#// but the tides are so strong i might be back in some force by december
m0e-ru · 8 months
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hello brand new customers of the moel sekiyu tumblr branch who mightve seen the limited edition wares perhaps not noticing the main product of this fine establishment or what of it
non roleplaying translation -> hi guys welcome to my blog. funny how i notice this trend of generic persona blogs trying to follow me for persona when i dont actually. no i wont draw adachi with yellow eyes looking sleazy while sitting on top of a TV. the next time you'll see yukiko amagi is probably next year. i actually think it's more funny if yosuke's whatever feelings are unreciprocated and unrequited. i know izanami because thats my best friend in the entire world not izanamilf. if youre looking for anything else an actual persona fan would make you can go visit them instead
go across the street or farther into town. otherwise you can keep your membership card and come back again and review this security footage with me of two goofs doing whatever the fuck for five minutes and talk about it for the next sixteen hours
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sidespromptblog · 5 years
Warnings: Hypothermia, Almost Drowning, Logan Angst, Self-Destruction, and Almost Death. 
Summary:  The waters were a crystal clear blue, the kind of clear that he could see everything that laid out before him, the kind of waters that in the summertime would have been the perfect place to swim at and have fun. It wasn’t exactly the kind of place to be at during the dead of winter, and it most certainly wasn’t the kind of place to be swimming right now. But Logan was there anyway...
Word Count: 2700
The chill of the winter air nipped at Logan’s skin raising goosebumps along his bare arms and legs, ordinarily, he would never have been caught dead in the throws of winter wearing nothing more than a pair of swimming trunks. Ordinarily, wearing such a thing would have been a recipe for a disastrous cold that would take him weeks to recover from. But here, here in the imagination, where anything could be anything, Logan faced the cold as he stared down at the calm waters of the pool he had created in what would ordinarily be Roman’s place of creation. Roman would be angry at him for coming here without his knowledge, angry at him for creating something where he shouldn’t have, and well… for doing something so stupid when he always claimed to be smarter than them.
Exhaustion tugged and snapped at his very bones, days upon days of working… and for what? A schedule that the others had tossed out the window when Patton claimed that Thomas absolutely needed to go Christmas caroling in the dead of December with friends when they had asked. A task that had led to Thomas getting a cold the very next day and leaving him bedridden as Joan and Talyn watched over him.
All of his hard work thrown out the window.
The days he had spent, leading to nothing more than a glorified paper shredder destroying what he had worked for.
For friends, for a cold night out, for a cough that wouldn’t go away and rattled in Thomas’ chest, for Patton to exclaim that Thomas shouldn’t be in bed while Joan and Talyn were over trying to help, for the others pushing for Thomas to make his own meals instead of letting the others do it. So much… just thrown out the window, just like they had neglected to listen to him when he had suggested again the action of caroling in the first place.
“Oh hush! It’ll be good for him to get out of the house for once, and he’ll be with friends Lo! That’ll be good for him to get some social interaction with his friends. You know what that is right?”
A shiver wracked Logan’s form as he snapped back to himself, still staring down at the still waters of the pool. He was freezing, and the weight of the missing glasses on his face made him feel oddly vulnerable as he stood there. Another breeze drifted across his skin, another pin prickling of ice across his nerves as he just stood there, he didn’t even bother to rub his arms in an attempt to generate some kind of warmth.
There wasn’t any reason to do so.
With a heavy sigh that allowed him to see his breath for a moment, Logan hesitated, but just for a brief moment of his muscles interlocking and stopping him dead in his tracks before he stepped forward onto the stairs that led into the deep waters of the pool before him. The waters were a crystal clear blue, the kind of clear that he could see everything that laid out before him, the kind of waters that in the summertime would have been the perfect place to swim at and have fun. It wasn’t exactly the kind of place to be at during the dead of winter, and it most certainly wasn’t the kind of place to be swimming right now.
Nevertheless, Logan stepped out onto the watery stairs and within seconds ice shards slammed into Logan’s feet the very moment he touched the water.
It was… freezing. It was so damn cold, the kind of cold that was painful before it ever got close to being numb. It made him stop as he gripped the metal railing of the pool with an iron-like grip. His teeth chattered loudly in his skull, the pool might as well have been frozen it was so cold. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up in attention, at the current of snow that now rushed through his veins.
Any ordinary person would have long ago gone back to the warmth of the inside with a hot chocolate and gotten dressed in the proper heavy coat, scarf, and mittens. But here he was… dipping his other foot into the freezing waters.
It could have taken only a few minutes, or it could have taken hours. But eventually, Logan managed his way to the very center of the pool, where eventually he was forced to float in the waters once it got over his head, and where he was forced to swim through the sharp icy pool waters to get right where he wanted to. It was almost peaceful in an odd kind of way, if peaceful happened to be cold seeping in from every direction all at once ensuring that he couldn’t feel his fingertips and nose. The wind had long since stopped since he had entered the pool, leaving the pool to occasionally ripple with every movement that he made to get to stay afloat.
Logan floated on his back and stared up at the night sky before him, the occasional lightning bug would flutter over the pool lighting up the night sky as if it were a star itself creating itself before eventually going out. He wasn’t exactly sure what magics that Roman used to make the sky so beautiful at night, or maybe it was Remus stretching his imagination to the stars where nobody could have a say on what he could or could not create on those balls of gas, and even other planets that he could create thousands of light-years away. What he did know though… was that it was unlike any proper night sky that he had ever seen with Thomas in the real world. The colors popped, and the light from the stars seemed so much closer than they ever really could be factual.
It was all rather… beautiful, catching a glimpse at the night sky in winter as his drooping eyes begged to stay closed for more than a few seconds.
Beautiful indeed.
His fingertips no longer felt the sharp pinpricks of the of the freezing cold water, in fact, a warm numbness swept through him the longer that he floated there, the water lapping at the edge of his face as he tiredly looked up at the sky. It was almost akin to submerging into warm bathwater after having stayed out for too long, like the urge to fall asleep in a bathtub after an excruciatingly long day that made his muscles and back sore. He was…
“Sleeping in a pool is not advisable,” Logan mumbled to himself as a quirked a blind sloppy sided smile, his words slurred together unlike anything he had ever heard before. “For humans though… I am Logic, not a human..” Just a fabrication, just a simplistic stagnate action of Thomas’ mind that would always be there no matter what. He logically would not be able to die, none of the sides could die. At least… not in the human way of death. “A.. a few moments couldn’t hurt. I’m not..” Logan blinked, his eyelids were already trying so hard to stay open as his numb lips mouthed empty words.
Darkness was creeping around the edges of his vision, dragging him down and down, until...
“I’m.. I’m… not-” Human.
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It was only when the waves of the pool splashed chaotically against the edges did Logan’s eyes crack open, his brain on the very tipping point of going unconscious yet again. The world even without his glasses was a blur of movement and colors as his head sunk below the tide of the pool, the noises and motions muffled with the movement of the water around him that slowly but steadily allowed him to sink further and further down. He could only tiredly see the motion of something or someone coming for him, and the sound of that something screaming above the surface of the water. Without even thinking too hard about it, Logan allowed his eyes to slowly ease shut again, the chaos of everything around him becoming no more than a slight hum in his submerged ears as the darkness came back and swamped his mind.
Then that particular something, dove under the water wrenching Logan right out of the unconscious state he had been about to go back to.
Within seconds Logan’s head broke through the surface of the freezing water, as a pair of strong steady arms gripped him so tight that there would undoubtedly be bruising the next morning. Their fingers gripped him tight as a trembling ran up and down their body, and before Logan could even blink the chlorine-filled water from his eyes he found himself being crushed against the other’s chest to the point that no part of him was even touching the water anymore. His chest ached, as he found himself coughing and coughing, clutching at whoever had managed to wrangle him out of the depths of the pool. Water streamed down his face and out of his mouth as he buried his face into the soaked shoulder of the other side, his entire body shaking and trembling with each gasp and wheeze.
He couldn’t seem to stop shaking.
“...gan...Lo..gan? Logan!” The hands that had seized him so roughly from the watery depths gingerly cradled him now as he found himself moving towards the steps of the pool before they were both finally out. With his eyes clear and his lung no longer heaving water over the other’s shoulder Logan blinked again as he pulled back, for the first time catching a glimpse of just who had dove into freezing cold waters just for him. Remus’ dark smokey eyes stared daggers down at him, as the creative side stalked away from the pool completely and utterly sopping wet as the makeup around his eyes streamed freely down his cheeks. “What the fuck was that nostril nerd? Do you just make a habit of falling asleep in pools in the middle of December, or is this a court with death?!” Remus snapped, his hands and shoulders were trembling despite how he bit out each word, his jaw was set in a rather serious way that Logan had never ever seen before.
The creative side’s breathing was rough, his chest practically heaving as he stared down at Logan again as if waiting for some kind of answer to his question. Honestly, Logan didn’t understand what the big deal was about it, he wasn’t really human… none of them were, so death didn’t exactly mean the same thing for them. So.. so why was he so angry about this? Just a few months ago he had thrown a ninja star at his forehead, so a little water was almost nothing in compared to the way that Remus liked to have fun.
Remus sniffled, and the water continued to stream down his face.
And just like that… it finally sunk in for Logan.
He wasn’t angry… well, he was certainly angry. But Remus was experiencing a different emotional reaction along with that, one that usually went hand in hand with anger when it came to people he was close to and cared for.
He was… scared, not just scared… but scared for Logan.
“I…” Logan felt stumped for his words, resting his cheek against the shoulder of Remus’ soaked uniform he scrambled for his words. “I had to.” He lamely summarized as the feeling of pins and needles came back to his fingers and toes as a rough shiver shook him. “I don’t know why.. I just had to.” He mumbled, a feeling of shame curling in his stomach like a dragon that had been awoken by a terrible force, he was used to shame.. shame after he had pelted Roman in the eye with a paper ball, shame when he couldn’t understand his own basic emotions, shame when Thomas admitted that he didn’t want to be a scientist, and just shame from failing as Logic… He had felt all of that before, but this.. this kind of shame made him panic in the kind of way that gripped his heart and refused to let it be.
Logan roughly swallowed, he could feel his lungs pulling tightly in his chest and his heart thudding against his ribs.
“Are you… are you going to tell the others?” He finally asked, as his stomach twisted like branches in the wind of a full-on hurricane tearing through a forest leaving nothing behind.
“I don’t know,” Remus’ eyes darted away as he stared ahead, keeping a close eye on just where he was walking. Just from the direction that he was walking Logan could tell that they weren’t headed back to the mindspace where Logan’s room was, the big ominous castle in the dark spooky forest that was growing steadily closer and closer told him that much. For a split second the creative side’s eyes darted back down to him, his eyes locking with Logan’s for a single intense second. “Are you going to do it again?”
That question alone stumped Logan.
Was he going to do it again? What would happen if he needed to.. if he felt the urge to just come here again? Would he do it? Would Remus be around next time to fish him out, or would the others find him next time? At the bottom of the pool looking pale and d-
“Does it matter?”
Remus stopped dead in his tracks at that question, his fingers once against digging into Logan where he held him, making the logical side squirm before he finally relaxed his grip. Remus’ breath remained trapped in his lungs for a long couple of seconds as his teeth chomped at the side of his cheek until he could taste the red, his teeth ground together until he was almost certain that he could hear a crack somewhere in his skull. A thousand words remained on the tip of his tongue, begging for him to spit them all out in one chaotic fashion. For a split second, he contemplated dropping Logan, or maybe just kicking down every door that was in the light sided mindspace until he could find out where this problem was located. Just so that he could smash it to a bloody red mushy pulp with his morning star and never have to see Logan deal with that again, the only issue was… he couldn’t. It wasn’t something tangible that he could fight, it was a thought, a thought that he should have caught before it ever got to Logan.
He was the one who dealt with these kinds of thoughts, so.. so why hadn’t he?
Remus swallowed down the red that he tasted like iron on his tongue. It always matters. He wanted to say, to proclaim, to scream and shout at the top of his lungs until he couldn’t speak anymore. “I am going to warm you up,” He instead said, clutching Logan just the slightest bit closer, “And after you’ve eaten, after you put on some clothes, and after you aren’t dying of hypothermia… we are going to talk. It can be you and me, or it can be you and Dee. But you are going to talk, and we’re going to make sure that it matters… that it will always matter. Not just to me, but to you as well.”
Maybe it was the leftover Roman in him from their split talking, but despite how sappily poetic his words had sounded but…
Remus was satisfied enough with them as he carried on towards his dark castle where he would steadily warm Logan up in a massive bed covered in blankets with a room that was fit for a king given the fireplace in it. Where he’d try his damn hardest to not screw up a simple soup recipe, where he’d watch and make sure that Logan ate every single bite, and where eventually… they would both fall asleep sharing each other's warmth.
What would come the next day was unknown, but Logan was safe right now and that was all that mattered.
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“The Bravest of the Brave”: Marshal Ney, the soldier’s soldier.
Michel Ney, duke d’Elchingen, (10 Jan 1769 - 7 Dec 1815), one of the best known of Napoleon’s marshals (from 1804), who pledged his allegiance to the restored Bourbon monarchy when Napoleon abdicated in 1814. Upon Napoleon’s return in 1815, Ney rejoined him and commanded the Old Guard at the Battle of Waterloo. Under the monarchy, again restored, he was charged with treason, for which he was condemned and shot by a firing squad.
His execution like his soldiering life was the stuff of legends. 
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Ney was the son of a barrel cooper and blacksmith. Apprenticed to a local lawyer, he ran away in 1788 to join a hussar regiment. His opportunity came with the revolutionary wars, in which he fought from the early engagements at Valmy and Jemappes in 1792 to the final battle of the First Republic at Hohenlinden in 1800.
Ney’s legendary bravery was especially seen at Mannheim when a cannonball killed his horse and wounded his leg, and then when Ney stood up he was hit by a bullet to the chest which threw him to the ground. Luckily for him, the bullet was spent and did not pierce him, instead only giving him a bad bruise.
The early campaigns revealed two contrasting features of Ney’s character: his great courage under fire and his strong aversion to promotion. Willing to hurl himself into battle at critical moments to inspire his troops by his personal example, he was unwilling to accept higher rank, and when his name was put forward he protested to his military and political superiors. In every instance he was overruled: it was as general of a division that he fought in Victor Moreau’s Army of the Rhine at Hohenlinden.
He soon caught Napoleon’s eye and made rapid progress up the ranks. He didn’t disappoint. The further up the ranks he went the further into danger threw himself into. The men loved him and followed him anywhere.
On May 19, 1804, the day after Napoleon had had himself proclaimed hereditary emperor of the French, he revived the ancient military rank of marshal, and 14 generals, including Ney, were gazetted marshals of the empire.
The Russian campaign of 1812 cemented his legend. On the morning after the somewhat inconclusive battle at Borodino, Napoleon made him prince de la Moskowa. On the retreat from Moscow, Ney was in command of the rear guard, a position in which he was exposed to Russian artillery fire and to numerous Cossack attacks. He rose to heights of courage, resourcefulness, and inspired improvisation that seemed miraculous to the men he led. “He is the bravest of the brave,” said Napoleon when Ney, for weeks given up as lost, joined the main body of the frozen and shrunken Grand Army.
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The fall of Napoleon and the rise of the Bourbons
But after 1813 and the with the Winter disaster in Russia, Napoleon suffered a series of setbacks that eventually pushed him back to France and to the brink of defeat.
Napoleon concentrated his remaining forces at Fontainebleau to fight the allies in Paris, but Ney, speaking for himself and other marshals, told him that the army would not march. “The army will obey me,” said Napoleon. “Sire,” replied the Bravest of the Brave, “the army will obey its generals.” Napoleon was forced to abdicate. Ney retained his rank and titles and took an oath of fidelity to the Bourbon dynasty.
With the Bourbons returned to power in France in 1814, Marshal Ney rallied to them in the hopes of a peaceful and stable France. In response, he was made a Knight of Saint-Louis and Peer of France and he was placed in charge of the cavalry. However, despite these rewards he could only watch as the government grew inefficient and old privileges granted to the nobility were restored, going against the very changes that had allowed him to rise so high.
Furthermore, since he was the first Duke of Elchingen and first Prince of the Moskowa, he and his wife were frequently snubbed by the returned nobility with famous ancestors.
One day he returned home to find his wife in tears over more ill treatment received from the Duchess of Angoulême. Enraged, Ney charged to the Tuileries where he burst in, politely and quickly paid his respects to the king, and then verbally berated the Duchess, beginning with, "I and others were fighting for France while you sat sipping tea in English gardens," and ending with, "You don't seem to know what the name Ney means, but one of these days I'll show you!"
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The 100 Days and the Battle of Waterloo
When in 1815 Napoleon escaped from Elba and began his triumphant march back to Paris, Ney was horrified by the prospect of civil war. Despite his dislike of the Bourbons, he told the king he would bring Napoleon back to Paris in an iron cage. As Ney led his troops in a march to intercept Napoleon, his doubts began to grow. The people of France and the army all seemed to be cheering for Napoleon, and no one had fired a shot to stop Napoleon. During every step of Napoleon's progress, more and more had joined his side.
If Ney ordered his men to fight Napoleon and his men, Ney might be the cause of civil war, presuming that his men would even follow his orders and shoot at their former emperor. After receiving a message from Napoleon, Ney decided that he could not fight the tide and told his men that the legitimate dynasty of France as chosen by the people was Napoleon. His men began cheering, and he sent off messages stating his intent to rejoin Napoleon.
Despite Ney’s conduct, Napoleon wanted his ‘bravest of the brave’ by his side once again. Ney decided to take up the offer and assumed command of the left wing of the Army of the North. Almost immediately he was thrust into action, fighting the British at Quatre-Bras on June 16th. Two days later he fought at the Battle of Waterloo, leading from the front and having four horses killed underneath him over the course of the battle. When the French began to break and be overrun by the combined Prussian and British forces, Ney said, "Come and see how a Marshal of France dies!"4
Ney escaped from Waterloo and returned to Paris where the Minister of Police Fouché gave him passports which he did not use. After Napoleon's second abdication, Marshal Davout took command of the army and refused to surrender until a treaty was signed that granted amnesty to those who had rejoined Napoleon. Ney went into hiding at a friend's chateau, but he was soon spotted and arrested. Even the king was upset that he had not fled the country, hoping to avoid a trial that could expose the internal divisions of the people. After giving his promise to not flee, Ney was escorted back to Paris without being bound. On the way General Exelmans came to his rescue, but Ney refused to go against his word to his captors, and he continued back to Paris.
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Trial and execution
Initially Ney was to be tried by a military court run by Marshal Jourdan, however his defense team argued that this court could not try him, and instead his case should be tried in the Chamber of Peers. His defense team won in this regard when the court declared itself incompetent, though that may have been due to the military court not wanting to convict him but also not wanting to defy the Bourbons by acquitting him. Next Ney would be tried by a group populated by Royalists and without the same sense of honor as his military colleagues.
During the trial in the Chamber of Peers, Ney's lawyers brought up how the trial was in direct violation of the treaty Davout had negotiated, and secretly in response a new law was then passed forbidding mentioning that treaty in court. With such an act, it became clear to everyone that the trial was a witch hunt. As a last attempt, his lawyers argued that since Ney's hometown of Saarelouis was ceded to Prussia, he could not be tried as a Frenchman, but Ney vehemently denounced this tactic and demanded to be tried as a Frenchman. Some of Ney's supporters appealed to the British for assistance, but they refused, claiming that they could not meddle in France's internal affairs despite spending the past twenty five years trying to change France's government.
On December 6th, Ney was convicted by the Chamber of Peers and the Peers also voted on his sentence, with the majority voting for death by firing squad. The execution was to be carried out the next day. When news of Ney's sentence reached the public, a mob began to form where the execution was to take place, and a new place of execution was quickly arranged at a different location.
Ney faced his execution by firing squad in Paris near the Luxembourg Garden. He refused to wear a blindfold and was allowed the right to give the order to fire, reportedly saying:
“Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her ... Soldiers, fire!”
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Marshal Michel Ney was a soldier’s soldier.
Ney was wholly without political ambition or judgment. He was at his greatest in the campaigns for France’s natural frontiers at the beginning and end of his career, but out of his depth in Napoleon’s intricate strategy for the domination of Europe. He showed little interest in external distinctions or social success. The dignity with which he met his death effaced the memory of his political vagaries and made him, in an epic age, the most heroic figure of his time.
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queenmarytudor · 5 years
Mary Tudor during the reign of Anne Boleyn - Part One 1533 - 1534
I wanted to do an accurate and detailed timeline as possible of everything that happened to Mary during the years Anne Boleyn was queen. Most know the basics, that she was mentally abused, harassed and depressed, but I wanted to show just how strong she was. 
She endured the loss of her royal title and the death of her mother, but refused to passively accept the situation she was in. Despite being away from court she remained at the forefront of many people’s minds, and was considered a true threat to King Henry for her actions, some which verged on treason.
Some events are undated, so for some that have a general date I’ve put whereabouts it occurred. Others I have no idea, and have put them in a order that most makes sense. I’ve used many quotes from sources, and included some letters. 
This got so long I had to split it into two parts, but here’s part one, 1533 - 1534, under the cut. I hope you find it interesting!  
22nd April – Henry writes to Princess Mary, telling her of his new marriage. She is at first sad, before pretending to be happy at the news. She writes a letter to the King, and when pressed for a verbal answer she “would not say a single word, referring instead to her letter.” Upon reading it, the King is well satisfied and praises her prudence.
She is forbidden to write to her mother. She begs to send a messenger who might testify that she sends no message except asking how the queen is, or show the King the letters first. He refuses.
? - Is unwell, and asks for permission for the Queen’s physician and apothecary to attend to her which the King grants. The Queen is allowed to send her messages.
27th May – Mary goes from Otford, where she has been staying nearly a year, to Beaulieu. While here in late June, she finds out her aunt Mary has died.
17th July – John Hussey is commanded to deliver Mary’s jewels to Frances Aylmer.
21st July – John Hussey tells Thomas Cromwell he spoke to Margaret Pole, who will make an inventory of the jewels. She will not deliver them unless obtain direct orders from King.
22nd August – Cromwell writes to Hussey desiring Mary’s plate.
28th August – Hussey writes to Cromwell. He has examined the clerk of Mary’s jewel house, and spoken to Margaret Pole. She says the plate is occupied at all seasons and cannot be spared.
7th September - Birth of Elizabeth.
? -  Mary writes “a comforting letter to the Queen her mother, which is wonderfully good.”
? - Katherine replies back to Mary? [undated; c.late 1533 -  beginning of 1534?]:
Daughter, I heard such tidings today that I do perceive, if it be true, the time is come that Almighty God will prove you; and I am very glad of it, for I trust He doth handle you with a good love. I beseech you agree to His pleasure with a merry heart; and be you sure that, without fail, he will not suffer you to perish if you beware to offend Him." I pray you, good daughter, to offer yourself to Him. If any pangs come to you, shrive yourself; first make you clean; take heed of His commandments, and keep them as near as He will give you grace to do, for then are you sure armed. And if this lady do come to you, as it is spoken, if she do bring you a letter from the King, I am sure in the self-same letter you shall be commanded what you shall do. Answer you with few words, obeying the King your father in everything, save only that you will not offend God and lose your own soul; and go no further with learning and disputation in the matter. And wheresoever and in whatsoever company you shall come, [obey] the King's commandments. Speak you few words, and meddle nothing. I will send you two books in Latin : one shall be De Vita Christi, with the declaration of the Gospels ; and the other the Epistles of Jerome, that he did write always to St. Paula and Eustochium; and in them I trust you shall see good things. And sometimes, for your recreation, use your virginals, or lute, if you have any. But one thing specially I desire you, for the love that you do owe unto God and unto me, to keep your heart with a chaste mind, and your body from all ill and wanton company, [not] thinking nor desiring any husband, for Christ's Passion; neither determine yourself to any manner of living until this troublesome time be past; for I dare make you sure that you shall see a very good end, and better than you can desire. I would God, good daughter, that you did know with how good a heart I do write this letter unto you. I never did one with a better, for I perceive very well that God loveth you. I beseech Him of His goodness to continue it; and if it fortune that you shall have nobody to be with you of your acquaintance, I think it best you keep your keys yourself, for howsoever it is, so shall be done as shall please them. And now you shall begin, and by likelihood I shall follow. I set not a rush by it ; for when they have done the uttermost they can, then I am sure of the amendment. I pray you recommend me unto my good lady of Salisbury, and pray her to have a good heart, for we never come to the kingdom of Heaven but by troubles. Daughter, wheresoever you become, take no pain to send for me, for if I may I will send to you. By your loving mother, Katharine The Queen
20th September – Hussey tells Mary she is no longer a princess and is instead a bastard. She is astonished, and won’t accept unless he has direct writing from King. Her servants likewise agree a commandment given by John Hussey is not sufficient.
2nd October – Mary receives a letter stating the same from William Paulet, controller of the royal household. Disbelieving, she writes to the King:
“This morning my chamberlain came and informed me that he had received a letier from Sir Will. Paulet, controller of your House, to the effect that I should remove at once to Hertford castle. I desired to see the letter; in which was written "the lady Mary, the King's daughter," leaving out the name of Princess. Marvelled at this, thinking your Grace was not privy to it, not doubting but you take me for your lawful daughter, barn in true matrimony. If I agreed to the contrary I should offend God ; in all other things you shall find me an obedient daughter. From your manor of Beaulieu, 2 Oct.”
c. 9th October – The Earl of Essex [Henry Bourchier], the Earl of Oxford [John de Vere], Earl of Sussex [Robert Radcliffe] and Doctor Sampson go to Mary to tell her she is not to use the title of Princess. Mary makes them meet in front of her servants in case they put words in her mouth. She refuses to accept she is no longer a princess, bringing them nearly to tears. Mary writes to her father saying she would be obedient, but he cannot take away the titles God gave her. Her household is curtailed, with some such as her cofferer William Cholmeley, her cofferer entering Elizabeth’s household.
c.13th October – Mary moves from Beaulieu to Hertford castle. 
c. late October/early November? – Mary hears she will be lady’s maid to Elizabeth. Asks the Spanish ambassador and lawyer, Eustace Chapuys for advice. Chapuys sends Mary a protest stating she would not do anything which was prejudicial to her.
13th December – Duke of Norfolk [Thomas Howard, Anne Boleyn’s uncle] goes to Mary, telling her father’s pleasure is for her to enter service of Elizabeth who he calls Princess of Wales. Mary says that “is a title which belongs to I by right, and no other.” She says her father’s proposals are strange and unfitting. Norfolk said he is not there to debate. Mary is allowed half an hour in her private chamber, which she uses to draw out a protest Chapuys gave her, saying if she is compelled to or persuaded by deceit to renounce her rights, enter a nunnery or marry against her will, no prejudice should occur. Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury offers to go with her, paying for her own expenses, but is refused. Mary asks for a years wages given to her servants and leaves for Hatfield with 2 attendants/maids of honour.
On the way, Doctor Foxe, her father’s almoner, tells her to stand firm for the love of God, otherwise the whole kingdom is in ruin and perdition.
Arriving at Hatfield, Norfolk asks her if she will pay her respect to the Princess. Mary says she “knows no Princess in England except herself.” Mary tells him to tell the king his daughter, the Princess of Wales, begs for his blessing. He refuses, so she tells him to go away and leave her alone. She retires to her chamber, the worst in the house, to cry.
c.26th December – Mary has now been deprived of her 2 maids of honour who accompanied her. She has only one common chamber maid, who doesn’t taste her food, however she supports her and sends letters to and from Chapuys and others. She has all her food in her chamber, and no good guard about her. 
Anne Shelton, Anne Boleyn’s aunt, is in charge of the household. Lady Margaret Bryan, her old governess, mother of Elizabeth Carew is there, as well as William Cholmeley. 
Mary refuses to pay court to Elizabeth unless compelled by sheer force. She can no longer be served meat before 11am like before. In her own house Mary “was much desirous to have meat immediately after she was ready in the morning, or else she should be in danger eftsoons to return to her said infirmity.” Unable to have this, now Mary wants her breakfast larger instead, so she can eat a little piece of meat at supper.
c.5th? January – Henry visits Hatfield, sends orders ahead that Mary should not come to him. Cromwell, the treasurer [William Fitzwilliam] and captain of the guard [William Kingston] are sent to persuade Mary to renounce her title. She replies it is labour wasted to press her and has given a decided answer. She asks to see Henry and kiss his hand, but is refused. When Henry is leaving, she goes to a terrace at the top of the house, and bends on her knees with hands joined. Henry sees, bows to her and put his hand to his hat. The men with him do the same before leaving.
? January - Mary has been warned to be on her guard. She had been having breakfast in her chamber then going to table in public not eating or drinking; this is no longer allowed. 
28th January - Chapuys sends to Mary “certain books of consolation, in which she takes great pleasure.” 
He tells her there has been a a report in France about her marriage to the Marquis of Saluzzo, and that she must not consent to any marriage without her mother’s and Charles V’s consent.
29th January - The Duke of Norfolk and Brian Tuke visit Mary, presumably to persuade her to submit to the king. 
? - Mary replies back to Chapuys, stating she will not marry without consent.
c.18?th February – Mary has no clothes and money, so sends a gentleman to the King. She also asks for her to attend mass at the church which adjoins the house but this is not allowed. Country people seeing her in the gallery salute her as princess and now she is kept closer. Nothing is done without the leave of Anne Shelton.
c.5th March – Anne Boleyn visits her daughter. She urgently solicits Mary to honour her as queen, saying it would be a means of reconciliation with the king, and she herself would intercede with him for her. Mary replies she “knew no Queen in England except her Mother, but if the said madam would do her that favour with her father she would be much obliged’.
16th March – Duke of Norfolk takes all her best clothes and jewels saying she is no longer princess and “her pride must be abated.” She continues to not pay court to Elizabeth unless forced – when walking together, she is always in front of or behind her when taken anywhere, instead of at her side. William Cholmeley is dismissed because he showed affection to her and did her some service.
23rd March - The First Act of Succession passed, declaring Mary a bastard and Elizabeth the heir.
25th March – A warrant is signed for new clothes for Mary.
26th March – Mary is forcibly put into a litter with Anne Shelton when she refuses to accompany Elizabeth to Eltham. She makes a public protest at the compulsion used.
c.? April – French ambassadors visit Elizabeth. Chapuys sends Mary a letter letting her know what has happened in Rome (Pope Clement has declared Henry and Catherine’s marriage valid), and that it is important she remain constant. Mary sends that she will do, and is better pleased with the said news then if they had sent her a million of gold.
18th April – Henry and Anne visit Eltham for 2 days with Richard Featherstone and more. Mary is commanded not to leave her chamber. One of Mary’s maids who refused to swear to the act of succession is locked up in her chamber and compelled to swear on threat of being taken to prison. Anne Shelton tells her if she were in the king’s place she would kick Mary out of the house for disobedience, and that the king said he would make her lose her head for violating the laws of his realm. Mary asks to see Richard Featherstone, her old tutor to confirm this. They speak in Latin so people don’t understand; Featherstone says “that is not good Latin”.
c.1st? May – The royal comptroller [William Paulet], and the Earl of Wiltshire [Thomas Boleyn] visit Mary to try and make her renounce title. She refuses.
c.10th? May – Mary’s maid who had been compelled to swear the act is dismissed, and has no where to go or a means to support herself. Mary is “much grieved for she was the only one in whom she had confidence, and by her means letters” from Chapuys and others. Her confessor is dismissed and replaced by another ‘Lutheran’. After her maid is dismissed, Henry sends a message begging if she would lay aside her obstinacy he would promise her before Michaelmas that she would have a royal title. She doesn’t believe him and refuses, as “God has not blinded her to confess her father and mother had lived in adultery and made her a bastard”.
7th June – Mary signs the letter of protestation Chapuys wrote and sent her before moving to Hatfield against her treatment. She declares she will not marry, enter a monastery or take any step without the consent of her mother. She diverts the guards around her to send it to Chapuys. Mary expects she will die. She believes “she could not better gain Paradise than by such a death.”
12th July – Chapuys warns Mary that William Paulet and Thomas Boleyn will visit her again tomorrow.
13th July – Paulet and Boleyn visit Mary for a second time. She is threatened to be shut up in her chamber.
27th July – King visits Eltham to see Elizabeth. He sends a gentlemen to make Mary withdraw to her chamber so she would not see him.
29th August – Hearing that the King intends the household to move to Hunsdon and for her to accompany Elizabeth, Mary sends to Chapuys 3 times in less then 24 hours to know what to do. He says he will go to Greenwich in disguise and see her pass, and to speak boldly but not go to extreme of being taken by force.
The comptroller promises she will not go after Elizabeth, however the litter is already there and Mary is compelled to go after. Instead, the comptroller allows her, as soon as she is mounted to go before or after the litter as she pleased. As soon as she on horseback she pushes forward, galloping ahead and arriving at Greenwich an hour before Elizabeth. 
She enters the waiting royal barge and sits in the most honourable place. When they set sail, a disguised Chapuys watches on from the riverside.
? - Mary is diseased in her head and stomach, causing Anne Shelton to send for a Mr Michael who gave her pills. These cause her to be sick. One of Chapuys’s servants coming to see how she did is not allowed to see her. He warns her that mischief might arrive if anything happens to Mary.
2nd September – The royal physician William Butts visits Mary, who is at the beginning of her “old disease”. He sends for her mother’s physician and the apothecary. 
? – The Queen’s physician and apothecary visit Mary. A messenger telling them to pay their respects to Elizabeth before Mary arrives late. They can only talk to Mary in the presence of other people, and only in English.
? - Mary sends a letter to Nicholas Carew. 
? - Margaret Bryan gives her daughter, Elizabeth Carew’s, reply to Mary. Elizabeth desires Mary “for the passion of Christ in all things to follow the King otherwise she was utterly undone.’” The letter had been opened. 
20th September – Anne Shelton asks Mary who she got to send her letter to Nicholas. She tells her it was her servant Randall Dodd; Margaret Bryan confirms she is telling the truth.
27th September –  Henry has renewed his affections for a lady of the court who supports Mary.
c.10th October –  Henry’s new mistress sends a letter to Mary telling her to be of good cheer, and that her troubles will soon come to an end, and when the opportunity occurs she will show herself a true and devoted servant. 
c.20th October – Before Mary leaves the More for Richmond, she is visited by nearly all the gentlemen and ladies of court to Anne Boleyn’s annoyance. Chapuys tells her that as the King’s severity is abating she must take care not to give him any cause for offence and his protestation he made for her preserved her from any danger. She must make no difficulty about following Elizabeth this time but should say she is very glad in this to satisfy her father.
Mary goes to Richmond in a velvet litter, instead of the leather one used previously. At Richmond, to avoid having to follow Elizabeth’s litter, she chooses to go by water to see Chapuys watching by the riverside again.
In the evening she arranges with bargemen to row her along the bank. She sends a message to Chapuys to make sure he would not fail to be at his house nearby so she could see him. 
c.21st October - She persuades the steersman to go down one side of the river. When she gets near Chapuys she orders the barge to be uncovered and goes on deck in the most conspicuous place so they could see each other.  
c.22nd October – Anne Boleyn visits Richmond to see her daughter, with the Duke of Norfolk, Duke of Suffolk, and ladies. Mary refuses to leave her chamber until Anne Boleyn is gone so she won’t see her.
c.23rd? October – Mary informs Chapuys via letter that Anne is making those about her show her all the rudeness and annoyance they could.
c.17th November – Mary has a slight illness again. Anne Shelton continues to  induce her to renounce her title of Princess. Duke of Norfolk has placed in the Tower one of Mary’s maids, accused of calling her princess. He wants to know who had informed Chapuys to wait by the riverside to see Mary pass.
c.19th December – The maid in the Tower has been released but forbidden to return to Mary. 
Mary is ill, and the king sends his physician. They determine her illness is partly from ill treatment. The physician advises to send her to her mother, Henry refuses.
c. late December – Mary is told if she doesn’t renounce her title of princess she will go to the Tower or die. The people in her household desire her death, “by which they say the world will be at peace and they will be discharged of the pain and trouble she gives them.”
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womanlalaboy · 5 years
Lublob #3: Belongingness Found In Baler
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Lucky are those who have found a place where they feel like they belong. I found mine, though, unexpectedly, 8 hours away from my actual home. I found belongingness in the charming place of Baler, under the care of the most humble and respectful people I've ever met.
December 2017 when I ran away from the reality of life. I went with a few college friends to a place I have never been to, at my ugliest and fattest state. Yes, I was pretty harsh with myself. But more than feeling disgusted and calling myself ugly, the abuse really was in neglecting my body's needs and corrupting my own mind- convincing myself that it's okay to be this unhealthy; that I don't need to try; that I don't need to get better. I've distorted my idea of body positivity so much so that I could justify why I've been making excuses, and why I refuse to change.
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I never expected anything from that trip. All I ever wanted was to have a quick escape from the chaos in the city, from my responsibilities, from my unfulfilled ambitions, from the pressure I put myself through, and from self-loathing so I visited Baler with a cloak of insecurity draping all over me. But Baler treated me as if all the things I've been insecure about never existed. I have found a place that accepts me for who I am, with all my flaws and quirks. It's been such a long time since I've felt this comfortable with my own skin, and it was overwhelming.
Our day started with a warm welcome from a military veteran who we call Daddy Dan. He toured us around Baler and its neighboring places with his aging tricycle. We arrived super early in the morning so he brought our stuff at his house. We ate at El Teodoro to try their Tapa Flakes, and went on exploring his birth place. We started with the Century-old Balete tree. We tried going inside the tree to witness how massive it is and definitely enjoyed exploring the maze inside. It looks mysterious and creepy. Sinister, even, to think that something took over that tree. But I guess it had to go through that rough path to become this strong, enormous, and charismatic tree that it is today. Maybe we really have to go through these changes to be the best version of ourselves. And maybe it’s not going to be pretty. And maybe it scares people; and it’s hard to understand. But knowing you’ll end up as strong, empowered, and mystic like this old surviving Balete tree feels reassuring. We’re towards something greater than our current troubles.
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After that visit to the Balete Eco-Park, we drove towards Ermita Hill, the closest highest point in Baler. We took photos with the statue depicting a family running for their lives during Tromba Marina (tsunami). Daddy Dan told us that there were only a few families who survived: the Angaras, Bihasas, Bitongs, Carrascos, Lumasacs and Pobletes. We then went to the viewing point where we saw the river mouth and the entirety of Sabang Beach. Of course, the road trip never stopped there. We visited Diguisit Falls and the Diguisit rock formations. I was at my ugliest, but no one cared and I looked so happy on the photos. I realized that traveling is best experienced when you stop being so conscious of how you look and what other people might think of you.
We went to the beach and witnessed angry tides. There was a typhoon, but the sea still looked so inviting. We took photos there, chilled, and talked about life. We talked about how the people of Baler look like they’re always smiling like they’re always willing to help. Their presence alone felt warm, kind, and calming. We then killed some time at Daddy Dan’s house before checking in at Rushie’s. His sister gave us biko for mirienda. They let us have a nap and played with their dogs.
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Once we’ve settled everything at Rushie’s, we took a bath and had a short nap. When the sky cleared, Daddy Dan woke us up and took us to the Hanging Bridge where we took photos and bought souvenirs. We went back to Rushie’s and talked the day away while drinking beer. We were all facing our own demons and Baler was a break from the mess in our heads. Deep in our conversation, Daddy Dan visited us and insisted that we go somewhere. We went to this small pub and sang our hearts out. We ended that long day around past 11. The next morning, Daddy brought us freshly baked special pandesal (special because it’s crunchy on the outside and softer than usual on the inside. Plus, it has butter and garlic on top. We’re so spoiled).
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He then drove us to Mother (Ditumabo) Falls. The rain was approaching and some streams are overflowing. Halfway through, we decided to retreat and visit Caunayan falls instead. It was so cold that we decided to just stare at the water, but I’m glad to see the falls. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one. After that chilling drive, we went surfing. I will never forget that moment. I recall constantly telling them that I was gonna shit my pants out of fear. Aya kept telling me that it’s not something to be scared of. She has never been so right. I enjoyed the experience and vowed to come back for more. We met some local surfers there who became our instructors: Dodong, Jeff, and Koikoy.
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Aya got sick for some reason so she went back to Rushie’s while we buy food for the boodle fight. No one knew how to cook, so I marinated the liempo the way I always see my mom do it. We grilled the pork while the boys do the bagoong. A few fellow tourists came over with their instructor, Diego, who helped us with the grilling. We shared that meal with total strangers and it was fun. Later that night, Jeff invited us to their house for some karaoke. I was so tired, but these locals, as if they’ve known me for years, barged into the room forcing me to have fun with them. We met two foreigners who were amused by how many English songs Filipinos can sing. Of course that night wouldn’t have been complete without alcohol and the drinking continues even after that karaoke session. We went to a small eatery and had some goto. I remember seeing Daddy Dan taking shots from his nephews who, at the time, were pretty drunk. They shared their alcohol with us, sang, laughed and danced with us. I don’t think I ever had a sober night in Baler, to be honest. I’m not sure why, but we always morph from typical travelers to alcoholic thirsty animals.
The guys we drank with look like your typical local boys, but I’ve heard that they rip some waves as well. Most of them are sponsored by sports brands and are always competing. I even saw them the next morning roaming the beach with their Roxy boards and their game faces on. Where were the goofy drunkards I’ve met last night? Gone with the wind.
We visited the museum that morning. My friends and Daddy Dan toured the place together, but I took my own time. I became emotional and cried when I saw the portraits of the Spaniards. I remember being so desperate to see more portraits of FIlipinos which I found on the second floor. For some reason, I felt the hardships of those who’ve lived before me, and how the FIlipino hospitality was abused and taken advantage of. But we never stopped giving warm welcomes, genuine smiles, hugs, kisses, and food. Baler people stayed humble and hospitable.
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We chilled by the beach after that and continued discussing our unresolved personal issues. Later that night, we rented a pool place with a karaoke and invited all the locals we got to meet and had a despedida drinking session. We braved the cold and kept ourselves warm with laughter and alcohol instead. 
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There weren’t any other girls apart from me (Aya’s gay, by the way). Even with my following visits in Baler, I never got to be friends with any other woman which I’m starting to feel concerned about. I’d say our tropa there are all gago in general, but I never heard them say a thing about my body or looks which would have been a common topic based on the drinking sessions I’ve been a part of so far. They never asked about what we do for a living or why I’m still single. No questions that would make me feel anxious, bullied or harassed. I also felt very respected and safe considering I’m the only straight woman in a pool of men, which is rare for someone who gets sexually harassed almost on a daily basis in the city.
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We finished the session cleaning up after our mess. Daddy Dan got wasted. No, wasted would be an understatement. He wouldn’t let anyone else drive us back to Rushie’s. We waited for him to start his engine. We’re all tipsy so that’s probably why we never feared Daddy Dan driving in that state. A few feet from Rushie’s, the tricycle flipped over and we just laughed. The other surfers helped Daddy Dan with his tricycle and parked at Rushie’s. They waited for us to get washed and dressed before bidding their goodbyes, making sure we’ve fist-bumped everyone before finally leaving.
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I had a moment with one of the surfers invited there- the first surfer I ever saw surfing in person. That sparked a change in me. You see, I was focusing so much on the things I don’t like about myself that I forgot to look at my best traits. It was so easy for him to appreciate me when I was having a hard time to even like myself. Plus I wasn’t doing anything likable.
Right there and then I’ve decided to truly accept who I am- that I am flawed, but I have so much more to offer too. I’ve accepted the fact that I’m not perfect, but I can improve. I’ve accepted my faults and forgave myself of the things I couldn’t become. But I’ve also recognized the fact that I am the key to being better. I’ve decided to stop making excuses for myself. I have decided that I’ll have to be the first person to like, value and appreciate me. To hell with what others think of me.
In this trip, I’ve realized that you become the real you when you stop wanting to impress others. When you strip yourself of that, you’re then only left with curiosity, spontaneity, and authenticity.
I guess the reason why I felt like I belonged in Baler was that I never had to impress anyone, that I never had to fake a smile or force myself to talk to people, and I never had to be scared. I felt like I belong because I only had to be me.
Also read: Byaheng Baler: Womanlalaboy’s Travel Guide to Baler, Aurora Also read: Paradigm Shift
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cherazor · 6 years
Learning Curve (1/1)
Right. When the sign-up for the @dwsecretsanta  started making rounds earlier last year, I jumped at the chance, not knowing what the future had in store for me. Let’s just say real life swallowed me whole in the beginning of December and spit me out yesterday. The result of that mess is, of course, that I might possibly be the latest Secret Santa ever, something which I can’t apologize enough for. Any way I can convince you guys that I’m eleven months early?
Anyway, here it is, my gift to my poor giftee @goingtothetardis. I know it’s probably not exactly what you were hoping for when you prompted “What happens in the days after The Christmas Invasion? How do the newly regenerated Doctor and Rose figure things out?”, but this was what came out and I really, really hope you like it!
Shout out to my brilliant beta @moirana!
Learning Curve
Summary: The more things change, the more they stay the same
Pairings: The Doctor (10)/Rose Tyler
Rating: G
She weaves the garland between her fingers, little bits of golden tinsel fluttering to the floor as she twists the string of glitter tighter around her digits. Her back is turned to him, but he can just make out the reflection of her unfocused eyes in the window in front of her.
The room feels oddly quiet, the only sound he can make out is her breath and he watches as each little puff of air causes a small blossom of condensation to bloom on the glass. Stepping forward, the sound of his slippers nearly inaudible against Jackie’s carpeted floor, he reaches her with three long strides and a small part of his mind can’t help but note how the length of his gait is almost the same as it was before. Yet, his steps feel different – springier, bouncier, happier – as though he has far too much energy contained within his new, slim form.
He longs to run.
“Still in the jammies?”
Gaze meeting through the fogged image of the windowpane, the Doctor can just make out the dim outline of Rose’s curved lips – it should be a smile, but the faint shadow contained in her eyes makes him hesitate to call it so.
“Yeah,” he replies, “I don’t know what to wear.”
“Oh,” she says, and he is close enough for the sound of her hesitation to reverberate through his chest.
He echoes her, his tongue tilting the word into a question even as he realizes he’s not entirely certain what he’s asking. “Oh?”
“It’s just…I guess I didn’t realize you’d wear something different.”
“Oh,” he croaks, the soft repetition the only sound he can manage force out through his suddenly constricting throat, and a vague sense envelops him, as though an invisible hand has used his soul to strum a dissonant chord.
“’S just me being stupid. I didn’t think. I keep forgetting, you know?” she says, her voice so carefully neutral he knows it cannot be anything except a fragile facade. With every word she utters, he feels them come adrift, the understanding that previously had kept them tethered apparently washed away by the forceful tide of his regeneration.
Another scattering of tinsel falls loose from the garland and into the palm of her hand as her fingers continue to pick at the glitter still wrapped around them.
“I---” he starts, only for the word to trail off into a useless exhale of air as a full sentence fail to form. For the first time since he woke up on the grated floor of the TARDIS, he has no idea what to say. He swallows, the urge to do something so strong within him he has to physically hold himself back. His arms hang useless at his sides as he yearns to fold her into his embrace.
Less than twenty-four hours ago, he would have.
Today he can feel the vastness of a world confined in the inches dividing them.
The energy zipping around his system has taken on a nervous edge, and he knows it won’t rest until Rose is happy again. It is a feeling he knows well – perhaps he should be surprised that out of all the aspects of his previous personality he could have retained, this particular quirk would be one to survive his regeneration, but he is not. An instant later, it is also that part of him which forces his brain back into relative clarity. “You’re not stupid,” he says, but even as he utters the words, he feels their insufficiency. Their impression is nothing more than a shadow of the things he wishes to say.
She snorts. “Yeah? You know anyone else who’d travel around through time and space in a ship bigger on the inside, and forget that their host is actually alien?”
“I knew you’re different. I saw all the amazin’ things you could do – s’ like anything’s possible and I still just…didn’t think.”
“And I should have told you.” Desperate to offer any comfort he can, he reaches for her, gripping her hand within his before she can move away. It’s not perfect, her hand caught in his rather than curling around his palm, but he can see the tight lines of her shoulders relax all the same and he feels his racing hearts calm in response.
“Yeah, you should have,” she replies and the tinsel pressed between them tickles against his palm as he flinches.
“I thought I’d have more time.” Turning over her hand in his, he lets it rest palm up as he begins to untangle the garland from her digits. “But I guess I should have known better – my regenerations always come as a surprise to me. Each of my bodies can last upwards a millennium or two if I’m careful.”
“S’lucky you lasted two weeks, the way you go on about it, then.”
In the corner of his eyes he catches the reflection of her lips curling, and he feels his own twist upwards in response. “Take that back!”
“You’re so different.” Hand finally free of the string of glitter, she tugs it out from his grasp. “How does it feel, becoming a new person?”
“But I’m not.” Shaking his head, he can feel the near contradiction of his words in the gentle brush of his fringe against his forehead. “I’m still me – still the Doctor.”
“Yeah, ‘course. But---”
“No. No ‘but’s. I’m the same man I was yesterday.”
She shifts, right foot digging further into her mother’s weathered carpet. Her socks are new and soft, he can tell, probably the one purchase she managed to get before her confrontation with the pilot fish in London. “But you changed,” she whispers.
“Everyone changes, Rose. Every experience you have affects you, little by little – you’re not the same person who decided to travel with me in the TARDIS, either. Sure, my overall packaging changed a bit more than the human norm, perhaps…”
Another smile tugs at her lips. “And your accent.”
“Right, yes,” he says as the unfamiliar sensation of a blush begins to dance across his cheeks and he can only hope she will not think to ask from where his new accent originated. “And my accent.”
She turns, her gaze finally meeting his own without the aid of their reflections as she glances up at him from beneath her lashes. “How much…I mean, is it just---” There’s a short pause, as though she doesn’t know quite what to say, before her hand comes up into an awkward wave over his face. “---Cosmetic?”
“Yes and no. I wasn’t lying when I said I didn’t know what sort of man I am now. But…some things don’t change. They can’t, because without them I wouldn’t be me.”
“Like?” The word quivers in the air between them, brittle and frail, as though any sudden movement would shatter it to pieces and it is in that moment that he finally sees.
Warmth begin to blossom within him and he licks his suddenly dry lips. “You.” He smiles, hesitantly reaching for her hand yet again. “Whoever I am, it’s still the man who wants you beside him.” Fingers fumbling, their hands slide together a moment later like two pieces of a puzzle and it is if something within him has burst lose.
For the first time in the whole evening, he finally feels like he knows himself
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blurred-9l · 4 years
Throughout the years, fall meant windy nights and hot coffee in the evenings at my aunt’s place. We used to drive all the way to her cottage in the middle of nowhere and stayed with her for a couple days before we all headed back to the comfort of our wirelessly connected networks back at home. I never really understood why or when this tacit rule was ever agreed upon by my parents and aunt, yet she never seem to be bothered by it.
We usually made the trip halfway through November, however, this year had been particularly busy for my sister and I, so we decided to split up and make the drive to her place in three groups: my sister would go first in the middle of November, followed by my parents the weekend afterwards. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to make good on my word until the next fortnight; so, it was a few days after the start of December by the time I hit the road.
The highway was surprisingly empty, even though we were so close to the holiday festivities. It was no surprise for me when I showed up at road leading to the cottage one hour before she expected me to arrive.
Though I had been at this place several times before, it always felt stuck in a time bubble.  We would park our car just where the highway ended and walk the winding dirt road towards her home. Patches of hyacinths bulbs were planted haphazardly along the grass, although their placing always felt familiar to me.
Her property was surrounded by an old brick fence. Mind you, it was just a few feet tall, so we guessed its purpose was more decorative than to, say, keep any unwanted visitors outside. Still, I glanced my surroundings before I jumped the fence and made my way to the front door.
I knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again, putting a bit more force behind it this time. No response either. A strong wind blew just as I noticed a small “post-it” note halfway hidden under the welcome mat.
“I went out for a bit. Why don’t you take a walk around while I come back? Love, Tania”
I rolled my eyes at the note. It’s like she knew. And, of course, she always knew, so I made my way back to the fence and sat on the edge looking towards the highway. It was a beautiful day. It had been cold in the morning so, I had worn a sweater, but I found myself feeling warm. I laid on top of the brick fence, watching the clouds drift on the sky. Far off the distance, I could hear a familiar relaxing sound, but I failed to pinpoint what it reminded me of. I started drifting into sleep, matching my breath to the rhythm of the sound in the distance. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep.
When I opened my eyes to the cold evening breeze hitting my face, it took a moment for me to register I had been asleep all that time. My aunt must have found me laying there when she got back from her errand, as there was a thin blanket covering my body. I feel thankful as I climbed down and looked at the cottage, light escaping from the half-closed curtains on the window.
However, one thing stopped me in my tracks before I could make my way to my aunt’s place and the promise of a nice chat shared over a cup of coffee. I heard the familiar sound again, the humid breeze caressing my face.
“Are those… waves?”
Indeed, they were. The highway along with my car where nowhere to be seen. In their place, a silent empty beach, a quarter moon over the horizon and the majestic ocean; all of them placed on the road ahead me.
For a moment, I wondered if I was still asleep. Why wouldn’t I be? The landscape had completely changed, something that I assumed could only happen in one’s dreams. And yet… I felt the ocean calling out to me, as if there was something I needed to do here.
Against any better judgement, I quietly walked towards the beach. I could catch up with my aunt any other time. Whatever “this” was, it was one of those things that only happen to you once. It wasn’t long before my shoes were filled with sand. I walked a little too close to the water and nearly fell forward as I attempted to dodge the suddenly rising tide.
As I regained my balance, I saw another person coming out of the water, almost like they were… crawling. They pulled themselves on their foot, but their steps were heavy and erratic. It looked like they were having trouble keeping their balance, as they were swinging their arms forward and backwards in attempts to stabilize themselves.
I hollered and rushed to their side as quickly as I could. I hadn’t realized it before, but their presence was… striking, to say the least. Once I could catch a glimpse of their face, I found myself staring at their gray eyes.
“Oh”, they said with a small hint of surprise. “It’s you!” They jumped towards me and wrapped me in a tight embrace.
“Me?”, I stuttered, awkwardly attempting to pull back, yet failing miserably. “Have we met before?”
They frowned a bit, as if wondering if they should be mad or disappointed, their previously joyful expression growing neutral at the moment. “Well, I guess it can be hard to remember, huh?”
Another breeze blew by, without any other sound than that of the crashing ocean waves. I helped them stand up and wiped the sand from my jeans. I wondered if I should say something or introduce myself to them. The situation was growing weirder and weirder, after all. I was just about to open my mouth to ask for their name when their eyes lit up, and darted to something behind me.
“Auntie! So nice to see you again!”. They let go of me and then clumsily walked towards the start of the road, jeans and jacket dirty with wet sand. A few yards ahead from the brick fence, I could see my aunt waving and beckoning.
They hugged and proceeded to exchange cheerful greetings. My aunt seemed happy and relaxed. I guess this person could be trusted, but I couldn’t remember who they were. When I caught up right at the gate of the brick fence, I could barely hear my aunt telling them to wait inside and make themselves at home. I raised an eyebrow in response.
“Oh, don’t give me that. They’re family too”
“Family?”, I answered, crossing my arms in response.
“Well, it would be hard for you to remember everything.” She laughed sheepishly. It looks like she was expecting somebody else besides myself. She started pacing a bit. “How should I explain it…?” When she stopped, she pointed towards the horizon behind me.
I turned around to see the familiar dirt road, leading all the way back to my car and the highway. The ocean was nowhere in sight. Gone in a flash.
“That, is you…”, and she motioned to the horizon, the highway and my car. And for some reason, the colors dulled by the evening dusk became brighter, as if they were being highlighted by some unseen force.
Then, she snapped her fingers and the image was replaced by the ocean and the beach. “… and that, is also you”. She motioned again, but the image did not become colorful this time. “It’s just… a different you.”
She remained quiet for a few seconds, as if expecting me to understand what was going on.
“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
She sighed. “Oh, dear. There are many versions of ourselves. We’re not usually meant to meet each other, but I might have made a small exception once…” she trailed off the words, was that guilt hidden in her voice?
“What do you mean?”
“The you that is probably waiting for us on my living room is a very special version of you. They drowned just as they were about to turn four. I… made it so that they didn’t die that day by turning them into a spirit of the ocean. They visit sometimes, it’s nice.”
“Oh”. I didn’t know how to respond to that. I felt bad for this other version of me, but also felt strange about myself. It’s hard to grasp the existence of one’s own selves. “Was that supposed to happen to me?”
“Oh dear, no! I told your mother to take you camping instead! I’m sure you have much fonder memories of that, right?”.
She smiled softly and I never felt so fragile before. I went quiet for a few seconds, before answering back.
“Okay… But will you teach me how to do cool stuff like making a whole ocean appear from out of nowhere?”
She bursted into laughter at the mention of this. Fortunately, her expression wasn’t as serious when she replied back.
“Not a chance! I would never hear the end of it from your mother if she found out!”, I wasn’t completely serious about the suggestion, but I could still hear her giggle a bit as we walked into her house for the evening.
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Breaking down the most important targets left on the board.
The Tigers started June with a ton of momentum and are looking to keep it going over the summer months. Today, I am going to offer my take on what remaining top targets are the most important left on Auburn’s board. By “most important” I took a few things into consideration. First, whether or not that player can have an immediate impact at a crucial position of need. Second, what winning that race would mean in the larger perception of Auburn’s recruiting class. Finally, how likely that prospect is to actually pick Auburn. Here’s my breakdown of who would mean the most to Auburn if they were to sign with the Tigers in 2021.
1.) 5-star CB GaQuincy McKinstry | 5’11” | 172 lbs | Pinson, AL
Auburn has never signed a five star defensive back in the modern recruiting era. They have not signed the top player in the state of Alabama since Nick Saban’s arrival in Tuscaloosa. They could end both of those droughts this cycle if Auburn can reel in the nation’s 2nd ranked cornerback Ga’Quincy “Kool-Aid” McKinstry.
There’s a lot of reasons to be hopeful in this race. McKinstry wants to play both football and basketball in college which Auburn is selling hard. Auburn has been after McKinstry longer than most other top programs plus he’s close with his former high school teammate, now Auburn’s starting quarterback Bo Nix. But it’s hard to be optimistic given the history of elite cornerbacks in the state of Alabama rarely choosing the Tigers over the Tide. LSU also lurks as a legitimate threat in this race and Clemson can never be discounted. I expect a commitment to come by the end of July though he’s yet to publicly set a date.
2.) 4-star BUCK Jeremiah Williams | 6’3” | 224 lbs | Birmingham, AL
The Tigers need pass rushers. You would be hard pressed to find a better one in this class than Jeremiah Williams. A childhood fan of the Tigers, Williams has emerged as Auburn’s #1 Buck target in the 2021 class. Alabama, Florida and Oklahoma are also hard after the Ramsay standout with the Tide likely being the Tigers top competitor. But Williams is reportedly very close with Auburn head coach Gus Malzahn and there seems to be some confidence on the Tigers’ side that they are the team to beat in this race. Like McKinstry, I would not be surprised to see him commit by the end of next month even though he’s stated he plans to wait until December. Another important note, Williams and McKinstry are good friends and would like to play with each other at the next level. If the Tigers could get Williams on board it might help them land McKinstry.
3.) 5-star LB Smael Mondon | 6’3” | 220 lbs | Dallas, GA
Auburn’s linebacker corps returns in tact in 2020 and the Tigers just signed a loaded three man class last recruiting cycle. So in 2021, Auburn is swinging for the fences and looking to land one, at max two, elite linebacker signees. Mondon appears to be the top target.
Mondon is reportedly extremely close with Auburn linebackers coach Travis Williams and that relationship is what has the Tigers likely sitting at #2 in this race. But the Dawgs are always hard to beat for elite talent and there’s a ton of confidence he will soon be joining their 2021 class. The longer this plays out the better for Auburn in my opinion. Mondon has hinted that a commit could come this month.
4.) 4-star WR Christian Leary | 5’9” | 180 lbs | Orlando, FL
This has been a fascinating recruitment that will likely remain so until signing day. Leary is one of the most coveted wideouts in this class and arguably the fastest. Auburn offered the nation’s 130rd ranked prospect before his other two finalists Alabama and Florida. As I wrote during my preview series, Auburn actually felt like they might be the team to beat at the time. But Alabama and Oklahoma came on strong during the spring. The Sooners thought he would soon join their class before the Tide seemed to have surged ahead. Leary had a commit date set for June 6th. If he had kept to that date the pick likely would have been Alabama.
But things change. Auburn continued to stay after Leary and have built strong relationships with the explosive playmaker. Dematrius Davis’s commitment and subsequent recruitment efforts to get Leary to join Auburn has had a major impact. Leary is also sold on Chad Morris being able to get the most out of his talent. The Tigers now appear to be the team to beat once again and a decision could come soon. My hunch is this is the 2nd commit Davis was hinting at on Twitter last week but we will see. There’s already been a lot of movement in this race so I wouldn’t count this as a lock by any means. Even if the Tigers can land Leary this month they will have to fight hard to keep teams like Alabama and Florida at bay come signing day.
5.) 4-Star CB Nyland Green | 6’2” | 183 lbs | Covington, GA
As I mentioned during my preview series, I believe Green is the #1 cornerback in this class. That’s no shot at McKinstry who is a stud but I think Green has everything you want in a lockdown corner in the SEC. I also didn’t think Auburn had much of a shot just a few months ago but it appears things have changed in a good way for the Tigers.
Clemson has been viewed as the team to beat and might still be but per AuburnUndercover’s Keith Niebuhr, Auburn has made a serious push in this race. Green is close with former high school teammate and recent Auburn signee Deandre Butler. He’s also been to the Plains numerous times and is being sold on Auburn’s recent success putting corners in the league. Landing either Green or McKinstry likely means Auburn ends their five star cornerback drought. It’s also not out of the realm of possibility they snag both. That would be a historic haul if Auburn could pull it off. Still a long ways to go though in both of those races.
6.) 5-Star OT Tommy Brockermeyer / 5-Star OT Amarius Mims / 4-star OT Savion Byrd
I would have put Dylan Fairchild on this and probably in the #2 or #3 spot before his commitment to the Dawgs. I saw him as the most likely elite offensive tackle prospect left on Auburn’s board to sign with the Tigers. But with Fairchild committed to UGA, Auburn’s focus will likely now be on this trio of elite tackles.
Auburn appears to be running #3 for Brockermeyer behind Alabama and Texas. I personally think it’s a distant third but at least they are still in the race. The Tigers have shown the ability to make up ground in a hurry this offseason despite the visiting restrictions so maybe Chad Morris and Jack Bicknell can work their magic here. The bonus with signing Tommy is Auburn would likely also snag his twin brother and the nation’s #1 center prospect James Brockermeyer. Those two plus Auburn’s four current OL commits would be a heck of a job by Auburn’s new offensive line coach.
I continue to be skeptical that Auburn is a legit contender for Amarius Mims. Personally, I view the nation’s #2 ranked offensive tackle as an UGA commit despite his public statements that Alabama is the team to beat. Still, Mims has been to Auburn multiple times this spring and there’s some confidence on the Plains they are a legit contender. Mims wants to wait to make a decision which is good news for the Tigers. Maybe a strong performance on the field paired with a home run official visit could swing this thing to the good guys.
Finally, Savion Byrd is the wildcard on Auburn’s recruiting board. The Texas native is viewed as a virtual lock to SMU due in large part to his former high school coach being on the Mustangs staff. But I doubt he ends up signing with SMU in the end. LSU and Texas are believed to be the biggest threats to SMU but don’t count out Auburn. Byrd was at Auburn’s 2019 season opener vs Oregon and visited campus this spring. He reportedly recently had a virtual visit with the Tigers that went well. The Tigers shocked a lot of folks signing his former teammate Chris Thompson Jr last cycle. Can they do it again with Byrd?
7.) 4-Star S Kamren Kinchens | 5’11” | 190 lbs | Miami, FL
I am a big fan of Kamren Kinchens. The Miami native has quickly risen to the top of Auburn’s safety board. Wesley McGriff has made him a priority and he’s good friends with Auburn commit Phillip O’Brien Jr. A commitment is coming on July 11th and I like where Auburn sits. Don’t count out the hometown Canes though in this race. There’s confidence in Coral Gables they will keep Kinchens home. Auburn has had some success in recent cycles beating Miami on the trail, let’s hope that continues in July.
8.) 4-Star DT Marquis Robinson | 6’3” | 300 lbs | Milton, FL
Rodney Garner never stops looking for talent. After signing an absolutely loaded class in 2020, Coach G is looking to keep the cupboard well stocked up front in 2021. He already has a pledge from one of the nation’s best defensive tackle prospects in Lee Hunter. He could soon be adding another in Marquis Robinson.
Auburn was one of the first teams to offer Robinson and make him a priority. Florida State has emerged as the Tigers top competitor and are working hard to keep him in state. But as of today, Auburn looks tough to beat in this race. I wouldn’t be shocked if a commitment came by the end of July though Robinson has yet to set a public date. He fits the mold of a Dontavius Russell or Tyrone Truesdell in my opinion. A big, powerful, athletic interior force that could free up guys like Hunter to make some big plays.
9.) 4-Star WR Shadrach Banks | 6’0” | 210 lbs | Houston, TX
As of today, Banks appears to be firmly committed to Texas A&M. He grew up an Aggie fan and committed to Jimbo almost a year ago. But now two of his teammates, Dematrius Davis and Jaeden Roberts, are committed to the Tigers. They will undoubtedly be in his ear all year trying to get him to flip to the good guys. I think Auburn is going to have to show this fall that their passing game has taken a major step forward. If that happens, I think Auburn has a great shot at flipping the nation’s 14th ranked wideout.
10.) 4-Star DE Dylan Brooks | 6’5” | 240 lbs | Roanoke, AL
Finally, I don’t think the race to land Dylan Brooks’s pledge is over. He surprised many committing to Tennessee earlier this year and seems locked in right now. But this is a kid that was on Auburn’s campus for almost every home game the past two seasons and who comes from an Auburn family. If the Tigers can get him back for an official visit this fall, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility they could pull off the flip.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/6/11/21280433/2021-auburn-football-recruiting-10-most-important-remaining-targets
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politicoscope · 4 years
Pervez Musharraf Biography and Profile
New Post has been published on https://www.politicoscope.com/pervez-musharraf-biography-and-profile/
Pervez Musharraf Biography and Profile
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Pervez Musharraf was born in Delhi in August 11, 1943. His family emigrated to Pakistan during the partition of the Indian sub-continent. His rise through the ranks came despite the fact that he does not belong to the predominantly Punjabi officer class of the Pakistani army – but to an Urdu-speaking family in Karachi. He began his military career in 1964.
Early on, he reportedly commanded artillery and infantry brigades before going on to lead various commando units. He reportedly underwent two spells of military training in the UK and was appointed director-general of military operations by the now-exiled former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, before taking full charge of the armed forces.
Who is Pervez Musharraf?
General Musharraf rose to the top job in 1998 when Pakistan’s powerful army chief, General Jehangir Karamat, resigned two days after calling for the army to be given a key role in the country’s decision-making process.
It was the first time an army chief of staff has ever stepped down and many observers took it as a sign that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s political power had become strong enough to secure the long-term future of civilian administrations.
Some independent commentators suggested that General Musharraf’s promotion came precisely because he did not belong to the Punjabi officer class. They say the Prime Minister believed that Musharraf’s ethnic background would leave the general unable to build a powerbase.
Kashmir Crisis During the Kashmir crisis in 1998, General Musharraf was regularly seen briefing the media and making appearances on state television. But while he said that Pakistan-backed militants were preventing Indian gains, he and other senior generals were reportedly increasingly angry at the prime minister’s attempts to find a diplomatic way out of the crisis.
Mr Sharif’s moves led to speculation that the military did not have the full political backing of the government and he eventually ordered a full withdrawal. General Musharraf was the first senior figure to acknowledge that Pakistani troops had entered the Indian-administered sector during the fighting.
Previously, Pakistan had said that the forces had all been Islamic militants determined to take territory from the other side of the Line of Control. Following the order to withdraw, Gen Musharraf told the BBC that the crisis had been a “great success” for Pakistan.
In contrast, India’s ruling BJP party sought to make electoral capital out of what it saw as a great military victory.
While being credited as one of the principal strategists behind the Kashmir crisis, General Musharraf also made clear he did not oppose efforts to ease tension with India. But any hopes that his takeover in a coup might herald a stabilisation in ties with India – or even a new start – appeared displaced in the first 20 months of his rule.
Tension on the sub-continent initially increased markedly – with both sides adopting hostile positions. The hijack of an Indian Airlines plane to Afghanistan in 1999 – which India blamed on Pakistani-backed groups – and a rising tide of violence in Kashmir plunged relations to a new low.
In July 2001, General Musharraf held his first summit meeting with Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee at Agra – but failed to make much headway in the Kashmir dispute. Before going to India, he had named himself president in a bid to consolidate his grip on power.
General Musharraf has also firmly resisted outside pressure to move quickly to restore civilian rule. After the coup he suspended the national assembly. He has said there can be no question of elections until October 2002 – the deadline set by Pakistan’s Supreme Court.
Pervez Musharraf Quick Facts
Birth date: August 11, 1943
Birth place: New Delhi, India
Birth name: Pervez Musharraf
Father: Syed Musharraf Uddin, career diplomat
Mother: Begum Zarin Musharraf
Marriage: Sehba Musharraf (December 1968-present)
Children: Ayla (daughter); Bilal (son)
Education: Pakistan Military Academy, 1961; Military Academy of Kakul, 1964
Religion: Muslim
1947 – Musharraf’s family moves to Pakistan when British India is divided into India and Pakistan. The family settles in Karachi.
1949-1956 – Spends his early childhood in Turkey due to his father’s assignment in Ankara.
1964 – Is commissioned second lieutenant in an artillery regiment in the Pakistani Army.
1965 – Is awarded Imtiazi Sanad (medal) for gallantry during the 1965 India-Pakistan war.
1971 – Is a company commander in a commando battalion during the India-Pakistan war.
1991 – Is promoted to major general.
October 7, 1998 – Is appointed chief of army staff with the rank of general.
April 9, 1999 – Is appointed chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.
October 12, 1999 – Leads a coup against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and becomes head of government. Sharif had fired Musharraf after the army’s failed invasion in Kargil, in Indian-held Kashmir.
June 20, 2001 – Appoints himself president of Pakistan while remaining the head of the army.
April 30, 2002 – A referendum is held on whether Musharraf will hold office for another five years; it passes by a wide margin.
August 2002 – Implements 29 amendments to the constitution, granting himself the power to dissolve parliament and remove the prime minister.
December 14 and 25, 2003 – Two assassination attempts on Musharraf’s life fail.
January 1, 2004 – A vote of confidence in parliament allows Musharraf to remain in power until 2007. He gains the two-thirds of votes in parliament that he needs by promising to step down as head of the army at the end of 2004.
September 25, 2006 – Musharraf releases his autobiography, “In the Line of Fire.”
October 6, 2007 – An unofficial vote count indicates Musharraf has won by a landslide in a presidential election. A number of parliamentarians boycotted the vote in both houses.
November 3, 2007 – President Musharraf declares a state of emergency in Pakistan. He suspends the country’s constitution, postpones January 2008 elections, and imposes restrictions on the media. Government authorities arrest 1,500 people who protest the state of emergency.
November 28, 2007 – Steps down as leader of Pakistan’s army, the day before he is scheduled to be sworn in as president.
November 29, 2007 – Takes the presidential oath of office for the third time.
December 15, 2007 – The state of emergency is lifted.
February 18, 2008 – In parliamentary elections, Musharraf’s party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, finishes third in voting, behind the PPP, party of the late Benazir Bhutto, and the Pakistan Muslim League-N, party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
August 18, 2008 – Announces his resignation as president of Pakistan.
July 22, 2008 – Pakistan Supreme Court issues notice that Musharraf is to defend himself on charges of violating the constitution by unlawfully declaring emergency rule on November 3, 2007.
July 31, 2009 – The Pakistan Supreme Court rules that Musharraf did violate the constitution on – November 3, 2007. The court gives him seven days to appear and defend himself.
August 6, 2009 – Refuses to answer the charges against him and flees Pakistan for Great Britain.
August 11, 2009 – Pakistani officials announce that Musharraf faces arrest if he returns to Pakistan.
March 16, 2010 – Opposes US President Barack Obama’s plan for US troops to pull out of Afghanistan by July 2011. He believes the troops should stay until the Taliban is defeated.
May 21, 2010 – Musharraf announces on CNN that he plans to re-enter Pakistan politics.
October 1, 2010 – Launches a new political party, the “All Pakistan Muslim League.”
February 12, 2011 – A warrant for Musharraf’s arrest is issued by a Pakistani court, in connection with the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
May 24, 2011 – In an interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Musharraf condemns the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. He says, “No country has a right to intrude into any other country… Actually, technically, if you see it legally, it’s an act of war.”
January 8, 2012 – Musharraf pledges to return to his country later in the month, despite word from authorities that he will be arrested in connection with the assassination of Benazir Bhutto when he does so.
January 27, 2012 – A senior leader in Musharraf’s party says that Musharraf has postponed his return from exile until the political situation in Pakistan and the court cases against him are resolved.
July 25, 2012 – Vows in an interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight to return to Pakistan even though his life may be at risk. “I believe that there always is a time that comes when there’s a cause bigger than self. And this is the situation in Pakistan.”
March 16, 2013 – Musharraf announces his plans to return to Pakistan to lead his party in the upcoming elections.
March 23, 2013 – The Pakistani Taliban says that it will assassinate Musharraf if he returns to the country.
March 24, 2013 – Musharraf returns to Pakistan after four years in exile. He is granted bail in advance of his arrival in Pakistan, so he is not arrested upon return.
April 18, 2013 – A Pakistani court rejects Musharraf’s request for a bail extension and orders his arrest in a case he is facing over the detention of judges in 2007. Pakistani media reports that Musharraf has been placed under house arrest.
August 20, 2013 – A Pakistani court indicts Musharraf, charging him with murder in the death of the country’s first female prime minister, Benazir Bhutto.
March 31, 2014 – A Special Court in Pakistan charges Musharraf with high treason — a crime that carries the death penalty or life imprisonment.
April 3, 2014 – A bomb detonates a few minutes after Musharraf’s convoy passes through an intersection in Islamabad as he is being transported home from a military hospital. Pakistani police say it is an assassination attempt against Musharraf. No one is injured.
January 18, 2016 – Musharraf and two other former officials are acquitted by an anti-terrorism court in the killing of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, a Baloch nationalist leader.
February 11, 2016 – After experiencing breathlessness, Musharraf is rushed to Pakistan Navy Ship Shifa Hospital to undergo testing. He receives treatment in an intensive care unit for complications related to a heart condition, according to his spokeswoman.
March 16, 2016 – Pakistan’s Supreme Court lifts a travel ban on Musharraf allowing him to leave the country while he awaits trial for treason. Two days later Musharraf leaves Pakistan in order to seek medical treatment in Dubai.
August 31, 2017 – A court in Pakistan names Musharraf a fugitive from justice in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Musharraf has been living in self-imposed exile in Dubai since 2016.Pervez Musharraf was born in Delhi in August 11, 1943. 1947 – Musharraf’s family moves to Pakistan when British India is divided into India and Pakistan. The family settles in Karachi. 1949-1956 – Spends his early childhood in Turkey due to his father’s assignment in Ankara. Pervez Musharraf Biography and Profile.1947 – Musharraf’s family moves to Pakistan when British India is divided into India and Pakistan. The family settles in Karachi.
1949-1956 – Spends his early childhood in Turkey due to his father’s assignment in Ankara.
1964 – Is commissioned second lieutenant in an artillery regiment in the Pakistani Army.
1965 – Is awarded Imtiazi Sanad (medal) for gallantry during the 1965 India-Pakistan war.
1971 – Is a company commander in a commando battalion during the India-Pakistan war.
1991 – Is promoted to major general.
October 7, 1998 – Is appointed chief of army staff with the rank of general.
April 9, 1999 – Is appointed chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.
October 12, 1999 – Leads a coup against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and becomes head of government. Sharif had fired Musharraf after the army’s failed invasion in Kargil, in Indian-held Kashmir.
June 20, 2001 – Appoints himself president of Pakistan while remaining the head of the army.
April 30, 2002 – A referendum is held on whether Musharraf will hold office for another five years; it passes by a wide margin.
August 2002 – Implements 29 amendments to the constitution, granting himself the power to dissolve parliament and remove the prime minister.
December 14 and 25, 2003 – Two assassination attempts on Musharraf’s life fail.
January 1, 2004 – A vote of confidence in parliament allows Musharraf to remain in power until 2007. He gains the two-thirds of votes in parliament that he needs by promising to step down as head of the army at the end of 2004.
September 25, 2006 – Musharraf releases his autobiography, “In the Line of Fire.”
October 6, 2007 – An unofficial vote count indicates Musharraf has won by a landslide in a presidential election. A number of parliamentarians boycotted the vote in both houses.
November 3, 2007 – President Musharraf declares a state of emergency in Pakistan. He suspends the country’s constitution, postpones January 2008 elections, and imposes restrictions on the media. Government authorities arrest 1,500 people who protest the state of emergency.
November 28, 2007 – Steps down as leader of Pakistan’s army, the day before he is scheduled to be sworn in as president.
November 29, 2007 – Takes the presidential oath of office for the third time.
December 15, 2007 – The state of emergency is lifted.
February 18, 2008 – In parliamentary elections, Musharraf’s party, the Pakistan Muslim League-Q, finishes third in voting, behind the PPP, party of the late Benazir Bhutto, and the Pakistan Muslim League-N, party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
August 18, 2008 – Announces his resignation as president of Pakistan.
July 22, 2008 – Pakistan Supreme Court issues notice that Musharraf is to defend himself on charges of violating the constitution by unlawfully declaring emergency rule on November 3, 2007.
July 31, 2009 – The Pakistan Supreme Court rules that Musharraf did violate the constitution on – November 3, 2007. The court gives him seven days to appear and defend himself.
August 6, 2009 – Refuses to answer the charges against him and flees Pakistan for Great Britain.
August 11, 2009 – Pakistani officials announce that Musharraf faces arrest if he returns to Pakistan.
March 16, 2010 – Opposes US President Barack Obama’s plan for US troops to pull out of Afghanistan by July 2011. He believes the troops should stay until the Taliban is defeated.
May 21, 2010 – Musharraf announces on CNN that he plans to re-enter Pakistan politics.
October 1, 2010 – Launches a new political party, the “All Pakistan Muslim League.”
February 12, 2011 – A warrant for Musharraf’s arrest is issued by a Pakistani court, in connection with the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
May 24, 2011 – In an interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Musharraf condemns the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. He says, “No country has a right to intrude into any other country… Actually, technically, if you see it legally, it’s an act of war.”
January 8, 2012 – Musharraf pledges to return to his country later in the month, despite word from authorities that he will be arrested in connection with the assassination of Benazir Bhutto when he does so.
January 27, 2012 – A senior leader in Musharraf’s party says that Musharraf has postponed his return from exile until the political situation in Pakistan and the court cases against him are resolved.
July 25, 2012 – Vows in an interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight to return to Pakistan even though his life may be at risk. “I believe that there always is a time that comes when there’s a cause bigger than self. And this is the situation in Pakistan.”
March 16, 2013 – Musharraf announces his plans to return to Pakistan to lead his party in the upcoming elections.
March 23, 2013 – The Pakistani Taliban says that it will assassinate Musharraf if he returns to the country.
March 24, 2013 – Musharraf returns to Pakistan after four years in exile. He is granted bail in advance of his arrival in Pakistan, so he is not arrested upon return.
April 18, 2013 – A Pakistani court rejects Musharraf’s request for a bail extension and orders his arrest in a case he is facing over the detention of judges in 2007. Pakistani media reports that Musharraf has been placed under house arrest.
August 20, 2013 – A Pakistani court indicts Musharraf, charging him with murder in the death of the country’s first female prime minister, Benazir Bhutto.
March 31, 2014 – A Special Court in Pakistan charges Musharraf with high treason — a crime that carries the death penalty or life imprisonment.
April 3, 2014 – A bomb detonates a few minutes after Musharraf’s convoy passes through an intersection in Islamabad as he is being transported home from a military hospital. Pakistani police say it is an assassination attempt against Musharraf. No one is injured.
January 18, 2016 – Musharraf and two other former officials are acquitted by an anti-terrorism court in the killing of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, a Baloch nationalist leader.
February 11, 2016 – After experiencing breathlessness, Musharraf is rushed to Pakistan Navy Ship Shifa Hospital to undergo testing. He receives treatment in an intensive care unit for complications related to a heart condition, according to his spokeswoman.
March 16, 2016 – Pakistan’s Supreme Court lifts a travel ban on Musharraf allowing him to leave the country while he awaits trial for treason. Two days later Musharraf leaves Pakistan in order to seek medical treatment in Dubai.
August 31, 2017 – A court in Pakistan names Musharraf a fugitive from justice in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Musharraf has been living in self-imposed exile in Dubai since 2016.
Pervez Musharraf Biography and Profile
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bthenoise · 4 years
Yes, Another Decade Recap List: These Are The 16 Most Impactful Records of the 2010′s
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Look, to be honest, when it came to constructing some sort of “end of decade” list looking back on the 2010′s, we here at The Noise really had no idea what we wanted to do. 
With literally hundreds and hundreds of amazing releases over the last 10 years, how in the world are we supposed to pick “the best” of the decade? 
The answer: We aren’t.
See, the idea of something being labeled “the best” is subjective. It’s simply one person’s opinion vs the other. And truthfully, the idea of us thinking our opinion on something is any better or more important than yours makes us look like a bunch of assholes. 
Really, who cares what we think is the best? 
So, after constructing a colossal playlist featuring 1000 of our favorite songs from the 2010′s, something became very clear to us. Of all the songs we picked, there were a handful of records that contributed way more songs than the others. 
Simply put, these albums made a lasting mark on this decade that go way deeper than them being any good or not. These particular albums helped influence a generation, jumpstart artists’ careers and ultimately solidify themselves as the most impactful releases of the 2010′s. 
The albums we decided to shine a light on from the last ten years are records that carry more weight than just being a fan-favorite. We’re talking about releases we’ll look back on as a moment where everything changed for that artist.       
To check out the 16 albums we think are the biggest movers and shakers from our scene over the last ten years, be sure to look below. Afterward, if you hate our list and really want to tell us your opinion, you can file a complaint at: [email protected].  
16) Movements - Feel Something
Starting our list off is a debut record from 2017 that helped propel a band from opening act to headliner in no time. With an impressive six-track EP released the year prior, SoCal act Movements quickly solidified their emerging star status with their flawless LP Feel Something. Following their first-ever full-length, Movements went on to sell out 27 dates of their first headlining tour and perform on the main stage of the final cross country Warped Tour. With a new album on the horizon, we’ll see just how far Movements and their unique brand of alternative pop-punk are able to take things leading into a new decade.  
15) Dance Gavin Dance - Acceptance Speech
How does a band with two former frontmen and four fantastic LPs continue to thrive eight years into their career? Enter, Tilian Pearson. Following another departure of original vocalist Jonny Craig, post-hardcore experimentalists Dance Gavin Dance turned to the former Tides Of Man singer to handle the vacant role of clean vocals. The result? The game-changing release of Acceptance Speech which helped spring-board the band to another level of musical perfection. Six years and three more genre-defining albums later, DGD and Pearson are still going strong gearing up to headline their own hometown festival and release their ninth full-length album all thanks in part to their 2013 LP.      
14) Ice Nine Kills - The Silver Scream
Coming in as the most recent record on our list, this horror-based release will be seen as the turning point in a band’s seasoned tenure. After 10-plus years of honing their craft, Boston’s Ice Nine Kills finally saw the fruits of their labor with the groundbreaking, career-defining album The Silver Scream. Taking the passion of metalheads and scary movie fanatics and combining them into a blood-soaked, breakdown-heavy package, Ice Nine Kills constructed a record that will easily withstand the test of time and help them extend their careers well into the 2020′s.   
13) Code Orange - I Am King
Dropping the “Kids” from their moniker and shifting gears into their first album as just Code Orange, the Pittsburgh bruisers constructed an unrelenting metal record that shook listeners to their core. With a punishing opening track that literally warns you about what you’re about to experience, it was pretty evident I Am King was unlike anything people have ever heard. Coupled with the mind-altering “Dreams In Inertia” and the utterly pulverizing “My World,” Code Orange quickly and deservingly so became the metal megastars they were destined to become.  
12) Ghost - Meliora
Speaking of metal megastars, after slowly creating word-of-mouth with their cult-like presence, throwback metal sounds and revolving door of Papa Emeritus frontmen, Sweedish act Ghost finally put it all together with their third studio album Meliora. Lead by the Grammy-winning single “Cirice,” Meliora fused haunting heavy metal imagery with roaring and anthemic songwriting creating the perfect package of evil-yet-accessible music. Debuting at number 8 on the Billboard 200 chart selling an estimated 29,000 copies in its first week, it was clear no matter which Papa was fronting the band, Ghost was ready to claim their spot atop the metal hierarchy.    
11) Issues - Issues
Not many bands can say that their first full-length album debuted inside the top ten of the Billboard 200. But then again, not many bands are Issues. Fusing djent, hip-hop, metal, pop-punk, R&B and more to create their sensational self-titled album, Issues proved they were more than just a band featuring former members of Woe, Is Me. Instead, Issues showcased a group of talented, trendsetting musicians destined to change the landscape of metalcore music for the better.     
10) I Prevail - Lifelines
After a famed cover of a well-known pop artist quickly put them on the map, Detroit’s I Prevail instantly had all the pressure in the world as they started to create what would be their debut album. Riding the success of their first EP Heart Vs Mind and tours with the likes of Hollywood Undead, Crown The Empire and Pop Evil, the Michigan act suddenly shot to the top of the metalcore ranks with the release of their remarkable, sonically-charged LP Lifelines. Charting at number 15 on the Billboard 200 selling over 19,000 copies in the first week, I Prevail went on to play Warped Tour for the first time -- finding a home on the main stage -- and later headlined the Rage On The Stage tour with scene veterans We Came As Romans, The Word Alive and Escape The Fate. Now Grammy-nominated and continuing to grow even larger, thanks in part to the accomplishments of Lifelines, I Prevail is without-a-doubt one of our scene’s biggest acts.
09) PVRIS - White Noise 
In the midst of metalcore’s supremacy in the Warped Tour scene -- thanks to the never-ending list of “Risecore” bands -- came an act no one saw coming. Featured on a roster with the likes of Memphis May Fire, Miss May I, Like Moths To Flames, Crown The Empire and more was a pop-savvy, synth-lead baby band mistakenly pronounced “p-ver-is.” With their infectious, critically acclaimed debut White Noise landing at number 88 on Billboard and totaling nearly 50 million YouTube views on its TEN music videos, PVRIS proved it was possible to make an impact in this community with sheer talent, hard work, and catchy-as-hell lyricism. After just one listen to the undeniably great lead single “St. Patrick,” you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.    
08) Knocked Loose - Laugh Tracks 
15 years from now, if we haven’t burnt the earth to the ground yet, we’ll look back on the Laugh Tracks era of Knocked Loose and remember where we were -- you know, because by 2034 Knocked Loose will be one of the biggest bands on the planet. Anyway, for us, the most memorable moment was watching them play “Billy No Mates” on the 2017 Vans Warped Tour at the Full Sail Stage. It was easily the largest and most insane side stage set we had ever seen in our 10 years of attending Warped Tour. From that very moment, we knew Knocked Loose and Laugh Tracks were going to be a big deal. Fast forward to 2019 and the band is now selling out 2,000-capacity venues on a semi-nightly basis. 2034 here we come!  
07) Beartooth - Disgusting 
Very rarely does a member of a former band make it bigger with his second act. In those situations though, those people aren’t Caleb Shomo. Venturing out from his teenage band Attack Attack!, Shomo started Beartooth as a fun project with zero expectations of anything blowing up. Little did he know after building buzz with his chaotic 2013 EP Sick, Beartooth was about to take things to a whole nother level with the release of their massive breakout LP Disgusting. Fiery and fearsome from start to finish and full of nothing but hits like “In Between,” "The Lines” and “Beaten In Lips,” Disgusting is definitely the fuse that lit Beartooth’s outstanding career.
06) Every Time I Die - Low Teens
How does a hardcore band 18 years into a well-respected career keep things relevant and progressing to a point where they’re anointed into “cult” status? Well, how about releasing their darkest, most emotionally charged album of their discography. After a life-altering scare to frontman Keith Buckley and his family, the longtime vocalist constructed some of his deepest and most honest lyrics for Every Time I Die’s soul-crushing LP Low Teens. Featuring guest vocals from Deadguy’s Tim Singer and Panic! At The Disco’s Brendon Urie (plus their most moving song to date “Map Change”), ETID showed off their versatility with their eighth studio album and were treated to a successful two-year touring cycle with the likes of Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Motionless In White and Turnstile as well as a memorable run on the last-ever Vans Warped Tour. Not to mention, following the success of Low Teens, the band’s hometown of Buffalo, NY officially proclaimed December 15th, 2018 as “Every Time I Die Day” and a year later inducted them into the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame.     
05) Of Mice & Men - Restoring Force 
While some may point to 2011′s The Flood as the record that “broke” scene-favorites Of Mice & Men and others might argue their debut self-titled release was what laid the foundation for one of this decade’s most successful acts, we’d like to focus on 2014. Continuing to climb the metalcore ranks following the release of two very well-received records, Austin Carlile and Co. put out their career-changing LP Restoring Force featuring new bassist and clean vocalist Aaron Pauley. Laying to rest any displeasure about their changes in sound or lineup, Of Mice & Men went on to sell over 51,000 copies in the first week peaking at number 4 on the Billboard 200. Riding the success of their third full-length album, OM&M later went on to support bands like Linkin Park and Rise Against out on tour thus solidifying their spot as one of the biggest metalcore acts of the 2010′s.       
04) A Day To Remember - Common Courtesy 
Some people remember A Day To Remember’s Common Courtesy for different reasons. Maybe it was the hilarious “reality series” made to promote the record -- the “Golden Eagle” episode was our favorite! Or maybe it was the seemingly never-ending lawsuit battle between the band and the notoriously greedy Victory Records -- we’ll never forget when ADTR broke the news on stage that the album was actually coming. For us, what we remember most was the first time we saw the music video for “Right Back At It Again.” We watched that goofy, cartoony music video 500 times trying to catch all the different things they put in the video -- like did you ever notice the surfing dog or aliens abducting cows? Well, whatever it was that got you to check out Common Courtesy, there’s no denying the impact it had on A Day To Remember’s career as the Ocala natives have only gotten even bigger since that 2013 release. With a new album on the way from the not-at-all-greedy Fueled By Ramen, it’ll be exciting to see where the 2020′s take ADTR next.        
03) Architects - Holy Hell
With all the biopics being made today, there is no doubt in our mind one will be made about Brighton’s finest, Architects. With an already established career under their belts dating back to 2006, the band was continuing to see growth following their signing to Epitaph Records and the release of breathtaking LPs Lost Forever // Lost Together and All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us. Then, just like that, on August 20th, 2016 founding guitarist and primary songwriter Tom Searle lost his fight with cancer. Leaving the band in an obvious state of disarray after losing their bandmate and brethren, Architects were left with the choice of giving up or continuing Tom’s legacy. As with most biopics, this story has a positive ending as Architects decided to fight through the pain and ultimately release not just one of the best records of their career but one of the best records in metalcore, period.       
02) Bring Me The Horizon - That’s The Spirit 
This can go one of two ways: You either accept That’s The Spirit is Bring Me The Horizon’s most impactful career-defining record to date or fight with us to the death that Sempiternal is deserving of this spot. Either way, there’s no denying Bring Me The Horizon’s influence on this decade. With their boundary-pushing LP That’s The Spirit, frontman Oli Sykes traded his growl for more of a pop-laced bite as BMTH ushered in their most successful era as a band seeing their fifth studio album land at number 2 on the Billboard 200. Still doubting That’s The Sprit’s impact on the scene? In 2018, only three years after its release, the gold-certified record amassed over one BILLION Spotify streams -- billion, with a B!  
01) Pierce The Veil - Collide With The Sky 
Want to talk about a life-changing album? For San Diego scenesters Pierce The Veil, the famed four-piece went from a successful slow-building career to becoming a full-blown force with their third full-length record. Building off two well-received albums in A Flair For The Dramatic and Selfish Machines, Vic Fuentes and Co. (with the help of a Kellin Quinn-featured song) absolutely exploded into another stratosphere -- no pun intended -- with their now-gold-certified album Collide With The Sky. Lead by their platinum-selling single “King For A Day” and their Spanish-styled song “Bulls In The Bronx,” Pierce The Veil took the scene by storm thanks to their angsty, heart-pounding Fearless Records debut.
Honorable Mentions:
Deafheaven - Sunbather  Falling In Reverse - The Drug In Me Is You  Neck Deep - Life’s Not Out To Get You Nothing More - The Stories We Tell Ourselves  PUP - PUP State Champs - Around The World And Back The Amity Affliction - Let The Ocean Take Me  The Story So Far - What You Don’t See The Wonder Years - The Greatest Generation Wage War - Blueprints
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amieravenson · 5 years
Magickal Month- January 2019
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January is kind of a mixed bag, depending on your mindset. For some, the holidays are over, and the long winter stretches ahead of us, bleak and depressing. But for some, this is a month of new possibilities, taking control of our lives after the chaos of the holiday season, and a time to rest, recuperate, and do some serious self-examination. January is my birth month, so as much as the cold weather hurts my fibromyalgia, I love to get out into the cold and feel the wind cut through my clothing to remind me that I’m alive. I just have to be prepared to pay the price by resting and feeling crummy the next day. January was named after the Roman god Janus, the two headed god of doorways, endings, and new beginnings. He had one head forever turned toward the past (looking to the previous year), and one head turned toward the future (the new year ahead). As such, he’s a perfect archetype for the gateway of the new year. There isn’t a lot of wildlife around right now, just some cardinals that have wintered in the woods around my house. Even the hearty hawks are quiet, and everything seems really silent. We’re feeding the neighborhood’s feral cats still, and trying to give them access to warm places to hide from the weather. We’re staying close to our space heater, and bundling up in blankets on the couch. I got a lot of good books for Yule/Christmas, and so I’m reading a lot. Also, YouTube and Netflix are my best friends this month. Lunations: January 5- New Moon in Capricorn, 8:28pm EST January 21- Full Moon in Leo, 12:15am EST Astronomy: January 3- Quarantids meteor shower begins January 6- Uranus goes direct Celtic Tree Month: Birch (December 24- January 20): Beginning of Celtic tree calender, new beginnings, making plans for the future, contemplation, resolutions, inception, “Lady of the Woods”, reflects feminine aspects of nature. Renewal, protection, wards evil, banishes fears/builds courage, beauty and tolerance. Rowan (Jan 21st- Feb 17th): Protection, inspiration, vision, clearing the mind for meditation, attunes us to nature, broadens perspectives, protects from harm on a journey, brings spiritual enlightenment, hidden mysteries of nature and quickening of life force Holidays (non-Pagan): January 1: New Year’s Day January 6: Epiphany (Christian) January 21: Tu Bishvat (Jewish) January 21: Martin Luther King Jr Day Holidays (Pagan): Jan1: World Peace Day Jan 5: Feast of Befana (Roman goddess who brought gifts to children on her broom) Jan 5-6: Feast of Hekate, who guides all through transitions and crisis Jan 6-7: Gamelion Noumenia- Greek festival honoring all the gods and goddesses. Jan 8-9: Feast of the Charities- honoring the Goddesses of beneficience. Jan 9-10: Feast of Aphrodite- day to honor peace and compassion Jan 13- Jan 25: Icelandic/Norse Midwinter, where offerings were made to the Norse gods to ask for plentiful crops in the coming year Jan 20: World Religions Day, a day to honor all religions Jan 24- Feb 1: Sementivae- a Roman festival of sowing, honoring Ceres (grain goddess), Proserpine (fruit goddess), and Terra (earth goddess) *Some people begin their Imbolc/Candlemas celebrations on January 31st, I prefer to wait until February 1st. Themes for the month: Renewal, leveling up, self-examination, solitude, a fresh start! Also, cleansing and purification for the year to come. General activities for the month: Hiking (some might disagree, but I love being out in nature in the Wintertime), planning, goal-setting, starting something new, reading, building cozy fires, knitting, rest and relaxation, going within. Herbs I’m using: White sage for purification, lemon/ginger/turmeric simmered together with local raw honey to stabilize my stomach issues after the holidays. Stones I’m using: Labradorite to help with transformation- even the most painful, Botswana agate for finding solutions and balancing and centering physically, mentally, and spiritually, and blue lace agate for dreaming. Goddess of the Month: I had kind of a weird moment on Christmas Day, when we left earlyish in the morning to visit my mother for Christmas breakfast. There was sparkling frost everywhere. This doesn’t seem so weird to most people, but my sleep schedule means I usually don’t wake up before 11am. So I was awed by the beauty and the crispness of the early day. In that spirit, I’ve been thinking a lot about Eos, the Greek ‘rosy fingered’ Goddess of the dawn. This is also the dawn of the new year, and I feel like anything is possible with a new day, and a new year! 3 card reading:
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First, we see the 4 of Wands. We’ve been working really hard, or spending all of our energy (the holidays have a tendency to really take it out of us), and we need a rest. So we’re going to be laying low and spending time recuperating. This is the perfect time of year for that, and really goes with the internal, quiet energy of January. Next, we see the Page of Chalices reversed. This card is calling us to be quiet about the plans that we’re making right now. While we’re dreaming and planning new creative endeavors for 2019, they’re still in the earliest planning stages, and we’ll do well to keep them under wraps. Sometimes people can inadvertently steal your thunder if you give them too much information, so it’s a good idea to let the new things we’re dreaming up simmer under the surface until we have a strong idea how to start. Finally, we have the Moon reversed. So I feel like this is an emotional rest period for us too. Perhaps the holidays brought up some emotional issues, or we’ve been stressed about something serious, but this card is indicating a time of emotional rest. Sometimes it’s nice to just drift in the grey energy of having no fucks to give, and let our hearts and heads rest. This might be a good time to go out into nature and ground ourselves physically while we rest and regroup. Our special guidance card is the Waning Gibbous Moon, or Devotion reversed. So it’s a good time to question what it is that we’re holding onto tightly. Are there still things from 2018 that we haven’t let go of yet? Are we devoted to the right things, or should we change our path? This can include relationships, careers, our homes, or anything that we devote our time and energy to. Maybe it’s time to reexamine those things. The Snow Fairy By Claude McKay I Throughout the afternoon I watched them there, Snow-fairies falling, falling from the sky, Whirling fantastic in the misty air, Contending fierce for space supremacy. And they flew down a mightier force at night, As though in heaven there was revolt and riot, And they, frail things had taken panic flight Down to the calm earth seeking peace and quiet. I went to bed and rose at early dawn To see them huddled together in a heap, Each merged into the other upon the lawn, Worn out by the sharp struggle, fast asleep. The sun shone brightly on them half the day, By night they stealthily had stol’n away. II And suddenly my thoughts then turned to you Who came to me upon a winter’s night, When snow-sprites round my attic window flew, Your hair disheveled, eyes aglow with light. My heart was like the weather when you came, The wanton winds were blowing loud and long; But you, with joy and passion all aflame, You danced and sang a lilting summer song. I made room for you in my little bed, Took covers from the closet fresh and warm, A downful pillow for your scented head, And lay down with you resting in my arm. You went with Dawn. You left me ere the day, The lonely actor of a dreamy play. My personal tides: I have mixed feelings about my birth month. Traditionally, I’ve had a lot of crummy birthdays and I deal with a lot of seasonal depression this time of year, but I try to stay cautiously optimistic that this year will be OK. I guess that sums up my whole approach to January. I move back and forth from being optimistic and feeling a world of possibilities in front of me at New Year, and feeling low, hurty, and depressed when I don’t see the sun for a week or more due to the cold and early evenings. My personal goals: I have decisions to make. I’ve been waiting for things to line up and money to come in so that I could start making the moves that I need to make, but the reality is that I need to gear up to make those moves regardless of whether the circumstances are perfect and the savings account is padded. We need to find a new place to live, STAT! I’m also really working on developing a regular spiritual practice where I start meditating, praying, and purifying my energy every day. I feel like that’s going to see me through the rest of what seems like a very tumultuous year ahead. Transformation can be messy! Read the full article
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footballghana · 4 years
FEATURE: 'The man of Marseille' - why late Pape Diouf meant so much to one city
Ever since the tragic death of Pape Diouf due to Covid 19, on 31 March 2020 in Senegal's capital Dakar, a tide of tributes has flooded from all over Africa, France - and especially Marseille. BBC Africa Sport's Victoire Eyoum gives her personal assessment of the life and career of the journalist-turned-agent-turned chairman.
Ask someone who they are, and they would probably answer to you with their profession after they have told you their name.
Ask who loves that person who that person is, and you would get a completely different answer.
Pape Diouf was a journalist who wrote for La Marseillaise; the first African football agent to succeed internationally; and the first African President of a top league European football club, Marseille.
He was also a businessman and politician who was a candidate to become Marseille's mayor.
But those who knew him closely - and even those who did not know him that well - describe him as "a father, a grand-father, a god-father, a brother, an uncle, a legal guardian" as well as "a friend, a model, a mentor, a pioneer, an entrepreneur, and a maverick."
A widely-respected man, he was fiercely intelligent, and to those in his care, a good advisor: humble, wise, competent, experienced. Some saw him as a legend for what he achieved - the pride of Africa.
Some of the tributes have mentioned his love of people. Others described him as an African football lover, or the Man of Marseille (he moved their in his teens).
Abedi Ayew Pele, one of Diouf's many clients as an agent, said "there is no amount of words to describe Pape."
Former Marseille and Cameroon goalkeeper Joseph-Antoine Bell, who was the man who first persuaded Diouf to make the switch from journalist to agent, called Diouf "The One and Only."
The journalist
Born from Senegalese parents on 18 December 1951 in Abéché, Chad, where his father was working for the French military under the colonial system, Papa Mababa Diouf - named after his grandfather - was sent to France aged 18 to follow a military career.
The young man thought he would only be joining a military school for three years before going back to Senegal. But he soon realised his father had actually signed him to join the forces based in Avignon after a stop in Marseille.
He had experienced enough already to know a military life was not for him. So he began to try to find a way to escape his father's design for his life, which is when the love story with Marseille started.
For a few years he went through several odd jobs and casual work.
But one of them, at the Post, led him to an encounter with a freelance journalist at La Marseillaise who would often discuss sports results with him.
Soon, Pape was introduced to the newspaper to start as a freelancer, and he worked there for more than a decade.
As a sport fan, and especially of basketball - his first article - handball and football, it was not long before Diouf became the newspaper's full-time reporter, dedicated to covering Olympique Marseille.
That was how he developed a special relationship with the players, the club fans, and the whole city.
"Pape arrived in Marseille young - he was a youth from the suburban neighbourhoods - and was as fully from Marseille as he was fully African and Senegalese," Bell recalled.
"So here you have this youth from Marseille's suburban neighbourhoods who goes from the young man who followed the club from afar, through being a student who became a journalist covering the daily football team training, and then becomes a close friend of the club's captain.
"So he was very much into the intimate circle of the club, more than any other journalist."
Abedi Ayew Pelé also remembers his first encounter with Diouf.
"In the nineties, when I got to Marseille, Pape was a journalist, writing for one of the biggest newspapers in Marseille. So, he was somebody who was respected across the board. And he was always very close to the Marseille team."
This closeness would later be the key for a new career pathway, as Diouf was convinced by Bell and Basile Boli to become their agent.
The common values Bell had found in Diouf were "first honesty and integrity but also - I wouldn't say the rejection of money, but the refusal of letting himself be influenced by money.
"As we know, many people change because of money. So the fact that he would consider that money had some worth but was not a value itself was something that united us.
"That encouraged me to recommend him to other players, because I knew he would not disappoint them."
The agent
At the end of the 1980s, African players were paid less than their European counterparts - often substantially less.
There were only few agents in France, and the profession had some bad reputation. That's when Pape embraced his new career and founded in 1989 his firm Mondial Promotion.
"At that time, it would have never occurred to anyone to have a black agent, because there were not many agents and no-one would have thought it could happen," Bell recalled.
"So that tells you how much of an achievement it was."
Former Ghanaian defender Anthony Baffoe - also a client - added: "He was a pioneer in terms of player management. I'm talking about real player management, especially coming out of Africa.
"For him, the interest of the players was always on position one, before he might even consider negotiating his own interest."
Word of mouth spread.
Over the years that followed, after Bell and Boli, Diouf's client list read like a who's who of the cream of African and African-origin players: Abedi Ayew Pelé, François Omam-Biyik, Rigobert Song, Marc-Vivien Foé, Marcel Desailly, Titi Camara, Habib Bèye, Frédéric Kanouté, Peguy Luyindula, Didier Drogba, William Gallas, Samir Nasri, Andre and Jordan Ayew.
But he was not exclusively about players from that background - he also took on Robert Pirès, Laurent Blanc and Grégory Coupet, for example.
"He came out to be someone who foresee my career and managed me to success," Abedi Pele said.
"He managed my children, he took them to Marseille at the age of 14… Everybody is saying that I've got wonderful children. They are well respected and disciplined in the society, but it was not me - it was Pape."
Former Guinean Liverpool striker Titi Camara remembered: "The first time I met him I was playing with Saint-Étienne in the early '90s. Pape helped us to understand there is a life after football.
"He advised us to invest our money in order to have revenues after our football careers."
Players are not the only ones to remember the impact Pape Diouf made on them and on that profession.
For agent Bernard Collignon, Diouf was "the one who opened the door to Africans in terms of entrepreneurship. He showed the way", while fellow agent Yves Sawadogo said his own desire to follow that career "came from the respect and esteem I had for this man."
"Still today, I am deeply influenced by the advices I've received from Pape. Pape knew how to read situations and more than anything he had a really deep knowledge of human beings," Sawadogo added.
In 2012, Pape Diouf was invited to the launch of La Nuit du Football Africain, a Pan-African event that rewards African football performances, as well as African initiatives and achievements. The trophy, which rewards strong action with a large-scale impact, will now be renamed the Pape Diouf Award.
The President
After 15 years as an agent, and having twice rebuffed approaches from the club, in 2004 Pape Diouf took a post at Marseille - first as general manager and then a year later becoming president.
"When you are at Olympique Marseille you are at the centre of Marseille - and this was a youth from Marseille's suburban neighbourhoods who had reached the very top in the city," Bell said.
"So it's not a surprise that today the city of Marseille pays him such a tribute. From the suburban neighbourhoods, he became the Man of Marseille. Everybody knew him."
Once in such a high-profile post - Diouf was the first black president of any top division club in elite European football - his aura began to transcend his sport.
Amadou Gallo Fall, vice-president of the NBA and Basketball Africa League president, described him as a "huge source of inspiration."
"To dare to dream, lead and execute big projects on the global stage, using the transformative power of sport to impact positive social change in our Africa, is a testament to his trailblazing efforts," he added.
Diouf himself saw his status as "a painful assessment if you look at the European society and especially the French society that excludes ethnic minorities."
He did not seek to make things about him, no matter what he achieved.
Once coronavirus is over, there will be a commemoration celebrating Diouf life and legacy.
Abedi Pele said it will be an important event for him, and for Marseille.
"I think people will see all of us there and people will see how Pape is loved all over the world. He crosses and above race, colour, religion, whatever you can name. Pape is respected across board. Pape is a big, a big, big, big personality".
Source: bbc.com
source: https://footballghana.com/
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entergamingxp · 4 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Kris’ Top 10
December 28, 2019 4:00 PM EST
2019 was unquestionably a great year for video games, thanks to the likes of Devil May Cry 5, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and so many more.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
2019 in video games has been…interesting.
While the western triple-A industry has been in a contest to see who can devour itself the fastest, the Japanese triple-A giants in 2019 have built on last year’s successes and risen to even further heights. The gaming populace is bitter and cynical, fighting monetisation and poor industry practices at every turn, yet throughout all this the actual video game releases have been exceptional and beloved. It’s practically given me whiplash from all of the back and forth.
In keeping with this, I had to cut more titles from my 2019 shortlist than were even in contention for previous years. Numerous games that I know for a fact would be strong contenders weren’t in discussion because I just didn’t get to playing them enough yet: Resident Evil 2, Sekiro, Control, Trails of Cold Steel 3, Outer Wilds…the list goes on.
But that’s enough preamble. Let’s get into the list — and incidentally, my first proper article on behalf of DualShockers. You’ll see more of my work in the coming year, so here’s a sneak peek of what I might write about.
10. Remnant: From the Ashes
This was possibly the biggest surprise of 2019. Slotting in right at a time of big releases that were somewhat underwhelming, Remnant had almost no marketing or fanfare; it just appeared one day and turned out to be excellent. It’s a really solid third-person shooter that built on the Soulslike formula, but nonetheless empowered the player and gave you everything you needed to succeed.
You’re given plenty of guns and abilities to adjust to your liking, as well as customization in your builds with what perks you want to level. Those levels carry over into new playthroughs for replayability, whether solo or co-op, and the variety in side areas that might appear kept me keen to try it again. It’s worth mentioning how good the UI and sound design is, further giving the player crucial information to keep them from dying to bullshit off their screen. It’s even been updated recently with free content, so I shall likely drop back in again sometime soon. Check out Remnant if you haven’t heard of it; it deserves the attention.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Remnant: From the Ashes.
9. Wargroove
As Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have not deigned to grace us with a new Advance Wars in over a decade, Chucklefish decided to relieve them of that duty in 2019 with Wargroove…assuming you don’t mind the fantasy aesthetic. Wargroove is a content-rich turn-based strategy game, with little to no RNG. You control a selection of generic unit types, such as Swordsmen, mounted Knights, flying Witches etc. in order to claim territory on the map and ultimately best your enemies.
With a lot of soft and hard counters at play, strategy and positioning is important, as is using your faction’s Commander unit power to turn the tide as needed. The campaign is well-sized and features a simple but charming story. There’s plenty of maps and options whether versus AI or other humans, and the overall presentation is gorgeous. If nothing else, it definitely proved that my itch for more Advance Wars style games is alive and well, while simultaneously scratching it thoroughly.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Wargroove.
8. Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark 
Speaking of turn-based strategy game series that haven’t had a new entry in over a decade…much like Wargroove did for Advance Wars, Fell Seal managed to fill the gap of a new Final Fantasy Tactics. As a turn-based strategy-RPG with a little more “small squad” focus in missions over something like Fire Emblem, Fell Seal wears its inspirations on its sleeves and carries it off with clout. It might not trump Final Fantasy in terms of presentation or story, but the gameplay is the highlight by far; the fact that it was primarily assembled by a team of two in addition to supporting contractors is quite the feat when compared to Square Enix’s juggernaut series, however!
Each character has a primary class, and can equip a second set of abilities from another class they’ve unlocked, as well as two passive buffs and a reaction. Given that there’s about 20 classes, as well as some unique ones belonging to set characters, the options on offer are ridiculous. From start to finish, I was just enjoying myself experimenting with new combinations, figuring out good setups for certain encounters, finding class synergies, and so on. Even after finishing, it’s likely to be a game I return to in short bursts just to play around with character builds and missions.
With a little refinement, this could absolutely exceed the Final Fantasy Tactics games, but Fell Seal remains a great game even as it stands currently. I look forward to seeing what devs 6 Eyes Studio will work on next!
7. Enderal: Forgotten Stories
Some might argue that this doesn’t belong on the list, given that it’s both a Skyrim mod and has been released in an earlier form for a while. Still, it received a release on Steam in 2019 with its own splash page and library entry, so I think that’s perfectly eligible. As for the fact that it’s a Skyrim mod? Well, calling it just a mod is an utter disservice to Enderal, and I urge you to give it a try if you haven’t.
Enderal takes the game that it was built on and completely rebuilds it, with a new world, solid story, actual characters and writing, major gameplay modifications over the base game, and so much more. It plays like a more traditional “gain experience and level up” RPG, with a number of adjustments that allow for much better balancing and less system exploitation than Skyrim. And did I mention the actual characters and writing? It has those, and they really are exceptional examples not just for Skyrim, but for gaming as a whole.
Given that I personally don’t feel like Bethesda has evolved or really done anything but streamline and prettify their games since Morrowind, Enderal is exactly what I’ve been hoping for ever since. This absolutely deserves to be held up as an excellent game on its own merits, and the fact that it was built on the bones of a (in my opinion) lesser game is icing on the cake. Give it a look.
6. Devil May Cry 5 
This game should, by all accounts, not exist. It’s been over a decade since DMC4, and the lukewarm response to the reboot DmC: Devil May Cry really slowed any further development on the series for a while. As such, the existence of a new numbered Devil May Cry in 2019 after all that time is a miracle on its own. But the fact that the game is an excellent iteration on the systems of its predecessors, ties up a tremendous amount of plot threads in a satisfying manner, and just kicks tremendous amounts of ass all around? Like I said, DMC5 shouldn’t exist, but it does, and I’m really glad.
Three playable characters with their own movesets, plenty of nuance and variety within each to reward player skill and expression. A solid campaign with a good mix of combat encounters, explorations, and bosses. Lots of options for difficulty. But most importantly, non-stop Devil May Cry style, flash, and utterly ridiculous yet badass moments all throughout. Yes, Devil May Cry 5 is a goddamn miracle, and Capcom is back in force. The only reason this isn’t higher in my list is because, well…it’s really not the style of game I prefer, as I’m not the sort to keep coming back and repeating levels while trying to perfect my performances. That didn’t stop me from having a blast when I did play though, so I’d feel wrong not giving it due diligence!
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Devil May Cry 5.
5. Bloodborne
The only game not released in 2019 on my list, I’m nonetheless only now getting around to clearing my backlog of FromSoft titles. I didn’t have the chance to play Sekiro yet (I’m allergic to Activision’s name on the cover), so consider this a corrective measure! There’s been plenty said about Bloodborne over the years, so I almost don’t need to repeat it; suffice it to say, the game is legendary and deserves all the praise and discussion it has garnered. It’s brutal, visceral, macabre, and oh so satisfying.
My explorations of Yharnam and beyond have been eager, fascinating, challenging — nay, maddening — and I have truly enjoyed my stay with it. From the immensely detailed aesthetic to the variety of weapons and encounters, the winding maps, the many secrets…even when taking a break after getting torn apart by beasts, my mind hasn’t been far from Bloodborne for long. I’m close to finishing it now, and I intend to see this night through and wake from the dream once more. It shall no doubt remain a strong memory even after waking, though.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Bloodborne.
4. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
The 3DS era of the Fire Emblem series started strong but quickly turned shaky. Awakening was an excellent game in my eyes, though the lean in towards more anime sensibilities over medieval wars would prove a portent for things to come. Fates went way too far in that direction, becoming a jumbled mess of plotlines and anime stereotypes with questionable gameplay decisions. Shadows of Valentia was a fine game that was nonetheless hampered by being a remake, and thus its adherence to game design from over two decades prior.
All of this made me approach Three Houses with some trepidation, but I was pleased to discover that it had taken all the best lessons of these games while shaving off most, if not all of their rough edges and mistakes. This is a fantastic game, with some of the most charming and well-written characters in the franchise. The gameplay options are extensive and allow you to deploy your chosen faction and cohorts in ways that suit your play style, and each house had enough variety in their stories that I truly couldn’t tell you which one I like the most.
Perhaps my only misgivings are with the narrative writing, as this is handled quite clumsily and proves quite disjointed in execution even after finishing all the available paths. But that wasn’t enough to stop me from sinking almost two hundred hours into this one, and enjoying nearly all of it. A great return to form for the Fire Emblem franchise!
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
3. Disco Elysium 
As a guy who grew up playing the likes of Baldur’s Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment, I had always hoped that further tech and budgets would go into making more RPGs like that. The genre didn’t exactly die out during the time between then and now, but it certainly didn’t head in that direction. Even the crowdfunded revivals like Pillars of Eternity and Torment: Tides of Numenera felt more like iterations rather than evolutions of the concept. These were all fine games, but Disco Elysium is the first time since playing Planescape: Torment that I finally feel like somebody is building off that groundwork.
Quite frankly, Disco Elysium is a triumph of video game writing and RPG design, in 2019 or any other year. There’s no direct combat, and instead the bulk of the game sees you untangling an absolute spiderweb of interrelated conversation choices that feed off one another in remarkable ways. Every action I took, decision I made, or political stance I leaned towards returned somewhere down the line. Whether it was a bonus granted to a skill check, a spoken nod by other characters, or some rather striking changes to events, it all came full circle to me somehow. The level of detail is immaculate, and the variety in approach based on preferred skills is excellent.
This carries over to the actual plot, also. You play as a detective who has just come down from an alcoholic bender to end all benders, in which your entire memory and history has been obliterated and the player becomes as clueless as the lead character. Piecing everything together and rebuilding this broken detective’s life in the way I envisioned became one of the key driving points that kept me pushing onward. This clever use of the amnesia trope elevates it beyond stereotype, and every new thing that was discovered or hinted at lead to a thread that I just had to follow. Before I knew it, one hour became four, and I was devouring the game at a rapid pace. Disco Elysium is something special, and I really urge all RPG fans to try it out.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Disco Elysium.
2. Judgment 
I’d imagine a lot of readers were surprised to see that Judgment was the Game of the Year for the DualShockers staff, but…well, probably not as surprised as the DualShockers staff. I wasn’t surprised, though, since I was one of the most adamant in pushing its merits. The longer the debates raged on, the more people just kind of stopped in their tracks, thought for a moment, and ended up declaring “Damn…Judgment was a really fun video game, huh?” And it was, and is, and I love it.
The latest game developed Sega’s Ryu ga Gotoku Studio (of Yakuza fame) took the chance offered by Yakuza 6’s conclusion to take a breather and approach a spinoff in the setting of Kamurocho, Tokyo. These are familiar streets, but a new cast, new direction, new plot, but same great Yakuza taste. As detective and ex-lawyer Takayuki Yagami, you work to clean up and solve a murder mystery that’s causing strife on the streets and in the yakuza clans.
Everything the Yakuza series does in spades is present here in Judgment. The world is fully-realized and dense with activities and diversions, the combat is frantic and flashy, and the story is superb. Players are rewarded for paying attention and putting the clues together, and the murder mystery at the heart of the game is well-paced and expertly delivered from beginning to end. There are great character arcs and development, tons of heart, strong highs and well-paced lows…really, it’s just an exceptional game. If you’ve never played Yakuza, you’re missing out, but thankfully Judgment is a fantastic place to jump in and try it out. In my personal view, it’s only narrowly beaten out by Yakuza 0 or Kiwami 2 as the best title in the franchise, but even the third best Yakuza means it’s one of the best games out there.
But…despite my pushing for it in DualShockers‘ GOTY 2019 Awards, it’s still not actually my first choice of the year.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Judgment.
1. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Final Fantasy XIV’s story is, as a software development project, unlike any other told within the industry. The initial release in 2010 was legendarily bad and almost killed Square Enix, let alone the Final Fantasy franchise. Its cycle of updates and eventual server closure and rebirth as FFXIV: A Realm Reborn had never been accomplished in such a scale before (or since!) in game development. FFXIV turned around from being a terrible game into a good one, with the first expansion of Heavensward furthering that into being an excellent game.
But all of that was before Shadowbringers. And Shadowbringers…well; it didn’t just beat the previous Stormblood expansion. It didn’t just match and then exceed the benchmark of Heavensward. It didn’t just correct some of the cracks forming in the game during the 4.x patch series. No…Shadowbringers has seen Final Fantasy XIV transcend to be one of the absolute best games in the entire franchise, and has firmly cemented itself not just as my unquestionable GOTY for 2019, but one of my top 5 games of all time.
This isn’t just more FFXIV, as those outside the game might see this expansion as. Rather than just a big content update, this was a continuation of the core story of the game that has run throughout FFXIV’s long and troubled history. All of the plots and characters introduced up to this point are given the chance to flourish, telling a tale that somehow manages to be deeply personal and emotional despite being in the middle of an MMORPG. The new zones, dungeons and raids tie into this excellently, and the game is mechanically the best it’s ever been. But that story…that story! When I finished the main plot of Shadowbringers, I was an emotional wreck for days afterwards from the combination of satisfaction, sadness, and feelings in general. Back that up with tremendously gorgeous visuals and a soundtrack that was absolutely robbed at the VGAs by its omission, and you have an absolute titan of a JRPG.
It might seem like I’m exaggerating, but I am not. Shadowbringers is the best that Final Fantasy has ever been. I’ve rarely if ever experienced anything like it in gaming, let alone MMOs. It is so worth persevering through the earlier parts of the game to experience, because the build-up and payoff is unbelievable. Shadowbringers is unquestionably my Game of the Year for 2019. I don’t know how they will top it, let alone reach that point again in future content. But you can be sure I will be there waiting to see it!
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 28, 2019 4:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-kris-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-kris-top-10
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coin-river-blog · 5 years
Index funds are squashing hedge fund managers in the US stock market. No matter which way you look at it, the decade-long bull markets in the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and S&P 500 have smoked the “smartest guys in the room.”
Who’s to blame for this? Well, as you might have guessed its probably the Federal Reserve. As they pump markets with an artificial stimulus, designed to force cash out of bank accounts and into higher-yielding, riskier assets, stocks are the only game in town.
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Index investors have enjoyed one of the most significant bull markets in history for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. | Source: Yahoo Finance
Stock Market Investing Was Revolutionized By Indexes like the Dow Jones and S&P 500
But wait, investing gets even more comfortable! Why pick individual stocks when you can lump them together into an index. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a mix of different stocks from all walks of life, but since they all rise on the Federal Reserve’s tide of cheap money, who cares?
The S&P 500 is an even bigger mix of stocks, and the principle applies just the same. Correlations have picked up substantially in recent years, and finding an uncorrupted investment in the modern US stock market is almost impossible.
How has this affected the investment management industry? Well, for one thing, it means that the bears are being eradicated. Remember when everyone thought 20,000 was going to be significant psychological resistance for the Dow Jones? Well, that was outdated wisdom which got it wrong in a big way. The 3,000 level might be in the conversation again for the S&P 500, but it will be hard for bears to have too much conviction about this idea. Instead of people, the trading bots are Homer’s drinking bird tapping buy on the keyboard until something changes.
Paul Tudor Jones Suffering From Low-Volatility Dow
The problem for hedge fund managers is that stock markets in their zombie state make concepts like “overbought” or “oversold” a bit redundant. One of the great swing traders of all time, Paul Tudor Jones, has seen his business strongly affected by a lack of volatility. Indeed, the billionaire trader’s reputation has eroded with the relentless climb in the Dow Jones and other major indexes. There could yet be hope.
Tudor Jones himself isn’t giving up, as this quote from Bloomberg demonstrates:
“This might be a better time to be a trader than to just hold,I don’t know if we’re going to have a huge amount of trends. It could just be an enormously volatile period with a lot of back and forth.”
More volatility would undoubtedly make for an exciting time in markets, but Tudor Jones has been praying for a sustained break in volatility for years. He knows that guys like him will be back in demand if that happens, and the build-up of “asset accumulators” (guys who collect assets and take on lots of long exposure) will get shaken out of the tree.
The fact that we are even talking about Tudor Jones struggling shows how hard it is for your average run of the mill fund manager. PTJ pioneered the use of historical charting. He is not your grandad’s wealth manager. Martin Flanagan, the boss at Invesco, also reaffirmed the struggles for the investment managing class:
“The industry is going through dramatic changes right now. Winners and losers are being created today like never before. The strong are getting stronger, and the big are going to get bigger.”
Funds Thrive When Stock Market Volatility Spikes
Regarding volatility being better for fund managers, this looks to be undeniably true. Take a look at this chart of the manager performance in the S&P.
Low volatility is the principal enemy of the active trader. | Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC
The two year period from 2008-2009 saw some of the most significant volatility in stocks that we have ever seen. Here it paid to have a professional at the helm, with just 40% of managers losing out, compared to the roughly 70% this year.
So could 2019 be a year to forget for stock market investors looking to dive blindly into the Dow Jones or S&P 500?
Dow Jones Could Get Burned if Voters Feel the Bern
Well, so far, Mr. Tudor Jones must be getting a little bit nervous.
The drop in stocks that got the bears stirring out of hibernation in December has been mostly erased. The Dow 30 is a bit below 26,000, and the S&P 500 is a few good weeks from threatening 3,000 again.
There is plenty of geopolitical risk lurking out there, but with signs of a détente in the China-US trade talks, even Donald Trump looks to be less of a source of stock market volatility heading into an election year in 2020.
It might be the Fed who killed a generation of wealth managers that might help bring them back to life. The chickens have to come home to roost at some point; you can’t just expect that the market will keep going up forever. The warning signs of political unrest are accelerating with growing wealth inequality. The specter of higher taxation and left-wing governments now haunts those with assets to burn if voters feel the Bern this year and next.
Warren Buffet Champions S&P 500, Passive Investing as Best Stock Market Approach
If you invest a Dow index fund, you are practically investing like Warren Buffet. The Oracle is a big fan of passive investing and has continuously praised the low costs and ease of use that they provide. Here he is talking about the S&P 500:
“The trick is not to pick the right company, the trick is to essentially buy all the big companies through the S&P 500 and to do it consistently. Costs really matter in investment. If returns are going to be 7 or 8 percent and you’re paying 1 percent for fees, that makes an enormous difference in how much money you’re going to have in retirement.”
One thing that stock markets have taught us through the years is that crowded trades blow up eventually. The dotcom bubble gave us Google, but people remember it as negative because everyone piled in/got annihilated. Tulips still have value, but because of the speculative history, people talk as if they went to $0.
Investing in indexes is safe until something turns, at which point you will find yourself in one of the most overbought trades in history. At that point, you probably want someone to be a little more active and agile with your money.
Don’t give up, traders of tomorrow, if everything is cyclical, then the old bull must be getting tired. For guys like Paul Tudor Jones, it needs to be.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely those of the author and do not represent those of, nor should they be attributed to, CCN.
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tpanan · 5 years
My Tuesday Daily Blessings
December 11, 2018
Be still quiet your heart and mind, the LORD is here, loving you talking to you...........
Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent (Roman Rite Calendar)
First Reading: Isaiah 40: 1-11
Comfort, give comfort to my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her service is at an end, her guilt is expiated; Indeed, she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins.
A voice cries out: In the desert prepare the way of the LORD! Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God! Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill shall be made low; The rugged land shall be made a plain, the rough country, a broad valley. Then the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together; for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
A voice says, "Cry out!" I answer, "What shall I cry out?" "All flesh is grass, and all their glory like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower wilts, when the breath of the LORD blows upon it. So then, the people is the grass. Though the grass withers and the flower wilts, the word of our God stands forever."
Go up onto a high mountain, Zion, herald of glad tidings; Cry out at the top of your voice, Jerusalem, herald of good news! Fear not to cry out and say to the cities of Judah: Here is your God! Here comes with power the Lord GOD, who rules by his strong arm; Here is his reward with him, his recompense before him. Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; in his arms he gathers the lambs, Carrying them in his bosom, and leading the ewes with care.
Responsorial Psalm 96: 1-2, 3 and 10ac, 11-12, 13
"The LORD, our GOD comes with power."
Verse before the Gospel:  
Alleluia, Alleluia
"The day of the LORD is near; Behold, he comes to save us."
Alleluia, Alleluia
Gospel Reading: Matthew 18: 12-14
Jesus said to his disciples: "What is your opinion? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine in the hills and go in search of the stray? And if he finds it, amen, I say to you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that did not stray. In just the same way, it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost."
Do you know what it's like to lose your bearings and to be hopelessly adrift in a sea of uncertainty?
To be alone, lost, and disoriented without a sense of direction is one of the worst fears we can encounter. What we would give to have a guide who would show us the way to safety and security, the way to home and family. Scripture comforts us with the assurance that God will not rest until we find our way home to him. The Scriptures use the image of a shepherd who cares for his sheep to describe what God is like. God promised that he would personally shepherd his people and lead them to safety (Isaiah 40:11). That is why God sent his only begotten son as the Messiah King who would not only restore peace and righteousness to the land, but who would also shepherd and care for his people with love and compassion. Jesus describes himself as the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep (John 10:11).
The Good Shepherd feeds, protects, and provides the best care possible for his flock What can we learn from the lesson of Jesus' parable about a lost sheep? This parable gives us a glimpse of the heart of a true shepherd, and the joy of a community reunited with its lost members. Shepherds not only had to watch over their sheep by day and by night; they also had to protect them from wolves and lions who preyed upon them, and from dangerous terrain and storms. Shepherds often had large flocks, sometimes numbering in the hundreds or thousands. It was common to inspect and count the sheep at the end of the day. You can imagine the surprise and grief of the shepherd who discovers that one of his sheep is missing! Does he wait until the next day to go looking for it? Or does he ask a neighboring shepherd if he might have seen the stray sheep? No, he goes immediately in search of this lost sheep. Delay for even one night could mean disaster leading to death. Sheep by nature are very social creatures. An isolated sheep can quickly become bewildered, disoriented, and even neurotic. Easy prey for wolves and lions!
Jesus, the Good Shepherd, watches over every step we take - do we follow him? The shepherd's grief and anxiety is turned to joy when he finds the lost sheep and restores it to the fold. The shepherd  searches until what he has lost is found. His persistence pays off. What was new in Jesus' teaching was the insistence that sinners must be sought out time and time again. How easy to forget and be distracted with other matters while the lost become prey for devouring wolves of the soul. The Apostle Peter reminds us that the "devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
God does not rejoice in the loss of anyone, but desires that we be brought back and restored to friendship with him. That is why the whole community of heaven rejoices when one sinner is found and restored to fellowship with God. God is on a rescue mission today to save us from the destructive forces of sin and evil. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, watches over every step we take. Do you listen to his voice and heed his wise counsel? Do you follow the path he has set for you - a path that leads to life rather than death?
"Lord Jesus, nothing escapes your watchful gaze and care. May I always walk in the light of your truth and never stray from your loving presence."
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain © 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
**Meditations may be freely reprinted for non-commercial use. Cite copyright & source: www.dailyscripture.net author Don Schwager© 2015 Servants of the Word
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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A closer look at all 22 players that signed with Auburn yesterday
Funny how fast things can change in recruiting. On Tuesday afternoon and evening, the Auburn family wasn’t feeling great about the direction of this 2020 class. 3* OT Jeremy Flax had just chosen Kentucky over Auburn, Alabama was trending for 4* TE Jeremiah Pegues, 4* DB Eric Reed Jr still seemed like a pipe dream and it was hard to tell what exactly was going to happen with 3* Buck Romello Height. It looked like Auburn might only be adding one more player to its 2020 class and would head into January with quite a few spots still left to fill.
But a lot changed in 24 hours. By the end of the day Wednesday, Auburn had gone 4/5 on their top targets, signed 18 of their 20 commits and surged to just outside the top 5 of 247 Composite team rankings. So much for a poor close huh?
If you want a full play by play of what happened yesterday, checkout the live thread. I did my best to document things as they happened so if you are a normal human being who spent their day working instead of following the decision of high school athletes, you can at least get a feel for the flow of the day.
Here’s a breakdown of who signed yesterday.
3* Chayil Garnett (EE)
It was going to be hard to find a blue chip prospect willing to sit for at least 2 years behind Bo Nix. So Auburn went out and tried to hunt down a developmental player who has the tools they believe can be successful in Auburn’s scheme and can develop over the next 2 years. They found that in Garnett.
He’s a true dual threat QB with the raw tools to be a very good player at the next level. His senior season did not go as hoped in large part because of a nagging injury but he will be on campus this spring and have a chance to compete for the back up spot. It’s vitally important Auburn have confidence in their #2 trigger man so that they feel comfortable using Nix’s legs in the offense. It wouldn’t be a shock if AU went out and found a 2nd QB in the late period.
Bringing that dual-threat attack to The Plains. #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/EmdmSuw1PZ
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Running Back
5* Tank Bigsby (EE)
One of the reasons Gus Malzahn decided to move on from long time running back coach Tim Horton was his desire to add a more dynamic recruiter to the staff. Horton is an outstanding coach and a very good recruiter but it was clear that Auburn’s rivals had an edge on the trail in terms of signing elite talent.
Enter Carnell Williams.
In his first year as Auburn’s running back coach he reeled in the #4 RB in the country per 247 Composite and the Tigers’ only 5* prospect. Not bad for a debut.
As for Tank, he’s everything you want in a running back. Malzahn called him a “one-play drive type of guy” and that’s a great description of what he brings to AU’s backfield that’s missing right now. This was a huge win for the Tigers and I fully expect Bigsby to be apart of the offense next year. With Boobee, DJ, Shivers, Joiner, Mark-Antony Richards and Bigsby, the Tigers are as deep at that position as they have been in quite awhile.
Tank rolling onto The Plains. #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/kamjVqsURl
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Wide Receiver
4* Kobe Hudson (EE), 4* Ze’Vian Capers, 4* J.J. Evans, 3* Elijah Canion
Kodi Burns once again did work on the trail. He’s been a very good recruiter since joining Auburn’s staff but this 2020 group might be his best yet.
Kobe Hudson was the leader of this 2020 class, committing the earliest of the signees and staying loyal through an 8-5 season. He’s a playmaker that has a knack for making defenders miss in space and elite short area quickness. Hudson actually reported yesterday afternoon to Auburn and will participate in bowl practice. Don’t be shocked if he’s apart of the WR rotation in 2020.
Capers, Evans and Canion provide Auburn with some much needed size to Auburn’s WR corps. All three are listed at 6’3” plus and bring some physical traits the Tigers have been lacking. Capers is an explosive weapon in the open field who can also stretch a defense vertically while being a nightmare matchup in the redzone. Evans is a true deep threat who isn’t afraid to get his nose dirty blocking on the edge. The staff thinks Canion is one of the more underrated prospects in this class with Malzahn comparing his skillset to Seth Williams. At least one, possibly two signees from this group will make an impact next season.
Can't wait to see that ⚡️ in Jordan-Hare!#WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/3uJ5BxJxya
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Adding to this dynamic group of receivers! #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/HQbGYhpEOF
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Makin' folks miss all the way to The Plains.#WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/afNo4Rrx25
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Pure play-making ability! #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/ID3XHaPLUc
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Tight End
4* Jeremiah Pegues (EE)
One of the most unique athletes in this class, Auburn was able to hold off a late surge by the Crimson Tide to ink their top tight end target. Pegues is penciled in to play the 3-back position in the Tigers’ offense and brings as complete a skillset to that position as any player Auburn has had. He can carry the football, block on the edge, split out wide or even play a little Wildcat QB all at 6’2” 290+ lbs. Pegues is an early enrollee and will have a chance to push for playing time behind John Samuel Shenker in 2020.
Big man bringing his athleticism to The Plains. #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/fUCidXuToH
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Offensive Line
3* Avery Jernigan (EE), 3* Kilian Zierer (EE), 3* Brenden Coffey, 3* Tate Johnson (EE), 3* Jeremiah Wright
Gus Malzahn promised that the 2020 OL class would be one of his biggest yet last signing day and has delivered on that promise. Avery Jernigan and Tate Johnson were the stars of social media yesterday accurately predicting every single one of Auburn’s commitments. They also give Auburn two outstanding interior players for the future. They became leaders of this 2020 class and I suspect will one day be leaders for Auburn’s football program. Both are enrolling early and will be roommates their freshman year on the Plains.
Wright is an interesting prospect. Malzahn stated in his press conference yesterday that he believes Wright would be more highly regarded if he played in more highly trafficked areas such as Atlanta. The gist being they think they’ve found an underrated gem. He’s a massive human being at 6’5” 340 lbs who could play tackle or guard for the Tigers. I personally think his future is inside but he will likely start out at right tackle.
Finally, Auburn reeled in two of the top three JUCO offensive tackles in the 2020 class. Kilian Zierer only started playing football a couple of years ago but has already blossomed into a top JUCO prospect. Unfortunately, an ACL injury will keep him out of spring practice which likely impacts his chances of winning the starting job. Coffey won’t be an early enrollee but might be the best pure athlete of Auburn’s 5 OL signees. He will arrive in the summer and will attempt to at least crack the two deep in 2020.
It wasn’t all roses though on the trail for Auburn at this position. Losing Flax hurt because he was an early enrollee and had three more years of eligibility. Auburn also lost their top ranked prep prospect last week in Javion Cohen. I fully expect Auburn to sign at least one more offensive tackle in February.
Another big time OL joining the Family. #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/fOnGNRVBBy
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Ready to get the big man on The Plains! #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/PAZBk8LeTW
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Welcome to the squad, @TateJohnson76! #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/yBUxq9gfru
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Another big man coming to The Plains! #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/6OMZiMZ5cd
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
That's a BIG MAN headed to The Plains! #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/36OQhSI4cA
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Defensive Line
4* Zykeivous Walker (EE), 3* Romello Height (EE), 3* Daniel Foster-Allen (EE)
Always trust Rodney Garner. Jay Hardy not signing early takes a little luster off this group but overall hard not to be very happy with this threesome. All three are early enrollees who will have a chance to find a way into Auburn’s rotation next season.
Walker was one of Auburn’s biggest victories on the trail beating out the Dawgs for the nation’s #7 SDE. The staff is extremely high on this kid and there is a strong belief he will be an impact player in 2020.
Height was a surprise flip from Miami who brings a skillset to Auburn’s defensive line they don’t really have right now. He has a combination of length, quickness and bend that is needed to be an elite pass rusher. Auburn’s defensive line was the best in the land this past season but if there was a weakness it was the lack of a truly dominant edge rusher ala Jeff Holland or Carl Lawson. Height has the skillset to make that type of impact.
Finally, Auburn likes Foster-Allen a lot. He’s only 17 years old and still growing so don’t be surprised if he’s eventually a 6’5” 300 lb force in the interior. He will need to get stronger if he wants to play immediately but getting him on campus early is big. I expect him to eventually develop into a very important piece of Auburn’s DL rotation.
Another DE ready to make a BIG impact. #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/GLn0mNR6ii
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Bringing chaos to backfields across the country.#WarEagle pic.twitter.com/bcABB4CtwP
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Another BIG TIME defensive end joining the squad. #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/QVJu9keRkN
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
4* Wesley Steiner, 4* Desmond Tisdol, 4* Cam Riley
It’s been a wild year for Auburn’s linebacker recruiting. They lost two top 50 players in Trenton Simpson and Demouy Kennedy that absolutely hurt. But Travis Williams still signed a three man blue chip class who look likely to continue Auburn’s resurgence at linebacker.
Steiner is a special athlete. As I have mentioned pretty much every time I write about Steiner, he beat Owen Pappoe’s SPARQ score this past July which should tell you what type of athleticism this kid possesses. Desmond Tisdol is a big time athlete as well who WANTS to be an Auburn Tiger and looks to be a future starting MLB. Then there’s Cam Riley who had an incredibly productive senior campaign and could play any number of positions for the Tigers moving forward.
Losing 5*s hurt but this is still a durn good linebacker class that should have fans excited for the future.
.@ItsYa_Boi_Wes ready to bring the #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/kZh9PeXu9A
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
.@T_WILL4REAL adding another big hitter to the squad. #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/64mBITMHaL
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Another heavy hitter for @T_WILL4REAL. #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/QJrniLHinO
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Defensive Backs
4* Eric Reed Jr, 4* Ladarius Tennison (EE), 4* Chris Thompson Jr (EE), 4* Marco Domio (EE)
Auburn is starting to show some encouraging consistency in signing blue chip defensive backs. In the past, Auburn often relied on overlooked athletes that they developed into DBs. Now the Tigers are beating top programs in the country for big time talent. That’s an important change considering the continued growth of dynamic passing attacks in the SEC.
Reed Jr, in my opinion at least, was the big time win yesterday. He’s an elite talent that UGA really wanted. Auburn was able to beat out the Dawgs for the LA native who can do a little of everything. It’s likely he will start out at cornerback but he can play almost anywhere in the secondary.
If Noah Igbinoghene leaves early that would mean Auburn is down four starting DBs including both corners. Roger McCreary was a de facto starter and will lock down one spot next season. But the Tigers will need someone ready to go day 1 next season from this 2020 class. That’s where Marco Domio fits in. Auburn fought off LSU and A&M for his commit earlier this summer. He’s an early enrollee so don’t be surprised if he’s starting for the Tigers September 5th, 2020.
Then there the Bash Bros (I am trying to make this a thing) in Chris Thompson Jr and Ladarius Tennison. They have completely different body types but produce the same results - pain. Auburn plucked Thompson away from the in state Longhorns in a shocker over the summer. Tennison is a former Miami commit (Manny Diaz is probably not an Auburn fan) who is a freaky athlete that isn’t afraid to deliver some punishment. Both will practice this spring and have a chance to carve out role in Auburn’s defense in 2020
⬇️#WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/bUZhRxW3P5
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
A firecracker joining the defensive backfield! #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/xxRzSOuLVJ
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Another big time DB headed to The Plains! #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/6SCEoF8cnb
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
Another ⬇️ CB on the way! #WarEagle x #AUNSD20 pic.twitter.com/TVYeyiBKcP
— Auburn Football (@AuburnFootball) December 18, 2019
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/12/19/21029906/2020-auburn-football-recruiting-early-signing-day-class-recap
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