#;{ alkdsf }
cordeliawhohung · 18 days
I am morbidly obsessed with ur pet!au😶 Simon is so… unnerving!! And sweet, dumb Johnny😭 I’m curious if Bonnie tries to fight back or escape in any way? And how successful or unsuccessful the attempt would be??? Reading ur responses has me wondering how violently Simon would react. In my (sick) mind it’s kill or be killed and I’d be sure to take Johnny with me (an unnecessary casualty but Simon has to suffer frfr😔 owner privileges revoked)
Let Bonnie get her revenge 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
when your pet gets out of the house, do you put up pictures? do you scrounge each corner of the earth looking for them? do you call their name so sweetly, luring them back home where it's safe? travel to every location you know they feel comfortable, just on the off chance they're holed up there? are they predictable? are you?
and when your dog bites, or your cat scratches, do you scold them? do you make them look at the blood? do you demand them to apologize? do they know any better? do you?
do you put it all behind you? do you wrap it in gauze and pretend like it doesn't sting? or do you fear that they still smell your blood? do you fear that now that they've got a taste for freedom, a taste for you, that they'll do it again?
do you rub their nose in the mess they made? or do you put a bad dog down?
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cold-neon-ocean · 2 years
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A character I've been working on for a little bit~ a warforged unicorn knight named Revenant ♦️🦄🖤✨
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sylvieons · 1 year
Got frustrated at work and said "I'm gonna kill myself, I swear to God" and then my boss got quiet and stopped talking to me.  Like bitch you should know me by now!! I called you from the mental hospital in 2016 to tell you I wouldn’t be in!! lmao. Also I left work one time by saying “You know when you feel weird? I feel weird. I’m gonna go. I feel...weird” and then awkwardly walked out.
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birb-tangleblog · 2 years
It's rare for me to send asks after all these years on here but I just wanted to drop in and give a big loving shoutout to your stunning work!! Kinda a silent admirer but aaaa stickin along for that good ol Hector content when it comes along <3
I really appreciate you sending this ask!! Thank you so much, it means a lot. ;v; 💖
Esp in smaller fandoms, it's always nice just to know/hear that ppl enjoy your work c: (and ofc I'm always happy that there are still fellow Hector enjoyers out there 🙏‍)
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scionshtola · 23 days
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🤔looks like them. but no ears (picrew)
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ithinkimauggie · 1 month
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thank you to @m3lka for coming up with an infinitely funnier version of this comic, alkdsf;ja you're so smart wtf <3
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mecharose · 1 year
jeff listening to fuck the police outside the police station aklsdjf;alkdsf
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trashbaget · 11 months
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
eddie is such a stickler about game saves!! he presses save several times in a row and if he's leaving a game he's just saved he'll press save again anyway
also, i can totally see him getting the fuck down with scrapbooking!? just serenely cutting out memories and pasting them on pages alkdsf he's definitely got a collection of scrapbooks that he hauls out for the right occasions, there are multiple volumes in his christopher scrapbook that he plops on the table on chris's birthday, and they add to it together sometimes aahhh
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takearisk-x · 1 year
Chap 14 eta?
ask me anything!
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the-milk-anon · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
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alkdsf thank you bby 🥺
i hope you're feeling better today 💕💕
- 🥛
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cold-neon-ocean · 2 years
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btw, Trojan is actually a human that can shapeshift into a dragon!! That's the basis for the whole Cyberpunk Dragons universe tbh. And ofc he's my favorite genre of human, the beefy-glasses-man genre
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yttd-enjoyer · 5 months
it is of the upmost importannce that I share this information with you.
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i have no idea if i actually want to wear the outfit i was planning to wear i feel like yh i do bc i mean it's smth i've worn twice b4 n i think it'll look cute for halloween lolz n i wanna wear the earrings n i feel like i dont hv anything else the earrings will like pop with? like anything else the earrings will kinda be the star n out of place but with tht outfit like it all uh makes sense but it's always the hmm idk guilt of dressing 'slutty' alkdsf;j n it really isnt even but it's like yh feels just like overdressing for a day at uni???? but also yolo n like idc if ppl judge me i'm having fun n bieng myself but am i? or am i just trying to fit stereotypes def not stereotypes prevalent in my societ but stereotypes nonetheless (akjfd;lak tumblr girl™) idk i mean the question is am i comfortable with wearing it n i think the answer is yes it's fun who cares n i'm def not being forced into it it's completely personal choice and yet sigh
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clarythericebot · 1 year
TWO job offers omg alksdjf alkdsf
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mingi-bubu · 1 year
I literally just realized that so many ppl in the xuniverse work at that fucking café from the og xunario that I still haven't fucking named alkdsf;jalsdkjf
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astrhae · 4 years
also now I'm also obsessed with the idea that jarvis is a roman demigod. u unintentionally kept up with the idea I was going with that all the hypercompetent characters (natasha, rhodey, now jarvis) are of roman descent and now ALSO did rhodey ever meet jarvis bc of that,, oh my god he's a family friend of jarvis and jarvis asked him to keep an eye on tony at MIT I'm SOFT
Edwin Jarvis is highly respected in Camp Jupiter, unlike Howard Stark who abandoned the camp forever, seeking greatness and fame.
The difference in respect might have to do with the fact that Jarvis was blessed by the virgin goddess Vesta, whose hearth and fire the Romans revered.
Or it might have to do with the fact that Howard was an asshole.
Or it might also be that the entire camp loves Jarvis’ cooking.
Either way, when Rhodey gets to know Jarvis, he’s still young, probably in middle school. 
And he asks Jarvis why he only comes down to camp for three days in a year. Why he works for Howard when Howard is, plainly put, an asshole who's growing more bitter by the day.
Rhodey points out that Jarvis could just... stay in Camp Jupiter. No need to work himself to the bone.
Jarvis smiles and shrugs. "We have a home and family here. But there's a little boy in New York with a house that isn't home, and everyone deserves more than that."
It'll take years for Rhodey to understand what Jarvis means.
Every year when Jarvis comes to Camp, Rhodey will sit on one of the kitchen counters and ask Jarvis endless questions about New York and what latest invention Howard's made. 
Rhodey might not like Howard Stark, but there's no denying that Stark Industries makes the most cutting edge technology there is. And Rhodey is a child of Vulcan. He likes to build, he wants to fly, and one day, he will.
"You and Tony will be good friends," Jarvis says with so much conviction that Rhodey doesn't question it. "You remind me so much of him."
It's high praise for Rhodey. Over the years, it's become public knowledge that Jarvis adores Tony Stark, although few understand why.
Rhodey is one of the few who knows that Tony must be special enough to win the heart of someone so kind and giving as Edwin Jarvis.
So when Jarvis appears one day, outside of his usual annual visits, to congratulate Rhodey on being accepted into MIT, Rhodey already knows that it comes with a request.
"I'll take care of him," Rhodey promises, and it's an oath that carves itself deep in his bones, his heart, his soul.
Jarvis hugs him, teary-eyed but happy and incredibly proud.
"You're a fine man, James Rhodes," Jarvis says with that British lilt of his, "I hope he'll be able to remind you of home, too."
So when Rhodey meets Tony Stark, with eyes too wide, mouth too loud, mind too fast, he sees instantly past the snark and sharp edges to find the little boy that Edwin Jarvis raised. 
The one who knew how to bake pies, but who preferred to sit on the kitchen counter and talk as Rhodey heated up their take out. The one who built a robot puppy just because Rhodey said he missed home.
The man Jarvis had raised was nothing like Howard Stark, despite all the armors he put on. Rhodey finally understands, fully, why Jarvis had stayed in New York all those years.
So when Tony builds his first A.I., Rhodey listens to the familiar voice, and when the way J.A.R.V.I.S. says ‘home’ isn't quite as Rhodey remembers it, he helps Tony tweak it just right.
Of course, the day that Tony starts lighting up fires everywhere and needs to build a fire extinguisher bot is another story altogether. 
But Rhodey figures home is home, and Rhodey had always loved crazy adventures.
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