#[ kinda ]
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tumblr look what i made!!
found some red fleece fabric for cheap in an op shop i had to make a guy i had to
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streaminn · 3 days
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Get someone who matches your freak and more
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just-bee-lieve · 2 days
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Meta gave him bad helmet hair
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pixxyofice · 16 hours
Can I ask for post-canon Sif and Odile content? If you want something more specific, maybe something about Sif coming along with Odile on her way back to Ka Bue after the party splits up?
It's strange to be without everyone. After traveling for more time than you had thought you deserved, everyone truly had to try to settle again.
Bonnie had to go to school more consistently now, and Petronille wanted to stick near Bambouche for that. Mirabelle missed her room in the House, Isabeau at least kind of knew of a fashion designer in Jouvente to take an apprenticeship under.
You weren't sure where you wanted to be yet. Odile wanted to go back to Ka Bue.
So here you were. Just the two of you, wandering the city that made up Ka Bue's landing point. You were told the name, but you can't remember it. You wouldn't be staying here long, anyway.
"... Siffrin." Odile says, after a long period of silence. "You're going into your overthinking quiets again, aren't you."
Ah. Stars. You were about to.
"... It's going to be strange without you, Odile." You say, smiling. "I still worry I'll forget to visit."
"Hah!" Odile ruffles your hair, and you lean into it. "Don't worry, Siffrin. Even if you do, Isabeau will definitely remind you. And if Isabeau forgets," You feel her hand in your hair still. "I will come over and visit you myself. You will not be allowed to forget."
You chuckle, reaching up to her hand and pulling it away from your hair. She pretends to fight back, but does pull away proper. "I'll hold you to that."
"Good. Now, come on. We have to avoid the border guards."
... you don't remember Ka Bue having those? "Wha-"
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morganski-19 · 1 day
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 15
part 1, prev part
note: yeah, this one's going to hurt
Dustin takes a few days before returning to the hospital again. Not because he fully wants to. His mom has been too busy to drive him and Steve’s not really available either. Between work and a period of really bad migraines, Dustin hasn’t wanted to bother him. Which is new to him, but they both could use the break.
This time off has actually helped him some. He’s focusing a bit more on school. Getting assignments done on time and paying more attention in his classes. He’s been able to sleep a little better. Can almost get through the night without waking up in a cold sweat.
It’s been better. So Dustin decides to go visit Eddie again.
Steve’s walking next to him, now up to visiting Eddie. Finally, over whatever was keeping him from even thinking of going into the hospital room unless he needed to. Dustin’s glad, it’s been helping him.
There’s a nurse asking Eddie some questions when they enter. And he’s responding. With words. Not just grunts or blinks. But actual words. Dusitn almost can’t believe it.
“What year is it?” the nurse asks.
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Nineteen,” another breath, “eighty-six.” His voice is scratchy and dry.
“Great,” she marks something on her chart.
Dustin takes his seat next to Wayne, looking hopeful.
“What day of the week is it?”
Eddie closes his eyes, as if he’s trying to pull the memories from his mind. He shakes his head. Looking tired and agitated. The nurse marks another thing on her chart.
Dustin looks to Wayne, the joy in his face falling when he sees the anguish in Wayne’s eyes. There’s something more to this. Something’s wrong.
“Can you tell me what happened right before you came in here, Eddie?”
Dustin freezes and sees Steve tense out of the corner of his eye. Both of them looking to Eddie to see what he says. Knowing that he can’t say what happened. Knowing that he technically could. The NDA waiting for him is left unsigned.
Eddie huffs out a breath, struggling to inhale another one. Starting to peel off the bandages around his IV’s. Struggling, trying to sit up.
“Ed,” Wayne leans forward, trying to reason with him. “We talked about this yesterday. You can’t take those things off. They’re keepin’ you alive, son.”
Yesterday. This isn’t the first time. Eddie’s been more awake for at least a day and no one told him.
Dustin glances at Steve, seeing a mix of emotions on his face. Pain, worry, fear. A deep, rich sadness. Like he knows the words Eddie is going to say next. Knows how terrible they are.
“Fuck you,” Eddie exhales. The look in his eyes both blank and full of anger. He continues to pick at the bandage, succeeding in getting it off.
Wayne grabs Eddie’s wrist, pulling it away from his IV. “I know you don’t mean that.”
“Fuck,” breathe, “you.” The anger doesn’t leave Eddie’s face. Terrifying in how much is translated with how little is expressed. The tiredness holding his muscles back from properly emoting. Yet perfectly getting the point across.
Steve leans down to whisper in Dustin’s ear. “Maybe we should leave. Come back later.”
Eddie’s head lifts when he finally registers Steve and Dustin’s presence. A new flicker of something comes to his face. Just to melt off again. Back to the resting ghost that’s taken over.
“Out,” he snaps. Pushing his arm into the air and pointing at Steve. “Out.”
“I think it’s best you both leave,” the nurse interjects. Trying to hold the IV in Eddie’s arm as he continues to pull.
Normally, Dusitn would protest. Say that he needs to be here. That it would make things better. But it’s only a matter of time until the anger turns on him. He’s not sure he could take that.
Wayne has to pry Eddie’s hand away from the IV again, holding it close to the bar. Just like another cuff. Eddie’s using all of his strength to try and wrench it away. But he’s weak. Falls into the pillows breathless. Exhausted.
Tears start to form in his eyes as his face scrunches up. A soundless sob releasing from his throat. He tries to fight the nurse while she’s reapplying the bandage around his IV. Finally giving up.
Eddie opens his eyes again, finally looking at Dustin. Taking one more giant breath before saying the first thing to him since he died. Tears painting down his face. Pain indented in his eyes.
“Leave,” he whispers. Pleads.
Dustin stands and leaves the room, only making a few steps before his own sob breaks free. There was no look of recognition in Eddie’s eyes. No spark when he saw Dustin. Nothing to give him any solace that Eddie knew who he was. Knew what Dustin meant to him. Knew what happened in those last moments. As Eddie’s body crumbled in Dustin arms.
He remembered none of it. But it remembered him.
Steve pulls Dustin away from the hallway. Wraps his arms around him, holding the pieces as they fall. As the hope Dustin foolishly held shatters. He thought waking up meant Eddie was getting better.
He now sees how wrong that idea was.
They sit silently next to each other in the waiting room. Dustin’s tears drying on his cheeks. Steve not knowing what to say, so just not saying anything at all. It’s deafening.
Wayne finds them after some time. Sits across from them. Silent, until he clears his throat. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
Dustin wants to respond. Ask what happened in the days he wasn’t here. But his mouth can’t seem to open for the words to form.
“Eddie,” Wayne continues. “Eddie’s goin’ through a bit of amnesia after fully waking up. It’s making him angry, and he’s fightin’ just because of the pain. It’s nothing against you.”
Dustin wasn’t in the room when Will was possessed by the Mind Flayer. He’s only heard the stories from Mike. How Will didn’t remember him that much. Could barely remember his own mom. How the monster took the memories and hid them away. Smothered them. Sequestered Will in his own mind.
Eddie wasn’t controlled by the Mind Flayer. Or anything from the Upside Down. Dustin had given El a picture of Eddie and asked her to see if he was the only one in there. That there was nothing lingering in the depths of his mind that would take him away.
It apparently didn’t need monsters to do that. Sometimes life did that for them.
“Do they know when, if, the amnesia will go away?” Steve asks. Dustin still speechless.
Wayne shakes his head, fighting the mist in his eyes. “Could be days, could be weeks. Won’t know until he’s more conscious. He’s still in and out of sleep, probably won’t be up again till tomorrow.”
Tomorrow. Dustin can only hope that Eddie remembers him tomorrow.
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
@here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium,
@resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly,
@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
@devondespresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug,
@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
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backcourts · 1 day
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ikay this is like my last spam post but affliction warrior son or stussy demon daughter
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raffi-cat · 3 days
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wishkeeper eating/drinking soup (featuring baby duskfall who is very excited about the soup)
draw your oc prompts part 5
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room-of-lies · 1 day
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certified girl moment
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xenahikart · 3 days
My only contribution to RadioRose week
Combined day 6 Dates and day 7 Human AU
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soulspark · 6 hours
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numberonepartyboy · 3 days
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quick overlord doodle
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maskofnova · 2 hours
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She can't say anything because this is just payback from when Surge did the same thing yesterday.
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sirskinnyjeans · 12 hours
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rosemary amirite
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evesevilart · 1 day
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Projecting my interests onto the guys
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jout--jout · 1 day
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vid version of gif under the cut
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