#( one: having a full time job pays the bills but is a creativity parasite and )
blizzardrush · 3 months
( ah, well. such is enjoying minor characters. so minor, in fact, that their role in a story is completely malleable! they're an empty canvas! you can tweak 'em and the events around 'em however you want! so don't you mind if I... )
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reading-giraffe · 9 months
Nocticadia: Review
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Lilia Vespertine is a diamond in the rough: beautiful, intelligent, resilient, impoverished, and traumatized from losing her mother to a horrific incident. She finds herself strolling onto Dracadia University's campus on a red carpet that various university staff have laid down for her, seemingly thread-by-thread. While studying at Dracadia, Lilia investigates her mother's death and starts connecting the dots in this book's thoroughly fleshed-out and interconnected plotline. Devryck Bramwell, one of the professors, is dark, mysterious, and is one of the only human beings alive who could help Lilia figure out what happened to her mom. While researching together, Lilia and Devryck get a little ~frisky~ and both of their dark, twisted histories come to light as more twisted together than they ever could have imagined.
Lilia Vespertine
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Having come from a background of poverty and trauma, Lilia is fully aware of where she likely fits into the cogs of the world. She is incredibly resilient and hardworking. After being dealt a sh*tty hand of cards, Lilia has no choice but to take advantage of a crazy opportunity to enroll as a student at one of the nation's top universities. Honestly, she faces questions that so many college girls face -- how do I pay the bills? I was impressed when she took on an on-campus job and research assistantship in addition to a full-time course load. When she decided to try other ~creative~ ways of earning money, my respect for her peaked! Despite committing herself to her sister, mother, studies, work, and research, she somehow had the bandwidth to advocate for her romantic and sexual needs as well. Lilia is the smart, hardworking, loyal, and sexual woman we all strive to be.
Devryck Bramwell
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You now, Devryck grew on me. When Keri Lake first introduced him, he seemed like he used his medical condition as an excuse to be an absolute raging prick. Sure, he's privileged with old money, novel research he inhrited from his father, and enough autonomy from the university to do whatever the hell he wants without question. But the moment he started realizing the hardship his most underprivileged student was going through, he went waaaay out of his way to help in the only ways he knew how. Of course, this was only after he scammed her out of her ~other~ way to make money. (I mean really, the least he could have done is pay her for the video 🤷‍♀️) He generally takes a back seat compared to Lilia plot-wise. But Professor Bramwell in the bedroom? HEYOOO he tooootally got off on the professor/student kink even though he kept teasing her about HER liking it. I love a hot, slightly older man who is well-groomed, rich, logical, and "touch her you 💀"-type.
Would I recommend? 10/10 YES
I wasn't sure what I was getting into with this one -- especially after Haunting Adeline. The plot was way more interesting that I thought it would be, and clearly Keri Lake put a good amount of thought into it. I am impressed with the whole fictional parasitic infection, history of the parasite, how it connects with American colonialism, and modern medicine. I am biased, working in infectious disease. But that should make Lake's work all the more impressive, right?
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As far as the 🌶️ goes, SHE'S SPICY. You're not going to get anywhere close to the 🔫 scene in Haunting Adeline, but the spice is just crazy enough without me wondering if I need medication.
Ultimately, I think Nocticadia is a great book as we approach 🕷️👻 spooky season. This was a pretty lengthy read (~700pgs) but plot, spice, character development, and pace was wonderful!
Paperback and hardcover available on AMAZON
If you use my link to purchase the book, I make a tiny commission. Thanks for your support! 🙂
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House Dems Unveil 18-Bill ‘Respecting Educators Package’
Darrin Camilleri
Seven years ago, Darrin Camilleri was a fresh college graduate and new to a teacher with no textbooks, no curriculum and a big job in addition to his teaching duties: hired professor. Now he is a state representative and hopes to be part of the “transformational change” in the educational profession.
Camilleri, D-Trenton and other Democratic House lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled a package of 18 bills unveiled this week to improve the professional landscape and better recruit, respect, and retain classroom teachers in Michigan.
“There was a time when Michigan was the envy of the world for education and teacher salaries and benefits, but in the past few decades we know that has changed,” Camilleri said at a press conference to announce the bill. “If we want our best and brightest teachers to become teachers and stay in the classroom, we must act decisively now to respect and appreciate the profession.”
Various proposals in the Respecting Educators package would, among other things, offset student loan debt, reduce health care costs, change the reading law for third grade, remove student test scores from teacher reviews, and create a pathway between entry level teachers and teachers.
“It is our duty to ensure that every child has the opportunity and the resources they need to be successful, but without great teachers and educators in our schools this cannot happen,” said Camilleri.
Anthony Barnes
MEA member Anthony Barnes spoke at the press conference in support of the comprehensive legislative package. “I’ve seen some amazing educators leave education because they can’t support themselves or their families financially, don’t feel respected, and the burnout rate is extremely high.”
Barnes, a sixth year special education teacher in Kalamazoo, noted a historically high quota of teachers – including a 40% increase during the pandemic last fall and winter – coupled with declining enrollments in teacher prep programs at colleges and universities across the state.
“I’m just in graduate school so my student loan debt is still growing,” Barnes said. “I’m telling you it’s stressful and my salary doesn’t really help me make up for it – although I work to improve every day so I can improve our educational system.”
Two bills in the package address the student loan problem. House Bill 5099, sponsored by Camilleri, would create a student loan program for eligible teachers that would cover up to $ 300 per month in student loan payments as long as the recipient stays in the field. Another bill by Rep. Brenda Carter (D-Pontiac), HB 5100, would amend the tax law to make student loan payments tax-free.
AFT Michigan member Kathi Martin also spoke out in favor of the bills. The 18-year-old speech and language pathologist from Dearborn and her husband, a special needs education, collectively earn $ 1,000 in student loans a month, she said.
This burden – combined with falling takeaway salaries and rising costs over the past decade – forced her to take a part-time job, which shortens the time she has to prepare for the students outside of working hours. You could earn better outside of the education sector, she noted.
The “Respecting Educators” package deals with these problems from several directions. HB 5106, sponsored by Rep. Mari Manoogian (D-Birmingham), would require school districts to pay a larger proportion of educator health premiums by imposing a fixed cap of 90-10 until the cost is 10% above the cap lie.
Proposed “fair pay” proposal HB 5109 – sponsored by Rep. Kelly Breen (D-Novi) – would create a three tier best practice bonus system ($ 20, $ 30, and $ 35 per student) based on whether teachers 95% receive. , 100% or 110% of the average salary of people with the same training in their field.
HB 5102, sponsored by Rep. Abraham Aiyash (D-Hamtramck), would allow tax-allocated funds to be allocated to certain schools to reimburse certified teachers for expenses. And his companion from Rep. Angela Witwer (D-Delta Township), HB 5103, would allow taxpayers an over-the-line deduction from adjusted gross income for contributions to the Local Teacher Supply Reimbursement Program Act.
Finally, HB 5110 – sponsored by Rep. Christine Morse, Texas Township, D – would require the state to pay teacher certification and recertification fees in order to reduce teacher spending.
“We cannot rely on education to be their calling as the sole motivation for recruiting teachers who are at the heart of our education system,” Morse said at the press conference. “It’s not a sustainable model. We have to treat the teaching profession like a qualified profession and not a passion project. “
In addition to the financial burden, according to Martin von Dearborn, educators experience the loss of joy and creativity – replaced by the pressure of standardized tests and poorly thought-out mandates such as the third-grade reading law, year-round testing and the retention of young people based on a test result.
“Taking the fun of learning and replacing it with useless tests harms our students and destroys teacher morale, which seeps through to the younger generations,” she said. “We are finally seeing the effects of the attack on public education that has been going on for about 15 years.
“When a profession is belittled, scapegoated, and vilified as educators were, can you blame people for leaving or not entering teacher training programs?”
Four bills in the package relate to third grade reading and reviews. HB 4574, sponsored by former educator and MEA member Rep. Nate Shannon (D-Sterling Heights), would allow teachers to follow up in deciding whether to keep a non-grade student through third grade to decide at their own discretion.
House Bill 5101, sponsored by Rep. Cara Clemente (D-Lincoln Park), would change the requirements for early literacy screening to allow for the professional judgment of teachers.
While teachers don’t get enough credit for everything they do, para-professionals get even less, said former teacher and MEA member Rep. Matt Koleszar (D-Plymouth), promoting his account of creating a non-teaching path for parasites, to get their teacher certification.
“Our parapros are the ones who work with each student individually to ensure that they are successful,” said Koleszar when the package was announced on Facebook. “My bill, HB 4369, creates a pipeline for Parapros to achieve their full teaching certification, resulting in more passionate, skilled educators in our classrooms.”
Another suggestion to build a pipeline of future teacher candidates was made at the press conference by Rep. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing), who noted that she had brought two of her former teachers as special guests when she was sworn in for her first full semester at State Parliament 2019.
“They shaped and shaped me into who I am today and we often forget that,” said Anthony. “Those of us in the Halls of Power have a responsibility to step on the plate. Every single child deserves access to an excellent local public school so that they have the opportunity to grow and live a successful life, but none of this can happen without our educators. “
Anthony’s bill, HB 5107, would create a professional-technical teacher preparation program that would enable high school students to work towards meeting teacher certification requirements through courses and experiential learning.
“This package won’t solve every problem we face in one fell swoop, but it is an important first step on the road to the best possible education system,” said Anthony. “It shows that we value our educators as much as other qualified, trained professionals by paying our educators appropriately, respecting them, and truly treating them as the experts they are in the field.”
Other bills in the Respecting Educators package would:
Remove the student growth component from teacher ratings – HB 5104 and 5106 by former teacher and MEA member Rep. Lori Stone (D-Warren) and Rep. Laurie Pohutsky (D-Livonia);
Create a $ 25 per student category for districts that are lowering the year-over-year teacher-student ratio and prioritize the districts with the highest rates first – HB 5111 by Rep. Helena Scott, D-Detroit;
Request school improvement plans that include individual professional development plans for teachers – HB 5108 by Rep. Kara Hope (D-Holt);
Require that teacher preparation programs include a class management course – HB 5112 also from Stone; and
Request Alternate Classroom Management Training – HB 5113 from Rep. Regina Weiss (D-Oak Park).
source https://collegeeducationnewsllc.com/house-dems-unveil-18-bill-respecting-educators-package/
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lunakinesis · 7 years
Taking Credit
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I once had a friend – Amber was her name – who never did anything for herself, never earned anything of her own accord, and never achieved anything from her own work and effort. Everything she had come from someone else:
Her parents – who were not in any way rich, they certainly weren't poor but they weren't middle class either – who did everything around the house for her, who she threw tantrums at to get her own way, who she manipulated into complaining to the school every time a teacher noticed she hadn't done her own work or was failing or being disruptive.
Her siblings, whom she domineered over. She blackmailed and bribed them into doing her chores and every other task she didn't feel like doing. She's the youngest of three, I should mention.
Her classmates, whom she bullied. The smart kids were forced into doing her homework or letting her copy, the same went for classwork. Anyone the slightest bit 'different' was basically a gazelle to a lion with her, and with her leading the charge the general popular crowd-sheep soon followed in their teasing that quickly escalated.
Her teachers, who were powerless to do anything against her lest she raise all hell and cry to her parents. I don't begrudge them for barely doing a thing about her, they had bills to pay and most had kids to feed and they couldn't afford to lose their jobs.
I could go on, but I'm sure it's clear now just what kind of person this friend was. Now I imagine you're wondering why I'd be friends with someone like that in the first place. I can tell you it wasn't really a choice I had, our families were friends going back to our great-grandparents. Whether I liked it or not – and believe me, I didn't – I had to socialise with this girl during joint family vacations, barbecues, parties, the works. My parents knew what a little witch she was, but they dared not ruin a friendship spanning generations by bringing it up to her folks.
So my little sister and I had to endure this human parasite that fed on other peoples' ideas, influence and achievements. For the most part I was spared her bullshit, I think she had been wary of sparking a family feud...not that that seems in line with how she generally was, but it's the only reason I can think of.
For whatever reason, she decided the countless innocents at her mercy were not enough and she needed to add me into the mix. She couldn't do it in her usual, obvious way. No, instead she decided to be as sly as she could manage.
She stole my journal.
Now, this wasn't a journal full of my private thoughts and secrets that she planned to blackmail me with; I fortunately did not have one of those, though what was stolen from me in its pages is arguably just as bad in a different sort of way.
My ideas.
I used the journal for world and character building, as well as setting up the plot for a story I wanted to write. A story I hoped to publish. I wrote it out because it was precious to me, and I was always worried my laptop would die and I'd be unable to recover it. I'd already drafted up a few of the early chapters too, once I was happy with them, I planned on typing them up.
I didn't get a chance.
She took it. Took MY ideas, MY hard work and passed it off as her own. She used it for our creative writing class at first, I didn't know until the teacher passed around copies she'd made as an 'example' for us. That's when I saw my characters, my plot...a piece of my heart and soul, on the page before me.
I could feel tears prickling in my eyes when I realised what had happened. I hadn't even realised the journal was gone; I'd been too busy with homework in the days before to write in it.
There was nothing I could do about it in class; it was my word against hers even if the teachers knew what she was like. They all bent to her will in the end. All I did was raise my hand and say I didn't feel well, I think the fact I was on the verge of tears added to the lie and I was excused.
The school nurse let me go home with what she presumed was a 24-hour stomach bug.
I wanted to tell my parents but at the same time, I didn't. I didn't want to be the one to blame for tearing apart our families, even if it was really her fault. So I kept it inside, cried in my room. My parents just thought it was because of whatever bug I had. I hadn't been sick before, but letting it bubble up within me gave me knots in my stomach that turned into me vomiting into a bucket my mom left beside my bed.
My parents kept me home from school the next day. I thought maybe I'd get over it, maybe it'd be better the next day and I could tell them and get my notebook back. Until a friend sent me a text:
Hey. Amber gave Ms. Temple more of that story. Think she wants to put it in the school magazine!
I don't know what happened to me as I read that, but I knew something broke. A mixture of anger, frustration and sadness flooded me. Hot fury mixed with heartbreak.
I couldn't tell my parents. Not now. It wouldn't be enough.
A plan was forming in my mind as I lay in bed crying. It wouldn't be something I could do overnight, but it'd be worth it.
Let me tell you that years’ worth of cosplay experience was invaluable to my plan. I could dress up as pretty much anyone or anything with the right amount of effort and materials, and I already knew what I intended to do once my outfit was complete.
She wanted to steal from me? Fine. I'd get even.
You see, Amber had this boy she liked. His name is Adam. Adam was...kind of a pig. A pig not interested in her, much to her frustration. No, his interests lay in Mrs. Winter and her 'E's'. Though I'm pretty sure – like all assholes – they'd somehow drift together; that's my experience with these sorts of things anyway.
That's where my plans come in. Now, Amber and I are the same height with the same fair complexion; however she has blonde hair and green eyes, whilst I have auburn hair and blue eyes. These traits were easily fixed by a long, wavy wig and a set of my innumerable contact lenses.
The one other difference was that I was 'blessed with a chest', as it were. A fact I'm sure he'd overlook...or be too preoccupied with staring at to pay much attention to anything else. I did have a plan in mind for that too if I was questioned. Amber always got her way; it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine she'd convinced her parents to let her get a boob job.
I knew he tended to hang out in the alley beside the local arcade, blowing out smoke like he was some 'cool dude' from the 50s or something. He thought the games were too 'dumb' and 'for kids' so stayed there whilst his friends played. As if it somehow made his douchebag self more mature.
I was waiting for him as he swaggered down the alley; the shaded passage was helpful in concealing my identity. It was a good disguise, but not fool proof. The dark helped with that.
"Hey, Adam!" I called out, trying to up the pitch of my voice to the sickeningly-sweet tone Amber had. He barely looked up from his phone as he approached, unlit cigarette held between his lips.
"Close enough."
I managed to laugh. If it was anyone else I'm sure Amber would've thrown a hissy fit, but with this creep she'd let anything slide. Idiot.
"Think I could bum one of those off of you?" I asked, nodding towards the cigarette.
"What's it worth?" His eyes were trained on my chest as he spoke. Ew, teenage boys.
"What? You want a free grab or something?" I felt gross just uttering those words. Now, I have no issue with any guy or girl messing around however they want. It was just sickening humouring this waste of oxygen.
"If you're offering."
I really wasn't, but needs must and all.
"Fine, but I want that smoke first."
He sighed, but stepped forward, putting his phone away and pulling out the box instead. "Here. You women always want it your own way."
If I had been me, I would've responded to that casual bit of sexism, but I had to keep up the act for just a little while longer. "That's because I know what I want." I said, batting my eyelashes.
It was true; I did know what I wanted. But it certainly wasn't to let this ass fondle my chest whilst he came in his pants.
As he stepped closer I clutched at the purse hanging from my shoulder. Amber and I both had always made sure to carry large ones around, so it didn't look out of place on me here. We also happened to have an identical pair. Fancy that.
Milliseconds passed like hours to me as he drew within touching distance.
Closer, closer...
"I'm sorry."
My bag came down over his head and Adam fell to the floor.  
I was knocked off balance, stumbling due to the weight of my weapon into the wall. Adam didn't move, he didn't even grumble or swear or any of the other things I assumed a person would do when smacked over the head with a concealed brick.
I took a breath and straightened myself before finally looking back at Adam properly, my body was shaking. His head was bleeding, unsurprisingly, but it wasn't just bleeding on the side I hit it. He'd manage to crack his head on a step leading into a back entrance of the arcade.
He was staring up with blank eyes, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth as well as his head wounds. The one from the step was deeper than my hit. I was sure I could see his skull, but the blood was pumping through my body so hard and fast I couldn't be sure.
I'd done too good of a job, but no going back now.
When my legs stopped shaking so much, I ran. As I had always intended to do. Back past the building site where I'd picked up the brick and taking it back from my bag and returning it, straight back into my house and into my room. From there, into my en suite.
Costume dumped on the floor, I let the still-cold water of the shower wash over me. It was done. I couldn't take it back. But it had gone even better than planned, really.
I feigned shock when my parents sat me down the next day and broke the news to me that one of my schoolmates had been murdered. I forced out tears when they told me CCTV footage had caught Amber in the act.
A part of me was proud, I was so convincingly disguised that even my own parents didn't recognise me.
"We'll be keeping you off school for a while, honey."
"If you need to go lie down, Maddy, that's okay. The police might be back to talk to you about Amber but you don't have to talk until you're ready."
I sniffled and stood to hug them both before retreating to my room. Oh, I was ready. But I had to play the part of the shocked childhood friend who couldn't understand how someone who was practically a sister to her could do something so heinous.
Yes, she'd always been prone to aggressive outbursts but they were like a toddler's temper tantrums, she never physically hurt anyone...Well yes, she did prey on some of the meeker kids that were easy targets for bullying but it just seemed like typical teenage assholery, nothing really malicious.
Now that you mention it...she did have a crush on that boy and has never liked being told no. Maybe she snapped. I don't know. He parents could never really discipline her, she walked all over them...she definitely had some issues.
I had it all planned out and delivered my lines flawlessly when a pair of officers came to our home to ask a few questions. Amber's reputation was fuel against her. Even her parents who had understandably been trying to defend their child's innocence ended up questioning it and exactly what she was capable of.
Our families grew apart with the weight of the trial on Amber's parents' backs, but my parents were distantly supportive in their own way even if things were tense and awkward.
Amber continued to deny it even after the 'Guilty' verdict was given. I'm told she was sobbing, pleading with the judge and jury, with her parents, begging everyone to believe she was innocence, that it wasn't her.
Poor, poor Amber. She liked to take credit for work that was not hers, so I made sure she got the credit for my greatest work yet.
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harlansegura62-blog · 6 years
Animals Are Method Smarter Compared To Our Experts Believe
I often wanted to presume I possessed much more control over factors in comparison to I carried out. I went for a PSU task as I wanted to construct a solid groundwork to my job - which I experience one can know merely off a project in the general public market, as you run into all type of folks listed below - the excellent, the negative, the video game changers and the idle lot. I and also my fanatic had some issues which causes our split because after at that point my lifestyle has certainly never been the same i tried all strategy in order to get him back but they were actually just refuse from initiative as well as waste of time. Folks with mental illness are 3 opportunities more likely to die, and also perish younger, in comparison to the general population, signifying a necessity for services to narrow this gap, baseding upon investigation published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). To show the debate as well as complication behind the etymological methods from the key phrase "Oh my The lord", I will make use of a day-to-day adventure within my lifestyle that I feel uncovers a significant socio-cultural insight regarding using the expression. Maybe you possess even individually experienced a number of these impacts on your own, exactly how when you are cuddling a delicate purring kitty or throwing a round for a pet whose rear wags in pure happiness factors simply seem a little bit of better, you smile as well as relax plus all of the times troubles seem to dissolve.
Adept hitchhikers, these blood-sucking bloodsuckers are actually dispersed diet2you-portal.info by their victims, riding right into office complex with colleagues, website visitors, venders, servicing workers and also deliverymen - A level playing field parasite, in the past year mattress bug attacks have actually been actually located in previous Head of state Bill Clinton's Harlem workplace, the Sirius XM Broadcast studio of surprise sportsman/woman Howard Stern, U.N. company headquaters, the Ronald Reagan property in Washington D.C., IRS workplaces in Philadelphia and Kentucky, pair of Abercrombie & Fitch Hollister retail stores, Victoria's Top secret, the Metropolitan Concert Hall, Lincoln Facility, AMC Times Square cinema, the Empire State Structure, and the business workplaces of your time Detector, Google, CNN, The Commercial Journal and also the U.S. Team from Health and Human Companies offices in Rockville, Maryland, to name a few. From recommendations on buying or even offering your property, buying inventories or real property, dealing with personal and home finances, and also pointers on adhering as well as making to a budget, you may discover the information you must manage your funds intelligently. However our experts're piercing down into regions and its own essential to our team, however I will remind you that the way Omnicom is actually created, that was actually constructed with the companies, unique lot of solutions across its own many geographies to make sure that as a result of just what you observe this fourth when one location really isn't executing our experts have actually had the capacity to recompense this along with growth that our experts've observed in other locations with the objective in the layout from the business and also the steady revisions that our experts create in the company. Because full disclosure, I personally make use of Patreon to deal with the expenses of a podcast I am actually the cohost of, referred to as Desi Nerd Girls Our team make a realistic quantity per month, but our company undoubtedly aren't depending on this. That's certainly not the situation for many makers, that rely on the service to support themselves on a daily manner, using the service to pay out rental payment, acquisition groceries and get tools and also products for their creative efforts. President Donald Trump spoke once more Tuesday on the white colored supremacist dispute in Charlottesville, Virginia, defending his much-criticized initial declaration on the protests as well as giving an even more powerful review from demonstrators and the reasons they fought for during the terrible weekend break event. She likewise began clarifying about the media as well as just how that is presented and also presented and also how it is weaponized in such a way due to the fact that this is angry dark guys usually being a bigot and also creating dangers etc and very most black unlearned people are unfamiliar of what the man" or even the white male" implies. Ok today was my special day and a couple of individuals uploaded on my wall as per standard, while a few individuals that I have not learnt through in a number of years sent me private information and also they instantly visited amount 1 & 2 in the piliap I had replied however say goodbye to.
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