gamevecanti · 16 days
Music from "Eisai Kyouiku" (PC) [NSFW 18+] Track: Icy, Candid Face
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doraemon-facts · 3 months
Shizuka had Nobita, Dekisugi, and two of her girlfriends over for Hinamatsuri (Girls' Day). Doraemon was also invited.
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Source: 身がわり紙人形, 1991 (manga)
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mementoboni · 9 months
Kaoru and Hong Kong Movies
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X ( Long post!! )
It's been a while, but I found that Kaoru mentioned a lot of classic Hong Kong movies in this tweet.
These are the movies I used to watch when I was a kid, and I never thought I'd ever hear them from Kaoru one day, so I want to give a brief introduction to these movies. 😀
01. スパルタンX (Spartan X)
繁體中文:快餐車 / English: Wheels on Meals
Wheels on Meals is a 1984 Hong Kong martial arts action comedy film written and directed by Sammo Hung (洪金寶), with action choreographed by Jackie Chan (成龍). The film stars Jackie Chan (成龍), Sammo Hung (洪金寶), Yuen Biao (元彪), Lola Forner, Benny Urquidez and José Sancho.
In 1984, it was adapted into the video game Spartan X (released as Kung-Fu Master internationally).
The final fight between Jackie Chan and Benny Urquidez
🎥 Best Fight Scene 👇
02. 五福星 (ごふくせい)
繁體中文:奇謀妙計五福星 / English: Winners and Sinners (or 5 Lucky Stars)
Winners and Sinners is a 1983 Hong Kong action comedy film written and directed by Sammo Hung (洪金寶), who also starred in the film. The film co-stars Jackie Chan (成龍) and Yuen Biao (元彪), the latter serving as one of the film's action directors.
The film is followed by My Lucky Stars (福星高照) and Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars (夏日福星), insofar as the "Five Lucky Stars" concept (福星系列) and many of the same actors return in those latter films. However, the character names and indeed their roles differ - Stanley Fung's character is the nominal "leader" of the quintet in Winners and Sinners (奇謀妙計五福星), whereas Hung's character takes the mantle in the latter films.
🎥 Best Fight Scene 👇
03. 霊幻道士 (れいげん どうし)
繁體中文:殭屍先生 (or 暫時停止呼吸) / English: Mr. Vampire
As this is one of my favorite movies, I will introduce more 😃
Mr. Vampire is a 1985 Hong Kong comedy horror film directed by Ricky Lau (劉觀偉) and produced by Sammo Hung (洪金寶).
The vampire of the film is based on the jiangshi (殭屍/ㄐ一ㄤˉ ㄕˉ), the hopping corpses of Chinese folklore (similar to both zombies and vampires).
"殭" means "to die immortal" (死而不朽) or "stiff" (about the same as "僵"), and "屍" means "dead body".
The film was released under the Chinese title 暫時停止呼吸 (literally: Hold Your Breath for a Moment) in Taiwan. This is because most (not all) of the 殭屍 can't see with their eyes, they can only tell where people are by their breathing, so if you hold your breath you won't get caught by 殭屍.
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
The film is set in the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China (清朝末年~民國初期), that is, the late 19th century to the early 20th century, and most of the 殭屍 are wearing the costumes of Qing Dynasty officials.
(That's why, when I first read about the Qing Dynasty (清朝) in the history textbook, I wondered why people were all dressed as 殭屍 🤣)
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
The box office of Mr. Vampire success led to the creation of a Mr. Vampire franchise, with the release of four sequels directed by Ricky Lau (劉觀偉) from 1986 to 1992, and subsequent similarly themed films with different directors released between 1987 and 1992, with Lam Ching-ying (林正英) as the lead for the majority of them.
The film was the breakthrough success of the jiangshi genre, a trend popular in Hong Kong during the 1980s, and established many of the genre's recognisable tropes.
🎥 ※ This video is dubbed in Mandarin (with Eng subs) 👇
I highly recommend this movie!!
Also, I love the the movie song - Ghost Bride (鬼新娘).
🎥 ※ This song is in Cantonese (廣東話/粵語). 👇
04. Mr.Boo
繁體中文:半斤八両 / English: The Private Eyes
The Private Eyes is a 1976 Hong Kong comedy film written, directed by and starring Michael Hui (許冠文) and co-starring his brothers Samuel Hui (許冠傑) and Ricky Hui (許冠英) as well as Shih Kien (石堅) and Richard Ng (吳耀漢) in his second film role. Sammo Hung (洪金寶) served as the film's action director and Jackie Chan (成龍) was also a stuntman.
In 1979, when Jiahe Corporation (嘉禾公司) promoted Bruce Lee's (李小龍) kung fu film in Japan, it added "The Private Eyes" and changed its propaganda department to "Mr Boo!" as a call to action, it became a huge hit, earning a billion yen at the box office in Japan, followed by several Huh Brothers (許氏兄弟) comedies featuring "Mr. Boo!" as the title.
It is worth mentioning that Hsu Kuan-chieh's (許冠傑) character was voiced by the famous Japanese actor Kitano Takeshi (北野武). In 1981, Takakura Ken (高倉健) starred in "駅 STATION ", there are also male and female protagonists watching "The Private Eyes" kitchen fighting scenes. Japanese manga master Akatsuka Fujio (赤塚不二夫) has written the preface and Japanese lyrics for this film.
🎥 The kitchen fighting scenes 👇
繁體中文:吳耀漢 / English: Richard Ng
Kaoru mentioned 吳耀漢 in the tag because he passed away in April 2023. 吳耀漢 is a famous actor in Hong Kong, and he has appeared in all the movies mentioned above except Mr. Vampire.
※ In fact, 吳耀漢 appeared in 霊幻道士3 (繁體中文:靈幻先生 / English: Mr. Vampire III), a sequel to the Mr. Vampire series, which was released in 1986. I guess this is the movie Kaoru was referring to.
Speaking of 吳耀漢, I would like to recommend another Hong Kong movie: Rigor Mortis
05. Rigor Mortis
繁體中文:殭屍(2013) or 殭屍 七日重生
Rigor Mortis is a 2013 Hong Kong horror film directed by Juno Mak (麥浚龍) and produced by Takashi Shimizu (清水崇,the director of 呪怨 Juon). The film is a tribute to the Mr. Vampire film series. Many of the former cast are featured in this film: Chin Siu-ho (錢小豪), Anthony Chan (陳友), Billy Lau (樓南光) and Richard Ng (吳耀漢). *吳耀漢 is the 殭屍 on the poster. 👆
Unlike the usual Hong Kong comedies, the overall atmosphere in Rigor Mortis is very depressing. The whole movie is full of nostalgia and reluctance for Mr. Vampire, which reminds people of the glory of Hong Kong jiangshi movies back in the day. Personally, I think it is the best jiangshi movie of the last 20 years.
🎥 The Hallway Scene in the movie also uses the song Ghost Bride (鬼新娘), and the song is even more creepy as it slows down. 👇
--- --- ---
It's really happy to know that Kaoru has watched these movies.
💜 Thanks for reading 💜
Btw, today (2023/08/30, the 15th day of the 7th lunar month) is The Ghost Festival (中元節).
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emeraldwarriors · 11 months
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乖巧哈尔熊熊的探险记 我已喷些香水为了让它香点(? 不过哈尔熊本身都属于很香的毛绒了额额 最不喜欢的是它会很容易脱毛哈哈哈哈尔你快变光头了...
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leo---wu · 2 years
【预告片】江西省吉安市:吉安市人才工作VI视觉系统形象设计(预告)。充分体现吉安市打造红土圣地人才集聚高地的发展定位,彰显吉安创新创业热土、宜居宜业生活的城市特质。#设计 ##logo ##平面设计 ##VI ##创意 ##江西省##吉安市##吉安市人才工作##吉安人才##吉安人才Logo##logo设计 ##艺术 ##品牌 ##品牌设计 ##设计美学 ##VI设计##中国##中国人才##人才##精英##视觉传达设计##人才工作##标志##人力资源##HR##英才##创新创业##LOGO# https://www.instagram.com/p/CiUyJURDglg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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首先,讓我們為 Matthew Fang 在 Caribou Contests 比賽中榮獲全美第一而送上熱烈祝賀!這場北美馴鹿數學競賽吸引了三千多位北美數學優秀人才參與,能夠在如此激烈的競爭中脫穎而出實屬不易!讓我們一同期待他在即將到來的NMC春季比賽以及新加坡數學競賽中再次創造新的巔峰。
此外,AME 引領潮流的「特許經營計劃」融合了先進的「自動化吸客」和「自動化客服」系統,並結合優質的美式教學資源,讓我們攜手將卓越的教學理念更有效率地傳播至香港及其他區域。
每年,AME double cheese 熱情參與「MFE澳門國際品牌連鎖加盟展」以及香港貿發局HKTDC舉辦的「HK Franchising Show香港國際特許經營展」,覆蓋加拿大、澳門、台灣、中國、馬來西亞、泰國、香港以及新加坡等地,進一步為海外和本地的學生以及家長提供輕鬆接觸並深入了解我們的機會。
#Franchise #amecoding #opportunity #onlineschool #distancelearning #創業 #創富 #培育英才 #自動化吸客 #自動化客服
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xinguozhi · 30 days
邓峰    …
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danzoku · 1 month
私は前者に分けられるんだと思う(もし私の小さい頃にそのくくりがあったならば)。だけど、マスキング(普通でいるために仮面を被っているような状態。女の子が特にやりがちらしい)していたのでは? と言われれば、そうかもなーと思う。
は 1種類 でしかない。
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jnhyukli · 3 months
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缅甸华纳国际真实网络赌博平台 游戏注册官网 : www.569659.com 游戏网站 www.586578.com 游戏注册网站 www.393695.com 管理QQ:1187213273 飞机 @wta254 24小时美女荷官在线发牌 真人娱乐 电脑 电投与现场同步投注 公平公正 合
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beforedawnwitch · 3 months
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a-wei-lin · 5 months
龍華閣川味牛肉麵 | 台中勤美隱藏版美食,水餃、炒手跟牛肉湯是必吃~
《龍華閣川味牛肉麵》這間台中美食好吃!別看龍華閣川味牛肉麵在NOVA廣場跟勤美綠園道附近,但說句實話這間勤美美食你吃過嗎?更多的應該是吃旁邊的咖哩厚跟沙拉嘿呦吧!下次可以來吃看看《龍華閣川味牛肉麵》,這間台中牛肉麵很有特色,招牌跟半筋半牛都很厲害,紅燒湯頭甘甜味美,水餃餛飩真材實料,雖然較格偏高,但整體CP值絕對有在水準上~ Continue reading Untitled
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doraemon-facts · 6 months
Dekisugi does great in school, but is he good at anything else?
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He is good at sports.
Source: 出木杉グッスリ作戦, 1980 (manga)
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He is good at art.
Source: みたままベレーで天才画家, 1979 (manga)
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He is good at cooking.
Source: しずちゃんをとりもどせ, 1989 (manga)
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He is good at magic.
Source: タネなしマジック, 1983 (manga)
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He is good at strategy-adventure games like the "Adventure Game Book" (冒険ゲームブック).
Source: 冒険ゲームブック, 1985 (manga)
Basically, Dekisugi seems to be good at everything!
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dfry67245 · 8 months
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sinoeurovoices · 9 months
中國「千人計畫」易名 悄然在海外招募半導體精英
路透社8月24號報道,在截至2018年為止的10年間,中國通過資金雄厚的”千人計畫“持續尋求吸納在國外訓練過的精英科學家,華盛頓認為該計畫對美國利益和技術優勢構成威脅。該計畫在美國對相關科學家進行調查期間一度停擺,2年後卻又以新的名稱和形式悄悄恢復。 報道稱,據三位知情人士透露,以及路透社對 2019 年至 2023 年 500…
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mel-the-glaceon · 10 months
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xinguozhi · 8 months
伍依    …
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