#❰ ・゚― ooc. about momo. ❱
peachyymomo · 3 months
me: hi! please don’t spam like posts it’s a very important boundary of mine :3
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varietales · 2 months
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resolvebound · 2 days
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ayahimes · 1 year
idol au !!! ( or if you have one i think we should all join into one and become an idol group ... )
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byanyan · 9 months
anyway when I said the other day that byan & jjijji get into a bunch of little spats all the time, this is the energy
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baiika · 7 months
//Frost-bitten whorrors 🤝 charred flesh whorrors, this is essay I
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hihi!hi hi!! may we have an introduction?
You ask-
We deliver!
We're Splatlands' favorite small-time idols-
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Splatland Popping Rocks!
We're dedicated to rocking out and delivering news and inking tips to the squids and octos on the outskirts of the Splatlands! I'm Lychee-
And I'm Momo! We're the terrors of the turf, and I'm personally excited to see all the new players coming in this year!
We'll be answering fan mail like this, so be sure to send some in!
All mail and questions are accepted! If you wanna know something about us, ask! And remember to have fun, ink it up-
And stay rocking!
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mochiwrites · 1 year
note to self: don’t write after 9pm when you’re sleepy
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fairybond · 10 months
i know this looks like a Lisanna Only blog lately but i promise its Not 😅
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flockrest · 11 months
okay but. a majority of the arrows tuli's quiver holds by the time li.nk makes it to his home mid-the cold front caused by the upheaval are made by mo.lli! and even after that. his major ( favourite ) supplier is his baby sibling even as he jokingly complains about her work at times skdfjkl
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risingsouls · 2 years
[Bulma: *misuses the dragonballs and gets pissed when Piccolo calls her out*
Piccolo: *cowers like everyone else in this series* “R-Right. It’s none of my business!”
Piccolo. The dragonballs are literally your heritage and culture. If it’s ANYONE’S business, it’s yours. Jfc.]
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vishapsking · 1 year
to the gentle encouragement of erika i jumped ship ( hahah ) and did the tier list too
let me preface this with guizhong, the liyue adeptal beasts ( cloud retainer, moon carver, mountain shaper, havria and osial ) in addition to dvalin ( dragon synergy ) are all in the top category. hyv won’t let me put it there but fuck let me have this 
also that nahida as rukkhadevata but we also don’t have an icon ( i guess the icon would be the same because hyv used the same model so... ) for that so there’s that. all in all, i ship retuo with a lot of the immortals  
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note that i like the kokomi water dragon reborn theory so that puts her high in the rankings despite being from a different nation and never having stepped into liyue. 
ning and keqing are the two most notable mortals in liyue and their big brained ways are very interesting to retuo/azhdaha so yeah. yae is fun....but also, archon companions unite!
itto...might be my personal bias but he’s cute and teasable, our rock dragon likes that so yeah. also i like geos so....
for the fucking - gorou is also teasable and cute so there’s that. retuo likes strong women, nuff said. wanderer there for curiosity about how it would work with a puppet. childe battle sexual fighting turned tension blah blah blah blah ( until they find out that childe was the one who summoned osial then it’s over, by over i mean cheld dies )
i’d like to think that they’d find the kamisato sibs interesting so i guess i can maybe work with it. same with sara. traveler is traveler protagonist pass. yanfei/ganyu are on iffier grounds but you know. huxiao is placed together but bode adores them both so. 
i neglected to add some characters because i got very lazy and bode isn’t very interested in them anyways
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varietales · 1 month
Talk about your favorite ship! | Favorite character to rp?
mun meme // accepting
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This turned into a massive ramble oops...
Favourite ship (i'm letting myself do 3 RP ones from across my blogs)!
Lisanna x Sting with @aitheros. It lives in my head and heart rent free, I’m so soft for them. We have had so many good and precious interactions with them and plotted much more too! They are such a lovely pair and bring out the best in each other, I adore their softness and the way they can relax around each other so beautifully and understand each other. They’ve both been through a lot, and the plot we’ve done for them has added to that and I’m forever excited about the things we can do within the plot and outside of it too. They’re also AU gold honestly. And I can’t even think about Lisanna without Sting coming to mind now. I can’t express how much I adore them, and Mandy is an incredible writer (im forever in awe of the description and imagery and use of metaphors, absolutely stunning every time, not to mention the dialogue and everything else too) so I’m always feeling super lucky to get to write with her! Her Sting is just CHEFS KISS (its also his bday today and I remember this bc I love him so much, he is the sunshine in my life). So yes 10/10 I adore them.
Rogue x Mary with @killrate. We started writing these babes together way back in like 2016, so it has been A Long Journey and it’s been so good. Beautiful example of awkward friends to secret lovers. With Mary being an ex-cultist and criminal and all, and Rogue being a famous mage, we get this Delicious plot of them keeping their relationship secret. The Yearning and Drama and all that goodness. And we also have an angsty breakup era planned which is gonna kill me but I also love it. In their happy era, they are so beautiful, so cute and adoring and flirty and fun but deep too and the feelings are so real and get me every time. He just adores her so much and is the absolute softness for her. I’m weak, send help. Plus as well as being one of the coolest people ever, Fae has such wonderful writing, its always so fun, so well done and full of personality, and a delight to read!!!
Gray x Evergreen with @lucentaire. At first glance, one might think Huh that’s a weird pair, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. They have a lot in common in terms of hobbies/interests, the way they think and even act sometimes, and a lot more. I love these two (and Jana’s specific portrayal) for the way they have this beautiful…idk exactly, like understanding or acceptance of each other, that’s growing with each interaction. They’re really starting to Get each other and it brings a certain peace and its lovely. I love seeing them begin to open up to each other, and I love the hints of feelings creeping in, and I love the teasing that happens from time to time between them as well as from their friends, its just all So Good. When I think about them, I just get this really warm sense of peace and I love it. I also have to say Jana is an amazing writer, her words always flow so well, and she has this gift of sneaking in little references to other characters/muses or little anecdotes from a muse’s past or family that just really Add a little something and make her muses feel so real and rounded. An absolute inspiration every time. And anytime i'm writing anything about Evergreen in general, I have to actively stop myself from writing 'Rena' instead, she's just so deep in my brain.
Favourite character to RP!
I have so many muses and have written so many more in the past, so it’s tricky to pin down a favourite! They all have their differences, and my fave can change based on mood as well. That being said, the first one that came to mind was Lisia (Pokemon)! She was my most active (basically Only) muse for about 8 or 9 months (which is sadly impressive for me) back in 2018. I’m not sure if its nostalgia that I’m holding onto, but I had a lot of fun with her. The RPC was fun and active and I had some really cool things going (and then things went Bad). I put in a Lot of work with Lisia, writing heeeaps of hcs and so she’s a muse that I really adore. She’s just a gorgeous gal with a gorgeous heart. I haven’t been able to get her going again since then but I’ve been thinking about her lately and might give her blog a clean up. I say that every so often tho and never do it, plus I can never manage to get her active again. But anyway, outside of her, I think I would say Lisanna is one of my faves to write! Coincidentally (or not), Lisanna and Lisia are very similar personalities. I enjoy their bubbly, cute personalities, and the way they can become teasing menaces when they want to be, particularly when they get close to someone. They also have this great potential for depth and deep and meaningful convos and angst. They’ve been through a lot and are still So Kind and I think I just find that sort of character comforting. On the complete other hand, I also really get a kick out of writing Macbeth, and my other old fave that’s just come to mind is an og muse of mine, Siegrain, which again, was once upon a time a Most Active muse of mine that I somehow can never get going again. But I did love that sassy blue haired bastard...
I suppose I could have said which muse on This blog is a fave to rp, but i haven't really gotten things going for each muse yet so we'll have to wait and see!
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resolvebound · 22 days
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vicious-valor · 2 years
Fun Theory Corner 
(copy/pasta’d from another conversation because I had this thought at 3am and therefore no one should criticize me aklsjd)
So, playing through OoT, you get some conflicting information (imo) that can easily be explained on a production level but is more fun to turn into lore,
Namely, the deku sprout telling link his mother was a casualty of the great war, which the king brought peace to, which would mean that the war was still going on less than a decade ago -- but despite nothing in hyrule reflecting a warzone (especially considering botw is 100 years post-war and still looks like that in places, which is a system memory issue but is more fun as lore) and all of the tombs having clean bones in them (which is a ratings issue, but is more fun as lore --) a woman in Hyrule Castle town refers to this time as 'The Long Peace' which, to me, does not suggest less than ten years, so either hyrule was fixed by this wise king shaking his ass holding his 1-2 year old daughter to cast Magic Fix at a nat 20 to repair all of the damage that war brings to a land, or,
Link is not ten years old
Hear me out: Link has grown up in Kokiri forest, under the protection of the great deku tree, who has been waiting until the 'time was right' to give him a fairy and send him on his quest. The Kokiri, who do not age, act like they've known Link for a very long time, even though to them a decade would easily still see him treated like the weird new kid growing up from a baby, so what if, what if, he's been preserved for his protection
what if zelda's father isn't even the king who ended the war, but his successor or his daughter's husband
The whole game is about time being funky, and we know that magics have the power to preserve a living body (even though it is aging in the sacred realm, but that's on purpose), so it's not outlandish to consider the possibility that the deku tree and the forest have the ability to extend time, especially because Navi suggests that children who get lost in the forest become skull kids, while that other kokiri girl suggests that adults become stalfos
thank you for coming to my ted talk this has been: Rascal Thinks It's Really Funny That There's a Possibility Baby Link is Older than Ganondorf
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wolfclawd · 4 days
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