#🔱 -  ( answered. )
sistercuttlefish · 16 days
Welcome all my furry and fin friends!
Asks are of course open 💗
You may call me Feferi, Fef , Momma, mom, sister, mommy, auntie or whatever you want to!!
Feferi's big age is 14 and is also an agere and petre,, posts may also vary!!
All types of regressors of any race from any gender from any age or species are welcome of course , sister Fef loves you all !
We have just some rules here!
Please do not interact if, kink, nsfw, ddlg, adbl, proshipper, basic dni, any philes or their supporters, zionist, ED centered (unless recovery), TERF, SWERF, Transmed
No using mean words or slurs, even if they seem cull we cant use them here!
No discrimination in any form
Anon list : 🐝!
Tags: #🔱💗 → Feferi answers!! ~ Normal ask answers
#🔱🎨 → What a work!! ~Art!
#🔱♻️ → Rebubble!! ~ Reblogs!
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ask-the-blue-leader · 2 months
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(hope ur doing well and i hope ya dont mind me droppin this in ya inbox ^^ your cool mod you go have a good day or at least a easy day!!) (p.s i finished this in like 20 min.
(Woah! I didn’t expect you to drop this drawing of Risewell in his regular and disguised outfit. Thanks for the art and I hope you have a good day too!)
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trippygalaxy · 2 months
Here me out right
Me walking home from school, fall through the ground, thinks that it’s the backrooms and I’m fucked, but then I look around and this gigantic man with midevil armor is standing in front of me.
Plot twist, I’m 14 so I can’t get between him and his wife😔
you are so real for this anon, sosososos real for it 😌😌
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sugaryapplepie · 2 months
Xingshen & Chandrelle
🎮: Jewelry making, beauty, and drag
🩸: B+
🔱: As a sea princess, yes she can swim. Star's body type reference is actually an Olympic swimmer!
🖤: Oh this one's evil- yes, Xingshen has in the past killed several soldiers of the draconic army, even taking down a dragon (though not without serious wounding). As for the heartbreak, she and Iron Fan were sad to part ways when Iron Fan decided to marry DBK, but in the end Xingshen's heart was more broken when, years later, she went to visit her old flame and found her a cruel mother and heartless supplicant to her husband.
😓: Xingshen is very receptive to knowledge. Even as a young jiaoren she read every book she could lay hands on, and ever since her disability keeps her inside most days she's taken upon learning more of the modern era's marvels.
🎮: Hunting, dancing, and singing.
🩸: O+
🔱: Definitely can swim, considering she's a sea elf!
🖤: Oh she's definitely killed people, the Church of Umberlee ruled on 'the strongest has the most say' and her parents pushed for her to be as prominent as possible. As for hearts, Chandrelle prefers not to get attached to one-night stands, but the same can't be said for the other person.
😓: Chandrelle...tries. When preparing her escape from her kingdom she did research and learned a few languages to help her on her travels, but like most elves still has that touch of superiority and ignorance about races considered unworthy of note (goblins, kobolds, generally the unattractive non-humanoids).
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maraiheroine · 2 months
"Water isn't the only thing that reflects its surroundings. People do too, if you pay attention. Even the sea isn't free from light and shadows."
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There is a warm smile on the marai's face as she listens to the artist. His soft words and polite manners were a welcome change from many other landwalker encounters the Tidecaller had began. And moreso, he spoke to her has another person, and not a strange oddity from the depths.
"Ah, you speak as if you have been underwater yourself." The laugh in Nami's words does not make it past her lips, her crimson gaze finding purchase away from both of them. "Everything reflects where it's home lies. Whether it covets light's familiar glow, or hides away from it's alien harshness." Nails dig absentmindedly beneath a barnacle that had found purchase too far away from the surf; crumbling at her picking.
"Refractions on the surface are beautiful, but it does not reveal the true heat of the sun. The light of my home is soft and welcoming, but if you were to ever lay eyes on it, it may seem dull to you." As she muses, Nami's tail had grown bored of laying still. Idly it moved across the rocks, scales scraping as fins flexed up and down.
"By which, I mean; it is important to consider the perspective you are from, and the different origins of others. The most well meaning shark is still a ferocious thing that swims deep below to a gull wishing to rest its wings." Lips purse at the metaphor she had landed on, wishing it had been a little less frightening of an example. But it isn't long until Nami pushes on, trying to make a point of her ramblings.
"I think it's important that everyone has their own source of light in their life. At least in that sense, we all have something we can understand about one another. A commonly understood love, or goal."
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intcritus · 4 months
( sms ): my sibling's being a shit, you wanna steal their car with me?
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phoenix was all about causing a little havoc, even though they were sure artem was going to lose his shit once he saw that his car was gone. but it would be returned safely, the croc would definitely make sure their mate returned it that way.
( sms -> mon coeur ): yes, just as long as it's returned in one piece. ( sms -> mon coeur ): let's go have some fun, i'll be waiting, my love.
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jeonride · 8 months
Your new theme is everythinggggg babes I love it sm
thank you so much for saying that, deee !!!!! 😿💗 i was trying to edit three of my biases in one banner lmaoo
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seafoamseashells · 11 months
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@wildunchartedwaters asked: Did you see they are doing an Ariel!kid show with Halle!Ariel???? So cute
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My Tumblr and Discord notifications were blowing up sending me the news about this. I AM SO HAPPY! Not just for me as a black woman and Disney fan, but for my nieces. I took my three-year-old niece to see Little Mermaid premier weekend and she loved it. And I'm happy she more princesses that look like her. I don't care what the hell anti-woke edgelords say, I VALUE THE HELL OUT OF THIS and I'm not the only black woman with black girls who think so. I hope this spin-off has music like the 90s Little Mermaid show I grew up with. ❤️
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dreamescapeswriting · 8 months
How are you? Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself! I know I'm newbie here but I just wanted to tell you this.
You're amazing, and I hope you're proud of yourself for everything you have achieved in your life (even the tiniest thing you can think of)
*big hug on your way*
I'm good! Well as good as I can be in this heat, I cant stand it! We're supposed to be in autumn but still getting 29 T-T I want to cry bestie for reallllll! How are you?!
Oh my goodness, thank you so much 🥺🥺❤💕🥰 I hope you're proud of everything you've achieved too!
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serenatadeamor · 1 year
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Serena Atlântica Triton é a quarta filha de Eric e Ariel, do conto da Pequena Sereia, e possuí 24 anos. Está aprimorando suas habilidades de grito sônico no módulo II na Academia dos Legados, e apesar do dinheiro incalculável que a família detém, ela pode ser encontrada trabalhando como assistente pessoal do Feiticeiro e Conselheira em ascensão. Ficou terrivelmente abalada com o exílio do pai, a quem considerava seu herói particular, e desde então tornou-se mais desconfiada com legados do Castigo. Costuma ser uma pessoa organizada, carismática e leal, contudo, pode apresentar traços de rancor e egoísmo ocasionalmente.
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              𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵  🔱  𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘴  🔱  𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵
acesse o readmore para saber mais e descobrir as conexões da Serena.
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❛ 。 ゜ RESUME
Apesar de crescer sob os pilares de igualdade e justiça, e se envolver em diversas causas que pudessem melhorar as condições de vida de legados do Castigo, desde o exílio de seu pai Serena vem mudando suas atitudes. Tornou-se arrogante e preconceituosa para com os filhos de vilões, acreditando que já não merecem estar na Academia e nem mesmo em Arthurian! Ela pensa que Eric acabou sendo enganado por Hook, e que eventualmente isso pode acontecer com qualquer pessoa que confie naqueles que vêm da Cidade de Baixo. Hoje, trabalha como assistente pessoal do Feiticeiro, e se antes levantava pautas pedindo igualdade para o Castigo, agora ela deseja que tudo continue como está. Ou até pior, para eles.
Inspos: em breve
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❛ 。 ゜ POWER
Grito sônico: Ariel não é a única da família com habilidades mágicas em suas cordas vocais, e Serena foi abençoada com algo similar ao ter tocado a Excalibur. Pode não cantar lindamente como a mãe, mas é capaz de emitir gritos com alta amplitude sonora. Os gritos causam, em suma, a necessidade de tapar os ouvidos, mas não se limitam a isso. Atlântica é capaz de emitir sons tão altos, e fortes, que concentrada pode causar hemorragias em seus alvos, impacta-los para longe e, em casos mais graves, destruir matérias.
Inspos: Canário Negro (dc comics); Lydia Martin (teen wolf); Sereia Negra (arrow); Namida Suzumeno (naruto next generations);
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❛ 。 ゜ some of my most wanted connections
OATH (CHER LLOYD): muse é seu amigo de infância por quem ela vive e morre, contrariando qualquer limite de lealdade que se pode supor entre dois indivíduos. Juntos viveram aventuras que lhe renderam ótimas histórias, mesmo que nem todas tenham acabado de forma positiva, mas o mais importante é que nada fica entre eles. uma inspo e mais uma. [ F / M - open + arthurian + @ ]
OPOSTOS POLARES: Ela é de arthurian enquanto, a outra pessoa, do Castigo, e eles definitivamente não deveriam funcionar, mas funcionam. Foram colocados juntos em uma tarefa de classe e tem sido inseparáveis ​​desde então, isso até o exposed do Eric abalar a amizade e Serena direcionar desconfiança e comentários ácidos para muse. uma inspo e mais uma. [ F / M - open + castigo + @ ]
PRIMEIRO CRUSH: Não é novidade que Serena se apaixona à cada esquina, mas com muse foi diferente. Ele foi seu primeiro crush, quando ainda era uma adolescente. Eles fugiam no meio da noite para conversar no telhado, sentavam no sofá da janela da sacada conversando por horas, rindo e rindo juntos enquanto o tempo voava. Já mataram aula para ir a um café local e pedir milkshakes. E quando muse arrumou um parceiro romântico, a Triton se tornou incrivelmente ciumento o tempo todo, mas de maneira saudável. Imagine todos os flashbacks fofos e cânones!! uma inspo aqui. [ M - open + arthurian + @ ]
EXES: muse pensava que era hora deles se casarem, afinal, haviam namorado por um bom tempo, mas a verdade é que embora Serena ama a ideia do amor, ela também morre de medo de relações sérias demais, e os pensamentos sobre viver com outra pessoa, sair da casa dos pais, deixar de ver os irmãos com tanta frequência e se tornar uma senhora a fizeram dizer não.  [ M - open + @ ]
EXES QUE AINDA TEM SENTIMENTO: É um término recente, e eles acabaram em maus termos mas ainda existe sentimento, e tudo o que eu posso oferecer de inspo é esse musing aqui.  [ M - open + @ ]
MEU CUPIDO É GARI: muse costumava ser um crush de Serena antes do exposed do pai, eles podem ter trocado alguns amassos ou não ser nada recíproco. Mas depois do exílio de Eric essa pessoa passou a irritá-la somente por respirar, justamente por ela não saber lidar com os sentimentos dúbios que surgem. inspo aqui.  [ M - open + castigo + @ ]
AMOR NÃO CORRESPONDIDO: Na cabeça de Serena eles se casariam e viveriam felizes para sempre, então foi um baque e tanto quando ele contou que não sentia nada por ela. inspo aqui. [ M - open + @ ]
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sistercuttlefish · 6 days
What are your favorite toys to play with :000
This one was a little )(ard at first but I know now!!! I usually like My Little Pony dolls, ocean/beach toys, anything underwater themed!! Pink and blue stuff and normal dolls!!! Those are some of my favorites!! Would be glad to know some of yours 38D
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ask-the-blue-leader · 2 months
I'm sorry to hear that, My leader
Thank you for showing some sympathy about my plight, Little Rat…
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trippygalaxy · 2 months
I’m marrying Heavens as we speak-
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Yes I shittily edited an old drawing ;3
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sixteen of my f/os: (look up in sync) yeah?
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it is fortunately not every American (i have trained a few to use kettles)
unfortunately, it seems the only trainable ones are the ones who like to drink tea 😔 —🔱
Yes it was a massive generalisation. I know some Americans are reasonable 😉
Go forth, my tea-drinking pals, and change your great nation for the better ☕️
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intcritus · 5 months
“  am i dramatic?  yes.  is it justified?  also yes.  ”
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ah, their little love was being dramatic, but then phoenix had fallen in love with her like this. flaws and all. it simply made her unique and easier to love. truly, where would they go but toward her, even when they'd forgotten to give her a kiss before going out for errands and now she was sulking and giving them the cold shoulder. not that it would work.
almost immediately upon entering their home, phoenix makes sure to scoop her up into their arms, tender kisses pressed to every inch of her pretty face. ❝ ━ how careless of me, not kissin' you before leavin'. such a pretty sulking because of me, ❞ they coo, brushing their mouth over hers, nose nudging katia's, ❝ ━ however can i make it up to you? more kisses? giving you my undivided attention for the rest of the day. ❞ their voice drops down to a whisper, ❝ ━ come now, my darlin', tell me what you'd like~❞
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