#[ being tipsy is literally a status effect ]
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My Top 8 Best Acting Moments from Aidan Gallagher!
Thank You to Anonymous for Requesting
Analysis Below
>>Warning: This is a giant post, so don’t click “read more” unless you genuinely want to read more. Otherwise, you’ll be scrolling for a long-ass time. This analysis covers the acting, psychology, and writing genius of Five Hargreeves.<<
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So, this may be the lowest on this list, but it is by no means his weakest acting scene. My god, this scene is incredible because of the accuracy given the age and, henceforth, the experience of the actor.
Acting is effective if the person is able to accurately tell a truth whilst in imaginary circumstances. In order to act powerfully, we are commonly taught to connect complicated emotional situations to something we know well and, therefore, can portray well.
For many, being drunk isn’t anything new. And being tipsy isn’t exactly uncommon to act out. But for a fourteen-year-old, this is awesome to see because it is incredibly accurate. And, given the character’s psychological/emotional status, it’s even more impressive.
Here’s why:
So, right off the bat, listening to Aidan’s speech is something awesome. His clear yet natural slurring, his guttural tone: these two things are perfect indications of intoxication, since volume control is practically gone and drunk people don’t think things through. They just talk, and talk, and stumble because their inhibitions are so low.
It’s can really be heard, best, when he says, “she said it makes me surly” and when Diego whips around, he says, “hmm?”
Another thing that makes this so fun to watch is the fact that Aidan is completely lax. Being carried is one sign of that, yes, but even his subtle movements are loose. He did his homework, not only for the vocalization of someone who is drunk, but also for their movements.
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Look how loose his movements are. He just tosses his hand up, lets it drop back down, and his head is too heavy, flopping all around. Completely uncoordinated and smooth, which is a bright contrast to Five’s usual coordinated, sharp, and calculated movements. The character is relatively rigid, which makes sense given his psychology and traumas.
Speaking of traumas.
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There is this beautiful, subtle self-soothing movement going on right here. It’s a clear comfort to him, and after the night he has had, and the trauma he has endured, it makes perfect sense for him to be clinging to her as such. Whether Aidan knew what he was doing with this, I can’t say, but what I can say was that it was a fantastic choice of action to follow through with.
KEY NOTES: Acting drunk is all about fluidity. You make yourself as liquid-y as possible. Become one with the water, though not in an elegant way. Rather, become the cup that’s just tipped over. Water is spilling over the side, getting everywhere, aimlessly spreading across the tabletop. It’s a mess, it has no direction nor stability, etc.
Aidan follows through with this beautifully. I could gush about this all day, just as I could with so much of his acting. Acting drunk is hard, even for some adults. Luckily, he has it on his side that Five is so completely opposite of what we see here, that him being so flimsy and giggly is strange as shit.
Additionally, if you’re ever needing to act drunk, do the opposite of your character, given the script allows it. If the character is normally very carefree and lighthearted, become the depressed, crying drunk, or the angry drunk. Or, like Aidan, if your character is normally rigid, become a giggling mess that can’t take shit seriously.
On to the next, where it’s more about the psychology of a character rather than the physical acting of the actor...
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This scene. This was the moment that made me realize just how much I adored Five when he’s absolutely batshit. Unlike most of this list, where internal conflict and monologue drives for an impressive performance, in this case, it is the external conflict and monologue that makes this scene fantastic!
Here’s why:
It is an absolute rollercoaster of emotions for Five Hargreeves.
Seriously, this guy is leaping from emotion to emotion, bouncing between frustration to borderline panic to bitter glee to mania to relief. You can practically see the gears turning in Aidan’s head throughout the entire scene as he throws Five through the ringer.
So, from the top, we’re given this glorious moment, both a genius writing move and fantastically acted.
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The vending machine.
I know a lot of people are like, “hell yeah” because Aidan gets to say “fuck”, or because he’s just off the shits. There are many reasons to love this scene. But I especially love this scene because it’s really introducing to the audience exactly what’s going to happen: intensity, violence, and Five snapping, losing his cool in a lapse of fear and frustration and desperation. And it’s beautifully encapsulated in this one fucking scene.
Aidan’s acting here might seem easy, and in a sense, it is. It’s easy to ram your shoulder against a vending machine and shake it and get mad. But what isn’t easy is knowing why you’re doing this, and feeling it. Just from observation and process of elimination, Aidan’s likely mostly a method-based actor. He bases his acting, and his characters, in his own reality. That means that, if Five is panicked, Aidan will force panic upon himself. He’ll induce an emotion physically to get a psychological and emotional reaction.
And here, it’s clear that whatever he was thinking out, however he had prepped for this scene, was working. Because you can freeze these frames and, sure, see funny faces. But you’ll also see flashes of fear, of desperation, of panic, of anger. Fear and panic because he may fail his siblings, he may not be able to save them. Desperation because he needs this to work, he is going to murder all these people and so he needs it to work. And anger because the Handler is making him do this again; he’s right under her thumb once more.
All of these emotions, every damn one, is played out in this one. fucking. scene. And that’s insane.
Those emotions come to a head here:
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Aidan’s deep, stabilizing breath grounds Five. He has gotten his rage and desperation and fear out. Now, there’s only one thing for Five to do: murder the Board. And it’s an instant click here.
There’s the deep breath. The understanding. The resignation to what needs to be done.
Then a head turn.
Then boom. Look carefully. You can see the light drain from his eyes, see the hesitation bleed out right there. Right there. All within a breath, head turn, a beat, then a face forward.
That is some intense grasp on your physicality, your emotions, and your portrayal of those emotions. Aidan’s always been fantastic at emoting, but subtle scenes like this just prove his class in it. It’s incredible to see.
And then this scene:
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This shit is actually an amazing move on Aidan’s part. It holds both literal and metaphorical weight: he sighs, from exhaustion, because Five is fucking tired after jumping that much, expending that much energy in a short amount of time, and narrowly letting his target escape. But it’s also showing a mental exhaustion, a wearing of the mind on the body. He sighs from relief, but it’s ironic, because the fight is far from over.
And you can see that.
Notice how Aidan may be sighing - sighing with his whole body - but the exhaustion is still in his eyes, his brow is still furrowed. There is no relief there, because there isn’t any relief for Five in this moment. His mission has been accomplished, but he has to deal with the Handler, with the aftermath, with the repercussions of his selfish actions to save his family.
And you can see it all in this movement.
KEY NOTES: When acting out internal conflict, be subtle. Obvious movements are made for obvious, external conflicts. A person who punches first in a bar fight as an obvious external conflict. But, like shown here, a person who is breaking from the inside out will have external action, but also internal emotion that comes out in the most subtle of ways, whether it be through expression, through contradicting action (the sigh, but no visible relief), etc.
More often than not, in the arts, less is more. However, you first need to understand the more to be able to do the less. So analyze the scene, analyze the character, understand it fully, and feel it truthfully.
Onto the next!
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This scene is quick but beautiful.
I love the entire apocalypse scene, and I’m sure you do as well. But this one moment right here. This moment where he sees Klaus and backs away? Fucking beautiful.
Let’s just zoom in, shall we?
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Yes, a lovely grainy gif. But God it shows everything you need it to. This scene is a fucking gutpunch, and here’s why:
You can see every flicker of emotion, every transition. It’s in the way his mouth eventually closes, the way he backs up, slowly. It’s so fucking evident that Five is heartbroken, and you can see the thoughts going through his head. The realization that this is Klaus, that his siblings are dead, that he is alone in this apocalypse and his family is dead. The tears in his eyes...
God, bro. It hits so good.
Not being able to use dialogue can sometimes be difficult, because the actor doesn’t have a key part of their craft with them: words. Being able to emote, to shift from emotion to emotion so seamlessly with just a meager movement of the jaw while backing away. It’s incredible.
That’s literally all this is about. I chose this as my number six because it is so powerful within only a hundred-or-so frames. Having an actor be able to emote to clearly with just facial expression...
Shit, bro. Shit. It’s fantastic.
Like I said, the rest of this scene is amazing, and him finding his other siblings is intense, but this look right here is just...unparalleled. 
KEY NOTES: Feel that shit. If you can’t feel it, craft a narrative to make yourself feel it. Again, acting is always about believing and living truthfully in imaginary circumstances, and sometimes it’s difficult to express emotions and feelings as is, let alone without dialogue. To help that, think of something.
For example, in this scene, if I were Aidan, I would think about the fact that these people I love are dead, the world as I know it is destroyed. Sure, I may not know that literal feeling, but I do understand the feeling of hopelessness, of feeling so utterly alone. Make it so that you’re able to live truthfully, however you need to do that. People usually don’t have completely empty heads; they’re thinking of things, of many things, often. So think about those things in-scene and in-character, and feel it.
Additionally, this is going back to the less is more. Aidan barely moves, here. His expression is relatively static but that slow back away, that hardening of his jaw, those things are gentle shifts that drastically change the way Five is in the scene. He goes from shocked, slack-jawed and glassy-eyed, to feeling cold realization as he closes his mouth and backs away, the understanding dawning upon him.
I could gush about this for decades...
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This whole barn scene is just...gold as fuck. But this scene in particular, with the interwoven flashbacks of Five’s siblings, his father, his instances with time travel. The realizations that cross his face are beautiful, which in turn, makes this scene fantastic.
Get ready for some awkwardly close close-ups, because I’m about to explain some really cool shit as to how Aidan’s using facial expressions to navigate pain, realization, fear, surprise, etc.
So here’s why:
That’s how. A lot of what makes this scene powerful from an acting perspective is because Aidan completely suspends himself in disbelief. There are a lot of surprises that come to Five in this moment, and Aidan feels them all. And he feels them powerfully. He feels the shock around the pain of being shot, on top of it.
So to kick it off! Here:
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Aidan’s living in this moment. He’s living in the anger of the Handler, thinking he’s going to die right here. His siblings have just been murdered again, by this bitch. And the audience is able to live in that with him. His eyes harden. His jaw sets. He’s breathing tight around the pain, infuriated, either shaking from the agony or the hatred or both.
Five is so caught up in that moment, and Aidan suspends himself in that moment so clearly, that the next moment is powerful as shit.
The Handler gets shot.
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She gets turned to swiss-fucking-cheese right in front of him, and the way Aidan lets Five live in every second is beautiful. He goes from shocked, to confused, to going, “oh shit, that looks painful”. And it’s muted by his pain. Aidan doesn’t need to move much, he doesn’t need to make a grandiose gesture. It’s wide eyes, it’s knitted eyebrows, it’s swallowing around the blood and letting Five be in this moment.
And then Five realizes - Aidan lets Five realize - that the Swede has taken the Handler’s place. That he’s going to die all over again.
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There is that anger again. That pure fucking spite. It’s the look of a man who would murder someone if he could sit up. His jaw sets from before, where it was slack with surprise and sympathetic pain. Look how sharp his eyes are. Boy is fucking pissed and it’s beautiful.
Let’s hop back! Back to movement!
Aidan’s squirming around here?
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Realistic as shit. Five’s just been shot. That’s absolute agony. And there’s blood coming down the side of his mouth, which means his lungs have somehow been hurt. He can’t talk, breathing must suck, and so of course he’s writhing on the ground.
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And this?
Is Five clenching his hands from pain? Is he trying to blink? What’s going on here? I don’t know, maybe Aidan does, but either way, both motivations are powerful. Five may be trying to blink away. He may be trying to tap into his powers instinctively. Or maybe he’s squirming in pain, clenching and unclenching his fists. And that shit punches. It’s so subtle, but so good, keeping the audience in the moment. No matter where you look on his body, whether his hands, his face, his chest - it all shows the agony he’s in, the desperation he’s swimming in.
Which then leads to the coolest fucking moment:
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Look at how his eyes shift, only just so. His brows furrow only slightly. He’s realizing what’s going on, what he can do to save his family. Aidan played this perfectly. Again, less is more. These subtle movements make so much sense, because Five has been shot, he’s losing blood fast, and it’s dulling his movements and senses.
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And when Five begins turning back the seconds?
The pain, the shock, the “holy shit this is working???” My god, you can see him choking on the blood and around the agony. You can see his hesitation, his being startled by his own powers, by what he is capable of. The rapid blinking, the jumping eyebrows, the gasping for air as the bullets likely begin ripping out of him.
KEY NOTES: Subtle subtle subtle. Live in that moment. Suspend your disbelief. Here, in this scene, there are several key shifts. These shifts are supposed to be a massive surprise to Five. And because Aidan is king at staying in the moment, and letting that moment live in him, he is able to display these shifts perfectly.
1st Shift - Realizing he is alive, and his siblings are dead.
2nd Shift - The Handler getting shot.
3rd Shift - Axel moving to kill him.
4th Shift - The realization of his father’s words.
5th Shift - Holy shit time travel is working.
All of them need to have a shift in-scene/with the tone. Aidan shifts this with pure expression. He doesn’t need to utter a single word because he is able to live in that moment and truly let himself be shocked, scared, desperate, angry, etc. So, in order to do this, live in the moment.
Some people say knowing exactly what will happen helps, because you’re able to time your expressions perfectly. Others say that knowing nothing helps, because you’re literally letting yourself be surprised. This truly depends on the actor, and their style. Aidan has expressed that he waits to read his lines until he’s there, on set, because then it’ll be more of a shock to him. That works really well for him (clearly) but it may not work for you, so test that out how you’d like.
Onto the next!
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Is so good.
The moment when Five meets with Dolores again after god knows how much time while he was at the Commission-- It’s beautiful. And again, being the king of the subtle, Aidan can display the perfect mix of emotions that are occurring in this scene.
Here’s what’s up:
As many people may have noticed, a lot of these fantastic, key moments for me, in particular, are special due to subtlety. And subtlety is seen in the micro-expressions displayed through the face, mainly. Specifically, the eyes. Aidan’s ability to act solely through his eyes is something I’m going to focus on for this scene in particular.
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These are his eyes the moment he sees Dolores again. And what’s really, really fucking cool is that Aidan is completely living in this scene. It shows in his eyes: real compassion, real love, real care. Sure, Aidan may not care about the mannequin in front of him, but he is thinking about something, whether that’s Five’s ties to Dolores, or someone in his life that he truly feels fond over.
You can see it.
His eyes soften significantly as the gif continues, and you can even see the corners of his eyes upturn after he says, “Dolores”. There is real love here. The actor is able to portray true love through just the eyes. And that’s insane. Many actors express love through physical action because they may not be actually feeling it. They’ll say, “I love you” but express flatly, with dull eyes and a forced smile.
But here. No, not that shit. This shit has Aidan feeling everything. And it makes a big difference, makes everything feel so much more genuine. Good acting is through the eyes, not the words. Dialogue enhances the story, but being genuine, and selling that story as “reality”, is done by the actor, through the eyes, the subtle expressions, the minimal gestures and movements.
Let’s look at some more eyes?
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Now, I fucking hate looking at eyes. But with Aidan - like with many good actors - I find them fascinating to watch. Because if an actor is feeling it, is living in the moment, they will express fantastically through their eyes. Most human communication is body language/unspoken, and I’m willing to bet a good chunk of that is through the eyes alone.
You can see Five thinking in that second gif, his eyes flicking left, left further, deep in thought for just a second. That is the thing you should be envisioning when authors say, “they could practice see the wheels turning in their head”.
In that first gif, Aidan’s compassion and softness, his quiet eyes, are contrasted by the sharp roll following the “obviously”, which makes the love being expressed to Dolores only that much stronger. It enhances the moment. See, because being too subtle the entire time makes it so the audiences don’t pick up much at all, they don’t feel it. And being too obvious makes you an amateur, makes it comical, almost.
When you’re strong in your craft, you’re able to make every single move in the most calculated of manners, but you make it seem effortless, make it seem natural. That’s incredible shit.
I’m by no means saying Aidan is perfect. He definitely isn’t. But, scenes like this showcase his experience in the field.
Piggybacking off the subtlety discussed earlier, practice living in the moment. There is no real way to practice “being subtle” because it manifests naturally when the actor is living in the moment. Hence why this scene is so high on my list.
So learn to equate the emotions of your characters to your life. Tie your character’s life into yourself, somehow, all while keeping a safe distance. It’s by no means easy, and it takes years to learn how to do that, how to express naturally and not force a single thing. Being vulnerable, and raw, and flawed like that is hard, since so many people are taught that flaws are shameful, that perfection is required for success. But acting, like much of the arts, require you to unravel that believe and be truly vulnerable, exposed to possibly millions of viewers.
So learn to live in the moment. That will shield you all whilst letting you live freely as the character and, therefore, express truthfully and subtly.
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Remember my rant about subtlety?
Yeah, fuck that, because with this, we’re going to talk about going off the rails. But, going off the rails in a tasteful manner. The paradox psychosis scenes were a beautiful contrast to a normally stiff, calculated character. it was satisfying, and entertaining, and so fucking powerful when breaking down the psychology of Five.
So let’s hop into that:
Psychology is everything to a character, because it is everything to humanity, and people as a whole. Every decision made is dictated by psychology, by experiences and how those are compartmentalized and processed in the brain. An action isn’t done without it meaning something to the person.
And the same goes for every character made.
If you are a writer, you need to understand the actions and reactions of your characters based on their experiences and their psychology. If you just...write random shit because you want to, or because it seems funny or creepy, it may be good, but it won’t line up psychologically and it’ll show. It’ll be obvious to those of us that study this day-in-day-out. 
The same goes for acting and actors.
An actor will be much more powerful in their role if they can understand their character’s psychology. The amount of empathy going into this is intense, especially for those playing “villains” or antagonists - those with flimsy morals - because you need to be able to break down, understand, and agree with the psychology of your character. It’ll make them so much more realistic and powerful.
That is why seeing Five - a normally calculated, sharp, careful character - off the shits is the best thing ever. And it’s in-character, too! He’s learned over the years that independence is the key to survival, that thought (as opposed to action, or outbursts) yields better results.
Yet here, in the scene, Five is relying upon Luther’s help. He’s trusting his brother. He’s acting irrationally. He’s skittish. And it’s such a beautiful contrast. Admittedly, this scene is more about the writing than Aidan’s acting, but it is still fantastically acted, and that only adds more to the realism, to the intensity, to the fact that it is so not Five to do this, and yet, it is very much so Five.
That! Is because of body language.
We know it is Five, that it is in-character, because it still follows Five’s normal body language, his gestures, his manic buzzing around despite his words sounding paranoid, despite his actions being rash. I’ve already spent a lot of time on this number already, so I’ll just demonstrate with a specific scene:
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He’s pensive as hell right here. Shoulders tense, shifting back wards. He knows what’s going on, he’s as terrified as he allows himself to be (because he can’t stifle it, perhaps), and it’s so very Five while also being not Five at all. 
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Despite the music telling us it’s all gucci, it is not all gucci. Look at his eyes. They harden. They get dark. His demeanor completely shifts into caution. he swallows. Steels himself. This is the Five we know - a paranoid little shit - and yet, there is fear that is so uncharacteristic. All through Aidan’s beautiful acting. All through him understanding the psychology of Five perfectly. This is why it is required that you understand your character’s every move, every action, every line of dialogue, every thought.
So, this kind of shit throughout the entire paradox psychosis scene is just amazing. And it’s exactly for the reasons listed above. Aidan knows Five. Not only is he Five, but he knows Five. Inside and out. And god does it show.
Know your character. Know them better than you know yourself. Deadass. Know them better thank you know yourself so that you can delve into the meat of their psychology and tweeze out exactly what you need to do in order to act them correctly.
Onto the next!
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This gourmet shit.
Time to get uncomfortably close once again.
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The jaw clench! The cheek tightening! The head tilt! The lips thinning! Look at that beautiful expression. See, acting, like writing, is all based on formula. Now, I’m going to out myself, but I’m autistic. Facial expressions, movements, twitches, etc. aren’t inherent to me, and understanding them and analysis them is a learned behavior.
Actors and writers, like me, need to understand the formula.
Clenched jaw + fidgeting + tightening lips = numerous things, ranging from frustration, to anger, to desperation, to pain.
But when you include the eyes.
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The eyes tell it all. 
Small, watering, tight at the corners, knitted brows. All of these, plus our formula above, create the perfect mix of frustration, desperation, pain, fear.
He is frustrated with the situation, with Vanya. He is desperate to get her to listen. He is in pain because he hates to do this to her, hates to have to fight her on this. And he is scared because what if he has to fight her?
Actors are usually conscious - at least at first - about these movements. They learn to have complete control of their bodies, their faces, down to the muscle. Or, they should. I can’t speak for Aidan, because I’m not him, clearly. But I can safely say that, if he doesn’t consciously have control of his body and understand exactly what’s going on, then he  has some intense intuition about his emotions. He is able to perfectly display a mishmash of emotions, all perfect given the situation, the character, his experiences.
Aidan gives Five the multi-layering goodness that we analysis kids love because Five isn’t just upset. He isn’t just frustrated. He is frustrated on top of being scared, and agonized, and exhausted (you can see the weariness in his eyes; it’s all in the eyes).
I’m not sure if this would help, but try making a formula. If you are worried about your character not doing an emotion right, or wanting to do multiple emotions at once, craft a formula or a chart. 
So, say you want depression and anger. A basic formula could look like this:
Depression = Hollow Eyes + Monotone Voice + Slumped Posture
Anger = Shaking + Sharp Eyes + Clenched Fists 
Then, you can combine the two together. You can have hollowed eyes, and a monotone voice, but also sharpened corners to the eyes, and clenched fists. Here, Aidan is tapping into multiple things, things that have interwoven specifics to their formulas. That’s why it works so beautifully. His eyes scream agony, his jaw tightens with frustration, his eyebrow knit together with frustration--
Bless this kid and his acting.
Anyways, last but definitely not least, here is my final analysis:
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Now, this scene may not seem like the most intense acting ever, but in reality - to me - this shit is insanely powerful. It’s not just the acting going into work here; it’s the blocking, the dialogue, the pacing, the atmosphere, the emotional environment, the music and sound engineering...
It’s a fucking cinematic masterpiece.
But, since I am here to talk about just acting, and just Aidan’s acting, let me tell you about how this scene is made so good. There are two reasons:
One, is that Aidan is a master at post traumatic stress disorder and PTSD psychological processes and how that comes out in action, reaction, dialogue delivery, etc.
And two, he acts like a grown-ass old man.
Let’s talk about the second one first, because why not:
(apologies ahead of time for fucked gifs, this scene is impossible)
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This scene. It’s just a drink. Chill, whatever, right?
It’s the way he moves. The way he drinks. The way he holds himself when he is around Reginald, another man his age. Around another man his age that had abused him, had done him wrong, but in Five’s eyes, some whom he had done wrong, too.
Luther is the sibling that is always said to be in denial about their father’s wrongdoings, but a lot of people neglect the fact that Five is, too. He is just as much in denial as Luther, if not more so by the time season two wraps up.
And it shows.
It shows in the way he moves as if they were equals, when they are so clearly not. He tils his head, gives acknowledgement in the way old men do. The generational gap is closed by Aidan’s movements, not by his words. It’s incredibly satisfying to see Five’s psychology bleeding through as he instinctively shifts from “I’m dealing with a bunch of kids” to “I’m alongside a man my age, my father”.
And speaking of psychology, let’s please talk about PTSD.
Specifically, subtle show not tell of PTSD, all through the eyes.
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Right. Here.
Look, I’m not going to lie, if I analyze this scene, it’ll be the same things you’ve heard before. Everything I gushed about earlier is going to be repeated here for the ultimate finale on this long-ass fucking post.
But, humor me.
Five’s got trauma. Bitch has trauma for days. Though, he doesn’t wear it. He hides it, he buries it, because it is useless to him. Yet, it will always be there. His trauma of abandonment, and survival in the apocalypse, on top of the abuse from his father, the stress of his childhood, and topped off with the murder he had to shoulder for the sake of the Commission. Rarely does this show. Rarely is it seen.
Save for scene likes this. Right. Fucking. Here.
Aidan knows Five. And he knows the traumas Five’s endured.
Five can’t look at his father as he admits his failures, the snide, “I told you so” ringing through his head. He has to acknowledge that his father was right, that he was right all along. This is a burden Five has carried for decades, as seen with his discussion with Diego in 2x02. It’s not something small for him. So, to admit that...
The stare says it all.
His eyes are glazed over, lost in the past. He isn’t looking at Reggie, is looking past him. This is the thousand-yard stare you always read about. These are the eyes of agony, and regret, and a flashback. His eyes flick, flick to the side, towards the camera, as Five remembers something. Aidan knows how to play this. He knows how to play this trauma of remembering, of remembering what he had done to his siblings and how he has failed. And, finally, he is able to look and Reginald but he is choking back something. He swallows thickly, as if it’s almost sickening to do so.
Aidan’s understanding of Five, and his trauma and psychology, and expressing it all through his body language, and expression, and eyes. God, it’s fucking mesmerizing.
Everything here is purely my opinion, but if I were to leave you with anything, acting (and writing) comes down to three basic things:
--Understanding the psychology of your character, through-and-through.
--Understanding your body, your expressions, your eyes, and how you react and can react to specific emotions.
--Living in the moment, and being present in the character’s life, being truthful to them over yourself.
These are the things that Aidan excels at. God, he is amazing at it. And I appreciate the hell out of it any time I see him. He is so truthful to Five, so honest to the character, that it’s beautiful to watch. Five is so flawed, so hurt, and so complex, and Aidan isn’t afraid to show us this vulnerability. I suppose that should be one last thing that all writers and actors and anyone in the arts should strive for:
--Vulnerability, pain, fear, and raw, oftentimes shielded emotions are not something to hide but, rather, are your greatest strength.
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coffeecakefanfics · 3 years
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words: 2,011
It started innocently enough.  When Bucky was brought to the compound Steve had taken the young girl under his wing, treated her as his kid.  Though in all fairness she was Stark's actual kid first, she never minded Steve stepping in as a second parent. She actually appreciated Steve and Bucky coming to visit her in her room or when theyd all sit in the living room and watch movies, catching the pair up on things they’d missed. 
Steve had to go on a mission, it left a few other Avengers, Wanda, Nat, Bruce, Bucky, and Peter (who popped in every now and then to ask for help from the older girl). 
“Hey Guys, can you do me a favor and look at this piece and tell me what you think?” She asked, carrying a large canvas into the Kitchen. Wanda stood at the stove, Pepper was sat at the counter typing on her laptop and Bucky was perched at the table, a cold look on his face. 
“Show,” Wanda grinned and turned from the stove.
“It’s for my senior portfolio, my theme is “Lost in Time”,” Y/N spun the canvas, setting it on the table.  It was a painting, a painting of Steve and Bucky from the forties, a painting of a picture that to Bucky’s knowledge had been lost. The breath left his lungs and tears sat at the edge of his eyes. 
“I Figured I’d paint my two favorite guys, you know, since you literally were lost in time and all,” she gulped the lump in her throat at everyones silence. 
“Do, do you have more?” Bucky asked barely above a whisper, his fingers willed him to reach out. Y/n slowly nodded and peeked down at the painting. It was the first thing he’d ever said to her, and her alone.  It made her heart skip and her stomach flutter. 
“It’s beautiful Y/n. I’m sure this is the one that’ll get you the scholarship,” Pepper smiled and stood, kissing the top of the girls head. 
“Thanks Pepper, Hey Wanda how long till dinner?”
“About 30 minutes dear,” Wanda smiled at the girl. 
“Okay, Bucky I can. . .Show you the others, if you’d like that,” Y/n spoke slowly, testing the waters.  Receiving a nod in response the girl hugged Wanda and kissed Pepper on the cheek before leading the man up to her room.  The walls were a soft white and were littered with paintings and posters and vinyl records.  Bucky watched as she set the painting on an easel.  
“This one is one of Steve, When he was doing the propaganda tour,” she smirked and pointed to the painting. 
“That one is of a little boy i’d found in an old photograph, he’s polish.  Oh this one, is actually inspired by Gone with the Wind umm, it’s one of my favorite books and movies that’s a period piece,” she motioned to a painting of a woman on a swing in one of the big puffy dresses. 
“It was mine too,” Bucky almost, almost smiled.
“I have a copy of both if you’d like to ever read or watch it,” she beamed at him.  It set something in him ablaze.
Here she was 25, sitting in her apartment on facetime with her little sister, working on her portfolio 
“Morgan I promise to come see you and mom this weekend, I just have work,” Y/n laughed at her sister.
“But I miss you now,” The little girl frowned. 
“I miss you too goofball,” her eyes welled up.
“Mommy says you’re going to be famous,” Morgan spoke pointedly into the camera. Y/n let out a chuckle at her sister. 
“Don’t jump baby, I still have a lot of work to do,” she smiled.  
“Mommy also said daddy would be proud of us,” her heart panged at that.  
“He would Morgs, you know, Daddy loved you very much,” Y/n felt tears slip from her eyes. 
“Come on Morgan, dinner, “ Pepper spoke, “Say bye to Sissy,” 
“Bye, Hurry home”
“I will” Morgan passed the phone to Pepper. 
“How are you doing Sweetie?” Pepper had a solemn smile on her face. 
“I’m. . . “ Y/n stopped. “I miss him, everyday,” the tears spilled over.
“I know baby, I miss him too. Our door is always open if you want to stay,” Pepper tried not to cry, for Morgan. 
“Thanks mom, Give Morgan a huge hug for me okay, I’ll see you this weekend,” Y/n choked. Pepper said her goodbyes and hung up the phone.  (E/c) eyes drifted to the larger than most canvas across the room,  the canvas covered her dining table and was adorned with a half painted portrait of her dad, Steve and Nat.  The memorial piece would be hung publicly at the new Stark Memorial building.  She tried to finish it, the unveiling was in two weeks, but nothing felt right.  It had been 6 months, 6 long months without her dad, without Nat, without Steve.  
A gentle knock drug her attention to the door.  She drug her feet as she crossed the room, opening the door as much as the chain would let her standing before her was Bucky and the New Captain America, Sam Wilson himself. She gasped and slammed the door shut, flinging it open and wrapping her arms tightly around Bucky.  The tears fell again. 
“Holy shit, how, how did you find me?” she asked as she pulled back and threw her arms around Sam. 
“Had to ask your stepmother,” Sam smirked when Y/n stepped back. 
“In, come in, sorry,” she stepped aside and let the men in.  The two smirked at the decor in the apartment. 
“You always did know how to make a place feel like home,” Sam joked and let his eyes drift over pictures of her with the Avengers. 
She turned her attention to Bucky who shifted in his shoes. “I missed you Buck,” she smiled at him. 
“Missed you too doll,” he bit his cheek. “Sorry I didn’t call I-” 
“Don’t” Bucky gave her a look. “Don’t blame yourself, you had a lot going on, so did I, but it’s okay you’re here now, so chill,” she smiled and nudged him, earning a light chuckle. 
“So what brings you handsome men to my little home?” she joked and pulled down two wine glasses 
“Well, we wanted to check on you, it’s been 6 months. Hear you’ve been busy?” Sam questioned, and thanked her when she handed him the wine. 
“Yeah um, I managed to get into an art exhibit, and I’m working on a piece for the Stark Memorial building,” she handed a bottle of beer to Bucky.  She’d never admit it, but she kept a six pack in the fridge for if he ever stopped by. 
“Stark Memorial?” Bucky asked. 
“Uh Yeah the memorial building, one of my artist friends is carving the statues out front of Steve, Nat and, Dad, I am in charge of the Painting for the entryway, the one that’ll hang above the door.  The memorial is going to display the suits and tech and stuff like that I don’t know the specifics,” She stammered on.  The three sat and talked for hours before Sam had to go, it was getting late and he didn’t want to miss his flight in the morning. 
“Bucky?” her voice was soft.
“Yeah Y/n?” he looked at her. Regret filled his belly as he took in her frame. 
“Do you mind staying a little longer, it’s been a while and I missed you,” her voice was shaking, nervous, scared of rejection.
“Of course,” he nodded and sat back down. 
“So therapy?” she spoke, her tone lighter.  Bucky let out a groan. 
“Do NOT get me started,” he rolled his eyes.  Y/n let out a laugh, a laugh that he missed.  
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to her, in fact he would sit and watch her name light up his shitty phone.  He was afraid, afraid that he would get attached, that she would leave him too. That his heart would betray him yet again.  He was Afraid of losing her, of loosing the only other person he felt at home with until now. 
“I’m proud of you Buck,” she swirled her wine, he hadn’t noticed she’d brought the bottle to the table. 
“Trusting Sam,” she peeked up at him. A soft pink dusted his cheeks. He took a sip of his beer, missing the feeling of being tipsy or drunk. 
“I wanted to call,” he blurted out.  His words took the girl aback. 
“I just, I couldn’t bring myself to, not after what happened,” he cleared his throat.
“Oh Buck,” she set her glass down and stood up. “Come here,” she held her hand to him.  He traced his eyes over her hand, up the expanse of her arm, over the curve of her shoulder, before allowing himself to submit to her.  Her hand was soft, warm, clammy.  She led him through her apartment and opened a door.  She pulled him through.   With a flick of the switch the room buzzed to life, her studio.  His eyes danced around the murals and paintings that littered the desks and shelves and walls.  His eyes were directed to a desk in the corner, a sheet was draped over a canvas.  Her fingers lifted the dust colored fabric to reveal a painting that knock the air out of Bucky’s lungs and made his eyes well up.  The same effect her first painting had on him now knocked him breathless once again.  It was the two of them, sat side by side in the quinjet, his first mission.  The two wore huge smiles across their faces.  Her hair was set back neatly and Bucky had his pinned back, courtesy of the girl next to him.  God only knows what had them all smiled, but that was the moment they realized they needed each other.  
The mosaics of paintings around the room started to make his spin, most were snippets of them. Have you ever taken that first sip of coffee? The way it slides down your throat and hits your belly so well it speaks to the soul.  The feeling Bucky felt when he looked back at Y/n again.  Her hair was messy from work, her lips stained from the wine, the way her clothes fell on her body had Bucky’s head spinning.  He felt almost dizzy? Is dizzy the word he felt.  He let himself go, entirely, giving in to the craving of her skin on his.  He enveloped her in a hug that was nothing short than the blanket of security she had longed for since her dad passed, since Steve left, Since Bucky hadn’t returned her calls.  The barrier between the two crumbled as he cradled the back of her neck gently in his hand, the cool metal pressing her back to be closer, willing himself to conjoin with her, to never leave her again.  Tears fell from his eyes this time. 
“I was scared,” he said. “Steve left me, he chose her, and I didn’t want to lose you too,”? He choked. 
“Buck?” He couldn’t respond, only nod. 
“Your painting was the one to get my scholarship,” she spoke, her voice was shaky, small. 
“I’m so proud of you,” he pulled back, letting his fingers brush over her cheek. “So proud” he pursed his lips. 
“I buy plums and beer just in case you come by, I reread Gone With the Wind and the Hobbit when I'm sad because it was your favorite. I sleep with my window cracked because hearing outside made you sleep better. I never wash my clothes on Wednesday because that was your day.  I am a mosaic of you and all of your pieces,” the way she looked at him shattered every doubt he had.  The way her lips felt against his shattered hers.  The two wrapped themselves in each other, relishing in the feeling of releasing pent up emotions.
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shotorozu · 3 years
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔬𝔰𝔥𝔦 ᥊ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you find yourself in a bar that you and your ex used to go to regularly. the local bartender calls your ex- shinsou hitoshi; thinking you guys are still together. 
𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀: angst to fluff (happy ending), sfw, pro hero au (aged up), drinking (alcohol mentions and intake) ex to lovers, minor todomomo (not the center of this fic) reader is in the top 5, some swearing. 
𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱: [Y/N = your name, L/N = last name, H/N = hero name, ] f! reader, quirk not mentioned. 
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i also did this trope on ao3 with todomomo, so i better not see people think i plagiarized them because.. that’s literally me lol. also! i was very conflicted, bc i also wanted to do this with shouto but since I already have 2-3 fics in the making, i went with hitoshi (but let me know if you wanna see shouto’s version.) 
word count to be added when im not sleep deprived
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You swivel down another shot down your throat, not caring of the burn in your nose, nor do you care about the smell of the alcohol. 
You’re never like this, this is not the best representation of yourself, no. This is not who you are as a person, and the way your former classmates look at you with concern when you chug down another shot shows how unusual this is to them.
“Take it easy..” Momo pats your back, and you exhale heavily, putting down the glass. Everyone is certain that you’ll obtain some serious hangover, almost to the point that you’d have to take the morning off to treat your hangover. They’re aware that you’re not this careless, since you're in the top 5 after all. 
But they let you be momentarily, but why you may ask?
Because this is your way of coping a breakup with your boyfriend of 3 and a half years, Shinsou Hitoshi. They’re aware on how hurt you really are, and to be real- they were the ones that asked you to come out with them tonight to distract you. 
“They’ve been going at it for a while, it’s almost concerning.” Tsuyu comments, as she tends to a slightly tipsy Mina, holding her so she doesn’t fall face first into the floor. 
The least they could do is let you be, while you're not totally blacked out.
The local bartender- Maki, looks at you with concern when you order another shot, yet they still give it to you (with the slightest hesitation) since you’re such a good friend to her. (Your rank makes you very respectable, it’s almost intimidating! but your casual friend ship with the bar tender says other wise.) 
But on the contrary, you'd know when you’ve reached the limit, and you’d probably know when they’d start refusing your requests of another shot. 
One by one, their friends depart from the table, either they were too drunk to even handle it so they were brought home, or something came up- everyone could agree that they all had some sort of worry towards their dear friend’s very out of character coping mechanism. 
“I have to go soon,” Momo sighs, when she receives a text from Todoroki- though it’s very obvious that she’s still very concerned for you, considering that she’s the only friend left. “Please take care of Y/N, Maki-san.” 
Maki nods at your black haired friend, and the creation hero looks at you one last time before leaving the bar. 
Lifting your head, your words are slurred as you request for another shot, which seems like the umpteenth time that you requested for a shot. The concerned bartender still attends to your needs, yet- she’s contemplating of calling someone if you ask for another. 
Likewise, you finish that shot in a moment, and you slump down on the table. Eyelids fluttering slowly as your laughter is filled with intoxication, your cheeks are warm from being inebriated from the intake of alcohol. 
You don’t notice how your concerned bartender dials up a number, requesting for them to pick your drunken state. 
     »»————- ➴ ————-««
“Did you know the word bed is shaped like one?” 
It’s now past midnight, and you’re mouthing off about something random, the train of thought is endless (but it’s more like a shower thought ramble.) Your fists are deep into your hair- holding your head up so it doesn't hit the table, meanwhile Maki paces back and forth- still tending to other requests from the very few customers left. 
“Now that you’ve mentioned it, yeah.” They answer absentmindedly, “Man, I haven't seen you in nearly 4 months! it’s been a while. You knows how to hold your alcohol so frankly, this is the first time I’ve seen this side of you!” 
“Oh really?” You slur, continuing on to spout out purposeless words.
The bartender’s response is a total blur, words turning into background noises, and a part of you is lucky to still be conscious and still functioning (yet it's barely) 
“..But you hold it well for--” 
You’re also very lucky that you’re a little too under the influence to even register the name.
You didn't know you’d take this breakup with him harshly. The most you were expecting was just.. crying while eating ice cream. 
But no, it was an utter shit hole. 
The door busts open, and the bartender’s expression seems to brighten up “Ah, there you are!” 
You grumble, the bar’s lights causing your eyes to sting- and your head hurts too. You might need some aspirin later.. you close your eyes shut. The bartender is chatting with the unknown person, and frankly- you just wished you didn’t intoxicate yourself this much.
The baritone voice is almost sufficient in sobering you up. Turning to the familiar voice, you see the tall figure, sporting bedraggled purple hair. 
It’s Shinsou Hitoshi. A reason why you’re in such a mess, coping with a breakup in the first place. 
You almost fall off your chair in sudden revelation to the appearance of your ex lover. It was almost like.. your drunken state was making you see things- a possible hallucination maybe? it has to be that. Maybe it’s the side effect of the growing headache?? What was in that shot?
“Ugh, I must be crazy,” You wipe your cheek from slob, your head throbbing from the growing headache. The weary purple head raises an eyebrow, and the bartender is confused by the sudden tension. It's abnormal, alright.
The reason why you broke up was because of his lack of self care. 
Again, it’s not like he was being a shithead and cheating on you, or being a total prick of a boyfriend and neglecting you, and it’s definitely not the other way around either. 
It was probably the opposite. He'd neglect himself for days on end, not caring about himself, and not caring about his own being. It was.. not what you wanted at all. 
You figured just because the both of you are rising up heroes, and also adults- he would’ve gotten a grip of not neglecting himself. 
But even habits like that don’t get old. 
“Hitoshi- seriously, when was the last time you’ve took a breather?” growing slightly irritated by Shinsou��s continuous neglect of his own self care, and also the fact that he’s clinging onto you 24/7. 
“It doesn’t matter.” He shrugs, pinching your cheek. Heck, you should be glad he wants to be with you for the majority of the days. But you can’t tolerate him when he’s constantly complaining about being tired, although making little to no efforts in taking care of himself. Heck- his dark circles got even darker- how is that even possible?
“’Toshi, it really does. You can’t neglect self care.” Your brows furrow when he chooses to ignore your words. “You’re not listening to me.” 
“You should be glad that I want to spend time with you.” 
It stung. What the hell did he even mean by that..?? scoffing, and slightly offended, you reply “That’s not the main issue.” you cross your arms “We’ve talked about this before, remember?” You reason out, giving him the nice benefit of the doubt. You'd like to be civil here. 
He ignores you once more, and you can actually feel the irritation grow within you. “I don’t want to be the reason why you neglect yourself.” 
“I’m really not, okay?” He retorts back, “Why do you always have to bring up things that don't matter?” 
Aggitated, you snap back “Wh- we’re talking about you! Hitoshi, we’ve talked about this- and you said you’d work on it! do my words mean nothing to you?” Hitoshi’s gaze flickers up, only staring at you, as if it was his own way of judging you and your intent. 
And that’s how it erupted into a full fight, and into your eventual breakup. 
You didn’t know how expressing your genuine concern for him blended into him saying things he’d never mean in his entire life. He doesn’t stop you when you walk out, not saying a thing at all
There was no verbal breakup. It was just.. there. 
The unknowing bartender interrupts the nonverbal tension, “I thought you’d be a lot happier, y’know.” 
“..’ll get going now, thanks again.” Before you know it, Hitoshi’s hooking your arm around his shoulders— as he walks to the door, leaving the very familiar bar.
It’s awkward, surely. You’re not sure why he was there, and you’re not so sure as to why he decided to come to your aid in the first place. If Maki called him, and he was requested to come to you in question, then he could’ve just..
“..sent someone else,” You mumble. You reek heavily of alcohol, and your skin is undeniably warm. Frankly, he doesn’t remember the last time you were like this— was it the first time you had a drink? it was years back at this point.
You’re pretty.
That’s one thing that hasn’t change. Surely, what changed things was the fact that he said some.. horrible things— and refused to even listen to your concerns, which ultimately cause your breakup. His relationship status changed into some lonely and young hero, and his heart ached in different ways.
But you’re still very beautiful, to him.
Doesn’t matter if you’re all dolled up for a hero interview, or a mess on a off saturday. You’re still beautiful.
But now— he’s focused on your words, and he’s taken aback when you continue to speak, causing the both of you to stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
“You’ve coulda asked s-someone else to pick.. me up.” Your words are slurred, a normal side effect of being drunk. However, seeing your ex has surely sobered you up.
“That’s true,” Shinsou moves to continue walking, so you guys weren’t standing on the middle of the side walk on a cold early morning.
“What are you even doing at a bar at 1am?” He changes the subject, but you’re still caught on to your previous question. “You didn’t answer my question at all, meanie.” Her grip is firm, so there’s no way of budging it.
His laugh lacks humor, yet he feels obligated to answer her. Or else they’d be stuck on the sidewalk, due to her hero grip.
“It didn’t feel right,”
“Yeah sure.” You grumble, “Because you suddenly care.”
“I’ve always cared, Y/N.”
“Really?” You say, not really believing him anyway. “You seemed pretty sure with your words back then to care.” Despite being toxicated, your words have undertones of venom
“You may say that, but.. I’ve always cared.”
“Then why the hell did you say all of that back then, huh?” Overwhelmed by seeing your ex, who you still fucking loved by the way— tears grow at your eyes. “If you’re lying, stop it.” You say, literally not in the mood to be lied to right now.
You’re literally being carried by your ex, while intoxicated, while also having a throbbing headache.
“I’m not.” Hitoshi answers firmly. A certain edge grows in his throat, and he hates it.
“Yes you are,” Your voice is now wobbly, it’s really just a mix of your overwhelming emotion, as well as your drunken state. “You would’ve told me that weeks ago!”
You were always right, and he knows it. Ever since from the last moment you shared with him, your words were just.. nothing but the sheer truth. Yet, he’s only hurt you— because of his denial.
He knows you’re right, and he knows that he had his habits of neglecting his own care. Though that’s why he decided to change, that you were in fact- correct all this time.
And he was just an ass to even admit it.
“You’re right,” His fists crumple, grip tight as he fights his sudden urge to break. “You were always right. I’ve always cared, and you’ve always cared about me. Yet I was worried of changing, not being around you just so that I could take care of something that’s not really important-”
“But you are, Hitoshi,” You sob, nearly collapsing onto the ground— “You matter so much, yet you don’t even see it, and if I’m going to contribute to your destructive ways— then...”
“How could you? If you don’t care about my words, then do you care about yourself..?”
Shinsou sighs, bending down to meet your level— you’re gasping and sobbing into his chest, tears angrily running down your cheeks.
“I know, kitten, and I’m sorry.” Wiping your tears with his thumb, he speaks once more. “That’s why.. I’ve thought about what you’ve said, and I decided to take care of myself a bit more, I want you to know that.. I do care.”
You glance up at him, the city lights luminating his face— enough for you to see the adorning expression he’s sporting.
“..really?” You speak, in a nearly hush tone, again— you’re still very drunk, and overwhelmed with emotions. This could’ve been passed off as a fever dream, and you could’ve been normal with it.
“Yes, Y/N.” His mouth perks up into a small smile.
“Then.. would you allow me to start over with you again?”
Pushing against Hitoshi, you envelope him with your arms— it’s almost cliché and dramatic, the way you collapse into his arms like it’s the last day on earth.
But.. Shinsou’s glad he has you again. Finally a chance to prove that he’s changed.
You sit on the counter of your apartment, hands covering your face— as a way to shield your eyes from the prodding sunlight that peaks from the windows.
“This should help,” Hitoshi hands you a cool glass of water, “The way you hold your alcohol is terrible,” You chug down the glass of water, and you take a jab at him with your feet.
He hisses at the sudden attack, and only chuckles, “You’re mad because it’s true kitten,” He teases
“Shut up,” You draw him in with your leg, setting the glass down, “Just kiss me already,”
And so he does, pressing your lips against his— savoring the sweet warm moment he’s been practically starved of for nearly 4 months.
He pulls back, his expression showcasing that he’s tasting the aftermath.
“Ew, you taste like beer.”
You glare at him, and take another light jab, “Of course I do, Idiot.”
Despite saying all of that, he pulls you in once more.
       ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading (literally the first fic i’ve ever posted, so y’all BETTER like it or i’ll 💀)
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :)) (literally don’t, it’s 3:26am on a tuesday.)
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terriblexnight-blog · 7 years
[ also i will get to those asks eventually i just want to draw for them but for the record at least three people have questioned their stances on alcohol and i find that hilarious ]
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argendriel · 6 years
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I'm really out of practise because I haven’t really been drawing a lot lately and I had a bit of a fight with the paper but at least I finished slapping some colour on this sketch I've been carrying around for a while.
For all that Hisashi keeps going on and on about his dislike for drunk people, he is surprisingly careless when drinking himself. Not at first, when drinks are starting to make their rounds – he's usually trying to refuse more often than not. But once there is a bit of alcohol in his system it tends to have an instantaneous effect because not only is he apparently not used to drinking, he's also a huge lightweight when it comes to liquor. Shibata, who is not a habitual drinker by any means himself, has a much more sturdy constitution and as he doesn't drink a lot either during these group outings – rare as they are – he keeps getting stuck with a very much tipsy superior stuck to his side. He really doesn't know why they keep ending up sitting next to each other every single time. He'd even tried once to sit at the other end of the large table, just to see what would happen. In the end, someone had snatched away his place during a bathroom break with the only free spot being suspiciously close to Hisashi who by that time had been in decidedly high spirits, both figuratively and literally. Shibata suspects that this was at least to some extent intentional, but he hasn't had much opportunity to test that theory yet. The thing is: A tipsy Hisashi is even more mischievous than a sober one, and once his status is veering into “drunk” territory, that mischief and good mood tends to turn affectionate. Not in an entirely inappropriate way, although maybe that's only because Hisashi does seem to have some sense of self-preservation left and Shibata has never seen him completely smashed before. But there are still some lingering touches, grand gestures and Hisashi seems to have a lot of fun leaning on him. And while a small part of him might actually enjoy it – not that he'll admit it – it's definitely not good for his nerves. Just as he finishes that thought, there's a weight against his shoulder, and he sighs in dismay at the silky hair carelessly brushing against his neck. Not good for his nerves at all.
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queenrozaay · 7 years
one drunk honest night | 5 JUL 17
{ status: ongoing } pairing: jongin x rosé bg: remember all those times jongin saved rose’s drunk self from trouble?? it’s rose’s turn to return the favor.
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kji; They finally did what was impossible to do for the past few weeks. His usual gang of friends outside the idol life finally managed to drag him out of the house and here he was at this late hour sitting inside a bar, loud laughter filling the room swallowing some of his friends words. Jongin was raising his stakes a bit too high as he was handed his 6th shot and went for it. The alcohol, as much as every other time had those particular side effects, his head slightly spun and it felt far too hot inside the building. But nonetheless, it's been a while since he felt so carefree, laughing at some stupid word play his friends were messing around with, until he started getting teased. They didn't know who it was, nor did he ever confirm it but somehow they just knew it by his changed demeanor lately that something was up, with someone. He waved it off with a "pfft" and excused himself out to take a breather. A bit of a struggle walking when one was that tipsy. But now he couldn't get it off his mind. Her, to be exact. Mistakes were soon to be made since it felt like he could do just about anything in the world as he took his phone out, chaeyoung will just have to excuse him for the typos. [ kkt  → my shorty ] you and I you and I you and I baaaaaby [ kkt  → my shorty ] till I diiiie [ kkt  → my shorty ] do you know that song? They just playd it here and I thoht of you [ kkt  → my shorty ] I don't kno if you'r even awake rigt now akdhlasj heck [ kkt  → my shorty ] I miss youuuuu. why do I missf you?
pcy: Chaeyoung was proud to say nothing productive was done today other than getting that full rest of sleep she had been needing. She was leaning against some pillows, mindlessly flipping through the channels, trying to look for something to keep her entertained when the sound of her phone went off, numerous times. "What on earth-" Her brows raise in surprise when she found a string of texts from him full of typos and she was torn between laughing at how cute and idiotic he was being or concerned over his well being. [ kkt -> puppy oppa] are you.. alright love? [ kkt -> puppy oppa ] and I'm afraid only you can answer that yourself, but I'm happy knowing I'm in your thoughts
kji: Jongin's grin was on full show and he didn't give a single fuck about it, most people around here weren't exactly so sober either, but it felt nice to escape into the fresh air, finding himself a seat on one of the concrete seating areas where flowers were planted in the middle, man was he feeling so completely out of it. This was probably the best hour to bombard him with questions and he'd probably answer them without hesitation. His chest fluttered with even more warmth,  she was awake after all. [ kkt  → my shorty ] love? My new nickname? [ kkt  → my shorty ] im good think i went a littkr overboard with a few drinks. I hate drinkib games, who said you /hav/ to take a shot if you lose?? Ridiculos 🙄🙄🙄 [ kkt  → my shorty ] you're always in my thoughts chaechae [ kkt  → my shorty ] you know.. it's nice waking up in th mornin, having something to look forward to. Whethr it's a text mssge from you, or seein you
pcy: [ kkt -> puppy oppa ] .. mm.. what kind of stupid thing did you agree to this time? Chaeyoung nibbled on her bottom lip simply out of nervous habit. She could feel the anxiety bubbling in the pit of her stomach, worry washing over her. Was he okay? Did he need her heeeelpppp? [ kkt -> puppy oppa ] I-where are you? She chose to ignore said message despite it being so sweet. Freaking out about this can be saved for later.
kji: He took his moment with replying because idiotic and happy jongin was too busy changing her contact name, having no idea that she would actually be worrying about him. She'd never actually seen him in this state before, not that he allowed it either. [ kkt  → girlfriend  ] dragged out for drinks [ kkt  → girlfriend  ] couldn't refuse sunbae and his drinking games [ kkt  → girlfriend  ] intimidating mab doesn't take no for an answer He paused, looking over his shoulder to see the main entrance of this building before clumsily pointing the phones camera in that director, jesus he was a terrible photographer - the  snap came out blurry, but it captured the name of the bar. Jongin could only imagine some of his friends passed out drunk on the table at this point. Good thing he grabbed his bag with him. [ kkt  → girlfriend  ] babyyy girl did you get th e snap?
pcy: She could hear herself muttering how he was the biggest idiot that had ever walked the face of the earth.  In the next seconds following her opening his snap, Chaeyoung quickly rushed out the door, thankful that he had at least had been able to capture the bar's name. [ kkt -> puppy oppa ] Stay where you are and DONT MOVE OR FOLLOW A N Y O N E until I get there. Got it?!  It doesn't take her /too/ terribly long. But eventually, Chaeyoung makes it to said bar, brows knitted together in discomfort, eyes darting around the area for a familiar lookin face in the crowd of many. Ugh- where was he?
kji: Confused as to what she meant Jongin frowned a little reading over the text, what does she mean to stay in place? Is she coming to meet him? WHAT? Is his girlfriend on her way over? His sober self would've scolded her and told her to stay at home and be safe, but drunk jongin was more than excited - plus a little tired, tomorrow his head will be killing him. Great night. 
[ kkt → girlfriend  ] who would I follow unless it's youuu   MY GIRLFRIEND IS ACTUALLT COMING OVER?? HECK IT'S SO LATE DJJAAKADH
[ kkt → girlfriend  ] I swear I'm okayyyy
Jesus christ, this will be the last time that he drank that much. For a while at least. Probably until some after performance party where all the hyungs won't leave him alone but here he was right now, leaning back on that same concrete spot near the flowers.
pcy: After pushing through a group of sweaty bodies and such she eventually spotted him sitting near some flowers. How ironic that a pretty flower boy like himself was found sitting by equally beautiful flowers. "Yah-" she began once she reached him, kneeling in front of him, trying to catch his eyes. "Do you.. know who I am?"
kji: That voice. How the heck she made it here so fast? A little slow reaction but a grin was already formed on his face when he looked down just to see exactly who he'd been wanting to see the whole night, and how funny, alcohol really made it all seem like a dream in his head. "How can I not?! I can't believe.. my dream girl just showed up." Idiotic smile for days- he placed his warm hands against her cheeks, lowering his head until his forehead pressed against hers, frowning eventually. "But yah, do you know.. what time it is? Why is my girlfriend here at a bar?!"
pcy: Before she could react quick enough he had already held her face in his hands and she's found staring into those dark brown eyes of his she loved oh so very much. "Because some idiot decided to drink his life away and make his girlfriend worry needlessly." She answered without missing much of a beat, eyes narrowing playfully. "Come- we can talk as we make our way home mmkay?" She suggested, reaching for his arm to help him stand to his feed.
kji: He only hoped he'd remember this moment tomorrow, because all in all, the care that she'd always shown him was a moment to treasure. Like the time he ended up in an accident and she came running over - and he wanted nothing else but to hug her tightly there and then had they not been in a  public place. He laughed a little, his speech coming off a bit slurred "could that idiot be.. your boyfriend? My precious Chaeyoung, you shouldn't worry so much though, I swear, I would've gotten home just ay-okay! So I still can't believe you came all the way over" He lifted his hand forming that silly okay sign with his fingers, did anyone still do that? And as if to prove himself wrong, his feet weren't so great at balance and coordination like he thought they'd be gosh darn it.  Her support really came in handy he was more than thankful, slightly leaning onto her with his arm draped around her shoulder and he flashed her a sheepish grin "See? Just fine~ I'm not wobbly, you are."
pcy: Chaeyoung threw him a quizzical look, lips pursed. "Mm. Sure I am." She muttered under her breath, unconvinced. The fact that she'd literally drop anything and everything and rush to his aid without much context spoke volume. She had always been the type to go out of her way to help others but not to this extent unless she cared for said person deeply. "Can you at least try not to pass out on me while I get us home, babe?" She asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the crowd of sweaty bodies again they'd have to tackle again if they wanted any means of freedom-or- quality air supply.
kji: He grinned when she looked at him, even with that expression she looked beyond adorable, or was he just being biased because he ended up liking this girl so much? Tomorrow, when he'll go step by step trying to remember how this night went, he'll be greatly touched, not even his previous ex would've went through such a great extent to come save him on a drunk night. "Mm I'm not even tired I promise" he mumbled in reassurance, even though his sleepy eyes told the differ. He was hit with a more awake energy when walking past through the crowd, turning his back more so towards the people that were far too close, shielding chaeyoung from anyone bumping in from his side, slightly wobbly yet he still managed, a loud sigh of relief followed once they were past the worst. "Phew.. Chaeyoung, when you said 'home' which home are we going to?"
pcy: Once they'd made it out into the streets safely, only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, glad they'd made it out in one piece without anyone recognizing them. Even out in the streets she still found it somewhat difficult to hear. "Um.." she paused to think for a minute before answering again. "Mine? Well- actually, I can take you home if you remember how to get back. If not you can always crash at my place." She suggested as if it weren't really a big deal, though his question alone was already making her flustered when it shouldn't. Ahh be calm Chae-
kji: His eyes fall close for a second with a snicker erupting from his lips after all the words sunk into his head making some sense to him. "We're swapping places now are we?" Jongin referred to the night when he took the drunk chaeyoung back to his home, and how now it was the opposite of her taking care of him. A soft sigh emitted and he tilted his head to lay against hers, that way maybe his words wouldn't get swallowed up by all the other noise. "I can somewhat remember the way, it's not too far I purposely chose this place just in case this happened.. if we come back to mine, will you stay with me?" The last words were more so whispered, slurred speech but he was able to not stutter nor mess up. It was probably stupid asking her to stay over, but drunk jongin didn't want to part ways.
pcy: Chaeyoung kept her eyes trained on the road up ahead, teeth scraping the bottom of her lip. She could feel knots forming in the pit of her stomach from his question alone. He wanted her to spend the night with him?? It wasn't like this was the first time she had spent the night with him but even so it still made her feel some type of way. She figured she would decide when she got him home safely, so she gave his arm a soft reassuring squeeze and said, "Sure if you promise not to hog all the blankets~"
kji: Drunk thoughts were messier than ever even though in some way, in his state right now they made sense. One thing that didn't change, his want to be near her whenever he could get the chance. He grinned when she seemed to have accepted his suggestion, a lowkey offer he was hoping she wouldn't reject. "Aye, blanket, I'll be your blanket instead. As long as you stay in my arms your boyfriend will keep you warm" he exclaimed happily like the idiot he was right now, a slow sway of his arm that rose to point ahead in the direction of his dorm that was pretty much just around the corner, although with their slower pace might take a little bit longer than usual.
pcy: "Pfft. Is that so? Can I trust that you'll keep me warm /all/ throughout the night til morning?" She heard herself ask him, eyes rolling playfully, footsteps moving in time with his. Funny how she'd been over to his place a number of times yet still had trouble remembering how to get there. Thankfully, the weather seemed to be on their side tonight- not too hot, not too cool and it wasn't raining either so that was a plus! "Babe, can you walk okay? Do we need to stop for a moment?" She whispered softly, noticing a vacant park bench just a few steps away.
kji: "Mhhhm I won't let go of you for the whooole night. Do you need me to pinky promise?" He laughed raising his hand with his pinky finger up as if to seal the promised deal. Jongin made sure to show keep up, thankful to how patient and slow she was walking with him while he was also slightly leaning his weight on her too. Just on time, he didn't need much rest in all honesty, but he thought she might after struggling to help him walk. "Maybe just for five minutes? A super quick stop" he hummed with a nod of agreement, his feet already shuffling towards the bench ahead. This is where he unwraps his arm from around her shoulder to take a hold of her hand instead as he flops onto the bench.
pcy: The most idiotic grin formed and she linked pinkies with him and shook on it. "I hope you know, I take my pinky promises /very/ seriously." She warned, giving them a knowing look as she followed him over to the bench. "Who knows what punishment you'll have to suffer if you break it!"  Chaeyoung took a seat beside him, lacing their fingers together and gave his warm hand a small squeeze, sneaking glances at him when he wasn't looking and looking away when he does but says nothing more.
kji: "Ohh no trust me babe, this pinky promise is a life or death type of promise. The most serious one I've made" he nodded his head a few times too many as they shook on it "But.. what are these punishments you're talking about?" His curiosity got to him in an instant questioning her ways, and even threw in a playful suggestive look before settling down. Her smaller hand fit so perfectly in his larger one, and the high school boy with a big crush side of him loved that fact so much. A wave of slight tiredness and just that drunken feel had him leaning his head onto her shoulder, a stupid smile forming just thinking about how they were actually acting like such a couple that they have become. It was really heartwarming and he couldn't get enough. To the point that he silently shifted again, and without a word pressed a soft kiss onto her cheek.
pcy: Chaeyoung had always been worried that a platonic friendship turned relationship would never work out but here they were- Jongin had proved wrong. She was just lucky she had found the right person at the right time, something many would kill to have. Small displays of affection such as the kiss he'd placed upon her cheek made her heart swell in the most wonderful way, and she turned her head slightly so she could catch his lips with her own, letting them linger there for a moment before pulling away, a smile on her lips. "What kind of punishment would it be if I told you beforehand, silly!"
kji: He loved it every time she sneakily turned her head for a kiss before he could pull away, like every other time, his heart fluttered a couple of times while the corners of his lips tugged into a smile mumbling something along the lines of her being insanely cute in his drunk not so understandable way. "A punishment that I'd be prepared for.. Curiosity will make me /want/ to get punished. Do you really want me to get in trouble?" he mumbled with a sly little grin, half closed eyes simply adoring her features this close up.
pcy: She returned his grin with a playful one of her own, leaning forward to peck his lips once more before responding with a quick 'I just might.' Chaeyoung had been known to show her more shy and "cutesy" side on screen, but Jongin- he had managed to bring most of her adorable side to the surface, one she rarely showed others. After pressing several kisses to his lips, Chaeyoung pulled away and brushed her thumb along his bottom lip, cleaning the sheen gloss she'd left there off. "I don't know how you did it, but somehow, sometime- you became an important person in my life. I hate it."
kji: For Jongin, right now sitting together with Chaeyoung so immersed in this conversation, with each other even, felt like they were the only two people in the world just sitting there. All those other drunk passerbys? Yeah, they barely even caught his eye. All those short and playful kisses filled his heart with the most heartwarming feelings he just couldn't explain it. And addition to all this sweetness, her next words tightened his chest. Happiness at its most, to be honest. His lips still puckered when her thumb swiped across just to give it a little peck too before a dopey smile appears. "I have no idea how I managed to do that either. You might hate it, but I'll love it for the both of us. You know what's funny.." he mumbled in his low tone "its a small secret you cant tell anyone okay?" he swayed a little while bringing his index finger to his lips as if to emphasise the secrecy. It also made him wonder would he hate himself tomorrow for spilling this out. "I used to always think to myself.. This girl is such a handful, stubborn, but adorable in so many different ways. Your way of reacting, responding.. it sucked I didn't want to admit that I was /that/ eager to stay around you when I maybe sort of did want that, a lot."
pcy: She blinked back at him, dumbfounded. Did she hear him correctly? Just to make sure, she made a show of it and dared herself to ask him again. Wait.. what? I'm sorry- I don't think I heard you correctly." ��If her ears weren't deceiving her, it was almost like he had liked her for awhile and had stuck around, clinging onto that slim chance that maybe just /maybe/ she would feel the same. "Your patience is something I envy. Thank you for not giving up on me despite me being much slower than others to pick up on y'know things.."
kji: His head was placed back on her shoulder, finding that spot extremely comfortable and allowed himself to close his eyes for a minute. A playful whine escaped his lips too when she asked to repeat "I can't remember half the things I just said, I don't know how to repeat that word by word.. but like, I didn't think of it much for a while" he continues after just telling her he couldn't remember anything. Drunk jongin was indeed a mess. "And at first I thought you'd be like the little sister I always wanted, y'know, someone I could tease around? Ones company that I really enjoyed. Until I started developing a crush. It was annoying, I didn't know what to do with myself" his sober self will be seriously facepalming himself in the morning with embarrassment.
pcy: Chaeyoung looked down at her feet and bit back another huge grin. Man did it feel great to hear such words come from the one person she treasured deeply. "Annoying little sister aye? I don't know whether I should take offense to that or if I should be proud that I had at some point managed to crawl myself out of the family zone." She muttered quietly, suppressing a laugh. "You do realize that zone is almost impossible to break out of right?" It was her turn to look at him now, quirking a brow in question genuinely curious as to whether or not he was aware of what he's just confessed. Chaeyoung decided in this moment that drunk jongin was cute.
kji: "Hm? Family zone?" it took a moment for him to actually get what she meant after getting so comfortable just leaning like this against her, everything felt so carefree. He shook his head with a bubbly laugh taking one sneak peek at her as he opened one eye just to see that she was glancing down at him, and this is when he flashed her his boyish grin. "But you know that was probably just me trying to convince myself, because things were a mess at some point back at that time. So I wonder if you ever were in that family zone anyway.. Man I don't even know, do you know how confusing it was when I felt my heart beating faster??" He even motioned so clumsily by lifting a hand, forming a fist to lightly tap it against his chest a few times.
pcy: A hand reached up to brush the hair out of his eyes while he spoke to her. His reactions always managed to surprise her. The answers to the questions she'd been wondering these past few months finally brought to light caught her by surprise. Was it bad that she was actually relieved he had never lumped her in that family zone?? "Yeah well if it means anything to you, our relationship wasn't what you would consider smooth sailing for me either. My feelings toward you- and confusion on top of that made it difficult to interact with you properly. Not sure if you even noticed.. but in any case-" she waved her hand someone dismissively once she'd remembered he probably wouldn't even recall a single word from this conversation they are having in the morning. "-we're here now. And that's all that really matters, love." She whispered into his hair, soft smile spreading across her face.
kji: Her soothing touch felt so nice, something about having ones hair touched by someone else that was so relaxing and calming. Caught up by her words though, he listened in quietly trying to decipher it word by word, did she just say that she had a rocky road with feelings too? He raised his head, tilting it to the side, some of his hair falling over his eyes once again after she brushed the strands away. "You too? I don't think I noticed it much, I mean I did feel just a biiiiit of something but I always thought of it as just you being you. Y'know, sassy Chaeyoung, she was present about ninety percent of the time" he joked as a chuckle arose from the back of his throat, and this time both his arms are thrown gently around her, his cheek pressed again hers too. "And I couldn't have asked for anything better in my life.. I was really worried, because of the news with krystal, I really thought it would throw you off. That time when we talked on your balcony." he admits another secret of his.
pcy: Chaeyoung stiffened at the mention of his ex girlfriend's name. Honestly, things like this shouldn't bother her but it did. A small part of her knew she was being silly for worrying about his past. But what if she couldn't live up to the bar Krystal had set? What if she couldn't make him happy like Krystal could? These worries easily displayed itself on her face. She had never been really good at hiding then anyways.
kji: Drunk jongin, so careless with his words just throwing everyrhing out into the open air, he shouldn't have mentioned his ex girlfriend. Now he was really going to scold himself tomorrow morning. And when she stayed silent, even in this state he knew that something wasn't right. "You've gone really quiet, baby girl" he mumbled with concern laced in his tone, slower move of his head tilting to the side so he could catch her gaze once again. "What's bothering you?"
pcy: "Huh?" His voice shook her out of her trance and she forced a small smile. "Oh it's nothing I was just thinking." She lied. Now whether she was convincing or not, that was left up to his interpretation.
kji: This topic was bound to come up at some point though, right? Or maybe not. Who cared about the past when there was so much more to look forward to in the future. "Mmm thinking about what?" Disbelief was held in his slurred voice, pursed lips and clueless gaze looking at her. "Did you want to talk about it?"
pcy: Chaeyoung honestly didn't want to ruin the mood they'd had going beforehand with her own worries and so she simply waved her hand dismissively and slowly rose to her feet. "Oh it's nothing! Don't worry! I just ate something bad and my stomach was cramping a bit." A nervous laugh escaped her, eyes wandering off to the side momentarily before they move to meet his again. "You ready to walk again?? I think I can see your apartment from here!" She chirped, trying her best to sound more cheerful despite the troubled look in her dark brown eyes. Maybe he didn't notice.
kji: While he was absolutely influenced by all the alcohol, with his speech slurred and his moves not as fast as usual, his mind could still process some things. So stubborn drunk boy still sensed something about the vibe that she was giving off, it made him feel uneasy was it really something that he said that bothered her maybe? He didn't want to leave it just at that, even if he couldn't remember it in the morning. Did she notice his concern? Her happy tone did sound a little strained, and so he only leaned back, a stupid lil smile on his face when he took a hold of his girlfriends hand, squeezing it a few times. "Im so ready to go home with you but Chaeyoung.. You know how much I care about you, if there's really something on your mind I'm here to talk it through, our relationship doesn't have to have just the happy side"
pcy: Talking about her own feelings had never been an easy thing for her. She disliked inconveniencing people most and Jongin was the first who persistently tried to convince her to rely on him more- to break out of her shell. To this day, it still took  some getting used to since most stopped prodding her after the first signs of avoidance. "I just don't want you to look at me differently.. the little green monster in me that threatens to jump out isn't pretty- and I hate it.." She admitted quietly, drawing circles in the dirt with her foot. "I'm sorry- I must be saying strange things now huh?? Hey- it's getting cold out here.. why don't we continue this conversation once we're home okay??" She suggested, giving his arm a small nudge as if to say get a move on it!
kji: So there really was something on her mind, his lips jutted out slightly into a pout as she finally opened up - well, at least admitted. Jongin, after all these months of spending time with Chaeyoung, by this point he knew well how quick she was to avoid questions that wouldn't have a positive result in them, but even if they weren't in a relationship, he wanted to be there for her. "You might hate that lil monster but I don't, I want to hear it out. I always do. Pretty not pretty, we've been spending time together for how long now?" He ended up gently tugging on her hand again. "Punk, my opinions don't change so easily, I know you better than to think of something different if there's something that's making you feel bad" he promised, sober jongin would be so proud of him right now for managing not to mess up on words. He sat up, slightly swaying into her side before clumsily getting up onto his feet while pulling her with him "buuuut- promise you'll tell me at home though?"
pcy: His words were reassuring but even so, she couldn't help but hesitate before giving a small nod in reply to his request. After sliding an arm around his waist to support him better, Chaeyoung took a couple steps toward his home, thankful he was still somewhat coordinated and managed to walk fine.  Soon enough, the pair arrived in front of his apartment and without thinking, Chaeyoung started to feel around his front pockets, then his back, searching for the key. "Babe, where did you put your key?"
kji: Maybe by the time they'd settle in back at his place he'd sober up just by a tad more to have a clearer mind, enough not to mess up on their serious conversation which he hoped she wasn't going to turn away from again. THE KEYS. Well dang, where did he actually placed them? A drunk mind was really unhelpful "oh maaaan, is it really not in any of my pockets?" He asked with a hopeful look, "Babe though~" he then mumbled with that same idiotic grin at the cute name she called him while helping her search, and finally - there it was, somewhere at the bottom of his bag. Luckily it was there at least, what a disaster it would've been. Jongin was known for losing things so easily, surprised he didn't lose his head yet. Anyway, he struggled big time getting the key into the hole but a few painful moments later, the door opened, and he stumbled inside with her already nudging his shoes off.
pcy: The look on his face spoke volume in itself and Chaeyoung couldn't help but shake her head slowly in disappointment, muttering a 'what am I going to do with you?' under her breath. Her brows knitted together some, eyes narrowing right at him when he mentioned something about the pet name that had accidentally slipped just seconds again. "Jongin- Focus!" She screeched, motioning from the locked door to himself. After much struggle, the two manage to make it inside, and Chaeyoung was quick to lock the door behind them in case anyone tried to run in with them. Yea, people are crazy like that. Chaeyoung helped him take off his shoes then left his side to take off her own. "Do you want to change into something more comfortable first? Or would you like some water to drink?"
kji: Oops, jongin will really have to thank his girlfriend for being the most patient person with him and his struggles. And also a mental reminder not to go drinking for a long while, the headache he'll get tomorrow with a hangover will be one heck of a pain. Once Chaeyoung helped him out of his shoes, he stretched out and rubbed his eyes a little. It felt good to be in the comfort of his own home, private, away from the public eye. "No worries I got this!" He exclaimed cheerfully and so confidently too while struggling to get out of his shirt as he waddled further into the living room, closer to the couch, all that heat - he didn't want to deal with it. Finally, jongin managed to slip the material off without much thought to it, turning around to her with a small grin. "But I'd like some water. Please- my throat is so dry what in the world"
pcy: She gave him a weird look, clearly unconvinced. He only further confirmed her worries when he started waddling off toward the living room with his head stuck in his shirt. He was like.. a five year old boy who needed constant supervision or something bad would go wrong. "Promise me you won't break anything while I go get you that okay?" It cane out as more of a statement than a question and after giving him one last look, she disappeared behind the corner and returned shortly afterwards with a glass of water, holding it out to him, urging him to take it.
kji: His shirt went flying across the couch, and one could definitely see his aiming was just as bad as his walking seeing that the material just slipped off the armrest and onto the floor. He could see why she was so concerned about him breaking things, but that only made him break into an amused chuckle "Aye captain, I won't touch a thing" he promised her. But not even a minute went by after she disappeared into the kitchen when the remote control accidentally went flying off the couch just like that shirt, why was he so clumsy?! Now he was left with a task to grab that one rebellious battery that fell out and went rolling under the sofa. So there he was, splat on the floor attempting to get it from underneath.
pcy: Chaeyoung stood there dumbfounded, blinking back at his starfish like figure a couple times, not quite sure what to make out of it. Since he was preoccupied at the moment, she set the glass of water onto the coffee table and knelt down beside him. "What... exactly are you doing down there?" She dared herself to ask, giving his shoulder a small poke.
kji: Was it odd that he found the floor quite comfortable? It was a lazy move but he finally got the battery out from underneath,  shooting it up in victory as he held the small item in between his fingers however the unexpected voice from behind managed to startle the drunk boy, and so he whacked his head slightly to the couch when he flinched. "I-- This thing just went flying under, the others would hate me if they came back to a dead remote control" jongin grinned and rolled onto his back, rubbing the slightly pained spot on his forehead just to see her staring from above. "Hi my pretty doll"
pcy: His antics whether they were purposeful or not was quite entertaining to watch. Even though it was mean to laugh, Chaeyoung was unable to fight the laugh that bubbled in her throat in response to his clumsiness though she was probably to blame for startling him. "Hey, you. You alright there?" She murmured softly, fingers lightly brushing against the area that made him grimace in discomfort. "You know, had this been any of my members they probably would've just let it be so I'd say you're pretty nice for risking your life retrieving that thing- I mean look at this battle wound!"
kji: He was pretty entertained himself at his stupidity, he really shouldve just left it there why in the heck did he not just flop onto the couch. Although he purposely let out a quiet whine at the sound of her laughter, adding in a pout too just for the sake of his dramatic act. "I think your boyfriend is just slightly traumatised. You know what I heard? A kiss apparently makes just about anything better" a cheesy flirty phrase he thought he'd thrown in, voice almost a hushed whisper with her this close, she was like an angel - making everything better with her gentlest touch. "Yeah? I probably shouldve left it be too, thought I'd play hero just for this time though. Don't they say scars are somewhat attractive? What's your opinion on that?" He cracked a small grin, he doubted there'd even be any visible red spot by tomorrow morning let alone a scar.
pcy: Chaeyoung arched her eyebrows in amusement. "Oh? And who told you that, love?" She asked, taking a seat beside him, a lazy grin cast his way. This had been the first time she'd seen him drunk and if she were being honest it was highly entertaining to say the least. "This kiss you speak of- did it tell you if there was a certain type that does the most healing?" He could probably tell from the tone in her voice that she was teasing him. "I think you look handsome with or without battle scars. You're still the Kim Jongin I fell for and that's all that really matters."
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