#…… next we put our noirs on a playdate
whaliiwatching · 8 months
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in a queer way, right??
sunny brown belongs of course to @brown-spider <3
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Dolls AU - Papa’s Day
Who wants to cry?
Mother’s Day had been a day to remember.
Sure, there had been the initial panic with Littlebug disappearing. And then the discovery of another living doll running around. Because yeah, it was a Chat Noir doll—which was awesome, but more importantly it meant that Littlebug wasn’t alone. There was the initial fear that there was actually an akuma involved and someone was making more of these dolls for some unknown purpose, but that was soon erased when he realized that the dolls both came from Marinette and that she was fully aware of making them.
Oh, and the discovery that Marinette was actually Ladybug. There was that, too.
He…hadn’t known what to think at first. It wasn’t quite the romantic identity reveal he’d been dreaming of, but it was AN identity reveal and seeing Marinette’s shocked and stammering reaction more than made up for it. Revealing himself in turn ended up feeling less like a build up he’d been expecting and more like a release.
He hadn’t even realized just how much he’d been stressing over it, actually. Not knowing who she was under the mask meant she could be anyone—from someone like Rose to someone like Chloe. All this time he had been trying to prepare himself for that. But the matter he hadn’t considered—or rather had been trying very hard not to think about—was how SHE would react to the discovery of HIM. Would she like him as Adrien? What if she hated him? What if he wasn’t the type of person she could like? What if her knowing his identity unsettled things too much?
And now that the answers were there, it only brought up other questions. Because he knew Marinette wouldn’t hate him. But…now that they knew they were already friends, what effect would this have? What if it ruined their team dynamic? What if they messed up because of this?
He was excited, sure. But he was also really uncertain. And it seemed she was, too.
“Aren’t you…?” She started before trailing off, worried and biting her lip.
“I’m really happy to know it’s you.” He assured her. Because if Ladybug did end up being someone he already knew, he was only all too pleased that she would be Marientte.
“No,” She shook her head. “Aren’t you…aren’t you scared?”
Truthfully, he was. For a lot of reasons.
“If Hawk Moth gets either of us, the other will automatically be at risk. Then there’s the fact that now I know it isn’t just Chat Noir fighting monsters, it’s Adrien, too. And that…that’s difficult to take in.”
“I’m scared, too.” He admitted. “A lot could go wrong.”
He felt something shuffle onto his lap and looking down, he couldn’t help but smile at the way Littlebug was looking up at him encouragingly. He patted her head in response, feeling calmer just by having her support.
“It’s scary knowing that if I lost Ladybug, I’d be losing Marinette, too.” He looked back up at Marinette. “And it’s definitely going to be different going into a fight knowing it’s Marinette I’m actually working with. That’s something I’m going to have to figure out how to manage. But I think this could be a good thing, as well.” He hesitated a moment before taking her hand in his. “Now that we know, we can support each other both in the masks and as ourselves. We can make this work.”
“You think so?” She asked, hopefully.
He nodded. “We’ve done it before. Both as Ladybug and Chat Noir as well as Marinette and Adrien. We just need to figure out out the dynamics on both sides of the mask and work out the best way to use this to our advantage.” He couldn’t help the smirk at that. “And if anyone excels at that, it’s you, My Lady.”
Seeing her smile and the way she lit up at the prospect made him feel braver as well. It was…kind of comforting to know that Marinette had a lot of the same worries. And it showed that there was more to discover.
They spent a lot of the rest of the day just talking. Mostly about their respective dolls, how Marinette had made them, what they had been up to. But also about their lives—why Littlebug had been so good for Adrien and how Chaton (She called him “Chaton”! How adorable!) had been keeping Marinette on her toes. What Marinette had discovered about the dolls and their powers. What Adrien had noticed about Littlebug and how things work around her.
But…they also talked about themselves and each other. Finding out Marinette had been holding a crush on him all this time was a pleasant surprise. And his explanation for just WHY he had fallen for Ladybug since around the same timeframe also seemed to have more of an impact than any of his previous attempts at confessions.
It was nice knowing that they had been each other’s crush all along, but…for all that they were both happy to have the reveal (if not just a bit worried and having valid concerns about Hawk Moth in the meantime), the sudden revelation of the other's secret identity and having their own known did have an impact all it’s own and they had to acknowledge were both struggling to navigate that.
The reveal didn’t come with a romantic relationship like he had been fantasizing all this time. It did, however, certainly come with A new relationship, and one he certainly wasn’t disappointed by. It was not just a closer partnership with Marinette, but also a change in setup with the dolls. Now that they both knew about the dolls, it seemed wrong to keep them apart—especially given how happy the two seemed to be together.
Thus they agreed on arranging regular playdates and exchanging of “custody” (as Adrien called it) or “babysitting duty” (per Plagg as he groaned all the while). With an exchange of schedules, they started to coordinate times to meet—both to bring the dolls together and to allow themselves a chance to spend time together and continue to figure things out as well. To Adrien’s relief, this reveal also meant that when his schedule got particularly hectic, he had someone he could leave Littlebug with whom he could trust with her care. And Marinette admitted feeling the same about Chaton.
“Even if he is a little troll sometimes.” She commented, giving the little guy a poke. Chaton merely smiled cheekily before grabbing Marinette’s finger and nuzzling it, prompting a round of petting that left the doll a curled up vibrating mass in her lap.
There was also the matter that he was pretty certain the dolls had planned this out. And though he couldn’t really bring himself to ground Littlebug for it, he did give her a firm talking to once they had gotten home (though he doubted it really made a difference given how proud she continued to look). 
The next month was spent this way. Spending more free time together. Finding more spots in his schedule to add meetings and get togethers. It was taking a bit of time for the two of them to reconcile what they knew of each other as civilians and what they knew of each other as their superhero partner, but it was time worth investing and Adrien was only finding himself enjoying getting to know Marinette more and more.
And through it all, though he hadn’t thought it possible, he only found himself falling more and more in love with her.
All in all, Mother’s Day had been full of surprises. Adrien couldn’t say he regretted or was disappointed with any of them. With that one day, several of his desires came to fruition and while they weren’t exactly how he had envisioned, he had still been more than satisfied with the results.
If Mother’s Day could turn out that well for that side of things, he thought to himself that night with growing hope, then maybe Father’s Day would work out, too?
Father’s Day blows.
Part of him felt bad for the negative thought, but the rest of him was too hurt and disappointed (and angry, though he wouldn’t admit that) to care.
Adrien had prepared a good couple months in advance, even before the incidents of Mother’s Day. He made sure Nathalie kept both their schedules clear. He bought the specially designed gift. He made the card himself. He had specifically requested his Father’s favorite meal to be the dinner. He had even managed to find a special edition copy of his mother’s movie for them to watch together. Then after the reveal with the dolls and Marinette, she had even been kind enough to agree to keep the two with her for the day despite her own Father’s Day planning. And while the two didn’t seem particularly happy, they settled with little fuss.
He set up everything. All he needed was for his Father to be there.
…wild guess which one didn’t happen.
It was a last minute meeting, Nathalie had told him. There were no other times the other party would be available. It was very important. It couldn’t wait.
And of course this meeting took precedence.
And of course it lasted the entire day.
And of course all of Adrien’s well fashioned plans were made pointless. All with a single phone call.
He didn’t even bother to voice his displeasure. He barely ate any of the food—no point when it tasted like ash anyway. He didn’t try knocking on the door to his father’s office, which lacked anymore sound or indication of life than any of the rest of the house. If he tried to knock, he half expected there would be an echo.
Instead, he gave up and just went to his room.
“How pointless.”
So Adrien was left sitting on his bed, looking down at the stupid card and the stupid box with the stupid gift he’d gotten for the stupid dinner his father, kicking himself mentally for being so stupid. Because of course his father wouldn’t come. Of course the man in charge of a fashion company would have better things to do than spend Father’s Day with his own son.
But…he’d hoped.
“Come on, kid.” Plagg said, trying to cheer him up. “You can still give it to him another day, can’t you?”
“I know.” Adrien sighed.
Plagg merely floated close by, listening.
“I know it’s silly to expect so much out of one day, but…” He couldn’t help clenching his fist. “I had put so much into this! I prepared ahead of time. I went well out of my way to make sure everything was set up. I made sure he wouldn’t be busy. All he had to do was just BE there, if just for half an hour, and he…and he…”
He flopped back on the bed, staring balefully up at the ceiling. 
“He couldn’t even do that.”
His eyes trailed to the kwami who could only look down at him despondently.
“What did I do wrong?”
Plagg winced. “Nothing! It wasn’t your fault.”
“But it had to be something.” He argued. “If he can find time for everyone else, what does it say when I have to schedule to be able to spend time with my father? And that even after all that, he would just put me off anyway?”
“It says that he’s a crappy father.” Plagg replied, bluntly.
He almost laughed at that. He didn’t, though. He was certain he would start to cry if he did.
“I think I just want to call it a day.” He replied, bitterly. Nothing personal to the kwami, but for all that Plagg could be supportive, Adrien really just wanted to forget this day happened and try to sleep.
The insistent tapping sound made that difficult, though.
A poke in his shoulder pulled at his attention. “Kid, you got company.”
Weird. There couldn’t be anyone at the door. Nathalie and the staff had no doubt already left for the day.
The tapping continued, more insistent.
Adrien raised his head up to look towards the window and—oh! That company.
He practically jumped to his feet and quickly made his way to the window where Ladybug was waiting…along with a carrier bag? He shook his head and unlocked it to allow her entry.
“Ladybug? Is everything alright?”
“I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong, just wanted to visit.” She reassured him as she entered. In a flash, her transformation ended and Tikki was there as well. “I’m sorry. I know you had plans, and I hope we didn’t interrupt.”
He shook his head bitterly. “There was nothing to interrupt anyway.”
She frowned, clearly displeased. “I see.”
Apparently she did see there was more than he was telling her. But while she was not happy about it, she did not comment on it further. For that, he was grateful.
“Then it’s a good thing we came by after all.”
That got his attention.
She gave a smile that made his heart flutter and set down the bag. It was one he recognized quite well, and he was pretty sure he knew what—or rather who was inside.
And sure enough, two little heads poked up out of the bag and two sets of eyes settled immediately on him.
“They wanted to see you.” She explained with the fond smile, though no explanation was really necessary.
They never needed an explanation to be able to see him.
Sure enough, two little sets of eyes peered up at him from the bag. He couldn’t stop the smile. “Hey, you two. What have you been doing to make Marinette come all this way?”
It wasn’t admonishment, not really. There was a teasing lit to his voice and he couldn’t help but feel glad to see them.
Somehow, they could sense this, because both reached up for him. And in short order, Adrien had two little dolls in his arms and hugging him as tightly as their little plush bodies would allow.
Marinette laughed quietly. “I think they missed you.” Tikki giggled behind her hands and even Plagg gave a small smile.
“But they saw me just this morning.” Adrien replied. That didn’t stop him though, as he hugged them back just as much. “I missed you, too.”
It was all too soon that the two were pushing away from him, just enough to point to the bag that Marinette placed on his table. Curious, he took them over and set them both on the table next to the bag.
“How were they?” He asked Marinette.
“They were fine. Quiet most of the day, though I was admittedly a bit distracted with the ‘Dupain-Cheng Father’s Day Mecha Strike Tournament’.”
He blinked. “Really?”
She shrugged with a small chuckle. “It was what he wanted.”
He felt guilty as he was mixed parts happy for her and jealous of how simple it was to appease her father and how easily they could spend time together. The others seemed to catch on, as he was jerked out of his brooding before it could really begin by a little plush polka-dotted hand tugging on his own to guide him to the bag.
“What’s this then?” He asked, curious.
Marinette smirked. “While I was busy preparing for my Father’s Day, these two were busy as well.”
Both Chaton and Littlebug were staring up at him eagerly, Littlebug pulling and Chaton pointing—both wanting him to check the bag. Confused on how to respond, he looked to Marinette for answers. She simply smiled and shook her head.
“How about you let him take a seat and I’ll pull them out?”
The two dolls merely bounced eagerly, not at all put off by the waiting. Amused, Adrien sat in the chair and watched as Marinette reached into the bag to get whatever it was they had wanted him to see.
“Here we are!” She announced as she pulled out a piece of paper. Chaton stood up on the tips of his toes and made grabby hands for the page. Again, Adrien found himself smiling at the antics as the doll almost seemed to cheer once he had the paper in hand. Turning to Adrien, Chaton almost seemed to be beaming with excitement and pride as he held out the paper to him.
It was a picture. Childishly drawn in crayons with little blobs of color that he easily recognized were supposed to be people. Himself, Marinette, Littlebug, and Chaton. There were even two little circles with eyes floating above them that could only be Tikki and Plagg.
And words.
Happy Papa’s Day!
He suddenly found himself having to blink. A lot.
“My Lady?” He asked, trying not to choke. “What is this?”
“After you mentioned your Father’s Day plans, they got curious and wanted to know what it was. And once they knew…” Marinette sent him another smile as she pulled something else out of the bag—something woolen. Cloth? Two of them—one red with black polka dots and the other was black with green dots…no wait…cat prints. “They wanted to do something special for you.”
Littlebug took the items from Marinette and presented them to Adrien as well.
He reached out for them, finding his hands unsteady as he took hold of the cloth and…oh…mittens.
“They were really insistent on doing this themselves. They made the card,” The picture, he realized. “They both knitted the mittens as well.”
Heh…hehe…his kittens made him mittens.
Marinette paused, realizing just how much he was shaking.
“I’m just…I’m gonna need a minute.”
He didn’t want to cry. It’d mean he was sad and make them sad but it hurt except it was such a sweet hurt and he didn’t…he didn’t know what to—
“It’s okay.” A soft whisper came as arms wrapped around him.
Slowly, he reached out and hugged her back.
“It’s okay, Adrien.”
And like that he gave in and let the tears fall.
It had to have been a few minutes that they stayed like that. Him in her arms and her holding him and smoothing his hair. She didn’t shush him or try to make him stop. She just let him get it out because this was too sweet and he didn’t deserve it except he did—he had to because they were there—they were all there and they clearly felt he deserved it because they wouldn’t still be there otherwise. He felt Marinette’s hand in his hair and two sets of arms hugging his legs and even Plagg had nestled into his neck with Tikki on the other side. And he just cried and they let him and for once he didn’t feel like such a bother even though he knew he was getting Marinette’s shirt wet and Plagg never really cared to show any real emotions besides laziness but he was purring into his shoulder and…
He wasn’t the best son. So how was it that he could be considered a good father?
How could they see him that way?
He hadn’t done anything to deserve it. He didn’t raise them. Or make them. He only spent time with them and took them places and hugged them and taught them things and…
He was with them. Even when he was busy he still tried to make time for them. That was…only everything he wanted from his own father and it was impossible wasn’t it? How could it possibly be that easy of a thing to give?
Just some of his time…and it was just that simple?
So…why couldn’t his own Father do it?
It was a few minutes before the shaking eased and the tears ebbed. There was a feeling of stress flowing from his body that he hadn’t realized just how tense he had been before. It was amazing how crying could actually make you feel better.
“Thank you, Marinette.” He whispered. “But I’d like to stay like this just a little longer if you can.”
He felt a pressure to his head that in any other situation would have sent him over the moon but now only made him feel more relaxed. “Whenever you’re ready.”
So they remained like that. Nobody speaking or indicating any discomfort their very positions probably caused them. Adrien couldn’t express just how grateful he was that nobody pulled away. They stayed there until he was ready to pull away. It felt like it was simultaneously too long and too soon when he was finally calm enough to pull away. Marinette smiled sadly in understanding. Tikki floated up and patted his cheek. Plagg…surprisingly didn’t move from his place, though the purring did die down. The kids though…
There was shuffling again from the now overturned bag as the dolls were reaching in and pulling out…a couple of big things.
“Oh. There was one other thing.” Marinette said as she guided him to the table.
Adrien almost didn’t believe his eyes.
Awaiting him was a pink ceramic bowl, a spoon, and a box of cereal. He didn’t know what kind it was—something sugary and filled with marshmallows, given the packaging. Something clearly unhealthy.
He couldn’t find it in him to care.
“They wanted to bake something for you as well, but I figured it might be better to have something simpler in case you had just eaten.” She explained as the two dolls set to opening the box. She gave a small chuckle. “It’s also because the last time Chaton tried to make something, we ended up with 750 macarons.”
He blinked in shock. “Like…750 actual individual ones?”
“Yeah. I had a hard time explaining it to my parents. That and the loss of all the ingredients used up in the process before I caught him and stopped him from making more. Then Littlebug found out about it and wanted to try. She apparently had a goal of 2000.”
He gaped. “So that was why you kept giving out all those macarons!”
She laughed. “Kind of makes me wish they’d been there for Heroes Day. My picnic announcement wouldn’t have been any issue with them helping me.”
He couldn’t help but laugh as well. Both dolls looked all too pleased with the praise.
A Father’s Day dinner of a children’s cereal and milk from his own fridge, shared with his superhero partner and gifted by the two pseudo-children in plush form. It had been overly sweet, chock full of sugar and calories and all sorts of unhealthy things that would have made his dietician have a heart attack. There had even been a little toy inside. A kazoo of all things.
It was weird.
It was probably the best Father’s Day dinner he’d ever had.
While he and Marinette had been eating, the kids were looking over his movie cabinet. He hadn’t realized just what they were doing until he had finished eating and they approached him with a DVD in hand.
The Incredibles.
They looked up at him pleadingly.
“Yeah. Okay.”
A movie sounded really good right now.
And as he settled in to watch, Marinette sitting by his side, the kwamis resting on the top of the couch, and two little forms seating between them, he couldn’t think of a time he had felt more loved.
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
BWYD Chapter 30
Babysitter Marinette (ft. Nora)
Marinette chased the four kids around the park, drawing laughs from them and odd stares from passersby. She let out a loud gasp as she clutched her chest, the almost stern expressions on the four kids faces brightening as she collapsed to her knees, she dramatically reached out a single hand to the four kids. “You may have won this battle, but you will not win the war.” Marinette collapsed onto her stomach, she was on the ground for a few seconds before all four kids piled onto her back and laughed.
“Pound it!” Manon called as she held out her fist to the three other kids. Her smile grew as the three older kids bumped their fists against her own and her cheeks flushed in glee.
Alya stormed up to the pile of limbs, her face twisted up in a scowl and her hands clenched in fists at her sides. “So you’re a kidnapper now? A kidnapper and a facilitator to abuse?”
Marinette glanced up at the other girl, although it was rather difficult with four kids on her back while she was laying on her stomach, and shook her head. “My family and I are anti-abuse, so anti-abuse Ubaba has set up several shelters for battered women, men and children. I didn’t kidnap anyone, I’m babysitting Chris for Nino’s mom and Manon for Madame Chamack and Ella and Etta came over to play superheroes with us a while ago.” Marinette shrugged and waited for the kids to get off of her back so she could get up. “Did you need something Césaire?”
“Ella. Etta. Let’s go.” Alya growled out, grabbing her sisters’ shoulders.
Ella and Etta wore matching expressions of shock as Alya’s claw like nails dug into the meat of their shoulders. They looked relieved when a much taller girl walked towards them, her strides long and powerful as the muscles in her legs pushed her power from joint to joint. The tight set of her mouth seemed to grow tighter with every step, as though she was swallowing something sour. She stopped just behind Alya’s much more slender form, drawing a quiet sigh from Marinette and several giggles from the children.
“Nora!” Ella and Etta cried as Chris and Manon shouted.
The taller girl, Nora, shook out her hair in a manner reminiscent of a dog (although her hair was pulled back in several tight cornrows and instead of going all over, the ends of her hair gave a soft click every few shakes) before smiling at the younger kids. “Ella. Etta. Chris. You must be Miss Chamack.”
The four kids smiled, breaking away from the two younger teen girls to wrap themselves around Nora’s legs, and laughed. Ella and Etta let go of Nora’s legs to wrap their arms around Nora’s arms. “Nora! We played superheroes with Marinette, Chris and Manon! Can we do it again sometime soon? Can we Marinette?”
Nora smiled down at her younger sisters before looking at where Alya and Marinette stood, Alya had a hidden sheen of malicious glee in her eyes (which most would miss unless they were Nora. Nora who had helped her parents raise Alya from the moment she was born despite only being a few years older than her) while Marinette’s face was guarded yet open (something Nora had rarely seen in people her sister’s age) and she seemed to be reaching for the four younger children. “Nora Césaire, however people also know me by the name Anansi.”
“Marinette. Um.” Marinette flushed and held out her hand to Nora before she let out a nervous laugh. “I mean, I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne. Two of my older brothers and I are in class with Alya. I only mean, we’re all in her class here in Paris because in Gotham we’re all nearly done with highschool.”
Nora smiled and grasped Marinette’s hand. “Would I know your brothers?”
Marinette shook her head. “I don’t believe so. My brothers and sisters are all, for the most part, Gotham born and bred.”
Alya huffed and turned her glare on her older sister. “Can we go now, Anansi?”
Nora rolled her eyes and looked down at the twins. “Say goodbye to your friends.” She looked up at Marinette, her honey gold eyes looked into Marinete’s sapphire eyes. Nora pulled a pen from the drawstring bag on her back and quickly wrote down her phone number on the inside of Marinette’s arm. “Call me and we’ll set up a playdate for the kiddos sometime.” Nora placed her hands on the twins’ shoulders, the opposite shoulders that Alya had previously been holding, and shot a second smile to Marinette and the two other kids. “I’ll see you around Marinette. I’ll probably see you later Chris, Manon.”
Alya trailed behind her three sisters sadly, she couldn’t believe Nora. She would get her revenge eventually.
Marinette smiled as she followed the two rambunctious through the store, they were full of energy and she wondered if she and Damian had ever acted like that. She smiled at the two and laughed when Chris returned with something that was definitely Colin’s style and proceeded to laugh louder when Manon returned with something that could work with the comforter she’d chosen for Alix’s bed. She smiled and nodded at the two, letting them know they could put the things in the basket of the cart. The two darted off to find other things for the other two, or even just more things for Colin and Alix, while Marinette looked in her general area for anything that tripped her trigger.
Chris raced back with a large black stuffed cat with green eyes clutched in his arms and the biggest smile spread across his face. “Look! They made Chat Noir!”
Marinette smiled and laughed. “Apparently they did. Put him in the basket.” She shook her head and knew she’d need to pick up several more. “Did they have any others that looked like the superheroes or just Chat Noir?”
Chris tapped his chin for a few minutes and was about to answer when Manon ran towards them with several stuffed animals clutched in her arms. “Marinette! Marinette!” Her face was flushed a bright red as she ran towards them. “Look!”
Marinette smiled at Manon and laughed when she saw the animals in Manon’s arms. The first was a large black and blue dog roughly modeled after a Golden Retriever, while the next was a deep burgundy cat with brown patches covering its sides, the third was a brown and rust coloured dog modeled after a Sheltie, and the last was a yellow striped tabby cat with green eyes.
“Those are perfect Manon, thank you.” Marinette smiled and ruffled the kids’ hair. “Now. I’ll buy you both either a stuffed animal or a candy bar on this shopping trip and the other on our next shopping trip, sound good?”
Chris and Manon nodded and jumped on the sides of the cart, and the three walked out of the store with their purchases. Chris and Manon happily clutched a new stuffed animal each and they happily helped carry the bags back to the Wayne family apartment, where Marinette stashed the bags in the bathroom she shared with Damian and Colin, before she took the two kids back to their own apartments. She had decorating to do.
@dast218 @amayakans @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg 
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deliriousgeek · 4 years
La Saint- Valentin (drabble) MLB Adrien x Marinette
Hi Y’all! I wrote this after Valentines day and after  I binged watch the new season of MLB, I decided to come up with a one shot. Maybe series? Not quite sure yet but we’ll see. Enjoy! :)
La Saint-Valentin is up and coming. Alya is pestering Marinette non-stop about confessing to Adrien on La Saint-Valentin. Finally, she gathers the courage to tell him….but...is someone else confessing as well?
“No excuses! It’s been a whole year, girl. Just woman up and tell him! I don’t know how many more times Nino and I can set up meetings for you two to spend time together.”
“I know but–” Marinette tried to explain.
“And no buts! Just this once it would be so amazing to go on a double date with my best friend, instead of those ‘playdates’ that Nino and I always have to arrange.”
Marinette lowered her head in shame. Alya sighed in realization and placed an arm on Marinette's shoulders in comfort.
“I’m not saying that I’m tired of arranging them for you. If I can bring you and Adrien closer together than I’m all for it. I’m only saying I wish we could be celebrating together. You know?
Marinette nodded. “I get it Alya. No need to worry.” She let out a sigh. “Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll do it for you.”
Alya let out a cheerful cry. “Woohoo! That’s my girl.”
Inhaling a breath to calm her already tense nerves, Marinette picked up the Valentine’s card and signed her name. It was a neat box, made of the iconic Valentine’s Day colors of pink and red and labeled with the Dupein Chang’s bakery logo. Inside the box contained a poem on the lid and 12 personally decorated macarons. Marinette specially decorated the entire box for the captor of her heart. 
“Alya,” Marinette turned to her with the box in hand. “What if he...what if he doesn’t get it? Just like last time...Dark Cupid showed up and well, things got complicated.”
In all honesty, Alya didn’t know what could happen. Akumas were popping of all over Paris, of course, Lady Bug and Chat Noir were always there to save the day. Although, it seemed that the akumas were getting harder and harder to defeat. Nevertheless, being Marinette’s best friend, Alya assured it would all be fine. 
“Don’t even think about it. You’re gonna be fine.”
Mustering all the courage she had, Marinette approached the park. There he was, with all of their friends, sitting on a red and white checkered blanket. Alya walked up behind her and patted her shoulder, offering an encouraging wink. She then proceeded to sit next to Nino, who sat next to Adrien. 
I...can do this…
Marinette plastered a cheerful smile on her face and walked to the chattering group of friends. She cleared her throat, causing all the others to draw their attention to her. 
“U-um. Adrien? Can I speak to you?” A bashful pink tint dusted her pale face. 
The girls in the group widened their eyes in shock. Marinetter looked up from her feet, to see everyone staring at her, including Adrien.
“Oh I’m sorry Marinette. Adrien can’t join you right now, we’re in the middle of a very intense conversation of how tiring being on a set can be. I was once hand picked off the street for a commercial in Bollywood you know.”
  It was time for Marinette’s eyes to widen at the girl sitting next to Adrien. “Oh, Lila? What are you doing here?”
“Didn’t you know? I just returned from my trip and my dear friend Adrien here invited me to this lovely Valentine’s picnic. It was so nice of you to plan this,” She paused, narrowing her eyes and smiling just sickly sweet enough for Marinette to notice, “Marinette.”
Marinette opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Lila. 
“As I said. Adrien is busy talking to me, but maybe you two can speak another time.” Only to fuel Marinette’s anger more, Lila smiled and placed a hand on top of Adrien’s, to which he quirked a brow. Marinette looked to Adrien, searching if he would have a say against Lila’s horrid acting. 
With an almost pleading look Marinette searched Adrien’s face for any sign of recognition. He was the only other person who fully believed Lila was a total liar. If anyone could see through the second rate, histrionic actress it would be him. Marinette let her eyes linger merely a second more before concluding their conversation. “Oh. Alright, talk to you later Adrien.”
Seeing Marinette’s hopeful look turn to disappointment, Adrien moved his hand away from Lila’s. 
“Um, actually Lila, we can continue this conversation later. Marinette wouldn’t interrupt unless there was something important to discuss.” He offered her a small smile. “What were you saying Marinette?”
“Uh, uh, right. Can we speak somewhere private?” Marinette stammered.
“Sure.” He smiled. 
As Marinette and Adrien walked to the far side of the park Lila glared. She stood up, gaining the attention from the class, and excused herself from the picnic, making up some shallow excuse that she had a meeting with someone very important.
Once they were at the nearest treeline of the park and out of earshot of everyone else Adrien stopped to sit on a bench. He patted the spot next to him, gesturing Marinette to sit. Marinette starred, and smiled with a blush. She joined him on the bench as well.
“What was it you had to tell me?”
Taking in another shaky breath Marinette braced herself. She looked up into his eyes. His wonderful perfectly green eyes. Was there anything more beautiful than the pear colored spheres that faded to a saturated chartreuse? Sitting right under the gorgeously colored field of blonde tresses that shaped his perfect model structured face. Oh well of course, he’s a model. 
No wonder he’s a model. He’s gorgeous. Oh...oh my. We’re so close. I….I don’t think we have ever been this close before. Oh...his...lips. They’re right there. 
Marrinette’s eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips. Perfectly shaped, apricot shaded lips. If she was allowed, Marinette could stare at them forever, but of course that would be rude. Wait. How long had she been staring? Her eyes darted to his perfect peridot eyes. 
“Uh, Marinette? You’re staring. Is everything okay?”
“What? Staring? At you? Aha! Why would I stare at you? Wait not well of course I would stare at you. You’re gorgeous! Uh, I mean! You’re funny! Yeah...ehe...um.” Inwardly she was not only cringing at the catastrophic monologue she delivered but wished she could disappear for it as well. Adrien only smiled at her and chuckled. “You’re the funny one Marinette. Anyway you wanted to tell me something?”
“O-oh. Right. Well, you see. Adrien,” She paused and looked at the space between them. “I know that when we first met, I was very very rude to you. I,” She paused with a look of resignation. “I still remember the day we first met actually. It was raining and you offered me your umbrella. Up until that point, I thought you were some stuck up rich kid that only wanted to be friends with Chloe.” A small smile formed at her face at the fond memory. 
Adrien laughed and shook his head. “I remember that. You thought that I put the gum on your seat, when in reality I was just trying to take it off. I’m a good guy you know.” He winked. 
“U-uh.” Marinette was frozen. Her heart sped up and she could hear it in her ears. “Y-yeah. Well, anyway. Since that day our friendship has grown into something,” She paused, not quite sure how to explain it. Ever since that day, Adrien was someone she could talk to. Someone she could trust with any problem that she had. Well, that was only true when she talked to him as Adrien, her friend and not Adrien, her crush. Nonetheless, Adrien became someone near and dear to her heart, in more ways than one. There were so many moments between them that it seemed like he felt the same thing as Marinette. Maybe, he did?
“Amazing?” Adrien finished for her.
With a soft smile and a nod of her head Marinette agreed. “This friendship. I’m so glad that we have it. Um, Adrien. I guess what I’m trying to say is. I cherish our friendship so much and–”
“I cherish our friendship too Marinette! I’m honestly so lucky to have a friend like you. You know, everyone says that when a girl and a guy become friends, there’s always a romantic feeling between the two. Well I’ll tell you what. There is no other girl in this world that I rather share such strong a platonic love for. There’s no better way to express how much you love someone than on La Saint-Valentin, so with that said, I love you Marinette” The poor girl’s heart stopped and shattered to pieces. “You’re one of my best friends.”
Marinette’s eyes widened. One of his….best friends? Of course. There was no way Adrien, THE Adrien Agreste could see her, Marinette duPain Cheng as anything else other than a friend. She looked to the ground, in an attempt to mask the tears beginning to prick her eyes. “I just wanted you to know Adrien. In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m glad to have you as my friend. I just wanted to pull you aside and let you know. I never take you for granted. You, Alya, and Nino mean the world to me.” She forced a smile and squeezed his hand. 
In shock at the sudden touch of affection Adrien’s eyes widened. He glanced at the hand Marinette was still holding. A small smile found its way to his face. Suddenly, he engulfed Marinette in a hug. To her surprise, she hugged him back as well. In all honesty, Marinette would rather have been hugging Adrien as her friend, who loved her platonically, than as Adrien, her crush, who she might have jeopardized a relationship with if she confessed her true feelings. Maybe, things were better off like this….
Assured that her heart would explode if she continued to hug the boy, Marinette pulled away. “This is for you.” She somehow remembered that there was a box of personally made macarons sitting behind her. Bringing it forward she delicately placed them in his hands. “To remind you how much you mean to me.” Stunned in awe at the delicious treats in front him, Adrien nearly forgot his manners. “I-I. Thank you Marinette!”
With a tight lipped smile she replied, “Mmhmm. Oh and, don’t open them until you get home. They’re just for you.”
“O-of course. Thank you Marinette.” He took the box and offered her an appreciative smile. Adrien stood up with the box in one hand, then with his other held it out for Marinette to take. 
Marinette stared at his open palm, facing her. She reached out to take it, but hesitated. “Actually, I wanted to address Nino and Alya in private as well. On your way back, could you tell Alya to meet me here? I want to let her know how much I appreciate her too.” 
Adrien beamed at Marinette, box of macarons in hand. “I will!”
Watching the love her life walk away, taking with him her confidence and confession, will forever be embedded into Marinette’s mind for the rest of her life. Why was love so complicated? Why did she decide today was the day her heart would be locked up forever?
Intently staring into the distance Marinette didn’t notice Alya sitting next to her until she touched her arm and spoke. “Hey, what happened? Adrien came back super happy and said you wanted to talk to me.”
Marinette looked Alya with the saddest, tear filled, blue bell eyes. Alya only needed one look at her best friend’s glum face to tell things did not go according to plan. “Oh girl what happened?”
As soon as Alya’s arms wrapped around Marinette, the poor girl broke. “Oh Alya! I..he..Adrien.” She could barely choke out words between her muffled sobs. “He…..said he loved me.”
Suddenly Alya held her at arms length and stared her down. “Okay what?”
Marinette held back a sob and explained everything, from the moment they sat down to the moment Adrien’s face lit up with the biggest smile at the sight of the specially made box. After hearing the totally failed, and entirely misunderstood, confession Alya hugged Marinette again. “I’m sorry girl. Well, at least you heard him say ‘I love you’.” Alya stifled a chuckle.
Marinette let out a breathy laugh. “Is that supposed to help me feel better Alya?”
Her best friend chuckled. “A little?”
Marinette laughed. “Okay well it kinda didn’t.”
Their nearly tender moment was ruined by a scream. Both girls sat up and looked at the picnic blanket where all their friends resided. Lila came running into the park, an akuma in tow. 
Adrien and Nino came running towards the girls. Nino grabbed Alya’s hand and pulled her off the bench, Adrien doing the same with Marinette. 
“C’mon! Let’s go!” Nino exclaimed.
“Oh no way! Ladybug is going to show up. We gotta follow the akuma!” Alya then took a sharp turn and dragged Nino with her.
“Oh come on!” Nino exclaimed.
Marinette’s stare went down her arm to her hand, that was being held by Adrien’s. Her gaze followed up his arm to his face. Oh his delicate face. His eyebrows wear so tightly knit together. He was so focused. As if his only goal was to keep her out of harm’s way. His fingers were intertwined with hers. His grip was taut, and there was no intent of letting her go. If Marinette hadn’t gotten her heart broken in the most friendzone way possible, she might have enjoyed this. Also, if there wasn’t an akuma running around terrorizing the city she might have relished in this moment. If Marinette were not Ladybug, she might have allowed Adrien to whisk her off to some unknown destination away from the akuma, but alas she was still Ladybug and she still had a city to protect. Had Adrien not abruptly stopped and tugged them into an alleyway, Marinette would have been lost in thought. 
Adrien abruptly grasped her shoulders and in a stern voice she had never heard before he spoke. “Marinette. Stay here. I’ll make sure the others got to safety.” He began to run out of the alley.
Blinking out her haze she asked, “What about you?”
Turning to her he replied, “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay. I’ll find you after! Stay out of sight!”
With that, and a confident smile, he left. The desiderium Marinette felt was quickly replaced with determination and focus. “Tikki!” She opened her bag.
The little red kwami popped out of the handbag and looked up at Marinette. “We gotta help Paris. Tikki, spots on!”
also I’m sorry if there are typos D:
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