#( the gravity of. ) finis.
abuildtech · 7 months
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jonathankatwhatever · 7 months
Trying to work this through one more time. That is, this Understanding is a Storyline, same as any other. And iteration is practice, which has an interesting effect beyond the fitting together of responses so action happens quickly and with suitable assurance. That is what happens, but there is more: iteration builds intangible abstract structures which attach to the behavior of any tangible object, over time and in any moment. Perhaps a good description is that the ordinal measure or count extends significantly past where you are, as a tangible object, at any moment.
This is the same as saying there are gravitational waves because the spatial distortion is literally over the Extent of grid squares which connect that event to this perception of that event. Only now do we experience what was said long ago. And that is information transferred at the basic level of counting, not something we can label tangible as in made of matter.
That’s interesting. I did not expect to grab something that deep, but it flashed before my eyes like a prize or treat for a hungry animal. So, we made the obvious connection that gravity waves are transferred at the IL so therefore they are distortions in grid squares. What do those look like? It looks like it’s approaching the limit of the Alternation which began in the past. This is getting deep and I’ll try to hang on. The Alternation in the past starts as the count of 1 and 2:1, etc., but the amplitude across those counts is enormous and that takes a long time to die down. That dying down occurs within the gs construction process for the various other tObjects. That was clumsily said, but I mean to remember that we’re constructing these existences as objects, both tangible and intangible, and that there are thus levels of connection, with those that move at the IL being the most fundamental in the sense they contain information which doesn’t have mass.
Think about that because it’s deep. Doesn’t have mass means it travels in direct communication with whatever pattern information exchanges or presents to connect the IL to enlarged SBE or to make Triangular. That is how information is infused as photons come into existence. So when an electron exists, whoa, that became serious. Ended with let there be light translating to the creation of matter because matter’s existence means there is energy which expreses to connect that matter. The reason is the matter must exist within grid squares, so there must be connections; it isn’t an emptiness but another form of grid squares space. Those connections at the electron level express as an LC mass. I’m assuming that 16 in the mass is obvious enough given the meanings we have generate for CM16 and LC. So, we have a tiny bit of matter which happens to fit to LC, which thus means 2Things as drawn so many times.
What does it means to say an electron hops up or drops down a level? If you go down, a photon emits, a piece of information which thus describes the work done, the grid squares counted, which connect those two states so both are accurately described. The example playing in me now is that I began whistling Take On Me and it morphed into connected themes and then unconnected themes all at that same catching cadence. I finally get cadence as the ordinal confluence with the cardinal of the count, so it means the pace of resolution of the harmonic parts, which obviously stack over the beats.
So when an electron absorbs a photon, that says this is the work that gets you up to here. That is really cool because it communicates as LC enacted in actual matter so it literally connects 2 levels together exactly like it looks.
I look at that phrase: like it looks. And I realize, yeah, like it looks to me but literally to no one else because literally no one else knows. I take for granted we’ve solved dozens, probably scores of fundamental problems, because there’s always an infinity to unravel. That’s the point, isn’t it? That as we can better understand the finite, which we make by understanding the infinite, then the more we understand. Was that clear? We are understanding into the infinite, and that means we are creating finite spaces. They are finite in more than one sense: they may hit 0 or they may approach a Boundary limit which reads as a 0 in the appropriate perspective. Hitting 0 may mean an even, because one consequence of LayerView is the generation of negative integers.
That came as a total surprise even as I was typing it. What? You must be thinking of the szK counting out being treated as a 0 so reading around the L-count within ++ generates the count up, the count down, the count spreading to each side from the szK, etc. That logic works. It’s the same as why gs primes form, and thus why L9 is not prime: each layer counts each way it possibly can count within the constraint of the Extent of that count. That is a consequence of them being constructed when you count them, when you understand that idea runs very deep, that an instantaneous count, like what you can write down, stands for and acts as an ideal to which all the various layers of counts must fit. As in, if the only solution is prime, then it’s prime. That’s why a prime like 419 is so cool. It’s full count of Hexagonal, as described, and it’s an Attachment away from all the meanings in 420, which means all the ways that 419 becomes this unique value fits and connects to that complete Hexagonal.
I know this is getting good because I looked up top and realized I only made it one paragraph before I stumbled over a fundamental Understanding, which then led to at least one more. Maybe I should try to continue. We were at the count in sK extending way past where you are on zK compared to where you will be. Think in ideals: there will be a Path that takes you out along that zK. That Pathway has a lot of dimensionality orthogonal to the project, meaning nSquare forms, which are then orthogonal to fCM so there’s a layer of fCM related to every grid square which contains what we’re talking about. Like a person or a planet or galaxy is in projective layers within D3-4//4-3 Space, and that Space as a projection generates an orthogonal space which generates an orthogonal space so we have 2 layers separated by the nSquare connecting orthogonal. A 1Square is sides of root1/2, which of course is the inverse of root2. This connects the 1Square to the 2Square as nSquares. I am being told a better way to think about this is to imagine a grid squares layer to some IC, meaning it’s a count of some number of grid squares. Now imagine that that nSquare is counted orthogonally to the grid squares and, as noted before, also to fCM. Both connect using Injection.
That clears up what we’re talking about. A gs layer translates in and out of nSquares and in and out of fCM. Note that this engages the idea of patterns in fCM. And note, I’m complety surprised to realize that attaches fCM patterns, like 50:50 or the angel and the devil on shoulders, to D3-4//4-3 Spaces represented in the gs sheet or layer. Mechanics.
Need a break.
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rayman-25 · 1 year
Résumé du premier film Podcast Adventure
Aujourd'hui sors le premier d'animation film des tortues ninjas de Nickelodeon. J'espère que vous avez hâte de voir ce film, que vous êtes chaud pour la fanfiction. Pour l'heure, nous avons pas encore de casting des voix des personnages (excepté les perso des Loud, gravity falls, Kirb, les frères Christivoirien et Alice)
Voici le résumé de la fanfic : Lincoln Loud, sa famille, son meilleur ami Clyde, Ronnie Anne et son frère Bobby sont en vacances à New-York pour deux semaine. Lincoln pensait que New-York sera pour lui la ville la plus dangereuse et qui peu faire des amis de vacance, comme April et les jumeaux Pines.
Un jour, alors qu'il est poursuivit par des agresseurs, il à était sauvé par quatre tortues géante qui parles et qu'ils peuvent faire du ninjutsu. Avec ses nouveaux amis de vacance, Lincoln va passer des aventure à New-York, avec les tortues, ses dix sœurs, April, Clyde et Ronnie Anne pour affronter des syndicat du crime et des armée de mutant. Comme dans l'original, ce fanfic-film est un crossover qui réunie deux famille.
Je posterais les tortues ninjas, Lincoln Loud, Dipper Pines & Jean Christivoirien ici pour le résumé de cette histoire. Une fois que j'aurais fini avec les tortue, je posterait aussi les personnages des Tortues ninjas, Loud, Gravity Falls, Kirbendoworld, les frères Christivoirien et Alice.
On auras la possibilité qu'en 2025, il y auras le premier Arc qui se déroule après le premier film. Il y auras quinze chapitres et il se déroule à New-York et Royal Woods.
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idevart-blog · 1 year
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saitolover · 1 year
🎩 finished lupin's route! & code:realize ~guardian of rebirth~ overall as well!
here are my thoughts on lupin's route & my overall thoughts for the game!
it's been a journey finishing this game, and i can fully say that i loved the cast so much. they were all so lovable and seeing them altogether and bonding together was the cherry on top. dynamics like these where the cast are this tightly knit & feel so close are (chef's kiss). anyways, let me first get to lupin's route!
lupin's route thoughts
this route was 1. absolutely so cute & romantic, and 2. great in terms of the overarching plot for the entire game. you guys don't even know how i started to kick my feet during the one cg/part where lupin kissed cardia through her hat, like... if that isn't the cutest thing. i don't know what is.
man, there are way too many moments for me to remember on the spot (so i should be taking notes by chapter from now on... hmm.), but what else do i have to say other than the fact i loved the romance between cardia & lupin? like the cheesy lines from lupin? corny, but it fits him, they're sweet lmao. cardia telling lupin she loves him, but then proceeding to tell him she loves all her friends, then to her realizing she has feelings for lupin??? yes. the way lupin started losing his cool for once (very ooc for him, felt very odd and wrong to see him like that lmao. it was fun tho because we got to see more of his bond/friendship with van during the late parts of his route, which was fun bc we don't see that often)! yes yes, there's too much to talk about and my memory is starting to fail me now.
for the plot, it was nice to see how everything and everyone became tied to this final route. like, victoria mentioning her hidden intentions + the zicterium being used -> lore from victor's route. nemo & the gravity alleviator -> impey route lore. van & aleister's in the ship, and how aleister revealed his intentions to him -> van route lore. omnibus & guinevere coming in to help with overturning fate -> saint germain lore.
it was great to see some of the side characters shine as well. seeing more of delly supporting the gang & how he & van are going to be working together. cardia telling finis that they're siblings, that they can be together (but still ended in finis falling ://// don't touch me). holmes (and his stupid fake name lmao) and his connection with aleister. victoria & leonhardt taking action during this entire conflict. yeah there's probably more & this is probs obvious & makes sense for the "main LI route," but still, it was very nice to see this all tie together...
hmm, and i guess that's all i have to say for now!
overall thoughts on code:realize
as i said before, i loved the cast so much. all the routes were enjoyable and great, and learning about the backstories and the world all of these characters live in was super super fun and interesting up until the last minute. also the extra scenarios are fun and cute. if i had to say, i think my fav routes would have to be.... too hard to decide. i would list the three i've played recently, but that might be recency bias (also bc i barely remember much of the other routes...), so i'll let this all marinate. overall, love it very very much! :]
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aela-targaryen · 2 years
(cw: mental health)
so when i write i tend to write multiple chapters going back and forth in word docs, usually starting with dialogue (the bones, if you will) and then making bullet points of things that will happen in the chapter. action or fight scenes are written out first, followed by any scene i am personally looking forward to writing or have the ideas necessary to move forward
that being said... i'm only realizing now the gravity of the content I am writing into my fics, both my OC-centric Naruto fic Desert Flowers and the GOT Dany-centric fix-it fic A Throne of Ash and Bone.
i'm trying to dig deeper into my writing as i keep trying to hone my craft, and i can't help but draw from my own experiences as a person first and foremost when trying to imagine myself in my characters' shoes as they deal with the plot and its associated consequences. if you're familiar with my fics and have read my notes preceding some of my chapters, you might remember me mentioning i deal with mental health issues from anxiety and ocd. this year i was diagnosed with trauma and have started counseling, which has been a hard experience so far. the chapters of my fics, specifically with Nomasaki (my main OC) in Desert Flowers and Dany in ATOAAB, are becoming difficult to write - and even draft the outlines - because of how they relate to my coping with my own internal struggles and trauma and how i view myself and the world. writing fic and writing in general has been an outlet for how i cope with life and has been for some time, but it has been a good while since i last enjoyed it. I haven’t been “feeling” it lately, and it honestly sucks. I want to get these stories done but I think I’ve bitten off too much I can chew. And life has a habit of getting in the way. I'm slowly working myself to get back into my element, but i'm trying to be patient with myself and take baby-steps.
if any of my readers are seeing this, thank you all for your continuous support and your lovely comments and kudos <3
i will get these fics done at some point, i will try my best.
(vent c’est fini)
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bluestmoons · 3 years
   If canonically Finis’ songs can be different variations of elements ( water and ice )........................... does that mean there’s a lightning song
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fliponline · 2 years
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🎁 #HappyBirthday to @hovigmusic who represented #Cyprus at #Eurovision in 2017, with "Gravity" finishing 21st with 68pts. 🔴 https://t.co/63BKBP6Xa2 #ESCismyBF #CYP #CelebrateDiversity https://t.co/5rbHcVfsqo
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damnasstyles · 2 years
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famous!harry x photographer/spanish!reader
Word count: 2.4k (in english, don't worry 😌)
genre: fluff
based on: Finisterre by Vetusta Morla.
a/n: this is set before the golden music video was filmed. it has like one paragraph of angst. this is such a special work for me and it took me sooo long to get it right, i hope you like it! please reblog and give feedback! 🤍
a massive massive thank you to @lollypopsx for always being incredibly awesome and supporting and creating the beautiful heather! i love you so so much lols! x ❤️
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“Desde que tú llegaste, todas las piedras me dan abrigo. Y ahora tu cuerpo es patria, tengo aguijón y un buen enemigo” Harry walked into the living room to see you dancing to the music Alexa was playing. Swaying your hips like a summer breeze, moving delicately through the room like nobody was watching, feeling like the main character of your own music video. Thinking of him. “Es nuestro himno ahogado, rumor de sables que yo te canto. Los haré resonar como una herejía en el campanario” You sang sweetly, dancing your way towards Harry. He had a bright smile plastered all over his face, dimples on full display. He understood none of the words you sang but seeing you so happy and carefree was his biggest joy. You reached out to him and grabbed his hands, pulling him towards you, smiling wide. He let his jacket fall onto the floor as well as his bag and started dancing along with you.
“Sobre un cajón de pólvora duermo cerca de tu mirada. Y este olor a combate es la brisa fresca de tu mañana” You sang as you placed your hands on his cheeks and he placed his on your waist, keeping you close to him. “You don’t understand anything, do you?” You giggled while the music continued playing and the both of you kept swaying back and forth like you were on a dance floor. “No, I don’t. It sounds so dreamy though” he smiled mesmerised and looked deep into your eyes. “But I’d love to know what it says. Pluuuus,” he pecked your lips sweetly with a smirk on his face “I can improve my Spanish to swoon your parents next time we visit” He smirked, looking into your eyes, never letting go of you. He pulled you impossibly closer to him by your hips and you placed your face on his chest, feeling his loving heartbeat on your cheek. He felt like home.
“This is the chorus now” you informed him. “It says: I don't care if the earth is flat, if the forests burn or the sea boils. What difference does it make when you're near? Gravity is suspended”. You lifted your face from his chest, singing the next verses looking into his eyes. “They'll close the doors on us, they'll mock the most sacred. Poor them, they don't know it yet, but we've already won” Harry intertwined your fingers and lifted your hands between his chest and yours in an effort to feel you even closer to his heart. Both of you kept swaying along to the music filling the room, floating to the rhythm of the song as you stared into each other’s eyes. It doesn’t matter what happens, it will always be you against the world, together. “Does it really say all that?” his smile still spread on his face, refusing to disappear anytime soon. This is happiness, he thought. She is home. “It does”, a stupid love grin plastered on your face. “Hmmm... I have already won” he thought out loud. “I got you” his heart felt full of love and adoration towards you. You blushed and your heart fluttered before continuing singing for him.
“When the sun goes out, don't be in a hurry. Take my hand and come, we'll sail together to the abyss of Finisterre” As the chorus played, you saw Harry’s face light up with excitement. “I understood that! That’s that place we went to! When we visited your parents, right? It’s the first option we have for the Golden music video. Fin…finis…finistair was it?” You started crackling out loud. "Aw, man, I just butchered it, didn't I?" He started laughing along with you.
"Yeah, but you were so cute!" You placed your hands over his cheeks and squeezed them together, still a giggling mess. He kept his hands on your waist and pinched you lightly at the feeling of his face being smushed. You squealed, unable to stop giggling from the happiness that was filling your heart. "Aye, don't make fun of me! Y'know I can't do that sexy thing you do with your tongue!" A cheeky grin plastered all over his face, so proud of his naughty innuendo. "Oh my God, Harry!" you chuckled throwing your head backwards, a soft blush making an appearance on your cheeks. He took advantage of the access he was suddenly given to your neck and dived into it, blowing raspberries as revenge for poking fun at him. You squealed once again, trying to pull away from his embrace. "Okay okay I'm sorry!" You laughed, managing to break free from his raspberry attack.
"You mean the rolled r's?" As the music kept playing, both of you kept swaying to the rhythm, holding each other close. “Yeah, it’s very sexy” he tried to roll his tongue, but it sounded more like a hoarse dog. You giggled and rolled yours perfectly. “As I said, wonderful tongue” he leant in and pushed his lips against yours into an intense yet soft and sweet kiss. “I actually had a meeting today about the Golden music video and the location. We’re between that place and the Amalfi Coast, in Italy. What do you reckon?”
As the song continued playing, you looked at him wide-eyed. “Wait, are you serious? You’re considering Finisterre for the Golden music video location?” The thought of having such an overlooked place featured in such a huge video excited you. You wanted people to appreciate the breathtaking scenery you grew up cherishing and that, through the last couple years, had become even more important to you due to the memories Harry and you had created there.
“Yeah, it’s a great place for it. It has amazing views and lighting, and the history about it being the end of the world and all that could translate extraordinarily on video. What do you think?” Finisterre meant the place where the world ends, the end of the world, so you couldn’t exactly picture what that had to do with Golden, a song that was the complete opposite of that darkness that came from the world coming to an end. “I mean, the place is beautiful for any music video, but I can’t see how it’d be good enough to convey Golden”.
“Well, that exact opposition is what makes it the perfect location. No matter how much darkness surrounds us, there will always be light, and for me that’s you” he placed one of his hands on your cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb. “You’re my golden light in the middle of all the darkness that there may be.” Your cheeks turned the brightest shade of red while your smile grew wide, and your heart fluttered. Fuck, this man was something else. You pushed your lips against his in a loving and affectionate kiss as time stopped around you and the song came to an end. Your only focus was on his presence and the fluttering feeling he caused on you. You were in love with this man. There was no doubt in your mind that he was the one. The one you wanted to share the rest of your life with. The one you wanted to raise children with. The one you wanted to go on adventures with. The one you’ll always come back to whenever you’ve had a bad day – or a great one. The one you wanted to share the littlest of things with – and the greatest ones. The one. You had always known, but this domestic scene, so full of love and adoration towards each other, simply made clear that that there was no doubt about it. “I love you”
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“Yes, that would be a great shot. We’d need a drone for it and do it quick when the wind hasn’t picked up much yet, but she could be with her arms open, hugging the darkness and covering it with golden light”. Harry talked Ben and Gabe Turner, who would be directing the Golden music video. You were all at the top of the Finisterre lighthouse, your hair blowing in the wild wind, but you didn’t care. You had long forgotten the conversation going on next to you, too focused on what was ahead of you: a dangerous abyss and a never-ending ocean, full of mysteries, stories, and memories. Down below were a handful of curious tourists, couples taking silly pictures, photographers trying to capture the pure essence of the calm, warm and golden sunset, and the wild, dark, and dangerous sea colliding at the horizon. A storm was fast approaching, though the sun refused to be covered behind those big grey clouds until it had fully set. The wind had started to pick up slowly but surely, making it more difficult to maintain a conversation at a normal volume. The three men decided to conclude their discussion on shots and video concepts for the day and make their way to the van that would take you all to the hotel, but you didn’t want to leave just yet. Once at the bottom of the lighthouse, you could see that all the tourists, couples and photographers had already left, a few drops starting to fall. As the directors and Harry walked towards the van, still discussing their ideas, you turned around and headed the other way, towards the cliffs.
“I can see this video winning a Grammy, Styles. There’s a lot of potential here” Gabe promised, opening the door to the van and stepping in. “Yeah, and YN being the main character in it, she may even get calls to appear in other projects or even go further. It could be her jump start in the industry, if she wants that of course" Ben added, joining Gabe inside the vehicle. “Give us a call if she decides to give the industry a thought, we’ll be glad to give her a hand” offered Gabe. “Thanks for the offer, guys, but I don’t think she’s interested in being part of the industry. Are you, reina?” He turned around, assuming you were following not far behind, only to not see you there, but to see you running towards the abyss. The colour drained from his face in mere milliseconds, feeling that, suddenly, it all was happening in slow motion. He screamed your name as loud as he could as he started sprinting towards you, the persistent mist turning into mizzly rain.
“YN, don’t do it!” He yelled running as fast as he could, but you couldn’t hear him over the loud wind and the furious waves against the abyss. The crashing of the waves against the cliff splashed water into the wind, carrying sand and its saltiness through the air. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath once you stopped at the edge, opening your arms in a titanic-like position, the raw and icy air filling your lungs and the cold rain hitting your face. It smelt like seaside, chaos, danger, destruction, freshness, early morning runs to school, late nigh dog walks, jamming sessions with no one watching, warm summers with loved ones, walks with grandpa along the pier before passing, childhood adventures in the summer nights, going fishing with dad and grandpa for the first time, sailing alone –
“Cuando se apague el sol no te apures, toma mi mano y vente, navegaremos juntos hacia el abismo de Finisterre” Harry shook you out of your trance. You opened your eyes and turned your head towards him, his hand engulfing yours and intertwining your fingers lovingly. He seemed a bit rushed, hair messy and damp from the increasingly abundant rain. But his eyes didn’t seem rushed. They had a fond, swift gaze that masked the fear he had felt rush through his veins seconds before. As he approached you, his fear had changed into confusion and then into comprehension. You were never going to jump; you were simply letting the home feeling this place radiated sink in further into your soul. Once he realised that, he observed you for a few moments under the chaotic downpour, admiring your presence and acknowledging how deep in love he was with you. You were the perfect missing piece of his puzzle.
A child-like grin covered your face at the realisation. He’d just quoted that song. The one he’d arrived home to while you were singing and dancing carefreely in the living room. The one you’d translated to him on the spot. The one that had made him realise you were it for him. The one that had led to this trip altogether. “Ya me da igual si la tierra es plana, si arden los bosques o si hierve el mar. ¿Qué más dará cuando tú andas cerca?” You continued his quote shifting your body to face him. The rain starting to feel like a waterfall. “Gravity is suspended” The same smile took over his face, and both your hearts beat at the same rhythm, overwhelmed with love towards one another. He understood. Without sharing a single word on it, he understood. He understood how important that place was to you. The meaning it held to both of you. This is where it’s you two against the world.
“It’s pouring” Harry giggled quietly, both of your hands intertwined and his eyes never leaving yours. “Do y’want to stay out here a little longer or do y’want to get back to the van?” He lifted your hands towards his lips and kissed them sweetly, his gaze still on yours. “It’s getting late and we’re soaking wet” you giggled as well, feeling the rain soak every single piece of your clothing. “Let’s head back.” Both of you started your little sprint towards the car, hand in hand, not caring about the rain, the chaos, or the storm around you. As you approached the car, Gabe opened the door for you to step in quickly and before he could comment on how drenched you both were, Harry announced “I’m sorry, guys, change of plans, we can’t film here.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Reina: queen, pet name and royalty title
This is the song translation: 
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The place: 
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taglist: @lollypopsx @mouthfulloftoothpastehs @thismaydestroyme​
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I’d like to give @lollypopsx​ a special thanks because, without her, this writing would have never been finished. Thank you so much for your constant support and help, it’s honestly unmeasurable. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!! 
If you liked this, please, like, reblog and consider donating to my ko-fi 🥰
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docholligay · 2 years
Prêt à...
Oh man THIS STORY. I had one ide, and it’s still basically the same idea, but then I came up with something that changed it enough I had to sort of pick apart the stitching of what I’d done ahaha. But I I think I like how it turned out! It’s a sort of sequel to Et Fini
She still wasn’t sure why she had said yes. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go, exactly, or that she dreamed France would be anything less than beautiful. It wasn’t that she didn’t think Claudine was also beautiful. It wasn’t that she had much to do over the break anyhow. It wasn’t that she worried her family would miss her particularly. It wasn’t that she worried Claudine’s family would receive her poorly.
There were no reasons to say no, and yet Futaba was still unsure why she had said yes. 
Standing in front of the mirror in Claudine’s fathers’ house, tying her tie, Futaba felt like she had jumped into the deep end. 
Every woman needs a little madness in her life, said a play she had been reading
Claudine and Maya had been separated for a few months now, and it seemed like it was going to stick. Maya was busy making it everyone else’s problem while pretending it couldn’t bother her less, or so Futaba heard through the grapevine, but Claudine seemed to have come to something of a peaceful place about it. She had invited Futaba freely, after they’d gone to dinner together one night. 
They hadn’t even kissed. Futaba wasn’t even sure she wanted to. 
It still felt a bit like cleaning up Maya’s scraps, and she had enough of that for a lifetime. 
There had been no reason for her to stay in Tokyo for the season, though, given that she had no sweetheart for Christmas, and Claudine had made it sound so casual when she had asked. She had a way like that, of making things sound as effortless as passing through a doorway, whatever they happened to be, and so you breezed right into Hell, if you weren’t careful. 
It wasn’t until she was sitting in business class, sipping a drink, decidedly not in Hell, that the gravity of what she had accepted occurred to her. Her parents were going to expect something, with her being invited to the house for Christmas, which was a much bigger deal in Europe than it was in Japan, and why didn’t Futaba remember that one of her dads was French? Did she think that Japanese people just ran around giving their children completely unpronounceable French names? 
Her grip on her glass had tightened considerably, enough that the stewardess had asked if she needed anything with a gentle touch on her wrist. 
She straightened the tie again. Time to get her courage up.
“Futaba, come join us.” One of her fathers, Jean-Michel, poked his head in the bedroom. “Don’t hide yourself away
Futaba had been surprised by how good, though accented, his Japanese was. She supposed he had been married to a Japanese man for years, and so it should have been obvious, but it had still given her pause. Another detail she missed along the way. 
She walked into the dining room, adjusting her cufflinks and pulling down her sleeves. The room was a heavy fog of French, shouted and gestured and laughed across the table at one another, conversations Futaba could only piece together in her imagination. Jean-Michel sat down next to his husband and kissed him on the cheek, whispering something into his ear. Whatever it was made him grin. 
Futaba had so many questions for him. Why did he decide to move to France? How long did it take him to learn French like he had, so easy and casual that Futaba could barely tell the difference between him and the rest of his family? Did he never miss Japan? When he visited Claudine in Tokyo, did he not wish he could stay?
 She might have wondered why she wondered, if she had thought about it long enough, but the table was covered with delicious platterfuls of food, and Claudine had already poured her wine, kindly sitting her between Claudine and her father, for the conversation, and so Futaba let the thought fly into the air carelessly. 
Perhaps she let the thought fly because, the second she saw Claudine, all other thoughts seemed to go from her mind. Her blonde hair was swirled delicately around a jeweled hair stick, the rest of it falling back in a delicate curled waterfall. The purple velvet of her dress was ripe against her skin, falling suggestively off her shoulder as a bright and sparkling diamante pin made the point. She smiled, pink lips surrounding ivory teeth that seemed naturally flawless and not over-white. 
She creates grace in her own image, brings Heaven to earth in one movement of her hand
Futaba sat down, for lack of other options. 
No one acted like it was strange at all, to be sitting with such a woman, the French flying easily from person to person, Claudine and her father engaging Futaba and only occasionally dipping into the lake of French spread out in front of them. 
Futaba couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten so well, full and yet pressing herself for one more bite of one more thing, Claudine’s family laughing and cheering her on brightly, passing notes through Claudine like schoolchildren, joyful and busy. It had been years since Futaba had been at an event like this. 
Her family wasn’t bad, of course, but there was something in them that felt disconnected. They had always been going about their own lives from the beginning, busy and rushed. Her parents worked long hours, and her siblings had learned to do the same. By contrast, the meal had been going on for hours, and no one seemed in any particular rush to move on to anything else. It made Futaba wish she had studied French at all, though Claudine and her parents were kind, and even the rest of family tried some sketches of English, no one speaking it well, but all of them speaking it with care. 
It was strange, how things blurred from one moment to the next, until they had all settled in with warm drinks, or more wine, or a dessert or two, chatting amongst each other, children dropping off one by one, adults slowly beginning to follow. 
She and Claudine stood out on the balcony, the cold of the night coming into Futaba’s bones. But still she stayed, away from the warmth and the firelight, as Claudine looked across the way at the blinking lights of the little town. 
“This was really nice.” 
It was a silly thing to say. Of course it had been nice, delicious food and warm conversation and glasses upon glasses of amazing wine. But Futaba felt she should say something. 
“It’s wonderful here isn’t it?” she sighed “I’ve spent my entire life between here and Tokyo. This always seemed so boring, and Tokyo was so exciting, but..I don’t know anymore.” 
Futaba fiddled with her wine glass. “What do you mean?” 
“Japan won’t let you hold dual citizenship, you know.” She looked up at the falling snow brightly illuminated against the blackness of the night, “Not as an adult.” 
“I didn’t know.” She didn’t know it mattered. 
“So I have to decide.” 
The wind blew, just a little bringing a sheet of snow like lace between them. Claudine was caught in it, for a moment, just a little hidden from Futaba, and she realized that there was a whole secret world inside of her. Futaba had always thought her so collected, and self-possessed, queen of her realm. She never imagined there might be some question of what she wanted to do. 
“What do you…feel more?” 
It seemed like a silly question to Futaba, besides. Claudine had gone to school to work on the takarazuka stage, and as far as she knew there was no takarazuka stage in France, and certainly not in this little village where her fathers lived. 
Claudine gave a soft chuckle. “What do you feel more, your mother’s child or your father’s?” 
“My mother’s.” Futaba said without hesitation. 
Claudine gave a fully appreciative grin at that, and took a healthy swig of her wine. 
“So easy for you.” 
“I didn’t mean,” Futaba shook her head, ‘Would you really leave Japan?” 
Claudine shrugged. ‘What is for me there?” 
My heart always timidly hides itself behind my mind. 
“I have an offer to work for the stage in Paris.” Claudine turned to her. “It’s a good job, good roles. Paris.” She laughed “Better and cheaper wine.” 
“But--” Futaba stumbled, trying to think of what to say and shocked by the sudden stone in her stomach. 
Claudine couldn’t just leave Tokyo. That wasn’t what she’d worked for, that didn’t make sense. It didn’t seem right, in a way, that she could just up and come back to stupid old France. The things she had found charming only minutes ago because her sudden enemy, and she wanted to rise to the defense of Tokyo, of Japan, of the zuka stage. 
But of course, it wasn’t about any of that. 
“This is because of Maya.” She did not offer it up as a question. 
Claudine whirled around, the snow following the curve of her twist like stage lights. Her glare was full of anger, and hurt, but Futaba noted, not denial. Everyone knew what had happened between them, even if, or maybe especially because , it had happened quietly, for once. The dangling cliff had finally fallen into the sea, as was inevitable from the beginning. It was a tragedy no matter how fated it had been. 
Well, to most people anyway. Futaba admitted to a brush of delight at the murmured rumor that Claudine had been the one to call it quits. 
“No,” Claudine said, “It isn’t--” 
“Don’t let Maya chase you out of Tokyo!” She was more insulted than she’d realized, at first. 
“It isn’t that!” She looked away. “It isn’t just that. I think...I never realized, living there, how much I missed it here. But things held me. Maya, and the work, and now, I don’t have one. I don’t need the other.” She chuckled, “I don’t need either.” 
“But why--why Paris?”
“Why Tokyo?” Claudine was on her own sort stage now, deep velvet speckled with snowflakes as she dramatically drew her arm back. “Why anywhere? I am as much in Paris as I am in Tokyo, as I am here. I’m lucky, now. Nothing to hold me back. I might not stop in Paris. There are other theaters--London, Rome--” 
“--do you speak English? Or Italian?” 
Claudine gave a scowl, but it was a playful one. “You have no sense of the romantic. It’s all stage combat and suits with you.” 
“You don’t think that’s romantic?” 
“I think it isn’t real,” She looked over her shoulder again, at the lights in the distance, “I don’t think any of it is. I don’t think it ever was. I think it’s all just a show.” 
“Well, obviously it’s--” she stopped herself, “Oh, you mean like…yeah. I don’t know. Maybe it was. Maybe--” she nodded, “Tokyo’s a busy and complicated place.” 
Claudine shook her head. “So why not Paris?” 
Futaba felt defensive. She felt angry, and sad. But more than anything she felt a brave and reckless swell of love, and she needed Claudine to understand every inch of those sowrdfights and sweeping capes on the same level Futaba did. 
Then, as I end the refrain, thrust home! 
Futaba rushed in and kissed her. It was not the sort of kiss Futaba might have imagined giving, true. It was not graceful, or romantic. It was nothing like what she had studied on stage, nothing like she had imagined she would kiss Claudine before she even knew that was what she was imagining. 
It was an artless thing, a quick step and a peck on Claudine’s lips before they both stepped back a moment, mouths agape. 
“So--so that’s why you shouldn’t move to Paris,” Futaba cleared her throat, “I don’t speak French.” 
Claudine laughed. What else was there to do? And Futaba found herself laughing, too, laughing in the snow and the cold, the wine tipping up to her cheeks now. 
The moment comes, and pity those for whom it never comes, when love resents clever ripostes and nimble repartee, instead of what is deeply felt and nobly told.
“I love you, Claudine.”
Silence in the snow, then, only the sound of tinkling glasses, and a bird singing in the night, far off.
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keelywolfe · 3 years
Drabble: Phobia (baon)
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Summary:  It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationships, Domestic Fluff
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it Here
The first time it happened, Edge couldn’t quite describe it. He’d heard of Humans feeling the hairs standing up on the back of their neck, but lacking hair there and, indeed, anywhere at all, it wasn’t precisely that. But it was something similar, a prickling crawling up his spine as if someone was watching him.
If they were, they certainly weren’t getting him at his most impressive. Tilling the soil in his garden beds to prepare for spring planting was sweaty work that involved a lot of kneeling in one place, working at the dirt with a hand spade. The only person likely to find that even remotely interesting was Stretch and he was inside in his lab, working furiously at something that was surely brilliant and possibly destructive, perhaps even both knowing his love.
Still, the sensation lingered, and Edge took a moment for a break, ostensibly to rest his leg but in reality, for reconnaissance. As he sipped his water, Edge surreptitiously checked his surroundings. It was a lovely, warm spring day and the neighborhood was lively with others who were out enjoying the sunshine. Children were laughing and playing nearby, other Monsters were out in their yards working on their own flowerbeds or mowing their lawns.
No one seemed to be paying him any specific attention.
He shrugged inwardly and went back to his garden, making a mental note to head downstairs and try to persuade Stretch out of his lab in an hour or so. By then, his inspiration might still be flowing but his energy would probably be down to the dregs. A nice lunch out in the fresh air would help revive him.
Edge dug back into the soil, but still, that sense of being watched lingered. The sensation was enough to irritate; what he should be doing was planning out the layout of this section for the upcoming planting. Instead, he was distracted by the itching between his shoulder blades, to the point that he didn’t even hear Stretch approaching until he said, cheerfully, “hey, babe, brought you some iced tea—whoops, careful there!”
The trowelful of dirt Edge tossed into the air as he jerked in surprise obediently followed the laws of gravity and came back down on him in a shower, leaving him spitting and sputtering. He turned to give Stretch a look and was met with wide, not-so-innocent sockets and a shameless grin. “sorry about that. little jumpy there, spock, do i need to start sneaking in decaf in the afternoons?”
“Do not go there, some transgressions are unforgiveable.” Edge took the offered glass of tea and took a long swallow, washing away the lingering taste of soil. “I’m not ‘jumpy’. It’s just—” He hesitated, a little embarrassed to explain his sudden bout of paranoia, but if there were anyone he could expose himself to, in all ways, it was Stretch. Finally, he admitted, “It’s strange, but I’ve felt all day as if someone is watching me.”
To his profound relief, Stretch didn’t laugh. He frowned consideringly and much as Edge had, gave the neighborhood a searching look. His inspection was much less discreet, but Edge found he didn’t care. Even his irritation at possibly being watched was fading, lost in a sudden rush of love for this person who didn’t think he was silly or paranoid, who took him at his word and instead of mocking, sought to help. The urge to kiss him filled Edge to the brim and overflowed, and he climbed to his feet, ready to give into temptation when Stretch’s sockets went suddenly wide and a grin spread across his face.
“well, babe, looks like you’re suffering from a case of anatidaephobia,” Stretch announced. He started off towards the backyard fence, clearly intending for Edge to follow him.
Edge did, partly in confusion, mostly curious, with a dash of nettled that he’d missed his chance for a kiss. “What does that mean?”
Stretch leaned overtop of the fence and looked down, laughing softly, “the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.”
A glance over the fence showed that a small duckling was standing right on the other side, peering through the slats into the front yard. The moment they saw their new audience, Cheese began quacking eagerly, scrambling up as close as they could to the fence in search of an exit.
“nope, sorry, kiddo, no running off.” Instead of risking a duckling escape by opening the gate, Stretch shortcutted into the backyard and scooped Cheese up, holding him until Edge slipped through. The moment he was close, the duckling began to squirm, loudly quacking, until Stretch handed them to Edge. Their downy feathers were already shedding, their adolescent feathers coming in, giving them a slightly mangy appearance. Edge didn’t mind, letting Cheese settled into the crook of his arm, the small bird snuggling in close as their quacks lowered to a sleepy murmur.
“nice to see your charms affect all kinds of poultry,” Stretch chuckled.
“Honestly, I don’t understand why,” Edge sighed. Even as he spoke, the chickens were making their way from the coop to mill around his feet in hopes of scritches.
Stretch crouched down to offer his services and the chickens willingly accepted him as an alternate pets-giver. “hey, you’re a popular guy, babe. they’ve got im-peck-able taste.”
“I’m being stalked by ducks and you’re making jokes,” Edge shook his head, managing to keep a straight face out of sheer force of will. “I’m calling fowl, you’re a terrible comedi-hen.”
It was worth the awful pun to hear Stretch snickering. “hey, you’re a tough nut to quack, no yolk, and no one ever believes me when I tell ‘em you’re the real wise quacker.” The last word barely made it out before Stretch dissolved into laughter, sprawling back into the grass. Edge watched him fondly, soothing the little duck in his arms when the noise made them stir uneasily. Stretch barely had his breath back when he scrambled to his feet to steal the kiss that Edge intended to pilfer earlier with great enthusiasm. By the time he drew back, he was panting, his cheekbones flushed a charming honey-orange as he said, huskily, “luckily, i’m quackers about you.”
Clever puns were currently beyond Edge, his wits surrendered at the first touch of Stretch’s mouth. All Edge could manage was stark honesty. “I love you, too.”
That soft orange in Stretch’s cheekbones brightened to something closer to the first tinge of sunset in the sky. Beautiful, so beautiful, even when he coughed sheepishly and mumbled, “anyway, i have to get back downstairs. you’re hot, babe, but i got something cooking and literal fire trumps your hunka hunka burning love.”
“Go,” Edge said, reluctantly amused, “before you burn down our house.” A last quick kiss and Stretch did, pausing at the door when Edge called, “Lunch in an hour?”
“an hour,” Stretch echoed and vanished into the house.
Edge took a seat on the patio, shifting the duckling to one arm so that he could give the chickens some of their own scritches. He already knew that an hour from now, time would have escaped his husband and he’d need a rescue from whatever experiment he was working on. That was fine, he owed Stretch in exchange for his earlier one.
“Anatidaephobia,” Edge said aloud. “Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. You,” Edge directed at the duckling, “next time, quack louder and I’ll come. Leave the stalking to my brother.”
The duckling only made a sleepy little chattering sound and snuggled in closer, with no fears at all.
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only-here-for-jatp · 4 years
Build-a-Band pt 1&2
Inspired from a tumblr post that I have lost track of. (If you see it lmk)
The boys go to Build-a-Bear. 
Each chapter is told from the POV of a different person. Reggie is first up!
I tried to reference actual build a bears, but the accessories are whatever I wish into existence so there.
Can read on Ao3 here
And also below! ~1900 words
Everything had been normal since the Orpheum. Well as normal as life can be when you live with three teenage boy ghosts from the 90s and you’re in a rock band that played one of the most well-known clubs in LA. The boys still got into their crazy antics that Julie inevitably had to fix and there was still something going on between her and Luke, whatever that was. She didn’t have time to worry about it so much these days.
Ever since the Orpheum they could touch and every now and again they could become visible to Flynn or Carlos. It still hadn’t happened in front of Ray yet, much to Reggie’s disappointment but he kept trying. Ray had taken news that the boys were ghosts surprisingly well with the addition of a few extra rules. He eyed the empty space where one ghost in particular was supposed to be when he told them although if the object of Ray’s focus noticed he sure didn’t show it.
Time was passing by rather quickly these days, and soon it was the start of summer. Julie’s dad had been nudging her to get a summer job and she couldn’t help but think it might be a good idea. The band was playing regular gigs now, but they weren’t making much money. If they were going to keep going, they needed another source of income. The boys of course couldn’t be of much help with this since you know, dead, so it was mostly up to Julie.
The boys, especially Luke, were a little grumbly about her taking time away from their music. Once she explained that this was to make money for the band, they’d felt a little better about it. They still weren’t over the moon, but the pouting had definitely decreased.
This is how Julie found herself with a job that she knew really wasn’t that awful but was exhausting none-the-less.
The boys were really enjoying the fact that summer meant more time with Julie, even if she did have her new job at the mall. Reggie in particular loved having the extra people around. There was always something going on with Carlos and he’d made numerous trips to baseball practice, or to the park, or whatever was going on.
Today though, after much begging and pleading with Julie, she’d finally relented to let him tag along to her job. For the most part she’d forbidden them from visiting, saying that her job was chaotic enough without throwing three teenage ghost boys into the mix, but Reggie had just been so intrigued.
Build a Bear was apparently a place for kids where they came and made stuffed animals and you could add hearts and costumes and name them. To him that sounded like possibly the best place in the world.
When he was younger, he’d had a small chocolate brown teddy bear that he carried around with him anywhere. It came with him for the first day of kindergarten, and most days after until he found Luke. Then Sir Reginald, as the teddy bear was known as, would stay in his backpack, just in case. It’d been his support during all of the fighting, and he’d hold tight every time he hid in his closet trying to drown out the noise.
In truth, he’d never really grown out of his teddy bear but it was early middle school when Luke discovered there was a way to climb in through Reggie’s window and soon it was Luke sitting with him in the closet or pulling him out of the house to the studio to play music and wander the beach.
How exactly did one make a stuffed animal he thought? It seemed like it would take a long time sewing all of the pieces together and stuffing it? That’s a lot of work, do kids really enjoy it?? So he was very curious about this Build a Bear, especially when Julie exclaimed that they sold more than just bears! He could Build a Dog or a Turtle or maybe A DRAGON. He had no idea what he was going to find, but he was so excited to find out.
Reggie poofed into the store sometime that afternoon and immediately felt his eyes widen. This. Was. The. Best. Stuffed animals lined the walls of all shapes and kinds and colors. He stood in a sea of kids all running and screaming in sheer joy and he got it. If Julie hadn’t already spotted him, he would absolutely be doing laps right now. But he promised and he really wanted to try and keep the promise that he would be on his best behavior.
He took in the plastered on smile that edged just a little bit toward frantic, her tense posture, and the kids that were lightly tugging on her arms and knew he really couldn’t- “OH MY GOD JULIE IS THAT A STAR WARS BEAR.” He shrieked upon seeing what was clearly a teddy bear but it LOOOKED LIKE DARTH VADER and before he knew it he was poofing over to Julie, tugging on her arm much like the children while speaking so fast it sounded like a blur even to him “JulieJulieJulieJulieJulieJuliePrettyPleaseJulieCanIHaveTheBearJulieIt’sStarWarsITSSTARWARSJULIE.”
All of a sudden Julie was laughing and he stepped back to give her a curious look. Had he broken her? He hadn’t meant to break her. OH NO what was Luke going to say if he broke Julie? And Alex? Oh god please let her not be broken.
But soon he saw the soft smile playing on her lips, a genuine one this time. He smiled back at her and he watched her give him a small nod in a different direction. His eyes followed where she was indicating, and he felt his mouth drop open. There was a soft tan bear with kind of curly fur and its feet had this soft pink material on it. And he couldn’t say what about the bear it was, but it felt like he was looking at Alex.
Reggie quickly glanced at the name, “Timeless Bear” and he smiled. That was all of them exactly. Julie had come to stand next to him, and whispered softly “we can make that one, deal?” Reggie nodded, joy spreading through him quickly and he couldn’t stop his excitement from making him bounce.
Julie had a horde of kids following behind her and Reggie joined them, fitting right in if he wasn’t taller than them. And a ghost. Julie had picked up what looked like a deflated version of the bear and understanding was slowly started to dawn on how this whole process worked. But he still couldn’t figure out how they were going to all stuff and sew it.
Julie led them to this small open space and he watched all the children sit down, so Reggie followed along. In front of them was this huge machine and Reggie stared at it in awe. Was that? Was it filled with stuffing??? This was so cool! He was almost too distracted to miss Julie’s speech. Something about waiting your turn and choosing the softness levels and adding the heart.
Wait. The heart? Reggie tuned back in.
“Alright everyone, you will all need to pick a heart for your new friend.” Reggie’s eye grew wide. The shuffling of kids drew him to the little boxes filled with soft satin hearts. They were all in shades of red and pink and checkered. Julie was there talking with the kids to help him decide when he spotted a heart that was the exact same shade as Alex’s favorite sweatshirt. He pointed with a small voice and said that one. Julie picked it up as they all headed back to the big machine.
“Of course we can’t just put a heart inside our new friend. We’ve got to get it going with some magic first.” Reggie’s eyes widened, watching as Julie charmed the kids into believing with her. “First, we’ve got to rub the heart between our hands to make it warm.” All of the kids followed suit, and even though he knew Julie had the heart for his new friend between her hands he still followed suit. “Next, let’s add a little excitement! We can jump up and down for this one. Gotta have a spring in our step after all.”
“Now, give it a big hug so your new friend knows you’ll always be there for him.” Julie was making eye contact with him now and he could feel himself tearing up a little.
“Finally, make a wish and whisper it into your heart.” Reggie whispered into his hands “I wish I could stay with my brothers forever.” He didn’t know what Julie whispered to his heart, but he trusted her.
The kids bounced around in excitement, not feeling the gravity that was shifting around them. Julie stared for one long moment at Reggie before turning back to them with a smile and beginning the process of stuffing the bears. Reggie gasped so loud he made Julie whip her head around at him. THAT was how they did it. The machine did the stuffing and then it was just a quick close up! He watched the kids get their new stuffie one by one and then take them over to the “grooming” stations where you could brush them and “bathe” them before finding outfits. Reggie wandered over to the clothing section and admired all the selections. There were fancy dresses and Halloween costumes and pajamas and sports outfits and fanny packs.
WAIT. He shrieked with joy and immediately started clapping and jumping around. There in the accessories was a little black fanny pack. He started searching more thoroughly now. There wasn’t a pink sweatshirt but oooh! Was that a pink shirt! And and a baseball cap. YES.
He turned around to find Julie only to discover she was on the last kid. He walked over to her and stood patiently by as she heaved a sigh of relief. Waving them off. “Ready Reggie?” He nodded and shook in excitement. “Here!” She handed him the little pink heart and for a second he could only stare at it. But then he held it tightly in his hands and whispered in his mind.
You will be Alexander. You are the greatest drummer and one of the greatest friends a guy could have. You will be there for every heartache, panic attack, and moment of joy. You are sarcastic, but there for us anyway. Just wait until you meet the real Alex.
Julie nudged him, ready for the heart and watched as the limp piece of fabric became almost real. He didn’t give Julie much time after she finished before dragging her to his clothing selections. She giggled the whole time though, he knew that although she might act exasperated she was having as much as him. She approved of all the clothing choices, and offered one additional thing.
A small rainbow flag that had a band so it looked like the bear was holding it.
Reggie watched it all come together. He took one look at the dressed up bear and exclaimed- “It’s ALEX!!! I have to go show him!!! Thanks Julie” He gave her a quick hug and poofed away before anybody could wonder why that bear was floating.
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ancientskullkid · 4 years
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Lunala of Moons & Planets. Bodies of Matter with enough Mass to have enough Gravity to force a sphere, and that Matter is in the States of Solid, Liquid, and/or Gas. So Lunala is not just the Legendary of the Moon, but of the Earth as well. So Lunala made the 2 earthly trios. This is Lunala’s 1st Trio. Groudon of Land. What is Land but the Solid Matter on a Planet. Groudon has control over the Solid Matter on the Planet, and can affect the Gaseous Matter to change the weather to intense Sunlight. Lunala worked with Solgaleo of Suns & Stars to create Groudon. Kyogre of Oceans & Seas. The Liquid Matter on a Planet. Kyogre has control over the Liquid Matter on the Planet, and can affect the Gaseous Matter to change the weather to heavy rain. If Lunala worked with another Legendary to create Kyogre, I don’t think we have been introduced to said Legendary. It makes sense for Lunala to make Kyogre alone, because what is one of the most iconic real world relations the moon has with the earth? Tides. The Moon’s Gravity affecting the Earth’s Liquid Matter. Rayquaza may be the Trio Master of Groudon & Kyogre now, but Regigigas was the original. Regigigas moves the continents, brings Order & Balance to the Land & Sea. A multicolored titan wrapped in Green, just like Zygarde. Lunala worked with Zygarde (the Legendary of Order & Balance) to create Regigigas. Then Groudon & Kyogre started fighting. Whether Eternatus was involved in starting this conflict or not is unclear. but to help their fight against each other, Groudon & Kyogre each created helpers. Groudon worked with Xerneas of Life & Dialga of Time to create Celebi. Celebi the Guardian of the Forests. Where it goes, Trees grow. Tree roots hold the land together, and help keep land from falling into the sea. Celebi created Calyrex. Both Grass/Psychic with similar bodies. Celebi can travel to the Past & the Future. Calyrex can see the Past & the Future. as far as I can tell, Groudon worked alone to create Shaymin & Heatran. In the Shaymin event in Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum, we see Shaymin create land. the Pokedex says: It can dissolve toxins in the air to instantly transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers. Shaymin worked with Xerneas to create Tapu Bulu. If not only for typing, then also for specifics of grass, plains, flowers. Shaymin worked with Zacian & Zamazenta to create Virizion. Sword of Justice of the Grasslands. It is technically possible that Celebi and/or Calyrex could have been involved with the creation of Tapu Bulu and/or Virizion, but neither of them show any Time abilities. Heatran is of course a Volcano Legendary. Erupting magma to cool and expand the land mass. Kyogre worked with Mesprit of Emotion to create Manaphy. The Prince of the Sea that can bond with anyone. Manaphy creates Phione, as everyone already knows. Kyogre worked with Xerneas to create Tapu Fini. again, typing and specifically salt water (as opposed to Suicune’s fresh water). Fortunately, it seems all the pokemon Groudon & Kyogre created refused to contribute to the war...except perhaps Heatran, which would create an imbalance. When all this fighting started, instead of keeping Order & Balance, Regigigas create 5 (as far as we know) body guards and hid in a cave. As far as I can tell, Regigigas didn’t work with any other Legendaries to create the Regis, but I suppose it’s possible. Regirock created Diancie (MAYBE with Dialga, but again, no Time powers). If Regice created a Legendary, I don’t think we’ve seen it yet. Registeel created Melmetal (maybe Registeel created Meltan, and the Meltans combined to become Melmetal). I have no doubt whatsoever that these 2 new Regis represent the Dark Ages & the Age of Enlightenment. The Dark one *could be Dragon Type, but I think the Dragon Skull arms have a greater emphasis on Skull rather than on Dragon. So I think it’s Dark Type. The Light one is definitely Electric Type. and I believe it created Rotom. The Age on Enlightenment is this current (& future) age of electricity & technology. Rotom can enter most electric technology. Since Regigigas did not Keep the Order, Balance, & Peace, what did Lunala do in response to Kyogre & Groudon’s war?
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pilyarquitect · 4 years
War for Genius - 9.- It is a promise
Hello everyone, here I bring you the new chapter, I hope you all will like it! I really want to thank @empro-8 for helping me on editing this story, I’m very grateful to her 😊 😊 😊
Fenton was actually flying to Waddle’s building. Mr. McDuck had called and informed him about the situation. That boy, Huey, the first person who believed in him, the one who fixed his suit, the one who spent so many hours in the hospital accompanying him while he was recovering... had been kidnapped. And the number one suspect was Mark Beaks, who else could be?
The Hispanic duck didn’t know much about the McDuck family’s numerous enemies. But he did know Beaks enough to know he could hold a deep resentment against anyone who crosses him. Fenton could only hope that if Huey was indeed in Beaks’ hands, that he could be rescued as soon as possible.
But, if the parrot wasn’t responsible of his disappearance, then Fenton would find Suspect #2 real fast. He would follow all clues until the kidnapper was found and Huey was safe.
But Fenton was worried. He didn't know what situation Huey was in, or what those who took him planned to do with him. The only thing the superhero knew, as Mr. McDuck told him, was that his capture was a deliberate attack against Huey specifically, no one else.
Yes, the duckling was the kidnappers' only objective, but what was the reason? Fenton wished with all his heart that they would find answers in Waddle, and hopefully, the boy himself.
When he got there, the first thing Fenton noticed was that his mother was there also, along with other officers and Mr. McDuck’s family. The Hispanic duck gulped. His mother didn’t know that he was now a superhero, and for obvious reasons, he wanted to keep it that way. Even still, Fenton knew there would be times that he’d have to work side by side with the police, which meant work with his mother, he had just hoped it wouldn’t be so soon. She could never discover his secret identity. The less she knew, safer she would be.
Landing at a safe distance so he wouldn’t harm anyone, Gizmoduck quickly approached Mr. McDuck and his family and said:
"Mr. McDuck! I came as fast as I could after receiving your call.”
Scrooge looked at him and nodded seriously:
"Good, lad, I'm glad ye're here."
Fenton couldn’t blame Mr. McDuck for his seriousness, especially given the situation’s gravity. Even though Fenton knew what was happening to the family, he couldn’t understand how they had been able to determine that Beaks was the one to blame for Huey's kidnapping. Gizmoduck exposed this by saying:
"If it's not too much to ask, what has led you to think that Mark Beaks is the one to blame for all this?"
Scrooge looked at the three ducklings next to him, and putting his hand on the head of the only girl in the group, the richest duck in the world replied:
"This young girl saw the kidnapper... partially, but with what she saw, we came to the conclusion that it was someone named Falcon Graves, who had worked for Beaks in the past.”
Fenton started to say something else, but just then, Mark Beaks appeared. He rolled in with his usual music and flashing Segway board, but was clearly furious. Seeing Scrooge, Gizmoduck, and all the officers, he singled Fenton’s mother out as the top officer and bellowed loudly:
"What does all this mean?!"
Fenton's mother immediately took the initiative. Stepping closer to Mark, she replied calmly:
"Mr. Beaks, you’re suspected of kidnapping a child.”
The Waddle’s CEO reeled back, apparently surprised, although Fenton couldn’t tell if his surprise was real or feigned. Then, the parrot asked:
"Kidnapping?! Kidnapping of who?”
The next person who spoke, was the other adult duck, who was next to Mr. McDuck, and seemed quite distressed by the situation. When that duck spoke, he did it practically jumping on Beaks while shouting:
"My nephew! And if I find out that you've done something to him then I'm going to... AQKKAYQBA!”
Wow, so that sailor-dressed duck was Huey's uncle, and most likely Mr. McDuck's nephew.
Fenton saw that Scrooge quickly got between that duck and Mark, while trying to calm the sailor-dressed duck down, saying:
"Come on Donald, calm down. Ye getting like this won't help us at all."
Mark narrowed his eyes and focused all his attention on the duck with a top hat. Waddle’s CEO crossed his arms and said angrily:
“Don't tell me Scrooge, do you really think that the disappearance of that nephew of yours is my work? Or is all this really a ruse to discredit me so I’ll never become richer than you?”
This time it was Scrooge's turn to squint, and glaring back at the Waddle’s CEO he replied confidently:
"I do not need to resort to such lowly measures to earn more money than you Beaks, but one thing I do share with my nephew, is if ye really are responsible of Huey’s disappearance, I will personally take care of ending ye.”
Beaks threw his arms up exasperatedly, as if for him that whole situation was absurd, and looking to Fenton's mother. He complained:
“Oh, come on, this is ridiculous officer. Why would I want to kidnap that kid? I’ve got nothing against him.”
Before any of the adults could respond, a new voice joined the conversation, saying:
"That is not true."
Everyone looked down in surprise, and saw that the one who had spoken was the little duck dressed in blue —Dewey if Fenton remembered correctly— whose hands were clenched in fists, glaring at Beaks with ferocity in his expression. The parrot focused its attention on the little one and asked:
The duckling pointed the Waddle’s CEO with his finger and accused Mark by saying:
"I know perfectly well that you hate my brother. You can't stand him."
The other duckling, the one who wore green, stood next to Dewey and added:
"Yes, it’s true. In addition, we saw what happened the other day on television. There it could be seen pretty well that precisely... you don't like our brother.”
Mark put a hand to his chest and sounding angry, answered the two ducklings saying:
"Do you accuse me only for some images that you saw on television?"
The boy who wore blue was far from yielding to Beaks' words. He narrowed his eyes. And answered the parrot with a furiously calm voice:
“The guy who kidnapped Huey is Falcon Graves, whom you hired to steal the TAH-DAH project, a project that never really existed.”
The parrot crossed his arms at those words, and in an annoyed voice responded to those accusations:
“Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I didn’t hire Graves, my project did exist, and it was stolen by Graves in the first place! He took me hostage, remember? You just say all this because I fired you and your stupid brother when you were my interns.”
That seemed to deplete Dewey's patience, who in a clearly furious voice exploded screaming:
"You’re lying!”
Mark narrowed his eyes at the boy and responded:
"You can't prove it."
Parrot and duck looked each other furiously. It seemed that at any moment one was going to jump on the other, to the point that Fenton wondered whether he should intervene or not.
Fortunately, someone else decided to intervene, ending that discussion. And that person was his mother, who, putting herself between them, looked at the Waddle’s CEO and said:
"Mr. Beaks apart from the assumptions of this boy and his family, the police have reason to suspect you. Remember that I was here the day of the incident with Waddleduck, and I saw that the relationship between you could be considered… tense.”
The Waddle’s CEO changed his focus from Huey's brother to the police officer who had interposed herself among them. Speaking harshly, he told her:
"And that is it enough to believe that I’ve kidnapped him?"
Fenton smiled proudly when he saw his mother crossing her arms and confidently answered:
"It’s enough to consider you a suspect, and that authorizes us to investigate and register your properties."
Mark narrowed his eyes at the woman, but finally, he gave in while saying:
"Register what you want. You won’t find the boy, because I haven’t kidnapped him."
His mother took a step toward the parrot saying:
"If you're so sure about that..." then she turned to her agents, ordering them:
"All men, begin to search the building."
Then she turned back to the Waddle’s CEO and said:
"And you Mr. Beaks, I’ll need a list of your properties to be registered to them too, and don't skip any, you know we can easily contrast the information you provide us."
Beaks snorted and said that naturally he wouldn’t skip anything, because the parrot affirmed and assured that he had nothing to hide.
Fenton frowned. Despite Beaks' claims, the Hispanic duck saw him smile with some malice, as if he was hiding something and knew there was no way to be discovered. That made him suspect, it was very likely that the parrot knew more than he was letting on.
The police quickly began the building’s inspection process. Beaks was very collaborative with them, allowing them access to the entire building, to prove that he was hiding nothing. He also gave the authorities a list of all his properties, adding that if they wanted him to be present when they registered them, they only had to notify him.
All this cooperative attitude only heightened Fenton's suspicions that Beaks was hiding something. He'd have to talk with him privately, but he couldn’t do it while the search was taking place. For obvious reasons they didn’t allow Mr. McDuck's family to participate. Fortunately, he was given free access to investigate results as much as he wanted, something that Fenton obviously did, trying to not leave a single space overlooked.
When the police announced that they hadn’t found anything and that they were leaving, Fenton saw it as the chance to talk with Beaks alone. While his mother and the other officers were transmitting their results to the victim’s family, Gizmoduck went directly to Beaks office, knowing that the parrot had gone there when the police announced that they had finished.
When he arrived at Beaks' office, saw that the parrot was doing something with his laptop. This gave Fenton the idea that, if he managed to hack Beaks' servers, maybe he could get more information, and determine whether the parrot had lied to them. Something that the Hispanic duck already had as an almost absolute certainty.
That thought made him so furious that he entered to the office before he could stop himself, practically shouting:
"Beaks, where is the boy?"
The Waddle’s CEO jumped slightly at the sudden interruption, and quickly lowered the laptop screen, probably trying to hide what he was doing.
When the parrot recovered from the "fright" took a confident stance, and looking Fenton in the face said:
"Remember that I know who is hiding under that Gizmo suit, so don’t even try to threaten me. I can reveal your identity to the whole world, and we both know that you aren’t interested in that."
Getting carried away with anger had been a mistake, but in Fenton's defense, he was so worried about Huey that he couldn't help reacting like that against the most suspicious person of his disappearance.
Taking a deep breath, the Hispanic duck tried to control his growing anger, and speaking in a much calmer voice and perhaps, with a touch of supplication, Fenton said:
"Listen Beaks, I just want you to tell me if you know anything about Huey.”
The parrot smiled and leaned back in his chair. He said cheerfully, almost as if he was mocking:
"Oh, so you know him by name."
Fenton straightened, Beaks was playing with him, with what intention? He couldn’t determine it. But he couldn’t allow that bird to discover more information than necessary, so replied:
"He is the kidnapped grand-nephew of my boss, of course I know his name. They’ve called me to look for him."
The parrot smiled even more. He seemed not to believe that was the only reason Fenton knew the boy's name, and he proved it when he asked:
"Surely that it isn’t because you’ve got a closer relationship with him than with the other Duck kids?"
The Hispanic duck was quick to answer:
"It has nothing to do with that!"
But it was clear that Beaks hadn’t believed him. He spoke again, sighing lazily:
"Oh, I should’ve guessed you’d try to deny any personal attachment to the boy, because in the case that it was me who had kidnapped him, you’d think I’d use that knowledge to harm him, don't you?"
Okay, that was enough. Beaks had crossed a line by suggesting that he’d harm Huey if he had him, which was most likely did. Slamming Mark’s desk, the superhero said angrily:
“You are a monster, Beaks! Definitely, the biggest mistake I made in my life was to accept working for you.”
The parrot then narrowed his eyes. He rose, pointing his index finger at Gizmoduck and said:
“No, your biggest mistake was believing that you could wear that suit and help people. Now what? You haven’t been able to help a poor boy who has been kidnapped without a trace. And instead of looking for him, you come here accusing me of being responsible for his disappearance,”
Then Mark turned from him and headed to the window, said:
“I know that boy trusts you deeply, Gizmoduck, and you, you’ve failed him.”
Fenton clenched his hands into fists, knowing that what that parrot was saying was true. He had failed Huey, he couldn't protect him, but that didn't entitle Mark to say those words. Facing him, the superhero spoke slowly and deliberately:
"I promise Beaks. I'll find Huey, and if you happen to be the culprit of his kidnapping, I’ll make sure justice fall upon you as severely as possible."
Beaks turned to look at him with that smug smile still on his face, and cheerfully replied:
"Oh, look how I tremble. You'll never achieve anything, amigo."
Fenton's voice was much harder and more dangerous than before when he replied:
"Don't be so sure Beaks. I won't rest until I find him, that's a promise."
After these words, the Hispanic duck could see a slight flash of fear in Beaks' eyes, that was enough for him. He had nothing left to do there. He knew he wouldn’t get anything else in that place, but he also knew how to move from there, although, to do so, he needed Dr. Gearloose's help. With this in mind, Fenton left the building and after saying goodbye to Mr. McDuck flew straight to the laboratory. There was a lot of work to do.
Welp, can anyone imagine what idea has Fenton had? Do you think that it’ll work? You’ll have to wait to discover it. Now, I’d really like to know what do you think of this chapter. This will make me really happy!!
As always, I’d like to thank all the people who’ve read the story, the ones who commented, the ones who reblogged and the ones who liked it. Thank you very much!! @drummergirl231-2​ @marshmeadow12​ @infamousquack​ @jennamberking​ @alphatheplant​ @squackcrowquack​ @dragonsareawesome123​ @i-cant-find-any-creative-name​ @hakuneki07​ @hopeless-chicana​ @themagicwolf6677​  @northofanvi @greatgamedota​ @duckworth-is-love​ @sugerheart​ @welovelouie​ @demon-witch-cat​ @falcongraves​ @fantasystar14​ @wellshit333​ @mediocrecartoondrawer​  @im-only-here-for-the-memess​ @constellations1​ @ninjawarrior100​ @mulaneysnl @wellshit333​ @lightchilofthespring @shipping-potato18 @malxcarlos4ev​
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destinycaught · 4 years
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i like 2 think. . . that the tapu can present as humans ? ?  some of ‘em go wild with it, but fini just is like . . . flying like this is inconvenient. plus it takes a bit for fini to adjust. gravity? fuck gravity.
mostly they’re kinda in lieu of only taking the form when they desire to oversee society + perform some human interference. which is rare?  they really could care less about humans interpersonal things as long as it doesn’t result in something like, dumping sludge into their seas or hurting their island’s pokemon.
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rosymaplemoth · 5 years
Olive Branch
Honestly, I don’t even know if this is IC. I just got so many emotions after Wintertide Miracles that my brain vomited up a bunch of words.
Though this technically takes place after Voyages Extraordinaires, the only thing that makes this obvious is mention of an OC.
Characters Featured: Saint Germain, Nemo Pairings: Mentions of NemoxOC, but vague Warnings: this is a word vomit at best Words: 1194
Hair billowing behind him, confident footsteps resonating off of wood, the genius scientist who will reveal the darkest truths of the world strides through the hallways of Count Saint-Germain’s grand mansion.
Or, perhaps that’s how he views it. In actuality, he’s trodding surprisingly quietly, on tiptoes, hunched over in an attempt to make himself as small as possible as he passes by the rooms where his sleeping companions dream away.
Impey… Cardia… Finis… Lupin… have to be really quiet around Van Helsing… okay! Once all of the rooms have successfully been passed, Nemo straightens back up to his usual (still slumped) gait and begins his confident stride.
(As Finis glares up from beneath his pillow, he shares the sentiment of all in that hallway— Nemo somehow manages to be obnoxiously loud no matter WHAT he’s doing!)
Nemo bounds down the stairs two at a time and peers out one of the windows, a smile stretching across his face as he sees the dark sky beginning to be tinted by pinks and purples. Yes, even the colors of the heavens show that this is truly, truly, truly his hour!
He moves to sweep his coat behind him, only to remember…
Ah, that’s right. She has it right now. Curling her cheek into it, nuzzling contentedly against the fabric in lieu of the coat’s owner…
Nemo stifles a giggle as he scratches his cheek. Mornings sure had become interesting since they had returned to London. Sometimes he thought about staying in that warm bed, relishing the sensation of their limbs tangled together, inhaling the fragrance of her hair… that sweet, calming lavender…
But they both knew that the earliest early morning time was the most productive for Nemo. With everyone else asleep, he wouldn’t be faced with distractions—
“My, you’re up early once again.”
Clearly, Nemo hadn’t done good enough of a job at stifling that giggle, because standing at the other end of the hallway is none other than that damned Apostle of Idea!
He is in a rich velvet robe dripping with embroidery, fur-collared gloves keeping him warm in the chill spring mornings, his aesthetic clashing so horribly with the scientist’s that Nemo can’t help but feel sick to his stomach--!
“Oh, you look tense. Did you not sleep well?”
The sneaky sneak actually looks concerned!
“Grinding your teeth like that can’t be healthy… ah, I know. Would some tea soothe you? I have a rather marvelous blend that I picked up at the market the other day—”
“What do you want?”
Saint doesn’t look surprised by Nemo’s sudden, terse question.
I suppose it would only make sense to someone as observant as an Apostle. People aren’t just… nice for the sake of niceness. Even Nemo’s most precious relationship, the one with Impey Barbicane, began as mutualistic symbiosis.
But Nemo has nothing to give Saint. Someone who believes in prophecy clearly has no need for the light of science, so why bother? Is it pity?
“We have a mutual friend, and both of us want to see him accomplish his dreams. Is that enough?”
The memory of the agreement they made back when the Count first offered lodging to Nemo.
For Impey, he had agreed. They had both agreed.
Kindness for the sake of kindness, huh… would an Apostle, of all people, really believe in such a thing?
Nemo wrinkles his nose and rubs the back of his head, looking around for something to distract himself with. Eventually, finding nothing, he faces Saint-Germain with his usual grin.
“I reeeeeally must get to work,” he says, striking a dramatic pose. “With our trip to America treading ever-closer, we must be prepared to greet the great minds that surely awaaaait us!”
And so there they are, staring at one another with two smiles that hide so much. So much pain, only separated by the words “more” and “less”-
One thinks: ‘I deserve so much more.’
And the other: ‘I deserve so much less.’
So that’s it, then. An impasse. Good, maybe the Count will leave him alone to his work. After all, the two of them are incompatible in every way, not like Impey or Cardia or—
“You will at least take some marmalade and biscuits with you to the workshop, then,” Saint’s calm smile has returned.
The Count’s laugh is surprisingly dainty.
“Impey would never forgive me if I let his best friend work on an empty stomach.”
Hnnggghhh curses, now he’s using his dearest friend against him! Why? What could this Apostle want?!
I don’t want your pity. I don’t want you to look at me with that damned smile! That smile that says that everything is fine, that belittling way you look at me! You, the greatest threat to Professor Isaac…!! How dare you look at me as though there’s nothing wrong--! Nothing wrong with you being here, nothing wrong with the two of us smiling like you didn’t enact countless sins upon the majesty of science! How dare you--!
“Yes, here you go,” the Count’s gentle words slice through the words screaming in Nemo’s mind as he hands the scientist a basket.
… How long had Nemo been standing there, gnashing his teeth in anger, to allow Saint to procure this?
Nemo slumps forward, slowly shaking his head.
He feels gutted, tired. The day hasn’t even begun.
Nemo’s laugh is quiet, and so is the Count’s.
Even with that laughter, the mansion is still asleep.
Nemo, the one who’s always loud and always butting in and always certain of what to say, no matter the situation… is quiet.
Then, one who feels he deserves nothing reaches out to the one who feels he deserves the world.
“Impey has been very preoccupied with the Gravity Alleviator, but I’m afraid I don’t know much about it. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, would you perhaps mind explaining the theory behind it?”
“… Huh…”
Saint continues: “Impey is very dear to me as well, and I want to be able to understand the device he’s working so hard on.”
Even Saint has to take a step back at Nemo’s sudden exclamation. Still, Saint’s posture doesn’t stiffen when Nemo reaches out and puts a hand on his shoulder. If he truly tried anything dangerous, Saint could dispatch him in a moment.
But Nemo looks so happy.
“You…? An Apostle of Idea? You want… you want to seek out the majesty of Impey Barbicane’s most noble quest--?!?”
It was like the boililng rage in Nemo’s internal monologue had been swept away.
Nemo’s teeth are glinting in his wide, unabashed grin. “You want to truly, truly understand the grandness of our studies?!?!
Yes, swept away by the most important thing in the world! SCIENCE!
The Count’s smile looks a little forced, like perhaps he’s regretting his olive branch.
But Nemo still looks so happy, and if Nemo’s happy, then Impey’s happy.
And Impey is the man who helped changed the lives of these two men for the better.
So… Saint allows himself to be dragged to the workshop. Just for a little while.
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