  major  dark  themes.  Please  approach  with  caution.  I  also  ask  that  you  read  my  rules  and small about under the cut  before  following.
          Exclusive: zoomingupthathill ,           Affiliated: zoomingupthathill ,
                            Rules to follow! I'll keep it simple: Mun: My name's AJ! I love characters, love talking about them all the time. I love to read and write. I mostly read horror, and recently found it's actually a favorite genre of mine. I'm a nerd, a dork, hella shy, and would love to be your friend!
Please be kind and respectful! If there are any issues with me, please come to me in an appropriate manner. I don't bite, I promise. We all know we can't read each other's minds!
NS.FW. It might be present. He is of age in his main verse, but I'm deciding if even if I want to just make a sideblog for more of that stuff. Either way, I will only write it with those I feel comfortable with for it isn't something I write normally.
Shipping. I love to ship. I'm opened to it as long as we both are good with it, and talk about our muses to see if they click.
Controversial characters. Totally down to write with any type of character. I won't limit myself. If this bothers you, please do not follow.
Triggers. I'll tag what I can/remember. I will NOT write with drunk muses. This doesn't need to be tagged for your threads, I just don't want to deal with it one-on-one.
OCs/Fandoms. Totally chill with OCs, just have some type of an about page. I can try and fit my muses into anything, and will follow blogs I can see working (even if I don't know the fandom).
Be patient! I have a full time job and a few other blogs I hop on. I usually go with the flow, see what muse I have. Plus please be aware that I struggle with depression. Some Days are good and others not so much.
OOC. I love to chat ooc. Through IMs or discord. Whatever works for you. Although, discord is only open to mutuals.
Icons. As of right now I don't have any icons. Even when I do make some I'm totally fine if we don't even use them at all. It's not a make or break thing for me.
Exclusive. I have one exclusive Max which me and the mun talked here and there about these two. I may add more to exclusive depending on plotting and such other things.
                              Small about (cuz I am hella lazy):         any questions about anything please feel free to message.
Name: Mason Mayfield Nicknames: Masey, Mase, Ace Age: 19-20 (s4), 17-18 (s3) Gender: Male Traits: Kind, responsible, loyal, impatient, stubborn.
Mason is the older sibling to Max, and can be argued as the younger or older brother to Billy. Before Billy, Mason and Max were a fair close bonded siblings with the perfect amount of annoyance to each other. However, he grew up fast. Still rather young, he became the man of the house once their father was out of the picture.
Then, as their mother got involved with Neil, things started to shift between the family dynamic. Mason noticed the change the older man brought into the home, and noticed the way he was around Billy as he grew older. Mason spoke with their mother several times, saying how he felt uncomfortable, saying how it wasn't good for any of them to be around Neil.
Once the Fall of 1984 came around, Mason decided he wasn't going to move with his family. He opted to stay with a relative, making up as many excuses as he could for he didn't want to be in the same house as Neil. Mason knew the news didn't sit well with Max, but he made a silent promise he would make enough money to take Max, and maybe even talk to Billy, and get away.
Summer of 1985 came and Mason decided to move to Hawkins with a good amount of money to his name. Happy to see his family again, he only got the cold shoulder from Max. Mason let her be angry, and decided to get a job at the mall to earn even more money. Mason hoped he could talk to Billy at least, but he was also rather distant.
Spring of 1986 came far too quickly. The death of Billy and abandonment of Neil made Mason work long shifts to help support them. Still, it was hard to focus with the strangeness of the town finally hitting him, and the fact of high schoolers getting murdered didn't help.
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songsfromheart · 8 months
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
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