countriesgame · 5 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Kazakhstan, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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vestaignis · 4 months
Красные маковые поля Казахстана.
Red poppy fields of Kazakhstan.
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Начало мая – прекрасная пора цветения маковых полей на юге и юго-востоке Казахстана. Они радуют глаз всего две недели, в зависимости от погодных условий. Яркие алые поля раскинулись на десятки гектаров , на их площади в большинстве своём, растут самосейки и мак павлиний.
Цветение маков проще всего запечатлеть алматинцам. Поля есть вдоль Капшагайской и Кульджинской трасс. В большом количестве цветы растут в предгорьях Тянь-Шаня, растянувшись вдоль гор, и на полях в сторону Кыргызстана. Важно отметить, что маки каждый год кочуют, поэтому необходимо в сезон цветения проверять в соцсетях актуальную информацию по их местоположению.
The beginning of May is a wonderful time for poppy fields to bloom in the south and southeast of Kazakhstan. They are pleasing to the eye for only two weeks, depending on weather conditions. Bright scarlet fields stretch over tens of hectares, and in their area, for the most part, self-seeding and peacock poppy grow.
The blossoming of poppies is easiest for Almaty residents to capture. There are fields along the Kapshagai and Kuldzha highways. Flowers grow in large numbers in the foothills of the Tien Shan, stretching along the mountains, and in the fields towards Kyrgyzstan. It is important to note that poppies migrate every year, so it is necessary to check social networks for up-to-date information on their location during the flowering season.
/procvetok.com/247327/, https://t.me/+HLoqW4OcT5VjZjM6,
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ponosdeda · 12 days
"In Kazakhstan, a murder occurred in the BAU restaurant in the city of Astana. According to the Astana city police, a report was received about a quarrel between visitors, as a result of which a woman died from bodily injuries. The murderer of his second wife is the former Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan Kuandyk Bishimbayev.
Kuandyk Bishimbayev's cousin was at the crime scene on November 9th, and he testified. On the morning of November 9th, Kuandyk Bishimbayev called his cousin and asked him to come to the restaurant quickly.
Around 9:30 a.m., he arrived at the restaurant and saw that the light was on in the first VIP booth. I knocked, but Bishimbayev did not allow me to enter, asking me to bring a blanket. That's what he did - he went to the dressing room, took two blankets and entered the stall. There I saw Saltanat Nukenova lying motionless, she was snoring heavily.
He thought the woman was asleep. Although then I noticed traces of blood on the floor at the entrance. Bishimbayev covered the woman with two blankets brought in front of his eyes. After that, my brother closed the booth and went to his office. Around one o'clock in the afternoon, Bishimbayev called him again and told him to bring cigarettes, aspirin and ketonal. When he received his things, he ordered all the staff to be released so that no one would stay in the restaurant. The brother completed the assignment, dismissed the people and returned to the office.
At half past one in the afternoon, Bishimbayev wrote to him on WhatsApp: "Delete all surveillance videos in the gastroenterology center." My brother immediately called the administrator and gave this order to remove all video from surveillance cameras not only in the restaurant, but also in the entire gastrocenter. At 13:45 I went down to the control room to make sure that the video was deleted.
At 14:00, Bishimbayev again summoned him to his office. When he entered the cabin, he saw that Nukenova was still lying on the couch, but he did not come close. Kuandyk asked him to find his wife's iPhone. They started looking together, but they didn't find it in the restaurant. Then Bishimbayev asked to see the interior of the car (Toyota Land Cruiser), the phone was really lying there on the panel.
Upon returning, my brother heard the following request: to take this phone home to Nukenova, but on the way, be sure to stop at the Fitness Palace and stay there for 10-15 minutes, since her brother tracks the phone by geolocation. After that, Bishimbayev demanded to return.After that, Bishimbayev demanded to return quickly, and upon arrival stated that he was hungry and ordered food at 16:20. They ate together in the common room of the restaurant. At the end of the meal, Bishimbayev asked his brother to go to the booth to look at Nukenova, then he noticed that she had stopped snoring.
He said he needed to call an ambulance, but the answer was "she's asleep." It happened at 16:35, and at 16:40 Bishimbayev called him in his office again and asked him to check the woman's pulse.
In the testimony, the brother said that only after checking the pulse, he realized that Nukenova was dead, and called an ambulance from his phone. After 15 minutes, I met the doctors, Bishimbayev was next to Nukenova at that moment and was panicking, hysterical. Police officers arrived immediately after the ambulance.
The deleted video was restored, and the footage at 7:00 and so shows Bishimbayev severely beating a woman.
Experts have restored the video and claim that it was not a technical failure, as explained in the gastro center, but a deliberate deletion of the video, which is also confirmed by the testimony of Bishimbayev's brother."
this incident lasted 6 MONTHS, imagine this! I’m ashamed of my homeland, after 6 months there was a trial, he was imprisoned for only 10 years, the state has disgraced itself in front of all the people of Kazakhstan, I'm angry that I was born in a country that ranks first in the CIS for the rape of women....
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May your soul sleep peacefully Saltanat...
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nebrizkiy · 4 months
Вот закончится война и мииир наступит
Ахахахахаха, бл#, вот умора, ахахахахаха. Война закончится, ахахахахаха. Мииир наступит 😂😂😂.
Вы не видите, что в мире творится? Это похоже на то, что скоро наступит мир?
КНДР запустила ракеты в сторону Сеула, на Ближнем востоке атакуются коммерческие суда, на Балканах снова революции, страны объединяются в коалиции, аля Иран-Россия-КНДР.
Я не знаю, каким надо быть невменяемым, чтоб глядя на все это верить, что скоро война закончится и мир наступит.
Продолжать х#йней заниматься: образование получать, будто оно в будующем пригодится, семьи заводить, будто будут нормальные стабильные условия для ее существования, вместо того, чтоб жить как душе угодно. Как в последний раз: пить, заниматься с#ксами, спать до полудня, смотреть деградационные сериалы.
Не будет мира! Не-бу-дет. Хватит надеяться и обманывать себя. Все, начинайте жить!
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afranse · 4 months
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Узбеки, таджики, киргизы
Поверят в наивные сказки,
И будут в российском гражданстве
Искать на проблемы ответ.
На фронт призовут их с ухмылкой,
И станет посмертным гражданство.
Узбекам, таджикам, киргизам
Не стоит вступать в этот бред,
Который ещё называют
Россией, где силой нечистой,
Мужчин отправляет кривая
На тот свет по воле чекиста.
Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz
May believe in naive fairy tales,
And acquire Russian citizenship
Looking for answers to problems.
They will be drafted in the army with a grin,
And citizenship become posthumous.
Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz
Should avoid by all means this nonsense,
Which is also called
Russia, where evil spirits times unfold,
And men are sent en masse
To the underground world.
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ruscatontheroof · 11 months
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jiggling-money · 1 year
Yellow Guy
Ребят, я художница из Казахстана и принимаю заказы через Kaspi Gold, если заинтересованы на счёт арта можете написать в комментах :>💜
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hikemoona · 1 year
КаЗаХ~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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raven3ds · 8 months
ДРУГОЙ КАЗАХСТАН: Космическая природа парка Алтын-Эмель. Поющий Бархан, Цветные горы Актау 
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trevor-darkwood · 9 months
Your boy Trevor is in Kazakhstan!!!
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lesyahappylisica · 1 year
Офис EY в Казахстане. Массажное кресло, PS и разделение мусора
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tovarischnovikov · 2 years
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valem970 · 2 years
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#photo #photographer #go_planet #nikon #пейзаж #ландшафт #архитектура #природа #казахстан #талдыкорган #капал #алматинскаяобласть #джунгарскийалатау #кора #коринскоеущелье #водопад #бурханбулак #2016 (at Джунгарский Алатау) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj8He7xK2an/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ventilaciaastana · 2 years
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afranse · 2 years
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Спасибо большое Токаеву -
Он слушал словесный понос.
Потом намекнул комфортабельно,
Что сдохнет имперский Барбос.
Пусть как Соловьёвa в безумном вранье,
Ведут Симонян на удой,
Но не по дороге Казахской стране
С путлеровской ордой.
Thank you so much Tokaev -
He listened to the fables of ghoul.
Then he made clear entirely
That he hates imperial bull.
Like Solovyov in his endless lies,
Simonyan increases rave milk yield.
But Kazakhstan have a great time
Despising Kremlin’s horde appeal.
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rinchkitty · 2 years
Впервые путешествие за границу
Дада, этот заголовок правдив. Я всегда любила ездить, неоднократно писала и сюда об этом. Все же, я за границей. Конечно не далеко.
🇰🇿Казахстан 🇰🇿
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Тяжеловато было ехать, пересадки, автобус. Но здесь. Честно, здесь, где нахожусь особо не отличишь - другая страна это или нет. Другой воздух, другая атмосфера, энергетика.
Электричка и еда. Ахаха, что тут добавить. Нечего. Я так кайфовала от обычного пирожка с огурцом 🥲 Что очень было странно для меня.
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Поездка тяжёлой оказалась только в автобусе. Даже в начале была путаница которая меня напугала. Думаю всё, никуда не поедем, но всё решилось.
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Долго сидели около границы. Впервые проходила пограничный контроль. Новый опыт такой милый. Было немного страшно, ибо стоишь смотришь в камеру будто что-то натворил🤣
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