#(    III.    )     RPS.    /  TINKER WITH THAT!
dancngthroughlife · 1 year
Continued. :: @totouchthcstars​
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“The last I remember, she was still the same age she’d been when you died. I hope that she’s alright since she doesn’t appear to be here with either of us.” She still couldn’t believe that she was there talking to Tony. That he was somehow alive. “How is your life here, Tony?” She asked him, honestly just wanting him to be happy. Pepper was just going through the motions of day by day life there, she felt. Everything had been different after she got her memories back. She had to go on and pretend like she wasn’t away from her daughter and that her husband hadn’t died. It had been a difficult adjustment with getting her memories back, hard to cope with things, but she was fine now.
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burger-goblin · 3 years
hi, i'm ranting about Apex
i'm a week-one player, level 500, using a PS4 Pro. i decided to really dive into the game with season 9. i'm even playing ranked, which i never really did in any of the previous seasons. i managed to make it to Plat III solo in about two days. it's been going pretty well for me, with some great wins and acceptable losses. up until today, for some reason
i get on ranked today and immediately i'm greeted with no teammates. it went about as well as you'd expect. in the following matches, i managed to load in with teammates, but then started experiencing a handful of other frustrating things:
teammates going AFK and/or disconnecting in the middle of the match (one guy sent a message to me saying that the game crashed and he received a penalty. i feel for you, buddy)
phantom Bloodhound scans (where i would hear the sound of being scanned, but there was no visual indication of the direction it came from, and no pop-up on my HUD telling me i was scanned. i was jumped by two separate BH teams because i didn't know if i had actually been scanned, or if it was just an audio bug)
phantom Crypto drones (i could be scanned by the drone and the "scanned" pop-up would appear on my HUD, but the drone made absolutely no noise)
phantom grenades (also on two separate occasions, i was downed by a grenade that made no sound and had no location indicator to tell me where it had even landed)
unable to loot deathboxes (i've seen this one going around. pretty self-explanatory)
white backpacks being rare loot (why am i running through 10 minutes of a match with no backpack. hold on guys, gotta scrounge around for materials so i can replicate a purple one)
misplaced Death Totem (i main Revenant. i could be looking at the ground-- at a flat surface-- and when i actually place the totem, it appears somewhere i wasn't even looking. on top of boxes. on top of walls. on top of fences, cars, supply bins, etc. i once tried placing it outside a building against a wall, only for it to spawn inside, where enemies were. sometimes, it takes five or more tries to get it to actually spawn successfully, when i'm basically standing out in the open with nothing to interfere with it. as a Revenant main, i don't even give a shit that his passives are kinda worthless. at least just make his fuckin' ultimate work as intended )
i know this is common, but another frustrating trend is getting placed in games where i'm up against aim-botting level 15 smurfs with 20-kill and 4k damage badges that beam me before i even see them. yet i get teammates that act like they're playing the game for the first time, where they're standing in the 3rd ring, just taking damage while looting. the skewed matchmaking and cheating that happens in this game is getting out of hand. it was annoying in pubs, but it's just outright stupid when you can lose RP for bad matches
instead of focusing on one individual character to buff or nerf, Respawn needs to address their server performance, the cheating, and the game-breaking bugs that people are abusing. focus on the overall quality-of-life for the players instead of tinkering with whatever legend people are complaining about this week.
TL;DR -- game's buggy, servers suck, everyone's busted. pls fix 💚
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jakkosisle · 6 years
The Battle For Lordaeron:  Box Set Post
Part I - Battleplans
Part II - Strategic Bombing
Part III - Fortified Line
Part IV - Breakthrough
Part V - Momentum
Part VI - Psychology
Part VII - Exit Strategy
This writing project turned out MUCH bigger than I originally anticipated, but damned if I’m not proud of it.  My three Horde characters and my three Alliance characters, meeting on the battlefield.  This is something I’ve been planning and tinkering with since BFA was announced at last year’s Blizzcon.
And this is only the BEGINNING of the PAIN I plan on inflicting on my children.
This may end up being my hands-down favorite expansion, if only for the RP and storylines that lie ahead.
See you all on the frontlines.
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luidilovins · 7 years
An OC Ask Master Post
Because this is a new blog I’m going to list off my OCs
Please feel free to ask them questions.
L'uidians Abey Abequa AJ (Andrew) Dalton-Rutherford Ako Akyo Alfred Andrew Dalton-Rutherford III Annaharra Cassie (last name) Chirchou Chepi Cole Fenn Full Moon Gihira Hakerra Hati Horace Iabo Ipa Iris Jamie (last name) Kelfi Kengi Kengo Kaeyan Koek Lucille Parr Naheul Naina Rialou Pryvah Rogg'ro Rowan Sandra Dalton-Rutherford Scribble Shyva Skoll Taido Via Yamir Yar Zack Parr Zane Zyphir
Steven Universe (Blue) Agate (Aggie) (Blue Lace) Agate (Lacy) (Brown) Agate (Green) Agate (Purple) Agate Axinite Charoite Fordite Goldie (Golden Topaz) Poppy Jasper Tahitian Pearl Coral Light Green Pearl Chert Sodalite (+ Fusion combos)
Grayed Fuchsia Gladiolus Hazel Mica Miracle
Spring Shower Kawaii Melonpop Utsukushii Berrypop Sekuchii Cherrypop Llydia Songbreeze Orion Stormflash Glendalynn Larksong Azure Skies Blitzen Stormflash Tinker Grey Colton Sunbirst Adam Coffeebucker Garnet Dream Rainbow Flash
Casual Furries
Demarco Audrey Marco Gina Imani
Lilin Characters(WIP) Iisakki Ferdinand Davi Adiel Naamit Seraphina Dietrich Schmidt Elisha Hayden Trinity
RP OCs Oro Jojo Evangeline
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dancngthroughlife · 1 year
@totouchthcstars​​ || Pepper for Tony
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In one moment, she’d been holding a funeral for her husband and trying to move on with her life to raise their daughter, the next, she was in some fantasy world that she didn’t know, trying to navigate it and such. As she walked through, admiring the beauty of this place, she noticed a familiar face and stopped dead in her tracks. “Tony,” her chest felt tight. He died. She watched him die. The first thought that came to Pepper’s mind was that this was some cruel trick, but it felt too real to her. “Tony,” she called, her voice shaky. How was he here? How was he alive? “Tony is that you?” she asked, coming off more nervous than she’d meant to sound. She wasn’t sure how this was possible, but then again, they seemed to be in some fantasy world, so she couldn’t question much. The logical part of her wanted to get to the bottom of how, but she just brushed that off for once.
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dancngthroughlife · 10 months
@roarunderpxpercuts​​ || Pepper for any
Pepper had been waiting for what felt like hours for the bartender to give her the drink she’d ordered. “I thought the service was usually good in this place,” she said, more to herself, but louder than she’d meant to. “I’d been sitting here for a while, waiting.” It didn’t seem too busy in the bar, so she wasn’t sure what had taken so long. She’d watched the bartender talking with somebody instead of making drinks. Pepper took a sip of her drink and sighed. “I think I’m going to have to start finding a different bar to go to,” she said to the person next to her. She wasn’t trying to seem rude, she just didn’t have the time to wait around for one lousy drink.
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dancngthroughlife · 8 months
@lcnelylcves|| Pepper for Any
This wasn't Pepper's idea of a good time. The last straw had been when a nearby fire hydrant had gone off. That came after a multitude of issues surrounding water. Now, the clothes she was wearing to a work meeting were ruined. With a groan, she turned around and began to head home, running hard into the person walking in the opposite direction. "Shit." she mumbled, running fingers through her hair. "Sorry, I'm having an off day," she told them, clenching her jaw. It was pissing her off, but she was trying not to take it out on anybody else.. It wasn't their fault that she was somehow causing water to move around her. She wasn't sure how this was happening, but honestly she was about to just call off all of her meetings for the day.
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dancngthroughlife · 1 year
@virtuousouls​​​​ || Pepper for any
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She was back in New York. Tony seemed to still be alive and everything was fine. At least, it seemed that way for now. The only thing that Pepper could think of was that she was somehow in a different universe. That had to be it. She was sure that if time travel could happen then different versions of Earth existed. That had to have been the case. She was given a second chance to be with Tony. “Cabs used to be easier to get,” she said with a sigh, trying to wave one of the yellow taxicabs down. She usually had a driver to get her from point A to point B, but they weren’t there that she’d seen. “I have things to do, places to be.” She hated waiting and right now it was completely frustrating her. She was a busy woman, trying to get everything back on track now that she was back where she belonged.
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dancngthroughlife · 1 year
@rosewaterdrunk​ || Pepper for Any
Pepper felt like she had been walking around for hours, but she didn’t have any way of telling here. “Hey, hey! Do you know the way out of here?” she asked somebody, letting out an exasperated sigh. She was trying to find a way back, to Sydney, to anywhere. Preferably back to where she was actually from, but she’d take just about anywhere but here now. She wasn’t going to relax until she was out of wherever this was. Pepper missed scheduling and planning and god, the technology. She missed the technology. It was something she may have taken for granted, she realized. She found herself asking F.R.I.D.A.Y for assistance earlier when she’d gotten up.
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dancngthroughlife · 1 year
Virginia “Pepper” Potts-Stark
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Look who just woke up- is that WINONA RYDER? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s PEPPER POTTS-STARK from MARVEL. I heard she is 50 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off a/an MAKING SURE EVERYTHING GOES SMOOTHLY, THINKING FAST ON HER FEET, PUTTING FAMILY FIRST impression. They’re known to be quite INTELLIGENT, but have a tendency to be CONTROLLING on their bad days. 
"I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash. Will that be all?"
General :
* Full Name : Virginia Potts-Stark
* Notable Aliases : Pepper
* Pronouns : she/her
* Age : 50 years old
* Birthplace :  Sacramento, CA
* Current Residence :  Darling Point
* Notable Abilities :
* Occupation : probably a secretary for now
Personality :
* + Positive Traits : independent, intelligent
* - Negative Traits : controlling, jealousy
* Likes : family
* Dislikes : people that threaten the Earth/or her family’s happiness
* Song to Describe : The Man by Taylor Swift
* Myers-Briggs : ISTJ
* Enneagram : 1w2
Background : TBD
Wanted Connections :
Fake family
Tags for character :
(    I.    )     ISMS.    /  I THINK I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DON’T WANT TO GIVE UP THE SUITS. ;  (    II.    )     VIS.     / TONY, WHAT’RE YOU NOT TELLING ME?  ; (    III.    )     RPS.    /  TINKER WITH THAT! ;  (    IV.    )     START.    /  ARE THOSE BULLET HOLES?
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