#[ it's sO refreshing ]
fairytalehag · 3 days
Loving doctor who doing a gay historical drama. Would watch an entire show of just Ncuti going flirting around with uptight victorian men and ruby being noisy about the scandalous society drama
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abyssalhuntersnerd · 27 days
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Cunt. She's such a little cunt. What are all of those bows for? For Skadi to seductively take them off with her mouth? What's that pose too, to show off how damn cute you can be even though you are being full of chaos and cockiness? She looks like a little sailor. God I hate her so goddamn much. I want to kiss that stupid forehead of hers, I love her so much. I miss my fish.
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i once saw someone on Reddit complain that it's "unrealistic" and "feels uncanny valley" that "none of the PJSK characters show romantic interest or even mention past relationships/crushes despite being teenagers in high school" well maybe they're all just aspec how about that (joking sorta but that would be really funny)
also if that person really believed that "none" of the characters ever show romantic interest i'm convinced they had their eyes closed any time Minori or Anhane were on screen
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bugtransport · 11 months
god i love the way older people use technology. my boss just sent me an email asking me to photoshop an image for her and she attached the image in question as a png saved inside of a word doc
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mikaikaika · 1 year
People respecting and caring for female streamers and communicating the same to them on a server my beloved <3 <3 <3
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sasdavvero · 5 months
whenever my girlfriend talks about me online she uses the they pronoun and it makes me so happy because everyday I can't address myself with neutral pronouns/adjectives because italian is a shit language, so seeing her use the they is like prendere una boccata d'aria yk?
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nayruwu · 2 years
i loved that chapter so much and i'm not even exaggerating.
like, first of all, the art. ashera looks absolutely stunning in this style and the hair seems more detailed than usual. i love his eye being visible through the hair and i'm pretty sure they didn't do this before.
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and god the scenes. ashera going absolutely ham and giving the slave traders a taste of their own medicine is both incredibly sad and satisfying.
i think one of the things i liked most here was this.
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just. brrr. shivers. they're buying child slaves to drain their blood but then see a monster when one of their victims comes back and attacks in a desperate attempt to save their loved one. and that panel of his eye man the emotion!!!
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and him crying like this. we know vampires can keep someone in their heart that they can cling onto to feel, and we know she was his reason to do everything he did. but to see him shaking and sobbing like this--
and when krul said she often dreamt of her brother coming to save her when "things were really bad"... god sibling relationships in stories just fuck me up every time why would you do this
i'm also wondering if they did something to her eyes. it seemed like she couldn't open them and they were bleeding pretty badly
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i am going to explode my favourite characters are dying peacefully and i cannot stop it !!
she's such a sweetheart this little girl did nothing to deserve this
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"bring back" is a weird way to say this. can his blood transform corpses or is this just a translation error?
"your sister is dying in peace. do you want to see her so badly that you'll pull her into hell?" the catastrophe parallels. "even if it's hell, i want my sister back!" GOD. a child screaming 'i want them back' is just so raw and close to home every time :( so many characters struck by incredible amounts of grief are being driven to make impossible choices in this story.
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dragonsaltartales · 1 year
I think this is the first time in a very long time that I just look through my own art repeatedly and smile.
Is it weird to say that Bugsnax has quite literally changed my life?? In a very good way that I've been craving for years!
I'm just very happy and wanted to air out the feelings. ♥
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expatesque · 1 year
12.04.2023 // A revelation: I am so not ready to leave Bermuda. I have friends visiting from London now, then straight to my cousin's bachelorette, then straight to Mexico. After I get back I have like 2.5 weeks before I go -- and I just feel like I'm getting my rhythm! I might love it here.
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callioope · 11 months
Funny how when I'm a player at our next D&D session, the weeks trudge by and it feels like forever since we played
But when I'm GMing it's like Oh shit! How is the session already this weekend?!
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
To the people who donated to my ko-fi, thank you so much!!! I dont check my emails, so I didn't see them until the universe told me to go look at it lol It's honestly very much appreciated and very unexpected. It feels so nice to be in a fandom where I don't feel like I'm wasting my time writing or have to push and shove to have my writing noticed. (I won't tag because idk if you'd be comfortable with that. I did send thank yous back, but I wanted to reiterate it on here too 💗
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k0kichiimagines · 1 year
he had watermelon in the summer thing, saeyoung watermelon lover !!
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bemysinphony · 1 year
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these three pics actually changed my life today
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omnipenne · 1 month
Superman Red and Blue is the best anthology I've read.
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crimeronan · 8 months
god i wish i wouldn't have to explain the intricacies of the neopets economy to you guys to give the full context for this but. the new neopets team that took over from jumpstart pledged that they were going to curb the inflation of rare items, which is great because a lot of rare items are worth literally hundreds of millions of neopoints, they are unbuyable unless you've been playing actively for 20 years. they did this earlier with a site festival that included random loot boxes, some of which had Unbelievably Fucking Rare And Precious items worth 200 million neopoints apiece.
today they have gone a step further. by releasing this year's trick-or-treat bags. and having the trick-or-treat bags be stuffed to the brim with unbelievably fucking rare stamps, weapons, paint brushes, defense magic, and other unbuyables. (all prohibitively expensive and in-high-demand types of items.)
jellyneo, the premier neopets website, has recorded prices of some items plummeting from 2,000,000 neopoints to 4,000 neopoints IN THE LAST THREE HOURS. this is when most people haven't even heard about the event or OPENED THEIR BAGS YET.
and of course. cherry on top. 20-year-old account holders are crytyping on the site events neoboard about how mean and cruel it is to make rare stamps part of the prize pool, because their entire identity hinges on being part of the neopian bourgeoisie, and they are having MELTDOWNS over their assets being devalued until they're part of the lowly proletariat.
this is a children's game for children btw.
none of the money is real.
i'm having such a good time.
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shopofstars · 4 months
I got my strawberry acai, I'm so happy I love it so much😭
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