#( maybe I'll figure something out on the eventual. )
calciumdreams · 6 months
May I request art of 403 Sans by o4ktree?
(If your okay with drawing other sans OCS that aren't the main few!) (I love your art!)
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:-D sans OCs are fine, although i do prefer the og cast (or anyone from my two fave aus), it really depends on how much time i have and if i can get any ideas for a doodle jsjs
403 by @o4ktree
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joelscruff · 1 year
idk if it's just cause my brain is still all muddled from covid but everything i write just doesn't seem very good 😭😭 i've been working on the new FoF chapter for 2 days and idek if i even like where it's going or how the smut is written. i just feel so disconnected from my writing right now. pls bear with me, i'm not sure when it'll be ready. just gotta push past this last bit of covid i guess.
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rescuefield-arch1 · 1 month
what if i changed my fc to ka.rol queir.oz
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i love rusty quill gaming so much. it's one of the two ttrpg podcasts i've listened to so far (the other being d&daddies), but i just know deep in my soul that very probably no other ttrpg podcast will ever mean as much to me as rqg does.
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you-will-return · 5 months
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
For some reason... for some strange, unknown reason... the two Yasusada swords have been put on kitchen duty.
Even as soon as they both arrive to the kitchen and share a look, it's clear the feeling of impending disaster is mutual.
Taikyuu goes to the sink and starts washing his hands. That's always the first step. He knows that much. Yamatonokami follows suit.
"The hell is aruji thinking?" he mutters as he dries his hands off.
"I'm not sure," Yamatonokami admits. "But obviously they believe we can do... something..."
A long silence ensues, as they look around the kitchen for something that might give them an idea.
It's not that they can't think of any food. Between the two of them, they could eat the entire kitchen. But neither of them have any idea how to cook, or where to start (they could wash their hands again, but that'd get them nowhere, obviously). This is Taikyuu's first kitchen duty (he was pretty sure that was to be attributed to their master's good sense, but now he's not sure). Yamatonokami normally gets paired with someone who does know what they're doing and just helps them.
But now they are just. Not sure.
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lilbittymonster · 5 months
I want so badly to be able to sit down and actually teach myself blender (I found a good YouTube series but I get to the same point every time and then get distracted it's happened like four times now) but god has this crafting grind for me by the throat. I haven't even opened a wip in a week.
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
professor just told me we dont have class this week and to instead watch a movie where a chara has a mental illness and to make mental notes of their behavior and how they're treated for it so anyways which ttm movie should i rewatch
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triforce-of-mischief · 8 months
me: oh boy i can't wait to get home from work and uh
me: *bluescreens*
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retiredcultistredux · 10 months
((heads up activity is gonna be slower than usual for a little bit, been focusing on multiple different things at once lately and it's making the motivation go all Wonky so yeah))
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neglected-oversight · 2 years
Are you aware that I love your Au and would very much play it if it was in game form? Because I want you to know this
Will you really?
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smilingfr3ak · 1 year
damn if only my patience was good enough to make tf2 fancomics, y'all would be in for some shit lmao
(also when my school decides to fall and crumble to the ground)
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thatlittledandere · 1 year
Teddie from Persona 4 for the character bingo?
So for the record I DON'T HATE HIM!! or anything I just. Don't know what to do with Teddie. In fics or in daydreams he's the kind of character I find incredibly difficult to deal with. I intentionally ignore him most of the time because he like.. takes the weight out of situations and I KNOW there IS a way to treat Teddie seriously while keeping him true to his character but it would require SO much more brainpower that I just don't have. When I'm thinking about souyo
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The "violent urges" just refers to the frustration I feel at having to acknowledge he exists in scenarios he fundamentally doesn't fit in adgjhdgj. It's nothing that serious.
Character bingo
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quarklynx · 1 year
Since I'll be taking a brief break from commissions to rest after that huge batch, I wanna try to make my own anime shirts, but like cool ones. I do have the skill to create linocut prints, but I have to figure out what anime to start with before I can even start designing! ...Yet another instance where loving so many things is a curse as well as a blessing smh
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Gonna be really braggy about something for a sec bear with me
Interviewer at my technical interview: Alright, here's your first coding problem. Write a function that does xyz.
Me: Cool. I forget, can you use sorted() on strings?
Interviewer: Yep.
Me: Okay, solved that in a one-liner.
Interviewer: Great. Next problem: use that function to write this other function.
Me: Right, I'm gonna use a list comprehension inside a dictionary comprehension, so gimme a second to write all that out.
Me: Okay, done.
Interviewer: You made a small mistake.
Me: Woops, you're right. Okay, I added an if statement, that should fix it.
Interviewer: Yep, that did it.
Interviewer: I'm gonna be honest, I've never seen anyone solve this problem that fast. It usually takes people like half an hour. We have a lot of time left but I don't have any more coding questions, so, uh, let's move on to the part where the other interviewer asks you about stuff on your resume.
Me: ????!!!???!!??!!!?!?!?
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thesewickedwoods · 21 days
wasted my life and now I'm in my 30s and too emotionally fucked up and poverty-stricken to get my shit together that I don't even know why I keep waking up anymore
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