#體脂肪率Body Fat
guangyaw · 2 months
TANITA BC-565 九合一體組成計
春節期間想必大家都是從除夕吃到現在, 短短的一周時間通常就是睡醒後就從早吃到晚, 今天已經是初五即便不想面對, 也是要多注意自己的體重, 今天就帶大家來看下 TANITA BC-565 九合一體組成計 既然名為九合一, 顧名思義就表示有九種功能: 體重Weight 體脂肪率Body Fat % 體水分率Total Body Water 肌肉量Muscle mass 基礎代謝量BMR 體內年齡Metabolicage 內臟脂肪指數Visceral fatrating 推定骨量Bone mass 身體質量指數BMI  除了上述這些功能之外, TANITA BC-565 還能夠登入 4個帳號, 方便每個人了解自己的身體狀況 TANITA BC-565…
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thelightoftheeast · 6 months
ABOUT ME 關於東方男孩
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筆名:東方之光 Pen name: Light of the East 性別:男 Sex: Male 国家/地区:哈尔滨 nationality / region:Harbin. 年龄:23岁 Age: 23 years old
Monthly Salary:$416. 
Occupation: Low-level worker 
Emotional status: single. 
為什麼單身:我也不知道我為什麼單身。 但是我感覺大機率是因為我長的醜還窮還不打遊戲不會抽菸不會喝酒。 性格比較內向? 我之前也嘗試過追求女生但是沒有一次是成功的。 後來經過查詢才知道。 中國大部分女孩是不喜歡甚至討厭我這種男生的。 中國有百分之85以上女生都喜歡那種穿著奇裝異服的帥氣的男孩。 而且是有刺青的,吃喝嫖賭都會的那種! 但是可惜這些我都不會。 所以沒有中國女生口中的男生氣質。 我是屬於哪一個比較老實內向的男孩。 
Why single:I don't know why I'm single. But I feel it’s most likely because I’m ugly, poor, and can’t play games, smoke, or drink. More introverted? I have tried to pursue girls before but never succeeded. I found out later after making inquiries. Most girls in China don't like or even hate boys like me. More than 85% of Chinese girls like handsome boys who wear fancy clothes. And he is a tattooed person who can eat, drink, whore, and gamble! But unfortunately I don’t know any of these. So there is no masculine temperament that Chinese girls say. I am a kind of honest and introverted boy.
最喜歡的網路公司是? 答案:雅虎,谷歌,臉書,微軟。 What is your favorite Internet company? Answer: Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Microsoft. 最喜歡的亞洲菜:五花肉。 鍋燒肉。 茄子和馬鈴薯一起燉。 排骨和豆子一起燉煮。 Favorite Asian dish: pork belly. Pot-roasted meat. Eggplant stewed with potatoes. Pork ribs and beans stewed. 最喜歡的國家:美國,日本,紐西蘭,東南亞地區。 Favorite countries: United States, Japan, New Zealand, Southeast Asia. 座右銘:如果世界上有一些事情是用錢辦不到的,那麼用更多的錢就可以做到。 Maxim:If there is something in the world that cannot be done with money, it can be done with more money. Maxim: 你最喜歡哪個國家的女孩? 日本女孩。 因為日本女孩表面上非常溫柔善良。 東南亞女孩。 因為東南亞的女孩子都比較貞潔。 Which country is your favorite girl? Japanese girl. Because Japanese girls are very gentle and kind on the surface. Southeast Asian girls. Because girls in Southeast Asia are relatively chaste. 最喜歡的亞洲歌曲? 浮生記 Favorite Asian song? The story of a floating life.
我也知道為什麼突然開通了一個博客,一切都很突然。 我也不知道這裡的自述從和說起。 雖然有很多想說,但又說不出來什麼。 生活中的我非常內向,生活中的朋友總是那麼幾個。 我曾經透過網路心理測驗自己測試過,結果是憂鬱症或強迫症。 但是在專業醫生面前診斷總是正常健康的。 我也不知道為什麼。 (也許我在這裡可以發現真正的我,我在這裡應該會有朋友吧?我自認為我的童年是在一個黑暗叢林之中度過的,並且裡面充滿了各種恐怖的幽靈還是地獄的惡 鬼!
記得那是一個寒冷的冬天我出生在亞洲一個貧窮黑暗的小城市,我剛出生就差點去。 【新生兒硬腫症,又稱新生兒硬皮症或皮脂硬化症,早產兒和體重不足兒發病率高。 本病多發生於寒冷季節。 因新生兒皮下脂肪含熔點高及體溫調節中樞不夠完善,在低溫條件下(室溫過低或保暖不良),皮下脂肪堆積部位易於凝固而發生硬腫。 本病絕大多數兒童在生後一週內出現症狀,主要表現就是不吃奶、不哭,體溫低(≤35攝氏度)。 全身皮下脂肪多的部位出現皮膚冷、硬、呈暗紅色或青紫。 皮膚緊貼皮下組織,僵硬不易移動,依之似硬橡皮樣,伴水腫者按之可有凹陷。 硬腫常先出現在小腿、大腿外側,繼而蔓延至臀部、軀幹及頰部。 硬腫症常併發肺炎及敗血症,嚴重者可因肺出血而死亡】 (未完結等待編輯中)
I also know why I suddenly started a blog, everything was so sudden. I don’t know where the self-report here starts with and. Although I have a lot to say, I can't say anything. I am very introverted in life, and I always have only a few friends in my life. I once tested myself through an Internet psychological test, and the result was depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder. But it is always normal and healthy to be diagnosed in front of a professional doctor. I do not know why either. (Maybe I can find the real me here, and I should have friends here, right? I think my childhood was spent in a dark jungle, and it was full of all kinds of terrifying ghosts or evil spirits from hell. ghost!
I remember it was a cold winter. I was born in a poor and dark small city in Asia. I almost went there just after I was born. [Scleredema neonatorum, also known as neonatal scleroderma or sebaceous sclerosis, has a high incidence in premature infants and underweight infants. This disease mostly occurs in the cold season. Because the subcutaneous fat of newborns has a high melting point and the body temperature regulation center is not perfect, under low temperature conditions (the room temperature is too low or the warmth is poor), the subcutaneous fat accumulation areas are easy to solidify and cause hard swelling. The vast majority of children with this disease develop symptoms within one week after birth. The main symptoms are not feeding, not crying, and low body temperature (≤35 degrees Celsius). The skin appears cold, hard, dark red or blue-purple in areas with a lot of subcutaneous fat all over the body. The skin is close to the subcutaneous tissue, stiff and difficult to move, and feels like hard rubber when pressed. If there is edema, there may be a depression when pressed. Hard swelling often first appears on the outside of the calf and thigh, and then spreads to the buttocks, trunk and cheeks. Scleredema is often complicated by pneumonia and sepsis, and severe cases may cause death due to pulmonary hemorrhage] (Unfinished, waiting for editing)
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
rough translations of an interview i stumbled upon cause @florbexter​ had the nerve to post our beautiful cast doing a photoshoot ;A; (rough as in: neither chinese nor english are my first language so if you want to correct stuff don’t hesitate to comment or message me + I’m going to translate in a way that it makes the most sense in english - so not necessarily word by word)
you can find the original interview here
專訪/抓包女友偷吃 吳承洋男男吻被掰彎 口碑BL劇《HIStory3-圈套》雙CP檔──徐鈞浩、吳承洋、卞慶華、陳廷軒顏值、身材、演技兼具,戲裡撩人開外掛,戲外感情生活卻是比悲傷更悲傷的故事。
Interview: Getting girlfriends stolen & Chris Wu gets “bent”* by a male kiss
File on the double CP of “HIStory3 - Trapped", the BL drama which is in everyone’s mouth right now. Jake Hsu, Chris Wu, Andy Bian & Kenny Chen on looks, physique, acting and their real life stories which are sadder than the dramas plot.
Jake Hsu once helped a girl he was interested in to fix her wardrobe while she was anxious to go on a date; Andy Bian was sick but his girlfriend didn’t come to visit - turns out she cheated on him; Chris Wu had the worst experience when he wanted to give his girlfriend a ring for her birthday but witnessed the guy she was cheating with coming out of her house - he could only hide behind a car and do nothing but sadly sing Adu's “He must love you very much”.
"Crossing the Line/ Boundary Crossing”, the top film in the HIStory series, has brought a lot of pressure to the protagonists of "Trapped”. However, they started the show of with remarkable ratings, having a nearly 50% increase compared to "Crossing the Line/ Boundary Crossing” in the same period. "Trapped" tells the story of the the taboo love between a hot-blooded policeman and a mob boss. In the preview, Chris Wu slowly unbuttons Jake Hsu’s shirt and whispers: "There’s only one left." The amount of “gay-vibes”** left the audience fully enthused. Chris Wu showed of his strong body with 0% body fat in the shower scene. The physique of each of the four main characters is more eye-catching than the other. Andy Bian’s body is said to be Hulk grade while Kenny Chen, who practiced acrobatic gymnastics, is the lean type with only 8% body fat.
師徒再聚首緣分深 說到練特技,陳廷軒突然現場認師,說吳承洋兩年多前曾到北體代課,當過他的特技老師,更直呼:「我國中時有追過他!」其實吳承洋已非新人,他曾是Super131的成員,畢業於戲曲學院的他專長就是特技體操。天然呆的陳廷軒繼續在傷口上撒鹽,說:「Super131是『那個年代』國中生的偶像,以前同學們都會追,還列印一張他們的照片貼在教室門口。」 既是特技老師,又是國中時期的偶像,可見兩人緣分多深,不過陳廷軒笑說之前吳承洋來代課時沒認出他,讓吳承洋忍不住自嘲:「是我太邋遢了嗎?」陳廷軒急忙解釋:「沒有啦,是我沒有把這三個人(指Super131成員、代課老師、吳承洋本人)聯想在一起。」卞慶華笑說:「你看他真的就像戲裡的趙子一樣單純,沒被社會汙染。」
Teacher and apprentice reunite after a long time Speaking of practicing stunts, Kenny Chen suddenly recognized Chris Wu as a substitute teacher at the North Sports School. He was his stunt teacher more than two years ago. Even more bluntly he exclaimed “I have chased him during my time!". In fact, Chris Wu is not a newbie. He was a member of Super 131 and he graduated from his drama school with a specialization in acrobatic gymnastics. Kenny Chen continued to add insult to injury and said, "Super 131 were the idols of the junior high school students during that era. Students would chase them, print pictures of them and paste them on the door of the classroom."
As Chris Wu is his former stunt teacher and idol of his middle school period, we can see how deep their relationship is. Kenny Chen laughed about not recognizing Chris Wu as his substitute teacher before. Chris Wu then asked whether he had been too sloppy to remember, so Kenny Chen hastily explained that he just hadn’t connected the dots between the Super 131 member, his substitute teacher and Chris Wu himself. Andy Bian laughed saying, "You see, Kenny is just as simple as Zhao Zi in the drama. Not corrupted by society." 
Jake Hsu had previously had a male/male kissing scene in"Close Your Eyes Before It's Dark". He is the only one out of the four of them, who has had experience with shooting a kiss and a bed scene. Chris Wu pretended to be jealous and complained, “I gave you my first time but your first time wasn’t with me”. 
Talking about the first kiss in the drama, Jake Hsu suddenly lost his memory. Chris Wu reminded him that the “last button” scene was connected to it. Jake Hsu admitted that he was worried about physical resistance before kissing. "It's hard to kiss a boy without knowing whether your bodies fit, no? But the result turned out to be very good."
Chris Wu astonished everyone when saying, "After finishing the kiss scene I felt like looking for a boyfriend!", causing everyone to make a fuss and ask him whether it’s possibly that he has been “bent”*. He said ambiguously: "I won’t rule out the possibility for the future. I think after filming I might not resist feelings towards boys anymore. I didn't understand it when I was young. It felt strange to see boys holding hands with boys. Now I just think it's all love.”
痴情漢慘淪工具人 巧合的是徐鈞浩和吳承洋都是摩羯座還同一天生日,擅長組裝的兩人都曾幫心儀對象組家具,卻慘淪工具人的命運。徐鈞浩苦笑說:「我喜歡一個人就會願意一直付出,我真的去過女生家裡組衣櫃,結果她把我放在家裡,說要去跟男朋友約會,What?我那天才知道她有男朋友,心酸的是我還組完才走。」
An Infatuated man is a tool  Coincidentally, Jake Hsu and Chris Wu are both Capricorns, even sharing the same birthday. Both of them are good at assembling furniture, but are suffering the fate of tools. Jake Hsu said with a wry smile: "When I like a person I’m putting in my everything. One time I really went to a girls home to fix her wardrobe. When I got there she told me that she would go out on a date with her boyfriend. What? That day I came to know that she had a boyfriend I had to finish fixing her wardrobe while being sad.”
Andy Bian shared his painful experience of breaking up with a girlfriend after he was seriously ill. "I had appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) which turned into peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). I almost died of a sepsis  and was hospitalized. The girl’s mother came to see me, but she didn’t come so it felt weird. After a month I was discharged from the hospital. Then I got stood up(?) by her during New Year’s.” Later, on a friends friends ig, he saw that she went out with other boys during New Years. Andy Bian realized the truth and broke off contact after that.
聽完兩個痴心換絕情的故事,吳承洋不敵眾人逼問,吐露:「我有現場抓到過!」完勝度引起全場驚呼,原來他女友曾私約小王到家中,卻騙他不在家,不知情的吳承洋到女方家門口想給她驚喜,卻看到小王從她家走出,「我嚇到趕快躲到車子旁,腦海冒出一句歌詞:『我應該在車底,不應該在車裡。』很心酸,而且我躲的那台車居然還是那個男生的車,我嚇一大跳,怎麼是這台?他發動了,他開走了,我完全不敢動,結果沒被發現,這時手上還拿著她的生日禮物,突然怒火衝上來,我就按門鈴,把要送給她的戒指用丟的給她!」大夥虧他幹嘛亂丟戒指,乾脆拿去當鋪,吳承洋則說那戒指沒有很貴,也撇清不是要求婚。 After listening to the two stories Chris Wu said that he had “caught his girlfriend in the act” causing the crowd to lose it at this victory. Turns out that his then girlfriend had a lover over at her place but lied to him about it. Chris Wu went to her house to surprise her only to see the other man come out of her house. “I was scared so I hurried and hid behind a car. There were these lyrics in my mind: “I should be under the car, not in the car." It was very sad. But it turns out that the car I was hiding behind was the man’s car. How is that possible? He started to drive away and I didn’t dare to move so I wasn’t discovered.” At this point he still had her birthday present so he rang the doorbell and threw the ring at her. Why did I throw the ring instead of taking it to a pawnshop? Chris Wu explained that the ring wasn’t very expensive and that it wasn’t meant as a proposal.
碰壁不放棄獲重生 在四人中資歷最深的吳承洋星路上跌跌撞撞,團體解散後,經歷在北京一年零收入、沒地方住的克難日子,後來回台當兵砍掉重練,可是換了新東家依舊不順,試鏡碰壁兩年,好幾次想放棄演藝圈,全靠著內心深處的信念「我相信我可以做到」苦撐著。直到接了這部BL劇《圈套》終於碰上貴人,「當青蓉導演(李青蓉)跟我說她相信我的時候,我覺得……很感動。」講到這裡,他忍不住哽咽淚崩,感性地說:「她願意給我機會,相信我可以把這件事做好……我之前每次去試鏡,沒有人相信我可以做到。」 雖然目前吳承洋尚未還完之前打官司的錢,但他很感謝這些挫敗的過程,造就現在的他,「因為有這些經歷,讓我可以把戲演好,當人生遇到很大的打擊時到底是什麼狀態,很多人是靠想像的,但真實遇到的痛苦是並不顯露於外的。除此之外,最重要的還是要勤練功,努力做好該做的功課。」
Don’t give up being reborn
Chris Wu, the most experienced out of the four, has stumbled on his road to success. After his group disbanded, he didn’t have an income for one year and didn’t have a place to live in Beijing. During the difficult days when there was no place to live, he returned to Taiwan to serve as a soldier and cut down on his training, but his new boss(?) wasn’t satisfied. He hit a wall with auditions for two years and wanted to give up entering the entertainment business several times. He could only rely on the deep belief in his heart that he could do it until he got picked for the BL drama “Trapped”. 
“After finally meeting the “noble” director Qingrong (Li Qingrong) I was very touched with her saying that she believed in me.” When he talked, he couldn't help but shed tears. He emotionally said, "She was willing to give me a chance and believed that I can do this thing well... I used to audition many times, but no one ever believed that I could do it."
Although Chris Wu still has an ongoing lawsuit with his previous company he is thankful for all the experiences because they have made him who he is today.  "Because of these experiences, I’m able to be a better actor. When people are faced with obstacles they have to rely on imagination and don’t show the real pain they’re going through. Besides that the most important thing is to practice hard and do the homework.”
*i think this is a quite common term that appears in a lot of news coverage of BLs and gets used frequently by actors talking about their series, i really don’t like the term in english though
** literally “rotten”. same as in the Japanese “Fujoshi”=“Rotten Woman”. again not liking the taboo this word places on homosexuality but what is new
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runiround · 7 years
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前陣子有網友傳了一篇Bodybuilding.com 上面的一篇達到860次分享的 文章 給我看,該文章指出,生酮飲食在增肌方面不但可行,作者在使用後甚至還破了自己硬舉的紀錄。文章底下洋洋灑灑列了15篇學術研究作為他論述的reference,沒有細看的讀者可能會覺得:「哇!原來真的可以用生酮飲食增肌,太棒了!」
事實是,目前沒有任何學術文獻可以證明生酮飲食有利於增肌。 生酮飲食在維持肌肉量的效果已被確立,但增肌?I don’t think so….
(從生理學角度來看,生酮飲食很可能會減緩IGF-1的反應,IGF-1是肌肉在受刺激後分泌的主要物質,可以與myofibril與satellite細胞結合引發肌肥大。這段時間可以持續約 72小時,這也是我們常說的「要休息三天」的由來。當然也有其他影響肌肥大的因素,如Akt/mTOR等生化途徑,但他們也都受到IGF-1的調控。有興趣詳細了解以上生化途徑的朋友,可以參閱這篇reviewpaper 的 KD and Muscle Mass 章節)
此外,缺乏碳水化合物的身體並沒有正常身體的運動能力,也就是說,運動強度勢必得降低,那訓練的效果也會打折扣。如果你的訓練模式是追求肌肥大、也就是說在約70-80% 1RM的強度下練習,那缺乏碳水的影響也許不是那麼大;但如果你的訓練模式是追求最大肌力或爆發力,那缺碳水勢必會干擾到無氧能量系統的運作、進而降低運動表現。
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小結論 理論上生酮飲食「增肌」非常困難,但是「維持肌肉量」卻是高度可行。
Reference: Paoli, Antonio, Bianco, Antonino, Grimaldi, Keith A. The Ketogenic Diet and Sport: A Possible Marriage? Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 7/2015, ISSN: 0091-6331, Volume 43, Issue 3, p. 153 Paoli, Antonio, Grimaldi, Keith, D'Agostino, Dominic, Cenci, Lorenzo, Moro, Tatiana, Bianco, Antonino, Palma, Antonio. Ketogenic diet does not affect strength performance in elite artistic gymnasts. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2012, ISSN: 1550-2783, Volume 9, Issue 1, p. 34 Kiens, Bente, Astrup, Arne. Ketogenic Diets for Fat Loss and Exercise Performance: Benefits and Safety? Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 7/2015, ISSN: 0091-6331, Volume 43, Issue 3, p. 109 Astrup, A, Raben, A, Geiker, N. The role of higher protein diets in weight control and obesity-related comorbidities. International journal of obesity (2005), 5/2015, ISSN: 0307-0565, Volume 39, Issue 5, p. 721 Pinckaers PJ, Churchward-Venne TA, Bailey D, van Loon LJ. Ketone Bodies and Exercise Performance: The Next Magic Bullet or Merely Hype? PMID: 27430501 DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0577-y
◎閱讀更多文章:《從專業選手晨訓的內容 了解早起運動的好處》 ◎更多運動第一手訊息:RUNiROUND粉絲專頁
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luke844691-blog · 5 years
休息代謝率(Resting metabolic rate, RMR)是休息時維持身體功能所需的能量消耗,從下圖可以知道在減重後體脂肪和肌肉的下降,會造成身體需要的能量減少(能量赤字),這可能是和RMR有關,而目前已有許多研究證實RMR和肌肉量有很大的關聯。
資料來源:Stiegler, P.,& Cunliffe, A. (2006). The role of diet and exercise for the maintenance offat-free mass and resting metabolic rate during weight loss.Sports medicine, 36(3), 239-262.
Skov等人找了60位過重的受試者,來看低脂飲食的狀態下,吃高蛋白和高醣的差異,發現體重和體脂都是高蛋白組的降低較多(如下圖); Layman等人也以低脂飲食搭配醣類和蛋白質比例為3.5(高醣)或1.4(低醣),發現低醣飲食可以降低較多的體重和體脂肪,並且維持較多的肌肉量。
資料來源:AR Skov , S Toubro , B Runn, L Holm and A Astrup. (1999).Randomized trial on protein vs carbohydrate inad libitum fat reduced diet for the treatment ofobesity .International Journal of Obesity (1999) 23, 528±536
1.       食物生熱效應高
2.       不影響胰島素分泌
3.       可以保留較多的肌肉或維持RMR
其他參考資料:Saris, W. H.,Astrup, A., Prentice, A. M., Zunft, H. J., Formiguera, X., Verboeket-van deVenne, W. P. H. G., ... & Vasilaras, T. H. (2000). Randomized controlledtrial of changes in dietary carbohydrate/fat ratio and simple vs complexcarbohydrates on body weight and blood lipids: the CARMEN study. International journal of obesity, 24(10), 1310-1318.
官方網站: http://superfit.com.tw/
Line@諮詢: https://pse.is/BX5K7
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/maxgtoleoleo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superfit_tw/
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lifestylebyaron · 7 years
Monopolar(unipolar) Radio Frequency 單 (單極) 射頻
單射頻頭只有一個電極, 所以無線電頻率導致更多的熱量, 並涉及較少的電力。單射頻治療幾乎可以解決所有常見的皮膚問題。適用于面部皮膚護理及全身表面脂肪減少。
Monopolar means it has just one electrode so the radio frequency results in delivering more thermal and involving in less electricity. Monopolar radio frequency treatment can settle almost all the common skin problems. It is suitable for skin care on the face and the superficial fat reduction on the whole body.
Bipolar Radio Frequency 雙極射頻
雙極射頻面部治療也是常用的一種, 尤其是家庭使用者。與單相比, 兩極將提供更多的電力和微, 它將穿透更深的效果。主要工作在皮膚收緊, 膠原蛋白和彈力纖維再生, 除皺和平滑, 皮膚回春等。主要用於臉部皮膚護理。
Bipolar radio frequency facial treatment is also a frequently used one, especially by home users. Compare to mono-polar, the bipolar will delivery more electricity and microcurrent and it will penetrate deeper to effect. It mainly works in skin tightening, collagen and elastin fiber regeneration, wrinkle removal and smooth, skin rejuvenation, etc. It is mainly applied for skin care on the face.
Tripolar Radio Frequency and Multipolar Radio Frequency 三極電頻率和多極電頻率
無線電頻率裝置的極性越多, 無線電波就越深。因此, 多極射頻減肥療法適合於皮膚狀況和脂肪堆積明顯較厚的身體。
The more polar the radio frequency device has, the deeper the radio waves will go to. So the multipolar radio frequency slimming treatment is suitable for the body where the skin condition and fat deposits are obviously thicker.
單和雙極性射頻用於組織收緊。它們的效果有些互補, 因為它們以不同的模式和不同的深度傳遞能量。
Both monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency are used for tissue tightening. Their effects are somewhat complementary because they deliver energy in different patterns and to different depth.
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