#“Elon Musk started work on-” fuck that guy dad
firehandlerfred · 1 year
"Did you know-" I do not. Ignorance is bliss and I am downright ECSTATIC
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rottenbrainstuff · 4 months
BG3 playthrough - Gortash
Mega spoilers below the cut
Finally, finally, I got to the audience with Gortash. I’m happy for the girlies that are in love, I love Jason Isaacs and I’m glad they’ve hired top knotch voice actors for the baddies in this game, but damn my friends, he does nothing for me. He looks like a moldy potato. As I said before, he looks like he smells like a hangover covered up with Axe spray. Sorry!
Despite that, he’s a very interesting character. I really liked the little group of NPCs outside fanboying about him inventing the Steel Watch - someone points out it was the Gondians who actually invented the Steel Watch, and Gortash just financed it, and someone else argues, no, it was Gortash who invented it - which he absolutely didn’t. Reminded me of Elon Musk and how everyone thought he was such a fucking genius, when all he did was purchase companies and pay other researchers. I loved that parallel.
So DAMN. This scene is very different for a dark urge. Man I felt so sorry for Karlach - she thinks she’s going to walk up and have this big face to face with her ex friend, and Gortash doesn’t even have words for her - instead he welcomes back his favourite assassin, and that’s me. I loved Karlach’s WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?? reaction, because same girl, same. Absolutely fucking WILD for a resisting durge to learn, you know, not only do they have these horrible murderous urges, not only do we have this nasty little butler man trying to force us to gruesomely kill people, not only did something horrible happen to us that wiped clean all our memories, NOT ONLY ARE WE A GODDAMNED BHAALSPAWN and leader of the goddamned bhaal cult, NOT ONLY ALL OF THIS, no, that wasn’t enough, oh no: now we learn we were also one of the original architects of the Absolute plot, removed only when Orin saw an opportunity to displace us. Damn, damn, damn. What a wild fucking ride. My poor tav.
The writing here and dialogue choices I found were a bit funky, rather like a bad DM that is trying too hard to nudge the player into the result they want, without really understanding what the player naturally wants to do. It was very odd how the dialogue kept offering me options to see if Gortash was telling the truth. Reassurances and reassurances. But you know what? My durge doesn’t CARE if Gortash is telling the truth. Lies, truth, it doesn’t matter, I am disgusted by what I just learned. I might agree not to pound Gortash into paste right this particular second, because Wyll’s dad as well as an entire audience and compliments of guards are right there, but I am NOT, NOT saying that I agree to any fucking alliance??? Well the Emperor says he’s telling the truth. Well I can read his body language to see if he’s telling the truth. Well I can use detect thoughts to see if he’s telling the truth. I DO NOT CARE IF HE IS TELLING THE TRUTH. In fact if he’s being sincere that almost makes the situation worse. It was so bizarre. I feel like maybe this dialogue was designed mostly with a non-durge in mind, who probably hates Gortash a lot less at this point? Maybe?
Anyways whatever, we got to a point where I agreed not to go straight to combat, but I still feel like I expressed my disgust in a mostly satisfactory way, so whatever. Whatever.
What happens AFTER that is also pretty fun. The three companions you just brought along to the coronation have now all just seen you are not only a Bhaalspawn, but you were one of the three who started all of this horrible shit in the first place!!! They all have very very interesting reactions (and as far as I am able to tell - the reaction is the same whether or not you chose to tell them you are a bhaalspawn ahead of time. My particular tav told no one but Astarion).
Karlach’s reaction hurt the most. She was furious, absolutely furious to find out I used to work with Gortash and that I used to lead the Bhaal cult. She says she isn’t sure she trusts I’m not still a bad guy, and she needs time - a lot of time - to think about it. Her reaction is TOTALLY VALID, it absolutely is, but it still stings, holy shit. I actually reloaded to see if there was anything I could do to make her less mad - but nothing helps. Augh. Karlach I am so sorry, I’m so sorry….
Gale was similarly angry. The reaction is valid but it hurts, it hurts…
Shadowheart’s reaction was bugged, at least for me. After the ceremony she had no reaction at all, just her regular conversation dialogue. That’s too bad, I was curious to see what she said.
Lae’zel has no additional dialogue, she will only say what she says if you tell her yourself that you’re a bhaalspawn: that it makes sense, because you are murderous and also annoying, lol.
Halsin is surprised, but not in a… “I had no idea you were actually a piece of shit this whole time” way, and more of a “shit I guess this just shows that we need to be careful and not take anything for granted” way.
Jaheria (who has no dialogue to tell her you’re a bhaalspawn) is concerned, but tells herself that doubting each other only benefits Gortash. She also asks for some time to think, but it’s less of a rude “I need time to think about how I’m ever going to look at your disgusting face again” and more of a “I need time to decide what is the best strategy to take now” way.
Wyll as always is a rock-solid friend. He’s mostly thinking about his father, understandable, and tells me again the story of the bhaalspawn who went on to become a hero.
And as before, as always, Astarion has the very best reaction, really shocked me actually, because I never thought about it like that. He starts off quite accusatory and I was prepared to have my heart broken - “You! You’re the one behind all this!” Ugh. It was hurting my heart. What will I do if Astarion is angry? Then he flips it into a joke as always, laughs and says he admits he’s impressed. But THEN… he THANKS me, he thanks me for being that evil bastard, because if it wasn’t for the Absolute plot and the nautiloid snatching people, he’d still be locked away in Cazador’s kennel. He THANKS me. I was so… surprised. I never really thought of it like that. Bhaal-cult-leader-tav frees Astarion. Extremely indirectly, but still. Man. My heart was hurting from Karlach’s reaction, everyone is freshly suspicious of me at worst and pitying at best, and why wouldn’t they be, I deserve every bit of it, and here’s Astarion, fucking THANKING me. Just. Wow. His support is so amazing, has been for this whole arc. I know people were grumpy that the dark urge writer wrote (honestly only a small amount of) extra content for Astarion interactions but didn’t have time to give the same attention for the other companions, but it’s not even the extra content that makes Astarion so amazing in a dark urge run. It’s his unique perspective and the place that he’s coming from and his surprising and unwavering support. It’s kind of like how Gale is uniquely supportive of a tav that becomes a mindflayer, it’s a sweet little special character piece. As things just keep get worse and worse for my resisting durge, I’m appreciating Astarion’s support more and more.
Back at camp, there’s the Orin kidnapping blah blah blah. The companion taken can be Lae;zel, Gale, or Halsin, but Lae’zel’s scenario is the only one that really makes any kind of sense at all…. What does Halsin losing control in the city or Gale wanting to blow up his orb have to do with anything? Lae’zel trying to convince you someone else in camp is the imposter and murder them makes much more sense. Afterwards, Gale says we should carefully consider Orin’s terms, no matter how distasteful it may be. Distasteful?..? What an odd comment. I’m 100% going to obliterate Gortash, was already making plans for that, nothing at all to do with Orin. “Distasteful” nothing, killing Gortash and confronting Orin was the plan all along. How odd.
Now I’m in the lower city, and it’s fucking shredding my poor shitty computer. We’ll see how this goes. Astarion went a bit nuts shopping for clothes at Carm’s Garms, and my tav is now wearing a ridiculous embroidered thing in black and blue and silver and looks like a mariachi. NPCs everywhere, as far as the eye can see, and even on the lowest graphics settings my poor mac is chugging along.
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starkerforlife6969 · 5 years
Howard buys Tony an Omega part 6 - Starker
Can be read an as independent! Read the rest here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I received an amazing list of prompts, and this is just one of them, but they were all so good you can probably expect the rest soon, you genius anon: tony is driving when he and peter are in an accident, cue tony's guilt and hovering
TW: car accident, mild references to injury, Tony feeling guilty, v mild angst, a/o dynamics  
High off his summer graduation, high after the rush of his degree (top of his class, of course) Tony finally feels a little more settled come that Christmas.
He feels like an adult. He’s been working for his dad’s company since he finished college, but in the new year, he’s going to branch out. Start up his own tech place. Wow investors with the charisma that oozes out of his pores.
To kick off his new adulthood, a Christmas alone with his omega, nestled in their snowy cabin in Vermont, is the perfect bon voyage. 
Speaking of, he lets his eyes drift from the icy road to Peter. The omega’s cuddled up on the passenger’s seat, feet tucked under himself, facing Tony (that adoring gaze leaves a warm mark on Tony’s cheek. Or well, it had, for the first few hours. Peter’s asleep now) and snug as a bug in Tony’s college sweatshirt. 
Tony can’t wait to see Peter’s face as they drive up. He’s had the place decked out. There are gonna be lights everywhere, a huge Christmas tree- presents already wrapped, christmas crackers and a roast dinner already waiting for them.
He knows Peter loves to cook, but just this once, he’s going to have to make do with being lavished by other people. 
Jingle Bell Rock is playing quietly on the radio- but the connection keeps getting cut out. Tony’s not surprised. This far into rural Vermont, the connection’s spotty. There’ll be premium wifi once they’re there, though. 
His mother had tried to insist on them having Happy drive them, but Tony had shrugged her off. A road trip with his omega was the best early Christmas present. Stopping along diners for piled-high pancakes, stopping to take photos with state road signs- Peter’s face as gorgeous landscape after gorgeous landscape rolled by the window. 
It’s been brilliant.
Tony’s never been this happy. 
He doesn’t take his eyes from the road when they near the icier turns. He slows down, he shuts the radio off when the static between giddy up jingle horse gets to be too irritating. 
It doesn’t stop it. A deceptive looking patch of snow covers a deep crack in the road, and his grip on the steering wheel isn’t quite strong enough.
There’s a horrible lurch, a bad feeling in his stomach-
And then it all happens so fast.
When he wakes up, silent night is crooning without a hitch on the radio, and his face is burning. 
He lets out a strangled gasp when everything comes flooding back to him. He jerks and flails. He’s upside down- all the blood is in his head, and he scrabbles for purchase, he can’t see anything out of the windscreen but white snow.
He turns desperately and-
The passenger side is empty.
“Oh god,” he chokes, fumbling for his seatbelt and collapsing into a heap when gravity hauls him down. It takes a few frantic moments to right himself, but when he does, he crawls out of the passenger side door which has been flung open. 
It’s freezing. A bone-chilling type of cold, and Tony gets to his feet- feeling dizzy, but, but otherwise okay, except not okay, because-
“Peter!” He yells, white puffs of ice hovering in the air after he speaks, “Peter! Baby, are you-” he turns wildly, and there, he spots his college sweatshirt and a tuft of honey hair.
It’s hard to sprint through the thick snow, but he does the best he can, dropping to his knees beside the fallen figure.
Tears burn as they slide down his face, and he carefully- gently- turns Peter over.
His omega is pale, snowflakes caught on his dark lashes, and there’s a small trickle of blood down the side of his face.
Agony lurches through Tony’s stomach. He wants to vomit, but instead, he cradles his omega as gently as he can, fingers shaking not from the cold, as they feel for Peter’s pulse.
“Sweetheart?” He croaks, voice pathetic, “Peter, baby, are you okay? Please, please, say something, I-”
There’s a pulse under Tony’s fingers. Not a weak, quiet thing, but strong and firm and consistent.
Relief swells within him. 
“Peter,” he says again, more loudly, “Peter, Peter, wake up, darling, baby, please-” 
There’s a gentle moan, and those amber eyes are revealed to him.
They’re unfocused, a little dizzy, but okay. 
“Ton…” Peter slurs, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion, “‘r you…”
“Don’t you dare worry about me.” Tony hisses through tears, reaching over to scoop Peter more firmly into his arms.
Fuck, this is all his fault. What kind of shitty alpha is he? They’re out here now- Peter’s so small, so cold, Tony holds him tight, looking around, thoughts racing.
In the distance, he hears a motor.
“Assistance has arrived.” The cool, automated voice of the car chimes, and Tony collapses, Peter in his arms, and thanks the sky that Elon Musk designed his car.
Peter dips a chicken leg in gravy and takes a huge bite of the delicious, crispy skin.
Tony watches him like a hawk, pushing another bowl of stuffing towards him.
His omega shoots him a gorgeous, lopsided smile. “Alpha,” he giggles, even as he takes a spoonful, “you eat!”
Tony doesn’t want to eat. He reaches over the table, cups the back of his boy’s head and kisses his shiny, buttery lips. “I want you to eat.” He murmurs, giving Peter more mashed potatoes. 
His omega looks up at him with curious, clever eyes, but doesn’t ask again.
He can sense it, probably, the fear and worry radiating off of Tony in waves. Peter’s always been very good like that.
Tony doesn’t want to eat. He has no appetite. He had no appetite when he’d batted away the hands of the paramedics who’d tried to tend to his non-existent wounds. He sent them to Peter- his Peter, who he hasn’t taken his eyes off since it happened. His perfect Peter sitting perched in the back of an ambulance, wrapped in a silver blanket, torch shining in his eyes.
“You guys are just fine,” the paramedic had told Tony warmly, dropping them both off at the cabin, where a number of attendants were anxiously awaiting them.
Tony had glared at him. “I don’t want Peter to just be fine,” he’d snarled, “I want him to be perfect.” 
“He’s going to be okay, son,” the man had promised, “just a little rest and warm food, I promise.”
The cut on Peter’s head, nestled in those curls, has only needed butterfly stitches. A small nick. Head wounds always bleed a lot, Tony knows that, but still.
A long hot bath, some fluffy, non-snow logged clothes, and here they were.
Peter, eating an enormous roast for two, all by himself.
Tony pours him more juice.
It makes him feel better inside. Warmer than the new sweater and sweatpants and fuzzy socks. He feels warmer seeing Peter with chicken between his teeth- starlight in his eyes.
His boy drinks the juice even though Tony doesn’t think he’s thirsty. 
He keeps eating until Tony finally stops offering him food.
“Okay, baby,” Tony murmurs, moving round the table to hoist his omega into his arms and carry him over to the couch by the fire. “I’ll get you some dessert. I had them make fondant, your favourite. How’s that? Hm? With some hot chocolate and marshmallows and whipped cream? And chocolate shavings, of course, and- you like sprinkles, don’t you? My little rainbow omega.”
Peter sits where Tony’s perched him amidst the cushions on the couch, and reaches up, clutching his alpha’s large hand in his two smaller ones.
“Alpha,” Peter pouts, a warm blush across his cheeks, “‘m really not hungry. Just want you.” 
Tony chews on the inside of his mouth. “Just some fondant then,”
Peter laughs, and pulls him down onto the couch.
Well, he tries, bless him, and Tony flops down onto it anyway, drawing the boy into his arms.
Peter snuggles into him, peppers kisses all across his face. “I’m okay,” Peter whispers, not for the first time this evening. “Really I am.”
“You could’ve been so hurt,” Tony splutters out, turning his head away from Peter’s affections. He doesn’t deserve them.
His omega won’t let him wrangle away that easily. Sits on his lap and keeps kissing him. “You saved me. Good alpha.” The boy chirps, pressing a kiss onto Tony’s left eyebrow.
Tony hugs him tight, breathing him in. “I fuckin’ love you, Pete.” He whispers, “if something happened to you, I’d just-”
“I’m here,” Peter promises, sinking into Tony’s embrace. “I’d never leave you. I promise.”
In the morning, Tony wakes up to a full english, and Peter’s expectant eyes. 
He has to sit in bed and eat every last bite, not that it’s a hardship, he’s starving and Peter’s the best cook he knows.
He tries to bite down on his hovering, on his urge to smother Peter with affection, to not let him out of arm’s reach, and he tries his best to smile. “What’s on for today then, gorgeous? We can do anything you like. Sledging? Go to the little market place in town?”
Peter moves the breakfast tray and snuggles up beside him in bed. “Just stay here?” He asks, finding his place cuddled on Tony’s chest. “Watch movies.”
A whole day with Peter B Parker in his arms? 
“That sounds perfect, baby,” Tony mumbles, his relief palpable, holding him close. Goddamn, Peter can see right through him. 
He can feel Peter’s smile through his shirt. “Maybe some fondant later?” Comes the sweet voice, lilt hopeful. 
Tony laughs at that, full bodied and surprised, “how about a whole fucking fondant? How about three?” 
Peter whoops and Tony tickles him till the sheets are a mess and the Grinch is wrapping Cindy Lou Who up as a present. 
Read the rest here: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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cosmicbug379 · 4 years
Get to know me game!
I was tagged by @longitud-de-onda-Thank you love! <3
I’m supposed to tag 21 people but I am not going to do that because I don’t think I even know 21 people and also I don’t want to annoy people.Also I added a read more because it got SUPER long and I don’t want to annoy people. 
Nickname: My dad calls me Bug, but he’s the only one who does 
Real name: Kylie
Zodiac: Okay I’m not into astrology so I spent like 20 minutes trying to figure this out, so if anyone would like to tell me what this means go for it, but I am apparently a Taurus sun, Taurus rising, and Aries moon
Favorite musicians/bands: Marianas Trench is number 1, followed closely by Josh Groban (don’t judge me), Queen, Elton John, Scott Helman, Jonas Brothers, Peter Hollens, Celtic Thunder and a lot of Broadway Musical casts 
Favorite Sports Team: I don’t really care that much about sports, but I was raised a 49ers fan because my dad grew up near San Francisco and I do enjoy tennis and my favorite player is probably Rafael Nadal and I also like Roger Federer and Serena Williams
Other blogs: none! But I’m contemplating starting a side blog for my writing
Do I get asks: Not many, but I love them when I get them!
Tumblr crushes: OH BOY
@rzrcrst is the love of my life and I adore her. Her fics are amazing and she’s a literal ray of sunshine and is just so absolutely kind and lovely and encouraging and she’s the reason I started writing again, and the reason I started posting my writing on Tumblr.
@longitud-de-onda is a beautiful wonderful person and I love her fics so much. She’s so kind to me and always encourages my writing and I love reading her comments about my writing. 
@lannister-slings-and-arrows another lovely fic writer who’s work I enjoy immensely. Also her tags on just about everything are both hilarious and relateable  and I love reading them
@tarrevizslas yet another lovely fic writer! A beautiful writer and also a very sweet person. She also always encourages my writing and is just an angel.
@landlockedmermaid77 is my irl best friend and she’s always so lovely and supportive and I haven’t been able to see her in over a month because of this stupid virus and I miss her so much. I promise I’ll start working on that Will Miler fic for you soon my love!
Lucky numbers: 17
What I am wearing: black It:Chapter 2 sleep shorts that say “Loser’s Club” and have a paper boat on them and a Dragon Age tank top with all the Love Interests from the first game on it and that is also way too big for me and shows a lot of side boob, but that will not stop me from wearing it lol
Favorite Food: Steak!!! and french fries! And I will also never turn down chicken nuggets.
Dream vacation: I’ve always really wanted to go to Ireland and Scotland. They’re so beautiful and green and I LOVE Celtic music and I’ve just always wanted to go. Plus if I go, maybe I will meet a cute person with a beautiful accent and we will fall in love lol
Dream car: I like cool fast cars and a Tesla would be cool if Elon Musk didn’t suck so bad. BUT I am also very small and I like to feel tall so I would also love a pick up truck or a jeep!
Drink of choice: Coke babeeey. but not Pepsi that’s gross. and water, I really love water for some reason
Instruments: I can KIND OF play the piano? Like well enough for vocal warm ups and to play a part for me to sing with, but like not very well. I used to play the flute and the clarinet but I was okay at the flute and terrible with the clarinet, the only song I actually played will on clarinet was when we did Duel of the Fates from Phantom Menace and that’s because I only had to play like 6 notes the whole time because it was the background “duh duh duhduhduh” thing over and over again. I do sing though! I love to sing and it’s my favorite and I wish I sang for people more because it’s like the one thing about myself I like and I’m not insecure about. 
Languages: unfortunately just English. Unless you count the little bit of Elvish I know because I’m a fucking loser.
Celebrity crushes: PEDRO PASCAL. Also Indira Varma, Oscar Isaac, James McAvoy, Diego Luna, Gal Gadot, Antonio Banderas (dude Take the Lead, Spy Kids, and Zorro really did a number on me as a kid), Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, Orlando Bloom, Kiera Knightly, Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson, Nathan Fillion, Brendan Fraser in the Mummy really did it for me and so did Rachel Weisz and the guy who played Ardeth. Okay I should probably stop.
Random facts: I have three tattoos, I can sing Phantom of the Opera if I have warmed up properly and I sing it very loud and also if I am alone and no one makes fun of me. I haven’t done it in a long time though so I would definitely need to practice before attempting it again. I have a scar on my leg from when I went to Maine with a friend and her family when I was in middle school (my family lived in New Hampshire at the time so it wasn’t that far) and my friend and I were walking in the ocean and the water was very cloudy and there was a huge rock I didn’t see and I ran into it and literally put a hole in my leg, like an actual hole, this was like 10 years ago and the scar is still there clear as day. I remember the lifeguard who bandaged it was named Jack and only remember because I was going through a huge Pirates of the Caribbean obsession. Oh, and it got infected so badly that if I hadn’t gone to the doctor when I did (about a week and a half after it happened) I would have had to have my leg amputated, but lucky for me I just needed some antibiotics! I was an Astrophysics major when I was still in school, and before that I was a theatre major and that was VERY fun. I also got about halfway through the baking program at my local tech college before I left because of issues with my mental health and because I wanted to go to school for theatre and music. I would love to go back either for Astrophysics again (this bitch fucking loves space) or Music/Vocal Performance.
Okay sorry that got SUPER LONG. If you read all of it, good for you and thanks! If not that is also okay because I don’t know how to shut up, and also I like attention but you’re not obligated to give it to me.
Tags! @lannister-slings-and-arrows @pascalisthepunkest @astrolo-galaxy
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teddystrap · 4 years
Drama CD: 「オジサマ VS ワカゾウ」2 ~恋はいつも突然に…~
Ojisama: Ichinose Yasunari (CEO, cv: Horiuchi Kenyuu) Wakazou: Ichinose Yuusei (Vice-President, cv: Sakurai Takahiro)
Tumblr media
ACT 1: Ichinose Yuusei rushes into his father's office with a shocking news: his younger brother, Minato, has a rumoured love interest in the office. But hearing this, Daddy is surprisingly calm - as it turns out, he has already investigated this rumour, and asked the girl in question to come and have a talk.
Enter *YOU*, confused and worried about why the CEO wants to see you. After introducing themselves, they tell you flat-out that they want you to *reject Minato's advances*. The reason? Minato is going to marry the daughter of a client company and become their future heir. This is his #destiny as the son of the Ichinose family.
You'd think that such arranged marriages should naturally be reserved for the oldest son (Yuusei) first, but see, Yuusei will be the future CEO of Ichinose Corporation itself, so he cannot be the CEO of the other company. (Maybe this guy could learn from Elon Musk and up his productivity. Just stay away from Twitter yo.)
Minato gets a lot of female attention all the time, but mostly from gold-diggers who are after the Ichinose wealth, so Yasunari is surprised to hear that you do not give two flying fucks about their money. They try to make a deal with you, that if you reject Minato, they will transfer you back to the Planning Department or wherever you like.
But! Your noble soul will not stand for such backhanded tactics!!! Although you aren't sure if you like Minato (...that would be a 'no' then...), you still refuse their offer, because they are not considering Minato's wishes in his own marriage prospects. Your reply piques Yasunari's interest. He gives you one day to make your final decision.
Both Yasunari and Yuusei are surprised by your bold honesty in stating your opinion. They decide it's best to give you time first, then later, if you really end up choosing Minato, then they will intervene. #perfectplanlol
When the time comes to give your answer, you say that you... need to postpone your decision some more. _(:3」∠)_. Yuusei is annoyed and threatens to transfer you to another branch, but Yasunari wants to... make you their personal mistress secretary and get to know you better.
Yasunari’s #evilplan is actually to trick you into falling in love with either himself or Yuusei and thus give up Minato. Yasunari thinks you are different from other women, but Yuusei still finds you boringly banal and uninteresting. Yuusei is also worried about this #evilplan, but his father is excited to see who will ’win' your heart.
ACT 2: A week after becoming their secretary, you have surprised both Yasunari and Yuusei by being good at your job and hard-working. Admittedly they both thought you were a gold-digging liar in the beginning, but now they have changed their minds. Yasunari in particular thinks you are a rare pure soul and too good for his son Minato lolol.
There's a meeting about business expansion in North America later this afternoon, and Yuusei has sent you to make some coffee before that. But you are taking a suspiciously long time, so he decides to come check up on you. Along the way, he hears a loud crash,... followed by some girls from another department running hurriedly from the break room. He enters to find you with spilled coffee all over your blouse.
(He then proceeds to rip the wet blouse off of your ripe, dripping body and ravage you in a fit of carnal passion... NOT.)
You claim that your hand slipped and spilled leftover coffee on yourself while emptying the pot, but Yuusei is not convinced. He has noticed some petty jealousy coming from a few of the female staff over your new promotion. He asks you to name the culprits, but you refuse, saying that you empathise with them: if you were in their position, you would also feel jealous towards yourself. Yuusei calls you a 「バカお人好し」 and compares you to Oscar Wilde's Happy Prince.
He excuses you from the meeting, and takes you shopping for a new blouse afterwards. (You need to attend some important business deal later that day.) He also tries to buy you a wine-red formal dress (for parties and events), but you decline angrily, because you are an #IndependentWoman à la Destiny's Child circa 2001.
The deal goes through swimmingly, and to thank you for your good work, Yuusei wants to treat you to the French restaurant at the top floor of the hotel. But just then the two of you run into... Yasunari! He has come to interfere with your romantic alone time >:D. You say you are tired, and he asks his chauffeur to take you home. Yuusei is understandbly displeased with this turn of events, and vows to get back at Daddy the next time...
ACT 3: The next morning, Yasunari is talking to you when Yuusei barges into the room unannounced. He has come to ask you to prepare the documents, and come with him next week to the business meeting in Kyoto. Hearing this, Yasunari also wants to tag along too, but Yuusei reminds him that he has talks with some new German company next week... XDD
That night after-hours, Yasunari forgot something and comes back to the office to get it. He is surprised to find you still working there by yourself. You are preparing Yuusei's documents, and the girls from the 2nd Sales Department (who are supposed to help you) have dumped all their work on you.
Yasunari low-key disses his son for not factoring in this bullying problem. He himself is well familiar with people's jealousy: when he was starting up Ichinose Corporation, he also encountered jealous people around him who did things to sabotage his work. He apologises for not taking better care of you, and promises to give 2S a stern warning tomorrow.
As with before, you try to stop him, but he explains that he needs to set a good standard for the whole company. You relent, and he helps you to finish up the remaining work, before taking you to one of his regular restaurants for supper.
At the restaurant, who do you guys run into but *Yuusei*, who has just finished meeting with a client. He eagerly joins you at the table, and Yasunari explains the situation with 2S to him. Yuusei mentions the coffee incident, and they both agree that they need to deal with the office bullying before it grows into a bigger problem.
ACT 4: On your Kyoto trip, the deal was concluded earlier than expected, and you have a good part of the day free. Since it's your first time in the city, Yuusei suggests to go sight-seeing with you.
You want to visit the music-box museum in Arashiyama, and Yuusei reminisces that when he was a child, his late mother used to have a music box with a dancing ballerina inside. Yasunari kept it away after her death, never to be seen again.
The museum turns out to have giant jukebox and furniture-like music boxes of all kinds, which surprises Yuusei. As you are leaving, you feel a bit lightheaded and almost fall over. Yuusei apologises for overworking you, thanks to the huge load of clients and projects lately. He also asks if you've been in touch with Minato, who is currently giving him and Dad the cold shoulder, because he's resentful that they snatched you away from him lulz.
Then, Yuusei asks if you have made up your mind about Minato, and... confesses his own feelings for you X3. Because you are very much the 'strong, silent type', he feels an urge to protect you and soothe your troubles. It's the first time he has ever felt that way about a girl, since he has been so wrapped up in his work that he hasn't had time for a personal life. But now that he has met you, Ichinose Corporation can go to hell!!!! He will not surrender you to Minato or anyone else.
He suddenly embraces you, and you get embarrassed because you are still out in public. Just then your stomach comes to your rescue and lets out a growl of hunger, causing him to laugh and let go of you. As you go for lunch, he kisses you on the cheek, and tells you not to care about people watching and to look at him *only*. ~~~(*´∀`*)キュン!~~~~
...At the Japanese restaurant, you again run into... Yasunari! (Are you seeing a pattern here??) Turns out he was the one who introduced this place to Yuusei, so he had an idea Yuusei would take you there. Yuusei asks him if he so enjoys foiling his son's romantic dates, and he replies 'of course!' XDDD. And as you sit down to eat, you pour sake for Yasunari first, making Yuusei envious, and he asks you to pour his cup too. Lol @ the competitiveness, I can't. (゚ー゚)ニヤニヤ
ACT 5: It's a three-day weekend!! Yasunari drops by for a surprise visit nice and early in the morning, and he remarks that seeing you in your casual clothes is giving him evil thoughts... XDDDD He drags you into his car, keeping the destination a secret...
... Turns out, he wants to spend the extended break with you in his holiday home in Karuizawa. Except!!! Yuusei is there upon your arrival. *By concidence*, he overheard his father phoning the mansion's butler during the week, and thus decided to invite himself along lolol.
Yuusei suggests that there is horseback-riding and tennis here, depending on your interests. But first, you need to change out of your lounge-pants and put on some makeup because you left in a hurry lol. A fancy lunch awaits, and afterwards Yuusei volunteers to show you around a flower garden nearby.
Yasunari explains that this mansion is special to him, as his late wife used to love coming here. Before her death, she asked him to take his 'special someone' here in the future, too. You are surprised by his words, at which point... #CONFESSIONTIME. He tells you that you are the first to take his heart after his late wife, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He will wait until your return to Tokyo for your reply.
As he plants a kiss on your lips, you blush, and he's all like: 'Damn grrrl u acting all coy when u obvsly want me is making me want u moar.' *Somebody* sure has a high opinion of himself for an ossan. XDDD
ACT 6: After lunch, Yuusei takes you for a *long* walk nearby. He apologises for his father suddenly kidnapping you here #lolol, and reaffirms his feelings for you. In the beginning, he only wanted to trick you into falling in love with him so that you would reject Minato, but after getting to know you, he has fallen for you instead, and now he couldn't give two fucks about the company as long as he can have you.
He asks how you feel about him, and who of the three you will choose: him, Yasunari, or Minato. You reply that you can't answer straight-away, and he plants an understanding kiss (for luck!!) on you and promises to wait.
The disc ends with all three of you back from the trip. Yasunari and Yuusei both make one last bid for your heart before your final decision: 「君を愛している。どうか、私と一緒にずっといてほしい。」
(In the cast commentary, the two seiyuu speculate about who you chose. Sakurai Takahiro says you probably chose Minato, and Horiuchi Kenyuu is all like: 'Who is Minato??' LOLOL _(X3」∠)_ #getouttathereossan~~~)
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uhhailey · 5 years
Things I’ve Heard High Schoolers Say
I graduated!!! So have the list of things I’ve overheard at school!
- "I stopped using anal beads... (muffled conversation)"
- "Why would you even kill a prostitute in the first place?"
- One bro to his bro friend "dude stop sucking dicks"
- "What did we do in math?" "Smoke weed."
- "He doesn't eat paper anymore it doesn't taste good."
- "You look like a lesbian." "What does a lesbian look like?" "You."
- "You look like an old math teacher."
- "Have you ever sent noodles?"
- "Thanks mom."
- "Do you like tacos or hotdogs?"
- "Do you think i'd memorize it if I ate the paper?"
- "What's up my dick-sucking whore?" *sucking noise*
- "Forgive me heavenly father, for I have sinned." "Why?" "I wrote 1,555 words of smut last night." "Oh."
- "He eats his poop!"
- "Fidget and chill"
- "Oh I thought that was a duck but it was really a rock."
- "You can always shower but you can't shower when you're dead."
- "I thought it was a chicken but it was just a fire hydrant."
- "Don't touch me I don't want your diseases."
- "Is that arm dead? No it's alive."
- "Just want to make sure, tacos and burritos are already in Spanish right?"
- "People are like sandwiches." “Elaborate?” “No.”
- "All I drink is nuts."
- *in Snape's voice* "Comó te llamas, Potter?"
- "I don't trust anyone who kicks bread."
- "Remind me to kill myself in ten minutes."
- "Wait, are Italian people white?!" "Yes." "Oh."
- "Don't call me bro I'm not your brother."
- "I love the Nintendo Gods™"
- "You look so good - eat my ass"
- Listening to the "Be More Chill" soundtrack: "I hate country music"
- "You're gonna become a professional guitar? Let me know how that goes."
- "It looks like Saturday today!"
- "Hey there, malignant tumor."
- *the bell is ringing* “Is the bell ringing?”
- *gives a penny i found to my friend” “Thanks, now I can finally buy my yacht.”
- “You guys know how to make cake? I once boiled an egg and it exploded.”
- “What does the V stand for” “Vasectomy.”
- “The clitoris is not located on the leg.”
- “What’s up bro?” “Not my grades”
- “He has a butt. I ate the butt.”
- “I went to an ocean once.”
- “Can I borrow your eyes for a second?”
- “Mine hasn’t eaten a cat yet.”
- “I will slap you with a taco.”
- “It’s report card night today!” “Who is Japartard?”
- “So I was eating mini oreos in the bathtub...”
- “I finally figured out how to do that Poptropica mission thing.”
- “Do blind people use echolocation?”
- “Thanos can suck my ass.”
- “King-Fucking-Julien making an appearance on Instagram! Ugh, daddy.”
- “In the Bee Movie, did the lady fall in love with the bee?” “Yeah, that’s the whole premise of the movie.”
- “What if there was an inverse sandwich? Like... the bread is on the inside and the ham is on the outside?”
- “Elon Musk is my dad.”
- “Is anyone Catholic in here?” “No I’m Chinese.”
- “There’s a baby over there!” (multiple gasps of excitement) “With the lady pushing the baby cart!”
- “Whale sharks are thicc.”
- “The luxurious key of B flat”
- “This is my son, Stove.”
- “My blueberry ran away.”
- “People in the LGBT community we’re generally associated with Communists.” “Well, guess I’m a Communist.”
- “Spoons are just bowls on sticks.” “Holy shit.”
- “Abe Lincoln or Babe Lincoln?”
- “Tomorrow is Meme Day so if you don’t dress up you’ll fail all your classes.”
- “If you made a documentary about dogs would you call it a dogumentary?”
- “I smell bullshit.” “I smell ass.”
- “How do you break an avocado??”
- “Look at this nice twig.” “That’s a nice-ass twig.”
- A magician pulled out 3 cups. My friend immediately said: “Shots!”
- “Never have I ever bullied someone.” “Does myself count?”
- “We were dissecting cats and the teacher literally started playing that ASPCA commercial.”
- *Puts a pillbug upright* “That’s my act of kindness for the day I’m done”
- “No shut up I’m not going vegan for you”
- “It’s gonna let all liquidy bro!”
- “Vegans say nuts have protein to make themselves feel good.”
- “Do you remember the vine where the guy throws the tater tot at the guy’s butthole?”
- “One of my tastebuds is falling off.”
- “My blood pressure could not be any higher.”
- “Who the fuck takes a bite out of an onion?”
- “Be a detective so you can win the detective competition.”
- “Why does this store sell so many weapons?” “These are Harry Potter wands.”
- “I dropped my wallet on the floor of the Disney store and it was covered in glitter when I picked it up.”
- “They’re in between middle-aged and old.”
- “You see the sign that says yeet? Yeah, right above that”
- “Danger! Danger! Nick Jonas!”
- *while driving* “This guy is so close to me right now and if I suddenly stop he’s going right up my butt and I don’t think we’ve reached that level of a relationship yet.”
- “Is Caillou asian?”
- “That bird is Jesus.”
- “I peed on his neck.”
- “Boba Fett is gay, there is canonical proof.”
- “Dua Loopa ‘round this dick”
- “Horses have the fattest quads”
- “What’s America’s penis?”
- “You should have a superpower where you can place trash cans wherever you want. You’d be called White Trash!!”
- “Jesus, that car just farted!!”
- “What’s the purpose of eyebrows?”
- “What are you good at?” “Breathing. Wait, just kidding, I have asthma”
- “I will strip for you”
- “Oh, so you’re from one of those square states, huh?”
- “This weather makes me want to kill myself” “All weather makes me want to kill myself”
- “Ants can’t get to the second floor! Ants don’t know how to use stairs!”
- “Yo bro you have ADHD?” “Yeah bro join the club” “Where can I sign up?” “It’s not an actual club dumbass.”
A bunch of 5th graders are outside the window:
- “[Teacher’s Name] you’ll scare them. Show them a math problem” “They look so happy and full of life. I wonder what that’s like.”
- “Do you follow wherever your dick goes?” “It’s not a compass!!!”
- “California is not furry central!!”
- “I’m afraid of those.” “Whisks?” “No, tongue rings.”
- “Hail is just mean snow.”
- “I think it’s Mardi Gras.” “I’ve never heard of that. Is it a white holiday?”
- “This school is on AIDS.” “I don’t think you can be on AIDS.”
- “Do they have any animals in Europe?”
- “Do any of you want to donate blood?” “I don’t want anybody to have my blood. I worked hard for it!”
- *angrily* “You’ve played patty cake every day for the last week for 20 minutes!!”
- “Big boobs aren’t the only thing that is good, all things are good.”
- “You got herps?”
- “I’m so done with high school.” “Why?” “Some guy right in front of me just threw up!!”
- “They’re taking my teeth!!!!”
- “Oh, it’s egg!”
- *guy opens a tampon* “It’s a popsicle!!!”
- “I’m so good at this game. No matter how hard I try I can never fai- oop never mind I failed.”
- “Okay so, Yee.”
- “I need to put a sticker on my camera for, like, hackers, but I’m lonely”
- *at a trampoline* “Wait omg!! I’m going to lay face down and you can jump so I can fly into the air!!!” “Yeah!!! That’ll be fun!!!” .. “shit my nose is bleeding”
- “I’m going to try to avoid contracting tapeworm in the Denny’s parking lot”
- “Does size matter in hand modeling?”
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girlbookwrm · 5 years
James Rhodes and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
Typing this up the morning after The Roommate @goteamwin and I watched Iron Man Two and upon reflection, the movie is about 800x better if you  think of Rhodes or Nat as the POV character, with Tony as the main villain -- because let’s face it, Tony is always the main villain of the Iron Man franchise (and other franchises too, sometimes)
Ivan Vanko hiding with his face in the corner, clutching a bottle of Vodka is extremely hashtag relatable. Also, is he feeding his dying father vodka-soaked ice chips? is this an old Russian folk remedy? The Roommate says: it’s a nice foil to CATFA: “ah yes. you haff procedure tyomorrow. make sure you haff plenty of vodka. stay nice and hydrated.”
hey we saw all this last time. back in the days when Marvel still felt the need to recap. now they’re just like “HOPE YOU DID YOUR HOMEWORK BITCHES.”
Tony Stark is dropping out of a plane, in a weaponized exoskeletal suit, over New York City, in 2010. I know he's Tony Stark , but he should not be able to do any of this. (but tbf presumably Pepper arranged this YEARLONG EXPO (holy shit) and Pepper Potts can do Literally Anything.)
The backup dancers feel like another callback to CATFA but this came out BEFORE CATFA so maybe the backup dancers are a callback to this???? but in-universe, it's the other way around???????
i mean of course Tony built a specialized gadget to test his blood toxicity but also TONY YOU BUILT A SPECIALIZED GADGET TO TEST YOUR BLOOD TOXICITY??? GO TO THE DOCTOR
is that olivia munn?
oh no gary shandling noooooooo
“he insists it’s a shield” ohohoHOHOHOHOHOHoho burn.
but no, actually a burn because it’s deffo a callback to the Great Works that Howard Stark Did.
ah yes. an LG starkphone. before Vevo got their dirty paws all over the Avengers product placement money
it’s nice of JARVIS to sum this up for us. And So Snarkily!
seriously, Tony is giving away his worldly possessions, talking legacy, quitting his job... HOW DOES PEPPER NOT SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING HERE
Natalie Russian?
The Roommate points out that she hated ScarJo the first time she saw this, but now literally cuts her hair to look like ScarJo
this got me thinking about what this scene is like from Nat’s POV. She’s a KGB assassin, trained from (birth?? probably?) and she’s been with SHIELD no less than a year (if the Winter Soldier shot her while she was working for SHIELD in 2009) 
And now she has to do this shit.
elon musk?
Tony literally looks HIMSELF in the eye and says: “You got any other bad ideas?” TONY IS THE VILLAIN OF THIS PIECE.
in what way is tony qualified to do this
Poor Nat. “Get close to him” they said. “evaluate him for the avengers initiative” they said. “a plush assignment” they said. fuck you nick.
Vanko: ~cool guys don’t look at explosions~
I love the way the iron man suits keep getting smaller. i feel like this is a real reflection of how technology has evolved in the real world -- keeps getting smaller and faster and more advanced.
good work to the blonde extra standing behind justin hammer she is giving 112%
Vanko in his budgie smugglers here. He had literally no plan? he’s just, like, making it up as he goes? actually, wtf was he doing on the racetrack anyway? he didn’t know tony would be there??
~cool guys don’t look at explosionsss~
So Vanko Sr got shipped back to Russia but Zola gets to stick around long enough to turn into a bank of computers?
the scene where Nat’s helping Tony get ready for the party:
The Roommate: See this is why I didn’t like Natasha the first time she turned up. I thought she was going to break up my OTP. Like. What-- what’s she doing here? 
Me: It’s a test. It’s all a test. It’s always a test. And Tony. Is. Failing.
Tony. what are you doing. tony. stop.
James Rhodes And The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, but also.
wwwwwow, rhodey is
Tumblr media
Tony yelling at his own reflection again, because he’s a strong independant protagonist who don’t need no villain he can be his own villain, clearly.
They crossed the streams!
Rhodey manages to make the Iron Man mask look Disappointed. *patrick stewart voice* ~acting~
eyyy! it’s that guy from IM1!
hey let’s make an aside here, because earlier in the movie Tony mentions Uncle Sam and let’s just all agree right here right now that Rhodey and Sam definitely know each other. They know each other before Sam becomes an Avenger. first time Steve brings Sam to the tower and Rhodes is there, it’s like “OH HEY MAN HOW ARE YOU? STILL FLYING WITHOUT A PLANE? GOOD TO SEE U DUDE.”
they’re going to get along so well with Carol I’m already excited
oh hey Fury’s here.
I love how proud Fury is of his daughter.
his adopted russian daughter. Such A Proud Dad.
“a vodka fueled rage” he says. “not a good environment to raise a kid in” he says. And what kind of environment was tony raised in?
“you can solve the riddle of your heart” they sure did make Samuel L Jackson say those words. 
god i love phil
I love that Rhodes takes the arc reactor out before Hammer gets here.
“I call it the Ex Wife”
The Roommate: ugh of course you do.
I also love how deadpan he is. “I think I’ll take it.” “Which one?” “All of it.”
The Roommate: James Rhodes here, continuing to be Very Sexy. Don Cheedle is definitely sexier than Terrence Howard FIGHT ME.
Me: why would anyone fight you on that YOU’RE RIGHT
To answer my earlier question: A scotch-fueled rage.
Howard 2.0 being very Walt Disney here.
“I didn’t come here to apologize” MAYBE YOU SHOULD, BUDDY.
Pepper: No.
The Roommate: Pepper’s superpower is calling the authorities and saying no.
i love that pepper and nat are bros now, like. it’s like that story when the girl meets her boyfriend’s side chick and they become BFFs.
Tony figuring out the thing with the pavilions:
The Roommate: Tony really actually is smart, but it gets lost in all the bullshit.
Fanboy Phil.
“Not that much.” God I love phil.
tony should always wear tank tops
side note: this is tesseract material, right? i mean we’re all agreed that the element that Tony rediscovers is whatever the Tesseract is made of. right? 
Justin Hammer: Maybe I’ll get laid.
The Roommate: You Will Not.
Pepper and Nat in matching outfits I love this.
Ok as soon as that glass starts falling -- i mean. all these people are dead, right? everyone who came to the expo is pretty much dead now.
Pepper and Nat are the real dream team here.
“nice work kid” SO CUTE
We Do Not Care for ScarJo’s Wig Here. This scene would’ve been so much better if she left her hair in that bun it was in earlier. her hair is all in her face all through this scene NAT WOULD NEVER BE THIS CARELESS, HAIR LIKE THAT IS GOOD FOR GRABBING AS EVERY WOMAN WHO HAS EVER WALKED IN THE DARK KNOWS
subnote: happy she does not require your assistance. 
Tony and Rhodes are literally playing a video game here, they might as well be back at MIT in Rhodey’s dorm room playing call of duty or whatever game they played back in the day.
they’re crossing the streams! 
The Roommate: I like the little vroom vroom noises the suit makes
“you deserve better”
Me And The Roommate: Yeah, she does.
“you couldn’t afford me.” Dat Ass, Tones. Dayum.
oh hey phil’s here
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
2005. Linkin Park was back home with their families. Mike had married Anna in 2003 after proposing to her. Jayde was their bridesmaid. Rob and Brad had celebrated their second anniversary. They were thinking of getting engaged. Chester was going through a divorce from his wife, Samantha, and had started dating a woman named, Talinda. Joe had proposed to his girlfriend, Karen and they were planning their wedding. Dave had married his girlfriend, Linsey in 2002.
Anna and Linsey treated Jayde as their little LP sister. They liked hanging out and hearing about what she was doing. She was friendly with Karen but Talinda seemed to look down at her like she wasn't cool enough. The band could not believe that she was eighteen already. She had moved out of Benjamin’s and into a house she had bought in LA.
It had five bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a pool, a recording studio, a driveway for ten cars, and two sliding glass doors that opened up her bedroom upstairs and the living area downstairs. She also had a massive walk-in closet for everything. The guys, Linsey, Anna, and Benjamin helped her move in. Mike joked about visiting her to use her studio. He could but he would have to do everything on the soundboard because she didn’t know how the hell to use it.
She used the studio to work on music since it came with a keyboard. It saved a lot of time driving. For her sixteenth birthday, Benjamin had gifted her a Mercedes-Benz G Class in silver. She loved the car and she loved being able to go wherever she wanted. He was still paying her credit card bills, though he was wanting her to learn how to pay bills herself.
Her bank account had ten million dollars in it. That was enough to pay bills. Mike had her bring her checkbook and mail. She wasn’t sure if she had a checkbook. How did she pay bills before? She didn’t. Her dad did it. He took a moment before shaking his head.
“Do you know how to do laundry? Buy groceries? Basic adult stuff”, he asked amused.
“No to the laundry. Our housekeeper did that. I do know how to buy groceries.”
“You are spoiled. Ok. Ask your dad if you have a checkbook.”
“You think Elon Musk does his own laundry? I don’t think so.”
He laughed.
Back at her place, they separated her laundry into two simple to remember loads. One was dark and the other was lights. It was important to separate them because they could bleed into the lights and change their colors, especially with reds. After separating them, she could see which one she wanted to do first. It usually depended on which one was bigger. She had two jugs of laundry soap.
One was for lights and the other was for darks. Once the first was in the washer with the correct setting, all they had to do was wait. About an hour later, her laundry was washed and dried. He helped her bring it to her room to put it away. She gave him a high five when they were done. Fuck yeah, dude! He laughed.
When he told Anna, she had to laugh. How spoiled was she? Very. She was very spoiled. While living with her dad, she didn’t have to do anything. At least she wasn’t a brat. She knew she had been spoiled for five years and she was willing to learn about doing laundry and paying bills. Other rich kids had to learn how to take care of themselves for the first time. She was just one of those. Did she know how to cook for herself? Kind of.
She bought easy-to-prepare meals that had minimal ingredients and easy-to-follow directions. Because of her celiac disease, she couldn’t eat out for every meal. She had to buy gluten-free food, which meant having to check the labels and ingredients in almost everything. It made grocery shopping take longer. Her one complaint was that there should be a special section for just gluten-free food.
It would make things a lot easier and faster. It was probably the same for people who had special food requirements, like diabetes or allergies. The following day, she brought over her checkbook and unopened mail after getting it from her dad. He questioned her why she needed it, so she explained. Good for you! She had to start somewhere and she couldn’t continue relying on him to take care of her. Eventually, she would have to learn how to do things by herself.
Mike and Anna went through them with her. She had to pay her credit card bill or she would get in huge trouble with the bank. They would give her interest, which was money she had to pay on top of her bill. It could get very expensive and it was very difficult to get out of debt. It would also make buying a car or any other major purchase almost impossible because she needed to have good credit.
To have good credit was to pay her bills on time. She understood. It was exciting to learn how to be an adult and learning how to not rely on anyone else. He jokingly asked if she knew how to put gas in her car. Yes, she knew how to do that. He laughed. She had on top of her credit card bills, a bill for the utilities and car insurance. Car insurance was the law. She could be ticketed or arrested if she let it expire. He encouraged her to get a debit card. It was the same as a credit card but it would take money out of her bank account.
It was also a great way to not get into debt or trouble with her credit because as long as she had money in her bank account, she could use her card. She could then use her credit card only for bills. Anna agreed it was a great idea! She could go to her bank and ask to sign up for one.
They were proud of her for wanting to be an adult. Though they didn’t agree with her drinking or smoking marijuana, she was not overdoing it. If they were her parents, they would not have been so permissive. They would not have allowed her to do whatever she wanted without rules. They would have had rules appropriate for her age. No smoking pot or drinking and she would have had to do her laundry, keep her room clean and take out the garbage. Simple chores.
But they were not her father. Maybe he was compensating for not being there for her before the age of thirteen or for her mother not being there. Did he know what happened to her? From what Rob told him, they think she had died from AIDS when she was a toddler. There was nothing to confirm or deny that. After she gave her up for adoption, she disappeared. They also found out she was a heavy drug user.
It was also possible she had died from an overdose. She was not born under the influence of anything, so they think she got help during her pregnancy then went back to getting high after giving birth. It was a very sad situation. She didn’t get the chance to be a mother to her but she had done the most selfless thing she could do and that was to give her a chance at a better life. What drugs was she using? He thought Rob said crack cocaine and maybe meth.
Crack cocaine was extremely difficult to get off of because it was so addicting. Once someone got clean and sober, it was very easy to go back to. They both hoped that Jayde would stay away from hard drugs, so she didn’t risk becoming like her mother. They also hoped she would have the opportunity to have whatever questions she had answered by her father or maybe through a biological relative.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @jovichic-bonjovi4ever @borhap-au @beneathashadytree @duffs-shot-glass @geo-winchester
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nonbinarysasquatch · 6 years
for the critical opinion on ships ask meme: dramione, rethaniel, joshbecca, grebecca?
Ah, yes, let’s see how many people I can piss off in one go. I’ll tackle these in reverse:
Grebecca: Maybe in some alternate universe these two could work out but not in the one we have. They were very toxic for each other and Greg, frankly, deserves better. I think It Was a Shit Show said everything about their relationship that needed to be said. It was terrible and Greg did the right thing by leaving. 
While I do think Rebecca loved him, as long her obsession with Josh and her on issues went unaddressed she would’ve continued to string him along and eventually they would’ve hated each other. I think they were a really good example of how love can’t save a toxic relationship and you shouldn’t destroy yourself trying to make a toxic relationship work.
I do think seeing all the shippers who harass Rachel and Aline have soured me further on this ship but I still love Greg as a character. He’s (in my opinion) the most realistically human character the show has had.
Joshbecca: Josh is a sweet guy but he’s not remotely emotionally intelligent enough to be with Rebecca. And frankly, they just don’t have much in common. The main way they connect at all is via his childishness but for Rebecca that’s not healthy (and I’d argue it’s not really healthy for Josh either.) 
There’s probably a universe where they could date for a few months and have fun but that’s it. They are just too different and in terms of the actual canon universe Rebecca has beyond treated him awfully and it’s only by the grace of the fact that Josh is the most forgiving and kind character on the show that he doesn’t hate her.
Rethaniel: Oh boy. Are you ever like, “Well, I’m about to say things that literally no one is going to be happy with”?
It’s been an interesting journey tracking my feelings about this ship. On my first watch through I was surprised by how much I was able to like Nathaniel, despite his flaws. But then I rewatched and was better able to analyse his actions (while watching season 3 live it became easy to forget things he had said and done and I didn’t pay attention to fan discussions at all.)
There are definitely Nathaniel moments I like. Actually, I still love his plot in Josh is Irrelevant because I really relate to him getting triggered in that episode for some personal reasons. It’s the only time I’ve found him relatable, though.
The funniest thing is that deciding to check out the CXGF fandom on Tumblr was the thing that really started to bring out my negativity about the ship. Simply because I was stunned to find out so many people... shipped them so wholeheartedly. It made me uncomfortable even though at that point I still hadn’t put an enormous amount of thought into it because frankly: I don’t care about Rebecca’s romantic life at all. It’s not why I watch the show. So my attitude has tended to be “she can have romantic stumbles and bad relationships as long as the end of the show isn’t about her romantic life.”
And I mean, that’s STILL my attitude. I know some people disagree but I’m fine with Rebecca having bad relationships and I know some people REALLY disagree but I think there is value to Nathaniel as a character (DON’T HATE ME LEAH) and deconstructing the privilege and abuses of wealthy straight white men in America.
Now, thankfully, my experience with Rethaniel shippers has all been great and most seem to be lovely people and many of them ARE critical of Nathaniel’s actions. So I don’t hold anything against them, and I’ve been forged in the fires of HP fandom where some truly gross ships are also some of the most popular so...
Anyhow, here’s why I’ve gone from kinda neutral on Rethaniel to them being actually something I’m against:
Look, before we get into any of Nathaniel’s behaviour and meta on his place on the show, I’ll just say: it’s really fucking hard to ignore that every female Jewish fan of the show I’ve interacted with hates Nathaniel. It’s not my place to comment on why that is but when an entire group is like “this dude makes us uncomfortable” I tend to listen.
Meta wise, we now know that Rebecca is Nathaniel’s Josh, aka object of obsession that he’s idealising. Which means that aside from any of his actual behaviour, once Nathaniel can get over that obsession it won’t be healthy for him to continue to interact with Rebecca.
Nathaniel sexually harassed Rebecca while they were trapped in an elevator.
He plotted to deport Josh’s father and to murder Josh’s grandfather so that he could get laid (though it’s debatable whether Nathaniel really thought he would have to go through with these things, I do think if Rebecca had been cool with them he would’ve let them happen and buried any guilt as per usual.)
He repeatedly bodyshames her.
He treats her mental health problems as cute and attractive.
When she breaks up with him he fires her out of spite (something he basically confesses to.)
Rachel Bloom has said that Rebecca is attracted to Nathaniel in part BECAUSE he negs her and that definitely tracks with Rebecca’s low self-esteem. She’s also said that her interactions with Paula’s dad factor why she goes and sleeps with Nathaniel after getting back to West Covina, so erm, unpack THAT.
For me the final clincher is “Nothing is Ever Anyone’s Fault” a song which I should note, I like (as a piece of satire and meta-commentary, which is a case for a lot of the show’s morally not great pieces.) After everything, Nathaniel doesn’t see anything he’s done as wrong. I do think he will eventually but the end of season 3 and the title being “Nathaniel is Irrelevant” to me send a clear message. 
I’m baffled that some people think “Nothing is Ever Anyone’s Fault” is a sweet, romantic song when everything about it is the opposite of the message the show is trying to convey. Rebecca and Nathaniel are saying in that moment that part of what has drawn them together is not taking responsibility for their actions and blaming everything on trauma. It’s destructive and toxic, not romantic. And this evidenced by the following scene in the courtroom where Rebecca rejects Nathaniels amorality and chooses her conscience (aka Paula.)
And like, soon I will finish my season 3 reviews and get into why the season 3 finale is genuinely one of my favourite things the show has done (as it was the next missing piece that I wanted the show to cover... they had dealt with what Rebecca’s underlying problems were but not fully dealt with her need to take responsibility for her actions.)
I think there’s hope for Nathaniel as a character. He can grow and be redeemed and learn to use his privilege to help people, rather than using it as a weapon and a shield. But he needs to stay away from Rebecca. I do think they love each other but their love is destructive.
My final thought I want to attach is that... I think there’s something to be said for the relevancy characters like Nathaniel have for Americans. In this country, our real life villains look like Nathaniel and his family. They represent white privilege and and cold, driven capitalism.
It’s not entirely surprising that so many of us find it easy to love Nathaniel and latch onto him as a character. I think it’s something we’ve been conditioned to as a way of coping with life in a capitalist hellscape.
Observe the way people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are treated by many liberals. Jeff is, to be fair, a liberal but he’s also the wealthiest man in the world and his company has some serious ethical problems with how their workers are treated at all levels (it’s not just the people working in the warehouses, I’ve known Amazon programmers in the past and the work conditions are nightmarish and not sustainable unless you are in perfect health and have no personal life.)
And Elon Musk is a libertarian who has donated to Republicans who want to take people’s rights away but he still gets weirdly treated like some sort of liberal icon.
And I don’t want to poison the well too much, but I would like to at least make a cursory gesture at our president, who is a privileged straight white man who openly sexually harassed women, is guilty endless racism, antisemitism, ableism, misogyny and has of course been accused numerous times of sexual assault. A complete list of why our president is awful would require an entire novel to itself...
But someone like our president was able to get elected. Half the country voted him in. 
And obviously... Nathaniel isn’t wealthy on the level of guys like that (or he wouldn’t be pissing about with a lawfirm like Whitefeather) and he’s mercifully not a monster like our president. But I do think our need to cope with our environment contributes to liking characters like him. If people like him can be good inside and can be redeemed then maybe there’s hope for this country.
But in reality... people like Nathaniel don’t grow and change. But I believe they can. And, for me anyhow, this is the value I see in Nathaniel. They can send a message to straight, white men about privilege and learning to fight back against the patriarchy that lifts you up. He can be a good person. But his road to that might be a little harder because men like Nathaniel don’t change because privilege protects them. Why change when society itself never allows you to fail?
But I think Nathaniel will grow and change. But I think it’s important he does that on his own. Rebecca can’t be his manic pixie dream girl (even though that’s literally how he sees her.) Rebecca’s journey is her own and it’s not about the men.
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dreamsanddreams88 · 4 years
Dream dump
Super messed up dream where alex cheated with my mom!!! She was gone for a trip and came back and admitted it to me like it was an accident. My dad didnt care. Also alex had just become my step brother or step cousin cuz his dad got married to like my aunt? Anyway I worked with jenn and izzy and they knew. I ate a bag if chex mix and yelled at them.
Matt n anne had reception or wedding, family was super rude af so he told me to make thank you notes only for specific people. Then I was in Little witch academia, brooms were malfunctioning because they were made by Elon Musk. We left his mansion and flew around under these power poles that were arcing and letting off electricity. I was in the forest and ran down this steep hill with dead and falling trees in the night. I ran to the work lockup and homeless guys started appearing and following me, flew away on my broom.
Was staying at this haunted old mansion. My mom might have used to live there? I was in a room with 3 fireplaces going, tried to put them out. Then in bathroom when a door to the laundry kept opening by itself, very creepy. Then I was there with a whole class, everyone had submitted a drawing of a bio of themselves but no one told me cuz hadn't worked with a group. One girl there I was really jealous of, she was like Linnea and Tedi combined. Her drawing was of her with a black person saying stuff about equality, but her bio also said she was a cheerleader so I was like, that's how shes so good at being social
Dreamed I had been moved into a group home cuz of mental health, but then got into some school or university with some elite girl dorm or sorority? Idk I went from one group in a nice house to a really big group in dorm style room with bunk beds. Girls were all really cool, Kaitlyn corkery was there and didnt remember me. Thought she was gonna be stuck up but she wanted to hang out. Went to some event or meal, lots of people drunk, maybe it was winter with ice skating? Brought Alex's skateboard. Courtney anderson got kicked out of our group, tried to be soothing but she was reading one of my cover letters and crying that she didnt have the experience.
Dreamed I was still dating elliot but wanted to dump him for alex, but I was also flirting/making out w Nina who was also Jennifer Lawrence at the same time? I felt really shitty and hadn't spoken to eliot for days and days, also Sirius black was his godfather and had just died. Went to the Porters house which was this big historic place everyone hung out. Then was looking for bats and a camping spot with work crew. Wanted to drive to moquoketa caves but it was late at night. Texted olivia hottle about her being pregnant all the time? Also Lauren showed up and was trying to show me something or be a nice sister to me
I was in a book store looking at the manga and comics and there was huge section on aadams family, apparently started in 20s by same guy as Opus? First book had goth lady dating a cute penguin, named Alice Walker. Movie made about it, she was Greek orthodox and family was mad she was wearing socks instead of hose, then woke up
Tourmaline came over, she forgot my name. Had asked someone 2 sing her a lullaby on FB and I almost did but then mad she forgot my name. She went by They also, forgot when introducing her to parents. She started making hot dogs in our kitchen, burnt them in oven. Smthn bout Davin being my step grandpa somehow? Then at this family reunion, big neighbors house was a muppet face that talked. King bumi was there testing our bending, I was the avatar but didnt know firebending yet, dodged him with water and air. He threw rocks and kids tried to find them, I knew he was gonna hang onto one. Let a little toddler have it instead and win his contest. Then back in high school at lunch, everyone outside. Couldn't find friends, saw Nate and elliot doing hackey sack but didnt want to be around them. Went looking for allison Richmond?
Rly scary, ppl were in black mirror-esque simulation where I kept dying but could come back to choose different choice and keep going. Mine was at reunion party with Ellen, not eating weird toadstool. Alex was in a mansion party, people there drank this mix of sodas that turned them into fast zombies, his doc warned him to hide but they found him in a few different places. In one, he found vaccine to it and put a boy to sleep, I thought syringe was poison and he was gonna shoot him but it was a vaccine and alex and bay kept running thru the house to hide. I got caught by little kid with bloody eyes, tried to stab him but he didnt care. Cello music happening, slow motion. Also smthn bout trying to find a different desktop pic cuz mine had Mike in it even tho alex didnt know that was him, all my other pics were old ones with me and elliot in high school and my hair was short and flipped out at the bottom, looked really bad. Then zombie dream continued after waking up n sleeping again, I was young teen with bunch of others and my parents, stormy night, we were travelling to that mansion and I was trying to warn everyone to hide cuz no one knew about the zombies. Then was on weird spiderman themed waterpark ride, somebody in costume yanked my hair as I was going down slide, got really mad but couldn't find them afterwards because everyone was in spiderman costumes
Dreamed I was camping 4 work again on the steep trail at elwha dam. There was a deep cave I didnt go into. We were leaving and I had all this laundry to do. Then went to alex's mom or dad house, brad was there and also elliot. He kept telling me I had to sleep with him because we were still dating, but I knew he had gotten married cuz jenna went to the wedding and took pics. Also something with Charlotte and her friend, they were leaving school for the summer and stole sheet music cuz they both played violin, and no one was allowed to keep the music? I was jealous that she played violin
Dreamed all these women who were friends got really fucked up on drugs and jumped off a balcony at a church and died. The last one looked kinda like america ferrera and she stopped and saw them below her and froze up until someone rescued her. Really sad, I was one of the friends I guess. We were on a trip together and like 3 of us lived, it was just a 3 day weekend trip. Was avoiding talking about them, went swimming naked in this creek in a forest but some guys and their kids showed up so I had to sneak out. Everyone reminiscing about women who died, one was that actress the mom from EASY A. She always told jokes about her super grip strength, was really funny. America ferrera was friends with this woman who was huge like andre the giant, her head was ENORMOUS. Then was being driven home by this lady on a weird car/train hybrid, we were careening along this track like flying in the air at times. Stopped in the forest, then the vehicle became more like an excavator
Was in van outside mall, got held up by Lora and her sister and mom, they had guns and ordered everyone out. I had a gun hidden and I headshot both sisters and tell their mom to put her weapon down. Then standing in circle with lotr cast, we had just ended filming? Was holding pinkies with sean astin and viggo, both being very flirty. Then was camping with alex n his family, we all had our own cars. Me n him left to go bone somewhere private, run into a wild boar and her babies. I climb up onto a random bookshelf, but she climbs using her mouth. I flatten her under a huge book and I have a knife but cuts do no damage. I knock her off the shelf but then alex is still on the ground, then I woke up
Was working as a reporter for Rebecca from NOSC but it was at a college. Kept reminding everyone that women dont make as much money, was gonna research n report about it with all the women at the school. Trying to play computer game and Rebecca got mad I didnt have enough work, said I was gonna report about rush Limbaugh and how some whole govt branch he was in was rigged and set people up to fail, rebecca got really excited but I was worried cuz I didnt know amything about politics
On lake w my mom, she could sing like Elsa n it was echoing on the water. Then funeral procession went across with floating coffin n bowling alley stuff, lady who owned bowling alley had died. I started crying pretty hard even tho I didnt know her. Smthn bout going back to ecos, or I had volunteered there for a season. Then was being chased down by people cuz they wanted to execute me and another person. Daniel had heard of the zodiac killer when he was a kid
Dreamed olivia hill betrayed me. Her family worked for a bridal photo company n I was in this big room looked kinda like church, she had acted all nice to me and then did something horrible, idr what, and gleefully gave this evil speech about how she fooled me and actually hated my guts. I might have punched her? I did tell her I always hated her shitty mom, and that's why she probably betrayed me. Also smthn about working for the tribe again with kenzie and allyce doing swamp science
Me n alex trying to move to iowa, thinkin bout what friends I have left in either place. Smthn before that too idr
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cwdcshows · 5 years
Batwoman - S1 E5 - Mine is a long Sad Tale
"Batman doesn't do goggles." Lies!  I'm fairly certain Batman has used some form of night vision tech in the various incarnations; and has even worn what would invariably be goggles.  But it does speak to an observation I was thinking about recently, which is the lack of lenses in the bat-cowl.  I know, conventionally, the live-action bat-people haven't had lenses; you see their eyes - and I contend you shouldn't.  It's debatable whether it's comic book accurate, since sometimes they will depict a characters eyes peaking out from behind their mask; and it often looks creepy as hell.  At least with Batman though, it could be strategic, where lenses could conceivably serve a purpose; whether shielding his eyes, allowing for a computer display with an interface to the cave computer, or have be multi-functional where it could switch to night vision or thermal or maybe UV.
I get that Alice/Beth knows Kate's identity, but why put on the costume to apprehend her, only to take it off to interrogate her?  Seems like that's just extra, unnecessary work; especially since presumably she's not wearing her street clothes underneath, which means taking off the suit and then getting dressed. I suppose Beth could have been out for a while and Kate just didn't feel like sitting around in the suit, but if I've learned anything from watching Archer, it's that being out for a long time after being hit on the head is super bad. Guessing the dad is Dollmaker. It seems odd that Kate keeps calling her Alice, instead of Beth. What might be an interesting twist is if she's not actually Beth after all.  I mean, there'd have to be a halfway decent explanation what happened to the real Beth, if she's still alive, how Alice learned the things she learned, etc.; and not just do it for the sake of bucking expectations, but it could have potential. I mean, you don't really need to give a kid a super-natural level ability to mimic voices to make it plausible that the call was a prank.  This sort of thing happened in at least a few instances of missing persons reported on Unsolved Mysteries - a family member gets a brief call from someone claiming to be that person and they're absolutely convinced it was their voice; only for about half the time it turns out the person died/was murdered shortly after they went missing and the call was made by some jerk who thought it was a good idea.  I think it's plausible when in times of crisis, like a missing child, you may be more susceptible to hearing what you want to hear; especially when there are times when a voice over a phone can be in-distinctive from any other person's voice.  I'm not sure whether there'd be any difference between the sound quality of a landline versus cellphones, but that probably can't be entirely dismissed either.   For that matter, there have been times I've called someone or they've called me, and even knowing who to expect on the other end, the sound of their voice just saying hello or a few short spoken words, it doesn't immediately sound like them - especially if it were a landline number and other people might have answered or if you dialed the wrong number, you might hesitate and ask to confirm if it's so-and-so, even when it is them and you should know their voice. And the boy is young enough that sounding like a young girl would not be that difficult; it's not a dig, just a unfortunate fact of life.  I remember being that age always being mistaken for my mom when I answered the phone; and celebrated the day they started mistaking me for my dad.   On top of all of that, there's still one time I remember quite clearly from some years back - probably over 20 years ago at this point - a bunch of us were home one evening, I think my sister must have been out somewhere, when someone calls our house phone.  The girl on the other end said it was (*Sister's name*).  I can't remember now if it actually sounded like her or how the call went, but it was quite clearly not my sister, and I don't think it was a prank, but there was definitely confusion on both ends, in part because of the commonality of the names; and she got upset that we were acting like we didn't know who it was, but eventually when my mom talked to her she worked it out that it was a wrong number and just a coincidence that it was the name of someone who lived there.   So yeah, a phone conversation, especially one as short as the call Beth made, would not require such an elaborate explanation for it being a prank call; especially 15 years ago.  And considering how short it was, it seems even more implausible they'd have been able to trace it, much less be there an hour later. Oh for fuck sake - I paused the playback to write the above part right after Jonathan said, "Dad, it's me, Beth" or whatever; and I assumed that was the extent of his mimicry, because why wouldn't it be?  That was the extent of Beth's call.  So color me surprised when I hit play and the kid keeps on going like some sort of creepy ass parrot talking about playing the cello.  And for what possible purpose?  To over-explain something that didn't need to be explained in the first place. Okay, sure, Beth really is down there and twin bond or whatever, but seriously, what the fuck younger Kate?  Who just casually strolls into a stranger's house and into their creepy ass basement? Man, if only there was a way for Kate to enter that room and physically see what's on the other side of that door.  But alas, doors that would open weren't invented for another 5 years by a young Elon Musk; and her best hope was to touch the door and try to send the body heat of another person passing through it from the other side. I don't know, something about Mary insisting she hasn't skinned any corpses kind of makes me suspect she hasn't skinned any "corpses"..... Yeah, the pizza comment cinches it, Mary's a serial killer.... This whole Alice/Beth story, and especially the way things played out with Beth and Kate's dad, could have been really good if played more subtly and teased it out more; rather than having Kate jump to the conclusion that Alice was Beth in the very first fucking episode.  Especially that moment where papa Kane realizes he'd been out that way and works out where to go - that could have been a great pay off if we hadn't been told Alice was Beth, or that the bone fragments were faked (that could have been revealed after); and if we hadn't already seen Beth make the call from that house.  Have Alice get the drop on Batwoman and/or Kate and take her straight to the house, no exposition.  Kate finds a way to get a sign or message to her dad for him to track, while she's struggling to escape.  Show the flashbacks, maybe more from Jacob's perspective, of the early days of looking for Beth, getting the call, going out and being told it was a prank (but with no stupid mimicry) and then come back and be told about the bone fragments and DNA results.  Then cut back to Jacob getting closer to the signal and realizing where they are and that he's been there before; making a beeline to the house.  Then the whole thing between him and Alice could have played out the same where he calls her Beth and she stabs him.  At that point they could have shown the flashback of her making the call and the guy threatening to kill anyone who comes looking for her if she says anything.   The pieces are all there for something could have been really good, but the assembly leaves it wanting. Awe... and that moment of standoff between Kate and Beth could have been a great reveal if Kate wasn't in the know yet, until "Alice" calls her sister; and Jacob tells her it's Beth. I'm not entirely convinced Mary's pizza doesn't contain human flesh.... just saying.... Which of the two unhinged people lit all of those candles?  And at what point did they say, "we need to light a few more before we start this conversation," versus, "yeah, that's enough."
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letters2joe · 6 years
The long winter of 2017
It’s currently February 23rd and it’s -3 outside. Ridiculous. I don’t think the heating has been off since November and I’ve definitely worn long-johns more this winter then I’ve ever done (although to be fair, I am 40...)!
First up, we need to address the saga that was renewing Joe’s passport (still not quite finished), specifically getting your passport photos done. We went to the booth, swivelled the chair as high as it’d go (so we thought) and this is what we got...
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I’m still laughing. Hopefully we’ll manage to get on holiday at some point...
Two big bits of news in the Newman family: First one is that I’m no longer working in Birmingham. I’m no longer working full stop at the moment. There was a...er...’reshuffle’ at work and it means I’ve been a stay at home Dad since the second week of Jan. I will be getting back to work soon, but looking after you two, keeping the house tidy, (attempting) to decorate, getting your Mum’s tea on the table the moment she walks through the door (she’s livid if it’s not...;-) and generally getting sh*t done means that there hasn’t been all that much time to actually look at what to do next. I did turn a job down in Oxford but that would have meant moving back to Birmingham and whilst we LOVE Birmingham, we also really LOVE this village, so I turned it down. We may choose to reassess that decision when we’re living off stale bread and water, but for now at least, it was the right decision for us.
The second one is that your Mum is now a boss! She’s been promoted to Weekend Editor at BBC Radio Derby and whilst it does mean she’s working at the weekend, it also means she’s taking her rightful place at the station - she’s always been the smartest and harder working of us both, so it’s a move that she thoroughly deserves. Go Em!!
In the wider world, the big technology development is voice activated speakers. We have a Google Home in the kitchen and we all love shouting at it to play some music. I suspect that by the time you’re old enough to read this, we’ll have voice activated everything from fridges to TVs. We’re also looking into our next car being an electric one, and again, I suspect by the time you’re thinking about your first car, the idea of buying a petrol or diesel one will be frowned upon (if they’re even still selling ‘em!). 
We’re also in the middle of the #metoo movement which was sparked by a famous Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein being called out (and caught out) as a predator of women - this is one evil guy and it sparked a flood of women coming forward to say ‘me too - I’ve been harassed/assaulted/raped by a powerful man’ and it seems like things might change for once because of it. There’s been a parallel scandal around women not receiving equal pay to men for doing the same job - again, something that I hope by the time you reach adulthood Bea, has all but disappeared (trust me, you’re worth every single penny as much as a man). I can’t imagine it ever going away fully, but if we can break down the walls of silence and fear that protects these men (and I’m sorry to say it, but it’s always men) who make these decisions and take these actions, then we’re making progress. Joe, as a man you have one key job to do for this movement - don’t be a dick...it’s really that simple. 
Oh, and one of my favourite billionaires (I have two...Chris Sacca is the other...look him up) Elon Musk also sent a giant rocket into space with his car strapped to the front of it. Again, you’ll have to look it up as it’s a bit long-winded, but in short, he’s a billionaire who wants to populate other planets...and create cool electric cars (Tesla) and basically save the planet whilst at the same time creating a Plan B in case we’re too late. His next project to build an even bigger rocket is called the ‘BFR Project’, which is short for Big Fucking Rocket Project - come on, how can you not love this guy?! The coolest bit about his rockets is that they’re reusable and he’s also managed to make them land in unison (see cool pic below). It makes space travel exciting again. I wonder if you’re reading this whilst in space? Nah, you’re probably in a Travel Lodge in Dorking. 
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In Joe & Bea news, you can both now swim...I know, how exciting! We switched you from Uttoxeter leisure centre to the posho Repton School instead and after 2 years at Uttoxeter without ever making it out of armbands, you had 2 lessons (that’s 1 hour in total) at Repton and swam a bloody length! Who says private schools aren’t worth the money?!
We’re also still trying to teach you how to ride bikes, but you’re both terrified at the prospect, so that’ll have to wait until the summer. We did manage to get out sledging though (it snowed a couple of weeks back) and you both absolutely loved that...
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Oh, we’ve also started to read Harry Potter and you’re both loving it. It’s World Book Day on Thursday so you’re going as Harry (Joe) and you’re going as Hermione (Bea). To say you look cute in your outfits would be an understatement. Your other new love is Annie The Musical...yep, the 1982 musical. Obsessed. We’ve watched it 3 times this WEEK. I’ll ‘love ya tomorrow’ but only if tomorrow doesn’t include a 4th showing...
And just for the record. This is the cutest you’ve ever been and I know it’s not going to last all that much longer. You’re just ridiculous. Every day you’re putting on shows, dressing up, asking what our favourite animal/food/boy/girl/film/colour/plant is, telling us you love us, counting to 100 for no reason, skipping with your scarf (Bea) and generally being utterly adorable. I know you’ll both grow up to be wonderful adults, but I know I’ll remember this time, wistfully. 
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
7 Insane Trouble We’ll Have To Deal With In The Future
As we remind you all the time, the future ain’t what it used to be. We have no jetpacks or robot butlers, and we’ve still not upgraded from Land Wars to Star Wars. The dreamers fell short … but it is about to change that some of the pessimists came pretty close to the mark. In the same method that no one in the ‘5 0s envisaged “millions of strangers across the world inadvertently saw your dick” is to be able to become a realistic question, our near-future is likely to be filled with aggravations that chime completely ridiculous to us now.
Here are seven incoming issues that will acquire you yearn for an ape and/ or machine insurgency. At least in such a case, you wouldn’t have to put up with …
# 7. Your Fitbit Could Be Utilized As Evidence Against You
Any denizen of the digital generation knows that anything you say on the Internet can and will be used against you, specially if it’s embarrassing love story. However, that’s a logical propagation of using written material as evidence, as we’ve done for centuries. The newest road to incriminate yourself online has far less precedent: the data collected from wearable engineering, such as the Fitbit.
You can run, but you can’t secrete( the fact that you only killed a hobo ).
Yes, your clothes could send you to jail. It may sound like Law& Order: The Jetsons , but there’s no real reason this kind of data can’t be admissible in tribunal. In happening, it’s already happening. A maiden in Pennsylvania called 911 and claimed that a home invader abused her, but her Fitbit denied her story( she was awake and walking around when she said she was fast asleep ). Her own fitness watch facilitated is proof that she’d attracted the whole story out of her … you know, and now she’s facing misdemeanor charges.
So wearable tech can help make the offender to right. That’s good, right? Well, here’s where it gets fishy. There are already “alibi apps” — planneds that secretly enter all your interactions and circumvents to prove you weren’t( for example) propping a chandelier in the study when Colonel Mustard went whacked. Sounds innocent enough, until you remember that there’s a term for people who intentionally go around establishing alibis: “guilty as fuck.” Using this app is a little bit like going up to a policeman and saying, “By the direction, I’ll be at the movies this afternoon when my bride gets murdered.”
“I was at the … * looks at watch * OJ Simpson retrospective. FUCK! ”
The idea that people are already reputing onward to use their trackers as alibis means that these things will have all sorts of clusterfuck legal capability. What happens when someone offer a hobo to hold their smartphone( or straps it to a bird-dog) while they go out and do violations? Or what if someone acquires your Fitbit to incriminate you? These occasions will happen at some object. Hey, maybe that’s why everyone was becoming couch potato in WALL-E . In the future, being fit won’t is worthy of the hassle.
# 6. The First Commercial Space Shuttles Won’t Have Bathrooms
The future of tripping will involve hitting into the stratosphere instead of wheeling along the route, but that doesn’t necessitate all family vacation traditions will change. “You should’ve gone before you left” is still about to become a common phrase, except that in the future, it’s going to get much direr. Why? Because in space, everybody can see you shit.
He’s not being propelled by a plane .
All of the companies designing prominent commercial-grade space shuttles have clearly forgotten Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion: Everybody poops. None of these shuttles include showers. A excursion to the International Space Station can take between six and 30 hours — that’s a hell of a long time to “just hamper it, ” dad. Hell, even the earthbound high-speed Hyperloop being developed by Elon Musk lacks a comfort station. Oh, or windows. If you thought making gaze contact with the person or persons sitting in front of you in the instruct was tricky, wait until you’re captured in a windowless, toilet-free metallic cylinder with person for hours.
Getting carsick is another tradition that won’t be changing any time soon; in space, it’ll plainly get much more intense. There will be no spaces to wind down and no back of the road to stain. If you’re shuttle-sick( and let’s face it, “youre supposed to” is likely to be ), your little chunder-cloud will be hanging around, becoming another passenger of the aircraft. Developers acknowledge that clearing out the odor and existence of opening vomit will be extremely important, as none play around Space Invaders with the substance of your bowels.
# 5. Living Longer Will Make Family Life Really, Really Weird
One of the main benefits of living in the future is that we no longer drop dead at age 40. Now we get to stick around for decades and decades! And decades. And decades . This will ultimately have some bizarre impacts in some regions of our( increasingly lengthy) lives, starting with the workplace. To evade vanquishing the Social Security system, people will be working long long. Fifty Shades Of Grey won’t only has become a literary masterpiece; it’ll be the lineup behind the bar at your neighbourhood Starbucks.
“You’ve been taking my ordering for the past three decades. How can you still not spell my reputation right? ”
The job market will become even fiercer as girls fresh out of college have to compete with “midlife re-trainees.” Of trend, some people will ever prefer to stay in their occupations for life … which will have even more frightening ramifications. Career politicians, judges, and tenured academics might stick around for the better part of a century, as would their old-fashioned feelings. Remember Supreme Court Justice James McReynolds, the old-time mongrel who spent a good hunk of the 20 th century effectively pushing back against every type of social change? Now thoughts a Highlander version of that guy.
It gets weirder. Grey growing the new pitch-black will altogether alter which is something we think about as clas. With longer lifespans and later marriage ages, we’ll have more grandparents to take care of and fewer brothers and sisters to share that load. Family reunions will transform into an indignant mob of cybernetic geriatrics telling kids to stay off the lawn. Instead of robust family tree, we’ll have rickety family beanstalks.
“A toast to great-great-grandma Mary, who went to the shower at Thanksgiving and hasn’t am coming yet.”
Living longer will even change the very notion of wedlock — or marriages. Single lifelong organizations will become more demanding, so psychologists predict that weddings might become less “until death do us apart” and more “until we get bored of each other in a few decades.” Older pairs who would decide to condone each other if they only had 15 years left to live might say “Screw this, I’m out” when they recognises they have 50 instead.
Finally, with all the pressure living to three digits throws on matters of employment and housing marketplaces, leaving the nest will have to be delayed. So you don’t have to be ashamed about interpret Cracked at 35 in your mother’s basement; you’re merely ahead of the curve.
# 4. VR Trial And Error Will Be A Nightmare
As more and more virtual reality companionships pop up, we’re already starting to see them working to differentiate themselves from each other. Some are trying to appeal to hardcore gamers, some want to attract filthy casuals, one is aiming at people who don’t want brain damage … await, what?
This clarifies so much .
Yep, VR company Magic Leap is boasting that its headset is wholly brain-damage-free. Sure, their competitors’ products might fry your sentiment into a smoldering little ember, but their terribly same one certainly won’t! This does not announce as reassuring as they probably imagined.
While beings said the same about video games, video, and perhaps even pinball machines, this time, the brain-frying dismay has a basis in reality. VR gets your eyes to behave in ways they should not — they’ll go along with it, but there’ll be side effect. Some investigates investigating VR hire cabs for participants after sessions, because after you’ve been in polygon-land for a while, it takes time for “youve got to” relearn how to reach for things that are actually in front of you without overshooting it. It’s hazardous to drive in such a state, but we doubt your console will call an Uber for you if you’re playing alone.
Our good guess of what driving after a VR conference looks like .
Meanwhile, Samsung’s brand-new headset has a huge list of advice, including that if “youre starting” having a seizure, you are able to take it off. After all, it’s expensive engineering — you wouldn’t want to damage it.
Health issues aside, virtual reality likewise elevates complex moral questions. In one Sony VR demo, the simulation forms you flirt with a young-looking maiden, while it’s clear that you’re an old man. At the end of said demo, the developers continue the “No brain damage! ” selling veer by assuring you that the character you were interacting with was definitely give full play to an adult actress.
“Yes, it’s me, Andy Serkis.”
Whether there’s meant to be a wink with that renunciation or not, it heightens a whole legion of questions for what VR should and shouldn’t be allowed to show. Can they get away with a pedophilic simulation if “theyre saying” “No, it’s all actors and actresses”? What about a torturing simulator? What about people watching VR reruns of Two And A Half Men ? These are the hazardous a number of aspects of national societies. But would presenting them virtual simulations eradicate or irritate their predilections? That’s a question we can’t answer right now, but we do know that those in the group watching Two And A Half Men don’t need to worry about any more brain damage.
As we remind you all the time, the future ain’t what it used to be. We have no jetpacks or robot butlers, and we’ve still not improved from Land Wars to Star Wars. The dreamers fell short … but it turns out that some of the cynics came pretty close to the mark. In the same way that no one in the ‘5 0s concluded “millions of strangers across the world inadvertently saw your dick” is to be able to become a realistic difficulty, our near-future is likely to be filled with aggravations that reverberate completely ridiculous to us now.
Here are seven incoming issues that will induce you yearn for an ape and/ or machine insurgency. At least in such a case, you wouldn’t have to was put forward with …
# 7. Your Fitbit Could Be Utilized As Evidence Against You
Any denizen of the digital generation known to be anything you say on the Internet can and will be used against you, specially if it’s humiliating devotee fiction. However, that’s a logical propagation of using written information as evidence, as we’ve done for centuries. The newest channel to incriminate yourself online has much less precedent: the data collected from wearable engineering, such as the Fitbit.
You can run, but you can’t disguise( the fact that you precisely killed a hobo ).
Yes, your invests could send you to jail. It may sound like Law& Order: The Jetsons , but there’s no real reasonablenes this kind of data can’t declared admissible in court. In happening, it’s already happening. A maiden in Pennsylvania announced 911 and claimed that a home invader crimes her, but her Fitbit belied her legend( she was awake and walking around when she said she was fast asleep ). Her own fitness watch helped is proof that she’d pulled the whole story out of her … you know, and now she’s facing misdemeanor accusations.
So wearable tech going to be able to create criminals to justice. That’s good, right? Well, here’s where it gets fishy. There are already “alibi apps” — planneds that secretly enter all your interactions and borders to attest you weren’t( for example) nursing a chandelier in such studies when Colonel Mustard went slapped. Sounds innocent enough, until you remember that there’s a expression for people who intentionally go around launching alibis: “guilty as fuck.” Using this app is a little bit like going up to a polouse and saying, “By the room, I’ll be at the movies this afternoon when my partner gets murdered.”
“I was at the … * looks at watch * OJ Simpson retrospective. FUCK! ”
The idea that people are already anticipating ahead to use their trackers as alibis means that these things will have all sorts of clusterfuck legal potential. What happens when someone compensates a hobo to hold their smartphone( or buckle it to a hound) while they go out and do crimes? Or what if someone borrows your Fitbit to incriminate you? These happens will happen at some object. Hey, maybe that’s why everyone becomes a couch potato in WALL-E . In the future, being fit won’t be worth the hassle.
# 6. The First Commercial Space Shuttles Won’t Have Bathrooms
The future of tripping will involve killing into the stratosphere instead of rolling along the freeway, but that doesn’t represent all family vacation habits will change. “You should’ve been going on you left” is still going to be a common motto, except that in the future, it’s going to be much direr. Why? Because in space, everybody can see you shit.
He’s not being propelled by a spurt .
All of the companies designing foremost commercial space shuttles have been remarkably forgotten Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion: Everybody poops. None of these shuttles include bathrooms. A trip-up to the International Space Station can take between six and 30 hours — that’s a inferno of a long time to “just hamper it, ” dad. Hell, even the earthbound high-speed Hyperloop being developed by Elon Musk lacks a comfort station. Oh, or windows. If you thought acquiring seeing contact with the person or persons sitting in front of you in the train was awkward, delayed until you’re captured in a windowless, toilet-free metal cylinder with someone for hours.
Getting carsick is another tradition that won’t be changing any time soon; in space, it’ll simply get much more intense. There will be no windows to wind down and no side of the road to stain. If you’re shuttle-sick( and let’s face it, “youre supposed to” is likely to be ), your little chunder-cloud is likely to be hanging around, becoming another passenger of the skill. Developers acknowledge that clearing out the odor and attendance of seat vomit will be extremely important, as nothing play around Space Invaders with the substance of your bowels.
# 5. Living Longer Will Make Family Life Really, Really Weird
One of the main benefits of living in the future is that we no longer drop dead at age 40. Now we get to stick around for decades and decades! And decades. And decades . This will eventually have some creepy outcomes in some regions of our( increasingly lengthy) lives, starting with the workplace. To forestall vanquishing the Social Security system, people will be working much longer. Fifty Shades Of Grey won’t simply be a literary masterpiece; it’ll be the lineup behind the counter at your local Starbucks.
“You’ve been taking my ordering for the past three decades. How can you still not spell my reputation right? ”
The job market will become even fiercer as girls fresh out of college have to compete with “midlife re-trainees.” Of track, some people will ever prefer to stay in their professions for life … which will have even more unnerving deductions. Career politicians, judges, and tenured professors might stick around for the better part of a century, as would their old-fashioned thoughts. Remember Supreme Court Justice James McReynolds, the old mongrel who spent a good glob of the 20 th century effectively pushing back against every type of social change? Now sees a Highlander version of that guy.
It get weirder. Grey becoming the brand-new black will absolutely shift what we think of as pedigree. With longer lifespans and later union ages, we’ll have more grandparents to take care of and fewer brothers and sisters to share that quantity. Family reunions will transform into an enraged syndicate of cybernetic geriatrics telling kids to stay off the lawn. Instead of robust family trees, we’ll have rickety family beanstalks.
“A toast to great-great-grandma Mary, who went to the bathroom at Thanksgiving and hasn’t am coming yet.”
Living longer will even change the very notion of matrimony — or marriages. Single lifelong unions will become more demanding, so psychologists predict that unions might become less “until death do us apart” and more “until we get bored of each other in a few decades.” Older couples who would decide to condone one another if they only had 15 years left to live might say “Screw this, I’m out” when they realises they have 50 instead.
Finally, with all the pressure living to three digits gives on matters of employment and housing sells, leaving the nest will have to be delayed. So you don’t have to be ashamed about construe Cracked at 35 in your mother’s basement; you’re simply ahead of the curve.
# 4. VR Trial And Error Will Be A Nightmare
As more and more virtual reality firms pop up, we’re already starting to see them working to differentiate themselves from one another. Some are trying to appeal to hardcore gamers, some want to attract filthy casuals, one is aiming at people who don’t want brain damage … waiting, what?
This shows so much .
Yep, VR company Magic Leap is boasting that its headset is absolutely brain-damage-free. Sure, their competitors’ commodities might fry your intellect into a smoldering little ember, but their particularly same one certainly won’t! This does not sound as reassuring as they probably imagined.
While beings said the same about video games, television, and perhaps even pinball machines, this time, the brain-frying fright has a basis in reality. VR gets your eyes to behave in ways they should not — they’ll go along with it, but there’ll be side effects. Some investigates analyzing VR hire cabs for participants after conferences, because after you’ve been in polygon-land for a while, it takes time for “youve got to” relearn how to reach for acts that are actually in front of you without overshooting it. It’s hazardous to drive in such a state, but we doubt your console will call an Uber for you if you’re playing alone.
Our best guess of what driving after a VR seminar looks like .
Meanwhile, Samsung’s new headset has a huge list of admonishings, including the right if you start having a seizure, you are able to take it off. After all, it’s expensive engineering — you wouldn’t want to damage it.
Health editions aside, virtual reality also promotes complex moral difficulties. In one Sony VR demo, the pretending stirs you flirt with a young-looking wife, while it’s clear that you’re an old boy. At the end of said demo, the developers continue the “No brain damage! ” selling veer by assuring you that the character you were interacting with was definitely played by young adults actress.
“Yes, it’s me, Andy Serkis.”
Whether there’s meant to be a wink with that disclaimer or not, it causes a whole host of questions for what VR should and shouldn’t be allowed to show. Can they get away with a pedophilic simulation if they say “No, it’s all actors and actresses”? What about a anguish simulator? What about people watching VR reruns of Two And A Half Men ? These are the hazardous a number of aspects of national societies. But would affording them virtual simulations eradicate or irritate their tendencies? That’s a question we can’t answer right now, but we do know that those in the group watching Two And A Half Men don’t need to worry about any more brain damage.
The post 7 Insane Trouble We’ll Have To Deal With In The Future appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
7 Insane Trouble We’ll Have To Deal With In The Future
As we remind you all the time, the future ain’t what it used to be. We have no jetpacks or robot butlers, and we’ve still not upgraded from Land Wars to Star Wars. The dreamers fell short … but it is about to change that some of the pessimists came pretty close to the mark. In the same method that no one in the ‘5 0s envisaged “millions of strangers across the world inadvertently saw your dick” is to be able to become a realistic question, our near-future is likely to be filled with aggravations that chime completely ridiculous to us now.
Here are seven incoming issues that will acquire you yearn for an ape and/ or machine insurgency. At least in such a case, you wouldn’t have to put up with …
# 7. Your Fitbit Could Be Utilized As Evidence Against You
Any denizen of the digital generation knows that anything you say on the Internet can and will be used against you, specially if it’s embarrassing love story. However, that’s a logical propagation of using written material as evidence, as we’ve done for centuries. The newest road to incriminate yourself online has far less precedent: the data collected from wearable engineering, such as the Fitbit.
You can run, but you can’t secrete( the fact that you only killed a hobo ).
Yes, your clothes could send you to jail. It may sound like Law& Order: The Jetsons , but there’s no real reason this kind of data can’t be admissible in tribunal. In happening, it’s already happening. A maiden in Pennsylvania called 911 and claimed that a home invader abused her, but her Fitbit denied her story( she was awake and walking around when she said she was fast asleep ). Her own fitness watch facilitated is proof that she’d attracted the whole story out of her … you know, and now she’s facing misdemeanor charges.
So wearable tech can help make the offender to right. That’s good, right? Well, here’s where it gets fishy. There are already “alibi apps” — planneds that secretly enter all your interactions and circumvents to prove you weren’t( for example) propping a chandelier in the study when Colonel Mustard went whacked. Sounds innocent enough, until you remember that there’s a term for people who intentionally go around establishing alibis: “guilty as fuck.” Using this app is a little bit like going up to a policeman and saying, “By the direction, I’ll be at the movies this afternoon when my bride gets murdered.”
“I was at the … * looks at watch * OJ Simpson retrospective. FUCK! ”
The idea that people are already reputing onward to use their trackers as alibis means that these things will have all sorts of clusterfuck legal capability. What happens when someone offer a hobo to hold their smartphone( or straps it to a bird-dog) while they go out and do violations? Or what if someone acquires your Fitbit to incriminate you? These occasions will happen at some object. Hey, maybe that’s why everyone was becoming couch potato in WALL-E . In the future, being fit won’t is worthy of the hassle.
# 6. The First Commercial Space Shuttles Won’t Have Bathrooms
The future of tripping will involve hitting into the stratosphere instead of wheeling along the route, but that doesn’t necessitate all family vacation traditions will change. “You should’ve gone before you left” is still about to become a common phrase, except that in the future, it’s going to get much direr. Why? Because in space, everybody can see you shit.
He’s not being propelled by a plane .
All of the companies designing prominent commercial-grade space shuttles have clearly forgotten Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion: Everybody poops. None of these shuttles include showers. A excursion to the International Space Station can take between six and 30 hours — that’s a hell of a long time to “just hamper it, ” dad. Hell, even the earthbound high-speed Hyperloop being developed by Elon Musk lacks a comfort station. Oh, or windows. If you thought making gaze contact with the person or persons sitting in front of you in the instruct was tricky, wait until you’re captured in a windowless, toilet-free metallic cylinder with person for hours.
Getting carsick is another tradition that won’t be changing any time soon; in space, it’ll plainly get much more intense. There will be no spaces to wind down and no back of the road to stain. If you’re shuttle-sick( and let’s face it, “youre supposed to” is likely to be ), your little chunder-cloud will be hanging around, becoming another passenger of the aircraft. Developers acknowledge that clearing out the odor and existence of opening vomit will be extremely important, as none play around Space Invaders with the substance of your bowels.
# 5. Living Longer Will Make Family Life Really, Really Weird
One of the main benefits of living in the future is that we no longer drop dead at age 40. Now we get to stick around for decades and decades! And decades. And decades . This will ultimately have some bizarre impacts in some regions of our( increasingly lengthy) lives, starting with the workplace. To evade vanquishing the Social Security system, people will be working long long. Fifty Shades Of Grey won’t only has become a literary masterpiece; it’ll be the lineup behind the bar at your neighbourhood Starbucks.
“You’ve been taking my ordering for the past three decades. How can you still not spell my reputation right? ”
The job market will become even fiercer as girls fresh out of college have to compete with “midlife re-trainees.” Of trend, some people will ever prefer to stay in their occupations for life … which will have even more frightening ramifications. Career politicians, judges, and tenured academics might stick around for the better part of a century, as would their old-fashioned feelings. Remember Supreme Court Justice James McReynolds, the old-time mongrel who spent a good hunk of the 20 th century effectively pushing back against every type of social change? Now thoughts a Highlander version of that guy.
It gets weirder. Grey growing the new pitch-black will altogether alter which is something we think about as clas. With longer lifespans and later marriage ages, we’ll have more grandparents to take care of and fewer brothers and sisters to share that load. Family reunions will transform into an indignant mob of cybernetic geriatrics telling kids to stay off the lawn. Instead of robust family tree, we’ll have rickety family beanstalks.
“A toast to great-great-grandma Mary, who went to the shower at Thanksgiving and hasn’t am coming yet.”
Living longer will even change the very notion of wedlock — or marriages. Single lifelong organizations will become more demanding, so psychologists predict that weddings might become less “until death do us apart” and more “until we get bored of each other in a few decades.” Older pairs who would decide to condone each other if they only had 15 years left to live might say “Screw this, I’m out” when they recognises they have 50 instead.
Finally, with all the pressure living to three digits throws on matters of employment and housing marketplaces, leaving the nest will have to be delayed. So you don’t have to be ashamed about interpret Cracked at 35 in your mother’s basement; you’re merely ahead of the curve.
# 4. VR Trial And Error Will Be A Nightmare
As more and more virtual reality companionships pop up, we’re already starting to see them working to differentiate themselves from each other. Some are trying to appeal to hardcore gamers, some want to attract filthy casuals, one is aiming at people who don’t want brain damage … await, what?
This clarifies so much .
Yep, VR company Magic Leap is boasting that its headset is wholly brain-damage-free. Sure, their competitors’ products might fry your sentiment into a smoldering little ember, but their terribly same one certainly won’t! This does not announce as reassuring as they probably imagined.
While beings said the same about video games, video, and perhaps even pinball machines, this time, the brain-frying dismay has a basis in reality. VR gets your eyes to behave in ways they should not — they’ll go along with it, but there’ll be side effect. Some investigates investigating VR hire cabs for participants after sessions, because after you’ve been in polygon-land for a while, it takes time for “youve got to” relearn how to reach for things that are actually in front of you without overshooting it. It’s hazardous to drive in such a state, but we doubt your console will call an Uber for you if you’re playing alone.
Our good guess of what driving after a VR conference looks like .
Meanwhile, Samsung’s brand-new headset has a huge list of advice, including that if “youre starting” having a seizure, you are able to take it off. After all, it’s expensive engineering — you wouldn’t want to damage it.
Health issues aside, virtual reality likewise elevates complex moral questions. In one Sony VR demo, the simulation forms you flirt with a young-looking maiden, while it’s clear that you’re an old man. At the end of said demo, the developers continue the “No brain damage! ” selling veer by assuring you that the character you were interacting with was definitely give full play to an adult actress.
“Yes, it’s me, Andy Serkis.”
Whether there’s meant to be a wink with that renunciation or not, it heightens a whole legion of questions for what VR should and shouldn’t be allowed to show. Can they get away with a pedophilic simulation if “theyre saying” “No, it’s all actors and actresses”? What about a torturing simulator? What about people watching VR reruns of Two And A Half Men ? These are the hazardous a number of aspects of national societies. But would presenting them virtual simulations eradicate or irritate their predilections? That’s a question we can’t answer right now, but we do know that those in the group watching Two And A Half Men don’t need to worry about any more brain damage.
As we remind you all the time, the future ain’t what it used to be. We have no jetpacks or robot butlers, and we’ve still not improved from Land Wars to Star Wars. The dreamers fell short … but it turns out that some of the cynics came pretty close to the mark. In the same way that no one in the ‘5 0s concluded “millions of strangers across the world inadvertently saw your dick” is to be able to become a realistic difficulty, our near-future is likely to be filled with aggravations that reverberate completely ridiculous to us now.
Here are seven incoming issues that will induce you yearn for an ape and/ or machine insurgency. At least in such a case, you wouldn’t have to was put forward with …
# 7. Your Fitbit Could Be Utilized As Evidence Against You
Any denizen of the digital generation known to be anything you say on the Internet can and will be used against you, specially if it’s humiliating devotee fiction. However, that’s a logical propagation of using written information as evidence, as we’ve done for centuries. The newest channel to incriminate yourself online has much less precedent: the data collected from wearable engineering, such as the Fitbit.
You can run, but you can’t disguise( the fact that you precisely killed a hobo ).
Yes, your invests could send you to jail. It may sound like Law& Order: The Jetsons , but there’s no real reasonablenes this kind of data can’t declared admissible in court. In happening, it’s already happening. A maiden in Pennsylvania announced 911 and claimed that a home invader crimes her, but her Fitbit belied her legend( she was awake and walking around when she said she was fast asleep ). Her own fitness watch helped is proof that she’d pulled the whole story out of her … you know, and now she’s facing misdemeanor accusations.
So wearable tech going to be able to create criminals to justice. That’s good, right? Well, here’s where it gets fishy. There are already “alibi apps” — planneds that secretly enter all your interactions and borders to attest you weren’t( for example) nursing a chandelier in such studies when Colonel Mustard went slapped. Sounds innocent enough, until you remember that there’s a expression for people who intentionally go around launching alibis: “guilty as fuck.” Using this app is a little bit like going up to a polouse and saying, “By the room, I’ll be at the movies this afternoon when my partner gets murdered.”
“I was at the … * looks at watch * OJ Simpson retrospective. FUCK! ”
The idea that people are already anticipating ahead to use their trackers as alibis means that these things will have all sorts of clusterfuck legal potential. What happens when someone compensates a hobo to hold their smartphone( or buckle it to a hound) while they go out and do crimes? Or what if someone borrows your Fitbit to incriminate you? These happens will happen at some object. Hey, maybe that’s why everyone becomes a couch potato in WALL-E . In the future, being fit won’t be worth the hassle.
# 6. The First Commercial Space Shuttles Won’t Have Bathrooms
The future of tripping will involve killing into the stratosphere instead of rolling along the freeway, but that doesn’t represent all family vacation habits will change. “You should’ve been going on you left” is still going to be a common motto, except that in the future, it’s going to be much direr. Why? Because in space, everybody can see you shit.
He’s not being propelled by a spurt .
All of the companies designing foremost commercial space shuttles have been remarkably forgotten Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion: Everybody poops. None of these shuttles include bathrooms. A trip-up to the International Space Station can take between six and 30 hours — that’s a inferno of a long time to “just hamper it, ” dad. Hell, even the earthbound high-speed Hyperloop being developed by Elon Musk lacks a comfort station. Oh, or windows. If you thought acquiring seeing contact with the person or persons sitting in front of you in the train was awkward, delayed until you’re captured in a windowless, toilet-free metal cylinder with someone for hours.
Getting carsick is another tradition that won’t be changing any time soon; in space, it’ll simply get much more intense. There will be no windows to wind down and no side of the road to stain. If you’re shuttle-sick( and let’s face it, “youre supposed to” is likely to be ), your little chunder-cloud is likely to be hanging around, becoming another passenger of the skill. Developers acknowledge that clearing out the odor and attendance of seat vomit will be extremely important, as nothing play around Space Invaders with the substance of your bowels.
# 5. Living Longer Will Make Family Life Really, Really Weird
One of the main benefits of living in the future is that we no longer drop dead at age 40. Now we get to stick around for decades and decades! And decades. And decades . This will eventually have some creepy outcomes in some regions of our( increasingly lengthy) lives, starting with the workplace. To forestall vanquishing the Social Security system, people will be working much longer. Fifty Shades Of Grey won’t simply be a literary masterpiece; it’ll be the lineup behind the counter at your local Starbucks.
“You’ve been taking my ordering for the past three decades. How can you still not spell my reputation right? ”
The job market will become even fiercer as girls fresh out of college have to compete with “midlife re-trainees.” Of track, some people will ever prefer to stay in their professions for life … which will have even more unnerving deductions. Career politicians, judges, and tenured professors might stick around for the better part of a century, as would their old-fashioned thoughts. Remember Supreme Court Justice James McReynolds, the old mongrel who spent a good glob of the 20 th century effectively pushing back against every type of social change? Now sees a Highlander version of that guy.
It get weirder. Grey becoming the brand-new black will absolutely shift what we think of as pedigree. With longer lifespans and later union ages, we’ll have more grandparents to take care of and fewer brothers and sisters to share that quantity. Family reunions will transform into an enraged syndicate of cybernetic geriatrics telling kids to stay off the lawn. Instead of robust family trees, we’ll have rickety family beanstalks.
“A toast to great-great-grandma Mary, who went to the bathroom at Thanksgiving and hasn’t am coming yet.”
Living longer will even change the very notion of matrimony — or marriages. Single lifelong unions will become more demanding, so psychologists predict that unions might become less “until death do us apart” and more “until we get bored of each other in a few decades.” Older couples who would decide to condone one another if they only had 15 years left to live might say “Screw this, I’m out” when they realises they have 50 instead.
Finally, with all the pressure living to three digits gives on matters of employment and housing sells, leaving the nest will have to be delayed. So you don’t have to be ashamed about construe Cracked at 35 in your mother’s basement; you’re simply ahead of the curve.
# 4. VR Trial And Error Will Be A Nightmare
As more and more virtual reality firms pop up, we’re already starting to see them working to differentiate themselves from one another. Some are trying to appeal to hardcore gamers, some want to attract filthy casuals, one is aiming at people who don’t want brain damage … waiting, what?
This shows so much .
Yep, VR company Magic Leap is boasting that its headset is absolutely brain-damage-free. Sure, their competitors’ commodities might fry your intellect into a smoldering little ember, but their particularly same one certainly won’t! This does not sound as reassuring as they probably imagined.
While beings said the same about video games, television, and perhaps even pinball machines, this time, the brain-frying fright has a basis in reality. VR gets your eyes to behave in ways they should not — they’ll go along with it, but there’ll be side effects. Some investigates analyzing VR hire cabs for participants after conferences, because after you’ve been in polygon-land for a while, it takes time for “youve got to” relearn how to reach for acts that are actually in front of you without overshooting it. It’s hazardous to drive in such a state, but we doubt your console will call an Uber for you if you’re playing alone.
Our best guess of what driving after a VR seminar looks like .
Meanwhile, Samsung’s new headset has a huge list of admonishings, including the right if you start having a seizure, you are able to take it off. After all, it’s expensive engineering — you wouldn’t want to damage it.
Health editions aside, virtual reality also promotes complex moral difficulties. In one Sony VR demo, the pretending stirs you flirt with a young-looking wife, while it’s clear that you’re an old boy. At the end of said demo, the developers continue the “No brain damage! ” selling veer by assuring you that the character you were interacting with was definitely played by young adults actress.
“Yes, it’s me, Andy Serkis.”
Whether there’s meant to be a wink with that disclaimer or not, it causes a whole host of questions for what VR should and shouldn’t be allowed to show. Can they get away with a pedophilic simulation if they say “No, it’s all actors and actresses”? What about a anguish simulator? What about people watching VR reruns of Two And A Half Men ? These are the hazardous a number of aspects of national societies. But would affording them virtual simulations eradicate or irritate their tendencies? That’s a question we can’t answer right now, but we do know that those in the group watching Two And A Half Men don’t need to worry about any more brain damage.
The post 7 Insane Trouble We’ll Have To Deal With In The Future appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
7 Insane Trouble We’ll Have To Deal With In The Future
As we remind you all the time, the future ain’t what it used to be. We have no jetpacks or robot butlers, and we’ve still not upgraded from Land Wars to Star Wars. The dreamers fell short … but it is about to change that some of the pessimists came pretty close to the mark. In the same method that no one in the ‘5 0s envisaged “millions of strangers across the world inadvertently saw your dick” is to be able to become a realistic question, our near-future is likely to be filled with aggravations that chime completely ridiculous to us now.
Here are seven incoming issues that will acquire you yearn for an ape and/ or machine insurgency. At least in such a case, you wouldn’t have to put up with …
# 7. Your Fitbit Could Be Utilized As Evidence Against You
Any denizen of the digital generation knows that anything you say on the Internet can and will be used against you, specially if it’s embarrassing love story. However, that’s a logical propagation of using written material as evidence, as we’ve done for centuries. The newest road to incriminate yourself online has far less precedent: the data collected from wearable engineering, such as the Fitbit.
You can run, but you can’t secrete( the fact that you only killed a hobo ).
Yes, your clothes could send you to jail. It may sound like Law& Order: The Jetsons , but there’s no real reason this kind of data can’t be admissible in tribunal. In happening, it’s already happening. A maiden in Pennsylvania called 911 and claimed that a home invader abused her, but her Fitbit denied her story( she was awake and walking around when she said she was fast asleep ). Her own fitness watch facilitated is proof that she’d attracted the whole story out of her … you know, and now she’s facing misdemeanor charges.
So wearable tech can help make the offender to right. That’s good, right? Well, here’s where it gets fishy. There are already “alibi apps” — planneds that secretly enter all your interactions and circumvents to prove you weren’t( for example) propping a chandelier in the study when Colonel Mustard went whacked. Sounds innocent enough, until you remember that there’s a term for people who intentionally go around establishing alibis: “guilty as fuck.” Using this app is a little bit like going up to a policeman and saying, “By the direction, I’ll be at the movies this afternoon when my bride gets murdered.”
“I was at the … * looks at watch * OJ Simpson retrospective. FUCK! ”
The idea that people are already reputing onward to use their trackers as alibis means that these things will have all sorts of clusterfuck legal capability. What happens when someone offer a hobo to hold their smartphone( or straps it to a bird-dog) while they go out and do violations? Or what if someone acquires your Fitbit to incriminate you? These occasions will happen at some object. Hey, maybe that’s why everyone was becoming couch potato in WALL-E . In the future, being fit won’t is worthy of the hassle.
# 6. The First Commercial Space Shuttles Won’t Have Bathrooms
The future of tripping will involve hitting into the stratosphere instead of wheeling along the route, but that doesn’t necessitate all family vacation traditions will change. “You should’ve gone before you left” is still about to become a common phrase, except that in the future, it’s going to get much direr. Why? Because in space, everybody can see you shit.
He’s not being propelled by a plane .
All of the companies designing prominent commercial-grade space shuttles have clearly forgotten Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion: Everybody poops. None of these shuttles include showers. A excursion to the International Space Station can take between six and 30 hours — that’s a hell of a long time to “just hamper it, ” dad. Hell, even the earthbound high-speed Hyperloop being developed by Elon Musk lacks a comfort station. Oh, or windows. If you thought making gaze contact with the person or persons sitting in front of you in the instruct was tricky, wait until you’re captured in a windowless, toilet-free metallic cylinder with person for hours.
Getting carsick is another tradition that won’t be changing any time soon; in space, it’ll plainly get much more intense. There will be no spaces to wind down and no back of the road to stain. If you’re shuttle-sick( and let’s face it, “youre supposed to” is likely to be ), your little chunder-cloud will be hanging around, becoming another passenger of the aircraft. Developers acknowledge that clearing out the odor and existence of opening vomit will be extremely important, as none play around Space Invaders with the substance of your bowels.
# 5. Living Longer Will Make Family Life Really, Really Weird
One of the main benefits of living in the future is that we no longer drop dead at age 40. Now we get to stick around for decades and decades! And decades. And decades . This will ultimately have some bizarre impacts in some regions of our( increasingly lengthy) lives, starting with the workplace. To evade vanquishing the Social Security system, people will be working long long. Fifty Shades Of Grey won’t only has become a literary masterpiece; it’ll be the lineup behind the bar at your neighbourhood Starbucks.
“You’ve been taking my ordering for the past three decades. How can you still not spell my reputation right? ”
The job market will become even fiercer as girls fresh out of college have to compete with “midlife re-trainees.” Of trend, some people will ever prefer to stay in their occupations for life … which will have even more frightening ramifications. Career politicians, judges, and tenured academics might stick around for the better part of a century, as would their old-fashioned feelings. Remember Supreme Court Justice James McReynolds, the old-time mongrel who spent a good hunk of the 20 th century effectively pushing back against every type of social change? Now thoughts a Highlander version of that guy.
It gets weirder. Grey growing the new pitch-black will altogether alter which is something we think about as clas. With longer lifespans and later marriage ages, we’ll have more grandparents to take care of and fewer brothers and sisters to share that load. Family reunions will transform into an indignant mob of cybernetic geriatrics telling kids to stay off the lawn. Instead of robust family tree, we’ll have rickety family beanstalks.
“A toast to great-great-grandma Mary, who went to the shower at Thanksgiving and hasn’t am coming yet.”
Living longer will even change the very notion of wedlock — or marriages. Single lifelong organizations will become more demanding, so psychologists predict that weddings might become less “until death do us apart” and more “until we get bored of each other in a few decades.” Older pairs who would decide to condone each other if they only had 15 years left to live might say “Screw this, I’m out” when they recognises they have 50 instead.
Finally, with all the pressure living to three digits throws on matters of employment and housing marketplaces, leaving the nest will have to be delayed. So you don’t have to be ashamed about interpret Cracked at 35 in your mother’s basement; you’re merely ahead of the curve.
# 4. VR Trial And Error Will Be A Nightmare
As more and more virtual reality companionships pop up, we’re already starting to see them working to differentiate themselves from each other. Some are trying to appeal to hardcore gamers, some want to attract filthy casuals, one is aiming at people who don’t want brain damage … await, what?
This clarifies so much .
Yep, VR company Magic Leap is boasting that its headset is wholly brain-damage-free. Sure, their competitors’ products might fry your sentiment into a smoldering little ember, but their terribly same one certainly won’t! This does not announce as reassuring as they probably imagined.
While beings said the same about video games, video, and perhaps even pinball machines, this time, the brain-frying dismay has a basis in reality. VR gets your eyes to behave in ways they should not — they’ll go along with it, but there’ll be side effect. Some investigates investigating VR hire cabs for participants after sessions, because after you’ve been in polygon-land for a while, it takes time for “youve got to” relearn how to reach for things that are actually in front of you without overshooting it. It’s hazardous to drive in such a state, but we doubt your console will call an Uber for you if you’re playing alone.
Our good guess of what driving after a VR conference looks like .
Meanwhile, Samsung’s brand-new headset has a huge list of advice, including that if “youre starting” having a seizure, you are able to take it off. After all, it’s expensive engineering — you wouldn’t want to damage it.
Health issues aside, virtual reality likewise elevates complex moral questions. In one Sony VR demo, the simulation forms you flirt with a young-looking maiden, while it’s clear that you’re an old man. At the end of said demo, the developers continue the “No brain damage! ” selling veer by assuring you that the character you were interacting with was definitely give full play to an adult actress.
“Yes, it’s me, Andy Serkis.”
Whether there’s meant to be a wink with that renunciation or not, it heightens a whole legion of questions for what VR should and shouldn’t be allowed to show. Can they get away with a pedophilic simulation if “theyre saying” “No, it’s all actors and actresses”? What about a torturing simulator? What about people watching VR reruns of Two And A Half Men ? These are the hazardous a number of aspects of national societies. But would presenting them virtual simulations eradicate or irritate their predilections? That’s a question we can’t answer right now, but we do know that those in the group watching Two And A Half Men don’t need to worry about any more brain damage.
As we remind you all the time, the future ain’t what it used to be. We have no jetpacks or robot butlers, and we’ve still not improved from Land Wars to Star Wars. The dreamers fell short … but it turns out that some of the cynics came pretty close to the mark. In the same way that no one in the ‘5 0s concluded “millions of strangers across the world inadvertently saw your dick” is to be able to become a realistic difficulty, our near-future is likely to be filled with aggravations that reverberate completely ridiculous to us now.
Here are seven incoming issues that will induce you yearn for an ape and/ or machine insurgency. At least in such a case, you wouldn’t have to was put forward with …
# 7. Your Fitbit Could Be Utilized As Evidence Against You
Any denizen of the digital generation known to be anything you say on the Internet can and will be used against you, specially if it’s humiliating devotee fiction. However, that’s a logical propagation of using written information as evidence, as we’ve done for centuries. The newest channel to incriminate yourself online has much less precedent: the data collected from wearable engineering, such as the Fitbit.
You can run, but you can’t disguise( the fact that you precisely killed a hobo ).
Yes, your invests could send you to jail. It may sound like Law& Order: The Jetsons , but there’s no real reasonablenes this kind of data can’t declared admissible in court. In happening, it’s already happening. A maiden in Pennsylvania announced 911 and claimed that a home invader crimes her, but her Fitbit belied her legend( she was awake and walking around when she said she was fast asleep ). Her own fitness watch helped is proof that she’d pulled the whole story out of her … you know, and now she’s facing misdemeanor accusations.
So wearable tech going to be able to create criminals to justice. That’s good, right? Well, here’s where it gets fishy. There are already “alibi apps” — planneds that secretly enter all your interactions and borders to attest you weren’t( for example) nursing a chandelier in such studies when Colonel Mustard went slapped. Sounds innocent enough, until you remember that there’s a expression for people who intentionally go around launching alibis: “guilty as fuck.” Using this app is a little bit like going up to a polouse and saying, “By the room, I’ll be at the movies this afternoon when my partner gets murdered.”
“I was at the … * looks at watch * OJ Simpson retrospective. FUCK! ”
The idea that people are already anticipating ahead to use their trackers as alibis means that these things will have all sorts of clusterfuck legal potential. What happens when someone compensates a hobo to hold their smartphone( or buckle it to a hound) while they go out and do crimes? Or what if someone borrows your Fitbit to incriminate you? These happens will happen at some object. Hey, maybe that’s why everyone becomes a couch potato in WALL-E . In the future, being fit won’t be worth the hassle.
# 6. The First Commercial Space Shuttles Won’t Have Bathrooms
The future of tripping will involve killing into the stratosphere instead of rolling along the freeway, but that doesn’t represent all family vacation habits will change. “You should’ve been going on you left” is still going to be a common motto, except that in the future, it’s going to be much direr. Why? Because in space, everybody can see you shit.
He’s not being propelled by a spurt .
All of the companies designing foremost commercial space shuttles have been remarkably forgotten Newton’s Fourth Law of Motion: Everybody poops. None of these shuttles include bathrooms. A trip-up to the International Space Station can take between six and 30 hours — that’s a inferno of a long time to “just hamper it, ” dad. Hell, even the earthbound high-speed Hyperloop being developed by Elon Musk lacks a comfort station. Oh, or windows. If you thought acquiring seeing contact with the person or persons sitting in front of you in the train was awkward, delayed until you’re captured in a windowless, toilet-free metal cylinder with someone for hours.
Getting carsick is another tradition that won’t be changing any time soon; in space, it’ll simply get much more intense. There will be no windows to wind down and no side of the road to stain. If you’re shuttle-sick( and let’s face it, “youre supposed to” is likely to be ), your little chunder-cloud is likely to be hanging around, becoming another passenger of the skill. Developers acknowledge that clearing out the odor and attendance of seat vomit will be extremely important, as nothing play around Space Invaders with the substance of your bowels.
# 5. Living Longer Will Make Family Life Really, Really Weird
One of the main benefits of living in the future is that we no longer drop dead at age 40. Now we get to stick around for decades and decades! And decades. And decades . This will eventually have some creepy outcomes in some regions of our( increasingly lengthy) lives, starting with the workplace. To forestall vanquishing the Social Security system, people will be working much longer. Fifty Shades Of Grey won’t simply be a literary masterpiece; it’ll be the lineup behind the counter at your local Starbucks.
“You’ve been taking my ordering for the past three decades. How can you still not spell my reputation right? ”
The job market will become even fiercer as girls fresh out of college have to compete with “midlife re-trainees.” Of track, some people will ever prefer to stay in their professions for life … which will have even more unnerving deductions. Career politicians, judges, and tenured professors might stick around for the better part of a century, as would their old-fashioned thoughts. Remember Supreme Court Justice James McReynolds, the old mongrel who spent a good glob of the 20 th century effectively pushing back against every type of social change? Now sees a Highlander version of that guy.
It get weirder. Grey becoming the brand-new black will absolutely shift what we think of as pedigree. With longer lifespans and later union ages, we’ll have more grandparents to take care of and fewer brothers and sisters to share that quantity. Family reunions will transform into an enraged syndicate of cybernetic geriatrics telling kids to stay off the lawn. Instead of robust family trees, we’ll have rickety family beanstalks.
“A toast to great-great-grandma Mary, who went to the bathroom at Thanksgiving and hasn’t am coming yet.”
Living longer will even change the very notion of matrimony — or marriages. Single lifelong unions will become more demanding, so psychologists predict that unions might become less “until death do us apart” and more “until we get bored of each other in a few decades.” Older couples who would decide to condone one another if they only had 15 years left to live might say “Screw this, I’m out” when they realises they have 50 instead.
Finally, with all the pressure living to three digits gives on matters of employment and housing sells, leaving the nest will have to be delayed. So you don’t have to be ashamed about construe Cracked at 35 in your mother’s basement; you’re simply ahead of the curve.
# 4. VR Trial And Error Will Be A Nightmare
As more and more virtual reality firms pop up, we’re already starting to see them working to differentiate themselves from one another. Some are trying to appeal to hardcore gamers, some want to attract filthy casuals, one is aiming at people who don’t want brain damage … waiting, what?
This shows so much .
Yep, VR company Magic Leap is boasting that its headset is absolutely brain-damage-free. Sure, their competitors’ commodities might fry your intellect into a smoldering little ember, but their particularly same one certainly won’t! This does not sound as reassuring as they probably imagined.
While beings said the same about video games, television, and perhaps even pinball machines, this time, the brain-frying fright has a basis in reality. VR gets your eyes to behave in ways they should not — they’ll go along with it, but there’ll be side effects. Some investigates analyzing VR hire cabs for participants after conferences, because after you’ve been in polygon-land for a while, it takes time for “youve got to” relearn how to reach for acts that are actually in front of you without overshooting it. It’s hazardous to drive in such a state, but we doubt your console will call an Uber for you if you’re playing alone.
Our best guess of what driving after a VR seminar looks like .
Meanwhile, Samsung’s new headset has a huge list of admonishings, including the right if you start having a seizure, you are able to take it off. After all, it’s expensive engineering — you wouldn’t want to damage it.
Health editions aside, virtual reality also promotes complex moral difficulties. In one Sony VR demo, the pretending stirs you flirt with a young-looking wife, while it’s clear that you’re an old boy. At the end of said demo, the developers continue the “No brain damage! ” selling veer by assuring you that the character you were interacting with was definitely played by young adults actress.
“Yes, it’s me, Andy Serkis.”
Whether there’s meant to be a wink with that disclaimer or not, it causes a whole host of questions for what VR should and shouldn’t be allowed to show. Can they get away with a pedophilic simulation if they say “No, it’s all actors and actresses”? What about a anguish simulator? What about people watching VR reruns of Two And A Half Men ? These are the hazardous a number of aspects of national societies. But would affording them virtual simulations eradicate or irritate their tendencies? That’s a question we can’t answer right now, but we do know that those in the group watching Two And A Half Men don’t need to worry about any more brain damage.
The post 7 Insane Trouble We’ll Have To Deal With In The Future appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2pTClHT via IFTTT
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