wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 7 months
まいたけは唐揚げにするとその美味しさに驚かれることが多いのですが、「白だし・おろしにんにく・砂糖」で味つけすると箸止まらないやみつきの味に。 大さじ3の油で簡単です。 白だし大1/2、おろしにんにく小1/2、砂糖小1/4を混ぜ、1パックにつき2等分した雪国まいたけ極2パック分に絡め片栗粉大2まぶす。フライパンに油大3を強めの中火で熱し、片面につき3〜4分を目安にカリッと焼いたら器に盛り、軽く塩胡椒をふる。
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yoga-onion · 3 months
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Legends of the humanoids
Reptilian humanoids (5)
Wuxing – the connections between the Five Dragon Kings (Ref) and the Five Elements philosophy 
To better understand the origins of the Five Dragon Kings and the ancient Chinese legend, it is worth mentioning the wuxing of natural philosophy, which states that all things are composed of five elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth.
The underlying idea is that the five elements 'influence each other, and that through their birth and death, heaven and earth change and circulate'.  
The five elements are described as followed:
Wood/Spring: a period of growth, which generates abundant vitality, movement and wind.
Fire/Summer: a period of swelling, flowering, expanding with heat.
Earth is associated with ripening of grains in the yellow fields of late summer.
Metal/Autumn: a period of harvesting, collecting and dryness.
Water/Winter: a period of retreat, stillness, contracting and coolness.
The wuxing system, in use since the Han dynasty (2nd century BCE), appears in many seemingly disparate fields of early Chinese thought, including music, feng shui, alchemy, astrology, martial arts, military strategy, I Ching divination, and traditional medicine, serving as a metaphysics based on cosmic analogy.
The wuxing originally referred to the five major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Venus), which were thought of as the five forces that create life on earth. Wu Xing litterally means moving star and describes the five types of Qi (all the vital substances) cycles through various stages of transformation. As yin and yang continuously adjust to one another and transform into one another in a never-ending dance of harmony, they tend to do so in a predictable pattern.
The lists of correlations for the five elements are diverse, but there are two cycles explaining the major interaction. The yin-yang interaction, which by increasing or decreasing the qualities and functions associated with a particular phase, it may either nourish a phase that is in deficiency or drain a phase that is in excess or restrain a phase that is exerting too much influence (see below):
The Creation Cycle (Yang)
Wood feeds Fire
Fire creates Earth (ash)
Earth bears Metal
Metal collects Water
Water nourishes Wood
The Destruction Cycle (Yin)
Wood parts Earth 
Earth dams (or absorbs) Water
Water extinguishes Fire
Fire melts Metal
Metal chops Wood
The Huainanzi (2nd BCE) describes the five colored dragons (azure/green, red, white, black, yellow) and their associations (Chapter 4: Terrestrial Forms), as well as the placement of sacred beasts in the five directions (the Four Symbols beasts, dragon, tiger, bird, tortoise in the four cardinal directions and the yellow dragon.
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ヒト型爬虫類 (5)
ここで、五方龍王の起源、そして古代中国の伝説をよく理解するために、万物は火・水・木・金・土の5種類の元素からなる、という自然哲学の五行思想について触れておきましょう。 5種類の元素は「互いに影響を与え合い、その生滅盛衰によって天地万物が変化し、循環する」という考えが根底に存在する。 
水は、冬の雪に覆われた暗い大地の中に潜む新しい生命の可能性と静寂の時期。 漢の時代 (紀元前2世紀頃) から使用されてきた五行説は、音楽、風水、錬金術、占星術、武術、軍事戦略、易経、伝統医学など、中国初期の思想の一見バラバラに見える多くの分野に登場し、宇宙の類推に基づく形而上学として機能している。 
五行の相関関係は多様だが、主要な相互作用を説明する2つのサイクルがある。陰陽の相互作用は、特定の相に関連する資質や機能を増減させることで、不足している相に栄養を与えたり、過剰な相を排出したり、影響力を及ぼしすぎている相を抑制したりする (以下参照):
火が土 (灰) をつくる
『淮南子』(紀元前2世紀)には、五色の龍(紺碧・緑、赤、白、黒、黄)とその関連性 (第4章: 地の形)、五方位への聖獣の配置(四枢の四象徴獣、龍、虎、鳥、亀、黄龍)が記述されている。
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tsk-pct6 · 3 months
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copal-sq · 1 year
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Sub blog : こぱるこっきんぐ
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foucault · 5 months
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psychedelic138 · 2 months
Durarara's Character Songs and the originals they were a cover of
I wasn't sure if anyone else had done it before so I'm posting anyway as a reminder to self
Season 1
Linda Linda (リンダリンダ)
Kida Masaomi >> The Blue Hearts (1987)
Tsugaru Kaikyō Fuyugeshiki (津軽海峡・冬景色)
Shizuo Heiwajima >> Sayuri Ishikawa (1977)
Gakuen Tengoku (学園天国)
Mikado Ryuugamine >> Finger Five (1974)
Tsuppari High School Rock'n Roll (ツッパリHigh School Rock'n Roll (登校編))
Kadota Kyohei >> Yokohama Ginbae (1981)
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo (時をかける少女)
Anri Sonohara >> Tomoyo Harada (1983) (for Yasutaka Tsutsui's movie of the same name)
DIAMONDS (ダイアモンド>)
Shinra Kishitani >> Princess Princess (1989)
Subarashii Hibi (すばらしい日々)
Izaya Orihara >> UNICORN (1993)
Rouge no Dengon (ルージュの伝言)
Celty Sturlson >> Yumi Arai (1975)
rain tears
Ruri Hijiribe (original)
Season 2
Ruby no Yubiwa (ルビーの指環)
Shizuo Heiwajima >> Akira Terao (1981)
Nagori Yuki (なごり雪)
Mikado Ryuugamine >> Kaguyahime (1974)
Aa mujou (あゝ無情)
Chikage Rokujou >> Ann Lewis (1986)
Sailor-fuku to Kikanjū (セーラー服と機関銃)
Anri Sonohara >> Hiroko Yakushimaru (1981) (for Shinji Sōmai's movie of the same name)
Julia ni Heartbreak (ジュリアに傷心)
Kida Masaomi >> The Checkers (1984)
Romantic ga Tomaranai (Romanticが止まらない)
Aoba Kuronuma >> C-C-B (1985)
Pepper Keibu (ペッパー警部)
Celty Sturlson >> Pink Lady (1976)
Vacance de l'amour (恋のバカンス)
Kururi & Mairu Orihara >> The Peanuts (1963)
Koi wo Nosete (君をのせて)
Walker Yumasaki & Erika Karisawa >> Azumi Inoue (1986)
Fuyu no Inazuma (冬の稲妻)
Kadota Kyohei & Saburo Togusa >> Alice (1977)
Katte ni Shiyagare (勝手にしやがれ)
Izaya Orihara >> Kenji Sawada (1977)
Kimi ga iru dake (君がいるだけで)
Shinra Kishitani >> Kome Kome Club (1992)
little world
Ruri Hijiribe (original but composed by Toshiyuki Toyonaga and I'm almost sure there was a video of him singing it live once)
Let me know if I missed anything <3
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iktsarpok · 2 months
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kensasuke23 · 2 months
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m12gatsu · 5 months
NIGHT ON FOOLを1番聴いた。詩集も手垢まみれになるまで読んだ。ノートに書き写したりしてた。初武道館のDVDとかも持ってた。姉が勝手に俺の部屋から持ってって聴いたらしく、俺が変ながなり声のおっさんの曲を聴いている、と母親に言いつけたりもしたらしい。俺はライブ不精だから、結局VISIONが出た時の武道館しか観に行ったことがなかったけど、姉はたぶん何十回と観に行ってた。何回行ったんだろう。遠征もよくしてた。mixiでチケット詐欺に遭って何千円か騙し取られてたのも今は笑い話。俺は姉の描く絵が好きなんだけど、特にグレッチを構えたモッズスーツの不良中年を描くのが本当に上手かった。その後に出たアルバムは姉が買うようになってた。ミッシェルやROSSOも遡って、姉弟で手分けするように集めていった。
大学生の時、花見客で賑わう井の頭公園で出会したことがある。ボート乗り場の前のところに腰掛けていたら、綺麗な女の人を連れて、向こうからやってきて、目の前を横切っていった。俺は思わずチバさん! と声を掛けた。ちょっと振り返って、立ち止まってはくれなかったけど、ちょっと笑って、どうも、と手を上げてくれた。
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mvrider5 · 4 months
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 3 months
雪国マウントだが。 たった数センチの雪で右往左往というよりかは、雪なのにノーマルタイヤで事故ったり渋滞起こしたり。雪が降ると2日前から言われてるのに、電車止まってから駅に殺到しパニックになってるのを見て。雪の怖さ、雪の影響に対してのあまりの無知ぶりへの憐れみのほうが強いんだよな。
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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My Yoda, goodbye
Only a few months ago, our dog passed away with the arrival of spring. It broke my heart because he was a dependable dog, like Yoda. When he was gone, not only the mind, but also time and space were emptied that hardly any weight.
Empty winter coats, vaccination label, a brush, and most difficult of all, food... it was so sudden that it was just after a large bulk purchase. Besides, habit is a terrible thing, and I felt kind of restless, if I didn't feed anyone.
So I decided to give them to the neighbourhood stray cats, including Ginger, who is as fat as Garfield, and Tabby, who is also fat, on the kitchen back porch.
After a while, though, the large amount of dog food they had ran out...I had to keep buying food for them, as they too would be nuisance if I suddenly stopped. At times, when I was washing dishes in the kitchen, I could hear the sound of metal vessels scraping against the concrete ground, etc., and my heart was filled with "Oh, it's come, it's come".
After a while, the sesame seeds-like dots left on the plate began to bother me. It's Aesop's Fables ‘The Fox and the Crane’... it's ‘YOU’! I quietly peeked through the window and saw a huge crow with feathers as shiny as rainbow colours. It was the first time I had ever seen a crow that close up. Its black, round eyes were adorable.
When I started feeding them, it was still cold and snowing, so there must have been a lot of cat tracks around the house, but when...Aha - that's all right, why not? 'Stray cats are fine, crows are not' is a quite 'discrimination'. In the end, I stopped 'feeding' them once and for all, for both our sakes. Crows are extraordinarily clever, they know everything and I personally think they have psychic powers, anyway.
Goodbye my Yoda and thank you!
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それで、台所の裏口で、ガーフィールドのように太ったジンジャーと同じく太ったタビーたち近所のドラ猫たちにあげることにした。 とはいえ、大量にあった犬のエサもしばらくすると、底をつき…急に止められても困るだろうと、エサを買い続けることになってしまった。 
エサをやり始めた時はまだ寒く、雪も降っていたので、家の周りにやたらと猫の足跡があったはずなのに、いつの間に… あ―、ええじゃないか。「野良猫なら良くて、カラスは駄目」なんて、「差別」と同じだ。 結局、 お互いのために「エサやり」はきっぱり止めた。 カラスはことのほか利口だ、何でも知っているし、個人的にわたしは霊力を持っていると思っている。 
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cctrain0722 · 7 months
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シマリスやウスバキチョウ、ホシガラスの家族にエゾシカ…周りに人は私だけ。人間にはお構いなしで自由気ままに過ごす彼らの姿に癒されます… しかし彼らの邪魔はいけない!また来年会えたらいいねと思い、まったり下山。
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infraaa · 1 year
『regarding the order for the lovely @lyforlyras— seeing as they saw the work I made entitled Seven Minutes for Longan Dragon Cookie… they sent in an order for me to replicate that for a… special red and black haired cookie…~』
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red velvet cookie x fem!reader
baker’s notes // here’s a little gift for the customer to go along with this— this piece is heavily inspired by this song. ☺️💉🩸Also, I know japanese, and tried my best to pull kanji from the song while listening to it and translating it on my own. I used a livejournal article by user silvermoon249 as a spellcheck, as well as the original booklet.
tw // vampirism/blood play, period sex/oral, heavy sadism, degredation, bare backing, implied breeding, asphyxiation play (choking), impact play, and again, as I am infra, what a perfect opportunity to shit on licorice again! Yay! More lico slander! (Also licofait)
【cw // spin the bottle】
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春の日、あの雪崩れの様に、止めど無く 滑り落ちて
『Like the descent of the spring sun, without end, it slips away.
If I wish to hold this inseparable theory in the palm of my hand, until the tears dry up...』
Darkness is insufferable. That’s okay though, because these little goofballs of darkness has off days. Licorice was talking to some idol chick walking next to him, drinking a tea… when…
“OH MY GOD SKRUNKS!” Parfait squeals, causing Licorice to jump in his footing. He looked over to her with half laden shock and made sure the tea in his to go cup didn't spill anywhere on him. "AAh! Gods, Parfait... be careful with that voice. I almost spilled your drink." He sighed and stopped his walking with her as he saw her eyes agleam, her blue eyes perfectly mirroring the blue sky above. "I have an idea, like, a suuuper idea! What if we took this Arizona Tea can and played around with it a bit? Ya know, like a dating game for couples and stuff?" "Ehh..? W...What are you talking about? A dating game?" She nodded with excitement and started skipping along the pavement. She got some steps away from Licorice before she turned, raising her arms outward like the wings on a plane. "Liiike... spin the bottle? I heard that one of your friends is also dating someone. Maybe we also get them to tag along!" He stood before her and felt his shoulders slightly lurch forward, his eyebrows furrowed in nervousness. "Ah... Par.. Parfait Cookie, I don't think--" "It will be so~so~fuuun!~ Pleeeease?" With big puppy dog eyes as pure hearted as water, Licorice looked into them with his own pale yellow ones, stuttering slightly in his wording before sighing once more, taking another drink of the tea in the tallboy can. "Fine. I guess I'll join, but--" "YAAAAY!" "AGH GODS PARFAIT...! GIAH!"
They got back to the your cottage with completely opposing energies. Parfait bounced in the door while Licorice walked in like a regular cookie. "We're back guys!" Parfait chirped as she went over to you and gave you a hug from behind. "Hey babes!" You pat her handon your collarbone with your own, looking at her from the corner of your eye. "Hey, Parfait, hiw are y--" "Where's your hubby? We HAVE to get him in here, Red Velvet Cookie, where aaaare yoooou? Hehehe!" From out the kitchen window you could see Red Velvet look back at you from the side of the yard, hanging with his dogs. He gathers them and starts to head back in the house.
He walked in and saw the layout of the people in the house before him. A sluggish Licorice to his right, and a bouncy Parfait Cookie clinging onto you, his lover, to his left. One of his dogs charged into the house to greet Parfait, jumping onto her leg and barking excitedly. "Red, there you are!" "Oh gods..." Licorice muttered as he collapsed on the couch, sighing. You walked up to him and leaned against the plush cushions. "What's wrong, Lico?" you asked as you looked down at the semi embarrassed cookie. "Parfait wants us to play a dating game together, the four of us. I only agreed to make her happy." You looked back over to Red Velvet and Parfait who had turned herself around wuth a sigh. "Yeah, we both agreed to that during our walk, won't you join us? Pleeeease Red Velvet? It'll be fuuuuun!" He took his forarms and jumped, like a small kid begging their parents for something. Meanwhile, Red Velvet stood stiff as a board, looking to Licorice. "Uuh... I think the tea you got for her... made her... hyper-- Licorice come get your girl, please." He got up and walked ovet to her, taking her hand and murmuring at her to stop. Eventually, Parfait got the two of you to join, and you four found yourslves sitting on a towel on the bathroom floor, next to yours and Red Velvet's shared bedroom.
“This is so stupid, this is so stupid, this is so stuuupid!” “SHAHT. AP. LICO!” The bathroom filled with silence as the dissolution of Parfait’s voice slowly drifted off on the walls of the bathroom. “Now, whoever touches their nose lasts, spins the bottle first! Ready? Go!” Parfait chirped as she quickly put a finger to her nose. You and Red Velvet followed suit, leaving Licorice Cookie unprepared. “Oh god damnit.” He said with a sigh.
『Hey, (the childish) voices in my head (echo) their cruel, inhuman (ringing in my ears)
Will not settle down!』
"Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made it out of clay, and when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play." Licorice bluntly sang as the bottle spun around on the tile floor. Ity slowed, and landed on you before hesitantly wiggling on the floor so that the cap would land on his girlfriend instead. He hesitantly looked at you, who in turn smiled awkwardly. The rules are rules after all, and you leaned forth and kissed Licorice on the cheek after a nod from Parfait gave you her permission. Red Velvet watched you with falcon like eyes during the whole duration of this awkward exchange, a sudden boil forming in his chest. After you leaned back, you looked to Parfait to see who would spin next. You all did the finger to the nose as quick as you can, and then it was Parfait's turn! She spun the bottle excitedly with the snap of her fingers. "Ooooh, dreidel dreidel dreidal, I made it out of clay!~ And when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shal plaaay!~" She excitedly sang as she watched the bottle spin around quickly, slowing soundly with the grooves of the bathroom tile. Like clockwork, the bottle landed on you once again. "This bottle seems to like you." Red Velvet commented. Parfait looked at you with a sudden flush to her cheeks... chuckling to herself before leaning in the center of the circle only to meet you halfway in a friendly little kiss-- nothing too much, just a peck. You both leaned back into your positions in the circle with red faces and goofy smiles.
It was finally Red Velvet's turn. He spun the bottle and waited silently, only humming the tune of the dreidel song and was the bottle landed on Licorice, he grimaced at the boy clad in cheap robes. "AWWW! Kiss! Kiiissss!" "No." Red Velvet cut off Parfait's fangirling as he forcefully moved the bottle to point towards you. "Honey, you can't do that, that's against the game's rules--ah!" He suddenly got up from his place in the circle to pick you up off the ground and take you into your shared bedroom, locking the door shut upon entering. Parfait and Licorice heard the lock on the door click and looked to each other in nervousness. "I knew this would happen. Red Velvet is always like this." Licorice sighed, "hence why I really didn't want to do this." Parfait looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows a bit, humming in thought.
"Should we leave then? I don't think I wanna be here for much longer..."
"That sounds like a great idea."
大丈夫、少しおかしいだけだから 「誰か」を畏れる事は、もうやめにしよう? ほら、もうすぐそこで、 Ah、 淡い死の薫りが充満-みち-てきた !
『It’s all right, since it’s just a little strange Shall we cease being afraid of “someone” already? Behold, very soon there, Ah, it’s been filled with the fleeting aroma of death!』
"What are you doing-- ah!" Red Velvet let out what sounded like a gutteral sounding growl as he slammed you against the door, knocking the air straught out of your lungs into his own colliding into you forcefully and with fervor. You felt one of his hands graze at the skin of your waist as it trailed underneath the fabric of your top. He could smell faintly the small yet still noticeable scent that was Licorice and Parfait across your face and lips. Forcing your bottom lip open with a gesture of his thumb at your chin, you gasped as he infiltrated your mouth, seizing control of your tongue in a mere instant. You pushed at his chest, pleading for air, and when he felt you push at him, he bit down on your bottom lip. Hard. You squeeled, and pushed him away from you with a soft wince coming from your mouth, putting a hand to your now bleeding bottom lip. Backing away from you he smiled and put his hands to his hips. "You are incapable of understanding." He whispered darkly, almost manipulating the light in the room to diminish. His cerulean eyes started to creep along your figure as you started to walk around him, still holding onto your lip. "Understand?" You asked, trying to hold onto the thick blood in your mouth.
"Aggravating..." He sighed, walking towards you, your figure, trying to evade him. However before you could, he kicked your footing from underneath you, causing you to fall on your back on the bed. Laughing at you, you felt him kneel down at the opening of your legs, taking the fabric of your shirt and pulling you to sit up. "You purposefully wanted me to do this, right?" "No! No, that's not-"
"Such a bad girl..."
Your eyes widened as his mouth curled into a sadistic smile. Climbing on top of you, he grazed his thumb across your bottom lip;, taking whatever blood that was still there and sucking it off of his thumb. Sendinng a shiver down your spine, of course, but this is a side to him you've never seen. Sure, you two have been intimate before, but he's never been mean to you in this manner. Making you out to be a brat when you're not, slut shaming you for kissing another man's girl, hell even allowing that rat of a man to allow you to kiss him, even if it was on the cheek which was innocent enough to be passed on, even in game, it made you wonder... was he jealous? Red Velvet barely showed signs of jealousy or envy, he dubbed those emotions to be signs of weakness. But such emotions, albiet childish, he was feeling them hard in his gut, and he was taking it all out on you.
"You made me this way," he darkly cooed, a new sheen coming clear in his eyes. He bent down close to your face, almost literally pouring his water colored eyes into yours. "You wanna get shameless? Well baby, I can show ya shameless." He said snidely. He took his phone and disconnected his headphones from it, allowing the song that was playing on his phone to spill out into the room from the small speaker at the bottom.
あの丘で十字に、磔-はりつけ-られてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、��と匙塗りたくれば- もっと、美味しいよ!
その瞳に映るのは悦び 嗜虐-いたみ-の狭間にある「罪」と共に 飲み干して────………… 飲み干して────………… 飲み干して────…………!
『Crosswise on that hill, a crucified love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Delight is reflected in your eyes Along with the ‘sin’ at the threshold of sadistic pain Draining you dry────………… Draining you dry────………… Draining you dry────…………!』
"Show me more then. Give me more." Red Velvet growled as he attacked your lip in a violent bout. You squeeled into the kiss, having the air flushed out of your mouth a second time, only for the feeling to repeat a third when he spanked your outer thigh. It was damn near suffocating the way he handled you. Biting your lip again, you cried out in pain, muffled by the cushion of his own lips. He sucked the leaking blood out of your bottom lip harshly, leaving it reddened and marked. "Good. Cry. Cry more, harlot." He spat, spanking your thigh repeatedly as you let out an even louder whimper with each hit. He sat above you, still, but only for a moment. After what appeared to be a moment of thought, he slid back down, taking your bottoms with him on the way down. "Ah, honey wait!" you cried out, quite concerned. He looked to you and smiled. "Don't act like you don't want it, I know you well enough to know you do. And besides..." He whispered as he proceeded to slide your panties down while trying his best to pull the tampon you had out of you. Your eyes widened as he stared at the used tampon with jealousy in his eyes, partially thinking with his obvioously horny yet big boy galaxy brain that the tampon wasn't only used to block the blood from escaping you, but also to pleasure you as you walked around. He growled at it and tossed it somewhere on the floor. "I... you know that I'm..." you whispered, shaking in nervousness. "So? A little blood never hurt anybody."
So brazen today... you never thought you would see this side of him. He inserted a finger inside of you, causing you to cry out once more as you felt him enter you. He sighed started to quickly pump his hand in and out of you. One of your eyes closed from the dull pain slowly mixing in with pleasure, much like how sugar caramelizes strawberries when mixed about. Moaning, you tried to squirm off of his hand but, as you knew he probably would, he took his free hand to hold you still, right on your tailbone it sat as it stopped you from leaning back.
"Ah ah ah, no no no, don't you go anywhere..." He cooed lasciviously as he dove down into your soaked bleeding cunt, making you gasp out as you felt his mouth voilate your clit.
血濡れた、このエレジーの中 割り切れず、撹拌-ブレンド-する。。。 甘酸っぱい極上の血を注ぎ込めば、 倒錯者が、嗤う。。。
そぅ(戻れないよ!)表面に(拡がりゆく、)紅-あか-い(様式美) ト・ケ・テ・イ・ケ・バ!
『Soaked in blood, within this elegy Unsatisfied, stirring and blending... Once infused with the finest bittersweet blood, The pervert smiles.
That’s right, (there’s no going back!) Spreading across (the surface,) the deep red (elegant pattern) As it melts away!』
He sucked away at you, blood smearing across his cheeks in earnest with your attempted movements to grind on his face. The delivery method of thjis pleasure was all from normal, all from orthodox, this wasn't like him at all yet, you welcomed the beast within him in open arms. You loved him. His love... at this moment, was enough to leave you dizzy. For a moment your surroundings melted away, your vision clouding due to the heat inside you. You felt your cunt however continue to fill, and as it woke you from youur ecstacy filled trance, you sighed and looked down at the red and black haired man below you slurping away at your clit like noodles, pumping away at you still. Through a broken breath, you managed to mutter, "how... how m-many fingers... are y-you using?" With a snow lick of your clit, making you moan out in a pain filled lust, he licked his upper teeth and swalllowed, his mouth and tongue crimson with the stain of your blood. "Only three," he panted, licking his lower lip next, eyeing you like a predator as you mimiced his panting and heaving, your chest rising up and down with heavy breaths. "But I can tell you loved having my fingers inside you." You moaned as you felt his digits swirl inside you, and then slowly sliding out only to ram into your blood soaked vagina, leaking onto the hard wooden floor and your panties below your feet. You screamed out in agony as he did this, feeling his sinful actions take over your mind quickly.
"Mhm... good girl. Be a good girl for me and take it while I eat away at you." He teasingly licked away at your clit once more, taking it into his mouth, sucking on it before letting it fall out of his mouth with a quiet pop. "Oh my FUCKING. GOD, you taste so good..." He murmured before taking your clit back into his mouth, growling on it like a dog at its food bowl. You felt your back arch as you felt the ridges of his top teeth graze at the sensitive organ, biting it softly. Throwing your head back at the growls he left at your bottom half. "You feel that huh?" He talked with his mouth full of you, "you feel the growls shaking through your cunt? Hm? "Mmmm... the vibrations of my throat onto your little cunt-" He felt you tighten around his fingers, your body tensing up with every pump. He laughed, kissing yhour clit. "Are you gonna cum?" He asked sweetly, the sweetness mimiced toxicity however, like a sickeningly sweet cherry syrup sliding into your mouth. You nodded shakily, and in response to that, he yanked his fingers out of you, making you whimper and cry out, wanting to feel more of his adrenaline rush. "Unnhh... Red Velveet... whyyy..." you dragged impatiently, trying to each for his blood stained hand, however he pushned you down before you could even get the chance.
大丈夫、誰も試したことがない 密花-ヒソカ-を摘んで添えれば、赤裸々に視える 二度、届かぬ祈り Ah、昏い瞳-め-に伝染-うつ-る諦めが────…………
『It’s all right, no one was testing you Once you pluck and trim a secret flower, it appears naked A prayer that won’t be conveyed twice Ah, the defeat infecting your dark eyes────…………』
He licked away at his hand and lips like a graceful animal, almost showing some kind of twisted sign of humanity left in him. Panting, you were still ledt dizzied as you felt him mount at your entrance. "Red, please..." you muttered out in your stupor. "Red, please what?" After your glowing face blushed, your eyes watering over, he giggled and leaned down into your neck. "Say it. Say you're Red Velvet's dirty little whore and that you want my cock in you." He whispered against the shell of your ear. You grimaced and panted in response before recovering a sharp smack to your thigh. “Say it!” Whimpering, rubbing your legs together, you stutter out… “I… I’m.. Red… R-Red Velvet’s li-little whore a-and I… I-I-I wannnt hic-his cock ins-side of me..” you hiccuped. Chuckling darkly, he kissed your neck in reward. “Good girl, now say..” he prepped, taking in a breath, “I want your baaby Red, I want your baaaby, Red..” he cooed mockingly in your ear with a high piched voice to off brand your own.
A... a baby? You didn't expect that. You both never really brought up the future possibility of children, actually you remembered that Red stated himself that he was against having kids right now given his current predicament. He didn't want to harm them... at least you thought. But why was he making you say that? Maybe he had different intentions behind those words, to make you look even dirtier maybe? To objectify you? No, you couldn't bare the thought... maybe it was a possession type thing. Yeah, that made the most sense here. It was too close to hold hands with his feelings of jealousy, it had to have been that. Nevertheless, wwith doubts spinning around your head, you once again repeated what he said, to his amusement. He let out a sadistic chuckle before sighing in ecstacy, holding onto your hips and guiding you into a mating press. You felt the tip of his cock touch you, teasing your opening, almost begging to be let inside as the tip of his cock felt wet and hot, oozing precum into you. He once again poured his eyes into yours, and pushed into you like a ram opening a door. Full steam ahead kind of vibe.
この罰に従事し、隷属-れいぞく-されてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
あの願いを裏切れば産まれる 記憶の彼方にある光、消して 踏みはずし────………… 踏みはずし────………… 踏みはずし────…………
『Engaging in this punishment, an enslaved love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Born in betrayal of that wish, The light that exists beyond memory disappears, Doomed to fail────………… Doomed to fail────………… Doomed to fail────…………』
Kissing at your neck with venomous fervor, you felt him slowly pull out of you only to push back in just as hard as his initial entry. You eyes rolled back into your head is it too simultaneously rolled over, the feeling of that twisted painful pleasure once again clouded your brain in waves, cancelling out any rational thought you may have had. With your head pressed against the pillow, Red Velvet put a hand at your throat, threatenting to squeeze the warm, tender flesh of your neck. His fingers, painted the cursed peppermint stripes and animal like claws adorning his nails, squeezed gently at your throat and as he thrusted, he watched the blood gather into your cheeks, the blood getting stuck there with nowhere else to flow. The air that you once had was being stomped out of you with his monstrous hand, choking you, putting your air supply on a thread. Yet... the dizzying pleasure this brought was enough to make you hurt. It felt so wrong to let him do you this way yet... at the same time you never felt so right to be so wrong. You moaned through the little air you had, crying out as he squeezed just a bit more... just a bit more pressure there. He smiled through grunts and groans as he pressed against you, your legs pressed against his shoulders firmly. The bed started to gently creak with each foul motion you two made in synchrony.
"R-Re-ed Ve-elve-e-e-etttt...! AaAaAhhh!" You screamed out as he let go of your throat, gaining oxygen in thrushes, making you cough up. He only sped up as you screamed his name, letting it fill his ears like a serenade. Just a bit more...
さあ、亡骸を抱き Ah、 甘き死の予感を呼び戻す。。。
あの丘で十字に、磔-はりつけ-られてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
この罰に従事し、隷属-れいぞく-されてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
赦されずに生きてきた恥らい 遺した「傷跡」だけ、確かならば-
『So, embracing a corpse, Ah, recalling premonitions of a sweet death...
Crosswise on that hill, a crucified love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Engaging in this punishment, an enslaved love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Such an intolerable shame came to be If only the ‘scars’ left behind are certain-』
That blurry feeling came back. Your surroundings melted away like jelly as your eyes crossed. You didn't even acknowledge the fact that your orgasm had came. A mixture of cum and blood leaked down your inner thigh as Red Velvet continued to pound you abused sex.
『I kiss you...』
The sounds around you meshed together, almost like you were in a cave. Red Velvet continued to pound you in. You thought he said he was going to cum, but you didn't even know. You couldn't even scream anymore. Your body completely gave into his sick, childish desires.
『I kiss you...』
You felt him still with one last gutteral groan, and then afterward you felt a torrent of hot seed flash into you. He sighed and panted, looking into your lust torn eyes. You watched his mouth move, bit it was still all gibberish you couldn't make out. You had to come down, as did he. 接吻-くちづ-けて────…………
『I kiss you...』
His body sunk down onto yours softly with a quiet thud as some parts of his long hair hit his sheets. He started to kiss your neck, your collarbone, your cheeks, he started to kiss you everywhere... and you slowly came back down to see him cuddled up in your arms, a comfortable smile plastered onto his lips as he took in the warmth and the new scent of your breasts. You stroked his hair, with a matching smile... and you drifted off the same way he did, now one...
『I kiss you...』
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