#;;birds of a feather | cyclonus
venatorventus · 1 year
“I don’t think we can actually let him go out like this. This is not moderately slutty, Scourge, this is blatantly slutty.”
"It isn't see through," he protests, pleased as punch with himself. "He's irresistible! Megatron already adores him, but he won't be able to help himself this time, oh Scourge, you devil, you dog, you! Such simple craftsmanship, oh I've outdone myself, this time!"
Look at how he preens, silly thing. He's so proud his wings are flapping a little.
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tiesthatbind-tf · 3 years
I have two new questions: Wouldn't Onyx Prime be African because of Eukaris more closely related to African traditions? And what would your version of Cyclonus look like and what ethnicity he would be?
Nope! Because I'm not using the extremely convoluted history IDW has for the characters/world before the main story. Onyx here is not Shockwave in disguise, he's much closer to the Aligned/Fun Publications version of the character. Eukaris exists but it's sort of a central homeland state created specifically for Beast Men where all variants of them would receive equal treatment (This is due to the fact that even in places where some of them were well-accepted, others were not, as an example Bird-style beast men being revered in Japan as 'Tengu', while fox-style beastmen were always pegged as tricksters and bear-style Beastmen were outright demonised outside of Ainu culture).
Beast Men in Ties That Bind are also not associated with a single culture or people.
There's actually a whole page dedicated to the explanation for Beast Men and Eukaris in this AU, I'll include it under a cut since it's long (TW for mentions of Human Trafficking and general dehumanization).
I haven't as of yet decided anything on Cyclonus!
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A new subset of humanity which occurred during the Quintesson Invasion, Beast Men (Homo Bestia) were the product of genetic experimentations on humans and animals alike by Quintesson scientists in the early days of the invasion.
The exact nature or reason behind these grotesque experiments have yet to be fully understood but from what little has been translated from salvaged texts, it is believed that they were conducted to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of earth’s indigenous lifeforms and to create a robust ‘working animal’ for strip-mining and slave labour purposes by combining traits between them.However much of the early experimentation yielded less than satisfactory results; The Beast Men despite their enhanced strength were often wilder in nature and even more defiant than standard humans, with some unable to adapt to their heightened senses causing them to lash out at all stimuli.
Many were terminated as failed experiments while others were kept incarcerated as stock to continue Quintesson research to fine-tune the process.However, many still managed to escape through concerted combined efforts between themselves or were liberated by rebels later on between 1930 and 1945. They took part in the Second Quintesson War under the leadership of Owais Naseem, one of the thirteen heroes of the war and a Horse-Man (Centaur).
The most populous subset of Beast Men comprises of Canids, which make up 20% of their entire demographic due to their purported usefulness as huntsmen, guardsmen and even ‘pets’ to the Quintessons.This is followed by felid (15%), ruminant (15%), avian (10%), rodentia (10%), oceanic (10%)  and others (17%).The rarest type of Beast Men are Insectoid (3%). They usually feel a strong affinity for nature and most commonly reside in South America, Africa, Asia and their established ‘homeland’ of Eukaris.  They are least found (outside of government-commissioned Cold Constructs)  in the USA, France and the UK.
Beast Men are classified into three categories according to a worldwide government census, mostly based on the level of visible mutation.
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Class A (‘Humanoid’) Accounts  for 15% of Beast Men.
Mutations are recessive/subtle, mostly centered around eyes, ears. Occasionally will sport claws.
Due to their mostly human appearance, they are better accepted by society with some reaching fame due to their perceived safe but ‘exotic’ looks.
Little to no limitations on personal rights. Mixed marriages with standard humans are allowed but heavily frowned upon due to presiding fear that, as they are still carriers of the animal gene, their mutations will pass down and could become more dominant in their children.
Little to no animal instincts.
Class B (‘Mix’) The most common class accounting for 50% of all Beast Men.
General public perception tends to vary from mild distaste to full on disdain.
Their physiology tends to be animal-like wrapped around a human frame. Anatomy remains mostly human (eg: Having paws or claws, but relegated to human-size and shaped hands or feet).
Allowances made for public transport/spaces with conditions.
Mixed marriages with standard humans banned in most countries.
Overlaps can occur with Class C.
Mild animal instincts.
Class C (‘Feral’) Accounts for 30% of Beast Men.
The class facing heaviest persecution due to their completely non-human appearance. Human traffickers have been documented selling them to hunting parties and reserves.
Full animal traits, including major to full coverage of fur/feathers/scales, tails, teeth, digitigrade legs, etc. Will occasionally sport ‘distorted’ anatomy (like elongated arms for flight or running on all fours) or missing anatomy altogether (legs for snake-men) to better support animal physiology.
Not allowed in public transport and spaces unless clearly designated.
Mixed marriages with standard humans banned in most countries.
Strong animal instincts, however level of intelligence/emotional empathy remains the same as standard humans.
Class D (‘Shifters’) The rarest class, accounts for 5% of Beast Men
Are an offshoot of Class B and C individuals who have the ability to fully shapeshift into animals.
The phenomenon is still being studied.
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Despite their role in helping to win the war, the relationship between Beast Men and modern society is shaky, with a majority of them suffering some form of discrimination from governments and people unwilling to make concessions for them in modern living and personal engagements.
Like Cold Constructs, many of them are seen as second-class citizens who find it hard to rent property due to landlords who insist on a ‘no animals’ rule being applied to them (thus pushing most of them into redlined districts and neighborhoods). Most forms of public transport also bar them entry due to the ‘hassle’ that accommodating all subsets of them would invoke.
More so, the ‘non-domestic’ variants of them are often seen as dangerous or unpredictable due to their enhanced sensitivity to stimuli which would otherwise not affect a ‘normal’ person (and there have been cases of people deliberately overloading their senses to force them to react in a violent manner), and this limits the job market for them as well.
Metropolitan cities, particularly in western countries, place heavy restrictions on their movements in public; Establishments and businesses are allowed to refuse them service or bar them entry if they are seen to be a threat or if the facilities are (often deliberately) not built to accommodate them.
Violence against them is a regular occurrence despite laws being passed to combat the issue and most Beast-Men will only go out in public with a chaperone or in groups for protection from harassment.
Worse yet are the cases of illegal hunting of Beast Men, whether for game or their body parts, which sees a steady demand in the black market.
However, the case isn’t the same in all countries; In many areas of Africa and Asia, certain subsets of Beast Men are mostly accepted as members of modern society.
Snake-Men are a welcomed group in Thailand due to their resemblance to mythical Naga, while Tiger-Men are seen as protectors and a symbol of courage in Malaysia.
Bird-Men receive adulation in most South and South-East Asian countries due to their resemblance to the Garuda, while the same can be said for Japan which sees them as Tengu.
Lion, Leopard and Panther-Men find similar acceptance in African nations, which sees Lion-Men in particular to have been royalty in a past life.
Scotland stands out among western nations due to its granting of full-class citizen status to Wolf-men, affectionately known as ‘Wulvers’, particularly in the Shetland Islands which in turn sees a high population of them compared to other European nations.
That said, as not all Beast Men subsets are accepted to the same level even in countries that accept certain types, a Beast Men-centric state that levies the same rights and acceptance for all subsets, Eukaris, was established in 2004 via extensive terraforming on Queen Maud Land in Antartica.
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evilsciencebros · 7 years
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Use this link to generate your team! Repost, do not reblog!
[[I decided to hop on the pokemon team wagon, but instead of making a team that best suits my muse, I decided to form a team around all of her partners!]]
Scalpel (Joltik) - Bug/Electric
I’m mainly fond of poisonous and grass type Pokemon, but this little guy holds a lot of sentimental value to me. Scalpel likes to clinging to anyone bigger than himself and storing the static build up from people’s clothes and pokemon fur in his little pouch. He ends up hiding in the most curious of places, scaring the living daylights out people. It’s rather adorable really.
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Megatron (Aggron) - Steel/Rock @deceitfulcharmer
This pokemon is fiercely territorial by nature and will fight for dominance over land and anything he deems as his. He’ll even claim an entire mountain as his own if given the chance. They also take great pride in their markings, the more scars an Aggron has the more battles it has fought. Megatron has plenty of battle scars so that is a very good indicator of his fighting prowess and why you don’t want to get in his way. I have plenty of injuries attesting to that when I tried to get him to obey me. Still working on that part…
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Cyclonus (Houndoom) - Dark/Fire @vxtum
I don’t know why, but I like the idea of calling a lapdog Cyclonus. It just has a nice ring to it (*smirk*). Try not to offend him, a burn mark from a Houndoom is said to burn forever, even after the wound heals. They fight among themselves for leadership and Cyclonus was very high up in the food chain from what I observed in his pack. You can tell because the more the horns rake towards the back, the more fierce they are. He’s a very proud creature and just a howl is enough to paralyze his opponents with fear.
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Deepspace (Machamp) - Fighting @galaxyshuttle
This four armed menance is very good at manual labour and lifting weights beyond his mass. Deepspace is very helpful in assisting me with tasks beyond my capabilities, while also serving as a capable fighter in battle and defending me from any threat. Careful, he gets a bit “handsy” when he’s being affectionate, I should know.
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Symphony (Meloetta) - Normal/Psychic @cybertronsiren
I don’t know why, but this song bird reminds me of someone I’ve met. Symphony isn’t much of a fighter, preferring to show off it’s talent for the arts instead. Its melodies are sung with a special vocalization method that can control the feelings of those who hear it. I find this ability very intriguing and would love to conduct an experiment on the different types of emotions Symphony is able to force from others, but it seems far more interested in making everyone happy. Shame really. Oh well, it makes a fine radio when I’m working late in my lab.
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Starscream (Skarmory) - Steel/Flying @starsarescreamiing
Talk about high maintenance, this attention seeking bird rules the skies. Capable of flying at high speeds, Starscream’s armour plated wings can slash through enemies in mid flight, and once the feather shed, they can actually be forged into knives. I hear they’re highly prized for their sharpness and strength. Unfortunately, none of this makes up for the fact he is a needy and demanding bird who never fails to give me a headache with that constant screaming of his!
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venatorventus · 1 year
Cyclonus trails over to Scourge’s side, still dusty from patrol but grateful for the fresh air. “Scourge.”
"My wife!"
His wings flutter in greeting and he smiles, using his thumb to brush dust from her cheek.
"Hello, Cyclonus."
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venatorventus · 2 years
Cyclonus cleaves in close enough to nudge Scourge’s wing with her shoulder, then passes him a sealed cube. “Energon.”
Scourge blinks blearily at her, then the cube, and then checks his hud.
..ah. He stayed up all day, all night, and all day, again. Cyclonus had been recovering, taking in the minerals she needed and cuddling with Tailgate, after the awakening of both her and their Lord, and Scourge had-
..been up a while. Mngh.
His wings expand outward in a stretch, and he makes a grumpy little complaint of a noise bypassing the cube to squeeze against her, nose to her neck.
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venatorventus · 2 years
{ @servusendura }
Oh, you’ve done it now, Scourge. You bring someone who might be able to help, and immediately lose them because you doubt that they’ll just.. wander off. Stupid!
Anyone with half a sense of curiosity would wander off! Rung was that and intensely smart to boot.
He’s still cursing himself as he makes his way down the hallway, Sweeps sullen silent behind him. They hadn’t found him either, and that’s.. well. It’s not bad, because he wasn’t outside, which meant he was still inside somewhere. But there were plenty of places to hide in the temple.
He’s only just reassuring the Sweeps that he isn’t terribly upset with them as he enters his room, and-
And there’s Cyclonus, with Rung. Oh. Faintly, he hears the Sweeps making themselves scarce with something like the edges of laughter over their bond, little devils, but he can clear his throat, and let the door close behind him.
“I see you’ve been.. introduced. I was just catching some air, is all.”
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venatorventus · 2 years
testing, testing
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venatorventus · 2 years
Cyclonus makes her way over to Scourge, a servo reaching out to take his as she gives him a slow blink in affection. "Time for a rest, love. To berth with you."
"Is it that time already?"
Ah, the slow blink- it makes him feel mooshy inside, like a new spark experiencing the touch of their first crush. He can even feel his face shaping into that particular, love struck smile he can't help.
"If you say so, it must be true. Lead the way, dear."
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venatorventus · 2 years
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venatorventus · 2 years
To Scourge, Cyclonus holds out a single long-stemmed blue rose, a velvety scarlet ribbon tied in a ragged ribbon beneath the bloom. "I love you, I love you, I love you... To the confines of death and disease, I love you. Woe be to the world."
Oh... Scourge dips his helm in an attempt to hide a terribly love stricken smile, lips shakily curling up at the ends.
Ah, but he can not help it, can he? He is, as always, a weak creature.
"I got you something as well- I went into town, again, and saw it, and.. well. Here." Reaching into his subspace, he retrieves a veil, dyed deep black, but easily seen through, as it was made of soft lace, embroidered with purple around the edges.
The top corners curled up and came to a point, attached to two golden cuffs, which were encircled with loose chains.
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venatorventus · 2 years
{ O///O } Not so much a collar and lead as it is a heavy length of cording used to tied the curtains back, but it makes an effective-- and complimentary-- little leash, in Cyclonus' opinion. "Scourge..."
And doesn't it look pleasant around Scourge's neck? He keeps his chin lifted, but his optics soft, and his wings relax back against his dorsal plating.
Non-challenging. Submission.
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venatorventus · 2 years
"Scourge. Have you seen Galvatron?" (ancientxwarrior)
Scourge, who had been deliberately hiding to avoid doing any actual work beyond watching what everyone else was doing, had in fact seen Galvatron.
"..perhaps. Why?"
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