#✮ Open Starter: Felix
longdeadblonde · 2 years
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starlingisms · 8 months
muse: felix melville, restaurateur | he/him | fc raymond ablack open to: anyone 22+ (no t*boo & read my rules pls) plot: inspired by this (also in source)
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Felix had just arrived to his restaurant, bustling with a crowd inside and waiting outside. After hanging up his coat, he spotted an anxious table of one. The telltale signs were clear that they had been waiting for their plus one for a long while. Squeezing past his staff, he sat himself down from across the person with a genuine smile. "Sorry I'm late, babe. You know how traffic can be," he said with ease, his server looking confused. "Can you start us off with two glasses of tonight's red while we look over the menu?" After a hesitant pause, the server left for the drinks. "I'm Felix, just go along with it." A cheeky wink. "Whoever didn't show up was a dick and you should have a nice time tonight."
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modcrnspirits · 3 months
open starter! daddy's friend. muse: felix mac cumhaill. plot: your muse is running from something (can be from the police or simply a nasty fight/divorce/whatever) and theo (felix's stepdad) told your muse to come to felix hotel. he has also told your muse that felix is free use, courtesy for the friends of the family. possible k*nks (these are examples, so feel free to ignore them or add new ones): breeding, feet play, feminization, slutty clothes, paid s*x, etc.
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"well, Theo's friends get the special treatment. Didn't he tell you?" Felix grinned as he offered the man a drink on the bar of his hotel. "Daddy told me you were going through some rough times and needed a place to hide. We got you under a fake name. You won't be found unless you want to." Felix sat down next to him, tapping the counter for the bartender to come for him. Everyone there knew Felix' too damn well, he didn't even needed to ask for a drink, the slightly pink cocktail was brought while Felix' knee was touching the other man's. "Which means, by the way, you are free to do whatever you want to. That includes me. I bet Daddy mentioned that already." Straight to it, Felix very rarely wasted time and since it was nighttime already, he was feeling rather lucky.
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ofginjxints · 6 months
open starter for f complicated relationships encouraged e.g. best friend's ex/sister, long time friend, fwb, age gap etc.
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His voice wavered. It was ill-advised but he supposed there was something in the air, or at least alcohol in his veins that caused his lips to loosen. Since it was just the two of them it seemed easier to admit aloud. "You can just ignore me, pretend I didn't say anything if you want - but I think I'm in love with you." A pang of regret already sat steadfast on Felix's chest as he breathed out.
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chronicsunshincs-a · 8 months
open to: f/m/nb. the plot: whoops! felix and your muse hooked up last night and he doesn't remember your muse's name.
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" —MORNING. " he's a bit more sheepish than he normally would be for something like this. it might have something to do with the fact that he's completely drawing a blank on the person who is sitting up in his bed's name. " feel free to.. use my shower. or get some coffee. whatever you gotta do. "
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viciousins · 10 months
harley madden . heterosexual . drummer & song writer for scarlet dropout , has never acclimated to fame like his bandmates.
possible connections : exes , forbidden love , right person wrong time , etc .
made with beta / gif icons also available <3
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' the hardest pill to swallow is knowing that tomorrow you’re not mine . i know i can’t help if you meet someone else . ’
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mysteriousangels · 1 year
Open Starter: Ghost of Me
Felix had come to the ball with Diana but at some point, they had split because Diana wanted to talk to some of her friends. Felix let out a soft sigh and walked out on the balcony. Not only was he avoiding Hannah be couldn’t even talk to Ruby because she made him seem like he was shitty for feeling the way he did.
He had originally decided to put all that baggage at the back of his mind though for Diana’s sake and for his reputation. One thing he did best was act and he was determined to have that part of his life go right even if it was for the night. “This would be a romantic place for a couple to have a New Year's kiss though.”
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fircmblcm · 1 year
open. versatile / top. muses: felix & rodrigue. plot: the relationship between father and son is turning into a problem for everyone involved. Rodrigue and Felix are not seeing eye to eye and gossip has it that the issue is the sexual tension. After one bad argument, your muse / a friend from Felix or Rodrigue, captain, Rodrigue’s secret lover or Felix’ boyfriend, a cousin or a priest / takes the two into a private area and decides to put them through a very specific and intense therapy.
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“I can’t believe you call me in. You know that I don’t have time, Rodrigue, because I’m still cleaning up the mess you left me.” Felix’ lack of softness was already well known so no part in the room reacted to it that much. “And you. Why are you helping my father? I thought I could trust you. I hope you didn’t tell him anything I told you or believe me, I will see that you are sent away from the camp and back to the castle.” He let out a loud sigh. A part of Felix even thought about turning his back on them and going away. But he stayed. He avoided his dad’s look, but not from the other guy in the room.
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“I told you this would not work. He doesn’t want to talk. He is just a spoiled brat.” Rodrigue stood up after Felix was done talking. He was taller than his son and his presence filled up the room immediately. He was looking at Felix though. His full attention on the son he felt he was close to losing. And it hurt him deeply. Rodrigue could hardly understand his feelings. Ever since he turned Felix into the Lord of the Fraldarius House, he started seeing him as a man. And underneath the anger his clashes with Felix left always remained something else. He sighed. “Son, please. You have to let me in or we won’t work this out.” It was a plea. Rodrigue was in the brink of despair.
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midnightsaboteur · 2 years
Open Starter - Vampire AU
Felix Lane - 310 years old, bisexual, vampire/bartender
The last customer had left the bar half an hour prior, or so Felix had thought. Vampires had numerous advantages in their arsenal and heightened senses were one of the most prolific. Felix could sense the slightest changes in currents of air, hear a flow of water from buildings away and crucially tell when there was a racing heartbeat and pumping flow of blood somewhere where it shouldn’t be. He walked slowly yet determinedly from the main bar through to the rear corridor whilst sensing such a heartbeat, his senses ultimately taking him down the stairs into the stock cellar. There, Felix laid eyes upon the intruder with their back to him.
“We’re closed,” Felix announced, tone firm and blunt. It shot through the silence but Felix wasn’t perturbed. Instead, he leaned upon the counter just behind him and folded his arms, affixing the other with an uncompromising glare. “I could call the police for trespassing, but I see you’ve already found all the jars and vials in our secret stash,” he mused then, his gaze briefly flicking to the many glass containers of blood that resided upon the shelves. “We don’t just do moonshine and liquor, sweetheart. We do blood, too. Let’s just say this is a bar for certain nocturnal creatures...” Felix added, a brief pause breaking up his sentence as he suddenly bore his fangs before continuing, “Run by nocturnal creatures...” 
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memoriesoftanalorr · 1 year
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rewritten roleplay starter, need a Mirabel it's a brotp thing alright? My idea -- Bruno becomes evil and Mirabel confront him to help him. Only love and flames of thousand of magic candles can bring him back.
No matter what they tell you The future's up for grabs, no No matter what they sell you Is there a word for "bad miracle"?
(Oh, sorry this song is stuck in my head cause it's reminds me of Bruno, Fall out boy - heartbreak feels so good)
Bruno was happy to return to his family and this is the merit of his niece Mirabel. Casita fixed Bruno's tower and he sometimes spent time in his room. He spends a lot of time with his nieces and nephews. Mirabel worked for a long time in her room, she prepared a gift for Tio Bruno, a handmade crossbody bag called mochila, a bag was green with a small hourglass on it, also magic candle and others that represents the members of family Madrigal and there is letters on front 'to Tio Bruno, we love you.' Mirabel wondered if her tio would like it. Once at night, Bruno had a nightmare, he tossed and turning in his bed, he sees someone in front of him. That person was in the hood and then he recognizes himself in that person who standing next to him, Bruno widened his eyes in fear, he stepped back in defense. But Evil Bruno laughing evily and walking towards him, "You come to visit, huh?" "W-who are you? What do you want from me?" Bruno asked. "I'm you, of course. I want to say that soon I'll be in control and you can't stop me. Don't worry, I'll take care of your precious family." he made a sadistic smile. "Don't you dare to hurt my family!" Tears flowing down his face. "Are you scared, Brunito?" his evil reflection leaned closer to him. Bruno closed his eyes in anexity and fear. His bad dream is ended and he woke up, still in tears, sobbing softly. Dolores hears her tio crying, she wondered what's wrong with her Tio Bruno. At the morning after breakfast Dolores tells Mirabel, Isabela, Camilo and Antonio and Luisa what she heard at yesterday's night. Isabela suggested that they're should take a walk in the forest with Tio Bruno and cheer him up, everyone liked the idea. Mirabel decided to show Bruno his gift and maybe asking him what's bothering him when Tio Bruno is ready to talk about it.
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oneyeclosed · 2 years
muse: felix cavicchi
open to: m/f/x. friend, fwb, crush, coworker, enemy, bodyguard.
plot: they’ve been watching him hook up with and drink from people at his club all night. maybe they’re confused, maybe they disapprove, maybe they’re jealous...
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he can’t help smirking as he feels eyes on him, again, as he exits one of the back rooms. they’ve been staring at him all night, and as fun as it is to make them squirm from a distance, felix wants more—wants to see that pretty blush up close and hear how fast they can get their blood pumping. zi walks over, swiping a stray trickle of blood from the corner of zir mouth with zir thumb and sucking it clean as zi approaches the other. “they’re all fine,” he reassures. “i never take much. tomorrow they’ll just think the bruises and the dizziness are proof they had a good time. and they did. i am a very gracious, mindful host, after all.” felix steps closer, grinning with sharp teeth on full display, and trails his fingers across their jaw and over their throat. “that is the only reason you’ve been watching me all night, hm? nothing else.....on your mind?”
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fairymint · 1 year
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"Happy Luvdisc Day~" He can spare some chocolate covered cherries, it seems sweet treats are a mood of the day...
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modcrnspirits · 7 months
open starter! new toy. muse: felix mac cumhaill. plot: felix' dad is visiting and him and your muse are having a thing and felix wants your muse to meet his father, so he planned all of it. but when he came to pick your muse up, he was still undressed, waiting for felix to come for s*x. (possible k*nks: femme clothing, t*boo, older muses are preferred, but whatever you want, your muse would be older but felix would be the sugar daddy, etc)
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"be a good ol' man and i will let you take my clothes off once the night is done. i have a surprise for you." Felix leaned against the door to one of the most expensive rooms in his hotel. from the open windows of the balcony, the breeze from the mediteranan sea blew over them. he had been gone for most of the day, as he usually did, but the night was his. and that man as well. and well, felix was getting into that other guy. he had prepared one hell of a night for two. so he was a bit disappointed the other didn't follow his order to dress up and look good too. "you'll get it, don't worry." he pouted as he walked to him, one hand grabbing the bulge on the only piece of clothe the man still had on. "but one of my dads is visiting tonight. and i want him to meet my favorite toy."
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oppulcnce · 2 years
plot: what it’s like being involved with a mafia boss (whether they are a mole or not is up to you) open: f
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“sit down,” the tone may have been calm but the three guns pointed in her direction proved the situation to be opposite. “eat first, then we’ll talk.” felix wanted to believe that she wasn’t the mole, and in his heart he trusted her still but he was a boss first. there were to many people to think about, that he couldn’t be a sentimental idiot. “don’t worry, the kitchen staff worked hard on the lobster, it’d be a shame to spoil it with discussion,” he said as broke into the tail with a knife to take the meat out, and of course it was a threat- everything about this situation was a threat and she had to recognize that there was no room to play cute.
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radicalrascals · 16 days
Open: y/m arrives at a crime scene and is greeted by the forensic pathologist outside; can be a crime solving story or something supernatural or maybe they just need to hang out together afterwards to cope Looking for: police, private investigator, journalist, hunter (if supernatural), etc | m40+ if romantic Muse: Felix Lilienthal, forensic pathologist | fc: Clemens Schick
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"If I were you, I'd take a deep breath and rethink all my life choices before going in there," Felix advised with a nod towards the door. Behind which was one of the most gruesome crime scene he'd come across in a long time. Luckily the pathologist wasn't faint of heart, and a little smoke break did wonders for his nerves.
He exhaled smoke through his nostrils while patting himself down, eventually retrieving a little something that looked a lot like chapstick; "Odor blocker. Rub it under your nose. And thank me later."
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