#⊱ mutuals : clara ⊰
victoriawaterfield · 1 month
clara's beef w the tardis is so funny 2 me. they should kiss
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shinyzango · 2 months
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I ended up hosting a Magma session over on Twitter and spend 10-11 hours in it... ops.
Anyways have the doodle I drew during it =w=
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tennant-davids · 1 year
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SUCCESSION 3x05 // Succession - Season Three: The Complete Scripts
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royaleofury · 2 years
🐻 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓃𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃
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Welcome to this new pick a picture reading. The reading is based on a fated romantic connection that you will encounter in your present life. Furthermore, the pac will tell you more about the dynamics and the characteristics of your person. This is a collab between @royaleofury and @alaezasmystery . Follow both the creators for more contents.
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The pictures go from left to right ➥
Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment purposes. Do not rely on it. And this is a general reading it will not 100% resonate with everyone, so please only take what resonates.
Pile 1
This is beautiful energy pile 1 , your fated connection would be one where you feel at home . Your partner and you will have a spiritual as well as am emotional connection almost telepathic in a way . You would feel and will be able to anticipate your partner's needs as will they . I'm being told , before they can come into your life , you'll dream about love or relationship or a partner or even a faceless person with whom you are married to . This is crazy timing Pile 1 , but you'll be seeing signs of love and commitment everywhere , even the tree branches will have birds in pairs and this is how you'll know they are about to come into your life . I'm told for many of you , they will be your soulmates or twin flames . You and your partner will reflect each other's values , principles and morals . You will either propose or will be proposed to by them near a beach or near a water bodies . You'll know intuitively that they are the one , or before they pop the question on one knee . For others I'm getting your person could be a water sign or you are a water sign , you can have major placements either in 7th house , 8th house or 4th house . Even for ascendants or sun in water placements . This is going to be the most secure, romantic and fulfilling love of your life , Pile 1 . They will be permanent or will want to make it permanent after meeting you . I hear , they'll have only eyes for you .
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Pile 2
Cards I got: The World, 7 of swords and Chariot
Wohoo, I got little worried when I saw 7os but Chariot came out and hit me like a truck. Anyways, with the cards, you fated connection seems to be providing you with everything. You remember, the feeling when all that things that you manifested comes in your life and you are like how come this is possible. Well, let me tell you that it is possible, because you guys deserve this and many more. The connection will be fulfilling in itself. I am not getting that this is a twinflame or high level soulmate. But yes, this person will be your soulmate. You can expect a sudden rise in your career, health, wealth, etc. or vice versa, when this connection comes into play because the World card itself shows good fortune or good luck.
Enough of the good talks, let's do some real business, 7 of swords here gives me the feeling of someone who can be easily angered. You may feel like you are walking on eggshells, when you are with this person. Before starting the reading, I saw an image of a dog, who was like about to bite and I was hella confused but the cards clarified the meaning for me. Therefore, make sure that your person learns the tone down their anger issues for you. The relationship is healthy and fulfilling apart from that above issue that I told you. 7 of swords also indicates someone lying or cheating but that's not the case here, because I can't feel this person being like this. So you can rest assured with this thing.
Chariot indicates Libra placements and Libra rules 7th house, bro, you are getting it alll! I mean all of them! This person can be strikingly very beautiful/handsome. Someone who seems to catch your attention in one go. Chariot is a fast paced energy, therefore, I am getting that the connection is coming soon in your life, for most of you and hit you like a thunderstorm. At the same, I am getting that you all should start working on healing yourself as soon as possible and if you have already started that then do it with 2x energy, cuz , in no way, this connection is coming to you if yours and your person's energy is not balanced.
Now, while doing a reading I was lots of messages for this pile, a lot! Your person seems to run away when things get real. You know they may have commitments issues. I feel like their parents have/had quite a bitter relationship, and they don't feel like tru love or things like that exist and they don't want to go through what their parents went through. I guess thats the reason for their behaviour. You have to convince them a lot, a lot. Making them feel loved and deserved every single second and telling them that not every relationship has to be bitter. Also, I felt like the energy was messed up and chaotic for some reason. One minute , there were tons of messages, I was getting slapped by and other minute, there were none.
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Pile 3
Pile 3 your fated connection says alot about you as a partner . While many of you might feel like you tend to draw people who are damaged or who need healing the most , this is because you are a healer or a career. This means you have the innate ability to heal , love and care for people . That will influence your fated connection. Don't get me wrong , at first you won't be feeling confident , but slowly , you'll see how they change . Only YOU will be able to bring a difference or a stark contrast in their personality . If they were narcissistic before , they'll become humble , if they were shallow , you'll see depth in them . You two will bring out the vulnerability in each other . In all honesty , you two are perfect for each other. You and your fated partner represent the yin and yang energy and this balances out your relationship or partnership beautifully. If they were non committal in the past , they will be fully commit now . Only YOU can induce this trust and feelings in them . Being known to all as a player or the non - committed type , you'll have their heart . You are their wish fulfillment I hear as they are yours . Your partnership will create healthy boundaries and you'll know a love like never before . You're like their axis to their world . I hear the centre of their uninverse. This is sooooo beautiful !!!!!!
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Pile 4
Cards : 4 of Pentacles ( rv), King of Pentacles, The Empress( rv) and Knight of Cups(rv)
I see you or them letting go a relationship before starting a new phase or allowing each other in come in your life. For many of you, it will be you who will move out of a relationship and let go of your ex and being single again. It seems that you tried a lot to save this relationship and bring it back but the other person is just unwilling to do so. You wouldn't expect any person to slid into your life and revive those long lost butterflies again. This person is a keeper! I am telling you! They will never let you go! Not matter what others say, nothing matters to them. Why am I getting the image of someone who has never fallen hard for someone but they did for you? Like they will get all sorts of butterflies from you. It's cute, haha.
Anyways, your person will be providing you with everything you want, but more on material terms. They are more of a financially supportive person. The relationship seems to be grounded and cheating will be the last thing for both of you. You two will be supportive of each other and encouraging each other whenever one of you, have to do something new or big in their life.
I am also getting the vibes of a "sugar daddy" here! I dunno if you all are into this or not but this is just like the general vibes about this person. The next two cards, got me little worried because this person doesn't know how to share what they have been feeling for long. It's like they have the tendency to showcase only their good abilities and hiding of the weaker ones because they are afraid that you will leave them if you see that they have vulnerable side to them. They want to come off all strong and buff to you, keeping the relationship all unrealistic and fairytale like where the female/male is the ideal person. At times, they can become passive agressive because having to deal with all the things by themselves. This can lead to you having unrealistic ideals or expectations from them because you never saw them having a tough time.
Therefore, there is a heavy emphasis on letting them know what a true relationship is. It's not where you try to hide your vulnerable side but about showcasing the raw you. A relationship is one where burdens and worries are shared with each other, building a foundation of trust, which unbreakable at all costs. That's the only drawback that I am getting here.
I was getting some intuitive messages while doing reading for this pile, so decided to include this seperately. I am getting lots of dates here, like a lot. Your relationship will be filled with this. Get ready to take out lots of times for this, because there is camping, trip to nearby islands, balcony dates, lol, a lot of them. I am getting that your person will have something to do with your ex? I am getting the image of a man getting all pissed on the another person( your ex) , because of how they treated you.
Thank you so much for reading up till here. If you wish, you can leave feedback on how much the reading resonated with you or anything related to the pac
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miwtual · 1 year
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hey y’all! so i recently came to the realization that today, april 12th, is my three year anniversary of being a gifmaker! very exciting! however, i have a lot going on for basically the entirety of this month, and my finals are coming up soon, so i figured the best course of action is to actually have a celebration after all of that is over. <3
this is very much inspired by both @usergif’s 1 year celebration and @kingofscoops’s 30th birthday celebration, but i wanted to use this celebration to do something similar! i have three prompts to go with each day, so feel free to use whatever combination (or singular) prompt that inspires you! this celebration will last from may 15th to may 19th.
DAY ONE (Monday, May 15th)
skill: blending | color focus: blue and/or yellow | other: shapes
DAY TWO (Tuesday, May 16th)
skill: layout | color focus: green and/or pink | other: character/person profile
DAY THREE (Wednesday, May 17th)
skill: typography | color focus: purple and/or orange | other: song lyrics
DAY FOUR (Thursday, May 18th)
skill: transition | color focus: black and/or white | other: parallels
DAY FIVE (Friday, May 19th)
skill: free choice | color focus: free choice | other: free choice
like i said, feel free to use any singular or combination of prompts for any (or all) of the days u want to participate in! if you do participate in this, even if we aren't mutuals, please tag me using my tracked tag, #usermaguire, so i can see your posts and reblog them! everything i post/reblog for this celebration will be tagged with #my3years for my own blog’s organization <3 if you have any questions, feel free to send in an ask to my askbox!!
below the cut, i’ve tagged many incredible gifmakers, graphic makers, and mutuals of mine who inspire me every single day. feel free to signal boost if u would like <3 :)
@faithinthefuturedeluxe @ricky-olson @ellie-joel @benoitblanc @djarin @schemingkaz @theo @dickgraaysons @rebeccasweltons @claytonsdani @kwistowee @jeysuso @cobbbvanth @shadowsofrose @userdjo @thewintersoldier @kitconnor @usershiv @avasillva @reputation @elliewillaims @sashafierce @brw @roykentt @finalgalnancy @stargyles @wylanvannecks @saulhudsons @angela-bassetts @starwarsrebels @helloinej @padme-amidala @kingofscoops @endofyourdecadence @amplifyordie (i know i technically already tagged you but you’re getting tagged again) and so many many more that i know i am forgetting </3
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nightmaretherabbit · 21 days
Do you have any Clara headcannons? 😁
Clara Afton (Schmidt) Headcanons:
Has lived in Utah her whole life.
Born in 1953
Has two older siblings, Delilah and Hank (Fazbear Frights and FNaF Movie)
6'7, tall woman
Ballet instructor in the elementary and highschool of Hurricane
William modeled Ballora after her
Loves her husband very much.
Wants to see the best in everyone.
Best friends with Susie's mother and Clay Burke.
Died in a car crash.
Possessed Ballora after she died.
Dimples! She's so pretty when she smiles!!!
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nuctoria · 17 days
My Sister
Clara didn’t usually roam away from her home, she preferred to stick to places she was familiar with, but Alisha wanted to go exploring. She didn’t mind joining since she’d be with her big sister and they both knew how to protect themselves, plus they told their dad so he wouldn’t worry.
What she didn’t expect was for Alisha to suggest a game of hide and seek and then go hide because she was too eager to play. Now she had to run around in an unfamiliar part of Evershade Valley and try to find her ghost sister without getting lost herself. This wasn’t fun at all.
“Alisha! Alisha, come out, I give up! I don’t want to play anymore!��� shouted the bat girl as she looked around, waiting for Alisha to answer and come out. But there was no answer.
“Come on, Alisha, we need to go home soon! Stop hiding already!” Clara shouted again, more annoyed that she wasn’t getting a response.
She paused when she heard a nose to her left, her ear twitching towards that direction as she turned to look. The bushes from that side were moving and making rustling sounds, making her a bit nervous.
“Alisha, is that you…?” Clara said, more quietly and a bit nervous. She really hoped it was Alisha but given the smell, it wasn’t her.
She sniffed towards the bushes and grew surprised. Why was the scent so familiar?
Finally, something walked out of the bushes, a girl. Another bat girl like herself.
Clara stared at her in wonder, the girl staring back at her warily, assessing her and growing tense at the notice of Clara’s wings and fangs. Clara slowly raised her hand and waved softly, the girl watching before repeating the movement with more hesitance.
“Hello, my name is Clara. What’s yours?” Clara asked the girl softly. She could see that she didn’t trust her and didn’t want to scare her off by accident.
The girl didn’t respond, however, tilting her head to the side in confusion before moving her hands in strange motions.
Now Clara was the one feeling confused but only for a short while as it hit her. She was speaking in sign language. Clara looked at the girl nervously and shook her head apologetically, she didn’t know sign language. The girl stopped and signed before thinking. 
Clara quickly got an idea and looked around on the ground before picking up a rock and kneeling down on the ground. She then used the rock to write her name on the ground, moving away afterwards and motioning the girl to read. The girl stepped over to Clara and looked at what she had written. Once done, the girl looked at Clara and reached her hand out, using the rock handed to her to write her own name. Souris.
Clara smiled happily and bounced on her heels excitedly. She let Souris keep the rock and found a stick to write something else.
‘Your name is really pretty. Nice to meet you!’ was what she wrote.
Souris finally smiled back shyly and wrote next to Clara’s writing, ‘Thank you, nice to meet you too. Your name is also pretty.’
The two girls spent endless time writing on the ground and asking each other questions. Where was the other from? How old were they? What’s their favourite food? Have they played fun games the other knew? On and on they went with countless questions, wanting to learn more about each other and their lives. It was so much fun!
Finally, after a short break to rest their hands from all that writing, Clara got too curious and asked, ‘This may sound weird but your scent is very familiar. Who are your parents?’.
Souris was surprised by that question and wrote down the names of her parents. Haru and Chauvey.
Clara frowned a bit. That didn’t seem right, she didn’t know these people or anyone with that name. She had a hunch but really hoped that this wouldn’t be the case.
Clara got her stick and held up a finger at Souris before drawing something on the ground. Souris watched patiently but grew more tense with each line drawn as the picture came more into shape. Into a familiar person. Antasma.
Souris glared and hissed angrily at the drawing, startling Clara and making her hastily rub the drawing away. Souris quickly calmed and reached for Clara, worried she would scare her away, but she paused when she saw that this wasn’t the case. Clara was looking at Souris sadly and with sympathy, but why? How did she even know that horrible person?
Clara looked down at the ground and started writing something, shocking Souris when she read it. ‘I was a mistake of his too’. Souris looked back up at Clara and pointed at her, to which Clara nodded. They were both failed children of the same man.
Souris felt bad and offered Clara a hug, which was accepted, but Clara didn’t seem sad for herself. She let Souris know that she didn’t care for Antasma or even knew him, she just knew who he was to her. They spend another hour with each other, talking about how they came to be and opening up to each other on the matter. Once they moved past that, they talked about their families and how their lives have been being raised by people who loved them. Souris told Clara about her home in the Flowardin Kingdom and her parents, Haru and Chauvey. Clara told Souris about her life with her own dad and sister, Luigi and Alisha, how kind he was and all the things she’d been taught. None of them even realised how dark it was starting to get.
But all good things must come to an end as Clara paused her writing from hearing her name being called in the distance. She knew that voice, it was her dad! She turned to Souris and offered her to meet her family since they were close by. Souris thought about it, unsure if she should agree since she wasn’t sure if they’d like her but after some reassurance from Clara, she agreed. 
Clara held Souris’ hand and shouted after her dad and sister, leading them to her. Luigi was first to find her and rushed over to his daughter so he could hug her tightly. He’d grown so worried for her, asking her where she’d been and why hadn’t she flown above the trees to find her way home. Alisha was next to come over and apologise for making her play hide and seek in an area she didn’t know but also scolded her for running off like that and scaring them both.
Clara calmed them down and explained what had happened before introducing them to Souris, who stayed behind Clara and waved nervously at the two. Luigi calmed down and knelt down so he wouldn’t frighten the poor girl and greeted her back, paused when told by Clara that she was deaf and started using sign language. This surprised Souris and made her very happy, moving her hands rapidly as she signed to Luigi. Luigi chuckled and continued chatting with her this way.
Clara was happy they already got along but was also a bit jealous, asking her dad to teach her how to sign. He happily agreed and taught her how to sign three words he knew she’d use often. Once Clara got the hang of it, she turned to Souris and signed what she learned.
‘Hi, my sister’.
Souris smiled happily and tackled Clara into a hug, excited to be officially called her sister. The group chatted some more and got to know one another before Luigi offered Souris to take her to her parents, not wanting her to go all alone in the dark, especially in the place they were in. Souris agreed and was taken to her parents safe and sound.
It was hard for the sisters to say goodbye to one another but they promised to write to each other often. Even better, their families agreed to visit one another so they could see each other again! 
Before Clara left with her dad and Alisha, she gave Souris a little gift, a little necklace she made with string and a pretty rock she found a while back. Souris loved and treasured it dearly, hardly taking it off and maintaining it the best she could.
The girls couldn’t wait to see each other again. Souris would have her own gift ready and Clara would work as hard as she could to learn sign language for her sister.
For my sake, I hope you like this. @darknadaworld
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mukuberry · 3 months
checking in.. poke poke..
Oh my gosh fish my favourite mukumutual (dont tell the othets) im GOOD how r u! I lied actually im not good my throat is on fire and my head hurts a wholeeee lot but beyomd that im good :] i just finsihed season 9 of doctor who.... yippee
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lumibye · 1 month
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hiii charmm 🫶 im so late w/ this one but happy bday !! heres some sycamari for you, i hope u had a wonderful bday and week 🤍 (@dmclr)
so that this was the first thing i saw after my nap and i was so very close to tears ( had to go for a VERY LONG walk around my house ) 🩵 🩵 this makes my heart ache so badly . . 🥺 claraaa . . they're so dreamy and gentle with each other i could cry and i honestly think i might ( i wrote that and IMMEDIATELY cried so there's our answer ghgjj ) you're genuinely just the loveliest and sweetest soul i swear it's truee 🩵🪽 . . and the blues you used for this , too ? everything about it makes it just the most special thing to me in the world they just look so perfect and precious . . 🥺 i can't express properly just how grateful i am but i really really am . . this will live in my heart forever and ever like a photo in a little locket 🩵 thank you so so much forever clara i'll always be so unwell about this omg . . that's my darling beloved . . 😔 🫶
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whifferdills · 3 months
Gotta ask for Clara Oswald for Blorbo bingo 🙏
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she's so! weirdo mean bisexual representation! writing her big epic story where she's the hero and gets all the fun lines and cool outfits and then she dies dramatically but also never dies. i feel like an underappreciated throughline is Rory's 'what kind of person does this /you make people want to do stupid shit' thing culminating in Clara "The Doctor" Oswald making 12 want to do stupid shit
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jade-efflorescence · 3 months
and if clara bow is a wonyoung track then what
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dannybobany · 5 months
I wanna draw her but I don’t have ideas
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permanentreverie · 7 months
for the how hot is that celebrity ask meme: france's favorite white boy CHARLES LECLERC?? this is extremely important to me
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
—« listen, i am not immune to fluffy haired brunettes!!!! i’m not an f1 girlie but he’s soooooooooooo. i simply want to make him chocolate chip cookies and maybe snuggle in his sweater and weave his curls between my fingers idk
let’s play how hot is that celebrity!
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atpm1976 · 3 months
ugh i did not fully realise what an unenjoyable experience watching season eight and nine of new who would be as someone who loves twelve and the master but cannot stand clara and any of her plotlines i am having such a bad time rn. i understand the tw*lvecl*ra appeal and normally i would be all over that shit but i find her so fucking annoying and i just do not care about her plots i need her gone asap
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azurecanary · 21 days
Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Maratha Jones and Billie Potts
You wound me
1. Clara Oswald
2. Bill Potts
3. Martha Jones
4. Amy Pond
The first three are sooooo close tho
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blog-de-segunda · 10 months
Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @oo-mi-ru-oo <3
What to do? Do this quiz
This is my result :
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I'm tagging: @izamami @knifepurrty @exmorphic @requiemz @moodybluesbabe @poopeth @flderwin @crowleytherabbit @eepygirlie @crystalizedwasteland @helianthus-xi @cutecapybarapics @glockjaw
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