girlactionfigure · 6 months
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German and Austrian soldiers celebrating Hanukkah 1916 in the front lines during the First World War.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה', אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו, וְצִוָּנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר חֲנֻכָּה.
Historia Obscurum
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I hope this is okay to ask about- Since it was brought up in the Chanukah post and I've been wondering for a long time- flames and how they're handled seem to be really significant in jewish practices, what's the significance of not using the flames for other purposes, allowing them to burn out themselves, and the restrictions on starting flames on Yom Tov?
Gonna answer this in steps:
Not using the Chanukah flames for other purposes: This one is a pretty boring answer. Because the mitzvah is specifically on the Chanukah flames, and you don't want to take away from them. Part of the blessings we recite after lighting the flames is this:
הַנֵּרוֹת הַלָּלוּ אָנוּ מַדְלִיקִין עַל הַנִּסִּים וְעַל הַנִּפְלָאוֹת וְעַל הַתְּשׁוּעוֹת וְעַל הַמִּלְחָמוֹת. שֶׁעָשִׂיתָ לַאֲבוֹתֵינוּ בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם בַּזְּמַן הַזֶּה. עַל יְדֵי כֹּהֲנֶיךָ הַקְּדוֹשִׁים. וְכָל מִצְוַת שְׁמוֹנַת יְמֵי חֲנֻכָּה. הַנֵּרוֹת הַלָּלוּ קֹדֶשׁ הֵם. וְאֵין לָנוּ רְשׁוּת לְהִשְׁתַּמֵּשׁ בָּהֶם. אֶלָּא לִרְאוֹתָם בִּלְבָד. כְּדֵי לְהוֹדוֹת וּלְהַלֵּל לְשִׁמְךָ הַגָּדוֹל עַל נִסֶּיךָ וְעַל נִפְלְאוֹתֶיךָ וְעַל יְשׁוּעָתֶךָ:
"These flames we kindle because of the miracles and because of the wonders and because of the saving acts and because of the battles that You performed for out forfathers in those days, in this time. On behalf of the holy Kohanim. And all the commandments of the eight days of Chanukah, these flames are holy, and we do not have permission to use them, rather to see them alone, in order to thank and to praise Your great Name because of Your miracles and Your wonders and Your salvations."
Letting flames burn out themselves: This is a concept we see a lot when fire is involved in Jewish ritual. We light Shabbat candles, and let them burn out naturally. We light memorial candles, and let them burn out naturally. Etc etc. Putting out a flame means "ending" something. The only time deliberately putting out a flame instead of letting it burn down naturally is during Havdalah, the ritual marking the end of Shabbat and the beginning of the rest of the week. We don't want to "end" Chanukah, or the mitzvah we did by lighting the Chanukah lights, and therefore, we let them burn down naturally. Additionally, there's a lot of superstitions in Jewish culture about blowing out flames. As a kid I was told that you shouldn't blow out a flame because it's as if you're snuffing out the flame of someone's soul, and tempts the Evil Eye. If I had to put out a flame, I was taught to either shake it out (like a match) or cover it with something.
No starting flames on Yom Tov: Yom Tov follows very similar laws and restrictions to Shabbat, and starting a fire on Shabbat is explicitly forbidden as part of the 39 Melekhot. However, some of the laws of Yom Tov are a little more relaxed than Shabbat, and cooking is allowed, as long as one isn't starting the fire themselves, but rather transferring from a flame that existed before Yom Tov started. Yamim Tovim can sometimes be two days long (especially if you're outside of Israel), and if they fall out on Friday or Sunday, it also leaves you with a situation of "how am I going to get food?" So cooking is allowed on Yom Tov, just as long as you're transferring fire and not starting it.
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zebratoys · 6 months
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ז’ חֲנֻכָּה ♡ חַג חֲנוּכָּה שָׂמֵחַ נר שְׁבִיעִי של חֲנֻכָּה חֹדֶשׁ טֵבֵת טוֹב וּמְבֹרָךְ לְכָל עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל ♥ אָמֵן HAPPY HANUKKAH 🤍✨💫 Good Month and Chag Sameach Blessings of Grace and Light. הַלְלוּיָהּ ♡ אָמֵן ב’ טֵבֵת תשפ״ג
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disneytva · 2 years
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Celebrate The Festival of Lights with "Hanukkah Is Here" a new Firebuds Song.
Tomorrow Spotify, iTunes,Deezer,Pandora,TIDAL,Apple Music, Amazon Music & YouTube Music via Walt Disney Records.
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cannibalgenders · 1 year
hey if you transliterate חֲנֻכָּה into spanish you get "janice"
Happy first night of Janice everybody
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Утро Седьмого Дня Праздника Обновления Храма! #Ханука #АрхиепископСергей...
С Праздником Обновления Храма Божьего! Святая и светлая Ханука! חֲנֻכָּה Торжество веры нашей! Сегодня уже седьмой день празднества сего, совпавший с Новомесячием Десятого месяца! С воскресного вечера 18 декабря и до позднего вечера 26 декабря в сем 2022 году мы празднуем Хануку! Поздравляю всех с 2187-летием Великой Победы Божьего народа Израиля в борьбе с захватчиками и с восстановлением Храма Божьего, свершенного в те великие дни еврейскими героями - Маккавеями! Праздник Обновления для нас, новозаветных верующих, это не только воспоминание древних событий и подвигов наших праотцов, но и день сегодняшний - обновление Третьего Храма Божьего, созидаемого вот уже два тысячелетия из нас, из живых камней, на основании апостолов и пророков, имея краеугольным камнем нашего Спасителя и Господа! Иисус Христос - Свет всем народам земли, и слава народа Божьего Израиля! Именно на Хануку Господь сказал самый главный наш секрет обновления - Я и Отец одно!
#АрхиепископСергейЖуравлев #РПЦХС #КиевскаяАрхиепископия
25 декабря 2022 / 1 #Тевет 5783 года от сотворения мира по Библейскому, иудейскому исчислению лет!   Первый день Десятого месяца 3334 года от нашего Исхода из рабства Египетского! + Подписывайтесь на мой канал, друзья церковной Реформации: https://www.youtube.com/user/BishopZhuravlev/
#Ханука #Израиль #Менора #Ханукия #Иерусалим #Маккавеи #Обновление #Храм #ХрамБожий #ПраздникОбновления #ХагХанукаСамеах #Жидовствующие #МирВсем #Обновленец #Обновленцы #ЯиОтецОдно #Евреи #АмИзраильХай #ОдАвинуХай #МолитваЗаИзраиль #МолитваЗаИерусалим #ХристианеЗаИзраиль #МаккавеиXXI הארכיבישוף סרג עגור
#ХагХанукаСамеах חג חנוכה שמח
🕎 ✡
Donate: https://archbishopsergeyzhuravlev.blogspot.com/2022/11/xxi.html
Иуда Маккавей יהודה המכבי‏‎
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.וְצִוָּֽנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶׁל חֲנֻכָּה
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
asher kidishanu bemitzvotav, vitzivanu lehadlik ner shel Hanukkah.
Praised are You, Adonai, who rules the Universe, Who makes us holy through mitzvot and has given us the mitzvah of lighting the Hanukkah candle.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, שֶׁעָשָׂה נִסִּים לַאֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ
.בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם בַּזְּמַן הַזֶה
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
she’asah nissim la’avoteinu bayamim haheim, bazeman hazeh.
Praised are You, Adonai, who rules the Universe, Who made miracles
for our ancestors, long ago, and continues to make them today.
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sitiomagico · 1 year
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HANUKKAH Janucá (hebreo: חֲנֻכָּה y sin puntuación diacrítica חנוכה),llamada también la Fiesta de las Luces o Luminarias, es una festividad judaica. Celebrada durante ocho días, conmemora la derrota de los helenos y la recuperación de la independencia judía a manos de los macabeos sobre los griegos seléucidas, y la posterior purificación del Segundo Templo de Jerusalén de los íconos paganos, en el siglo II a. C. La tradición judía habla de un milagro, en el que pudo encenderse el candelabro del Templo durante ocho días consecutivos con una exigua cantidad de aceite, que alcanzaba sólo para uno. Esto dio origen a la principal costumbre de la festividad, que es la de encender, en forma progresiva, un candelabro de nueve brazos llamado januquiá (uno por cada uno de los días más un brazo «piloto»). La festividad acontece el 25 de Kislev del calendario judío, fecha que acaece entre fines de noviembre y principios de diciembre del calendario gregoriano. #hanukkah #januca #arziade https://www.instagram.com/p/CmTorgYujeL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gabcom · 1 year
24 Kislev 5713
Significance of my Birthdate in Different Calendars Chanukah 1952 / חֲנוּכָּה 5713 Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication 🕎 Chanukah for Hebrew Year 5713 began on Friday, 12 December 1952 and ended on Saturday, 20 December 1952. Hanukkah (Hebrew: חֲנֻכָּה, usually spelled חנוכה pronounced [χanuˈka] in Modern Hebrew, also romanized as Chanukah or Chanuka), also known as the Festival of…
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meirmakesstuff · 4 years
Beyond Blue and White: a Jewish Holiday Resource for Artists
If I show you this color palette, you know exactly what holiday it refers to, right?
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Image: a palette of red, green, gold, and white.
How about these?
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Image: a palette of pastel blue, purple, pink, and bright yellow.
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Image: a palette of orange, black, purple, and green.
American? Try these:
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Palette: red, white, and blue
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Palette: orange, tan, red, and brown
Now, I was thinking about this a lot this year, at various times. It came up when I tried to decorate my dining room for Rosh Hashanah but couldn’t find anything I like that really fit. It was still on my mind when the jack-o’-lanterns and bats appeared and then disappeared again under an onslaught of red and green. And then the Chanukah sections. 
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Palette: four shades of blue.
The Chanukah sections.
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Palette: nine shades of blue.
The Chanukah.
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Palette: nine shades of blue.
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Image: photos of the Chanukah displays from nine stores. They are entirely royal blue with white accents, and occasional baby blue or silver.
Seriously, people. I can’t even. And that’s what the war-on-Christmas crowd is mad about? That’s what we get, and they’re mad about it? Some of those items are just Christmas things in blue, with “Hanukkah” written on them. And they’re mad about it?
Of course, Chanukah, despite being a minor holiday on our calendar, is one of only two holidays that get dedicated displays: Chanukah because it falls near Christmas, and Passover because supermarkets did eventually figure out the astounding scale of food we buy, and learn to plan accordingly. And most of the food in the passover displays is, well, food. But don’t worry, supermarket marketing designers know what color to use!
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Image: photos of the Passover displays in six grocery stores. The signs defining the displays are the same range of blues as the Chanukah displays above.
Yeah, that last one just put the flag of Israel near some grape juice and called it a day, but we’re just going to John Mulaney on past it right now, because this is a post about a different topic.
Now, I only started being active on Tumblr recently, and I’ve never been much involved in fan works, so maybe it’s like this every year, but in the lead-up to the winter holiday season I saw a lot of posts calling for artists--for fan artists in particular--to not reduce Jewish characters and Jewish imagery to Chanukah in opposition to Christmas, to remember our other holidays exist, to remember we exist outside of the shadow of Christmastime. And they’re right. But if you mean well but aren’t immersed in Jewish culture, how is that to be accomplished? How, practically, do you do that? What do Jewish holidays look like? 
For me at least, most Jewish holidays have aesthetic palettes as distinctive as any of the ones above. My taste may not be universal, but in this post I would like to share some very basic color palettes for a few of the most significant Jewish holidays, a few notes on activities people might expect to take part in (including whether or not we are prohibited to work on that day), and some basic visual symbols to use as well. 
As is common with posts of this type I would like to specify that while I welcome non-Jews to use this post to enrich your depictions of Jewish characters and occasions, you are not invited to use this in a Christian context, in a Messianic “Jewish” context (so-called Messianic “Judaism” is a culturally-appropriative Christian missionary movement, and is viewed by the Jewish community in general as predatory and offensive), in a context that assigns Jewish observance to Christian characters in the name of Christian practice, or in a context that ascribes contemporary Jewish practice to a divine Jesus. It is not appropriate to use contemporary Jewish symbols or practice to “deepen your relationship with Jesus” or to add Jewish “flavor” to your Christian practice. Thank you for respecting this request. 
That said, let’s get to it. Presented in order of the Jewish year:
Rosh Hashanah
Jewish New Year. Two days, in early autumn. Since the Jewish calendar is not synced to the secular calendar, this can fall anywhere from the last days of August to early October. Yes, we have our own calendar, and we do follow it. Rosh Hashanah may move around September, but it always falls on the first day of Tishrei. It’s also worth noting that on the Jewish calendar the new date begins at sunset, not midnight. 
This is one of our holidays on which working is prohibited. It is also the first of what are known as the High Holidays. Many of us spend a large portion of the day in services at a synagogue--including many who are not regular attendees year-round--but this is also a major occasion for hosting large festive meals and get-togethers with family and friends. 
This is not a good day to schedule parent-teacher conferences.
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Palette: red and gold, honey tones. 
Relevant symbols include: the shofar, which is sounded during the holiday; apples and honey, eaten “for a sweet new year;” a whole fish, eaten “to be like the head and not like the tail;” round challah loaves to acknowledge the cyclical nature of the calendar; crown imagery, to acknowledge God’s sovereignty; pomegranates, which echo the crown theme and are said to have as many seeds as there are commandments in the torah (613). Books, both prayer books called Machzorim (singular Machzor) which we use during the holiday service, and the Book fo Life, in which God is said to be writing out the next year’s fates during this time.
Yom Kippur
Ten days after Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur is often called the Day of Repentance in English, but the Hebrew name of the holiday translates better as “Day of absolution.” Judaism doesn’t have the same relationship to the concept of “sin” that Christianity has: while Christianity revolves around an idea that humans are inherently sinful and only the death of their human god guy can fix this innate state of being, Judaism did not adopt this view and continues to believe that humans are essentially good, but sometimes make mistakes. In the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we are expected to apologize sincerely and try to make restitution to anyone we might have hurt in the past year.
On Yom Kippur, Jewish adults (who are medically/psychologically able to do so without harm) do not eat or drink from sunset to sunset. We wear white, often including a kittel, the same plain white robe that Jews are buried and often married in, and including our tallitot, prayer shawls, which are otherwise only worn during morning services. We avoid wearing leather shoes (some also avoid wearing leather belts or carrying leather purses). The prohibition on working on this day is observed even by many Jews who aren’t strict about it at other times. This is the other holiday that comprises the High Holidays. 
It is not a good day to schedule a Little League game.
During this solemn time we spend most of the day in the synagogue. The service notably includes a communal confession: we do not confess our personal wrongdoings as individuals, but instead recite an acrostic poem of deeds that one of us might have committed, somewhere in the worldwide Jewish community. In this moment, we accept that all of us are one community, those who have killed or assaulted, those who have embezzled and perjured, those who have polluted or discriminated, those who have refused to donate what they could have to causes of justice, those who have hurt others’ feelings, who have caused social drama, who have cheated on partners or on quizzes or at Candyland. Communally, in unison, in centuries-old poetry, we ask for clemency and commit to doing better.
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Palette: White and silver. 
Relevant symbols include: Shofars and Machzors, as with Rosh Hashanah; crowns, likewise; white, to symbolize both purity and humility; the Book of Life, in which God is said to be sealing our fate for the year after spending the past week considering it; imagery of closing gates, as the last service of the day invokes the image of getting your last prayers in before the gates of Heaven are shut, taking one last chance to change God’s mind about your fate.  
Sukkot and Shmini Atzeret
Sukkot is an eight-day holiday which begins five days after Yom Kippur. It’s a harvest festival, and is one of the three major holidays, along with Passover and Shavuot, on which Jews in ancient times made pilgrimages to the Temple in Jerusalem. We are prohibited from working on the first two days, and the last day, which is known as Shmini Atzeret (”the Eighth Day of Stopping,” or “We’re all sick of holidays right now, hang in there”). In modern times, schools and workplaces are often unwilling to offer any further time off (and Jews are often pressured out of demanding it), so despite Sukkot’s status as a major holiday, some Jews are not able to engage in the more time-consuming or spoon-demanding practices.
The first, second, seventh, and eighth day are not good times to schedule an all-staff meeting. Go ahead and schedule it in between though. 
Notable practices of Sukkot involve building temporary outdoor shelters called sukkot (singular: sukkah) and spending as much time in there as weather and practicality will allow, and shaking the lulav and etrog, a collection of plants (palm, willow, myrtle, and citron, for the curious) in all directions in what is likely the remnant of an ancient rain dance. 
For those who are able to build their own sukkot at home, it’s a great time to host friends and family who might not have one. Synagogues build a communal sukkah as well, and congregants are welcome to stop by and eat their lunches in the sukkah throughout the week.
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Palette: autumnal green, yellow, orange, and brown.
Notable symbols are the sukkah and the lulav and etrog, but there’s often a lot of autumnal flavor going on here. For a Jewish in-joke, add bees. Bees are always getting into the sukkah.
Simchat Torah
The day after Shmini Atzeret is still a holiday (except in the Reform movement, which combines them into one day). Jewish custom is to read one section of Torah every week, paced so that we read the entire thing in one year. Simchat Torah is the day that we reach the end of the Torah and start again from the beginning.
By “read,” we do not mean in the Protestant sense of just opening an English translation and reading to yourself the words printed inside, though we may also do that on our own time if we wish. The Hebrew words are chanted according to a centuries-old system of musical notation, out of a hand-lettered parchment scroll. The scrolls are treated respectfully: when not in use, they are dressed in rich fabric covers, and often decorated with silver crowns, breastplates, and pointers, and kept in a decorated ark placed prominently at the front (usually east) wall of a synagogue. When the Torah scrolls are removed from and returned to the ark before and after being read, they are carried in procession through the congregation. On any other occasion, one to two scrolls are taken out (a congregation may own several), and three to seven people might be honored with an aliyah (plural, aliyot), the opportunity to speak the blessings before and after the reading. 
On Simchat Torah, that procession escalates into seven rounds of dancing. Congregants will take turns holding the scrolls and dancing if they feel able to do so, while the majority of the congregation dances around them in a circle. This can get kind of wild, and in many places adults are also drinking while this is going on. Some synagogues have impromptu (and I’ve even seen professionally staffed) open bars going on. Rather than a few people being honored with aliyot, every Jewish adult present may have an aliyah, and there is a group aliyah for all present children as well. How this worked in the communities where I grew up was that all but one of the torah scrolls would be rolled to the last column and laid out on tables around the room. Six or seven different people would learn the reading and be stationed at the tables, and would read the final few aliyot over and over and over, until everyone had had their aliyah. The remaining torah scroll is rolled to Genesis, and when everyone has heard the last words of the Torah, someone is honored with the aliyah that begins the torah again. 
Many synagogues, particularly in the Reform movement, have a tradition of unrolling the torah scroll, either on central tables or held by congregants stationed around the room, and having knowledgeable people such as the rabbi or educated lay people in the community walk along the scroll pointing out familiar points in the story or interesting facts about the text. 
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Palette: rich, royal shades of purple, blue, red, and gold.
The main visual symbol is the torah scrolls themselves, either dressed in their covers or open to show the words inside, or images of people holding and dancing with the torah. 
Simchat Torah is the last of the holidays that fall in the month of Tishrei. The next month is Cheshvan, and there are no holidays or even minor observances that fall during that calendar month.
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Image: a tee shirt that reads, “Rabbis heart Cheshvan”
Since Chanukah is the most publicized of Jewish holidays, I won’t enumerate the traditions of the holiday. That’s information you can find in other posts. I will note that it’s an eight-day holiday in the month of Kislev (Late November or December) that carries no prohibition on work and is not considered a major holiday in the Jewish calendar. It is not related to Christmas in any way other than occurring at or around around the same time of the year. It is not a holiday about unity, brotherhood, kindness, or gift-giving. It is a defiant and anti-assimilationist holiday commemorating a time when we were threatened with violence unless we gave up our cultural identity and assimilated fully with the majority, a time when the authorities occupied and desecrated our central place of worship and outlawed our customs, and instead of accepting it we rose up and fought, defeating a larger and better-equipped army through guerilla tactics and sheer refusal to give up. 
The story of the miracle of the oil was inserted later, when the next people to take over and occupy us wanted to know what we were celebrating. “Oh, don’t worry about it, it’s not about a time when we had a very successful rebellion and ousted a powerful empire, it’s just this one time there was olive oil that...lasted a very long time? Yeah, that sounds good.” 
When we light our Chanukah candles, we are encouraged to light them in windows or outside, because this holiday is about reminding everyone else that we’re here, we exist, we will not be made invisible, and we are not going to go away. 
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Palette: a rainbow of bright or glittery colors, plus fire. 
When people depict Chanukah in the context of Christmas, setting blue in opposition to red makes a certain kind of sense. When I think of Chanukah, though, I think of a rainbow of bright, colorful candles, set in menorahs that can be silver or gold but also ceramic, stone, enamel, rhinestones, glass. Picking out the colors for my own menorah was a nightly joy during Chanukah from the time I was old enough to do my own. Every synagogue and probably every home has just a ton of colorful plastic dreidels that no one ever seems to buy, they just appear. Besides menorahs and dreidels, other symbols are latkes and sufganiyot. That American bakeries haven’t heard of sufganiyot is a heckin’ missed seasonal opportunity for them.
Tu B’Shvat
Tu B’Shvat is another minor holiday with no prohibition on doing work, so feel free to schedule that meeting. It’s referred to as the Birthday of the Trees, but it has taken on a variety of conflicting interpretations throughout history, including a celebration of the Seven Species of agricultural products native to the Middle East, an “earth day” style appreciation of the natural world, and a celebration of the changing of seasons from winter to spring.
This isn’t likely to be anyone’s big get-together-with-the-family holiday; there are often community activities featuring the Seven Species or four cups of wine (usually juice to be honest) where the first is white, the second is white with a drop of red, the third is red with a drop of white, and the last is red. The sequence is intended to acknowledge the coming of spring. 
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Palette: shades of green, red, purple, brown, and pale pink.
I tried to combine several different takes on the holiday into one palette: green leaves, the Seven Species, and the flowering almond trees mentioned in the best-known song about the holiday. Visual symbols center around trees, especially the flowering almond tree, or the Seven Species. 
People compare Purim to Halloween sometimes, but it probably has more in common with Mardi Gras or Carnival. Falling somewhere in March or April, the holiday commemorates the events of the Book of Esther (Megillat Esther, often simply referred to as The Megillah), in which a modest and beautiful Jewish girl, chosen to be queen in a beauty contest while hiding her culture of origin, must summon the courage to confront her incompetent husband and get him to reverse his anti-semitic vizier’s genocidal decree. Between the theme of hiding her identity and intent, the “topsy-turvy” reversal of fortune at the end of the tale, and the sheer wild absurdity of the story as a whole, the holiday is a festival of silliness and absurdity. 
Purim does not carry a prohibition on work, but if you can avoid scheduling something special on that day your Jewish employees or students will be grateful, because Purim festivities at a synagogue are a sad thing to miss out on. The main custom of Purim is to hear the Megillah read aloud. It is read similarly to how the Torah is read: readers chant it out loud according to the ancient musical notation, often switching off at the chapter breaks so that no one person has to learn the whole thing. On Purim, readers will often do funny voices for the characters or give the words hilariously dramatic emphasis--without sacrificing accuracy or melody. At the name of the central villain of the story, listeners shout, stamp, and wave noisemakers to drown out his name. 
Additional customs include wearing costumes, alcohol consumption, eating hamantaschen, which are triangular cookies filled with like literally whatever, giving gifts of little snack bags to friends, and giving gifts of money or practical supplies to those in need. To give money is the traditional requirement, but one year my class made a project of doing a toiletries drive ahead of the holiday and packaging their donations into bags to bring to a local shelter. By doing this we were able to bring the shelter something they described as their biggest non-money need, and the kids were able to conceptualize the impact of their giving in a more concrete and hands-on way that will hopefully push them to keep doing good later in life. It’s a project I’d like to do again when I get the chance.
Another tradition is putting on a Purim Shpil, a play that retells the story of Esther while lampooning the community and its leadership. Many communities also hold a carnival on the nearest Sunday morning where kids can play carnival games, jump in a bounce house, run around in their costumes, dunk or pie the rabbi, and more. 
Adar, the month in which Purim falls, is considered a month of increased happiness. It’s also the month we repeat on a leap year (yes, the whole month). When Adar repeats, all notable occasions take place in the second Adar, except for birthdays or yahrzeits where the person was born or died on a leap year during First Adar. 
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Palette: glittery or bright shades of red, green, purple, and orange.
For me Purim’s palette is reminiscent of Mardi Gras, both because of the masked party atmosphere and because of the royal status of the main characters of the story. Symbols include masks, crowns and scepters and other images of royalty (anacronisms welcome on Purim!), the megillah itself, a narrow scroll wrapped around a wooden holder, hamantaschen, and candy. 
Usually falling in April around the time of public schools’ spring break, Passover is the second of the three pilgrimage holidays. Like Sukkot, it is an eight-day holiday where work is prohibited on days 1, 2, 7, and 8 and allowed in between, but given the scale of this holiday your Jewish employees or students would probably appreciate if important things were scheduled for after the holiday instead of in the middle. 
The scale of this holiday is...huge. Essentially, we replace our entire kitchens for a week, hiding normal foods, everyday cooking appliances, utensils, pots and pans, covering the counters with foil or contact paper, and swapping out regular tableware for a set that has never come in contact with bread. We absolutely do not eat bread during Passover. Even Jews who don’t go to those lengths to prepare for the holiday, who don’t keep a spare set of dishes or replace all opened containers of food, will at the very least avoid eating bread for the week of the holiday.
For the more observant, “bread” actually means anything leavened with yeast or that has grain (including flour) as an ingredient, except for matzah. Seriously, Gluten-free cooks, search for Passover recipes when you feel like getting ambitious. My mother makes nut flour cakes that rise with the power of an insane number of beaten egg whites. My father makes a pot roast that can make you forget bread ever existed. My mother makes matzah balls out of smashed, soaked matzahs and egg, and a friend of ours makes a “crepe cake” style dessert out of layers of soaked matzahs and caramel sauce. Last year my wife made an insanely delicious dish that combined matzah and eggs with onions and mushrooms and honestly it was spectacular. But we’re all a little relived when we can put the Passover dishes back in the highest cupboard for a year, put our kitchens back to normal, and have a freaking bagel. 
This is the holiday where you are absolutely going to travel if you have to to be with family or friends. In 35 years, I’ve only spent one Passover away from my parents, and it was hard. Some families will get together in a rental house or Jewish camp cabin rather than redo their home kitchens and put one family through the work of hosting, but many families have that one matriarch or patriarch who is determined to keep bringing everyone into their home for as long as they can manage the labor.
My mother goes all out. Not only is the kitchen fully changed over and the dining table extended with all its leaves, there’s a second table pushed up to the end of the first one. The seder starts at sunset and ends around 1 to 2 AM. 
A seder is not simply a festive meal, like Thanksgiving Dinner. Before we start eating, we sing, recite blessings, pray, read psalms, drink two cups of wine, tell the story of Exodus in about three different ways, throw plastic frogs (okay, the year I landed one in my dad’s wine glass he decreed that we had to stop throwing them, but I’m hoping he’ll forget), recite more blessings, ask around for creative or academic insights, ask newcomers about themselves and invite non-Jews to ask questions about what they’re seeing, crunch a little parsley in salt water, eat a slice of horseradish and weep about it, sing some more, and THEN we can eat dinner. And because everyone’s having a good time, the dinner section can go until 11, and my wife absolutely bails before dessert and goes to sleep on the pull-out couch. After dessert the kids do a scavenger hunt for another piece of matzah, the winner (okay, and the other kids) get presents, and we all start singing again. Two cups of wine later, we’re opening the door for Elijah, loading the dishwasher, too keyed up to go to sleep. Which is fine, go ahead and sleep in tomorrow, because on the second night we do the whole entire thing again.  
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Palette: desert sand, leaf green, wine red, and the brown of roasted food.
Passover comes with a wealth of multivalent symbolism (which is why the seder lasts so long), and the colors of the foods echo the references in the text: the sandy color could be matzah, could be horseradish, could be Egypt or the desert or the path across the floor of the Red Sea. Green could be the parsley dipped in salt water, or it could be springtime. The red could be four cups of wine or the blood in the Nile, and the brown could be dinner, or it could be bricks. 
Visual symbols for Passover include: the Seder Plate, which is a large, decorated tray or platter with spaces labeled for the six symbolic foods that we refer to or eat during the seder; a goblet of wine (or four, since we drink wine four times during the seder); pyramids, a reference to Egypt, where the story takes place (despite confusion, the Torah does not state that Hebrew slaves built the pyramids; even if every word of torah were to be considered literal historical truth, the pyramids would still predate this story by centuries); frogs (it’s all about keeping the kids engaged); and, of course, matzah. 
Yom HaShoah
I decided to include the modern holidays because they are observed by most contemporary American congregations in at least some way, even though some of them relate specifically to the state of Israel. In doing so, I’m describing the holiday and its observance by American Jews in the United States. I am not Israeli myself, and while I’ll touch on how the holiday looks there, I also haven’t lived there as an adult and can’t really speak to it firsthand. I’m aware that just mentioning the existence of Israel at all is inviting abuse, since there seems to be a prevailing opinion on both sides that every mention of Israel must either be unquestioningly pro-Netanyahu or unquestioningly against the existence of the entire country, and that those who believe in that binary will decide for themselves which extreme any mention must belong to and abuse the writer accordingly. I am new to using Tumblr for much, so I don’t know if it’s possible to delete comments, but if I receive abusive comments from anyone I’ll do my best to figure it out. 
I’m here to talk about the Jewish calendar, and about color and art.
The first of the modern holidays that fall in late spring isn’t related to the State of Israel: Yom HaShoah is a day of remembrance of the Holocaust. As a modern holiday, it does not carry any work prohibition, so if you have to schedule something for that day go ahead, just like maybe don’t go making any Nazi jokes? I mean, those are baseline unfunny, but today it’s likely to be a little more raw. 
Synagogues tend to hold a short service at which memorial candles will likely be lit, and survivors in the community are invited to tell their stories. There may also be a push to get involved with efforts to preserve the stories of survivors before they are gone, or to oppose genocides currently taking place around the world. Depending on the political skew of the congregation, this could mean a variety of things. 
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Palette: brick red, black, white, and yellow.
Yellow and black for the stars Jews were forced to wear sewn to their clothes so they would be easily identified (despite the insistence that Jews look a certain way). Brick for the places where Jews and others were held, and were killed. White for the reminder that of the generation who lived it, those who are still with us are aging, and what they witnessed will soon only be known of, not remembered. 
Tattered yellow stars with the German word “Jude” and images of barbed wire are the dominant symbols of this holiday. 
Yom HaZikaron
Israel’s Memorial Day isn’t really observed with much intensity by American Jews. Those who have lost a friend or family member who served in the Israeli armed forces might observe privately, and people who are passionate about Israeli affairs might organize a talk or documentary viewing on that day, but unless it lands on a weekend there’s not likely to be a notable observance. This is again a modern holiday that carries no prohibition on work.
It’s worth mentioning, though, that while in America our Memorial Day is only observed with solemnity by people who have served themselves or were close with a veteran who has passed away, in Israel that is literally everybody. Since service is mandatory for all* young adults, and has been for generations, everyone knows someone who has been lost. The entire region is bathed in blood, and probably always will be.
*there are exemptions, such as for the extreme Ultra-Orthodox, but as I understand it Disabled Israelis do serve, as do many Israeli non-Jews. 
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Palette: Black, flame orange, white, blue.
For this holiday I combined the blue and white of the Israeli flag with solemn black and orange for the flame of memorial candles. Black isn’t really a mourning color in Judaism (we don’t necessarily wear it to funerals or anything), but to an American eye it definitely speaks of solemnity and loss. To a Jewish eye, the image of a yahrzeit candle gives the same feeling. 
Yom Ha’atzma’ut
This. This is the holiday where the palette is actually blue and white. Israel’s Independence Day is the day after Israel’s Memorial Day. The country goes from an atmosphere of sincere mourning to a cathartic party. I haven’t been in Israel during this time except for once as a small child, so I can’t report firsthand on what it’s like, I can only speak to how it goes in American Jewish communities.
This can vary by a lot, depending on the community’s politics and aesthetic. There is again no prohibition on work. Some places will have Israeli folk dance performances or lessons. Some places will serve Middle Eastern food or invite Israeli members of the community to speak. Some places might watch Israeli movies. There’s no real established practice, it’s just a cultural celebration. 
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Palette: shades of white and blue.
For making this palette I could have just gone with royal blue and pure white, but I picked textured images that speak to the many sides of a very complicated country. One of the white images is a futuristic pattern of plasticky fibers. The other is an elder’s white hair. One of the blues is soft, comfortable fabric, and the other is a choppy sea. Israel is a lot of things simultaneously, and even in making a palette of two colors I couldn’t manage to reduce it to any two ideas. What I’ve noticed about Tumblr is that for some people, it can be a great place to turn over and over the deeper and more difficult facets of a situation with multiple contradictory facts. For others, it can be a forum to angrily battle down the discomfort of uncertainty by declaring anything difficult to be false, and anything challenging to be simple. If you’ve come this far in this post, I hope you choose the former. 
The third of the three pilgrimage holidays falls late enough in the year that Hebrew schools often struggle to teach it, since it falls at or after the end of the school year. It commemorates our ancestors receiving the Torah, and traditions include staying up all night the day before to study Torah and Jewish-related subjects, decorating with flowers, and eating dairy products. Blintzes are a traditional food, but cheesecake is ubiquitous, and ice cream makes an appearance at kids’ activities. Most congregations will hold an all-night study session, sometimes together with other local congregations, where clergy and lay leaders will take turns presenting words of Torah through whatever lens fits their expertise. 
Work is prohibited on Shavuot: this is not a good day to schedule that professional conference. 
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Palette: floral tones of red, blue, pink, purple, white, and orange.
The colors of flowers define the visuals of Shavuot. As a kid we sometimes made flower crowns out of construction paper, and I’d love the chance to lean into this as a craft project for older kids some year combined with words of Torah...when Shavuot next falls within the school year again. Other visual symbols include the Ten Commandments, Mount Sinai, and stalks of wheat, a reference to the Book of Ruth.
Tisha B’Av
Tisha B’Av falls during July-ish and is the designated anniversary of every disaster to befall the Jewish people. It’s the anniversary of the destruction of the central Temple in Jerusalem (both times), but it’s also the anniversary of the first Crusade, of expulsions of the Jews from various European countries in the middle ages, and of various key events of the Holocaust, in modern times. Work is not prohibited on Tisha B’Av, but since Jewish adults who are physically and psychologically able to will be fasting from food and drink that day, it would be kind to avoid scheduling anything strenuous.
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Palette: shades of brown and tan, with hints of green: Jerusalem stone and the scrubby Negev desert.
The iconic image associated with Tisha B’Av is the Western Wall: the destruction of the building that once formed the central focus of our culture, and the associated exile and diaspora, echo throughout the other disasters associated with this day. Even for Jewish communities whose custom is not to hope for a literal rebuilding of the Temple, it speaks to the danger and loss of unity that comes of being outsiders wherever we go, and the longing to return one day to a state of safety and peace.
There are a few minor holidays or holidays only celebrated by certain ethnicities of Jews, which I didn’t create palettes for. If you have suggestions, let me know!
Before ending this post, I’d like to reiterate my request that Christian artists respect that Judaism is not a sect of Christianity. I can’t control what you choose to do with this resource, but if you choose to make Christian or Jesus-related art appropriating Jewish imagery, please be honest: do not claim that you’re doing it out of respect for Jews or Jewish culture, say you’re aware that you’re doing something unwelcome and inappropriate and have chosen to do it anyway.
But if you’ve been wanting to draw Jewish people or characters doing Jewish things beyond just wearing blue to a Christmas party, I hope this post has helped, and I’m happy to field any follow-up questions about Jewish holidays and art. 
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attackfish · 3 years
I just wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Hanukkah
Awww thank you! I don't know what, if any, holidays you celebrate this time of you, but I hope your December and January are lovely and full of light.
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gayjaytodd · 3 years
Happy Hanukkah, folks!
חַג חֲנֻכָּה שָׂמֵחַ!
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zebratoys · 1 year
נר שמיני של חֲנֻכָּה ♡ עַל הַנִּסִּים וְעַל הַנִּפְלָאוֹתח‘ חֲנֻכָּה ב’ רֹאשׁ חֹדֶשׁ טֵבֵת תשפ”גחֹדֶשׁ טֵבֵת טוֹב וּמְבֹרָךְ עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַג חֲנוּכָּה שָׂמֵחַ ♥ אָמֵן Happy Holidays Season and Happy Hanukkah Blessings from the Holy Land of Israel ♡ Amen.Fill your heart with love. Togetherness is a true gift. Beam Light.Sanctify angelic holiness to enrich our Sacred souls by channeling Holy Divine qualities that shine with the unifying light of love.Happy Holy Days, God Bless us all, Amen.Wishing us happy and blessed holidays surrounded by friends and family.
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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German and Austrian soldiers celebrating Hanukkah 1916 in the front lines during the First World War.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה ה’, אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם, אֲשֶׁר קִדְּשָׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו, וְצִוָּנוּ לְהַדְלִיק נֵר חֲנֻכָּה.
Historia Obscurum
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peach-pot · 3 years
Happy Hanukkah! Chanukah?
happy Chanukah! I spell it that way cause it’s easier for me to remember lol, I always wanna spell the other one with two Ns instead of two Ks. Chanukah just has one of each I can handle that.
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С Праздником Обновления Храма Божьего! Святая и светлая Ханука! חֲנֻכָּה Торжество веры нашей! Сегодня уже четвёртый день празднества сего! С воскресного вечера 18 декабря и до позднего вечера 26 декабря в сем 2022 году мы празднуем Хануку! Поздравляю всех с наступающим 2187-летием Великой Победы Божьего народа Израиля в борьбе с захватчиками и с восстановлением Храма Божьего, свершенного в те великие дни еврейскими героями - Маккавеями! Праздник Обновления для нас, новозаветных верующих, это не только воспоминание древних событий и подвигов наших праотцов, но и день сегодняшний - обновление Третьего Храма Божьего, созидаемого вот уже два тысячелетия из нас, из живых камней, на основании апостолов и пророков, имея краеугольным камнем нашего ��пасителя и Господа! Иисус Христос - Свет всем народам земли, и слава народа Божьего Израиля! Именно на Хануку Господь сказал самый главный наш секрет обновления - Я и Отец одно!
#АрхиепископСергейЖуравлев #РПЦХС #КиевскаяАрхиепископия
22 декабря 2022 / 28 #Кислев 5783 года от сотворения мира по Библейскому, иудейскому исчислению лет!   Двадцать восьмой день Девятого месяца 3334 года от нашего Исхода из рабства Египетского! + Подписывайтесь на мой канал, друзья церковной Реформации: https://www.youtube.com/user/BishopZhuravlev/
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#ХагХанукаСамеах חג חנוכה שמח
🕎 ✡
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Иуда Маккавей יהודה המכבי‏‎
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