tsukimochi-k · 4 months
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tatsuya9 · 4 months
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明けましておめでとうございます 今年もよろしくお願いします Happy new year!!
今年は辰年ということで 龍と竜人娘を
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indatsukasa · 2 years
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tria tonitrua
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daphanieyen · 8 months
#新娘飾品設計 #海線新秘 #台中新秘 #清水新秘 #梧棲新秘 #沙鹿新秘 #龍井新秘
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fresa-lu · 9 months
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屏東鐵板燒奢華料理,鹿島日式鐵板燒. 位於家樂福新屏店美食街,餐廳空間雅致舒適. 高檔水姑娘龍蝦+日本和牛肋眼太豪華饗宴! 主廚桌邊香煎肉品飄來香氣真是口水直流. 精緻菜盤放滿桌面,一人或多人聚餐都好享受.
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鹿島日式鐵板燒位於家樂福新屏店美食街. 美食廣場底端就能看到鹿島日式鐵板燒. 地點鄰近屏東縣民公園、民族路觀光夜市. 開車過來可以停在家樂福停車場. 餐廳消費可抵停車費.
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餐廳空間相當寬敞,打造素雅日式風格. 由餐廳人員貼心帶位,最愛搖滾座位區. 有鐵板燒桌位和一般桌位.
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整間餐廳佈置還挺新穎有特色. 有些半隔間的座位區,保留客人隱私. 擁有個人用餐空間感.
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yossixx · 1 year
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#日本酒 #sake #だいどこなか #だいどこやまなか 土曜日の二軒目は何年ぶりかの木津市場 #いざ 豆腐のチーズ餡かけ #祥雲金龍 #東昭 揚げ出しと谷町納豆のかき揚げと シシャモ #蝉 #三女子  #長陽福娘 (だいどこ やまなか) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKV_r5y161/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keikosong · 2 years
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又再來龍山寺參拜了😅 這次主要向華佗仙師跟天上聖母祈求媽媽月底開刀順利👍 現在要上班,沒辦法像是之前可以幫忙整天看顧,祈求媽媽身體健康,開刀順利🤗 #萬華艋舺龍山寺 #華佗仙師 #天上聖母娘娘 (在 萬華區龍山寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvrAkASMzO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tokudesu · 2 years
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🍶ひとりではしご酒🍺 2022年10月15日 大塚SAKE walkその1 3年ぶりに開催された「大塚SAKE walk」 コロナ禍で中止が発表されて以降、いつ再開されるのか毎年首を長くして待っていました。参加店舗がコンパクトにまとまっていて、飲み歩きしやすいんですよね。 今回は、5店舗10酒蔵、時間も5時間と1店舗あたり1時間とゆったりでき、蔵人さんともコミュニケーションが取れたので、非常に良かったですね。 3年ぶりのスタートは、東京メトロ新大塚駅近くの「酒味処 きの字」さんから。 スタートの11時30分に到着すると、店内は既にいっぱいじゃないですか‼️早くスタートしていたのでしょうか。 アク千葉ブランドにも参加している千葉県勝浦市の東灘醸造から杜氏の菊池譲さん。 「鳴海 特別純米 直詰め生 青」 「鰹正宗 辛口純米酒」 福島県南会津郡の会津酒造から蔵元の渡部景大さん。 「山の井40生 純米大吟醸 3BY」まだどこにも出ていない試験醸造の日本酒を特別に出品。 「山の井70」 ゆったりと蔵元さんと話をした後は、JR大塚駅方面の「地酒や もっと」さんへ向かいます。 ここでは、 鳥取県八頭郡の太田酒造場から蔵元の太田章太郎さんが 「辨天娘 純米酒H30BY 8番娘」 「辨天娘 純米生原酒R3BY 8番娘」を、 奈良県宇陀市の久保本家酒造から蔵元の久保順平さんが 「生酛のどぶ」 「睡龍 純米 涼」 をお猪口に注いでくれましたよ。 「29 Rotie」さんでは、 島根県邑智郡の玉櫻酒造から杜氏の櫻尾尚平さんが、 「純米 佐香錦 玉櫻」 「生酛純米酒 五百万石 玉櫻」を、 大阪府豊能郡の秋鹿酒造から蔵人の田中彩夏さんが 「山廃純米酒 秋鹿」 「山廃 霙もよう 秋鹿」を、 生ハムに合わせて、燗で提供してくれました。 #日本酒🍶 #日本酒で乾杯 #日本酒好きな人と繋がりたい #日本酒好きな女子と繋がりたい #大塚sakewalk #酒味処きの字 #東灘醸造 #鳴海 #鰹正宗 #会津酒造 #山の井 #地酒やもっと #太田酒造場 #辨天娘 #久保本家酒造 #生酛のどぶ #睡龍 #29rotie #玉櫻 #秋鹿酒造 (大塚駅otsuka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMjepayslb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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setenirdebouthelas · 2 years
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#例のプール #kantaicollection #艦隊これくしょん #kancolle #艦これ #kanmusu #艦娘 #unryu #雲龍 #kigurumi #animegao #animegaokigurumi #animecosplay #animegaocosplay #dollmask #dollmaskcosplay #kigurumicosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #crossdresser #cosplayphotography #cosplayportrait #仮面少女 #仮面女子 #着ぐるみ #コスプレ #コスプレイヤー (Hanazono Room : pstudio 136) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj29Sfip2mQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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taiwan11house · 2 years
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吉兒這幾年忙進修 — workin on學術界也留下屬於11家、二林鎮的足跡;忙教課同時延伸原有烘焙興趣, 從「食」方面研發屬於11家二林的產品, 於是另創了 Fb🔍蜜司•11手作麵包工作室 / Instagram🔍11_bakery 當然,大家熟悉的住宿: 11 House~still running喲😙 ~ 只是吉兒在斜槓從不同層面來推廣文化及小鎮地方創生~ 謝謝大家一直以來的關心和支持~ 就讓我們一起繼續堅持的走下去, 找·回~家的感動吧! o(^▽^)o ~ #11家大門永遠在 #素養旅遊 #找回家的感動 #11家民宿11House #台灣唯一酒莊密度最高小鎮 #結婚迎娶新娘子們永遠娘家的11家 #低溫發酵 #低溫烘焙 #無油低糖低鈉 #蕎麥薏仁水果脆片貝果 #honey火龍果貝果 #蜂蜜火龍果牛奶水果生吐司 #11bakery #二林特產 #二林火龍果貝果 #無油低糖貝果 #無油低糖低鈉貝果 #台中貝果推薦 #台中貝果 #二林貝果 #台灣貝果 (at 11 House) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf1H-9VBZiC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yoga-onion · 1 month
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (12)
Toyotama-hime – Wani (Dragon) Goddess disguised as a human
Wani was a dragon or sea monster in Japanese mythology. Wani is discribed as "crocodile", or sometimes "shark".
Toyotamahime (See) is a goddess in Japanese mythology. Daughter of the sea god Watatsumi, she was said to reside in a dragon palace. Their palace was as if made from fish scales and supposedly lies undersea. Her true form was “Yahiro no Owani (meaning giant crocodile, approx. 24 m long)”, and she was the wife of Hoori (See2), is known as the epitome of human–animal marriage tales. She was the mother of Ugayafukiaezu-no-Mikoto (See3), father of Emperor Jinmu (the first Emperor: See4), and sister of Tamayori-hime (See5), the Emperor's mother.
Toyotamahime makes a fateful meeting with the demigod prince, Yamasachi, also known as Hoori ("Fire-Subside"). They married and lived happily in the dragon palace. 3 years later, she and her husband Hoori, who missed home, went ashore to give birth.
She then warned her husband, "All people from other parts of the world give birth in the form of their native country when giving birth. So I will give birth to a child in my true form”, and requested Hoori not watch how she gives birth. Hoori, however, was pazzled and peered in on his wife as she was giving birth, and saw her crawling around as a giant crocodile of about 24 metres (79 ft) long. He then startled in shock and retreated. Toyatama-hime learnt that being witnessed her true form by her husband, "I have always intended to pass through the path of the sea," she said, "but I am ashamed that you should have observed my true form.” She blocked the sea path, leaving the child behind and left.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (12)
トヨタマヒメ 〜人間に変身する和邇 (龍) の女神
トヨタマヒメ(参照)は、日本神話の女神である。海神ワタツミの娘で、竜宮城に住んでいると言われている。その宮殿は魚の鱗でできたようなもので、海中にあるとされる。その正体は「八尋の大和邇(やひろのおおわに: 体長約24mの巨大な鰐の意)」で、ホオリ(参照2)の妻であったことから、異類婚姻譚の典型として知られる。神武天皇(初代天皇: 参照4)の父である鵜葺草葺不合尊(うがやふきあえずのみこと: 参照3)の母であり、天皇の母である玉依姫(たまよりひめ: 参照5)の姉である。
その時、トヨタマヒメは夫に「すべて他国の者は子を産む時になれば、その本国の形になつて産むのです。それでわたくしももとの身になつて産もうと思い���すが、わたくしを御覽遊ばしますな」と忠告した。ところが夫のホオリはその言葉を不思議に思い、妻が今盛んに出産している最中に覗いてみると、八丈 (約24m) もある長い鰐になって這いずり回っていた。そしてホオリは畏れ驚き退いた。しかるにトヨタマヒメは夫が窺見した事を知り、御子を産み置いて去った。「わたくしは常に海の道を通つて通おうと思っておりましたが、わたくしの形を覗いて御覽になつたのは恥かしいことです」と言い、海の道をふさいで帰ってしまった。
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jjjackasss · 4 months
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謹賀新年!2024年初イラストは龍の手甲を装着した中華拳法筋肉娘でスタート! 去年に引き続き、今年も何卒よろしくお願いいたします!
Happy new year!!
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ryu-masakaze · 4 months
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X(旧Twitter)のハッシュタグ「フォロワーさんからもらった要素を集めてどすけべ龍娘を作る」で描いたものです。 アズレンキャラとかを参考にしてみたものの、思ったほど「どすけべ」くならなくて苦戦しました。 セクシーやエロとも違う、どすけべとは・・・!
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moment-japan · 1 month
南佳孝 モンローウォーク
作詞:来生えつこ 作曲:南佳孝 編曲:坂本龍一
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nonono-zzz · 4 months
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龍ということで...#ウマ娘 pic.twitter.com/WE0veb5ZpE
— 鶴羽美(Tsurubami)既刊メロン販売中 (@K6Azokusuki) January 1, 2024
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mementoboni · 9 months
Kaoru and Hong Kong Movies
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X ( Long post!! )
It's been a while, but I found that Kaoru mentioned a lot of classic Hong Kong movies in this tweet.
These are the movies I used to watch when I was a kid, and I never thought I'd ever hear them from Kaoru one day, so I want to give a brief introduction to these movies. 😀
01. スパルタンX (Spartan X)
繁體中文:快餐車 / English: Wheels on Meals
Wheels on Meals is a 1984 Hong Kong martial arts action comedy film written and directed by Sammo Hung (洪金寶), with action choreographed by Jackie Chan (成龍). The film stars Jackie Chan (成龍), Sammo Hung (洪金寶), Yuen Biao (元彪), Lola Forner, Benny Urquidez and José Sancho.
In 1984, it was adapted into the video game Spartan X (released as Kung-Fu Master internationally).
The final fight between Jackie Chan and Benny Urquidez
🎥 Best Fight Scene 👇
02. 五福星 (ごふくせい)
繁體中文:奇謀妙計五福星 / English: Winners and Sinners (or 5 Lucky Stars)
Winners and Sinners is a 1983 Hong Kong action comedy film written and directed by Sammo Hung (洪金寶), who also starred in the film. The film co-stars Jackie Chan (成龍) and Yuen Biao (元彪), the latter serving as one of the film's action directors.
The film is followed by My Lucky Stars (福星高照) and Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars (夏日福星), insofar as the "Five Lucky Stars" concept (福星系列) and many of the same actors return in those latter films. However, the character names and indeed their roles differ - Stanley Fung's character is the nominal "leader" of the quintet in Winners and Sinners (奇謀妙計五福星), whereas Hung's character takes the mantle in the latter films.
🎥 Best Fight Scene 👇
03. 霊幻道士 (れいげん どうし)
繁體中文:殭屍先生 (or 暫時停止呼吸) / English: Mr. Vampire
As this is one of my favorite movies, I will introduce more 😃
Mr. Vampire is a 1985 Hong Kong comedy horror film directed by Ricky Lau (劉觀偉) and produced by Sammo Hung (洪金寶).
The vampire of the film is based on the jiangshi (殭屍/ㄐ一ㄤˉ ㄕˉ), the hopping corpses of Chinese folklore (similar to both zombies and vampires).
"殭" means "to die immortal" (死而不朽) or "stiff" (about the same as "僵"), and "屍" means "dead body".
The film was released under the Chinese title 暫時停止呼吸 (literally: Hold Your Breath for a Moment) in Taiwan. This is because most (not all) of the 殭屍 can't see with their eyes, they can only tell where people are by their breathing, so if you hold your breath you won't get caught by 殭屍.
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
The film is set in the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China (清朝末年~民國初期), that is, the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and most of the 殭屍 are wearing the costumes of Qing Dynasty officials.
(That's why, when I first read about the Qing Dynasty (清朝) in the history textbook, I wondered why people were all dressed as 殭屍 🤣)
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
The box office of Mr. Vampire success led to the creation of a Mr. Vampire franchise, with the release of four sequels directed by Ricky Lau (劉觀偉) from 1986 to 1992, and subsequent similarly themed films with different directors released between 1987 and 1992, with Lam Ching-ying (林正英) as the lead for the majority of them.
The film was the breakthrough success of the jiangshi genre, a trend popular in Hong Kong during the 1980s, and established many of the genre's recognisable tropes.
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
I highly recommend this movie!!
Also, I love the the movie song - Ghost Bride (鬼新娘).
🎥 ※ This song is in Cantonese (廣東話/粵語). 👇
04. Mr.Boo
繁體中文:半斤八両 / English: The Private Eyes
The Private Eyes is a 1976 Hong Kong comedy film written, directed by and starring Michael Hui (許冠文) and co-starring his brothers Samuel Hui (許冠傑) and Ricky Hui (許冠英) as well as Shih Kien (石堅) and Richard Ng (吳耀漢) in his second film role. Sammo Hung (洪金寶) served as the film's action director and Jackie Chan (成龍) was also a stuntman.
In 1979, when Jiahe Corporation (嘉禾公司) promoted Bruce Lee's (李小龍) kung fu film in Japan, it added "The Private Eyes" and changed its propaganda department to "Mr Boo!" as a call to action, it became a huge hit, earning a billion yen at the box office in Japan, followed by several Huh Brothers (許氏兄弟) comedies featuring "Mr. Boo!" as the title.
It is worth mentioning that Hsu Kuan-chieh's (許冠傑) character was voiced by the famous Japanese actor Kitano Takeshi (北野武). In 1981, Takakura Ken (高倉健) starred in "駅 STATION ", there are also male and female protagonists watching "The Private Eyes" kitchen fighting scenes. Japanese manga master Akatsuka Fujio (赤塚不二夫) has written the preface and Japanese lyrics for this film.
🎥 The kitchen fighting scenes 👇
繁體中文:吳耀漢 / English: Richard Ng
Kaoru mentioned 吳耀漢 in the tag because he passed away in April 2023. 吳耀漢 is a famous actor in Hong Kong, and he has appeared in all the movies mentioned above except Mr. Vampire.
※ In fact, 吳耀漢 appeared in 霊幻道士3 (繁體中文:靈幻先生 / English: Mr. Vampire III), a sequel to the Mr. Vampire series, which was released in 1986. I guess this is the movie Kaoru was referring to.
Speaking of 吳耀漢, I would like to recommend another Hong Kong movie: Rigor Mortis
05. Rigor Mortis
繁體中文:殭屍(2013) or 殭屍 七日重生
Rigor Mortis is a 2013 Hong Kong horror film directed by Juno Mak (麥浚龍) and produced by Takashi Shimizu (清水崇,the director of 呪怨 Juon). The film is a tribute to the Mr. Vampire film series. Many of the former cast are featured in this film: Chin Siu-ho (錢小豪), Anthony Chan (陳友), Billy Lau (樓南光) and Richard Ng (吳耀漢). *吳耀漢 is the 殭屍 on the poster. 👆
Unlike the usual Hong Kong comedies, the overall atmosphere in Rigor Mortis is very depressing. The whole movie is full of nostalgia and reluctance for Mr. Vampire, which reminds people of the glory of Hong Kong jiangshi movies back in the day. Personally, I think it is the best jiangshi movie of the last 20 years.
🎥 The Hallway Scene in the movie also uses the song Ghost Bride (鬼新娘), and the song is even more creepy as it slows down. 👇
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It's really happy to know that Kaoru has watched these movies.
💜 Thanks for reading 💜
Btw, today (2023/08/30, the 15th day of the 7th lunar month) is The Ghost Festival (中元節).
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