#✖ ➝ ( interactions. )
sansloii · 3 months
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“…They need how much water?”
“You're joking! That's enough to fill the northern lake and then some!”
“Where is it all gonna come from — the ocean? We're gonna have ocean water filling our streets?”
“That's gonna be so messy. No one wants to wade through all that at a festival.”
“How do they manage that in Meriburn? They've gotta have grates in their streets, right?”
— And, like clockwork, he can hear his older sister's sigh at the influx of question and conclusions Tallis and Vance lay at their feet. They're curious and Wynn certainly couldn't blame them, given how eager they had been to listen in on discussions about the impending festival. He wouldn't fault them for their excitement, either…. but it would be nice for them to take a breath and let Sybil ( or himself, for that matter ) explain before their minds ran wild.
“Yes, of course — they're gonna flood the streets.” comes Sybil's mildly sarcastic reply, paired with a shake of her head. “Maybe they'll flood the castle too, if you two have anything to say about it.”
A chuckle sounds in Wynn's throat. “Don't put the thought in their heads, now. Next thing you know, I'll hear whispers of the castle turning into an aquarium.”
That earns an amused little eye roll from his sister, as well as some protest from his brothers ( but that much, he expected ).
“They're going to be using water from the neighboring ocean but it's going to be purified before they just… dump it on our heads.” Sybil explains, “And, from what was discussed… they'll probably use magic for a majority of whatever water-based spectacle is needed during the festival. Brecaea doesn't have the infrastructure to do what Meriburn does with the whole… “water in the streets, enjoy the festival barefoot, barriers to minimize flooding” but we're doing something pretty similar. I think they should be painting some sidewalks and roads with whatever substance coats Meriburn's streets today or tomorrow.”
“And the day after that… Queen Dakota is paying us another visit and will be staying until the festival finishes. So any questions you have — you can just ask her.” The royal leans back against one of the many window sills in the sitting room. “Granted you two don't inundate her with needless questions.”
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jfouler · 7 months
a lil thing i talked about... a LONG time ago - jamie is very difficult to do non pre-established stuff with because he is mean and hates talking to people. so this is a friendly reminder that pre-established relationships are very encouraged and also a reminder to MYSELF that i gotta rb more plotting memes kjndfsfd
cuz like. all his first meetings are gonna be the same, really. he's either gonna be mean and dismissive or point a gun at you. sorry </3 (the only exception is if your muse is a child akjndsf)
this is also to say that with interactions you have my full permission to just make them friends (or enemies, or whatever) already. or have some kind of history to the interaction. we can figure out the deets later. 90% chance i'll be like HELL YEAH !!
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gloireceleste · 8 months
@storyandscng from >>>
the stranger's gaze isn't on crowley. has never been on him. it has followed, not unlike the demon's own eyes, a certain jolly bookshop keeper as he walked to an innocent other shop's entrance with a seemingly gentle, if strict-looking, old man.
except neither the stranger nor the demon are believers of the lie. it's not until the light of the elevator disappears from the stranger's eyes that he finally speaks. he doesn't seem taken aback by the tone his words are greeted with.
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" him, actually. " he answers, finally looking. head pointing towards the building aziraphale disappeared into. " oh... ages ago now. "
it's hard to say if he looked concerned while looking at that building with that elevator going god knew where for god knew what. but does he? know.
" asked me a question. "
his eyes are now unwavering and intent on the demon. " what was his name, already? oh how silly. " he knows the name. wants to hear crowley say it.
" but i never quite knew what answer to give. "
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fearsgod · 6 months
i feel ... ignored
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fairfallcn · 3 months
@aspiringroleplays replied: "Death. Chaos. Destruction. Idk maybe some war and famine. You missed a lot."
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『 ❝ ah... so the usual suspects then. well, guess I gotta catch up. ❞ 』
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silkchvffon · 11 months
❛ ✖︎  —  closed  starter  —  @invcntions​. °
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     THE  DOOR  SHUTS  WITH  A  VIOLENT  BANG  behind  her.  it’s  not  the  first  time  marcela  finds  herself  locked  out  of  her  own  home  after  an  argument  with  her  mom  who  doesn’t  even  live  there  half  of  the  time,  but  it  never  stops  aching.  she’s  on  her  knees  after  having  been  practically  shoved  out  and  marci  can  hear  her  mother  rummage  through  her  stuff  in  search  of  her  savings  —  savings  she’s  stored  at  the  diner,  knowing  it’d  be  safer  there.
     she  gets  up  and  bangs  on  the  door  ferociously,  effectively  waking  up  the  entire  trailer  park.  «  open  the  fucking  door,  linda  !  »  she  spits  venomously.  it’s  futile  and  marci  knows  it,  but  what  else  is  she  supposed  to  do  ?  «  are  you  kidding  me  ?!  open  the  door  !  »  there’s  no  reply,  and  marci  kicks  the  door  one  last  time.  «  FUCK  YOU  !  »  she  backs  away  from  the  door  and  exhales  slowly,  anger  making  way  for  embarrassment  to  envelop  her  instead.  she  glances  down  at  her  scraped  knees  and  her  skimpy  attire:  a  pair  of  shorts  now  a  size  too  small  and  a  crop  top  she  stole  a  few  weeks  back.  not  the  sort  of  outfit  she’d  choose  around  this  crowd.  instinctively  she  wraps  her  arms  around  herself  and  turns  around  to  meet  the  eyes  of  one  lincoln  chandler.  eye  contact  only  lasts  a  second  before  marci  turns  away  again,  but  one  second  is  all  she  needs  to  recognize  that  worried  look  of  his.  fuck.  she’s  out  of  options:  obviously  she  can’t  go  home,  her  boyfriend  is  now  her  ex  once  again,  and  judging  from  koa’s  last  update  he’s  somewhere  over  the  atlantic  right  now.  would  it  be  pathetic  if  she  just  made  a  run  for  it  ?  anywhere  is  better  than  here.
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aquariusvibes-arch · 1 year
if you can't love my female oc / you can't love on my male canons.
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mingunissi · 1 year
They say that marriage can be considered to be a successful one, not because of how long two people stayed married but instead of how many challenges and obstacles that they faced and overcame together.
'It must be true then' he thought with a smile. After everything and EVERYTHING, he was confident that he and Hyejin remained.
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His steps were light as he rounded their bedroom, brown eyes centered onto her turned back, her hair styled the way she liked it the most. He watched as her fingers hands over the canvas a splatter of paint colored here and there. He couldn't figure out what her muse was for that day, he wasn't that artistically inclined either. But still, he knew whatever it was Hyejin was creating---it would be a masterpiece.n
"I knew I'd find you here." He smiled.
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varnaedhar · 1 year
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@flightofaqrow: "all of this is my fault."
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Raven's fist strikes the wall behind Qrow, and it's only through remarkable self control that she hadn't thrown the punch directly at him. He wouldn't be any good to her if she bloodied up his mouth. She needed him to fucking talk, to tell her what had happened, and likely to call off his new little friends which were currently preparing to point their weapons at her.
Correction: the blonde was already there, a bolt loaded upon her wrist.
She doesn't care about the Relic, not really. She doesn't care about Atlas falling from the sky. She doesn't care about Salem or Ozpin and this whole war that they've dragged her family into. She just wants to know one thing.
"Shut up. Shut up, I don't want to fucking hear it!" Her face is close to his own, staring into eyes which so often reflect her own. They're dull, right now -- his face looks pale and gaunt, almost unrecognisable. In calmer times, she may have questioned what had put him in that state. In this moment, she couldn't care less.
Barely a whisper, now, the words sounding scratchy to her own ears. As if she'd been screaming only moments before she reached him. "Where is my daughter?"
six word sentence starters
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sansloii · 4 days
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“Vega~ …” Astra is practically attached to his partner’s back, nuzzling his shoulder for a moment before sighing. “I’m bored … we should grab another job, soon. A fun one, mm?” (royal au bc i’ve been thinking about them all day)
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The weight of Astra's form settles against his back and Vega, like clockwork, leans back into all the comfort it offers. He lifts a hand to one of the arms draped across his shoulders and offers a small squeeze to his partner's arm, head turning a slight bit to catch a glimpse Astra making himself comfortable.
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“A fun job?” he repeats, a ghost of a smile on his lips “And here I thought you were enjoying the peace and quiet almost as much as I was.”
— which is to say “Not much at all”…
“…If you want to take another job, then I don't see why we shouldn't. Everyone else seems to be preoccupied by one thing or another… and it's only fair that we have something that keeps us busy too.”
The assassin brushes his fingers against Astra's arm, head tipping down now to press a kiss to it as he speaks. “…I've had my ear out for a particular contract for about a week now… It's not too high profile but it will take quite a bit of preparation on our part.”
That's half of the fun, though.
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Unprompted, I think | @fatestouch
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jfouler · 7 months
thinking about how much i love ocs. ocs are awesome
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gloireceleste · 8 months
he expects it. it doesn't mean it doesn't sadden some part of him who wishes everything had been different. he doesn't even seek to defend himself or to wiggle out of the demon's grasp, his back to the wall of his own bookshop.
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" people are looking! listen- " the hesitation contrasts with the new, darker, duller clothes he wears as he looks around them, smiling nervously at the couple people indeed looking at them. gossipers... he'd roll his eyes if it weren't for crowley's hands at his lapels. " let's go inside... we'll talk. i- i'll even make you tea. but let's not do this here."
and, honestly, the neighbors are actually the last of his worries right now. there are more dangerous ears and eyes about and he doesn't feel half as comfortable to speak with crowley outside as he would be inside. if the demon can cooperate, of course.
" please. " he hopes the pleading still works after all this time, because he has no idea how else to calm the waters right now.
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viiktorious · 3 months
TAGS FOR: viktor krum !
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fastfists · 8 months
✖ // been quietly lurking on your stuff. your portrayal is always fantastic to see.
✧ send me a ✖ if you enjoy my portrayal of my character ✧
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[KIA SCREECHING] Ahhhh, thank you Q3Q I am glad you have been enjoying seeing my boy on the dash, it makes me happy to hear >//3//< Also, to you and anyone else lurking...feel free to yeet your muses at me. I am slow as a snail through molasses BUT I swear I want to interact with you all so badly.
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hlysins · 1 year
Shiro's history was a safeguarded secret known only to a select few, though he had confided in Murasaki — a clone created by section 13. He had only agreed to become an exorcist in order to escape the life he was created for. He found blindly following orders easy if it meant leaving the so-called asylum. ❝ Ah, Murasaki-san, to what do I owe the pleasure of you gracing me with your beautiful visage? ❞ He inquired, trying to soften whatever blow would surely come his way. After all, he had recently broken many rules of the order with little regard for what future impact it would have. It was a secret that only he and Mephisto shared, though he knew that with her intelligence, it would only be a matter of time before she saw through his lies.
A smile was soon sent her way, a wave of his hand dismissing the words lingering on his tongue's tip. ❝ Why don't we go investigate that village, you know, the one they say the village leader has signed a Morinath Contract. ❞ It was something that he wanted to investigate, but it was also a way for him to try and ignore the elephant in the room — after all, the paladin had always been a man that was by the books. Life has the uncanny ability to change someone down to their core. The once cold-hearted man had found compassion and a willingness to try and understand demons and demonkind, if only because of Yuri's sacrifices and choices.
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Regardless, he knew it was only a matter of time before he would tell her the truth. She had that way about her, the type of woman who he felt like he could share the depths of his soul and the darkness within without fear of judgment or rejection. ❝ The village is about a four-day commute from here, so we better get going before more havoc breaks out. ❞ He added, lighting a cigarette and letting it dangle between his lips.
@utallige // ft. shiro fujimoto
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fairfallcn · 1 year
continued from [x] || @thancrxdwatxrs
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it had taken him a bit to fully understand his own feelings. did he want to take the risk of telling Thancred the truth? there were a number of times he'd backed out of doing so, for fear of ruining their friendship. but he couldn't deny it anymore. he was in love with Thancred and it was about time he let the other know. even if it meant possibly losing him in the process.
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still, it did nothing to stop the nervousness. especially when he caught sight of Thancred moving closer to him. his fight or flight immediately came into play. part of him wanted to run and hide but the other part of him wanted to stay and see this through. that part won. he steeled himself against the fear and met Thancred's gaze, straightening up where he stood. the distance between them grew shorter still and the dark knight could feel his breath catch when Thancred stopped with mere ilms of distance between them. he bit down lightly on his lip, ignoring the increased beating of his heart as Thancred spoke. 『 ❝ I know it's kind of surprising. but this is something I've thought about for a while now and I know it to be true. I am in love with you, Thancred. have been for some time now. I was just... scared. ❞ 』 he tried to keep his voice calm but the fear of rejection was strong, 『 ❝ I'm ready to take that plunge... what about you? are you... do you feel the same? ❞ 』
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