#//thank you mods for organizing this
kheimerios · 2 years
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Here is my contribution to the TF2 Big Bang of 2022! I drew this for my friend @r2mich2 ’s fic “Now, there go all my friends, marching off to War Again,” featuring Scout, angst, and Engineer. Read it here on AO3!
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chillingxy · 3 months
Thank you for telling me
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Final post for the @hermitshippingbigbang , this one is for @voidratwrites and his amazing fic ships and anchors.
I had an amazing time working in this event and with this team. This fic is amazing and I higly recommend it!
Go check everyone's work for this event, it was a lot of fun!
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aplusod · 6 months
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I did a piece for the @siinamotazine Dream Inside a Dream! The song is From 7 to 8 (7から8へ)!
I'm not sure the gif will display at original size, or if it's stuck at max width, but here's a progress gif since working on this made me actually export various steps of my progress:
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shrimpchipsss · 2 years
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beach episode
created as part of Hamiathes’ Gift Exchange 2022
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catonatrain · 3 months
lets build some memories today and tomorrow too
momoi & midorima | rated g | word count: 1776 | where momoi and midorima go on a shopping trip together
for @mason-ajar for the 2024 @knbexchange !! prompt: character a and character b pick out outfits for eachother
i was super excited to see that we've been paired up for the exchange !! i haven't been able to write in a long while, but seeing your prompts gave me the inspiration needed to to write about a friendship that is just so important... and so here they are!!
read on ao3!!
Momoi was lying on her bed, mindlessly reading a sports magazine until her phone rang. It was too early in the morning for Aomine to be calling her. Maybe it was Kise? 
“Hello?” She held her phone in between her head and shoulders.
“Momoi.” To her surprise, it was Midorima. “There is something I would like to talk to you about.”
“Midorin!” Momoi practically sang. She immediately sat up, abandoning the magazine. “You rarely call first! What is it? Oh, let me guess! Do you need a lucky item? Or are you having boy troubles?”
“No, I am not having, as you say, ‘boy troubles.’” There was a pause. Momoi figured it was Midorima pushing his glasses up. “I also have acquired my lucky item for the day. I need your assistance. Could you accompany me on a shopping trip?”
Momoi felt her already wide smile go even wider. “Of course, I’ll go with you!” She loved being invited to things– be it eating lunches at Maji Burger or coordinating streetball lessons for the local kids. Usually, she was the one doing the coordinating– which, for the record, wasn’t something she minded! But it was nice having the invitation go the other way every once in a while. Especially from Midorima! 
People may think he was someone who wanted to be uninvolved, but it was not true! When luck permitted, he always came to different events like the team’s after practice ice cream trips. Sometimes he needed just a bit of nudging, nowadays in the form of Takao, but regardless, he didn’t often initiate events with her. She’d noticed that lucky item shopping is usually his excuse to hang out with others, but he already got his lucky item of the day. 
She wondered if anyone else was coming. Takao or Kise maybe? She couldn’t help but ask. “Are we going with anyone else? Takao-kun? Or Ki-chan?”
“No, it would just be the two of us, if that would be alright with you.” There was a pause. “I understand that it may be… unusual for it to be just us, but you were the friend that I deemed would be able to help me best.”
“Aww Midorin, that’s so sweet of you!” She could imagine him blushing at the compliment. “Send me the details over email, and I’ll be there in an hour!”
Momoi saw Midorima standing on the outside of the clothing store. He wore a simple dark blue t-shirt and beige pants. He tightly held onto a giant penguin plush. When his eyes met with Momoi’s, his grip loosened. 
She ran up to him, stopped right before him, and started bouncing on her feet. “So? What’s the occasion? What are we shopping for?”
“I… would like your help in choosing an outfit.” He turned his head to avoid eye contact. Momoi knew what that meant.
“So you were having boy troubles!” After everything that’s happened in the past few months, it’s been getting easier and easier to read Midorima and this was no exception. She will admit, however, that she hadn’t quite figured out who’d captured Midorima’s affection. Most people would say it was Takao who held the title as “The Boy Midorima Likes,” but Momoi had a theory she had been brewing up. It was still a work in progress, but her “Kagami Taiga: The Boy Who Has Captured Everyone’s Heart” thesis had a lot of evidence. Momoi would simply have to take into account both possibilities today.
“That would… that would imply that I am struggling, which I assure you is not the case,” Midorima’s face flushed and his voice was louder than usual. Momoi couldn’t help but laugh.
“But you’re not denying that this is a boy-related problem!” She winked. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about Midorin! I understand completely! Whenever I’m with the person I like, I always want to look my best. I won’t ask who it is, but I’ll give it my all in helping you out!”
“I… appreciate it…” 
“You’ll definitely capture his heart, Midorin!” She began urging him into the clothes store. “Let’s go!”
“I think this outfit will be the one, Midorin!” Momoi held up a green sweater with an argyle pattern. “It’ll go great with your eyes!”
Midorima took the sweater to examine it. 
“Besides the color being the same as my eyes, is there anything else to take note of?”
Momoi giggled. Midorima’s questions reminded her of a time in middle school where Midorima asked about her notes and note taking strategies. He was always serious in his studies, and this was no exception. “You want to pick clothes that fit well and that you’re comfortable wearing! Make sure that colors and patterns don’t clash. Like two very bright colors! It can work, but I’m not too sure if that’s what you want to go with.” 
Throughout her speech, she could see Midorima nodding and paying very close attention to her words. “So for the pants, should I go with one of the darker ones?” 
“Yes! Let me choose…” Momoi looked around, surveying each pair of pants until she found one she thought to be suitable. “I think those black pants should work! Check to see if they fit!”
“Thank you.” He gently placed his giant penguin plush down and grabbed the pair from Momoi. “I truly do appreciate the time you’ve taken out of your day to help me with this.” The tips of his ears were red. She found it quite cute, but chose not to comment.
“Of course, Midorin!” Momoi beamed at him. “I’m honored you asked me to help you out with this! I’ll be cheering you on!”
His blush spread to his face. He managed to mutter a thank you before shuffling off to try on the outfit. She sat down to wait for Midorima. Would this be a one time thing? While it was the first time that it’s been just the two of them, Momoi found that she quite enjoyed the experience. With just the two of them, the energy wasn’t as face paced, which Momoi appreciated. Sometimes, she needed the break from the constant running around of her daily life. And not only that, but Midorima had definitely changed. It was easier to understand him now. 
When Midorima walked out, she saw some people began to sneak glances at her friend. Unfortunately for the interested party, his heart had been taken by someone else. She bounced on over and eye’d her friend at all sorts of angles. Midorima stiffened at the attention, not knowing what to do.
Momoi laughed. “It’s fine Midorin! You look great!” She gave him a thumbs up. 
At that, Midorima sighed, finally letting the tension escape. “That endeavor was just as difficult as I imagined it to be.” He pushed his glasses up. “Thank you Momoi for making this trip much easier. Your knowledge was crucial and your guidance saved me a lot of frustration. Is there any way to repay you?”
Momoi thought about it and couldn’t think of anything she needed at the moment. Just spending time with a friend was already a gift in itself. But she knew that he wouldn’t take that as an answer. She placed a finger on her chin as she thought of her options. 
“I want you to pick an outfit for me!”
“I beg your pardon?” Momoi could see the gears running in Midorima’s head. “Do you not already have suitable clothes?”
“I want to test what you’ve learned! Let’s see if you can make an outfit for me.”
“I’m not sure if–”
“C’mon Midorin! I know you can do it! You’re not one to back away from a challenge are you?” With that, Momoi knew she won. 
“Give me ten minutes.” Midorima rushed towards the center of the score, scanning all around to find an outfit that would look well on her. She couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that his penguin plush was tucked between Midorima’s arms. 
“A brown plaid skirt, a white blouse without any patterns, and a light brown sweater that clashes with neither of these colors.” Midorima used his penguin to hold onto the clothes, as its flippers served the clothes like how there’s a waiter serving food at a restaurant. “Is this a suitable outfit?”
“There’s only one way to find out!” It was her turn to try on something new. She came out with a little twirl, “Well, Midorin? I have my thoughts, but let’s check your sense of fashion. What do you think?”
Midorima wasted no time. “For the skirt and jacket, I was hesitant at first since you chose a sweater that specifically matched the colors of my eyes, but the neutral colors appear to coordinate well. I also ensured that the blouse had no patterns. I do believe that it fits the criteria.”
She saw a slight hint of a smile. Was he proud? She hoped so, as she truly did love the outfit that Midorima chose. “But do you think I look cute? Do you think I can capture the hearts of anyone I set my eyes on?”
“You… you asked me for my thoughts and I believe I answered appropriately. Was I incorrect in this assessment?”
“I’m just messing with you Midorin!” She saw the hint of exasperation on Midorima’s face and so she finally relented. “It’s such a cute outfit! I’m impressed!”
“Hmph.” He turned away and began walking towards the cash register. “In that case, let’s go.”
Momoi followed along happily.
Outside of the store, Midorima said, “Thank you again. I found myself enjoying our time together.” There was a pause as he ruminated on what to say next. “I hope we can do this again. I’ve been told it would be beneficial to be the one to reach out more, so I will try to do just that.”
Momoi felt a tinge of tears begin to form, but she willed them away. To think only a year ago, she was wishing for a time where everyone could smile together again. So much had changed, and she hoped  that it would continue to do so. 
“And thank you Midorin,” She gave her friend a very wide smile. “Let’s definitely do this again. But before you leave, you definitely have to tell me about who you like! Come on! Tell me! Tell me!”
Midorima’s cheeks reddened as he tried to back away, but he realized fairly quickly that this was a battle he would not win. “Fine. But let’s do it somewhere else.”
“Of course, Midorin,” she said as she walked with her friend towards their next destination.
i couldn't decide if i wanted to have hints of midotaka or hints of midokaga bc i like both ships a lot! i ended up just keeping it vague on both ends, so YOU, the reader, can decide who The Boy Midorima Likes is :)
outfits are based on some merchandise art and official art! midorima's outfit is this:
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momoi's outfit is this:
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ntnttalksnothing · 2 years
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Day 7: Devotion, Prompt: Engagement
Some things don’t (ever) change.
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estonian-is-horrible · 10 months
Tartu Tumblr meetup #1
Two weeks from now!
Saturday 26th, 1pm, central Tartu
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clovariia · 2 years
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i participated in huntlow week 2022, which is being run by @huntlowweek​! i wrote little fics for all seven days of the event, adding up to 6.5k words total of huntlow! 🐝🐦
💚 Day One: Palismen
💛 Day Two: Flower Crown
💚 Day Three: Nightmares
💛 Day Four: Studying
💚 Day Five: Gardening
💛 Day Six: Scars
💚 Day Seven: Family
i’ve attached higher quality versions of the little doodles i drew for these oneshots under the cut!
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this is the first time i’ve ever participated in every day of a ship week, and i’m proud of myself for that accomplishment! :) thanks for reading the fics!
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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drawing jayce in pretty things should be my fulltime job, the grind never stops
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
Hello everyone!
Quickly I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this experience up until now, the end of season 1, 41 of the 205 days of this relisten!
It has been a wild ride, so fun to hear people's experiences, thoughts, reactions, jokes and see all of your creations! Looking back, I was shocked at how many people reacted to the long johns cave episode, was excited to see everyone fawn over martin, was thrilled at how much Jane's story moved so many people and amazed at how sharp people's perception was with Sasha's story arc towards the finale.
Thank you so much for sharing this all with us, I'm looking forward to experiencing the next season with you all!
To close off with a little bit of admin, sorry to those who are still sending asks for the season finale that won't be posted. I know how many feelings this episode evokes in people but we are approximately 20 minutes into a new day and it's time for the season 2 Trailer babyyyyy
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komaniya · 2 months
hi !! looking forward to start the journey here~
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a-lonely-tatertot · 9 months
Everytime im a mod for something i feel like a little evil minion like yessssss information organization hehehehe i am getting a good grade in communication something that is normal to want and achieve
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thebnha-auhoard · 1 year
There were two traitors in UA. One plain and simple, only hoarding information to the enemy of his fellow students. The other didn't seek that, they seeked to spread the "truth", their truth, of what the world is and how his fellow friends should join him in that view
UA high school has two traitors, and they are very clear to some, like the analytical mind that eats information away for his own security, or the one shunned and called a villain so much for what he is and looks he can now spot it like a second nature.
Or simply the childhood "friend" of one of the said traitors, being a "traitor" himself for abandoning the cursed city and family for Mustafu. But the only thing Mashirao could miss about that is the comfort of the training mat and the easy way he could talk to his uncle about anything, specially about being the failure, the weak, the runt of their family and community.
One thing he does wish that it could be the same as back then would be to not have to interact with the raven head anymore. Wish he could simply not tie the dots together on why such "admired" person be let go off the city and come attend a hero school.
Mashirao really wished the picture would be less clear in his head, really wish that the glares sent his way were just his imagination. Wish he weren't even in the same class as Fumikage, because maybe that would hurt less, would completely free him to forget they used to play together in the streets of the city, and then beat each other until they(Mashirao mostly) couldn't stand back up in the same streets. Deika city streets.
He can only hope that maybe, maybe this chance could help them both, in some way or another.
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puckluckie · 2 years
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Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin • 25,347 words • Explicit
Three unrelated stories for the 2022 @sidgenokinkfest:
(tattoos, 6k, body worship, rimming, handjobs, established relationship) Somewhere on the long, hidden expanse of Geno's body, Sid’s number could already be sinking into his skin. Even the idea of it quickened Sid's breath and made him feel flushed.  
(public sex, 7.8k, undernegotiated kink, kink exploration, blowjobs, facials, rimming, anal sex, developing relationship) "Something about the idea of doing it where someone could see... it really — gets me going."   
(identity porn, 11.4k, shapeshifting, temporary sex swaps, handjobs, oral sex, relationship definition) Sid was pretty sure it was an invitation. If he had managed to find Geno, it was definitely an invitation. And if he was wrong — well, then he was wrong, and a random stranger might think he was an asshole, but he could go back on the prowl because Geno would be here somewhere. But was this Geno? Had Sid managed to pick him out of the crowd? Had he won?
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novabytesims · 11 months
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30+ Mods & CC for Realistic Gameplay-
-Nova's Vlog-
Longer Parties and More Guests
Thick Walls (No Noisy Neighbors Outdated)
Somik & Severinka S&S Cookbook
Somik & Severinka Functional Alcohol (S&S Cookbook required!)
Somik & Severinka Functional Stands for Bottles
Basemental Alcohol
More Choices
Functional PS5
PS5 Controller
PS5 Game Override
Side FX
Mirrored Up
CAS Organizers
CC Wrench
Nail Pose
Female Underwear Replacement
Male Underwear Replacement
No More CAS UI
Dark Mode UI
Ceiling No longer needed (Thanks Amobae ♡)
Selfie Override
Counter Prep Disable
Stop Eating when Fed Up
Sponge Override
Nap Override
Laundry Override
Spray Bottle Override
Quip Oral Set
Razor Override
Self Pedicure
Foot Replacement Alternative (Didn't realize that it's STILL behind paywall)
One day I'll learn how to make an aesthetic post. Not today tho
♡Thank you to all the wonderful CC Creators and Animators ♡
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autismswagsummit · 1 year
Welcome to the official Autism Swag Summit!
This is heavily inspired by the other official Tumblr Competition polls, notably @nonbiney-swag-competition
This will be a bracketed competition between Tumblr's most beloved characters, to determine the true King Of Autism
Staffed and organized by just 1 person, you may call me mod Bug (they/them please!)
Remember to check out our sister account @autismswagreblogs for artwork and propaganda!
Please read our FAQ before sending in your asks!
All rounds for Season 1 have concluded! Thank you to all who have participated!
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