koppashiren · 7 days
Happy Earth Day (ハッピーアースデー)
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natukusa · 2 years
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bancho-zx · 6 months
Wild Arms | ワイルドアームズ ~Intro / Title / Prologue
[ To the End of the Wilderness | 荒野の果てへ ]
// Whistling: Hiroo Horiguchi | 堀口博雄 // Composition: Michiko Naruke | なるけみちこ // Arrangement: Kazuhiko Toyama | 外山和彦
// MiSTer FPGA / PSX core // Y/C Composite // Sony KV-13TR20 CRT TV
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carrion-invidia · 2 years
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続いては #戦姫絶唱シンフォギア 10周年記念展に参上しやした✨ #シンフォギア は1期から5期までずっとリアタイで視聴してやしたゆえ、 ※ついでに #ワイルドアームズ も一通り😅 #シンフォギア10周年 展はだいぶ愉しめた☺️ 金子節が懐かしい✨ シンフォギアXVのライブがやっと今年11月に開催できるよーなので、 それまでに馬鹿げたマスク信仰をさっさと棄ててもらいたいところ😓 (ヒカリエホール) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjnH76vPwh-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cutepresea · 2 years
I see Kaneko is trying to kickstart a new game (with Agematsu as one of the composers) (It also lists Elements Garden in general)
Of course the other one is Naruke, but shhh, I'm a Gear fan of course I'm bringing up Agematsu and EleGar
He should go the other way around and reference Symphogear a billion times like how he kept referencing Wild Arms in Symphogear 😂😂😂
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damegema · 1 year
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ゴルゴダ刑場~ヴァレリアシャトー襲撃まで。結構イベントが立て続けにあって忙しい…! 今もヴァレリアシャトー襲撃のあとに補給もなく敵艦にアンカーで打ち込まれてしまった笑 弾薬補充してないけどどっかで補充できるんですか?!とりあえずセーブポイントはあったので助かった。
その後、エマ・モーター(けっしてエマという人が開発したのが由来ではない)起動のために2種の鉱石を探しに。その前に登場した謎のフードの女の子?は初対面のときからアシュレーのこと知ってる風だったし、色々と事情知ってそうだし気になる。いや、このフードの女の子がマリアベルという人物なのは知ってますが…多分吸血鬼みたいな存在だよね? アシュレーのことを知ってるだけじゃなく、なんか未来のアシュレーと会ったかのような物言いをするので引っかかってる。時系列がなんか変というか。もしかしてこの世界ループしてるんですか? 鉱石はどっちから行っても良かったみたいなんですが、適当に選んだらトカ&ゲーが出る方だった。昔やったときは結構トカ&ゲーで苦労した記憶があったけど、普通にあっさり勝てたな。トカ&ゲーとはこの後も何度かやり合うので、どこかの記憶と混乱しているのかもしれない。無印でいうとゼット的存在ですよね、曲もコミカルだし。
そしてようやくティムのパーティーイン!役割的にはリルカと同じく魔法系ですけど、リルカが単体・ティムが全体魔法って感じですね。ティムは魔法を使うのにラーニングが必要なはずなんですけど、どうやって覚えさすか覚えてない…確か対応するミーディアムを装備して、戦闘でなにかしたら覚えたはず。と思って説明書見たけど見落としたのか見つけられず。(DL版なので探しづらくて見つけられなかっただけかもしれないけど)まあ困ったら検索したらいいですからね。どうやらティムでトドメさしたらいいみたいですね。えっ結構むずくない? FP50あればガーディアン召喚して一掃できそうだけど。とりあえずけっこう通常戦闘はキャンセルしまくっててLVもちょっと低いので、優先してティム編成して戦おうと思います。でも今は敵艦に来てしまって余裕がちょっとないので一息ついたら…! 全体回復は早く覚えてもらいたい。
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Video Games for Japanese Learners Part 1 (English and Japanese Bilingual)
Are you starting out with Japanese language studies and love video games? Although it might be intimidating, playing games in Japanese can be a fun way to study. Luckily there are a decent number of games, both retro and modern, that are quite accessible for those who want to take up the challenge.
Some games made for a target audience of children and adolescents may only have hiragana and some simple kanji characters. There are also many games that have kanji with furigana written above the characters. These are the perfect types of games to play for those who are interested in trying games out in Japanese for the first time.
I compiled a short list of games that I personally feel are good for beginner and intermediate level Japanese learners. The list contains mostly RPGs, which I believe are the most beneficial for studying because of the large amount of text within them.
Please understand that this is not an official list of any sort. This list is just my own personal opinion on what games I think are worth playing for Japanese learners.
Let's get started!
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Wild Arms Alter Code: F (ワイルドアームズ アルターコード・F) for PlayStation 2
Recommended level of Japanese: intermediate (JLPT N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:中級 (JLPT N3)
This is a remake of the classic PS1 version of Wild Arms, featuring five new characters and a graphical overhaul. The dialogue is written in Kanji with furigana and includes a lot of voiceovers. The game has an easy-to-understand story, great wild western style music, and is a fun classic JRPG experience.
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Dragonquest (ドラゴンクエスト) Series
Recommended level of Japanese: beginner to intermediate (JLPT N4, N3)
おすすめの日本語能力レベル:初級~中級 (JLPT N4、N3)
So here is the series that started the JRPG craze. There are a ton of titles in this series and most of them are quite easy to play as long as you can read hiragana. The earlier titles on the NES/Famicom have only or mostly hiragana, which would be recommended for absolute beginners. Some of the later titles have more kanji, but the kanji are mostly basic which are taught in the early years of elementary school. I would recommend these later titles for beginners who want to take up more of a challenge.
I won’t list all of the titles here, but I will point out a few titles that worth checking out.
Dragonquest 4 (ドラゴンクエストIV) for the Famicom and Nintendo DS
The Famicom version only has hiragana and the DS remake has mostly hiragana with basic kanji.
Dragonquest 8 (ドラゴンクエストVIII) for the PlayStation 2 and 3DS
The PlayStation 2 version has mostly hiragana with basic kanji. Luckily, the 3DS remake has furigana written above the kanji. This is my personal favorite Dragonquest game.
PlayStation 2版は、基本的な漢字とひらがながほとんどです。幸いなことに、3DSのリメイクでは漢字の上にふりがなが書かれています。ドラゴンクエスト8は私の個人的なお気に入りのドラゴンクエストソフトです。
Dragonquest 11 (ドラゴンクエストXI) for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One/Series S/X, and Nintendo 3DS
This Dragonquest game is probably the most obtainable for most people due to the fact that it is on most modern game consoles. This game has kanji with furigana.
Key Words and Phrases
挑戦する (chousen suru) – to challenge, take up a challenge, give it a shot
まとめる (matomeru) – to compile, to put together, to list
含む (fukumu) – to contain, 含まれている (fukumareteiru) – containing, including
役に立たつ (yaku ni tatsu) – to be beneficial, to aid you in something
正式なリスト (seishikina risuto) – official list
ご了承ください (goryousho kudasai) – please understand, please take into consideration
名作 (meisaku) – masterpiece, classic (for movies, books, video games etc.)
PS1版 (ban) – PS1 version
グラフィックが綺麗になった (gurafuikku ga kirei ni natta) – graphical overhaul, improved graphics
ブーム (buumu) – craze, boom, latest trend
幸いなことに (saiwaina koto ni) – luckily, thankfully
個人的なお気に入り~ (kojintekina o ki ni iri) – my personal favorite ~
手に入りやすい (te ni hairiyasui) – obtainable, accessible, easy to find
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niemandsieht · 9 months
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フィルスペンサー氏が一度でも二度でも三度でもなく繰り返して日本と日本のゲームがXBOXにとって非常に重要だと発言していました。対照的にプレイステーションの日本市場への軽視はあまりにも露骨すぎました。日本スタジオ、かつてのPS1、2の成功を築き上げた開発チームを解散させ、数多の日本特有のIPをスマホゲーム化にも失敗、そして葬った。ワイルドアームズもドタバンも新作やるにはクラウドファンディングに頼るしかない、SIRENもICOも、クリエイターたちが皆独立し去りました。任天堂Switchが無双するのも、1つは自身の凄まじいソフト群、もう1つはやはり日本市場では競争が全く起きていないが原因です。現プレステのトップはジムライアン、管理職出身でした。彼はゲーマーとの交流もなければメディアにも滅多に出ません。これはPS4当時のトップであるShawn Layden氏と大きく違います。Shawn Layden氏はPS1時代からゲームの開発に携わっていました。XBOX One当時のトップがゲーム機よりもメディアセンターを選んでテレビテレビと言ってるうちにPS4のマネジメント陣がただ数十秒の動画を撮っただけでXBOX Oneを終わらせることが出来ました。しかし正にPS5では立場が逆転しています。XBOXのフィルが何よりも安定としたゲームの提供を重要視しているに対してPSのジムライアンがGAASつまり課金ゲームのような運営型、当てれば莫大な利益になる(原神)がそれ以外は外しまくっても構わない博打にオールインしています。
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getrend · 2 years
続きを読む 『ワイルドアームズ』生みの親・金子彰史氏が手がける新作RPG『アームドファンタジア』75万ドル(約1億円)の支援を達成!コンソール版も決定! Source: はちま起稿
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nataliesartprofile · 2 years
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Shout out to these two for being super cute but also being super annoying to deal with in Alter Code F to the point where they kept reviving each other and I lost track of where their respective HP pools were at and then just wound up spamming them both with heavy amounts of damage until they both eventually finally bit the dirt at the same time
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koppashiren · 18 days
Happy National Pet Day (ペットの日おめでとう)
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torin-sori · 4 years
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(株)フォワードワークス様のアプリ「ワイルドアームズ ミリオンメモリーズ」にてイラストを担当せていただきました。
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bancho-zx · 1 year
【PSX】 WILD ARMS 2nd IGNITION | ワイルドアームズ セカンドイグニッション ~ OP1
[ You'll Never Be Alone | どんなときでも、ひとりじゃない ]
// Singer: Kaori Asoh | 麻生かほ里 // Lyrics: Michiko Naruke | なるけみちこ // Composition: Michiko Naruke | なるけみちこ // Arrangement: Kazuhiko Toyama | 外山和彦
// MiSTer FPGA // PSX core // Y/C Composite // Sony KV-13TR20 // Dolby Headphone
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cherrybrandy-art · 4 years
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title「SD アシュレー」
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808impz · 5 years
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Wild Arms! Wow I remember playing the first Wild ARms back in the day.  These pics were taken in Akiba. Atre was having a Wild Arms tie up event. 
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bizarrerobo · 5 years
My quick thoughts on Wild Arms Million Memories (JP only)
So one of the mobile games I used to play is Wild Arms Million Memories (WAMM), the latest game for the long inactive franchise Wild Arms, a Western theme JRPG. This is based on my experience from its launch in September 2018 - December 2019.
The main gameplay is a dungeon crawler action gameplay, where you control your character with one finger. It’s often compared to Dragalia Lost, so if you like that game, then you will quickly get into this game as well. It’s pretty responsive, and quite tense at times. I enjoy it for what it is.
The energy system is non existence, so you could play til your heart content. The Auto-play AI is fairly competent, so at a decent level and with decent supporter, you can leave your game to do the grinding for you. 
The supporter system makes it easy to catch up in the game. There are many players with high level characters set up to help you beat quests that are beyond your current level.
The events usually involves two things: Grinding for event points and tournament. Event points are earned by playing the event levels like normal. Tournament events are really fun, since they are more skill oriented. You are judged based on your skills, such as how much damage you can accumulate without taking hit and losing your combo, and how much damage you’ve taken, and are compared to other players.
The presentation and story seems to be its strongest point. All of the Wild Arms Characters’ design have been updated to a more modern style, while still keeping that distinct Wild Arms art style. The character 3D models are nicely done for a mobile game and are quite expressive, which does play a role for a section in the game’s story. The music is great, just like the music from the other games. It still keeps that western theme, and they are so catchy. I wish I could talk about the story, since there’s look like a lot of effort put into the writing, but I can’t speak Japanese, and the fan translator for the game has long since quit playing the games for reasons I’ll get soon, but it looks far better than what Fire Emblem heroes has offer, especially during its first two years.
While all of this sounds good, there are reasons why I, along with the fan translator, stopped playing this game.
The game’s performance is weaker compared to other games. While my android phone’s RAM is 3GB, it can run Tales of the Rays, which plays like 3D Tales of games, nicely at the lower graphic setting. I haven’t play Dragalia Lost, but in WAMM, it’s resulting performance depends on the levels you are playing. It run nicely in a more empty, plain levels, but it chugs hard on other levels like a factory theme levels, to the point of almost being unplayable. You’ll need at least 5-6 GB RAM just to not have your performance hindered.
The grinding in this game is horrible, like Fate Grand Order level of grinding. It takes a lot of materials just to level up equipments, especially the higher tiers ARMS since they require other ARMS to move up in tier. I’m talking about at least an hour or two just to transform a 3* ARM into a 4*. The lack of an energy system felt like an excuse to not balance the drop rates of the materials. You don’t need a lot of grinding to make progress in the story, but it does makes things much easier.
The game takes a long time to improve life quality. It took them over 6 months to finally group materials together so I wouldn’t have to constantly put all of the materials into the gift section, since the storage was limited and wouldn’t be expanded until after over said 6 months.
The tournaments are pay-to-win focused, especially now. While you can get decent rank, you really need the ARMS and especially the featured character to cut lots of time on those events.
How is the gacha rate? Lower than Fate Grand Order. 4% for getting anything 5*, and 1% for getting the 5* characters, which is equivalent to getting the 5* servant in FGO. Even FGO has a total of 5% for getting anything 5*. The step up pulls are expensive, and even then, it doesn’t guarantee a 5* character, and the earning rate for the game’s main currency is a bit slow. There’s a secondary currency you could use to earn tickets to pull, even a little for free, by using 3* and up ARMS, but that involves quite a bit of pulls and grinding. Lots of grinding. 
The gacha is split into 3 categories: ARMS, equipment, and characters, and equipment has its own separate gacha section from the other two. That’s a blessing or a curse, depending on how you see it. What you focused on is up to you, but it does makes getting things much more expensive. 
The good news is that you are not heavily depending on getting the higher tiers to make progress in most of the modes, but if you want to really win in tournaments... well... good luck. You can still get half of the rewards just by earning event points on those tournaments, so it’s not all bad.
The hardest thing for me to figure out is its three weakness charts that are played all at once. Elemental types, Attack Types, and a third type I can’t remember the name of. The game used to have two, but after the introduction of Character gacha and the third weakness type, they make it impossible for me to predict if I would land an effective hit.
As much as I want this game to succeed, this has a lot of inconveniences and is currently experience a drought of events as it approaches its one year anniversary. There is passion for this game. I can feel it as if some of the staff are actual WA fans, but it’s being overshadowed by the treatment of this game as a cash-cow, and it stinks. This game is probably the last time the Wild Arms franchise see any light in the modern time.
If you guys want to check it out, you will need to find ways to download it, since it’s available only in Japan. For android, you will need apps like QooApp. Like I said, it’s a fun game, and I wish for it to succeed.
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