#♜ A: Dialen
longdeadblonde · 2 years
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longdeadblonde · 11 months
Plotted with @twyred
The shape stalked around the man with a sphinx-like posture, reptilian feet kicking up fine sand and disturbing the eerie stillness of the vast darkness surrounding them. Above there were no stars, no clouds, no sun. Only a blood red blemish which writhed and morphed in the sky, emanating a low light. There was no sound within the vast wasteland, and now the only movement was the shape leaping up to perch on a barbed tree.
Tail whipping back and forth, she spoke: "I usually find those who are looking for me. I stumble upon them during a chance encounter. After months of calling, they cross my path. Leaping through self imposed hoops of archaeology and living in occult libraries. Did you self-flagellate? Did you kill babies or animals in my name? Did you swear off your earthly possessions and crawl on your hands and knees to find me? If you did, I don't want you here."
Standing upright, the head and torso of a woman became more apparent but her face was still lost in the darkness as it was hidden behind a veil. "Seeking me in of itself is a mortal sin. And dangerous too. My siblings would have eaten you alive if you had found them instead."
"You better be something. Otherwise, you'll have to bear all the punishments and receive none of the rewards. The floor is yours, friend. Make it worth it."
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longdeadblonde · 10 months
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I think Dia, Cici, and Ake love each other, they just don't like each other. They definitely prefer each other to their other siblings, they'd sacrifice things for each other, cover for each other, and spend a lot of time together and are able to have a good time. Other than that, if they weren't siblings I don't think they'd want nothing to do with each other. They go out of their way to hurt each others' feelings and mock each other. Needless to say, their relationship isn't healthy but it their eyes, it beats the alternative.
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
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Cicero and Dialen as far as the eye can tell, are two beautiful and classy young women. They're almost nymph-like in terms of attractiveness, playfulness, and tendency to drag those who find themselves infatuated with them through the mud. The graceful femininity is a front of course. Behind closed doors they will fight each other over mundane things, get obnoxiously fucked up on wine, loudly talk shit, and subsist entirely off red meat, candy, and tobacco because why would they want anything else.
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
“ but my grand adventure has just begun! ” (from Maew to Dialen)
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Dialen lit up some at the mere mention of adventure. A long history and insatiable wanderlust left her with plenty of stories of her wanderlust. From accursed monasteries of nuns with dark secrets to the straw beds of hippie communes during the explosive summer of 1969. The people she met along the way were half the treasure: mad monks, bohemian poets lost to time, spiraling rockstars, and career criminals.
These things were what managed to keep her interested for centuries on end. Now it seemed a new opportunity to sit back and observe had sprung up like a dandelion. "You've only gotten started? That's a shame. I was hoping you'd have some stories to share. But if you have any stories, tell them. I like to listen."
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
send  ☂️  for  a  weather  based  starter .
starter call ,     feel  free  to  combine  multiple  prompts !
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  "Comin' down hard, huh? Don't remember the last time I saw a storm like this!" Joining the stranger in a dry patch protected by a green storefront awning. She did remember, but she found it was easier to carry a conversation when she pretended she didn’t know everything. Dialen, or ‘Rhiannon’, as she went by, pulled her yellow raincoat tighter around her torso, shuddering as she did. “Must’ve angered the gods or something. I’m more of a sunshine, summer breeze kinda girl myself but I admire moody weather.”
  “There’s an energy to it, you know. Within every single droplet and gust of wind. So much power in something that’ll hit the ground and become one uniform puddle! We don’t even think about that. We march on under our umbrellas or get nice and cozy by a window.” Ever fascinated with the most minute of things, she watched in silence as the drops of rain ripped into puddles on the floor. All the time in the world and then some, everything is worth pondering. “As much as I like it, I hope things clear up soon. My sisters aren’t so fond of the rain and they’re going stir-crazy.”
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