#/ even tho it's important i'll still tag these tbh
ofdetonation · 2 years
actually getting sick of hearing abt it on my dash rn tho i’ve done my best to stay away from it.  i’ll just go ahead and say it bc i am at my breaking point:  if anyone posts one more thing abt drama ur getting blocked.  my body cannot physically take it anymore.  i’m about to spiral into a flare up with the amount of stress this is causing me and while i don’t mind being informed, i’m getting pretty tired of seeing it all over my dash when i just wanna write the scrunkly feral gremlin on the brief occasions i’m up for it.
like it’s relentless bro, i can feel my entire body about to go sicko mode on my nervous system bc i’ve ended up consuming so much drama in such a short time.  and yknow what?  i just gotta do what’s best for me, n this has become the only way to curate that gucci experience on this absolute nightmare of a hellsite.
okay really tho, thank u for understanding n taking the time to read this!  i know it sounds mad harsh, i’m just concerned about my physical health spiralling again so i’m doing my best to take precautions.  life’s a bitch when ur body will attack u for just sitting there stressing :’)
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wikiangela · 7 months
Weekend WIP Game
tagged by @jesuisici33 <3
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more)
1. WIP List:
alive shannon
sick eddie
buddie coffee shop
new buddie chris' school
bi eddie
buddie death cast fic
cheating fic
untitled natalia fic
buddie 2x01
5+1 nicknames
coffee buddie
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
alive shannon with 20k words so far
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
alive shannon, since it's kinda a canon rewrite and I still haven't decided to which point it's gonna go, we'll see when it'll feel right to end it haha
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
once again, alive shannon haha - it's just so fun to explore what all those dynamics could've been, and giving Eddie and Shannon some closure, and I love exploring Shannon's character, too, speculating on her thoughts and motivations, and diving into everyone's heads, and I'm so excited to see it all develop!!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
I think it's either alive shannon or the cheating fic alive shannon bc I've never written s2/s3 buddie and I wanna get their characters semi-right, and I don't remember a lot of details so I need to get on with my rewatch lol - and also writing Shannon's and Eddie's feelings on their relationship and how it all ended is not easy haha and the cheating fic bc it's so not my thing but a song inspired it and it got stuck in my head and it's happening haha and I hope I'll make it make sense haha
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
tbh all of them - some more, some less, but there are moments, especially lately, when veeeery often I'm just like: everything I write sucks wtf
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
@giddyupbuck agreed to beta the alive shannon fic, and I spam them with snippets if I'm in doubt and it's sooo helpful fr ily <3 and I'll need alive shannon beta-read bc it's gonna be so long, and I keep changing my mind about things bc of how many ideas I have, so I just need someone else to look at it and tell me if everything makes sense haha - and Ro's helped me so much with some previous fics so they have my full trust with my baby that is the alive shannon fic haha
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
all of them at some point lol - a few of these are actually on hold bc of that - I will get back to them tho!
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
as of now there's no ocs in any of these, but we'll see haha
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
cheating fic and maaaaybe coffee buddie (if I'll ever get back to this one) - no actual smut in my wips yet atm
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
buddie death cast fic - if you've read 'they both die at the end' you know why lol this is not gonna have a happy ending
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
so far I'm loving everyone in alive shannon so I guess let's go with that haha
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
oh I am so bad this - but maybe let's say buddie coffee shop au bc i think it's the only one where I put even a little bit of focus on the setting lmao
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
alive shannon, been thinking about it and making notes for months before I started writing, and I don't think i've ever been this invested in a fic
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
alive shannon - - like I said, it's my most precious baby, and I'm so excited to not only write it but read it, and I hope it's gonna be as good as it is in my head, and I hope I'll make the story make sense with Shannon there, but also keeping some important buddie moments from canon hah
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
not sure if i've ever dreamt about a wip, but i do get new ideas in my sleep sometimes lol
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
alive shannon will have switching povs which i rarely do, so it's gonna be a challenge to write three distinct voices - and diving into Shannon's head and feelings and motivations will also definitely be hard
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
I think sick eddie - he's so ridiculously stubborn and difficult istg haha or buddie coffee shop with how fucking awkward buck's being
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
yep, once again, alive shannon - it's as much a buddie fic as it is a shannon fic, so it's not exactly outside pov, bc I'm just excited to focus on her equally as much, on how she's settling into their lives, becoming a better mom, being involved in Chris' life - she's gonna have as much focus as buddie sns it's not easy, bc it's alternating povs and once I get stuck in Eddie's head it's hard to leave, but so far it's been fun
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs
uhhh, I think I share like everything lol okay, so maybe: alive shannon will definitely go at least up until s4 and will include Eddie dating Ana 👀 purely bc I want a buddie-shipping Shannon to be like wtf eddie??? also, there will be more than one mcd in the death cast fic and coffee buddie was loosely inspired by a small thing from luke cage lol
no pressure tags: @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @eddiediaztho @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @ladydorian05 @forthewolves @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley @weewootruck @thewolvesof1998 @disasterbuckdiaz @loserdiaz @underwater-ninja-13 @giddyupbuck @hippolotamus @eowon @callaplums @spotsandsocks
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fonulyn · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
thanks for the tag @thebrandywine 💖
answers under the cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
268 works.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
1,256,253 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
RE. and still have the urge to write Gears but lol if you thought nivannedy was a rare pair...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
nobody's perfect (TOG, pretty gen)
now drunk on lust I drown in you (forever within I'm lost in you) (RE, Chreon)
and who's to find the way right through you (RE, Chreon)
scattered fragments of time (that's all we are) (RE, Chreon)
how to accidentally get adopted - a guide by Piers Nivans (RE, Piers-centric, also background Chreon)
5. Do you respond to comments?
always! i know i missed a couple, sometimes i take ages, but i do always try to respond bc i love and cherish nice comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the bad endings on three words to last forever. i still like the angstiest one the most :'D
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lmao like everything else idk i want them happy. i've written loads of fluff idk how to quantify which is the happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
only ever got a few nasty comments thankfully, so no, not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
yeppp. idk what does 'which kind' mean? anything that feels inspiring lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
not really. i did start a few back in the day but i didn't really finish them. i am not really into crossovers tbh i don't even read them 99% of the time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah. someone was selling it on amazon pffth.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few. apparently five on ao3 lol but i think there was one or two back in the lj days too. might be wrong tho :'D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
lol loads. at one point in life like... fifteen years ago, most things i wrote were co-written with a friend. and i've done it a couple of times after that too. i really like co-op stuff tbh but haven't found people to collab with lately.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
right now i would sell my soul for nivannedy. might already have.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ehhhh at this moment i doubt i'll ever finish anything. maybe the lifeguard au? i was red-hot for the idea at first but then it kinda... fizzled out. kept changing. got ruined by pushy ppl lol. but maybe i'll get back to it one day bc i would love a nivannedy summer romance tbh.
16. What are your writing strengths?
uhm. characterization. dialogue. emotional shit? idk i think i do best when i have intimate moments with two people. tiny everyday moments and mundane shit. like that. if i get going writing sometimes flows super well and i think i can get consistently readable stuff done in one go. but that'd require getting going lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action. i suck at action. i also suck at it in the way that i can't actually make myself start writing. i got way too co-dependent when i still had people excitedly participating in the process and now i sit here sad doing nothing :'D but anyway. writing action and having some self-discipline lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
depends very heavily on the context. in general i do think it should be all in one language for readability but there are exceptions. i've done it too lol but it was only like a line or two in finnish :'D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
diru, twenty years ago lmao, it's like a different lifetime. i only learned of the existence of fanfic at the ripe old age of nineteen lol but yeah it's still been so long now.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
asdjfngkn i can not choose between all of my children c'mon. uhm. am just gonna say the self-indulgent series bc it truly was so important to me for so long and i'm still devastated it ended. sigh. now i made myself sad again :'D
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starrtoon · 4 months
Question pal, have you had any interest watchin' H*zbin H*tel now that its out (just censored in case you wanna avoid having the fans on your tail) & if so, what did you think and if not, I'm curious as to why! Just because I know you've done art for it & stuff before. (Obviously you don't need to explain yourself, I'm just curious. I know that I watched the whole thing because I couldn't suck myself out of it and there are bits and pieces I enjoy in a more solo-context but others I (Christian) take pretty heavily as like....I don't like it. Big parts feel very off, even with the themes on redeming sinful souls and such. So I just wanna see your thoughts on it if possible as another Christian for some perspective.)
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ok, so... yes I watched the first 4 episodes. (through Kimcartoon 😏)
possible spoilers below(?)
besides the OBVIOUS blasphemy and biblical inaccuracies, the show does have a lot of issues with writing and pacing. I didn't laugh at ANY joke in those 4 episodes (though Angel calling Vaggie the actual V word almost got me for some stupid reason 🤷‍♀️)
I don't like some of the VA changes they did, Vaggie sounds bland, Husk's voice doesn't really fit the design of the character IMO, and even tho she isn't a big/important character I DO NOT LIKE THE NEW VOICE THEY GAVE KATIE KILLJOY. I got used to all the other VAs, and kinda prefer the new voice for Alastor over the old. also I would like to congratulate the show for being the first to make canon ships feel like unbelievable cringe fanon ships (the cat and spider, and snake and cherry)
I'll also sometimes scroll through the tag on twitter to see what's going on and what criticisms other people have, like with the whole Angel Poison episode (and which imo when she hires a storyboarder that has a r4p3/n0nc0n f3t1sh to do it, I think that's pretty messed up)
and of course I find out in the episodes I haven't seen they added St Peter and made him a white guy with blond hair, same with making Adam white (I dunno if Adam coulda been darker irl but 🤷‍♀️) as I said in a post on twitter, it's clear Vivz has some animosity towards Christians/Christianity so she's gonna twist and be inaccurate. (true accuracy wouldn't even allow her show to exist, as Adam's song has some truth in it "Hell IS forever" so there'd be no chance of redemption)
[SPOILER] I've noticed from some posts that they got Pentious to heaven, so I see that it actually IS possible for the sinners to be redeemed.
will I watch the new episodes? when I get around to it. I'd say the show is 90% trash. and even tho I don't necessarily like it, nor Vivz as a person, I still like some of the characters (and their designs) even if I don't agree with their actions. if anyone has a problem with me still drawing characters while '''hatin''' on the show, they can just deal with it tbh 😏
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haystarlight · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @fairytales-and-folklore
20 questions for writers
1.How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 21 fics on AO3 right now
2.What's your total AO3 word count?
68,266 words in toto
3.What fandoms do you write for?
So far I have written for:
The Owl House (Cartoon) (16)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (1)
One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston (1)
Adventure Time (Cartoon 2010) (1)
Amphibia (Cartoon) (1)
4.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Backfiring Prank
The Gold String of Fate
I'm working on a song, It isn't finished yet
Disabilities & Disclosure
Something warm on your plate, clothes on your back
5.Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Only sometimes, not always. I really appreciate comments but I sometimes forget to reply to them or I don't reply because I can't come up with something more interesting to say other than "thank you". I still appreciate getting comments even if I don't answer tho.
6.What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably "No Future,Not For You". Most of my others have happy endings or at least bittersweet but this one is the only one that is 100% all angst no comfort. It's short but it's brutal.
7.What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably "I'm working on a song, it isn't finished yet". It has a very happy and satisfying ending. Tho, most of the others have happy endings too. I think this one feels more satisfying because it's a longer fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nah, I don't think I'm popular enough to get hate yet. I might get hate when I'm more known but not right now.
9.Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I only tried writing smut once because an ex friend dared me to. It's not on AO3 tho. Idk if I'll ever write more smut in the future, but I think I want to. It might be fun to experiment with it.
I think my type of smut would be more sentimental and soft and emotional. You know, self indulgence stuff. And I would probably write some of the stuff I'm into into the fic.
10.Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No I don't like crossover fics.
11.Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah, like I said, I'm not that popular yet.
12.Have you ever had a fic translated?
13.Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah, I've had people beta reading my fics but no.
14.What's your all-time favourite ship?
Probably Huntlow, but I also really like Bubbline and Lumity and Sundry. Tbh I have a lot of ships I love.
15.What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't publish WIPs before they're done because I don't wanna leave people unsatisfied. However, I do have a lot of half written fics on my computer that I completely gave up on.
16.What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at capturing the characters's escence and doing their dialogue in character and accurate to their canon personalities. It's very important to me that the characters feel like themselves.
17.What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably that I get stuck too much. Like unless I'm on a writing roll, I will sometimes just get stuck and not know how to continue a fic for days.
18.Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've only done it a little bit, on some Owl House fics when Luz or other characters are speaking Spanish. It's easy because Spanish is my first language. Idk how I would go about it if it was another language tbh.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3? The Owl House. In general? My Little Pony probably.
20.Favourite fic you've ever written?
Definitely "I'm working on a song, it isn't finished yet." "Terrified Grom Hags" might be a close second tho.
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zilodak · 2 years
Man, i am falling in love with your Vanessa desing the more i see it😭🤚
But honestly, just saw the post talking about your au and Gregory in general, plus the tags to it. When i first read the part of Vanessa being Jeremy's niece a while back i honestly loved that
On one of my own aus, i make so that Vanessa has that type of uncle and niece relationship cuz tbh, i totally see it and i love it (wont say which one bc i know some folks who follow me sees your posts and i aint giving spoilers to any of them)
And seeing someone actually do it makes me...sorta happy tbh. And the reason for her to even be involved in all of this, makes me even more interested :>
And i really like the cyborg idea for Gregory, it feels like an in-between option for the war of "he's a robot! No he's a human!" I like it XD
Plus, i feel like at this point in time it would be a thing, especially with how the animatronics feel so advanced ya know? Not too far ahead from the current future, but not to close either, it's fun and makes sense
I do wonder how it'll go from here tho, especially in whether you will choose between one of the endings from the game with your own spin, or make a completely new one. All in all, I'd love to see more of it!
I'm a sucker for found family coming together from trying to find the mystery of their past/lost family. It has a nice bittersweet tone to it, and it seems to lead that way here (ofc if it isn't, i'll still enjoy the au bc the idea itself is really cool)
Oh and i saw the part of Elisabeth, love it, its nice ro have more of her bc your Elizabeth has become my all time favourite😭💞💞.
And I love all the afton siblings tbh, and Michael and Evan have been my favourite sibling duo, but you somehow made me love Lizzy and Mike so much more-
Anyways, i kinda rambled here- i just really liked the au and wanted to share my thoughts 😅
As for my Help Wanted and Security Breach au, its actually a continuation of my fnaf au in general.
After Michael's suicide with Henry and the burning of the Pizzeria, Jeremy leaves as a broken man now in the possession of Glamrock Freddy and the Glamrock blueprints Michael left behind. The trauma and the survivor's guilt has made him barely the person he used to be, and he sells the Glamrocks to a man. He doesn't want anything to do with them. Cut to Vanessa though, and he loves her very much, she brings light to his life once again and all seems to be well.
He's approached by Fazbears entertainment years later. They tell him, that as a survivor of those events, they want him to test their "educational" game (Help Wanted). Ignoring the fact that the game is a complete mockery of what he's been through, he focuses more on the anomaly he spots.
He disappears not long after and this is when Vanessa comes in. The officers put his investigation on hold and Vanessa take matter in her own hands. She finds out about the game, collects the tapes, gets possessed by Malhare etc...
This is where the au falls apart a bit because anything after that moment is just little snippets of lore and scenes.
Malhare's role is very important though. To the whole thing.
Malhare isn't William. He's this projection of Will, born out of spite and that's meant to store his memories. His only purpose is to help resurrect Burntrap (aka the actual William) which he will then perish if successful. He's not supposed to be sentient, or make his own choices. He can only calculate outcomes and steer the person or thing he's possessing into doing things that will be beneficial for his goal. Malhare, just like any virus, spreads. There's no one version of him. However Vanessa's version of Malhare somehow manages to become sentient. Sentient enough that he realizes that he will die if he succeeds in his mission. Sentient enough that he has emotions. And sentient enough that he can make his own decisions. So when the time comes and Gregory enters the bottom of the Pizzaplex, he has a change of heart because in typically William or William adjacent fashion, he's scared of death. So he saves Gregory from the other versions of Malhare and corrupted systems that roam the Pizzaplex.
Now I should also preface that Vanessa and Malhare share their body, but anytime Malhare takes front, her eyes glow purple and she develops incredible agility and more physical strength (this is Vanny). Malhare can't front for long though.
Anyways, Vanny saves Gregory and they flee the Pizzaplex with Glamrock Freddy. They go to Luis' apartment for shelter for the day and Vanessa finally opens up about her situation. Now Vanessa is a wanted woman with a bounty on her hear, Malhare is cast away from his own kind, Luis can't return bc he helped Vanessa, everybody is after Gregory and Freddy is tagging along to protect Gregory.
Next step is to find Jeremy.
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aroaessidhe · 11 months
hi! i just wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your blog (i have learned about SO many books from you) but especially the reviews you leave in the tags on the books you're introducing it feels like a lot of the time now YA gets recommended entirely on its diversity and subgenre (and if you're really lucky, the premise) but seeing your comments of "this is fine" is just really nice. it gives me the ability to find books i think i'll actually enjoy instead of just books i *should* read. anyway, i really appreciate that you take the time to leave those thoughts, and thank you for everything you do on this blog
aw I'm glad! i know my tag thoughts are usually a mess and half spoilery so good to know it's helpful hahahha
Yeah I try to find the balance between saying "what the book is actually about" and also mentioning diversity (bc like, that is also important!) because a lot of people kind of only do one or the other? I also always think about like. what aspect of this book was I unaware of from the blurb/marketing/reviews that I think would be useful to know (though my levels of effort in this changes depending on my free time lmao)
I like to read a lot of YA even tho as an adult a lot of it is not for me anymore, just so I can like have a feel for what's out there currently and as you say, recommend to others (and as a fast reader with a lot of audiobook access that's easy for me) - and yeah tbh a lot of it is like: I would recommend it for a teen looking for x y z elements 👍, but I personally will have probably forgotten everything about it in 5 months. I also always try to be objective re: target audience, and find some things I liked about it even if the mean little judgemental creature inside me was hate reading / only getting through it so I can form an opinion based on the full thing LMAO
(and like. by god there absolutely is still plenty of YA that is phenomenal and Made For Me which is why it is still worthwhile for me to read so much YA!)
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the actual enemies (or at least very bitter rivals) to lovers, the drama, the chois showing up all of a sudden like what???? it was better than i could have expected
i think this yn is my fave yn so far. which is saying a lot but she felt so real!! her struggles with her self-esteem and learning that she's nore than what her family told her to be and that she deserves to be loved and cherishes both platonically and romantically <333
anyways i think i said pretty much all i needed to say in the tags but i loved this smau sm <3 fave character obviously our dear ynwon shipper. or beomgyu. actually it's probs beomgyu i love him <33
a final question: why did you decide to add beomgyu, yeonjun and soobin? did you have it planned from the start, like them specifically? and who was YOUR favorite character??
i'll be reading your new(ish) ynwon au probably not tomorrow but the day after bc i'm gonna have a busy day (9h & a half of classes and then i'm going to a 2010 pop themed party! fun!!)
as always, have a good night and i hope you're doing ok <3 if you're ever not, you can always talk to me <33
Moving on from that, I'm glad you loved the story so much. It's always wonderful to know that readers love what I write. Like yeah I mainly wrote for myself but the praise tho I feel it's unneeded (I'm always gonna be finding things I couldve done better 😂).
Honestly this story really took a life of its own. I say that with every smau tbh, I start with one idea and then by the end it's a different but still somehow similar idea that I started it 😂.
I'm so glad this YN is ur fave. She's struggling so much even if everything was okay cause her inner demons were always there, they didn't disappear and her learning to lean on those around her, accept that she is loved and cared for was very important to me.
I also was very cautious in that I didn't villainize YN for these very real feelings that everyone feels.
God knows I've been through moments of self hatred and I wanted to show that it's never as bad as you think. You might think your all alone but there is always someone there for you to talk to. I know that YN frustrated readers when she let her insecurities get in the way of her happiness but that is a reality that sometimes you get so in your head that you think what your doing is best when it isn't.
Sorry went on a whole tangent abt this YN 😂😅.
I loved your reactions in the tags, pls don't stop them, they were the best and I need them for every story now 😂😂.
Beomgyu was his chaotic self and I loved him for it 😂. @nyxtwixx being your fave character cracks me up honestly.
Oooh good question. I don't necessarily plan my smaus tbh. I just have the rough idea then it's chapter by chapter. Which if you've noticed is why chapter titles tend to change quite a bit cause I change my mind or this one idea doesn't work but this other idea for the next chapter works better.
I love txt and Soobin is my bias so I was always going to include him. Yeonjun and Beomgyu kinda just came along too. The idea to have them be triplets came and I ran with it. All three of them were gonna cause more chaos and strife with there being actual feelings still there with Sooyn but I decided against that after considering how much YN is dealing with low self esteem and self hatred. In the end I love the bond they have 🫶🏼🫶🏼.
If I can give another rec, I suggest reading Peace that's my other HP au but it's Jay this time and it's Gossip Girl meets Harry Potter. (I just wanna know your views on that 😂).
Take your time, the new Jungwon fic will be there just a word of warning, I'm sorry if Hyunjin is your bias... That's about all the spoiler I'll give you in regards to that smau.
Don't get burned out with so much school!! And have fun at that party sounds like it'll be a great time!!.
Same goes to you, if you ever want to vent or just chat, I'm here 🫶🏼🫰🏼.
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elmaxlys · 1 year
see i have my gripes with kana's translations in tenkuu shinpan, i yell about it a lot and it even has its own tag, but at least i know the volumes are gonna be good quality so when psycho no sekai will be released (april!!!) i'll definitely try and get it. with glénat the disappointment isn't just in the translations of some (most) parts but down to the paper and the fact that!!!! the pages are fucking cropped!!! they put an * to signal a footnote and then? it's not there. why? because the bottom of the page doesn't exist in this reality.
i don't even have many tg volumes in french tbh? (even tho i do have all the novels and artbooks) and that's solely because the ones i did get absolutely suck. for example i've got some volumes in italian too. the format is different the paper is waayy better and sure i don't get everything because i'm still learning and that means i can't really judge the translation in comparison to glénat's but at least i know it's gonna be pretty and nice to hold which huh is important for a comic book imo
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suedrawl · 2 years
sue tries to get her life in order, pt 1
This is mostly just me getting vague thoughts and hazy plans on paper and processing better; not necessarily imperative to anyone. I'm kinda getting repetitive at this point BUT I've found some footing. so after this I'll start to tackle more personal things like hygiene, time management--basically things within my bubble
with that out of the way.
I'm still organizing my feed, who I'm following, and so on. so hopefully, I'll interact more down the road! I have yet to really be checking others' pages...for now :3 and of course, organizing tags/cw/info/so on. any likes/follows/related are going to show up as @suedraws.
speaking of, debating how I want to handle that. honestly, with how little my art account has overall, it might be best to start fresh with a new account; it's hard to decide how and where I want to separate my personal and professional artist self.
the other one that i might possibly use more is @ladykopaka; at this point I'm not really interested in involving myself with the community at large. friends and some groups are exceptions. also have this be a location for my Chasing Stars project
so then that leaves here, @suedrawl. besides being casual/personal use, trying to hype myself up to do some form of blogging and writing. i have an entire actual blog i'd like to use for those reasons.(suedrawl.blog)
finally, while nothing is planned yet--I did create @thepurplenote \o/ (and did invite some folks to use it too!)
still observing how twitter is going to pan out. i'd love to use Instagram more, but it can be a bit draining/overstimulating (even if it's mostly good vibes and love keeping up with friends). facebook is...kinda just there lmao; mostly to see photos of my nephews and nieces, and annoy the hell out of old family friends who are borderline trump-supporters. DeviantArt? No. Otherwise, that leaves Artstation, but that's strictly more business minded. I know everyone is trying things like Mastadon (I recommend it tbh) or pillowfort. I don't really have much time or energy to do those; maybe in the future (keep me updated, always willing to try things)
discord is sorta its entirely own thing--i mostly lurk (love stealing those emojis) in big servers. there are a couple I'm in of friends (gosh i feel bad i need to say hi more). but most of my energy is focused at The Purple Note/friends there. At the end of the day it's my responsibility, and I will continue to maintain it and be mom friend/support all yall wonderful, loving, supportive nerds. Never hesitate to contact me, no matter what time or day. while I'm working on better handling my server mum powers, it's still an important promise to keep of sorts.
Okay, I was about to write up a thing on me Sucking Hard at One to One Chats, but that's just gunna go in its own blog post. BUT TO STATE: I am never ever bothered by good friends, even if I forget to reply. If I have an issue, I will address it. Usually, I'm more than happy to initiate, but I am going to take a step back from that for a bit. But also this is not a sign that you have to or that I will take offense if it's quiet. I'm not usually a person that "needs" interaction from others, rather what gives me purpose is how I can give. It's kinda confusing tho and I'm still trying to understand what I want and need. Thank you for your patience lmao.
if anyone has questions, advice, so on, yell at me! while I'm embracing my solitary needs, I still enjoy all this for many reasons. I'm hoping this can be a jumping point to now face other challenges and obstacles
love u all smooch thank u for reading if you did XD
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wooahaes · 2 years
I would consider myself small and skinny and even I hate when writers describe readers as small 😭 it makes me so uncomfortable bc I know there are so many people reading who probably don't fit that and it's strange to me that they don't consider that when writing. it's why so try to be super conscious of how I describe reader (which I barely ever describe ANYTHING physical about them, I hate even when people describe putting hair in a ponytail or something) and even try to be conscious of actions that might not be inclusive (such as being lifted, wearing bfs shirt, etc).
I'm really sorry that you are finding so many fics that aren't inclusive :/ with smaus that use ulzzang pictures, i always try to imagine that it's just the aesthetic/pose writer is going for but it still breaks the 4th wall for me bc it sticks out like a sore thumb being like "that's not what i look like/most readers look like"
hi nonny ur cool and very nice i love u
also god... the ponytail thing gets me every time as someone who typically cuts her hair short lmao literally i kinda run my hand through my hair like how... how did i do that... magic.......
i think the thing that gets me is that it's like... really not that hard to write an inclusive reader fic imo? like why is it important for reader to be thin/tiny/petite/small/whatever word you wanna use to designate that they're small? is it really that important that you have to derail from your writing to include something like that? also, who thinks of themself like that? it's also annoying in first person (both fic and published works) when people do the "my blue eyes" shit because no one consciously thinks like that. there's a big difference between a new writer saying "i open my blue eyes and run a hand through my long blonde hair" and maybe using it to set something up. maybe your character has contacts or maybe their eye color mysteriously changed because ~magic~, or maybe they're on the run and dyed their hair and chopped it all off. but in reader fic? where the whole point is projecting onto a blank slate to imagine yourself in these situations? i don't need to tell you what you look like. you already know what you look like.
whats the point? it's fine if you want to write something for yourself and for other people like you. genuinely, it's okay to do that as long as you tag it so people know. i respect smaus with ulzzangs that outright say that the writer used pictures for reader. i'm personally not going to read them, but at least i actually get a warning. even if its easier to just not include the pictures, i respect works that tell me outright whether it'll actually be for me or not. i write chubby!reader fics sometimes where all that's specified is that reader is a bigger person. i don't think i've ever specified how big, but the sentiment is still there. people write fics for people of color and they tag them.
i think it's completely okay to write works for yourself and people like you, but it just kinda feels unfair that if you fit into this "other" category (not thin, not short, not white, etc.) you have to tag it. everyone should tag their stuff. it just makes it easier to navigate and for people to find works that they can potentially see themselves in.
anyway i don't really read smaus that aren't written by my mutuals, tbh. i think there's one i started but then went "oh i'll come back to it" and then failed to do that lmao (i'll get around to it sometime tho!! it actually seemed super cute and i don't think there were any ulzzangs Anywhere, bless).
but if you want inclusive smaus... u should check out my mutual, ursa @thepixelelf !!! she's very funny and cool and also she talks about inclusivity in fics and why its important <3 she's the one who made a lil text convo with the vernon idea i posted about he + reader saying they're expecting when they're literally just getting a cat together hehe <3 but shitty fanfiction + the entirety of been there, done that is very good!! for a completed work... u should check out first to fall (cheol x reader) <3
also you should just check out ursa in general tbh she's one of the best ppl i know and i'm very thankful to have a mutual like her? i think everyone i'm mutuals with is someone i care for a lot and people who i think are extremely kind, but ursa has the biggest heart and i truly appreciate everything she does.
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(18! Demiaroace, Biromantic)
Please please PLEASE do NOT interact with this blog if you're not interested in snz stuff or anything relating to it.
I don't want you or other people you know and might be following you to get uncomfortable. On top of that, I don't want me and everyone else in this community to get attacked because of people (if not you) being a jerk to us just because we take a liking to things pretty differently
I'm not that into the more nsfw approach of this affinity (yes I'm calling it affinity, which I originally heard from qousterking, I don’t feel too strong about it often so I'm more confortable to call it an affinity than fet in my case!) BUT it's not a promise that I won't interact with and/or reblog anything that might be suggestive (a lot of times I don't realize it immediately ahah ^^"), so minors–or anyone under 18–DNI!!
And tbh, I can't control a minor, or anyone uncomfortable with nsfw seeing things they're not meant or don't want to, and as someone who often shy away from the more mature stiff as I mentioned, I might give a tip–if you haven't tried it already–and hope it helps somehow! Basically filter out the tags with "-kink", "-fet", "-fetish", and "-fucker" (well this one is pretty obvious honestly), tho a kink usually means it doesn't go to too much spicy scale, others may still use it with different definition. Sadly this is the simplest way I thought of, and I still saw lots things, but I feel like it did a difference somehow, even if small. So just scroll away really quick when you see a post that's not your taste/comfortable with, since a lot of people here are respectful and does give a warning that the thing they're posting is very 18+ (appreciate you guys for that!)
Like I said, I can't control when a minor ends up and lurk around in the mature side of the communtiy, so I'll just say this: DON'T hold us accountable for what you saw and it really bothers you, everyone should be responsible and that includes minors. People here are just having fun, letting their thoughts out and sharing it with people who might be interested, then they can get giddy with it together, simple as that! We can't satisfy everyone, especially just one person. Interests like this are considered a kink or a fetish so OF COURSE there's going to be mature, nsfw content to be seen. In the end it was your choice to scroll through, your choice to read the whole thing even if there was a warning beforehand (and yes some others may not have warnings), your choice to have that mature concept in your head. I know some people can't help it and get too curious, so really I'm just telling you all to be careful when viewing your interests, there will always be very mature side of things unfortunately, and I can't control that, and sometimes it has to be you who has to act in order to keep yourself safe.
Not really sure if I'll post art of my own, a few of my oc's are pretty snz affinity coded but since I'm planning something (kinda big?) with them, I'm quite hesitant and worried of vanilla's discovering this blog, but I'll be thinking about it!! (Might make reference to them and give them codenames so I can share some ideas probably!)
I might add more to this post when I think abt more things to ward uninterested ppl off and keep myself and others safe the best I can. The really important thing to remember is to keep it respectful in both parties!! Be nice to each other, just silently avoid and block us if you don't want to see this kind of content. Have a good time!
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deadtower · 1 year
G/t anon over here, I'm very glad to hear you understand my point of view and tbh I 100% agree with Tioga being a sentient, intelligent being capable of consent ❤️ Truth be told I did check through the Harkness test more than once (and they successfully passed it every time ofc) while reading the fics and before sending the ask, and although it's still not entirely my cup of tea I appreciate that part a little more now that I've spoken with you about it ^^
It's also worth noticing that Tioga/Giratina in the Cor Unum series definitely isn't an entity like any other, they're a powerful divinity not unlike Arceus (just writing down their name makes me want to have them disappear ewww) and tbf it's quite sad and unfair that in the PLA game they kept such a huge difference in knowledge and sentience between the two. For example Giratina simply roars their cry and fights like a normal pokemon would in battle, while Arceus is able to communicate and have conversations with you (even tho it's highly possible that the real Arceus is the one speaking, not the vessel/part of themselves the player receives after defeating them at the Hall of Origin) and can unleash their power with ease in a complex, multilayered boss fight. Also, even Dialga and Palkia are shown being capable of communicating via telepathy with their respective clan leader, while with Giratina we only get some... off-screen dialogue between them and Volo, before PLA events and in the post-game? The writers at GameFreak are literally so biased tbh xD I'm getting off track here but you get what I'm saying, lol
Yeah Non Mortem, Somni Fratrem (my knowledge of Latin grammar is literally so so rusty btw, apologies xD) will most likely kick me in the butt so hard lol, I love the Submas brothers a lot and I'm very curious to see how you're going to write them! x3 ❤️ also I forgot to mention it in the previous ask but omg I really liked Deus Nolens Exitus too! I'm a big fan of 'Volo wins!' scenarios but upon realizing he was secretly carrying all his followers' and everyone else's afflictions on his back like some kind of Atlas, it made me whine and weep immensely 😭 I was like "Volo no, baby… you gotta stop this, it's actually super unhealthy and it's hurting you so much!" 😭😭 He can be such a selfless character and I love him for that but omg, he really doesn't deserve any more pain, he's been through so much already 😞😞
Pater Peccavi is great so far btw! Tioga having to face different incarnations of Arceus with each chapter being a kind of trial is super interesting and thrilling! And I've just realized what you meant about the first letter of each tag being so important OMGGG, that's genius!!!! Also I'll definitely read Febris Amatoria too, cause the ending of chapter 3 from PP totally went over my head xD
Oderint Dum Metuant is just really good tbh! All the g/t interactions make it even more fun of course, and witnessing Volo being in distress pulled at my heartstrings too 🥺🥺 (Latios with his creepy hunger can fuck off btw, Latias is the superior sibling of the duo lol). Thankfully Tioga won against Carnifex, but omg the final chapter… aaaaaa the feels, when we finally catch up with how much time has passed since their fight, and what's been happening in the meantime while Tioga was asleep ;-;
Oh well, where to even begin xD I think it's basically canon how Arceus acts so mercilessly to Volo and mocks him too by favoring the player character instead of him (which isn't also completely true all the time btw, like the MC is literally unwillingly taken away from the present time and their family and friends, but Arceus never let them return home once they're done?? Like hello?? Who even does that!), but your version of Arceus is so cruel, sadistic and evil it could put Ghetsis Harmonia to shame and I like it xD I'm almost sure in saying they're the biggest divine bitch I've ever read about, lmfao xD
Also I absolutely get where your religious feelings come from, it must be very tough for you guys to deal with anything God-related if said God (whether they exist or not) is literally so apathetic they let anything happen to you and your ancestors for thousands of years :( it does resonate with Volo's story a lot tbf, taking also into account the fact that his people have disappeared from history (except him and Cogita ofc) and Arceus doesn't ever or even bring them up to the player :(( for this reason I'm sending you (and to Volo and Tioga too ofc) so many hugs! ❤️
Omg this ask is getting very long, but I wanted to mention two more things first:
I'm currently planning out to write a g/t story including a gender neutral Reader and Volo (it's a slow process but I'm getting there xD)
I've just made a meme about Tioga&Volo vs. Arceus but I can't send it to ya anonymously because Tumblr doesn't allow it, so this might be the last time I'll be addressing myself as g/t anon x3 tbh tho I think it's fair, we've been discussing stuff for a while and I feel like I can come off anon to keep chatting with you if it's okay!
yeah no it's completely fine for it not to be your thing! tbh i think i turned it over in my head for a few weeks before deciding i was comfortable with it so trust me you're all good haha
HMMM yes i definitely agree oh my god. the other gods really and truly got so much more communication than giratina, who was just painted at this primal and chaotic force... but at the same time GF has them capable of enough thought to, uh, come up with this whole plan of giving volo the spooky plate and having him collect all the plates so that it can cross over into our world and challenge arceus? like, pick a side, gamefreak. lol. how giratina got done dirty really did upset me as a long, LONG-time giratina fan (i've adored giratina ever since platinum first came out) not to mention that volo and giratina are supposed to, you know, have the same convictions and the same "heart" (hence cor unum in general) yet giratina is painted as this sorta feral beast not really capable of doing anything except for battling alongside volo... i really, really wish we had gotten more scenes of volo and giratina interacting, and volo speaking to them, and/or them speaking back, because there's no way volo just saw this fuck-all big dragon on the other side of our world and was like ah yes i know exactly what to do now. not to mention his comment about "i was the one to feed you the power you needed to take on arceus" like THEY MAKE IT A THROWAWAY LINE AND IT'S LIKE... WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!!! did he transfer over his energy at regular intervals to nurse giratina (who likely had nearly given up by this point) back to (emotional, if not physical) health?? why don't we get any scenes of volo exhausted as hell from giving giratina energy and them comforting him?? WHERE ARE THESE SWEET, HUMANE MOMENTS, GAMEFREAK?? but they probably figure that makes him "too sympathetic" or some shit. give me a break. where are the hidden tapes GF i know you have them
jgdhjdg to be fair in NMSF ingo is a little more reserved than you're used to due to being in hisui so long (didn't he seem more quiet to you?? i couldn't get that reserved ingo out of my head. god) but yeah i fucking love the submas twins and i was so excited to include them. i do have another little spinoff type thing that happens after the end of pater peccavi that is of the "ingo is zekrom, emmet is reshiram" variety where tioga and volo comfort the twins (but mostly emmet because he is their "train cutie" meaning they. er. Have Relations occasionally. and dote on him a lot and call him "emmie" lol) but i haven't posted it yet so NMSF and the end of pater peccavi are currently the only bits where the submas come into play... but more later :p
I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED DEUS NOLENS EXITUS god it's one of my proudest works. i fucking loved writing it so much. you hit the damn nail on the head, volo taking everything on to himself and how fucking sad it is, like, you want to let him and tioga and everyone else live in peace, but at the same time it's obvious from how his priestesses react that volo taking it all onto himself is not okay with him, and they would all much rather experience their own suffering than have him take it onto himself... tioga getting their memories back and being upset volo lobotomized them hurt so fucking much to write lmao especially because they are COMPLETELY AWARE that he did it because he loves them, but taking away the part of them that is so invested in protecting him? is something they can't abide. which sucks because volo wants so badly to be able to protect them the way they protect him, because, like, he's in love, and that's just what you do when you're in love... but. augh. anyway
IRONICALLY LATIOS IS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE OF THE SIBLINGS but also this particular latios would be pokemon heroes's latios's father (the one that died that bianca and lorenzo talk about in the beginning of the movie, the one that movie-latios and latias fly around with in the end) which is solely because heroes!latios's dad is revered as this self-sacrificing hero and i think it would be really fucking funny if, like, he definitely was a hero, no argument there, but also was just like. irritating as hell and had a petty feud with giratina. i dunno i was just like god this would be funny as fuck and serve to be like "hey yeah heroes are heroes and he did a great thing but like he was also a person, and people are flawed, and he had this stupid schoolyard animosity towards giratina" LMAO. still love him. def not going for a "people who do great things don't deserve the accolades because they're people too and they do shitty things", more of a "wouldn't it be fucking hysterical if" sort of thing LOL
OH I DEFINITELY AGREE like it did not ask reikari if they were ok with being sent back in time away from anyone they ever knew, and it didn't f*cking send them back afterwards! what the hell! i'll always be mad about that. and volo is definitely pissed about it too when he finds out. if reikari came to him and was like "do you know why arceus would do this and then. not send me back." volo would be like are you fucking serious? i may not like you but this is completely unsurprising and i'm, like, angry for you. LIKE... literally fucking hate arceus and whenever i see people characterizing volo as if he worships the thing (he does say he "worshiped it as the creator of our world" but it's worth noting he says this in past tense... which is exactly what i, as a formerly religious jew, and now an atheist one for the exact same reasons as volo, would say about my former self), i'm always like. no i don't think you get it. volo doesn't want to meet arceus so that he can be its treasured disciple or anything. he literally canonically says he wants to dethrone it and make a new and better world than the shit one arceus made where people suffer and it does nothing to help. LIKE........ the audacity of people to be all "they'd be best friends :) he'd worship at its feet :)" im like did we play the same game. just asking. HJGHJFCG
(also thank u for the hugs i appreciate it hgjdfg you would not believe how much i see people telling us to "get over" what happened to us n other reprehensible shit like that lol like sure let me get over the repeated attempts at genocide of my people, literally like. multiple per century. and how the god we trusted has like. abandoned us. that's just my opinion of course and i highly respect any jew who is still religious and still trusts hashem but for me i'm fuckin done believing or at the very least he's gonna have to fucking answer for a lot of shit if he does end up existing lol)
oh my god i would LOOOOVE to read that thing :3 make sure u send it when it's ready! if you wouldnt mind hehe. and YEAH OF COURSE omg... tbh we will probably continue this convo over discord considering how fuckin long it's gotten (dw i love it) if you don't mind! but i am like so eager to see this meme now LMAO
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entitybear · 2 years
Does your ocs have backstory? Would love to know more about them! :]
Been eyeing this question.. I sure do have lotta backstory for all of them... lotta google docs ranging from maybe 30 pages of places relationships n everything. ill keep it short tho with what i have for the moment <3 (i post lots of info on entity so i rec goin in their tag if u want additional stuff thats mostly cohesive for my deltarune au)
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this prob will get lengthy so readmore time (lmk if thats accessible bc on mobile sometimes those don't work correctly)
These characters are based in my story Oasis Based Oddities! I need to plan out some stuff for the intro but heres a lil bit 2 share for ya anon! glad ya got an interest for it very cool! (ill sort thru stuff based on each oc.. ill do a deadheads post sometime hopefully soon *oc band of mine, as well as rival bands and maybe even stuff on funkyburger and.. bonnie mcfunkle *silly mascot clown)
Josephine (jo) Neilos is a new resident to Tedious Lapin, Oasis. (now this is my planned intro) She has to move in the first place on account of low funds and in general not being happy in her little apartment alone. She chats up her friend bart and with help from her parents she moves out into his place (in tl,oa... it's a small little 2 room house his folks built). She encounters a lot of interesting things on this roadtrip and when she really gets into the idea of exploring Oasis.
Sunny Milagros she is a less recent resident of TL, Oa. She inherited her recently deceased aunt's home (has moved in with her parents originally at age 16, shes currently 23 and living on her own as her parents moved to a stable place 2 retire). She researches and keeps tabs on what goes about in Oasis with her friends Bart, Kyo, Malakai and others. She's always been into looking into what goes about around her.. which leads to the trouble she gets into on her days off. (still working on revamping her backstory so itsa lil short!)
Bart Cosmo his family has lived in Oasis for generations, he's always been comfortable with the strange happenings (not the dangerous stuff of course.. sinkholes n etc.). Despite doing lots of walking about town he continues his studies in microbiology & helps his insomniac bestie Sunny for fun (and of course he cares as well), he even has pets such as tardigrades with some marimo on account of them liking moss. Another funfact is him Sunny and Kylie went to highschool for their last few years (bart &kyo are both 2 years older than her... and since im mentioning age jo is only 1 year older)
Kylie Martin (nickname kyo) she's another longtime resident who just was transferred in highschool (highschool besties with bart). She now plays guitar/bass in The Deadheads (band of 5). She stays out of most trouble with the stuff she's done in routine for years; her job at a thriftstore/library (Miss Apple's Delight Emporium), rollerskating at the rink (Wasteland's Rink) and other lil places (haven't figured everything out yetttt, shes a background character thats semi important/lil less than the mcs). she also has a cat!! and a trailerr uhhh...
tbh i'll leave ya with this i could prob rant a lot... ive worked on these characters now for about???? 2 or three years so! lil unorganized but hope this sates some curiosity anon!
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 years
Oh okay, in the story I'm writing the character who is being penetrated is the dominant one, and I think it would be really hot for her to train him gradually over time to adjust and be able to accommodate her body, moulding and conditioning his dick as well as his mouth to be able to take her, purely for her own benefit. I'm into d/s and powerplay so I assume this is why I like it. I into everything that comes with it, her "training" his dick to adjust to her pussy including being made to have his dick inside her for extended periods of time as part of his training, as well as him being told to use toys to size train himself on his own. And then slowly introducing different sizes (could be bigger or smaller, honestly I was kinda confused when you immediately started talking about smaller sizes cause in my head I was actually imagining size training to take larger orifices like how you were saying about in my first ask with larger insertions), and how it would be slightly painful/uncomfortable for him at first but she praises him and tells him how good he's being the whole time. I have some sadist tendencies I'm also into the idea of him getting to confident and trying to take more than he can handle at that moment and going to rough and hard and it being painful for him as a result and ending up "bambi walking" as you put it lol (although I feel like this is a different topic to gradual size training, and also even though I find the idea hot I don't actually want to send anyone to the hospital by fucking them, I don't find sexual injuries sexy in real life). Maybe it's weird, but I find the idea of his body literally needing time to physically adjust to her extremely hot, as well as his body being trained to take something it couldn't before and her needing to spend time on with him to help him and prep him properly to take her without being in pain and not risk hurting him if he's not ready for it, I like the vulnerability of him possibly being hurt so she has to help him prep and be gentle with him.
I'm not talking about if the partner being penetrated isn't turned on enough or isn't wet enough, or if they're uncomfortable or in pain, I'm just talking about them training their partner to take them before actually fucking them. Also, what if it's a demon au like with your fic and they literally have a different biology to humans and their genitals are different and so their dick needs to be trained to get used to it (this is not what I'm currently writing, it's just another thought I had).
Obviously using a toy that's way too small can be uncomfortable and cause injury but like you said, that's also true of someone who just decides to insert a 12 inch dildo up their ass no?
"there’s no real reason to train someone’s dick for insertion" "i suppose the only 'training’ you can do is with fleshlights that are a bit small for your dick size but like…thats a bit of an extra step when you should be prepping your partner" Idk tho isn't it kind of weird to prescribe what is the "right" way to do things or what "should" be done or that there's no reason to do something because surely that is down to the people involved and what they like/prefer? It seems you're saying that size training is necessary if you want to have sex with a toy/dildo that is larger than average? And quite a few people liked it so I'm assuming they agree, but what I don't get is what do people do if someone with a larger than average dick and/or their partner don't like or want these roles? Like I assume this must have happened before? You said that words of praise are important but what if the other partner doesn't particularly like to receive praise and would rather give it? What if the person with the larger dick likes the idea of being trained by their partner more than their partner being trained? What if the person being penetrated prefers to be the one to give foreplay and help prep their partner for sex and the big dicked person prefers to receive foreplay and be taken care of and be gently and slowly prepped by their partner?
Like I like having vaginal sex and I'm not into painful sex or receiving pain during sex but if I meet a partner who happens to have a larger dick, does that mean I have to do this if I want to have sex comfortably? Honestly I hate the idea of needing to be "trained" or "prepped" to take someone's dick, just thinking about it is kind of making me feel sick to be honest. I would much rather be the one doing the training and prepping, I want that role instead, but I still want to be penetrated at the same time, so where does that put me?
It sucks that it's not called size training, because for better or for worse the more edgy or obscure the kink or tag is the more attention and notes it tends to get and size related kinks in particular are usually very popular. I guess it just sucks that I see so many writers writing for these kinds of kinks like with your demon au fic and they get so many notes and comments from people who just love it praising them and gushing about how hot it is and it sucks to know that I'll probably never get that kind of attention because like your saying it isn't possible for me to write those kinks in reverse or if I can it won't appeal to as many people because there's no real reason for the act or doesn't make sense like it does the other way around and then I just, feel like I can't compete because I can't write stuff like that or write those kinks because it doesn't work that way around. And then I feel bad for feeling bad or for wanting that same kind of popularity or attention because I feel like I'm being ungrateful or bitter and I don't know how to deal with it. But thank you for talking to me.
I...m not gonna lie like the end of this ask really has a kind of vibe that rubs me the wrong way tbh.
I was going to try and tackle the several points here but on fucking god the way you came at me over this and how shit in here is worded really comes off as fucking rude. I never said every single time someone takes someone larger they need to be trained for it. Your first ask was literally "what is size training" not "does someone always need size training to take a larger person"
People always write things that may not be 'common' or have a specific name for it but the fucking passive aggressive (whether intentional or not) "I'll never get as many notes as you/people who write it like xyz" really rubs me the wrong way and felt like a fucking punch in the face to someone i was trying to help in earnest based on the questions you asked me.
Write whatever you want. But you dont go into someones fucking ask box and basically guilt trip them because of note count just because of a difference in the content you make and how you make it and the way readers consume it.
I cannot tell you how many times I've written something maybe my readers have never seen before or dont quite have a popular niche but people end up loving it. If you're that passionate about your work, write it the fuck anyway but don't ever go into someone's box sideways with the way you spoke to me at the end there.
By the way, what you're talking about sounds closer to cock warming with a submissive male and possible orgasm denial. Because like i said in both asks, you cant really train a dick for tighter things. If HES too uncomfortable taking a partner thats too tight, his partner should be looser. If your female character sits on his dick to get him used to her vagina, thats still her body slowly loosening up and eventually it'll be easier on him. And obviously size training isnt needed in every case and people are different. I never said anything was a hard line in how sex should happen.
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brahkest-fr · 3 years
Ah, yes, the purity police. They use TERF and fascist language and say it's all 'for the children.' I'll be straight up with you, nsfw stuff makes me feel uncomfortable of I'm not specifically looking for it. One of the reasons ur my fave FR artist is because before the porn ban you kept that work strictly separated to your main stroke other accounts. Like, I know it's your major source of income, but here you are, looking out for peeps like me. There are deffo sensual aspects to things you post, but I mean, we've all seen disney Robin hood. Also, your expressions and body language in the art is inescapably human. That's why it connects with people so easily. This envy or baby fascism, cut and dry and you deserve none of it.
I do like to look out for people even if I can be a lil blunt here and there. I’ve made mistakes but I learned from em and I try to do better now. I don’t like seeing adult content myself unless I’m looking for refs or something. I draw it because even tho I’m not into it, it is a part of people’s lives and characters and stories and all that jazz and I’m not here to preach about how wrong or right it is (unless it’s illegal then don’t do whatever it is that’s bad lol).
I do sensual stuff. Suggestive things, yes. But there are lines I know not to cross. I make it very clear that if someone follows my work, they’re gonna get bits of that. There’s artists on tumblr still posting adult stuff without tagging or if they do tag, they hella do not care if it’s in the main tags. I try to be self conscious about that even if some years ago I used to not. Yes it’s my income but I’m not gonna stoop so low as to exploit it.
I think a lotta distaste for adult work comes with conflating both the good and bad sides of the community. Just from the nature of the work, you’re just always going to be thought of as scum tbh. I notice the things on DR involving me happen to mention the sexuality of my work and I think that’s an important detail to keep in mind. It’s always demonized.
I’m not really here on FR to make a statement about sexy lizards. I just like, wanna draw em cuz it’s fun. If they happen to look like a curvy hourglass or a stack of beef, ah well.
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