#<- “AHAHA. My plan for infiltration is working.”
inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
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Far Cry 5 (2018) | Replay in 2023 | Scenery appreciation (vol. 33) | Old Sun Outfitters
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kou Ecstasy [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the Big Hall at Eden
Kou: ...Haah.
( Seems like everyone’s restless after all. )
( Makes sense. There might be a long battle waiting ahead of us after all. )
Reiji: This fight could last quite some time. You should be well prepared for that.
Subaru: ...I won’t deny that it was my fault that my Mother died. 
Still, it’s not like those Vibora go completely guilt-free either.
That’s why...I’ll definitely avenge her.
Kou: ...
Kino: Ahーah. I’m so bored. Say, can’t we tell funny stories or something?
Reiji: ...Haah. What are you acting so carefree for...?
Kino: I mean, it’s the Ghouls and the Familiars doing the actual fighting.
So we don’t really have anything to do until they actually make it over here, do we? 
Reiji: Well, you do have a point but...
Kino: It’s settled then! Come on, gather around, everyone!
ー The others walk up to them
Kou: ( I wonder what kind of story Kino-kun will tell? )
Kino: Once upon time, there was a certain family of noblesーー
Kino-kun began to tell a tale of the past. 
A strange one...
yet it sent shivers down my spine. 
ーー Once upon a time.
there was a couple of nobles, 
who were blessed with a child despite already being of age,
the child which was born,
was a beautiful and adorable son,
with golden locks and blue eyes. 
The couple decided to give him the name ‘Emilio’,
and raised him with love and care.
However, their days of peace,
did not last very long. 
The area in which they lived,
became the ground for a fierce battle,
due to a certain individual’s actions. 
The boy was still very young at this time,
so the wealthy couple hired a wet nurse,
who would raise the boy.
While all of this went down,
the war escalated, as the couple saw themselves no other choice,
but to flee their country. 
However they could not run,
together with a small child.
With pain in their hearts,
they decided to entrust their son to his wet nurse.
However, the war only got worse.
In the end, the wet nurse felt like taking care of a small infant,
was simply too much trouble,
so she ended up dumping him somewhere ーー ...
Kino: ...Seems like the blonde boy lived quite the tragic life from that point onwards. 
A manhole baby, is that what you’d call him? Ahaha! Poor little thing!
Kou: ...
Ruki: ...Don’t tell me, is this boy you speak of Kou?
Azusa: Eh? It’s Kou...?
Yuma: ...Hold up, Ruki. That would be way too much of a dick move, don’t ya think...?
Kino: Fufu, you’re spot on, Ruki. 
Ruki: ...!
Azusa: H-Hey...Kino-san. What happened to the couple who ran away...?
Kino: Hmー ...Unfortunately they passed away. The train they were on got blown up from what I heard.
That being said, it turned out to have been a planned out attack rather than an unfortunate accident.
...Ah, actually. I know one more interesting story. 
ーー It was a certain someone who initiated said war. 
This man was a Demon, infamous for infiltrating the human world while taking on a different name and appearance...
...Hey, Emilio. Do you know who that could be? 
Kou: ーー !? 
( Why did Kino-kun choose to tell this story now...? )
( Why is he calling me Emilio in the first place? I’m not. This has nothing to do with me...! )
Leona: ...
Leona: Your name is Emilio. And I am your mother.
The one who plotted the war ーー was Karlheinz.
Kou: ...Ah...
Leona: The man who cleverly worked his way into our community of nobles back when I was still alive and was a part of it as well.
That was none other than Karlheinz. I saw his face crystal clear...!
That face of his which screamed that he was non-human...!
Kou: ーー You’re lying!
He would never do such a thing! You’ve definitely got the wrong man!
Leona: Emilio, you mustn’t! Don’t let that man fool you!
Karlheinz was looking for humans to experiment on. That is why he needed their corpses. 
...Do you know why?
Kou: I don’t...How am I supposed to know...?
Leona: To create Ghouls like me, you see.
Kou: ...
Leona: After my death, my corpse was disposed at in Rotigenberg where the air is heavily polluted.
I am a former-human. I only became a Ghoul at a later point in my life.
Yuma: ...In other words, if this chick’s tellin’ the truth, we’ve been treatin’ the guy who caused all the misery in our lives as a dad?
Azusa: ...
Ruki: ...
Kou: ( No, there’s no way. That Ghoul is lying. )
( I mean, Karlheinz-sama would never do such a thing... )
Kou: You’re lying...Uu...
Ruki: ーー Calm down, Kou.
Kino, unfortunately, I do not intend to fall for your schemes.
Or rather, what are you hoping to achieve by playing with our emotions?
Reiji: ーー No, I believe he is telling the truth. 
With my very own eyes, I have seen reports of Father’s research on the polluted air of the Demon World, here in the research facility of Eden. 
Kino: Ahaha! As to be expected of Reiji! You’re quick to understand. ...Here!
ー Kino throws a bunch of papers at Kou
Kou: ...!?
Kino: Get it now? That guy was a scumbag, don’t you agree?
I’m pretty sure he abandoned me in Rotigenberg as part of this research project as well. 
Kou: ...Then.
Did he bring us to this castle...as a way to atone for his sins...?
Kino: Who knows? You four might have just been yet another one of his sacrifices.
Kou: ...
Kino: ...That being said. I believe it’s time to end this bastard’s bloodline. 
ー They are suddenly surrounded by Ghouls
Subaru: !? Whatcha playin’ at!?
Reiji: ...I see. This number of Ghouls...We’ve been set up.
Kino: Ahaha! Sorry! I used you to my own advantage~
By the way, all of the Ghouls gathered here were once humans.
They’re all victims of Karlheinz’ doings. They were forced to become Ghouls against their own will. 
ーー Ah, there might be a few people you know amongst them.
Especially for the Mukamis who were also once human.
Yuma: Ya bastard! What do ya mean!?
Ruki: Calm down, Yuma. Don’t play into his hands.
Yuma: ...Ugh...
Kino: Hey, Subaru. Can you fight those kinds of people?
Subaru: ーー Guah!?
ー Subaru collapses
Kou: Subaru-kun!
ー Kou rushes to his side
Kou: ( He was stabbed in the chest by a silver knife...!? )
A-Are you alright!? I’ll carry you to safety right away!
Subaru: Haah...Sorry...Guh...
Kou: Don’t talk! That’ll only make you lose more blood...!
Subaru: Haah...Hey, I’m beggin’ ya...Make it quick...Kuh. 
I’ll give you my dad’s powers so...Please use those to protect her...
Kou: What are you saying!? I can’t do that!
Subaru: ...But...I...
Kou: Oh come on! No more speaking!
Kou: ーー !
Subaru: Oi...What are you doin’...?
Kou: I’ll take you to her!
You should seek shelter there, as it’s the safest place!
I still have the key on me, you see...
Subaru: Guh...If you won’t kill me...then just leave me alone...
Kou: Oh shut up! Work with me here!
( ...Don’t worry. My brothers will clear the way for us. )
( I promise that I’ll save Subaru-kun! )
ー The scene shifts to the Chamber of Time
Yui: ( I can hear the sound of weapons clashing in the distance. )
( Oh no, I’m scared... )
ー The door opens
Yui: ーー !?
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Kou: ...Haah...
Yui: ...Kou-kun...? And Subaru-kun as well!?
( They’re both covered in blood!? I better tend to their wounds at once...! )
ー Yui runs up to them
Yui: Kou-kun, Subaru-kun, how...!?
Kou: Don’t worry, M-neko-chan. I’m not harmed.
Yui: Eh? ...Then this is all Subaru-kun’s blood...?
Subaru: Kuh...
Hey...I’m beggin’ you...Kill me...
Yui: S-Subaru-kun! Why would you say such a thing...!? 
Subaru: I’ve...inherited these powers...so I will recover from this injury with time...
However...The crimes my dad committed...will never fade.
Yui: Eh?
( What did I miss...? )
Kou: Hey, cut it out!
Let me tell you. You and Karlheinz-sama are two entirely different people!
Besides, it makes no sense for you to have to atone for what your dad did, just because you inherited his powers, don’t you think!?
Subaru: ...!
Kou: This whole story about my parents as well. I honestly don’t know just how much of it we can trust.
Even if you had to atone for his sins, this wouldn’t be the way to do it!
Subaru: ...
Yui: I agree. I don’t know what exactly happened while I wasn’t there but...
No matter what happened, I don’t think it should warrant you having to die, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: ...
Kou: If you want to atone for what he did, let’s end this fight? We have to defeat Kino-kun. 
Subaru: ...Yeah. Thanks...ーー
ー He loses consciousness
Yui: ーー Subaru-kun!?
Kou: Don’t worry. He’s just unconscious, that’s all.
...More importantly, I have to fill you in on what happened.
We have little time, so I’ll have to sum it up but hear me out.
Yui: No way...
( I thought the fighting I could hear outside was with the Vibora. )
( I would have never thought it’d be the Ghouls under the command of Kino-kun... )
( ...Also, there’s Kou-kun’s mother as well. )
Hey, Kou-kun. I want to ask you something. Please take me with you.
Kou: N-No way...! You might be in danger!?
Yui: Even so! I no longer want to wait here by myself...
Kou: Yui...
ー Subaru gets up
Subaru:  ーー Sounds good. ...You come with us.
Kou: Subaru-kun...You’re okay already...?
Subaru: Yeah. I’m not a weakling like you are.
...But, Yui.
I might not be able to protect you guys. Are you ready for that?
Yui: Yes. I’ll keep myself safe. 
Subaru: Hehe. Nice response.
Oi, Kou. You’re ‘kay with this too, right? 
Kou: ...Okay. I’m sure this will be the final battle, so let’s all go together.
Yui: Thank you...
Perhaps it was due to our words of encouragement,
but Subaru-kun’s injuries,
healed at a surprisingly quick rate. 
He began to defeat the Ghouls,
one after the other.
The three of us dashed through Eden at lightning speed.
Towards that place,
where Kino-kun would await us ーー The World Tree
ー The scene shifts to the World Tree
Kou: ーー Ah, over there!
ー They run up to Kino
Kino: Fufu, I’ve been waiting for you. 
Subaru: ...Say, there’s somethin’ I don’t get.
I can sorta get why the Ghouls would resent that shitty Old Man and seek revenge. 
...But what about you?
Perhaps you simply hate all Vampires and want to kill us ‘cause we’re his sons.
But aren’t you also a Vampire and that guy’s son? 
Seems like someone has double standards, huh? 
Kino: I don’t see why I would need to answer that question.
Subaru: ...!
Kino: You don’t need to know. ーー Well then, here I come!
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artificialqueens · 3 years
A Series Of Mutual Feelings, 1/3 (Scarjah) - Pazinae
chapter 1: i hate u (and the feelings mutual)
Chapter Summary: Ra'jah is determined to have a fresh start and be a better person, now enrolled as a first year fashion school student- but Scarlet has a way of always making her newfound plans falter. With a rocky high school history, the (not so) fortuitous pair endure some mutual hatred
A/N: enemies 2 luvers scarjah everyone xoxo meant to be a oneshot, but got a little carried away n my doc for this is currently 19 pages long ahaha so to be more palatable it will be a 4 chapter story (its says 3, but you'll see). this one is mainly the intro for the story to understand where they're at emotionally in the present, and is mostly ra'jah centric on her growth + kylie friendship fluff bc theyre the cutest, and a bit of scarlet pov. feedback super super welcome, enjoy !!! 
Scarlet strode down the hall with a sway in her hips, her heels clacking on the laminate floor. What kind of tacky ass bitch wears heels to school anyways? Ra'jah scoffed internally, watched the girl saunter like she's on a tightrope, each tantalizing step brought her foot exactly in front of the other. Her body fell into a rhythm, stomping the fucking campus like a lion stalking the jungle for the sheer fun of watching it’s prey scamper. Scarlet's bouncing skirt, her signature grin and luscious ginger curls sprouting out her scalp made her gag. And not in the stunning way. Just as quickly as she came she was gone, and, to be fair, she was just another girl sandwiched in the masses just getting to where she’s going. But she could pluck that arrogant little redhead bitch out of any crowd. Not a conscious choice of course, hell, being reminded of her sheer presence causes a battle of trying not to roll her eyes behind her skull. She can't help that she sees her. Not when Scarlet's lips are painted the same shade of bold crimson as the tight, sleeveless top she's wearing, like a fresh drop of blood in a sea of grey clad bodies swimming around in their hoodies.
This isn't high school anymore Ra'jah. A repetitive reminder that needs to be said evermore until it's understood at her core. Because It's different now, she knows that- it has to be. No fucking way are her dreams going to get caught up in everything again, they're too big to be put at stake. She can't live just to be like that again, and this time she's too grown to waste her time on useless people. High school was a bubble, a 4 year trance that she's left and is more than ready to forget about. 
"Hey, Ra'jah!" That southern, velvety voice could only belong to one stunning woman. She turned around to spot her speed walking to catch up. 
"Aye! Kylie!" Ra'jah stopped and gave a little wave as Kylie approached, her highlight shining even in the shitty indoor light. The two moved over to the side of the hall, and leaned against the wall. "If it isn't Miss Kylie Sonique Love," With such a pleasing name, Ra'jah doesn't think she will, or, really can ever get tired of saying the other girl's name. "What's up?"
"Nothin', just tired as fuck," It's kinda cute, the way her accent gets stronger when she's grumpy. "I'mma pass out at some point, I did not get enough sleep." Even as a grumble her voice is so soft and angelic, Ra'jah could probably fall asleep to the blonde reading true crime murder stories. 
"Goddamn, it sure as hell doesn't show!" Which is true, Kylie was as effervescent as always, any visible messy hair from under her beanie looked intentional. Even in her oversized t-shirt and shorts, there was an undeniable, captivating charm about her that made it impossible for her to look bad "You look gorgeous girl" 
"Awh, thanks honey," She smiles a soft, hazy smile. "You don't look too bad yourself." She hums, eyeing her up with a grin. Before she could even argue a response, the country girl quickly perks up and slaps her hand on Ra'jah's shoulder in excitement. "Oh also! I want your opinion- I'm thinking about dying my hair pink." She can see the visible sparkle in the pair of eyes looking at hers. "Thoughts?" She asks, voice becoming giddy "Oooh bitch! You better, that'd be so fierce!" The (mostly) purple haired girl exclaimed, delight evident in her voice "For real, you'd look so good. And you know, ba-BY" she claps her hands together just for added emphasis, "I support ALL the impulsive hair decisions".
"Yess, obviously I want input only from bad bitches with the best hair"
"I told you I did these myself right?" she asked, running her shoulder length hair through her twirling fingers. "I've been really into doing hair recently"
"Wait, really? It looks so pretty, the fade to purple is so good"
"What'd you mean 'wait really' hoe, what you implying 'bout my hair skills?" 
"Just that a talented woman like you should share your expertise!" Even when she was loud her voice was just as comforting, the tone reminiscent of a silk blanket on her skin
"All it took for me was bleach, a bottle of violet Arctic Fox dye, and the holy spirit of Brad Mondo"
"First of all I'm not trusting no mans named Brad," Ra'jah cackled a little because, yeah that's fair. "And secondly, if you're free, come an' help a girl out then!
"You're inviting me over? Wow we're moving kinda fast Kylie" 
"Oh shut up bitch" but the undying twinkle in her eye confirmed the unsaid agreement that Ra'jah would be doing Kylie's hair, at some point.
"I'm free on Thursday, can I visit then?"
"Yea that works" She smiled, and the closeness between the two wasn't something the taller girl ever planned, or really felt before. But she had it now, a friend she really cares about, and she never wanted to lose it.
"Shit what time is it?" Even in her Shitty Human era she was still a timely gal, her mother didn't raise no late hoe. "Don't stress it Raj, we have like 15 minutes. Introduction to drafting and sewing, right?"
"Yes ma'am. Wanna start going?" "Sure thing" This year is for a new start, making new friends, and getting a chance to create new first impressions. Rebrand herself y'know, and the hindrance that is Scarlet's existence, wrapped in all the ancient things she'd rather not think about, won't stop her.
The walk to class was a pleasant blur. With Kylie yawning and walking essentially shoulder to shoulder with Ra'jah had they been the same height, they slipped into both  comfortable conversation, and silence. With all the noise around them, their presence brought an ease without any awkwardness. 
 A trek opted through the outdoor route that was albeit a tad longer, provided some well needed greenery and fresh air.
"You excited for class?" Ra'jah asked, only half aware of where she was walking to. Her body was on autopilot, and Kylie knows the way, probably.  
"You're amazing if you can get excited by class"
"It's fun!"
"Only 'cause you're good at it"
"You're good at it"
"You know what I mean. Isn't this one your favorite?" 
"It's not my favorite" 
"Uh huh"
"I just like it a lot. Maybee essentially jus' cause I don't hafta try" It was a mandatory course, but Ra'jah's not complaining. Perhaps it's a little vain to enjoy something just to remind everyone you can do it, but it was an easy break from the rest of the courses. And a nice little egoboost.
"So I'm right!" 
"C'mon it's October and we're still on basic techniques"
"It's called introductory," She remarked. "Do you even pay attention half the time?"
"No but bitch neither do you"
"True" Kylie grinned in agreement.
"The way you're coming for me but it's easy for you too!" She hasn't been sewing as long as Ra'jah, but she has great taste so it really balanced out. "And let it be known that I use that class time to think about incredibly productive things"
"Oh that's her name?"
"What?" She didn't mean for her tone to drop. Didn't mean for her legs to stop walking, planting themselves into the cement. Didn't mean for the smile on her face to plummet at the implication. Her visceral reaction was louder than the cluelessness she gave off.  
"Calm down" She giggled, as if Ra'jah's reaction woke her up from her grogginess, her breathlessness equivalent to a shot of espresso for Kylie. "You just seem really occupied sometimes is what I meant"
"Me? No I'm not" She couldn't convince herself.
"Okay babe. The models of your fashion sketches just look a little reminiscent"  
"You know Scarlet isn't the only person with ginger hair right?" Ra'jah bites back, the condescending tone not her intention, but not exactly unwanted in the moment. Scarlet is insufferable, she doesn't want her own name slandered is all, being associated with the arrogant shit.
"Baby, I ain't mention Scarlet. That's all you.'' She had a shit eating smirk and maybe Ra'jah takes everything back about how nice friends are. IF there was inspiration, Scarlet is objectively nice looking so it's not a big deal there might be similarities if you squint.  
"She was implied" 
"If you want her to be"
They get inside and take a seat at one of the large tables, divided into stations with a sewing machine and some material at each one. Ra'jah takes a spot at the edge, with Kylie seated to her right. 
 On paper, it's all been planned out for Ra'jah; during her strolls between classes she'll take in all her surroundings and actively look for inspiration, pondering all the natural shapes and patterns of the world in a way she can manipulate into clothing. On paper, she'll make the most out of the introductory class, sketching designs between the minimal notes and sewing practices. On paper, she'll finish the mornings class with ease and have extra time to practice some new things. 
In reality? Paper is flimsy, especially when its accountability is held by a fleeting mind. It's hard to bask in the world when unwanted questions plague her head. Mostly revolving around a certain redhead. God, fuck her. Fuck her pretty eyes and fuck her sculpted face and fuck her euphonious voice. Does everyone who sees Ra'jah see her patheticness? How she allowed some cunt to infiltrate her mind, set up home in her head and take up all the space? Let her infect every cell in the brain like a parasite until her skull is nothing but an infiltrated shell for an infestation caught up with infatuation?
"Ra'jah, you good?"  The girl sat across from her, Trinity, piped up, and Ra'jah had to bite back a smile. The icy, timid girl she met just a few weeks ago was starting the conversation.
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"
"You just looked a little spaced out" 
"Nah, it's just that this class is a breeze an' I'm just thinking about a project for another class" 
"Plus it's hard to just think of designs when there's no inspiration"
"I mean, we're supposed to practice gathering and making ruffles right now"
"Oh shit! We are?"
"Yeah girl!" Ra'jah, shaking her head at herself, finally picked up some of the fabric around her and got to work. "You'll be alright?"
"Oh don't worry about me! I'm all good"
"Okayyy if you need anything just yell" Ra'jah replied with a hum and a nod. Watching the girl running the fabric under the machine, memories of the first time they'd talked flashed, days of the nearly silent girl feeling so distant.
  "I really like your earrings" The girl raised her head, looking left and right a little as if making sure it was directed at her. 
"Thanks." She mumbled, vaguely looking at Ra'jah's direction. 
"If you don't mind, where'd you get them?"
"Uh, I thrifted it."
"Oh, cool" Ra'jah smiled, before quickly adding "Thanks". The raven haired girl didn't reply. The start of the intriguing game of 'does she hate me, is she shy, or both?' 
   After all the awkward attempts made for the quiet girl to be comfortable and maybe make a friend, a sense of pride rang through her. She met Kylie and Trinity here a mere month ago, and yeah, maybe she could be nice. She could walk the fineline of warm socialization without being annoying. The new Ra'jah doesn't do unnecessary mean quips just for the sake of a little power rush. She can be authentically her while being polite. New Ra'jah makes friends- not enemies. 
"Oh by the way" Ra'jah snapped her head up at Trinity's voice 
"Yeah, what's up?"
"I know it's a little random but do you know what you're gonna be for Halloween?"
"Huh. Well, I haven't really thought about it" Ra'jah remarked, "I just don't care for Halloween and all that"
"Really? Girl, you're not gonna do anything, dress up, go out, nothing?"
"Baby all that work and money for some costume I'll wear once? No ma'am- and the fuck will I do, I barely have ideas for school!"
"Hey, you could wear anything and it's a costume. Wear a black dress, you're a cat"
"You think I'm that basic?"
 "Fuck you" She snorted, and Trinity had a goofy smile, looking at Ra'jah with a sense of familiar fondness. "And thanks, really, but I don't care for all that spooky shit anyways"
"Damn, alright!" Teeth out and all, she laughed. The blonde on the right leaned in a little, a pleasant opposition of Trinity's hesitation is Kylie's eagerness
"Jesus Ra'jah, what did Halloween do to you?" The southern girl butts in. "You could dress as the grinch of Halloween, steal children's candy" 
"You know what, yeah, I'll be a sluttified grinch"
"You're kinda built the same already" Trinity joins with a grin
"Sluttified? Are you implying the grinch isn't sexy enough?" Ra'jah choked a little at that, found herself smiling with some dopey content, at what exactly she's not sure. 
"Do ya'll think being the grinch would count as like, being a furry?" Trinity asked, voice dripping in an odd amount of seriousness. 
"What? Baby no" Kylie jumped in. "Yes! absolutely, how would it NOT?" Trinity argues, and maybe it's the easiness of everything.  Of how nice it is to just fall into banter when you let people in. Bouncing off the two girls, she doesn't need to think of how to be funny, how to one up herself, remind everyone of why she's worthy. She can just, be. And that warrants a smile. 
With Ra'jah's elbow propped on the table, she rested her cheek against her palm to face forward, before turning a little to face Trinity
"But why do ya ask Trin? About Halloween"
"Oh, kinda last minute but I just want some ideas to figure mine out" She shrugs, and Kylie leans over once more. It's a little heartwarming, how physically close she always instinctively wants to be. 
"Oh! Are you going to the Halloween party this weekend?"
"Nah parties aren't really my thing"
"Awh, but it'll be fun!"
"Yeah standing in a mass of people I won't talk to will be so fun"
"Fine- Ra'jah, are you goin'?" Rajah turns her head to follow the voices like a cat keeping up with a beam of light. 
"RIGHT, forgot, Halloween's not your thing". A party where she can have a disguise, let loose and have fun. It feels almost embarrassing to admit to her newfound friends that she's never been to a party, and the thought of a Halloween party didn't even cross her mind. Maybe Halloween isn't not her thing, it's just not something she'd indulge in. For reasons. Like, schoolwork. 
"Welllllll…" Ra'jah hummed, dragging on with a small grin
"OH the prospect of partying changes things huh?" 
"You know, me an' Halloween, we complicated okay!" They laugh, but Ra'jah's left thinking. New or old Ra'jah both, spends a little too much time in the internal realm of the brain. 
The class falls silent except the murmurs of the buzzing machines, and the three chatter in whispers. Although usually it's mostly her and Kylie with occasional injections of confirmation from Trinity
"You're insane if you think spaghettini is better than fettuccine" Kylie protested "Spaghettini is literally the objective worst"
"Says who?!" Ra'jah paused sewing to look up at Kylie in defiance
"Trinity which is better" 
"Huh? Ya'll It's too early for this." Trinity complained.
"Oh, says the bitch who asked if the grinch was a furry" Ra'jah retorted, but Trinity brushed her off to look at Kylie "Oh wait! Also, Kylie, what're you gonna be for Halloween?" She gave a little snicker before answering 
"Don't come for me but honestly? Was thinking about being a cat" 
"AAAAAH!" Ra'jah and Trinity erupted laughing.
"But like, a hot one okay!" Ra'jah quickly tried to redeem herself.
"You'll be the hottest ass cat around" Plus, worse comes to worst, Ra'jah will be a witch or something, and they can be hot and basic together. 
When the class ended, they packed their things, and exchanged their goodbyes
"I'll see y'all around!"
"See you! Good luck on your textile project Trin" 
"Thanks!" She waved, yelling a final "Bye!" 
"Bye!" The three part, and Ra'jah makes her way to her second class. History of costume and design was next, and quickly weighing it out, she decided to take a quicker path through the halls. Suddenly, the weight of a body knocked at her side, the two stumbling around for a few seconds. A gust of papers had fallen from both parties' arms, and landed on the floor.
"Oh shit! I'm so-" Scarlet cuts herself off when she looks up at whom she's bumped into.
"Maybe watch where you're going" Ra'jah snorts out of sheer instinct, squatting down to gather her papers where Scarlet follows suit, just a little too close. The vague, sweet scent of strawberries she gives off is suffocating.
"Maybe if you weren't such a stuck up cunt taking up half the hallway I wouldn't hit you" The attention sends a masochistic jolt down her spine
"Uh oh someone's in a bad mood. Stuck up cunt that's a new one! Love the creativity. You should drop out of this school and be a writer" As much as she screamed internally to just shut the fuck up and get your things, it was so easy to slip back to this.
"Thanks but I'm good! When you fail out this year you can give it a try"
"Baby, me? Fail out?" Please don't imply that. Please don't make me doubt that I can and deserve to be here. I don't want to seek approval from others, but I can't help but be hurt at disapproval. Of course, her thoughts don't verbalize as the words that come out of her mouth. "That's a lot of talk for a girl who probably spends more hours getting fucked than studying" Before she can think it through, process the flash of hurt on her face and the way her fingers tense around the last piece of paper, before Ra'jah can really understand the weight of her own words she continues. "But I guess that's how you get yo' A's right?"
Their exchanges were in aggressive whispers, hushed to anyone above them. To most people, they'd find a sight of two girls muttering to one another while they pick up some things they've dropped.
"You're so much prettier when you're quiet" Scarlet huffed, standing up in one swift motion. Those words aren't a compliment. Like, at all. So why does Ra'jah's dumb, twisted heart stop for a second? The implied connection of herself and 'pretty' slows her body and slurs her mind until she's pushing herself up off the ground in slow motion. It's been so many months of mundanity, the small interaction felt all so familiar and foreign and exciting at the same time.But the haziness of her words and their little games makes her forget for a second of what the fuck just happened, and a wave of patheticness washed over her as she started to walk, eyes focused at the cream walls. For all her hemming and hawing, Ra'jah hasn't. Fucking. Changed. 
A rush of everything dives into her guts, a sick adrenaline coated in dread, self loathing and the slight urge to cry, nestling in her stomach like a bird claiming a branch as it's home. Her skin was electric, and she hated to admit she loved it, the thrill of interacting with her, cattiness and all. Imagine feeling this much from fucking bumping into someone? Fingers clenched, nails digging in her own palms at how much she hates her. Intense emotions are a high of their own, and Ra'jah can't help but indulge. The piercing sting of her flesh being pressed in with her nails is intensified as she listens for the faint voice of that lanky girl always accompanying Scarlet. 
"You good Scarlet?"
"Yeah, thanks" She can't look back, but she can't help but wonder- are they hugging? Holding hands? It doesn't- it shouldn't matter to her. The fun amusement pales in comparison to the misery settling in. The realization that she's fighting with Scarlet like they're 16 at the back of English class.
Of all the schools, why'd that girl have to come here? Of all the things to pursue, why the same as herself? Of all the people, why'd it have to be her? Ra'jah didn't have the audacity to explore the last question. What she means, she's not too sure. The only thing in the world she's sure of is that she can't be both New Ra'jah™ and Old Ra'jah™ to different people. The line between the two existences isn't so bold anymore, and painting over the bumps isn't as effective as she'd hoped. 
  Truth be told, watching herself move around in skirts was one of her favorite things- just about tied with watching others watch her. Maybe that's why she joined cheer in highschool. Especially with the support from (or, lack of thereof) a certain grimacing purple haired girl, a runaway model from a fashion show who wound up wandering this school. She never needed to turn and look, didn't need sight to know there's a burn at her back, nor who it's radiating from. Scarlet always walked with just a bit of a straighter back, just a bit more purpose, and just a bit more stride in her step when her favorite pair of wandering eyes were around. A small part of her always wants to turn around, catch her gaze and watch her frantically look away and pretend she's talking to someone. Or maybe she'll hold it, stare back with just as much intensity. But her wistful attention is enough of an ego boost. The scowl ridden bitch, smile washed away just for her, and yet that's where her attention lied. It made her bite back a smile. 
Scarlet is a pretty thing, and she didn't need constant confirmation to remind her that she's beautiful. She's hot, she knows it, Ra'jah knows it, and Scarlet knows that's all she is to her. A pretty thing. Whatever. She's not important. 
In fear of her brain melting, and/or being fried to a crisp, Scarlet doesn't bother having two classes back to back. Her mental capacity is full, and a nice salad will probably help with that. She's on her way to meet with Yvie for lunch, thinking about their weekend plans, when she takes a misstep and stumbles, all her weight focused in her shoulder which slams against someone else's side.
"Oh shit! I'm so-" the universe is an asshole. May the odds never be in my favor. 
"Maybe watch where you're going" Her sneer is venomous, and the universe has suddenly become just the second biggest asshole. 
"Maybe if you weren't such a stuck up cunt taking up half the hallway I wouldn't hit you" Ra'jah didn't do anything, a rational voice lectures, but she ignores it the way she's ignoring the taller girls face. Scarlet's grabbing at her papers, avoiding eye contact because that selfish pile of shit on her right takes up enough space as is, and if she looks into her eyes, sees that stupid fucking face this close she might do something bad. Like, in the sense of, punching her. Yeah, she can't look at her or she'll beat her up. Because that's a fight she'd win.  
"Uh oh someone's in a bad mood. Stuck up cunt that's a new one! Love the creativity. You should drop out of this school and be a writer" Ra'jah snides, and she needs to drop out before Scarlet gets grey hair from her. 
"Thanks but I'm good! When you fail out this year you can give it a try" Her words are about as empty as her own stomach, because she hasn't eaten since last night, and Ra'jah will quit fashion school and become a science engineer before she fails out. 
"Baby, me? Fail out?" Yeah, with the flawless outfit you're wearing that you sure as hell made just because you were bored one night. Your pants could literally be sold as a luxury brand. The girl who started sewing when she a embryo in the womb, you'll fucking fail out.  "That's a lot of talk for a girl who probably spends more hours getting fucked than studying- But I guess that's how you get yo' A's right?" Scarlet looks up, not at Ra'jah but away from the ground, and the urge to yell, hit her, and cry come up at the same time. She wants to scream, get everyone in hearing range to know that Ra'jah is a loser who will amount to nothing. She wants to reach out and choke her. But articulating her anger into words is too much, and she ends up just whispering whatever words are willing to come out as she gets up, not caring if she left any papers behind. 
"You're so much prettier when you're quiet" And that's the closest thing to honest Scarlet's said all day. 
In the distance, she sees Yvie walking towards her, so she waits until the freshly dyed green haired girl is caught up beside her. 
"You good Scarlet?" 
"Yeah, thanks" The two walk together, side by side, and Scarlet loops her arm through Yvie's, linking the pair. 
"You know, Scarlie, you should stop wearing heels before you break your ankles"
"Hey!" She giggled, slapping the taller girl's arm in response. "I never fall, people just get in my way" Yvie scoffs, unable to stop the corners of her lips turning up and giving her away, forever endeared by the shorter girl. Scarlet's affection makes her forget that they've only known each other for a month. They reach a set of blue doors, and Yvie opens it, holding it for Scarlet to come through. Her face seems puzzled 
"Are you down to go to Mika's Cafe? I want to get some coffee" 
"Sure, they have nice breakfast sandwiches and omelettes, I'm down" It's only a few minutes away from campus 
"What's on your mind"
"Just like, school stuff. I have to make a dress for creative fashion design, and I'm just thinking about it, and what I wanna do" Would it be tmi to blurt that Ra'jah is insufferable? 
"Cool," Yvie hummed, and spiteful words cycled through Scarlet's head, deciding on what exactly to say, before Yvie beats her to it, whipping her head in some seeming urgency
 "OH by the way, I know you're busy with your project and you're determined on getting in the top 5 and all," 
"Uh huh" 
"Buuuuut, there's a Halloween party this weekend, and I was gonna go with Brooke and her friends but they're not going anymore," Scarlet knows how Yvie feels about Brooke, and to be fair she's only met her a few times in passing, but how someone like Yvie could fall for someone as uptight as the boring blonde is beyond her. She doesn't dare bring up another possibility of why her dorm mate would be avoiding the stoic girl, a possibility involving a particularly hot headed latina glued to the Canadians side. "They decided clubbing downtown would be more fun or whatever," They're outside on the pavement now, and the afternoon breeze graces their skin. It's a welcome environment, and Scarlet slows down her pace to enjoy the air, with Yvie quickly matching her pace. 
"Wouldn't you rather go clubbing though? Like not with Brooke and them but with others," Scarlet is friendly and all, but she swears Yvie is somehow friends with half the school. She sure as hell can find a group to go with.
"I guess, but I want to go to the party," she quiets a little as she continues, "There are some people I want to see there, for fun and stuff"
"Mmmm!" Scarlet widens her eyes, looking at the taller girl with a knowing glare, sprinkled with a teeny bit of judgement. 
"It's kinda lame to go there alone!" 
"No it's not!" 
"Scarls, yeah it is"
"Why do you even care? Wanna impress some girls?" In response, Yvie rolled her eyes so hard Scarlet could practically feel it. 
"'Cause you want me to go to a fun Halloween party by myself? 
"Yes! You could walk up to anyone and there's like an 80% chance you already know them, and a 100% chance you'll become friends anyways" The quirky girl's charm is undeniable, she'll be fine without Scarlet. Yvie gives a defeated sigh
"Seems kinda homophobic" 
"Ugh you know what's actually homophobic? The fact that more people aren't madly in love with me. I'm LITERALLY perfect" The prospect of love feels like it's been dangled infront of her, her whole life. Imagine looking like Scarlet, and never dated before?
"You're right girl, you are" Yvie laughed her deep, hearty cackle and Scarlet wanted to melt a little. 
"Thank you, finally someone with taste" Looking at her outfit, she remembers that the tall girl's taste is kind of debatable, and Scarlet almost wants to say she takes it back
"You think Ra'jah has good taste then?" 
"Also a party seems like the best way to meet more people y'know?" She brushes over her last question, and it's much better that way.
"You know what, whatever 'll go with you" Scarlet agrees so she'll shut up. If she hears her roommate bring up she-who-shall-not-be-named-because-shes-a-stick-in-the-ass anymore she might lose her mind. And, she really doesn't have any other plans for the night so might as well.
AN: going to be a while for the next chapter bc im busy so here's a lil thing lol xo
They weren't supposed to meet here. Weren't supposed to see each other. At least, that's what Scarlet tries to tell herself.
"You are such a fucking pain, oh my god" Scarlet seethed because everything is hazy except the impassive girl standing before her and she can't think straight. Her cold eyes are apathetic and Scarlet wants to implode, like a glass thermostat engulfed in a burning heat where it's not a question of if, but an inevitable when? "Maybe I am arrogant" Her voice was coated in a sickly sweet frustration. She pushed further into Ra'jah's space, the taller girl stiffening at the ever decreasing space between the two. How can she be so still, so unreactive? This is all so amusing to her? Is she having fun, so fucking detached from everything and watching Scarlet crumble? Pretending like she cares about Scarlet past her pretty face? Enjoying her sadistic game? Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her. 
"Maybe I am narcissistic" Their faces were inches apart, and Ra'jah could feel the angry womans hot breathe on her cheek, the pungent smell of alcohol intruding her nose.
"But I'd rather be a confident, arrogant narcissist than whatever kind of sad fuck you are" 
Scarlet growled, and she wanted to breathe fire, burn Ra'jah's existence out of her mind and scream at everything she felt because of her. Except that she sees her, and wants her, wants to hurt her and touch her and without thinking her hands are digging around Ra'jah's waist.
"You are such-" Scarlet was interrupted as the other girl leaned in, framed the shorter girl's face with both her hands, and pressed her lips against Scarlets. Any thoughts or mental functionality she had were put to an abrupt stop. This wasn't supposed to happen. It's been so long, but no time has passed since they were last like this. The plug to her brain was pulled, and it's all static and her bodys done a full 180. Ra'jah's piercing lips are numbing, and her overheated body feels like it's been dunked in ice where all her nerves are all in shock. They weren't supposed to do this anymore, it's the only thing they've ever been able to agree on. She was frozen, unable to move, or think, far too busy being hyper focused on the familiar sugary lips on hers, sending waves of nostalgia through her body. Time has only heighted the intoxication. She gains some composure and surges forward, but Ra'jah's pulling away, opening her mouth to finally say something.
"You're so much prettier when you're quiet"
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miumiu-chan · 4 years
Miyase Go STORY 1 Chapter 4-4
Subbed video: STORY-1 4-4
-Investigation Planning Division-
[AOYAMA]: “Spontaneous pneumothorax?”
[REI]: “Yes. From what I saw today, I suspect that is Kujo Soma’s illness.”
[REI]: “Of course I’m not a doctor, so I’m not sure.”
[SEKI]: “I see......”
[NATSUME]: “Pneumothorax is the one called “Ikemen’s disease”*, isn’t it.” (T/N: Like how it’s a disease seen often among handsome men. Often develops among lean and tall young men, and among more men than women.)
[AOYAMA]: “The cause of the onset does seem to be unknown, and it recurs many times?”
[REI]: “Yes......”
[NATSUME]: “If you drop such a bomb, at least it’s unlikely that Kujo Soma will be crazy with drugs.”
[SEKI]: “What is Izumi’s opinion in that area?”
[REI]: “I’ve been observing every day, but I think it’s not possible he’s involved in the use of dangerous drugs.”
[REI]: “That applies to all the members who go in and out of that house.”
[AOYAMA]: “What other information did you get?”
[REI]: “......I checked Miyase Go’s mobile phone.”
[NATSUME]: “Eh, that’s amazing.”
[REI]: “......No. I didn’t get anything.”
[AOYAMA]: “Does that mean there’s zero harvest?”
[REI]: “There was no address book, no incoming calls history, no outgoing calls history.”
[REI]: “No internet browsing history or messaging apps.”
[NATSUME]: “Did he erase it all before lending it to Rei-chan?”
[REI]: “I don’t think he could’ve afforded to do that in that situation......”
[AOYAMA]: “How did you call the doctor?”
[REI]: “Miyase-san handed it to me after making the call......”
[SEKI]: “It could be that they try not to leave any information on the terminal on a daily basis.”
[AOYAMA]: “Or does he have another personal mobile phone?”
[NATSUME]: “Either way, it’s a mystery~. The Kujo Family’s servant.”
[REI]: “......I’m sorry.”
[REI]: “I haven’t gotten any useful information for the investigation.”
[AOYAMA]: “It’s understandable, so don’t feel down.”
[AOYAMA]: “You’re doing a good job.”
[SEKI]: “Yeah. A lot of things happened today so you must be tired.”
[SEKI]: “Go on home and take a good rest.”
[REI]: “......Okay. Thank you. Thank you for your hard work.”
-Temporary Apartment-
[REI]: (......I can’t sleep.)
So many thoughts were circling around in my head.
[REI]: (Around this time, I wonder if Miyase-san is taking care of Kujo Soma......)
[REI]: (......Is Kujo Soma really involved with the flower drugs?)
If, he happened to be innocent.
If I could hurry and prove it————
[REI]: (............Then, I could build a more sincere relationship with Miyase-san.)
[REI]: “............Huh?”
I suddenly sat up in the bed.
[REI]: (I, what did I think just now......?)
[REI]: (Even though I’m a DCD agent who infiltrated the Kujo Family.)
[REI]: (Somehow, wasn’t my thinking deviating in a bad direction?)
[REI]: “......Get it together, me. Because it’s all work.”
-Kujo House / Garden-
[REI]: (I couldn’t sleep at all......)
[MIYASE]: “Rei-san, have you finished watering the designated area?”
[REI]: “Yes. I just put away the hose.”
[MIYASE]: “Thank you.”
[MIYASE]: “As expected, you’ve really helped the work go faster.”
[REI]: (Miyase-san is the same as usual.)
[REI]: (Kujo-san doesn’t seem to be up yet......)
[MIYASE]: “Then, is it alright if you help me prepare the lunch next?”
[REI]: (......Huh?)
[MIYASE]: “......Rei-san?”
[REI]: (——No. He’s not the same......as usual?)
[REI]: “Isn’t Miyase-san kind of different from usual?”
[MIYASE]: “Eh? Do I have bed hair?”
[REI]: “That’s not it......”
[REI]: “............”
[MIYASE]: “......If you stare at me too much, I’ll feel shy.”
[REI]: “Ah, sorry......”
[REI]: “Um, this might be intrusive of me, but......”
[REI]: “I wonder if your complexion is not so good......”
[MIYASE]: “Aa. Maybe it is because of lack of sleep.”
[REI]: “Did you take care of Kujo-san without going to sleep until morning?”
[MIYASE]: “Since it is the servant’s job, that is natural.”
[REI]: “Um......If it’s tough, you can just give me instructions and I’ll cook lunch.”
[REI]: “Miyase-san, please go ahead and rest.”
[MIYASE]: “No, I cannot put that much of a burden on Rei-san.”
[REI]: (Even though Miyase-san......right now, is looking really burdened?)
[MIYASE]: “I am the type of person who is relatively okay without much sleep, so I am fine.”
[MIYASE]: “Now, let’s go to the kitchen.”
My gaze dropped down, catching a glimpse of Miyase-san’s right arm as he walked away.
......The color of the bruise that had no traces of treatment, I felt it was a little darker than yesterday.
-Kujo House / Kitchen-
[MIYASE]: “——Ah. Oops.”
[REI]: “What happened……?”
[MIYASE]: “I was thinking of boiling the nanohana today to make it into a soup……”
[MIYASE]: “But I took the miso by mistake.”
[REI]: (That’s unusual……)
[REI]: (He usually doesn’t make a mistake like that.)
[REI]: “Even with miso soup, it’ll be delicious.”
[MIYASE]: “……You’re right.”
[MIYASE]: “But, this is an embarrassing blunder. Please keep it a secret, okay?”
[REI]: (As I thought, his smile looks like he’s tired.)
[MIYASE]: “——Huh? Rei-san, those carrots are……”
[REI]: “?”
[REI]: “Miyase-san gave them to me to peel earlier……”
[MIYASE]: “……I had intended to give you the cabbage.”
[REI]: “Eh.”
[REI]: (What do cabbages and carrots have in common…………Vegetables.)
[MIYASE]: “Haha. Sorry.”
[MIYASE]: “This too, please keep it a secret from everyone.”
[REI]: (Is this okay……)
-Kujo House / Dining Table
[KIRISHIMA]: “Oh, this miso soup is super tasty.”
[SHINDO]: “Yeah. It has good dashi* in it.” (T/N: Dashi is a Japanese soup stock.)
[MIYASE]: “I am glad it suits your tastes.”
[REI]: (It really is delicious.)
[REI]: (No matter what Miyase-san cooks, all of them have a gentle taste.)
[KIRISHIMA]: “By the way, how’s Kujo-san doing?”
[KIRISHIMA]: “He still can’t get up yet?”
[SHINDO]: “The pain seems to have lessened a lot.”
[SHINDO]: “If he rests for a few more days, he’ll be fine.”
[KIRISHIMA]: “I see. That’s great.”
[REI]: (Does Kirishima-san know in detail about Kujo-san’s illness……?)
[MIYASE]: “…………”
[REI]: (Hm? Miyase-san hasn’t eaten at all……)
[REI]: “Um, what’s the matter?”
[MIYASE]: “——Eh?”
[REI]: “You haven’t made a dent in your food……”
[MIYASE]: “Aa, I am fine.”
[MIYASE]: “I was just thinking a bit.”
[SHINDO]: “What, is Miyase perhaps in poor health as well?”
[KIRISHIMA]: “Seriously? He looks the same as always, though.”
[MIYASE]: “I was just wondering what to do for the dinner menu.”
[SHINDO]: “……You’re already thinking about the night while having lunch.”
[KIRISHIMA]: “I want to eat meat!”
[KIRISHIMA]: “Cow! Pig! And bird!”
[MIYASE]: “Meat sounds good.”
[REI]: “…………”
——After work.
-Kujo House / Living Room-
[MIYASE]: “Well then Rei-san, shall we go?”
[REI]: “Sorry……”
[REI]: “Even though Miyase-san is tired, you’re sending me home again today.”
[MIYASE]: “It is fine, really.”
[MIYASE]: “The night walks with Rei-san are a healing time for me.”
[REI]: (Healing……?)
Sorry to bother you.
I’m happy. (♡)
He is considerate…...
[REI]: “That kind of……makes me happy.”
[REI]: “Of course, I know that you’re just being considerate of me.”
[MIYASE]: “Eh……Those are my true feelings, though?”
[REI]: “It’s okay, you don’t have to flatter me.”
[REI]: “Even though I was told that it was healing being with me for the first time,”
[REI]: “But, I think I’m quick to speak and pretty continuously interrupt conversations, so I realize I am not cute.”
[REI]: “So I feel like I’m far from the word “healing”. Ahaha.”
[MIYASE]: “For me, Rei-san is healing.”
[MIYASE]: “When we’re together, I can relax.”
[REI]: “Relax……”
[MIYASE]: “This kind of thing, I believe they say that the wavelengths match.”
[MIYASE]: “Watching the cat and the birds in the garden, quizzing on the name of flowers, cooking in the kitchen side-by-side.”
[MIYASE]: “In those moments, I realize that I am laughing naturally.”
[MIYASE]: “Rei-san’s atmosphere to me, I think matches very well.”
That……I also thought the same.
[REI]: (When I’m with Miyase-san, the tension in my heart releases, and I get a soft feeling.)
……That was why it was getting harder and harder to lie.
[REI]: “……Thank you.”
[MIYASE]: “Thank you as well.”
[MIYASE]: “Let’s leisurely enjoy the brief time of healing.”
Miyase-san’s body, who tried to walk, aimlessly tilted over.
[REI]: “!”
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13eyond13 · 5 years
So my friend who just watched DN told me that she collectively hates the Task Force (except for Soichiro) because they 'didn't do shit the entire series'. It's been a while since I've seen the show and shamefully I could not defend their honor so... I would give you all of my pocket strawberries for a list of all the major accomplishments of the Task Force (that couldn't have been done by like some other underlings like the FBI agents). (Not a mangacap request, just a small list maybe? °3°)
Ahaha sure, I love the task force so much, and I would also loves me a pocket strawberry! This isn’t an exhaustive list because I just typed it up on my phone and didn’t get to actually check the canon sources or anything. But I’ll list a few things I remember from the manga:
Some Task Force Contributions:
-Ukita dies in the line of duty trying to stop Misa from murdering more innocent people on live TV. Soichiro stops them by driving a truck through Sakura TV HQ so he can get the VHS tapes. These are the tapes that ultimately give L some solid physical evidence against Misa as Kira #2 
-Matsuda watches over Misa as her manager, sneaks into Yotsuba Group HQ, and gathers important info against the group for them all. He also risks his life again on TV to draw Higuchi out
-Mogi does a shit ton of impressive grunt work for L and also for the time skip task force: he tails Light a bunch in the beginning, he researches 300k(!!) people during the Yotsuba arc, he captures Misa for L, he researches every single doctor or surgeon in the world or something(!!!!) when they're trying to track Mello down, he babysits Misa a whole bunch more... he really has the patience and humility of a saint
-Soichiro acts out the dramatic farce that helps L decide to release Light and Misa from their cells temporarily, takes on the shinigami eyes in order to fight back against Mello, gives up his life trying to fight against Kira and crime as best he could
-Aizawa and Ide and Soichiro all participate in the kidnapping rescue in an attempt to save Sayu and possibly not hand the Death Note over (though it is impossible to work around Mello's meticulous planning)
-most of them courageously put their lives directly on the line in combat to infiltrate Mello's hideout the first time around and nearly die in the explosion
-Aizawa investigates Light and Misa's apartment with Mogi, helps Near gain important information about Light by contacting him after he grows suspicious of him, also snoops around the hotel room and confirms that Light was using paper notepads to exchange messages with Takada
It's unfortunately a very mixed bag for the task force when you're counting up their accomplishments, because they are often working directly against their cause as much as they are helping it depending on who is giving their orders. They are mostly following Light's command after the time skip, and he is secretly working very hard to keep them from ever actually winning against Kira. Still, I love how brave and sincere they are and that they're so flawed and human and vulnerable. I don't really blame them for believing Light wasn't Kira for most of the plot. I also don't blame them for not knowing how best to contribute to the investigation sometimes when fighting against such a mysterious enemy as Kira, and when being commanded around by a cryptic and egotistical and temperamental boss like L, or a manipulative mastermind like Light.
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Urgent (-ish)
Heartsy’s Input: Babe. This is so wonderful. Holy Shit. This is Babe’s amazing Part 2 to Urgent she wrote a bit ago. Lemme tell you. I’m blushing about as much as Ed. Give it a read and let her know what you think!
Submitted by Babe!Anon
He could leave. The option was always there. Edward Elric could just jump on the next train to Central and not have to be here anymore. He was always working, always hot, always sweating, and always…on the look out. 
After reading that letter, he had bolted out of that tent as fast as his legs could carry. Dust had picked up behind him and so many Ishvalans had stared at him as if he had three heads. He made his own transmuted tent on the opposite side of the camp and hid from everyone for what seemed like weeks, months, even years.
It was only twenty minutes.
Eventually, someone knocked on the wall and Ed made a small peephole that he could peek out of. It was an Ishvalan soldier. Ed considered the threat and let himself out, brushed himself off, and tried to get rid of the blush on his cheeks.
“Uh, are you the Fullmetal Alchemist?” the man asked, towering over the boy and covered in grime and sweat. He looked as if he were expecting someone a little…taller to say the least.
“Yeah,” Ed snapped and crossed his arms over his chest defiantly. “What do you want?”
The man looked taken aback for a moment before he cleared his throat and shrugged a little. Weirder things have happened he supposed.
“You are needed in the captain’s tent.” He said, gesturing towards where Edward had just run from. Edward tensed and his blush returned full force. He looked away quickly from the man.
“Ah, those guys? They’ll find me if they need me! I’ll just-just-uh…make some buildings! Yeah, rebuilding, right?” Ed said, plastering a smile on his face and heading rigidly in a completely different direction. 
“But you–sir?” the man stammered, not knowing what to make of this. He had been told that the matter was urgent. Ed just waved without looking back at the man.
“I’m sure they’ll be okay!” He called out, looking around for something–anything–to keep him busy.
There is only so much you can do in the middle of the dessert. Edward had been making buildings left and right as soon as he had the general ideas or blueprints from fellow Ishvalans. Most people around him thought the spirit came from the fact that he was so young, but Ed knew that those two captains wouldn’t attack while he was working, so he kept busy.
It was Miles who had gotten the first point.
Ed had made the mistake of walking back to his little tent alone at night. After a long day of work, everyone had retreated back to their own beds and cots. With how tired he had been, he hadn’t noticed his old friend following close behind him.
“You’ve been doing a lot of work lately, full metal.” Mile’s voice said and a heavy hand landed on Ed’s shoulder. The small alchemist froze and a shiver ran up his spine.
“Y-yeah, just doing my job.” Ed replied, trying to move away but the hand on his shoulder tightened. Slowly, Ed turned his head to look up at Miles. There was a smile on the man’s face. That smile that meant that he was in for a heap of trouble. Miles took a step forward, closer to his old friend and just went in for the kill. 
Before Ed could react, Miles had yanked the boy’s arm over his head with one hand and started tickling wildly with the other. His fingers danced over Ed’s sides and ribs. Ed didn’t have time to even protest before giggles escaped his lips. He crumpled in Miles’ grip, trying to pull his arm away. When the captain began pinching at his sides, Ed went wild and started flailing like a fish on a hook. 
“WAAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!” Ed wailed, looking around frantically. Someone would definitely hear him if he kept laughing like this, but he was too tired to fight back.
“Say Uncle,” Miles said, smirking a little bit. This had been a fantastic plan of his. Ed was definitely a wiggly runt, but his laughter made it all worth it. He could see why Mustang had sent him that letter. He shifted his grip a little and set his hand to clawing ticklishly at Ed’s stomach.
Edward went crazy, trying to slap his hands together and transmute at least something to get out of this mess. He was kicking up dust and dirt, and his laughter was very quickly going hoarse. 
“MILES! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Ed wailed, his face scrunching up as he laughed more and more. He started to see lights come on around him. His heart caught in his throat.
“UNCLE! UN-cle” Ed said, but before he could repeat himself, Miles had already dropped his arm. Ed flopped down onto the ground with an ungraceful thud.
“Keep up the good work, full metal,” Miles said with a smirk on his face. Ed lay on the ground, twitching a little. That damn Mustang.
Scar was a little more subtle.
“Wake up.” the previous convict said, standing over the smaller alchemist in his tent. It had been quite easy to infiltrate, almost like Ed was challenging them.  Ed’s eyes flew open and he sat up quickly.
Well, he tried to anyways. That son of a bitch had tied him up. Ed’s heart almost stopped.
“Uh, Scar?” He said, shifting a little on the ground uncomfortably. 
“I don’t quite understand what the message was for, but I cannot afford to lose,” Scar said with a very serious expression on his face. There was a moment of silence.
“Are you kidding me?” Ed yelled, looking at Scar as if he were absolutely crazy. Scar just nodded solemnly.
“I was informed last night that I was behind a point.” Scar said and looked him over. 
“Mustang is just pulling a st-stupid prank on you two! This is insane! Let me go!” Ed said.
“Fullmetal, we have been enemies longer than we have been companions.” Scar said, casually cracking his knuckles. “But I have been doing this far longer.”
Deadly Ishvalan fingers descended upon the boy’s body with merciless fury. Scar’s fingers danced upon Ed’s body, making the boy twist and writhe underneath the touch.
“SCAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAR!” He squealed, his fists clenching and unclenching. This wasn’t like the night before. Ed was absolutely helpless here. Surprisingly, the Ishvalan stopped. Ed took a few deep breaths.
“Do you like to be tickled, Fullmetal?” Scar asked, looking over at the boy. Edward turned red. Beet red.
“What? Are you kidding me? No!” Ed squeaked, his voice jumping up about an octave. Scar shifted down a little bit…towards….
“Wait! What are you doing? Scar, come on!” Ed protested, but it was too late. The shoe was already off. Ed squeezed his eyes shut, ready for another onslaught of intense ticklish feelings.
“What I have learned in war…” Scar started, slowly dragging a finger up the length of Edward’s good foot. Ed squeaked and he tried to jerk his foot back.
“Is that if you want information from someone…” He continued, gently tickling the bottom of the boy’s foot. Ed giggled like crazy, wiggling on the ground and shaking his head. Scar allowed a small knowing smirk to pull at his lips.
“You have to start out slow.” He said, his voice low. His fingers found a spot right underneath Ed’s big toe–the same place that used to drive his brother wild–and found the same result.
“AHAHA Scahahahar! No! NO! Ihihihihit–stahahahap.” Ed said, his laughter jumping up and down as the fingers danced over his foot. He wasn’t sure which was worse, the intense tickling from the night before or this gentle tickling with the addition of Scar’s emotionless teasing.
“Do you like to be tickled?” Scar asked, pausing so that Edward could respond. The alchemist only breathed heavily and shook his head. Scar shrugged and moved up, pushing Edward’s shirt up to expose his stomach. Edward’s eyes bulged and he shook his head frantically. 
The gentle tickles from Scar were probably the most maddening thing that Ed had ever experienced in his life. The coarseness of his callused fingers drove Ed wild. They danced ever so gently on Ed’s stomach, slowly making their way to Edward’s bellybutton.
“Excuse me? Is Captain Scar and Fullmetal inside?” a voice asked from outside, a gentle knocking on the transmuted rock wall. Scar paused and gave Edward a look.
“Yes. We are discussing blueprint plans, what can we do?” Scar asked.
“Captain Miles requests both of you at the tent immediately. There’s a meeting about the new church to be built today.” The man said. Scar nodded and started to untie Edward. Ed pulled his shirt down frantically and scrambled to pull his shoe back on. Scar used his tattooed arm to blow out a wall and he stepped out, looking at the man.
“Sounds urgent.” Scar said, not even bothering to look at the disheveled boy behind him. 
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gloriaandrews · 6 years
Since you answered my Harry one so well, please share your thoughts on how you think Niall basically avoided the publicity stunts (at least in my opinion). Like all the other boys went through absolute nonsense and Niall was just sitting there like a one man peanut gallery going on about golf.
okay all of my wildly disorganized thoughts about this basically boil down to: i have no idea. Ahhaha.  I mean I really truly have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.  I was telling lexy about this ask and we were fantasizing about infiltrating hollywood together so we could just know everything.  Our plan of attack was that I would become George and Amal’s nanny. And then charm them into wanting me as a dinner guest and tell me all the  gossip. Ahah okay i just made that last part up right now.
Niall’s definitely gotten like, buzz from some of his relationships. Like, Selena Gomez and Barbara and Ellie Goulding.  And I mean, I think now they are definitely doing something strategic with Hailee Steinfield… but you’re right, i don’t think he’s ever had a “let’s get papped with some geese in holmes chapel”, high level PR situation.
It’s weird to me that he hasn’t because like… that stuff works ahaha. Like, haylor was massively, undeniably effective! And i think being with Gigi, whether it was real or not, definitely raised Zayn’s profile. Or helped maintain it.  So I mean, it may just be a decision Niall made about what level of fame he’s comfortable with? Or maybe, he’s just biding his time and is going to make a big relationship splash when his next album comes out!
I don’t necessarily think that, you know, using a relationship for PR is unethical, whether it’s real or not. I mean, that just seems like it’s part of the business. Also I think it’s mostly impossible to tell how they feel about any of it. And I certainly have no clue who is ultimately making the decisions about this type of thing, and why they’re being made, beyond like, always assuming everything is $$$ motivated.  
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shions-heart · 7 years
Please tell me more about the Seijoh installment of the Being Human series?? Who all will be in it? I'm /very/ excited for it!!
ooooh yay!
it’s gonna be a big cast this time around. it centers on the attempted take down of The House of the White Rose, and a subplot involving demons that’ll be revealed at the end of Tides Turning~
It’ll have IwaOi, of course, and also MatsuHana, KinKuni, KyouHaba, and Watari (if I can figure out a place for him ;;;). KuroKen will be in it too, and BokuAka, and even the Shiratorizawa group (in small doses and then one large dose at the end hehe).
The basic premise is Oikawa decides it’s time to take down The House of the White Rose, now that they have all these allies. But the House of the White Rose has gotten stronger thanks to secret contracts their higher members have been making with demons. Kunimi’s father is a member of the Coven Council and holds one of those contracts, and Hanamaki is the demon that helps bolster his powers. Matsukawa is his magic tutor and doesn’t approve of the demon but Hanamaki has been in service of the Kunimi family for three generations, so he doesn’t feel like it’s his place to say anything, he just tries to protect Kunimi from Hanamaki’s influence as best he can. Meanwhile, Kunimi is reaching the age where he’ll be sent off to Hinokoku for his trial, and his best friend Kindaichi is super worried about him. He’s the one that first goes to Iwaizumi for help because he’s sure his friend (and crush) is going to die.
That’s when Oikawa decides enough is enough and they start forming their plan to infiltrate and take down The House of the White Rose.
Meanwhile, Kyoutani is a Hell Hound who escaped Hinokoku and followed Iwaizumi’s scent to him, having imprinted on him from when Iwa and Kenma were in Hinokoku (that’ll be explained/shown in Tides Turning). Iwaizumi doesn’t have time with the whole battle plan going on to look after him, so Oikawa asks his kouhai Yahaba to keep Kyoutani in check.
I haven’t figured out yet what KuroKen and BokuAka’s subplots will be. I’m hoping something will come to me by the time Tides Turning is done, ahaha
ooh and something important from The Awakening and Tides Turning will come together to form a plot twist at the end of the Seijou fic that will lead in to a Karasuno fic . . . if I can work up the courage to write it ;;;
Thank you for your question and your interest! I’m really excited for it toooo /)u(\
((ask me for vague spoilers about my fics!))
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miumiu-chan · 4 years
Miyase Go STORY 1 Chapter 1-5
Subbed video: STORY-1 1-5
After the meal———.
-Park avenue-
[REI]: “Are you sure this isn’t bothersome? Selfishly saying that I want to go for a walk to clear the drunkenness.”
[MIYASE]: “Not at all. I also wanted to talk a little more with Izumi-san.”
[REI]: (Don’t say that so smoothly……)
[MIYASE]: “When it gets a little warmer in this park, the Utsugi flowers are very beautiful.”
[MIYASE]: “It is a cute flower that blooms in late spring, but it also blooms in the Kujo Family’s garden.”
[MIYASE]: “When the Utsugis bloom, the rainy season flowers quickly take the leading role.”
[REI]: “Are the Utsugis planted along this avenue?”
[MIYASE]: “Yes. It’s a bit hard to see with just the streetlights, but there are adorable buds.”
[REI]: (Buds……)
I tried to look closer, and at that moment——.
[REI]: “Ah……”
[MIYASE]: “Whoa there.”
As I stepped on a small sphere that was at my feet and began to fall, Miyase-san held and supported me lightly.
[MIYASE]: “Are you alright?”
[REI]: “Y-Yes……”
Being close enough that I could feel his breath, I hurriedly distanced myself.
[REI]: “Thank you……”
[MIYASE]: “I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.”
[MIYASE]: “It looks like you stepped on a baseball.”
[MIYASE]: “Children play on the grass here in the daytime.”
[REI]: “Sorry, I was careless.”
[MIYASE]: “It’s dark, so it’s hard to see your feet.”
[MIYASE]: “Oh, I know.”
[MIYASE]: “If……you’d like, please go ahead.”
[REI]: “Eh.”
He offered an elbow that was bent slightly, and just like in shoujo manga there was a kyun sound around my chest.
[MIYASE]: “I’m worried that you might fall again.”
[REI]: (A-As expected, I feel like I’m uselessly approaching too much……)
[REI]: (No, but…… it might seem unnatural to refuse strangely.)
[REI]: (…………Yeah, this is work! This is work, Itsuki-san, Imaoji-san!)
While declaring to the two who should be watching closely even now, I will “pretend” to be spoiled by his kindness.
[REI]: “……Then, sorry. Excuse me.”
[MIYASE]: “Yes.”
Looking down in embarrassment, I held the inside of Miyase-san’s elbow moderately.
A firm, masculine arm that could be seen even through the suit.
A soft and fragrant, gentle scent.
[REI]: (Oh no……My face feels hot.)
Looking up at Miyase-san——
I noticed that he was pouring a deeply gentle look, and I could no longer look away.
[REI]: “!……”
[MIYASE]: “……This, is a bit embarrassing.”
[REI]: “Ah……Yes um……It’s really embarrassing. Ahaha……”
[MIYASE]: “Haha. Would you like to talk about something?”
[REI]: “Good idea! Uhh……Ah!”
[REI]: “Since I was talking about my work earlier, I want to hear more about Miyase-san’s work!”
[MIYASE]: “My job……There isn’t anything interesting to talk about.”
[MIYASE]: “Every day, I just take care of my master and the mansion by myself.”
[REI]: “Eh!? Miyase-san, you take care of everything by yourself?”
[MIYASE]: “Yes. So during this time when the garden work is especially busy, I’m a little troubled.”
[MIYASE]: “When I’m taking care of garden management and the master, I can’t clean very much.”
[REI]: “Yeah, that mansion does seem very hard to clean.”
[MIYASE]: “Indeed. But as you know, the Kujo Family has a danger of being targeted just by working for them.”
[MIYASE]: “So we have avoided hiring the general public.”
[REI]: “Then, it’s a situation where Miyase-san has to work hard alone……”
[MIYASE]: “Yes. But as expected, I feel a little at my limit.”
[MIYASE]: “If possible, I would like to hire another housekeeper.”
[MIYASE]: “As long as it is one person, I can be right by their side and protect them.”
[REI]: “Housekeeper……”
[REI]: (That’s it!)
-Investigation Planning Division-
[SEKI]: “Housekeeper……”
[REI]: “Yes. They seem to be recruiting.”
[NATSUME]: “It definitely is a great chance to infiltrate.”
[NATSUME]: “It’s been about a week since we’ve been staking out. We still haven’t even been able to see the Kujo Family head in the flesh at all.”
[YUI]: “I’m against it. It’s too dangerous.”
[SEKI]: “That’s true. At any rate, considering that Izumi would be infiltrating alone——”
To the ringtone that resounded in the room, everyone’s questioning gazes crossed with one another.
[SEKI]: “Oh, sorry. It’s my phone.”
Seki-san’s voice, who had answered the phone a little away, suddenly dropped.
[SEKI]: “Eh……? Is that true?”
[REI]: (What is it……?)
[SEKI]: “——Yes. Understood.”
[SEKI]: “I’ll send an investigator from here too. ……Yes, well then.”
[NATSUME]: “Seki-san, was there an incident?”
[SEKI]: “Some users have fallen ill with the flower drugs for the first time.”
[REI]: “! ?”
[YUI]: “Impossible……”
[YUI]: “If it’s the components of that medicine, even if you take a large amount——”
[YUI]: “Or maybe, is it being combined with other dangerous drugs?”
[SEKI]: “That’s what it looks like.”
[SEKI]: “The details seem to be under investigation.”
[YUI]: “……”
[REI]: “It’s serious……”
[NATSUME]: “It doesn’t seem like we can afford to take too long.”
[SEKI]: “……Yeah.”
[REI]: “Seki-san, please.”
[REI]: “Let me conduct an undercover investigation into the Kujo Family!”
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