#⟨ verse :: padawan ⟩
spokewar · 5 hours
why I like my Wayseekers verse a lot:
exploring mistrust of Jedi Order after Palpatine is killed
the repercussions of treating Clones as expandable
the power vacuum the war left and everyone fighting to fill it
Obi-Wan can get a new padawan
Obi-Wan trying to bring back Ye Old Ways of the Jedi Order (less government control)
everyone trying to figure out who to punish for what and all the corruption that is still in the senate at every level
people being varying levels of weird about how the clones are just dudes and not faceless soldiers a million miles away
Obi-Wan can get a new padawan
the 212th still following Obi-Wan around and getting offended when he says they don't have to
seeing which people heal and which don't
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mutatiio · 10 months
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feemor and (s)maul commissioned from peachmarch based off my thread (and adorable plot) with @mayxthexforce
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adhd-coyote · 1 month
Sooooo y'all remember There's Something in the Water? Yeah the muse kept chewing on it and now it's a series! So here's the follow up two-shot!
Waking Up To - Chapter 1 - adhd_coyote - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Rating: Teen & Up Archive Warnings: None Summary: Silas wakes up to the end of the Haat'ade.
Obi-Wan wakes up after running away from the Jedi.
Both are without their people.
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
Learning Curve || Drakka & Feral
Starter for @spcre-sith
Dallenor's dual moons covered the arid landscape before her with a soft shade of blue. If it wasn't for the fact that the wind kept blowing the sand that made up around 90% of the ground on her face —reminding her that it was, in fact, dry and scratchy sand and not something else—, Drakka could have mistaken it for snow.
It WAS cold enough outside right now that it'd have been an understandable misconception.
It'd been a long time since the Jedi council had last sent Jedi to Dallenor and, while Drakka had their blessing to be there, she was not really currently stationed on the planet for the Jedi Order's sake. No, she was here because she owed someone a favor– or more like, her father owed a fellow archeologist of his a favor, and it was being paid in the form of Drakka sitting around, bored out of her mind, keeping an eye out for anything out of ordinary while the archeologist team worked on unearthing what they believed to be the ruins of a Sith temple from the depths of the desert. And she wasn't even allowed to venture in.
Yet, she told herself. Not allowed to venture in YET.
And yet, curiosity was eating at her. Now, as she checked the perimeter while most of the team slept or simply lounged in their tents, she was even more tempted to just take a look. Taking a peek never killed anyone– not anyone she knew, at least.
Her inner conflict was promptly interrupted by SOMETHING. A shift in the wind dragged a scent to her, something that would have been imperceptible for the team and even for most Jedi– but on top of being a Jedi, she also happened to be a Zabrak, graced with a much sharper sense of smell that the average humanoid. She'd been sitting around while these men and women worked in the sun, she knew damn well by now what they smelled like. This scent didn't belong to any of them.
So, she followed it, a determined stride to her step that was surprisingly soundless thanks to the sand, intent on finding the source of it– on finding the INTRUDER.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
@kanerallels ask and ye shall receive
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In a better future, Padawan Bridger and Lady Wren become friends after a long week of repeatedly almost dying. Meanwhile, Knight Dume calls his gf for a ride off the planet.
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stars-written · 5 months
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"You lied to me?!"
Nil-Rae's heart thumped in her chest as she looked at him, the man she'd come to know as mentor, Master, and friend. The truth he'd revealed had struck her like a blaster bolt to the chest, shaking her very foundation with its power. Her eyes had darted this way and that, searching the floor as though it might answer her. Tears had burned in her eyes before his words had fully registered and they raced down her face before she could blink them away.
Her hands shook at her sides as they curled into fists and she clenched them tightly, forcing them to cross over her chest as she tried to stop their trembles. Breathing was difficult as her chest rose and fell beneath her and she could hear the heaving exchanges in her ears. She tried to process what he'd just said, her mind whirring with thoughts, all jumbled and resembling a fraying knot rather than a single, strong strand. She didn't know what to say or think as she unraveled faster and faster. At last, at long last, she managed to form words, spitting his deceit back in his face.
"You told me... you promised me! You brought me here to get me ready to join the Order! And now you saddle me with this? What did you hope to achieve? Why did you even train me if this was the truth all along?"
(@vivalavillain liked for a starter!)
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jebiknights · 6 months
I just realized I've gotten to the point that the only time I accept Anakin having a different master at this point is if it's Mace 😂
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redemptivexheroics · 6 months
A New Padawan [Closed Starter]
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Mace had been looking for Ellis; in the three years that had passed, his former Padawan had proven time and time again that she was a very effective Jedi Master, so when she entered the room, "Ellis, there you are, was beginning to think your previous mission was taking longer than expected. It's time I introduce you to your Padawan," Mace said as he stepped aside and revealed a boy no older than seventeen; he was about fifteen. "This is Jaxon Olsen. He will be assigned as your Padawan and you his Master. Do your best to train him well and correctly and with the new ways of the Order."
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"I usually have Anakin on missions, so I've been working with Obi-Wan. Don't get me wrong, he's an excellent substitute, but since Anakin is off with Padme raising the twins, it doesn't feel the same. Still, we make a very manageable team," Ellis said as she folded her arms across her chest and looked to the boy who would be her Padawan. "Nice to meet you, Jaxon. I'm Ellis Orion; that would be Master Orion to you. Don't worry; by the time you reach the end of your training, you will be a very effective Jedi; after all, I learned all I know from my own Master," Ellis said as she looked to Mace, her own Master. "I will not fail you, Master Windu; everything you taught me I'll instill in Jaxon here," Ellis confirmed, and Mace nodded and exited the room. "I've heard about you; you were rebellious and a bit reckless; remind me of Master Skywalker when he was your age."
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whatremcins · 1 year
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in my gruel era
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amethystarrows · 10 months
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@danversiism sent: ❛  can’t we just forget this whole thing and move on?  ❜ ( here / a )
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"Forget about how you just readily handed my butt to me without breaking a sweat?" Kate raised a brow, a hand resting on her hip. Yeah, she could forget about it. In fact, she'd love to. "Only if you teach me how to do what you did. And more of how you fight. I know enough to get me through most human baddies without a weapon. I need to know more, just in case."
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mutatiio · 8 months
@mayxthexforce The rest of the galaxy is cold compared to Tatooine. A'Sharad hasn't known this cold before. It bites at his skin despite the fact that he's wearing multiple layers because, while layered, the fabrics that make up his tusken clothes are LIGHT, not meant to hold in warmth but to filter it out. It's absolutely necessary for survival in the Dune Sea to wear layered but light outfits and now that he's so far away from his homeworld —all the way to coruscant, the heart of the galaxy, as he's heard it be called—, his clothes are USELESS. But A'Sharad is stubborn. He's refused to wear anything else but what he came here with, at least until he can provide for himself and get himself a better outfit all on his own, like the man he's become since his father was killed by that infamous bounty hunter. Stubbornly enduring this new climate while wearing the wrong type of clothing results in A'Sharad spending a lot of time outside, usually near the temple's large tree, both because he's never seen a tree before and it fascinates him: its strong trunk, its lively green leaves, and the amount of water that goes into keeping it alive; and because that's the best spot to just sit and get as much sunlight as he can. It seeps in through his clothes, warms his skin and while it's nowhere near the amount of warmth he's used to, it's better than nothing. It's enough to let him slip into a sort of meditative state. Until he starts feeling watched. A'Sharad doesn't move. He stays completely still. The mask and goggles conceal the fact that his eyes have moved towards the cause of this sudden feeling: a boy, a little younger than himself, half hiding behind one of the temple's pillars quite a distance away from him. There's no doubt in A'Sharad's mind that the boy is staring. The boy's master has no doubt of that fact, either. "Anakin," Obi-Wan speaks up, partly chiding because he's not raising a stalker, but mostly confused. "What are you doing?"
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anakin had been told to stay away from tuskens. they were dangerous and violent. they wanted to hurt everyone on tatooine except their own people. he'd been afraid of them for as long as he could remember. plenty of stories were passed around while he worked in watto's shop. frightening tales of men being murdered for no reason at all. or women being kidnapped for reasons that anakin never quite caught, the voices going too low for him to hear. he'd once been told he was the perfect size to get kidnapped by a tusken. anakin, who often had an answer for everything, hadn't known how to respond.
he wasn't sure how true any of those stories were, but he'd managed to avoid being kidnapped all the years he lived on tatooine. funnily enough, there had never even been an attempt.
he hadn't meant to follow the tusken around but, as usual, his curiousity took control. trailing after him had lead to the outside, to a the big tree that anakin had nearly fallen over looking at when he first arrived.
anakin remained a safe distance away, hiding behind a pillar.
the tusken seems… peaceful. basking in the sunlight, so still. there's a calmness to him, anakin thinks. or maybe it's just the tree. are trees calm?? he hasn't met enough of them to know. either way, this tusken didn't seem anything like the stories he'd been told on tatooine. and… he's fairly certain the jedi wouldn't let a murderer join the order.
he continues to stare, thoughts racing in his mind, completely zoning in on the other boy. everything else seemed to fade away and he focused on trying to catch any small movement. a twitch of his finger. the rise and fall of his chest. anything. in this state, he had not noticed that he'd half left his hiding spot. half his body was exposed rather than just his head poking out.
" anakin, "
a shriek escapes him and he near jumps out of his skin, the startled movement sends him completely out of his safe spot. obi-wan!! anakin looks between his master and the tusken before he's pushing obi-wan with all his might, forcing him and his own body back behind the pillar.
" why did you do that?! you ruined everything!! " his voice goes higher than usual, upset. his blue eyes stare up at the jedi, demanding and also upset. perhaps because he'd been caught off guard or perhaps because he'd been caught.
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adhd-coyote · 22 days
Last line game!
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
I was tagged by @hastalavistabyebye, thanksies!!
With a smirk, Obi-Wan stepped aside and gestured to the door. “After you, Silas.”
This is from the fourth part of my series Visions and Where They Lead! It was originally just supposed to be a oneshot, but it kept rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken and now here we are!
It follows a young Obi-Wan who Falls after being unable to prevent the massacre on Galidraan, and the adventures he has afterwards! Parts one and two are out, and part three is being beta'd!
Not gonna tag anyone for this, but leaving it open for anyone who would like to hop in!!!
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
Stranded But Not Alone || Drakka & Savage
Plotted starter for @nightbrcther
Even from this high up, the putrid scent of Felucia's surface reached her. Drakka seldom envied humans– but she had to admit that, right now, as the ship hovered connected to a replenishment ship with the side panels wide open to fit the hypermatter fuel hose and let the replenishment ship's workers jump from ship to ship, she envied their less developed sense of smell. Something had definitely died down there on the overgrown surface of the planet, something that was currently rotting twice as fast as it probably would if it wasn't for the constant humidity, something that was probably being eaten by the fungi or the fauna that plagued the planet.
Drakka's lips curled with disgust, revealing a sharp-toothed mouth that made one of the workers swerve to give her a wide berth instead of just walking right past her.
Right, Felucia isn't exactly known for their tolerance towards anyone not-human. Drakka huffed. She usually looked forward to these missions, they got her out of the temple. But this one just got worse and worse: get the mining charges from Coruscant and take them to Umbara, a place where nobody liked Jedi, and now they had to stop over Felucia to refuel because transporting mining charges meant being very, very careful and hyperspeed wasn't exactly gentle.
She moved away from the entrance and towards the cockpit, about to ask her pilot just how long it would take them to be able to leave. Her mouth opened, but the words didn't get to come out. Her discomfort about the planet was shoved to the side when the ship shook violently. The turbulence was accompanied by a heavy thud, and a cold feeling that made Drakka's stomach flip and twist inside her belly, like suddenly lowering pressure that had nothing to do with the turbulence. Everyone had stopped what they were doing, either holding onto things or looking up to try and spot where they'd been hit.
"Did we get hit by an asteroid?" she heard someone ask.
Drakka pulled her lightsaber free from where it hung at her hip. "No." the cold feeling was so strong she could follow it. She turned on her heel. She was following it, always one to face the challenge head on, but not without barking orders first: "Everyone, get on the replenisher!"
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
one of my mutuals was on a real obitine kick a day or two ago and it inspired me to draw a scene from what is definitely gonna be my favorite chapter of book 2 in the Time Heals 'verse:
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"Mm-hm. So, Obi-Wan and the Duchess are totally flirting. Do you think I would cause a diplomatic incident if I yelled 'just kiss already?' Sabine, don't you dare hang up on me, this is an extremely important question!"
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menaceborn · 8 months
redeemed au ayru being put partly in charge of teaching clones infiltration techniques and shit... hand-to-hand and close quarters combat... spy shit
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jedimastre-archive · 1 year
it’s not like anyone would miss me if i wasn’t there. from amelia ― @wornkindness
He didn't quite understand why his Master left him there when there were other things he could be doing yet he was saddled with keeping Padmé's friend company. While she wasn't exactly in danger, she seemed a bit distraught by the whole situation.
Sitting on the floor with his back to a wall, legs crossed and hands tucked into the long sleeves of his cloak, Obi-Wan glanced up as Amelia spoke, his brow frowning at her unexpected comment.
In the short time he's known this girl, Amelia Lockridge has been a variety of things, from expressing kindness to others to being cold to people who deserve it, outgoing when her friends were around and quiet when they weren't. But he hardly expected her to dismiss her very presence.
At first he didn't say anything but after a moment he finally spoke. "I don't think that is true." He said looking away from her, "At least ... that isn't what I feel from the others, you are loved here." He knew he was cheating, using the Force, feeling the intentions of the others she was speaking about. Normally he wouldn't use it yet he sensed her distress and immediately wanted to help. "You're being silly, just join your friends." Maybe I can finally meditate in peace ...
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