#“but claire is the caretaker type” yeah of kids not the on again off again codependent situationship whatever
rescuefield-arch1 · 2 months
re twt discourse about who's better at keeping leon sober between claire and ada... i need my mothers freed from these shackles...
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teacherunicorn · 3 years
Delores Theadosia Hargreeves
Chapter Fifteen
Italics = memories
A/N: I am aware of Elliot Page coming out as transgender and am fully supportive of it. With the future of his character still in the wind however, I will be using she/her pronouns for Vanya for my writings at least for the time being. If rumors are true and the character will be transitioning as well, I will wrap it into my story accordingly. For now, I'm just following the plot of season one.
Diego was one of two Hargreeves children left in the city, and was the first to arrive back at the manor. The place had always been too big for comfort, but it still seemed strange seeing it so empty.
Not for the first time, he wondered what Delores' life here had been like before they'd come into it.
Traditionally, boxing was a more serious sport. The kind that attracted harsher people, under the counter bets and the like. Then again, Delores Theadoisa Hargreeves had never been traditional.
She stood just outside the fighting ring jumping up and down, and waving a handmade sign over her head. "Go Diego! Boo everyone else!"
Diego's opponent of the night; a burly man with full sleeve tattoos, looked between him and the tiny blonde.
"Your girl's got a lotta faith in ya."
Diego smiled but didn't drop his guard. "Wouldn't wanna disappoint." he said before throwing a heavy right hook into the man's jaw.
“Diego my boy.” Pogo’s voice broke him from his memories. “Good to see you.”
“Hey Pogo.” Diego smiled and hugged the chimp. “Anyone else turn up yet?”
“You are the first, but I expect your siblings shall be along shortly.”
“The news got to her rather late, but she assured me she’d be on the first available plane.” Pogo informed. “Till then, she’s tasked me with keeping the rest of you in line.”
Number Two laughed. “Yeah, good luck.”
Next to arrive was Alison. Getting the news about Reginald’s death via paparazzi hadn’t been pretty, and frankly if it hadn’t gone down that way she probably wouldn’t have come. She had enough of her plate as it was.
“Onward to desert!” Delores ran across the large backyard, a then one year old Claire ridding piggyback. Patrick, who had been manning the grill for the barbecue, laughed and held the package of oreos over their heads. He was taller than Delores, so even with Claire on her back they couldn’t reach them.
Things had been a lot simpler when ‘Gammy Lori’ could be called any hour of the day. Having raised seven kids, Delores was much more capable of dealing with Claire than Alison was. It was hard sometimes not to take advantage of that.
It was even harder to stand by the lessons Delores had taught her and not take the easy way out.
“I want Gammy Lori!” a three year old Claire whined.
“Gammy Lori is working sweetie. She’s in Pennsylvania.”
“Where’s that?”
“A really long way away.”
“Can we go get her?”
“No, we can’t.”
“Because she’s busy.”
“Because she’s very smart and works with smart people.”
“I heard a rumor that you stopped whining.”
Klaus tumbled in through one of the back doors and was immediately skimming the place for valuables.
"Really?" Ben's spirit said over his shoulder. "Didn't you tell Dede you'd keep at least a two month period between troubles with the law?"
"Hey, it's not like the old man is around to report anything stolen anymore. "God knows DT isn't gonna miss any of it; she hates this gaudy shit."
Every remaining member of the Umbrella Academy had a key to Delores' condo in the city. As such, it wasn't uncommon for her to come home to find one of them on her couch.
It was usually Klaus.
Number Four groaned as he blinked back to consciousness. His blurry vision focused in on the figure sitting on the coffee table. "Oh, hey DT. How long have you been here?"
"Couple hours. I came to check if you were alive again. You've been kinda in and out." While she didn't approve of Klaus' drug habits, Delores was the only one -- apart from Ben -- who understood why he had them.
"I didn't say anything stupid, did I?"
"You don't need drugs for that, Klausy."
"She's right, you know." Ben chimed from where he leaned against the couch's armrest.
Klaus threw a glare at the spirit over his shoulder before turning back to his caretaker. "Sorry, shady asshole must've mixed something in with the product. It's usually not that heavy...."
"Haven't I told you stay away from those types?"
"Com'on DT, I am one of those types!"
"Those are the rock bottom types that end up in a ditch somewhere." Delores flicked him in the head, making him wince as she rattled his hangover.
"Thank you!" Ben exclaimed.
"The type that don't have their big sister to push them into rehab. Speaking of, didn't you just get out of it like a week ago?" She continued, unaware that Number Six was even there.
"Maybe...." Klaus muttered. "But I'm not really the cold turkey type; you know that."
"There has to be something better." Delores sighed. "If you would stick around for more than a few days sleeping off a bender, you and I could figure it out! I've been riddling out your powers since you were born."
"No." Klaus said firmly. "Alright, I may be a deadbeat addict, but you are the one person who I refuse to mooch off of."
"Klausy --"
"Klaus --"
"Non!" He cut off both of them. "It took you way to long to get out from under dad's ass. You've finally got a life for yourself! Majority rules; you were out voted. No more mother henning!"
Having the furthest to travel, it wasn't surprising that Luther arrived late to the mansion.
He had been the last of the Umbrella Academy, chasing the heroics dream Reginald kept feeding him. He and Delores had gotten into more than one argument regarding this, but she had always been there when he really needed her, wether she was angry with him or not.
Unfortunately, he had been out voted and she had left too.
Logically he knew it was good for her. She sounded so much happier on the phone than she had living here. The stubborn part of him that believed in the Academy's roles however knew her place was with them, even if they weren't kids anymore.
Delores hadn't been informed of his mission gone awry; his near death experience, what had brought him back, and the side effects of it. Reginald had done something or another to keep that out of the media, and Luther himself certainly wasn't looking to tell her.
The real kicker had been the moon mission. Reginald had sprung it on him so suddenly that he hadn't had the chance to call Delores beforehand.
He stood hunched in the doorway of her old room, eyes drifting over the relics she had left behind. Since Delores traveled so much, she hadn't taken everything with her when she first left. The majority of her things were now in her condo in the city, but there were still a few dusty pictures on the walls.
Moving forward caused his fingers to brush against the scritches on the doorway. Carved into the wood with one of Diego's knives were a series of dashes and dates marking the life of the Umbrella Academy.
Luther strained to stretch as straight as he could, resisting the urge to get on his tiptoes. He'd tried sneaking that past Delores and she'd smacked his head with the ruler.
The flat of a blade cut into the wood behind him and he immediately jumped forward to see her scratching the day's date next to it with a practiced hand.
"So?" He asked eagerly.
"Hmm." Delores held the ruler between an older mark and the mark she'd just made. "One and a half inches."
"Yes! I'm still the tallest!"
"Second tallest." Delores said, leaning her elbow atop his head.
"I told you to stop doing that!" He swatted at her, taking a step back to be out of reach.
"But you make such a good armrest!"
"Just you wait Dee; some day I'm gonna be even taller than you and you'll be the armrest!"
"Whatever you say squirt."
Hesitant to come at all, Vanya was the last of the siblings to walk through the front door.
Ever quiet as a mouse, she stepped into the entry hall in near silence. Her sister was less so however.
"Vanya." Alison said in surprise as she came through the doorway of the living room. "You came."
"Hey Allison." Vanya smiled and accepted the hug offered to her.
Her flicker of confidence evaporated when Diego walked through the room and glared at her. "What's she doing here? You don't belong here, not after what you did."
"Diego now is not the time for fighting. And way to dress for the occasion by the way!" Alison called to his retreating back.
"At least I'm wearing black!"
"H-He's right, I shouldn't be here..." Vanya shook her head, wondering why she'd bothered. It wasn't like Delores would leave the country again without coming to see her -- she was the only family member who was still talking to her after all.
"No, hey." Alison cut her off. "I want you here."
The smile Vanya gave her sister was small and somewhat forced. The sentiment was kind, but patronizing. Everyone had been mad at her after her book had been published; even Delores.
Vanya unlocked her apartment door and jumped out of her skin at the sight of Delores sitting on her couch. She shouldn't be surprised at this point really, the older woman had mad it a habit since she'd been given a key.
"You should have locks on your windows." the caretaker commented idly.
"I live on the second floor."
"Rapist can climb."
"You are so weird." Vanya shook her head as she locked the door behind her.
"Oh now that's a simpleton word. You got much more creative as I recall. What was it? Apathetic, obtuse, and desperate to keep control?"
"M-my editor didn't like me making you a good guy when everyone else --"
"Oh will get to everyone else; you had no right to say what you did about them either. Airing out the dirty laundry for all to see....I'm really disappointed in you, Vanya."
Vanya was the last of the Hargreeves siblings to walk through the front door, but certainly not the last to arrive.
After a very tense conversation about their father's death -- Luther was convinced it was murder, and while he didn't accuse anyone outright it was clear he didn't put it past them.
Everyone had split off to different areas of the house, and Luther thumbed through the records on the shelf in his room. The group really didn't do well as a group without Delores, but maybe he could at least minimize the hostility while they waited for her.
Finding the one he was looking for, he set it onto the player and turned the volume up as high as it would go. Soon enough, Delores' favorite song was echoing through the manor halls.
I think we're alone now
There doesn't seem to be anyone around
I think we're alone now
Alone now
The beating of our hearts is the onl-
The music was cut off rather abruptly as the walls and floor began to shake. Everything metallic went flying, and a large wave of something was glowing a familiar blue color in the backyard.
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abbysdream · 6 years
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YAAASS I completed my Secret Santa gift for a lucky simmer . 
Took me forever to really make a family I felt okay with sending and an interesting background. But I think I’ve done it! (Haven’t done this in ages lol). Now I know what your thinking “Super perfect looking family” they look absolutely cliche...nope! 
(note: the YA female is not pregnant! lol I ran out of poses)
No CC version Gallery ID: SuperPinkDream
 For more info on the family, keep reading!
Goodwin/Lymann Family {Holiday Story}
Gary Garrison is a businessman of perfection, hard work, structure and family. His housewife Claire, a neat party animal also agrees with her husbands ways. However their only daughter Ember never exactly reached their “perfect” expectations. Ever since moving out to the city to make it out on her own instead of college (which is what she told her parents), Ember’s life had been pretty solitary.
Working at a local retail shop in the city for years, Ember was never interested in dating or starting a family. Because of this Ember avoided contact with her parents for years in order to start her own life away from their “perfection”.  However after 7 long years near snowflake day, her parents call her. 
“Dear it’s been years since we’ve heard from you! We’ve been trying to get in contact with you for the holidays to see how you’ve been. We haven’t heard from you since moving off to college years ago and wondered if your going to be taking over the Family business.” Ember kept her mother on hold for a moment. 
The family business was worth more than enough money to get out of her run-down apartment. It sounded like the perfect opportunity. “Okay I’ll do it!! I’ll take over the family business-!” Just as Ember accepted, she could hear her father interrupting her mother. “On one exception! First I would like to see her family.”
‘what?’ Ember knew her chances would go down hill from there as she became quiet on the phone. “Ember? Honey are you there?” Claire wondered while slightly raising her voice.
In an odd event, For the sake of money, Ember decided to do the unthinkable...she lied lol. “Yeah mom! Tell dad that I’ve been busy with my husband and daug-” She could hardly get any of her words out before her mother stopped her. “I’m a grandmother and you never told me!! Oh now you must come this snowflake holiday! I can’t wait to see them!!”
“Okay Okay mom I gotta go and help with the decorations.” Ember told to get out of the conversation lol. “Alright I’ll see you all soon!” As soon as Claire’s phone clicked off, Ember was in a complete slump. “How the heck am I suppose to get a guy AND a baby before snowflake day?!” Ember knew that not showing up without them would not only forfeit her share in the family business, but her family’s trust...and money. 
During work, Ember catches her obnoxious yet cute fellow employee Demetrius Lymann whoohoo’ing another employee during lunch break in the closet. He begs her not to tell the boss and she decides to benefit from this turn of events. “Hey, If you could pretend to be my husband. We could both become pretty darn rich and split the money....or I could tell the boss about your extra ‘time’ with his niece Cindy.” reluctantly Demetrius accepted.
“Now...where am I going to find a kid....?” She searches all of the sim web to no avail. “i’m so screwed!!” she yelled out...”COULD SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A SIGN?!” and suddenly a random bear hits her. And woman saying “Want to give foster parenting a try?! Allow one of these young orphans looking for a home, even if only temporary!” It was music to Ember’s ears.
Ember quickly signed up. Before the caretaker could even ask the type of child Ember was looking for, Ember quickly pointed at random. “i’ll take that one.” as she pointed to a little girl with adorable braided pigtails. “Oh...umm...are you sure about her?” Ember rushed the caretaker “Yes, yes don’t worry, she’ll be in good hands!!” she signed the papers, grabbed the child and ran along to prepare.  Once she got home, she found forgot something important...the little girl’s name. “Soo..can you talk? Do you already have a name or something?” 
The little girl pulled out a sippy cup from her bag. “Sharry.” Ember snickered at the toddler’s voice “..umm okay, from now on we’re going to call you Sharon okay? Just remember that.” Ember then invited Demetrius to go over the plan. But when he got arrived, he stared at little Sharon as if she were a mouse. “A KID?! NO, NO, NO! THIS WAS NOT APART OF THE DEAL!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.  “Dude! Shut up, It’s just for a holiday week and then it’ll be all over and she goes back to the adoption center. And we’ll split the money and never speak of this again.” Hearing Ember’s words brought the serial romantic back to reality. “Okay Fine...Let’s just get this over with!”
And thus the fake family of 3 ventured off to Bridleton Bay,Ember’s hometown, to celebrate snowflake day with her parents and “family”.
How will this end? You decide!
Will Ember have a change of heart and take the family buisness? Will Demetrius actually keep his word? Will the seemly smart toddler Sharon rat them both out?! Are Claire and Gary as “perfect” as her daughter believes them to be? Could they all somehow become one decent dysfunctional family?
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