riax28csstrawberry · 1 month
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silversoulsociety · 2 years
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My favourite chikawa thing💓
Kono Oto Tomare!
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yvette-r · 1 year
They have the best dynamic and relationship to ever exist.
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meiscella · 9 months
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iinarux · 1 year
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L O V E | 🍓★..
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inahochi · 2 years
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この音とまれ! art by Amyuu sensei for 10th anniversary
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lachatalovematcha · 1 year
* .₊̣̇.   +      ·   .₊̣̇.        . · .  +         · . +   .₊̣̇. · ** .₊̣̇.   +      ·   .₊̣̇.        . · .  +         · . +   .₊̣̇. · ** .₊̣̇.   +      ·   .₊̣̇.        . · .  +         · . +   .₊̣̇. · *
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lometa5 · 2 years
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suzuka-akira · 2 years
Behind closed doors
(@chikawaweek Day 4: Jealousy) | ao3
It’s not that Chika is jealous. Really.
Call it…curiosity. Call it protective instinct. Call it… (Okay, maybe, just maybe, a tiny bit of jealousy. A wee bit.)
But earlier that day, he’d happened to see Satowa and that scruffy-looking criminal psychology professor walking together after class. Satowa looked red in the face, a bit like she was crying. Said scruffy unshaven professor looked, well, scruffy and unshaven, and also a bit protective. And what the fuck, was all that was in Chika’s mind from that moment on.
And earlier that week, Hiro-senpai had been talking about this scruffy Takinami, too. Said he’s really smart, but really perverted. (Okay, weird was what she said, not perverted, but weird has a few interpretations, and perverted is one of them.)
And thus began Chika’s voyage into the 9th floor of the Social Sciences office building. He storms into the Psychology section. Storms into the Criminal Psychology subsection. Storms into the corridor along which #09-28 lies.
How dare he do something with her in a room together. Not even Chika has been in a room together with her, except for the lecture theatre, and except for the library where they’d first met (where Chika had successfully managed to persuade her to skip out on studying for the exam and secretly watch Bleach and eat snacks with her in the library, of all places).
And, try as he might, Chika can’t help but admit that he may have developed more than a slight crush on her. (Not just a wee bit.)
So he’s been devising ways to pluck up his courage to confess to her. But this scruffy unshaven criminal fucker (how ironic that he specialises in Criminal Psychology, ha), dares lay a hand on his to-be girlfriend before he can even turn this strawberry-sweet dream into reality.
Thus, gone is prudence; following closely behind is rationality, both flying up and away, escaping far into the wind. He throws caution to the wind, too, throwing the door wide open -
“What the actual fuck are you doing to my girlfriend!?” Chika just about screams, slamming the door wide open.
A pin-drop silence blooms in the room, which Chika surveys - Takinami Suzuka is seated right beside the window, with Houzuki Satowa opposite him. In between them on the worktable is a small laptop.
”What am I doing?” is Takinami’s slightly strangled-sounding response, voice squeaking a little at the end.
”Your girlfriend?” is Satowa’s equally flabbergasted-sounding response, sounding a little like some head of some yakuza clan responding to some death threat.
Pin-drop silence grows in size.
”…oops,” is all Chika manages after a while, face red as a strawberry.
(That day, Chika learns two things:
Never to recklessly open a door without thinking
Never to recklessly open his mouth without thinking.)
“Well, now that you’ve already burst into the room, I hate to burst your bubble, but nothing like what you’ve expected has taken place,” is Takinami’s slightly awkward and very amused explanation. “And we might as well burst open the can of worms for him too, if Satowa doesn’t mind?” Takinami glances at Satowa all-respectfully, seeking approval.
“Fine with me,” she shrugs, slightly reddened at the chain of sudden events.
Chika’s face is nothing but a question mark at this point, so Takinami starts explaining.
“Your girlfriend-”
(“It’s not like that ye-”)
“-is now homeless.”
“What?” is Chika’s eloquent response.
“She has been driven out of her home.”
“WHAT?!” is Chika’s angry and eloquent response.
“Her family appears to have disowned her.”
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” is Chika’s very angry and very eloquent response.
“I happened to notice that she was staying in the college infirmary after hours a bit too often, and also happened to know about the Houzuki household’s affairs…long story.” Takinami coughs. “Anyway, we’re here to check out accommodation options for students near the home, because I have acquaintances working in the real estate sector offering discounted house rental price quotations.” Takinami explains.
Oh. So that’s what they were doing.
“Oh,” Chika scratches his head a bit.
“Yep. And that’s what I was doing to your girlfriend. Making her rent my friends’ affordable apartments. Sorry about that,” Takinami smirks.
“Please stop it,” Satowa buries her face in both palms.
“Thanks for helping me take care of her,” is all Chika says unblinkingly, still processing all the information, too speechless to say further, not remembering or trying or intending to deny anything in that chain of utterances, not at all.
(a huge thank you to all the moderators and contributors behind Chikawa Week!!!)
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riax28csstrawberry · 11 days
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silversoulsociety · 2 years
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Satowa chan~
Kono Oto Tomare! Sounds of life
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qilr · 2 years
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My first post. After few years being a fan, I bought 6 volumes of この音とまれ! and this is my first manga in Japanese I bought🥺 I can’t wait to indulge in it. I went through it when I received and indeed, papers’ smell is the best😂 Amyuu sensei’s art is so incredible and precise. I can see that she really draw with lot of care. I can’t wait to order Volume 27🥺
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oki-haru · 1 year
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Lonely St.
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meiscella · 2 months
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hironoriyamazaki · 2 years
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行ってきました! 【#ゆうばり国際ファンタスティック映画祭2022】 7/29(金)〜31(日)の3日間 熱い楽しい時間を過ごしました! 今回、山崎は【札幌国際短編映画祭】メンバーとして参加!! 3年ぶりの夕張現地開催となった今回。 山崎が前回伺った時は冬の開催でした。 その時には映画に携わる人たちの「優しさ」と「熱意」が 【冬の夕張】を暖かく包んでくれていた事を覚えています。 今回は全国的にめちゃくちゃに暑い中での開催。 北海道夕張もめちゃくちゃ暑かったです。 #きっと涼しい方だったんだろうけどそれでも30度超え 夏ってやはりみんな楽しくポジティブになれますよね。 ワクワクしますよね。 #夏の魔力 そんな中開催された【映画祭】 !! 上映は冷房の無い体育館!! 暗幕に覆われた体育館!! めちゃくちゃ暑かった!! #熱風を送る扇風機が頑張っていた だけど、やはり映画というものは 素晴らしく、 ここに集まっている人達は全員が映画好き。 良い映画を見た後のみんなの満足感。 そして、その制作者や出演者との交流。 今回の開催場所は元高校だった建物で、期間中ほぼそこに篭りっきり。 映画好きしか居ない場所・建物での3日間はとても刺激的で有意義でした。 是非、多くの映画好きにも知ってもらいたい! 1日目に上映された 【線香花火】 地元と女性と人の強さと優しさが伝わる映画。 #黒木瞳さんは可愛い 2日目の朝に上映された 【雨降って、ジ・エンド。】 とても良い映画でした!! #古川琴音さんは可愛い その次の上映【ファーストミッション】も 素晴らしく熱いパワフルな映画! #加藤雅也さんはかっこいい そして、#島田伊智郎監督 の 【 #消えない虹 】 楽しみにしていた映画!観れました!! 心に身体に脳に「ズドン!」と来る映画。 今のところ、東京でしか上映がありませんが、 これは是非、北海道でも上映してもらいたい! 島田伊智郎監督とは、今までに何度も北海道でお仕事をご一緒させていただいている戦友。 是非、また北海道で熱い映画を作りましょう! その為にもみんな要チェックです! これは近い未来に実現します。させます。 北海道の皆さん準備していてください。 ここ北海道で 映画祭を続けていくというのはとても大変なこと。 だけど、参加した人はみんな願う。 「来年もまた夕張に帰って来たい。」 そして地元の人が言ってくれる。 「#おかえり」と。「またね、行ってらっしゃい」と。 山崎は来年も参加したいと強く思う映画祭でした。 だから来年は山崎の大好きなみんなにも参加してもらいたいと思います。 一緒に参加するツアーを組もうかな? 行きたい人〜?? #ちなみに毎晩遅くまで飲みます そして、この想いや感動は 10月に開催される【札幌国際短編映画祭】でも味わいたい! 地元開催。 そこには映画好きの人達が集まる。 映画好きのお祭り。 #札幌国際短編映画祭2022 (Sapporo Short Fest 2022) SSF2022 会期:10月7日(金)から10日(月・祝) オンライン:21日(金)から11/6(日)までの予定 #SSF2022 #熱い映画好きリレー 今回、夕張に参加出来なかった皆様、 10月の札幌で熱く共感して、上手い酒を飲みましょう♪♪ —————————— 北海道から全国・世界へ 優秀・有能な才能を繋げ、発信するYouTube短編動画チャンネル 【D Movie】の運営をしております。 山崎大昇です。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKq_OAIoO3pLAQrWnj8Wjjg/videos 是非チャンネル登録をよろしくお願いします。 収益化出来ればまた新たな才能で新たな短編動画を制作します! (夕張 合宿の宿ひまわり) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgvchWsJIXC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iinarux · 1 year
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for my happiness ♡🍓.
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