#šŸ‘» ā€” [anon]
lovelaetter Ā· 9 months
Wonyoung being a flustered, moaning mess as she cries into her fluffed pillows late at night. Her face is red and puffy, tears streaming down her face out of frustration. It's embarrassing how much she misses you as she plays your old voice messages while being knuckle deep in herself. You broke up a week ago, but she can't help but be tempted to call you...
-šŸ‘» (Can I be a ghost? šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ)
picking her call and being slightly worried cause itā€™s kinda late, even if sheā€™s your ex, you still care for her and even worse when you hear her sniffing on the other side, asking what happened and ready to leave your bed to go to whenever she is but stopping in your tracks when she moans-
poor baby crying harder when you ask her what she is doing, so embarrassed, stuttering to say sheā€™s so sorry she hurt you, she misses you so much, itā€™s been a week but itā€™s so hard not having you with her anymore :( you werenā€™t hurt, it was a break up in good termsā€¦ but hearing your baby like that, so sad and needy, thinking it was all her fault and not being there for her? totally breaks your heart :(
her small ā€œpleaseā€ when you ask if she wants you to talk her through it, she never managed to cum by herself anywaysā€¦ admitting she listened over and over to your old voice messages before calling, whimpering at the way you tease her for always being your needy girl and just hearing that could be enough to make her cum. being able to hear how wet she is as her fingers move in and out as she gets closer to the edge, high pitched moans and telling you sheā€™s about to cum :(
letā€™s say you donā€™t resist asking her if she wants you to come overā€¦
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our-t4t-experience Ā· 4 months
My girlfriend is on the road to starting estrogen soon, Iā€™m so happy for her! Sheā€™s wanted this for so long. Also they were really hyping me up over finally getting my top surgery consult scheduled, which was so heartwarming. I love having someone who is as excited about trans milestones as I am, because she just Gets It. I have said it before and Iā€™ll say it forever: T4T relationships are so validating itā€™s magical. Having a partner through this stage of my transition makes it so much easier emotionally than when I did all the name change stuff and starting hormones without them. And Iā€™m so glad I can be there for her too.
Iā€™m just so excited for my girlfriend I could cry. Also, since Iā€™ve been making quite a lot of posts here (I know I talked about giving my girlfriend skirts for Christmas and watching them play the piano) I guess I should have an emoji. So:
(Gf uses she/they and is transfem, I use he/they and am transmasc, if anyone is wondering how to refer to us at some point.)
omg my top surgery consult is this thursday (: very excited for yall
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doodle-pops Ā· 19 days
Its 2:30 am for me rn and as I'm sleepiness I came to realize
Elfs are tall independently when compared to humans, hobbit and dwarves right? Right. Now the thing that got me tweaking is... how tall and large do the animals/companions have to be? Can average size horses be ridden by them? If they invited human/hobbit/dwarf!reader to ride with them on the same horse (Yk for romantic reasons) would they have to go through an awkward "do you need a leg up?" ??
But worst of all: how tall and large is Huan?!?!?
When I read silmarilion fics I always think of reader as being human unless stated otherwise; now I'm 4'11", how ridiculous but true would it be to have mf Celegorm with the most ironic half smile saying "you don't even need a horse! Just ride Huan"
Same. I've also thought about this since I tend to view the elves all over 7 feet (213cm). They must ride horses of similar height and size, which means that there were horses bred for the elves and humans, respectively.
For elves, they can have horses as huge as the Shire horse, the Clydesdale, or the Belgian Draft. Those are massive horses and can reach heights of 213cm and more which makes them perfect for the elves. Huan could also be of similar height and size since it was said that he could be ridden.
So, for short humans like us, we would require a footstool, aka, the elves, to give us a lift onto these mammoth-sized horses. Of course, there were mortals around the first age who were as tall as the elves, so theyā€™d ride horses for the elves instead of regular breeds for humans to ride.
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sea-lanterns Ā· 7 months
oooo hiii beloved, read your shinobu fic just right after my last midterm exam and it got me giggling and kicking my feet-- whahshs šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ thank you for the food!!
also, i wanted to agree with the other anon- i too, only sleep in my underwear.. and a shirt, if it's not that hot. i don't take my panties off too, since it makes me feel dirty and all.
.. and also speaking of that, i'd like to share the little scenario i had because of your fic- like imagine the next time shinobu fucks you, you prepared for it- and decided to not wear any underwear at all.. and then shinobu finds it amusing, especially since she commented on your panties the first time she fucked you. probably whisper something like, "someone's feeling a bit bold today.." in your ear as her hands start to-- excuses, excuses.. i think i'm getting too carried away. whajsjkskdkd. omg..
-- oh, and then the next time she fucks you, you decide to surprise her with a lingerie, and you just love seeing the different reactions the serial killer has:)) from her being flustered, to her being even more turned on, and- i really gotta stop šŸ˜¦šŸ˜¦
- again, ty for the food, beloved!!:)) šŸ‘»
Slasher Shinobu who just keeps getting surprised by the different underwear and lingerie you wear to surprise her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
She definitely gets extra turned on if she sees you all dressed up for her, unable to keep her hands to herself as she starts getting frisky and more clumsy with her actions. Sheā€™s not nervous or anything, sheā€™s just eager to get your clothes ripped off of you as quickly as possibleā€¦
Yeah, Shinobu is one of the more eager ones out of the whole Slasher group. Sheā€™s a lot more willing to tear up your clothes, even if it means ruining them :(
Calm down Shinobuā€¦
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merakiui Ā· 10 months
Oooooh what if we were about to be one of his victims! He could be in a pissed mood and we just bump into him. He was about to kill but we ask if he's OK. We look so concerned for him and it stuns him temporarily. We're different. He fells calm now??? But he still wants to hunt. He smirks and tells up we're fine but if we agree to some coffee he'll be even better. This is before he's caught or even suspected. We get flushed and laugh agreeing thinking it's a joke. But nope! He smiles and grabs our hand and brings us to a coffee ship Azul runs. We enjoy ourselves??? We agree to another coffee date. We enjoys the dates and we end fucking. He still wants to hunt us though. Maybe we have some predator/prey play with HEAVY fear play. He introduces us to his brother and soon its a throuple! Jade helps keep him covered when he gets the itch to kill, and keeps us occupied when floyd is out. He has to stop himself from acualy killing his precious little shrimpy some days. But after he goes out and does it for real with strangers thinking it's us. Admitidly he SHOULD kill us. To many people arpund him could be bad and he could go caught. Oooh OH!!! Maybe we end up pregnant! It could be jade or Floyd's. But either way a baby's on the way! Floyd stops the killing for a while to precupied geting ready for the baby and tending to his now growing family. Then it happens. He's caught. His poor shrimpy is in denial. We visit him in tears begging him to tell us it's not true. He can't be this monster the media is telling us he is.
And that's all I got for now XD I just want smutty angst.
šŸ‘» anon
orz that's so good aaaaaa!!!! And you're so certain Floyd would never do such a thing. He's a sweetheart; he loves you! He's always been so gentle and loving in spite of his mood swings (each one expertly covered up so that you'll never peel back the many layers that enshroud a violent, unpredictable center). But there's so much evidence and he's currently in custody and it's really not looking promising for his innocence... You're begging police to reconsider when they bring you in for an interview. Of course you'll tell them they have it all wrong! Your Floyd would never do such a thing! He's not a killer; he'd never murder anyone! He's going to be a father; the two of you were going to get married (or so you later learned when police searched Floyd's place and found an engagement ring, among other things).
You're so heartbroken that you lean on Jade for support when he offers it. You ask if he knew this entire time and of course he'll lie. He's not looking to be thrown in prison. After all, who else will be here to look after you and the baby? :)
No matter what the authorities or media say about Floyd, you still love him. Maybe it's the hormones from your pregnancy, or maybe it's the delusion you've confined yourself toā€”the certainty that it could never and would never be him even though more and more evidence is surfacing with each passing week. You continue to love and care for him even with all of these gruesome truths. At the very least, you can still visit Floyd when he's in prison. It's not the same, not when you're separated by a thick pane of glass, but at least you can still see him. He may be dangerous to everyone else, but in your eyes he's the sweetest man you've ever known. Maybe it hurts you more to realize that he's not all good as you've always hoped. Maybe it's because, despite all of the delusions you try to believe in, you recognize that though he may not have hurt you in any way he's hurt so many outside of you. And it's a painful reality to grapple with, especially when you're months into your pregnancy and Floyd's not around to brighten your days as he so often did before he was caught.
But there is one consistent in all of this madness. From the very beginning he's always been there, quiet and easy to ignore at times. Jade welcomes you into his arms when you come crying. It's not ideal, but he's someone you're familiar with. And sometimes familiarity is the most bittersweet balm.
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sungiesbabygirl Ā· 3 months
Harsh motivation !Ā”
Youā€™re going to quit writing just bcuz of the hate? What about the fans that looked forward to your writing! You got fans and you had annons to talk to just because they love what youā€™re writing! Most of us are not gonna stick around when you dont write anymore! You didnt earn fans by sexting and flirting with them, you earned them by your amazing cunt clenching stories. How much haters you have honestly just proves youā€™re doing amazing with ur stories! Block them, keep writing and keep doing what you love <3
- šŸ‘»
I never said I wouldnā€™t write anymore but I find it kinda rude how you said most of you arenā€™t going to stick around and support me. I understand in some ways that some of you will leave my blog because Iā€™m not going to post riki smut anymore but honestly I canā€™t do anything to stop that. I do understand that it was a little bad of me to write smut for riki but I will continue when heā€™s 19 because jungwon had smut written for him at 19.
Iā€™m so sorry to anyone who wanted my Riki smut but Iā€™m now just keeping the smut for sunoo + the hyung line. I will still be taking fluff for riki and yandere ones but not in any way smut. Many suggestive where itā€™s kissing but not smut as of right now.
Thank you for understanding
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captainnameless Ā· 3 months
That last ask.Ā šŸ„ŗ
Just imagining Lando in his normal headspace, and obviously it's a hospital - he's already expecting all the machines and beeping. But then he and Daniel walk through the door of Carlosā€™ room, and suddenly it hits him hard, because that's Carlos hooked up to those machines looking so sick and so tired. And he's just kind of stood frozen at the end of the hospital bed, not wanting to get any closer, and that's when he just drops, immediately spinning around and trying to muffle his cries into Danny's shirt.Ā 
And Carlos is insisting he's okay, telling him not to cry, everything's fine, but Lando's still sniffling and keeping his distance.Ā 
And Daniel having to show him that it's okay by being an absolute menace, continuously poking Carlosā€™ arm that isn't hooked up to the IV, giving him fist bumps, and every time Lando whines, so so so scared Danny is hurting him, Carlos is there with reminders of ā€œI'm okay. Papa's fine, you just have to be gentle, yes?ā€Ā 
It takes a lot of coaxing and reassurance from both Danny and Carlos, but they eventually convince him it's okay to give Carlos a hug.
And from there it's all downhill: Carlos having to create a little space on the non-IV side because Lando wants to lay with him. The absolute breakdown when visiting hours are over and now instead of being scared of Carlos, he's clutching onto Carlos and insisting he needs to stay to take care of his papa.Ā - šŸ‘»
yes ): my poor baby. i donā€™t think Lando does well with doctors/hospitals for himself, and seeing someone else hurt might just mess him up even more.
potentially because heā€™s projecting his own fears onto them, thinking well if iā€™m feeling abc than they must feel 10 times worse.
itā€™s why Daniel insists on coming with, and why Carlos had asked twice if they were coming together before confirming the room number.
theyā€™d seen it coming šŸ„ŗ
i can also totally see Daniel trying to clown his way around it, make Lando laugh and show him Carlos is okay in the process but once theyā€™ve touched Lando doesnā€™t leave his side.
iā€™m imagining a full blown tantrum when having to leave, Danielā€™s ensuring Carlos itā€™s okay, heā€™ll deal with it, Landoā€™s getting a bit more leeway tonight. heā€™s probably up most hours of the night, spending a lot of time rocking Lando back to sleep.
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rentsturner Ā· 4 months
i swear the ideas are flowing through my mind like an electric current i need to speak otherwise i'm going to explode.
going to the cinema with dom!al. that's it.
a random screening of a movie that he was sure would have a maximum of ten people in the theater and the two of you go to some seats further away. it starts with a few kisses, a few nibbles on your ear and your neck, some squeezes on your thigh, then two fingers in your wet cunt (and you thank the heavens for wearing a skirt) as he whispers in your ear to make you pay attention to the movie.
"eyes on the screen, love. what's going on, huh? can you tell me what's happening in the movie? i want to make sure you're not missing anything." he says as he's kneeling between your legs and you're doing your best not to moan loudly while he has two fingers inside you and sucks your clit like sucking an orange.
(and then you can fuck in the car or after you get home yay)
- šŸ‘»
FUCKKKK this is such a hot thought. sitting at the back and literally having to bite on your hand to stifle your moans as Alex's head is burried inbetween your legs, he even goes so far as to throw your legs over his shoulders so he has better access.
Pulling on his hair to try to get him to ease up, but him grunting and tapping your thigh, reminding you that he's in charge here, and he told you to sit back and watch the film, so that's what he expects you to do.
fuck and then the car ride after, he'd be quizzing you about the film, making sure that you were paying attention, but ofc you weren't, cos who can when a gorgeous man like that is between your legs. He'd be tutting at you, feigning disappoint, when you come up blank to his questions, smirking at he tells you that he might have to punish you when you get home.
"cant even follow simple instructions, darling, can you? I told you to pay attention to that film, so easy, and you couldn't even do that. I think you need punishing, don't you, pretty girl?"
"but, Al-"
"no, no, no excuses. Youre gonna taken whatever youre given tonight, hm?"
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tummyobsessed Ā· 2 months
As a suggestion for your last post, one of the ingredients could be cereal. I find that too much cereal always gives me horrible cramps, especially the pillow ones that have some sort of filling inside. It might just be me, but I've heard several people say they get the same way after eating too many ( and when I say too many, it doesn't even have to be a large amount, depending on your system ), so maybe it'll work for you too.
And if not that, I feel like if you're sensitive to dairy, cheese is quite the obvious option here. Although pairing it with milk and cereal could make for an interesting combo...
Also I'd like to claim this emoji šŸ‘» if that's okay :)
Belly inventory:
- 30 sugar free gummies
- 2 laxatives
- 2 cups of apple juice
- jar of pickles
- 5 spicy chickens
- 2 carrots
-half a jug of icecream
-1 cup of milk
- 6 cupcakes
- 2 bowls of lucky charms
- 3 baby bells
Belly update:
I dunno how much longer I'm going to last. I feel really sick now and I'm starting to feel like I should run for the toilet. Ill also remind yall now that i am *very* caffine intolerant. I'm going to hold it as long as possible though... I think all the dairy and the sugar aren't reacting well.
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ghoulishfreak Ā· 10 days
10 mins puppy
yeseysss get to cum in 10 minutes!!!!! so hard ans wett and open, fucking mhself with my fingerss
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cringecannon Ā· 8 months
ive been reading ur posts for a while and i had a vision from god recently that i needed to share with like minds, so i hope this will be to ur taste... i've been trying to find others who i know this will appeal to (besides me)
but...... bhaalcest-- orin being incredibly possessive over durge and jealous over gortash and durge's relationship, so she changes into gortash when she knows durge is expecting him and has her way with durge, while they're none the wiser.
for the sake of everyone else (and urself) i wont get into the nasty gorey parts that really makes this so much better, i love me some knife"play" (is it really play if orin just outright stabs u) and woundfucking (that i really want to get into but!!!!! i have to find the right audience... hoping i can rant insanely about all that here i just didn't wanna outright plop it down when this scene is good by itself too LJDLASJFAL) -šŸ‘»
To be fair, I already wrote about Orin fingering a wound. Iā€™m all for insane fucked up knifeplay rants in my inbox. Anyway, obligatory Dubcon, Orin, and Improper Use of Gortashā€™s Body warning
Somethingā€™s wrong with Enver.
You only notice it sometimes. The look in his eyes is wrong, or his grip on you is far too tight. Whenever you mention the change in demeanor, he brushes it off. Or he gets angry. Yelling, throwing things, veins in his throat bulging kind of angry. Thereā€™s something wrong with him. The man you know wouldnā€™t act like this.
You love it.
You almost pounce on him the first time it happens, so turned on you donā€™t even bother removing anything but the bare necessities. Heā€™s confused for only a moment, but quickly falls into place. You ride him until his eyes roll back, nails digging so hard into your hips that they draw blood. You leave your own bloody scratches down his chest, marking him.
Imagine your surprise when you get to see him again a few days later and the marks are gone completely. It throws you off- your hips are still bruised. You call him out on it, he waves his hand and says he had an image to uphold. He canā€™t walk around looking like he was attacked by a feral cat. The comment irritates you. You like seeing him marked up, proof that heā€™s yours. You reach for your knife subtly. You think he needs to be reminded of your real claws.
Youā€™re frozen when instead an ornate dagger is suddenly held to your throat. That bastard. Heā€™s stolen your trick.
He presses the point of it to your throat, drawing blood. You feel the warm drip of it down your skin and into your shirt. You should kill him for this. You should play in his guts while he begs for the mercy of death. However, feeling him cut through your clothes with no regard for your safety excites you more. Every thin slice into your skin as he hurries to get you nude is exhilarating. Youā€™ll get him back for it, eventually. You just need him inside you.
He shoves you back hard, splaying you out on the table. You eagerly spread your legs for him, throwing your head back with a gasp when he bends down to lick the trail of blood all the way back up to your neck.
He groans into your ear, hips grinding against yours with a stuttered breath. He wants to savor your blood, forever remember it staining your pretty skin. He leans to the side to hold the dagger against your stomach, dragging the blade across it teasingly. The cut is thin, barely drawing blood. You arch your back, desperate for more. He laughs breathlessly, pulling the dagger away to instead hold it over your thigh. You ask what's gotten into him. He laughs again, biting down on your shoulder. He asks a question of his own- how far would you let him go?
The dagger dances on your skin and you writhe, holding back a grin. Anything. You'd let him do anything, so long as you could play with him too. He groans, mouthing at the junction where your shoulder meets your neck. Of course. It'd only be fair, he wants you to play in his blood too. Wouldn't it be divine, love?
He's never called you love, ever. You're not sure he's called anyone love in his life, but when the blade finally bites into your flesh... you can't seem to make yourself care. You just beg for more.
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desires-of-chain Ā· 9 months
Hello!! šŸ‘»
So I read over all your rules and this doesn't break any of them, but there's a power play between Time and Twi vs Wars on how Reader(GN) is cleaned up and a tad on how Wars is talked to.
Anyhoo... pt 2 of the mini fic I promised!
Word count: 1,278
You didn't know how much more you could take. Your head was lulled back on Time's shoulder in a daze, ears sounded like cotton was packed into them and your skin was electrified. Your body moved to their rhythm, not your own since you lost all strength to keep up with them.
Your back was laid against Time's lean, chiseled front. You reached back and tangled your fingers into his hair as his mouth made its way from your shoulder, up the side of your neck, to your ear where he nipped it. His hot breath ghosted over the shell of your ear as he praised you. Telling you how you were taking both of them so well, thanking you for letting him have a taste of you.
Twilight had his arms under the bend of your knees, leaning in with his soft but very toned body. He had just licked a stripe up the front of your throat and was making his way back down to mouth at your chest. Your free hand was in his light brown hair.
Time whispered in your ear, "How are you feeling, sweetness?"
"Mmmā€¦ Like I just got the sixth orgasm fucked out of me."
Twilight chuckled at your snarkiness. "Keep being sassy and we will have to fuck that out of you too." He bit one of your nipples and it made you jolt with a gasp. "Someone feels ready to go again."
"That they do." Time rolled his hips lightly and you were seeing stars. "Are you ready for us?"
You breathlessly say yes.
"Good, because we aren't done with you yet." Twi said before there was a whimpering sound from the other end of the bed.
They had tied Wars, naked, to a chair. A gag was in his mouth, nipple clamps on and no way to get friction to his weeping cocking. Wars had made a comment about how he found Twi and you after Twi made your fantasy come true. How he could have done betterā€¦ Twilight didn't take kindly to it and you had said you would fuck Time before the Captain. So here you three were, making Wars wait his turn.
Twilight and Time seemed to have a silent conversation or it was out loud, but you still couldn't hear them properly. Time pressed you forward as Twilight laid on his back. You stayed on your hands and knees as they worked you into position. They both moaned as you wiggled. It was a tight fit with them sharing the same space inside you.
They started off slowly to make sure you were still okay, but they quickly turned up the pace. While Twi thrusted into you, Time was pulling out. So no matter what, one of them was ramming their thick cock into you. The motion had you bouncing with them, words were reduced to sounds and you felt like they were going to split you open at any moment.
You placed your hand on your lower stomach and felt the large bulge. You pressed on it firmly, causing Twilight to curse how good you felt and to keep doing that. You pressed a little firmer and had Time gripping your hips in a bruising grasp, moaning your name.
You were about to collapse onto Twi's chest when he placed a non-threatening hand on your throat to keep you up on your hands and knees. "Not yet, baby. You can rest when we cum."
Time laid against your back, teeth grazing your shoulder. "And that's going to be soon."
Twi planted his feet and Time sat up on one knee, the other foot planted to the outside of you and Twi for a better, stable position.
You did find it strange that they all were so comfortable with each other, walking around the house in almost nothing and sometimes there really was nothing. Knowing that some of them wanted to have you, made you turn a deeper red at the thought. Thinking of two or three more of your housemates plowing into you like Time and Twilight were and soon Wars would be, had you orgasming again and you screamed with how tight you became around the two inside you.
Speaking of the twoā€¦ they were like pistons in a speeding car, fucking you like their lives depended on it. Twilight's back arched, mouth open in a silent scream. Time was only half a dozen thrust behind him, grinding himself deep inside you. You could feel both of their hot seeds filling you so full and you finally were able to collapse to rest.
You kissed Twi with a hum. He moved your wet bangs for your face and slid his tongue along yours in a passionate kiss before he slowly pulled out of you. You were now empty, outside of their cum and it had you begging to be filled again.
Time chuckled and cooed over you for a moment, then walked to Warriors side, untied him and pulled off the gag. He gripped him by the back of the neck like a puppy and told him that he had to clean up the mess before he got to fill you up with himself. It was purely a power play between men and Wars was not the dominant one in the room, though he seemed to be enjoying himself as he began to eat you up.
Like a good boy, Warriors did as he was told and waited for instructions. Twilight inspected your entrance with his fingers, deeming you ready.
You smiled up at the Cap and held your legs open and up so he could see your wanting hole. In a clear mind you wouldn't have presented yourself in such a way, but you were needy and needed him in you.
Wars pulled you closer by the hips as Time and Twi laid down on either side of you to watch the action. With your legs over strong hips, you started to be filled once again and you could have cried because of how good it felt to have a swollen cock back inside you.
You could tell Wars wanted to go slow and enjoy what he had been deprived of for the last two hours, but Twilight ordered him to go as fast and hard as he could until he came. When Wars growled in protest, Twi sat up and snatched him by the jaw. "Do it or you pull out right now. Your choice." He gave a tug to the clamps still on Wars nipples.
Wars gave a whimper mixed with a moan. He didn't moan because of who was giving him orders, just that someone was. Reluctantly, he did as he was told once again and throttled you with everything he had.
He was rocking all four of you on the bed with the force he was using, bed hitting the wall. You were overstimulated and began to scream and begged for him to make you cum, nails digging into his back. Unknowingly to you, the others were enjoying the show and making use of their hands on their own cocks.
Warriors panting hot breath was on your shoulder, biting down as his hips slapped into you a few more times before stopping. You both relaxed after how intense that just was.
You saw Time sit up when Wars left your body and he gripped the younger by the hair. "Be snarky with your comments about them again in a sexual way and I will make sure that they fuck you from behind into the mattress like the pillow princess we all know you are. Understand?"
šŸ«£Hope you enjoy! ~šŸ‘»
Tumblr media
HOLY SHYETTTT not Twilight calling him out jdfkasldfjadf
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doodle-pops Ā· 10 months
This is what too much TikTok does to someone:
Y/n: I got to get back before (elf) realizes I'm not in bed
Elf: *half asleep not finding their lover's body to cuddle* Y/n? Y/n?!
Elf: *now wide awake and aware their lover is missing* Y/N!!!
Who do you think would be like this? I think post!angband Maedhros, Celegorm, Maeglin, Maglor, Finrod, Glorfindel and Fingon would fit perfectly
P.s: I've been away for so long busy with life that I feel like a complete stranger now šŸ’€
Celegorm would tear the entire house apart to search for Y/N.
Fingon, Glorfindel, Finrod and Beleg would run around like headless chickens
Maeglin and Maedhros would sit there and wait with panic and worry
You've been hone and I've been lonely. Where have you been??šŸ˜­
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sea-lanterns Ā· 3 months
hi angeyyy, so just stopping by to ask u where u bought those plushies whajsk my older sis and i have been dying to get our hands on them too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i've specifically wanted the arlecchino one for so long jnghsgghh thanks love
- ghost anon:))
I donā€™t recall an Arlecchino plushie for the type of plushies that I buy, but I buy them off of Amazon!
Iā€™m sure if you search up Genshin plushies on Amazon, youā€™ll stumble across some derpy, chibi styled genshin plushies that have the little metal keychains on them. Thats where I got my Navia and Furina :)
(And Kafka too)
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merakiui Ā· 11 months
SK Floyd questions if that's OK. If not please ignore
1) is he still a merman in this au
2) who all did he kill and how
3) how does he feel about his brother also being with MC
4) is he on death row
5) why did he kill them
šŸ‘» anon if that's ok
Hi hi, šŸ‘»!!! Iā€™m more than happy to receive sk!Floyd questions! Please ask away~~ :D
1) he can be! Although I like to think this is an au without any magic and so Floydā€™s just a regular human, albeit a scarily strong one. ^^;;;
2) a lot of his kills are spontaneous and driven mainly by what he was feeling then (often anger or other negative emotions). I also imagine heā€™s a thrill killer, so none of his kills were truly personal. His victims just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Nearly every death is gruesome and beyond bloody. Unlike sk!Jade, who is precise and clean in his kills, Floyd lives for making a mess. Heā€™ll beat and slaughter his victims until theyā€™re nearly unrecognizable, or heā€™ll shoot them enough times until theyā€™re something akin to Swiss cheese. Itā€™s always painful and violent and horrifically gory.
3) Floyd doesnā€™t mind it! Heā€™s actually happy Jade likes you as well because it means he can keep you company while Floyd remains stuck in his prison cell (which will hopefully be temporary). Also, Jade can give him updates on you and your life outside of your work! Itā€™s a win-win all around for him.
4) he is and he doesnā€™t know when his execution date is. It could be tomorrow or next week or many years from now. Floydā€™s determined to get out before that comes to pass.
5) there isnā€™t a deep personal motive to his kills. He likes the thrill and danger that comes with murder, and he chases the addictive high that comes from snuffing human life. In Floydā€™s words he kills because ā€œitā€™s fun and exciting,ā€ and thatā€™s really all the explanation he ever gives to those who ask. ^^;;;
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our-t4t-experience Ā· 3 months
my girlfriend is adorable whenever she gets flustered she makes these cute little squeaks and I just. Melt. We spent pretty much all day together yesterday, I took them home around midnight after we cuddled for hours. Theyā€™re just the sweetest, cutest human being. I had never really felt trans joy before I met her, I was neutral about my identity at best. But now I am so happy to be trans, and to be trans with my beautiful girlfriend! I wouldnā€™t trade it for anything.
(PS. I love all of you with your trans joy and relationships and friendships. I wish you all the happiness ever.)
i love this sm i love yall
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