uzibrainrot · 8 days
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Can't believe @pensocks and @electronix-arts got MARRIED!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! (i was there i was the flower girlboy and the officiant also that was really epic aaaaa) :D :D :D
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sweetmctart · 1 year
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gun when hes abt to pull up to a gang of unsuspecting teenagers n beat the absolute shit out of them
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fullsaw · 7 months
I haven't posted about the raccoon in a while so here
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ang31ey3s-d3mons3edz · 4 months
I am no longer sorry for the -username situation- after what I found out about starry and divine. (There's gonna be a void news article about -that situation-) if anyone wants to know anything I'd be more then happy to tell you :)
@wielderofthechainsaw @worm-brainzz @r0tt1ngr4bb1t @devilish-parrot @kandifloss-finn @kandifloss-finn @statictelevision @dagaelizardz @homoweirdcoreperson @justsprout @littleshadowlucy @xxhum4n-g00xx @voidbeau @machathecat @mysticlilac-ec
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glastly · 5 months
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tanx guys!!!!!!!!
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ludrii · 1 year
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ah finally, the much needed sign, thank you
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evergardenwall · 2 years
my mutuals are all so best friend shaped i hope they know it
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vivid-badsquad · 9 months
kanade redezign w a rlly low mezzy ponytail
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filez34 · 2 months
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uzibrainrot · 6 months
hi aza opinions on solver uzi
solver uzi is so important to the conection between uzi and the absolute solver
when we see uzi in episode 1, she is confident in herself, mostly, she trusts her railgun and she can defend herself from her classmates bullying, even if shes just being edgy, she doesnt let anyone know if it gets to her
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when she lies to khan at the door in episode 1, her lies are not the best, but she doesnt give up and she ends up getting what she wanted, going outside
of course its scary, but shes not like the others in the bunker, and she is not giving up on it.
during her fight with N, she never gives up, and the only reason she doesn't win is because she didn't think he could regenerate
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when she and N start talking, she is nervous, mostly because it is unexpected, and she almost lost the fight. but she is quick to try and get N on her side and tell him about the company's true intentions (or what she thinks are)
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in episode 4, she is scared of what she will find in the camp, but unlike episode 1, she isnt confident in her abilities, now she has the solver, but it doesnt give her the same feeling of protection her railgun did,
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she made the railgun, she understands it, she cant understand the solver, she doesnt know how it works 100%, she doesnt even know why she has it
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in this scene ⬆️ she again has to lie, but to get out of a situation this time, and she is being influenced both by the solver (overheating, in need of oil) and by the presence of her mean classmates and V, which makes her lie worse than in episode 1
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again, unlike her railgun, she cannot control her absolute solver
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in this scene, she ends up killing her classmates, who she wanted to save in the first episode from the murder drones (not them especially, but everyone in the bunker, and that includes them)
here she laughs, but someone (i forgot who) pointed out that it also sounds like her crying
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in the end she accepts N's help, and we all understand the severity of the absolute solver, its a real threat that uzi cant fight alone
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voidzphere · 20 days
Baps you on the nose!!!!!
woaw !!! bapz u back .. x3
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ah0yh0y · 4 months
91. boxes or bags?
56. favourite tradition?
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
from this ask game
ooooh huh. that first ones a hard one. boxes are good for lots and lots of stuff but i cant carry them bags are also good for lots and lots of stuff but it will tear all my ligaments off . i will propose a third option: wheels
(but also bags bc easier to carry for me what if boxes have too much stuff and gravity ends up being petty what then?? bags will lie about their structural integrity but at least i have a running chance against physics)
favourite tradition. first of all i would like to point the better spelling of favourite . its gotta the letter u. its directly telling the reader that they are the favourite. second of all... we dont have many traditions in this household i dont think but we have started and stopped many. actually wait my mum makes string hoppers and sambol and we eat that on eid morning. and we blast nasheeds on the night before and on eid morning. and there was a couple fo years we made a pinata out of a plastic bag (sofunny) and whenever we had a dinner a big one we would buy sparklers and light them outside im gonna restart that actually.
soft drink receptacle... probably cans? i never got to drink soft drink outta cans like with my own money as a kid so i savour that now. theres only been one time ive drank soft drink out of a bottle (or proabbly more but maybe overseas but i dont remember) and that was the soviet themed soft drink my teacher gifted us after my history exams that was so nice i love that shit i felt so cool (also learnt about the existence of twist its caps that was exciting). glass cups is probably below them i think plastic cups just dont capture the cold ness you need with soft drinks in summer
okay ranking 1. bottle bc that was such a cool experience
2. cans bc thats were they belong
3. glass natural habitat
4. plastic cups
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thevalleyoftriumph · 5 months
any1 have a link 2 that drawing where itz like. you cant keep doing thiz either you bite down or let go. or something like that.
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b-rolling · 15 days
the homie doesnt post much to tumblr but wanted to reply to someones nice tags on her post so i gave her a sleepy lesson on tumblr etiquette
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vivid-badsquad · 9 months
wansho casual outfits
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fanciestghost · 3 months
no one is immune to pink bows X3c
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