sugarcoatedcherry · 26 days
call me perfect. this blog will help you learn about your true selves: consciousness, and about non dualism. i occasionally post self care and self love posts too. im 17 years old, pronouns she/her. click the star for the link 2 all my other socials: ⭐️
understanding consciousness & non dualism series: part 1 : how to know you are only consciousness part 2 : why everything is consciousness; non dualism part 3 : everything is imagination & an illusion part 4 : what exactly is consciousness (you)? part 5 : ego + when "you" dont understand non dualism part 6 : time, thoughts & meditation part 7 : proof that everything is imaginary part 8 : stop and just observe part 9 : non dualism vs law of assumption part 10 : the world within the mind + the 5 senses part 11 : the unreal vs the real part 12: finally, play a new game
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sugarcoatedcherry · 3 months
Do you have a face?
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In the quiet, let yourself unfold,
No strings attached, no stories told.
Nothingness floats in a space so bold,
In the vast silence, where dreams are strolled.
In the hush, explore the open sky,
Silence paints the canvas, oh, so high.
Nothingness like clouds passing by,
In the endless void, where true selves lie.
No limits, just a gentle grace,
Dissolve within, find your peaceful space.
In the void's embrace, feel the warm embrace,
Nothingness whispers, revealing your trace.
In this stillness, do you have a face?
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sugarcoatedcherry · 3 months
you’re not alone in the universe. at the very least, you have libraries, flowers, strawberries, poetry, stars, and the moon.
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sugarcoatedcherry · 3 months
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sugarcoatedcherry · 3 months
Everything starts from 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, aka everything starts from 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏
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When you imagine something and mentally accept it as yours, it becomes YOURS: 🪞
"I can imagine myself as a millionaire"
"I can imagine myself being in a healthy loving and committed relationship"
"I can imagine myself xyz"
"An assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact." - Neville Goddard
So if you can't believe that it's "possible", ITS OKAY, do this instead:
- Define your desire
- Decide that it's yours
- Accept that the creation is done
- There is no separation
You are not manifesting, you are BEING
Just how my beloved Neville says "when you plant the seed, let it grow" your concern shouldn't be
- "when and how"
bcs when you are satisfied with the root, you will find peace WITHIN
You ARE the UNIVERSE, experiencing itself
'As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul'
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sugarcoatedcherry · 3 months
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• to change the world you must change self
• the 3D cant change if there's nothing new to reflect
• why seek something from the 3D when you can give it to yourself instantly?
• the 3D cant create on its own, nor can it deny you of your desires
• it’s never about changing the outside world, fulfillment is all about changing how you feel. if you’re imagining for the sole purpose of getting something in the 3D then you’re wasting your effort
change in self + persistence in your new identity/assumption = change in the 3D
you and the 3D are NOT separate. the 3D is a reflection of you. when people say you can’t change it, they’re referring to the fact that you as the outer man can change absolutely nothing. that is because the only way to change anything is through the inner man. change is created in the outer world when change is created in the inner world. so don’t try to directly change the 3D, it’s pointless, you know it is. don’t every try to change the 3D without bothering to change self. if you were to look into a mirror and hate the clothes you have on, you would simply change your outfit. you wouldn’t try to get the mirror to change your clothes. the mirror can’t change anything for you, it can only show you what you are. that goes for the 3D as well. the 3D is the mirror, it can only ever reflect you (and only you). so the 3D isn’t what you should be trying to change. the 3D is aligned with you, it’s never something different from you.
amazing posts on tumblr that’ll help encourage and motivate you! read these when you feel a little lost :)
it’s okay to acknowledge…
there’s no excuse!
you want proof?
learn indifference
where I go in imagination…
always return to fulfillment
neville’s army story
the 4D is the only real reality
keep yourself in check!!
from piercedblunt’s blog
from cinefairy’s blog
from sexydreamgirl’s anon
from sexydreamgirl’s blog
GOOD LUCK! YOU GOT THIS! :) ───♡───────
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
it is so easy to shift your state - let's practice!
ok beloveds.
it is tiiiiiiiime for a little exercise.
i want you to imagine real quick what it would be like to truly be a master at manifestation. yes i know we know we are all masters because we are always manifesting but! i mean a master at conscious manifestation. like, you ALWAYS get exactly what you want in the quickest and easiest way possible no matter what. you just imagine something, decide what you're going to experience next, and boom, it shows up. faster than fast. ayeeee, you did that.
ok, so now that you ARE that person, what's your experience like? what's your way of being within yourself, within the world? you're probably super fucking relaxed, even playful. you probably never worry about anything at all because what would there be to worry about when you know you always get what you want? you probably hardly expend any mental energy on your "desires" because the second you desire something you just--beep boop--claim it as yours and, well, now that's taken care of! you're probably the most present and loving person anyone has ever known. you probably have everyone around you not-so-jokingly asking you to manifest for them (iykyk). you probably feel like god. but not god who's desperately trying to assert some kind of control over a supposed-"outer" world. no. god who knows I AM the world. I AM all. how fun.
how fun indeed, that you just shifted your (drum roll please) state of being!
did that feel good? did you like being that person?
all that took place in your imagination.
you went from being an imaginal self who was maybe stressing about manifestation, watching too many tiktok vids and reading too many twitter threads, affirming affirming affirming but at what cost, to being an imaginal self who--in an instant--already had it all. and therefore could just kick it and watch a show or eat some tacos or go candlepin bowling (my new obsession) without stressing at all.
if that felt good, why not practice being that person? by which i mean consciously choosing to embody that identity until it's so natural that it no longer needs to be a conscious decision because you simply ARE it.
don't attach anything to this. just try the state on as if it's a new hoodie and see how it feels, and if you like it--you prob will, it's pretty snuggly in here!--well, keep wearing it.
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
Good luck <3
to the people who easily lucid dream, but find it hard to go to void, here's a master top - kys in a dream, thank me later
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
4dbarbie remix: How to realise Self?
Disclaimer: This remix/mashup post was compiled by me, a student of 4dbarbie as a way to make sense of everything and to understand how to apply the knowledge practically. I went through all her posts and answered asks to make this which is made up of various parts of 25 49 (omg lol there was a lot of good stuff) different posts and answered asks. It is not an original post by 4dbarbie herself but all words are directly from her various posts and answered asks (except for my clarification notes which are in purple text in brackets & the last section after the last divider where I make some closing comments). My personal highlights are in purple text also. Hopefully the way I've organised the information in this post makes sense and helps some Vanessas out there. ♡
Fair warning as this is a pretty long post essay (!) so maybe grab a cup of tea or something :) If you are really new to all this then take some time to really process it, there is no rush. May we all realize our Self ♡
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There would be no steps necessary, no process to undertake if you would just establish yourself in the I AM alone. You are so lost in your play you forget reality. 1 If you are "I AM", it means you are not the person experiencing the world/thoughts/circumstances, you never were. 2
The external world, you control it (because it is you!, in you), you make it, fully, even when you tell yourself you don't. 3 To know yourself as the source of all that is, you have to first remove the veil of what's stopping you from seeing it in the first place. To know your real being, you have to first abandon what you thought yourself to be. 4 There is no external life, there is no need to use any methods to recondition or train your mind. It is much faster, much easier and you are hundreds times happier just letting go of the mind. 5 The process is one of letting go more and more until you find yourself having nothing, being nothing. The thing about nothing though is that it's the only thing that can take the shape of everything. 6
A jeweler who wants to refashion an ornament, first melts it down to shapeless gold. Similarly, one must return to one's original state before a new name and form can emerge. The only way to renewal lies through destruction. You must melt down the old jewellery into formless gold before you can mold a new one. What refuses to die cannot be reborn. - I Am That, Nisargadatta Maharaj 7
Stop thinking you are Vanessa, the thoughts of needing this or that drop away. By thinking you are it, you create a character who desires and then identify yourself with it. You can only have when you let go of thinking that you don't. To change, you need to give up this conviction of being this person. You need to disbelieve. 9
Most of you can't change because you are so desperate TO change... but there is nothing to want to change. Things just are. Don't work with changing self, just realize who self actually is. 10
You have it, all is well. Just stop believing the illusions born out of thinking you're a person. 11
Unless they understand who they really are, that Vanessa is a habit and nothing more - that nothing has existence outside of awareness, including her, that awareness assigns reality and is the only reality - they're always going to struggle to control something and get frustrated they don't see what they think they're aware of. What you're aware of is what you're being. You can't be aware of being something new while also being Vanessa. 12
Knowing is being. If you really knew, the thing you knew would be materialized. You know you are Vanessa so you're being Vanessa. Would you want Vanessa if you were her? No. You are her so you don't desire her. And you won't be able to be Vanessa 2.0 if you don't shed this Vanessa first. That is, let go of thinking the thoughts are yours. 8
Your memories of the life Vanessa lived are now and not in a past. You are imagining her past being now. Her past exists now because you are aware of it now. If you were Lara you would be aware of a different past, still now. Basically there was no yesterday and you are imagining "a past having been" today. 13
Anon: "Do I have to endure the world while I know my self as awareness and disbelieve that I am Vanessa???" Ada: THE POINT OF KNOWING YOURSELF AS AWARENESS IS TO DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT AT ALL TIMES, FOREVER. It's complete, incomparable freedom and power. It's the only real love. 14
You are either your Self with nothing attached to it or you're an ego. Disbelieve you were ever her. See what happens. 41
A lot of beliefs are subconscious. "I am a body", "I am Vanessa", "There is a world" are all subconscious, automatic beliefs. Upon investigation you can get rid of any belief (by making them conscious and then dropping them). 15 How do you drop a belief? (see part 1 and part 2)
The body and the mind are only symptoms of ignorance, of misapprehension. Behave as if you were pure awareness, bodiless and mindless, spaceless and timeless, beyond 'where' and 'when' and 'how'. Dwell on it, think of it, learn to accept its reality. Don't oppose it and deny it all the time. Keep an open mind at least. Make your mind and body express the real which is ALL and beyond all. By doing you succeed. - I Am That, Nisargadatta Maharaj
You need not take time to meditate or put time aside to contemplate and "apply". All you need to do is detach from this form during the day, let life happen as it happens while reminding yourself it's a dream, a dream that doesn't have to be yours. 16 It is your own desire to hold on to it that creates the problem. Let go. Stop imagining that the dream is yours. As long as you give reality to dreams, you are their slave; see all as a dream and stay out of it. 17
You imagine that there is an external world in which the you that you're identified with lives, but all of that is in your mind. Stop imagining it's true and it dissolves, which can only mean it never was. Which can only mean you assigned reality to it by thinking you're it 18
I've said it before, you don't have to convince Vanessa that she's unreal. Just stop taking the thoughts you don't like for truth or reality. There is no convincing involved, it is all letting go... you're holding so tightly onto your ideas now, that's why you can't see their falsity. 19 You don't have to convince anyone of anything. What I teach here is to leave your mind alone, that is all. Don't go along with it. 2 Thoughts will keep on coming for a while, just now you know they have nothing to do with you. Get into a habit of watching, letting them be but not identifying with them. If you can observe them, it means you are not them. 32 Doesn't matter what the thought is, leave it alone, ignore it BUT not by force of will, just indifference. We've established you aren't the ego, alright? Thoughts, right now, are from the ego. 20
Thoughts of the past life come, remember they no longer have anything to do with you. Literal full delusion (I only call it that because after being identified with a person for so long, it's mind-blowing to grasp you are not that). Thoughts are not yours, complete indifference - no need to fight them. Where they come from, none of your business. Only know they are not yours. YOU not being in your desired reality is a thought, got it? This body and this world are not forced onto you, they exist through your identification with them. Not yours, remember? Repeat. Not yours. You won't lose your mind, you'll only lose your misery. After you've detached, you'll easily shift to as many realities as you want - don't put any on a pedestal of desire, they are equal. See this world and the body as not real first. What is true is only what I AM is identified with, right now this body which is not in that TV show (referring to anon's desire). Correct this first by letting go of thinking it's you. 21
You don't need to convince yourself they're unreal, just dismiss them as not yours. They will disappear more and more through your newfound indifference, then their physical counterparts will, too. Detachment is by doubt and indifference. First you start doubting "the facts", then you become indifferent to the facts, lastly there are no facts anymore and you can establish your own. 20
Start letting go bit by bit, just to see what happens, you won't start "acting crazy" just because you become uninterested in thoughts, i promise 🤞 22
What I recommend you to do is bring your self into focus, become aware of your own existence. See how you function, watch the motives and the results of your actions. Study the prison you have built around yourself because of credulity. By knowing what you are not, you come to know your self. The way back to your self is through refusal and rejection. 23
Here's a scale of emotions you go through, from bottom to top: apathy, grief, fear, hostility, anger, indifference, acceptance, freedom finally - and then unlimited, independent joy. You can review this to see where you are on the journey and what should come next. You can't skip them, all of them have to happen for you to have the all. 14
Do not try to understand any more, just be. And let other things be as they are. Even if you're not happy about what you see, there is no way around it besides accepting it. As long as you fight it and try so hard & incessantly to change it, you're only giving it further reality. 14
If you are angry or in pain, separate yourself from anger and pain and watch them. Step away and look. The physical events will go on happening, but by themselves they have no importance. It is your mind alone that matters. When you identify yourself with them, you are their slave, you think you have to act on them. When you stand apart, you are their master. 24
One thing is certain: the real is not imaginary, it is not a product of the mind. 23
You are beyond the mind. Mind and body become your servants once you discover your Self. The present moment is all that is, so yes - become aware of having never been the ego, of your ego being just one of your creations. Ego is the concept of individuality, of separation from the “I", and the All. Therefore ego is a false assumption. We are really the Supreme Reality, we are not separate from It. To "fix" the separation, reject what you are not. Only look at who you are, over and over and over until it becomes the permanent identification and replaces the ego. 25
Once you are convinced that you cannot say truthfully about your self anything except ‘I am’, and that nothing that can be pointed at, can be your self, the need for the ‘I am’ is over — you are no longer intent on verbalising what you are. All you need is to get rid of the tendency to define your self. All definitions apply to your body only and to its expressions. Once this obsession with the body goes, you will revert to your natural state, spontaneously and effortlessly. 23
Drop the false ideas first and watch. After what keeps you stuck goes, you can do whatever you want. You can think the ugliest thoughts and nothing will happen if you know yourself as who you are. It's your identification with the thought that causes the thought to be true. 26
The guilt is because you think you're running out of time and you need to change "your" life now. Be patient with yourself because you don't lose any time, just get to that place I'm telling you about and then you can just go back in time if you so wish. All worry is pointless! And there is nothing to fear, things just happen, do not claim them as yours for a while. Unclutter your mind, it becomes your servant after you've freed it enough. 27
She (Vanessa) will vanish yes, you ask how because you still think waking is more real than a dream. Do your dreams not vanish? Do you wonder how they vanish? They just stop existing all of a sudden when you go into another dream (waking). What if you've lived all your life as Ada and woke up one morning and were suddenly Vanessa with no memory of Ada, would you know anybody vanished? Nope. All you know is who you are right now (because present is all that is), which is Vanessa. 28 Leave poor Vanessa alone, with both her desires and fears, disbelieve you are her until reality becomes self-obvious.
By being your Self you gain the freedom of existing as anything, anytime. You don't lose Vanessa's pretty body if you don't want to stop imagining yourself as being Vanessa with her pretty body. 29
Nothing is lost, awareness just shifts. You can always go back. We're just removing the obstacles that stop you from having this freedom of choice (your identification with this person). You can completely wipe out Vanessa's existence as well. Later if you change your mind, you can make it so that she actually existed again. You are no form, you are formless, the form only is when you imagine there is a form, be your favorite form and dream beautiful dreams :) 30
There is no difference between sleeping and waking, awareness is the background of both. You just think the waking state more real because you've dreamt it over and over and reinforced your belief. They're equally imaginary. Become aware of this and life will forever be a breeze. 31
All depends on you. It is by your consent that the world exists. Withdraw your belief in its reality and it will dissolve like a dream. Cease from looking for happiness and reality in a dream and you will wake up. - I Am That, Nisargadatta Maharaj 17
Your next step will be realizing there is nothing to learn in a dream. You'll find yourself having less and less thoughts, then none at all. Then, only if you want, you will be able to reinstall the mind, now of your choice, and change the dream. 16
Anon: Is it okay to feel completely indifferent after learning about this stuff? Like, not feeling as worried about what is playing in front of me since I know its not me Ada: That's the goal. Then become indifferent to the thoughts you get as well. Those aren't yours either. You'll become aware they've dissolved & you can reconstruct the mind however you want because you have no attachment to past beliefs anymore. 33
Even the process is very beautiful... but the very best is when your Self becomes the permanent background instead of Vanessa. Now you always return to Vanessa, later you'll forget to consider her ♡ Dream not of a character who wants and desires, there is nothing to long for — only things to be. 16
To not depend on anything but everything to depend on you is a top state you can grasp with no method. 5 The experience is of being empty, uncluttered by memories and expectations; it is like the happiness of open spaces, of being young, of having all the time and energy for doing things, for discovery, for adventure. A sense of 'there is nothing wrong with me. I have nothing to worry about'. But not one you condition yourself into like you conditioned yourself into a body, it is one that naturally and effortlessly dawns on you by itself when you reject all else, because it is your natural state. 34 Real freedom and real love only emerge when you're not identified with a transient ego. 35
All you are doing is becoming lucid. Becoming able to control the dream. You won't be able to, unless you step out of it. That is, stop thinking this story you tell yourself is true. When Vanessa is no longer all you are, you'll be able to 'change reality' the way you change the film in a video projector. You'll be able to have as much fun in the play as you want to, change it when you no longer want this one specifically. The emotions of the character are fun and welcomed, because they no longer imprison you, there's the background of love to it all - that once you gain, it can't be lost, it's ever present. 36
What you are identified with materializes. If you are not, it disappears. 37
Just let go of the ego, that’s how simple it is. All you need to fix is your wrong identification. There isn't anyone who couldn’t materialize anything right now if he or she would just let go of identifying as the limited body. 38
Only by letting go of all do you gain everything. But once it's done, it's done irreversibly. Fear is no more, control is fully yours. You are free, completely. And with the bliss of freedom no human pleasure compares. You become full love, full power. The absolute and only power. Sooner or later, you will arrive at the same conclusion. You can't stop being what you are, all else can stop existing, but you can't. The only thing you have a choice in is delaying seeing it by thinking you are this or that. Only see it (I Am), then you can imagine whatever you want and it will be. 39
If you project the world, it is within your power to change it. But you must stop identifying yourself with it first. Go beyond, then you have all the power to destroy and recreate. All everybody wants is to be free, but to do that you must know two things: what you are to be free from and what keeps you bound. 2
Your own self is your ultimate teacher, the outer teacher is merely a milestone. It is only your inner teacher that will walk with you to the goal, because he is the goal. - Nisargadatta Maharaj 40
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Got more questions? Recommended reading:
Ada's recommended guides on realizing Self: 1, 2, 3
My recommended posts from Ada*: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
All references from the remix post
Books: I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj** and Keys to The Ultimate Freedom by Lester Levenson
*in addition to the sources linked in the post **a lot of her posts incorporate quotes and excerpts from this book, moreso than Lester Levenson's Keys to The Ultimate Freedom and she also shared a lot of excerpts from the book
What does this look like when applied?
Experience is the best teacher and learning from other's experiences and how they applied this knowledge can be really valuable and insightful. I don't define success based on materialising things necessarily although that is one result of realizing Self.
From 4dbarbie students: see the tag
Other: 1, 2
Okay, what to do after reading all this?
Apply apply apply. Don't wait, nothing will happen by waiting. There is only now. Inquire who is causing trouble and to whom. You can't think yourself into realization. 'You' are beyond the mind. You are the creator of the mind. It must be experienced.
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
to the people who easily lucid dream, but find it hard to go to void, here's a master top - kys in a dream, thank me later
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
14 Habits to pick up for 2024 ✨
1 - plan tomorrow, today - outline tasks and priorities for the next day before going to bed 2 - set a timer for breaks - use a timer to ensure that short breaks don't turn into extended distractions 3 - quick digital detox - step away from electronic devices for 15 mins to clear your mind 4 - limit screen time before bed - reduce screen time at least 30 mins before bedtime for better sleep 5 - visualise success - picture achieving your goals to enhance motivation and focus 6 - declutter for 10 mins - spend some time decluttering to feel a sense of accomplishment 7 - learn something new - dedicate a short time to learning a new fact, skill or concept daily 8 - positive self talk - replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations throughout the day 9 - tech free meal time - enjoy at least 1 meal a day free from electronic distractions 10 - quick physical activity - squeeze in a short burst of physical activity - like a quick workout or a brisk walk 11 - set daily goals - outline specific, achievable goals for the day to stay on track 12 - prioritise one task - identify and focus on a single priority each day for increased productivity 13 - hydrate first thing - drink a tall glass of water right after waking up to rehydrate the body 14 - morning stretches - incorporate a brief stretching routine to boost energy
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
how i easily shift and embody states:
i ask myself: how would i think, act, and see the world if i was that person who has it now? and then i feel myself easily become and embody that version of me. i let myself surrender to the state.
example: if i would want to get a A+ on a test, i would notice how im stressing about “what if i get a B?” i stop myself and just think: would the version of me who knows they have A+ think like this? would they be stressing like this? then i think of what the desired version of me would think, act, and see the world. i would think its normal to get an A+, i would act chill because i know i got an A+, i would see the world as someone who always effortlessly passes a test
tip: embody a version of you that feels it natural/normal to have what you want like i embodied the version of me who knows they always get A+ because it is normal for them.
shifting states is too easy and its instant. dont put too much pressure on it. if its “too hard” for you, realize that is only a state. youre in the state of thinking its too hard. try meditation and calm down. then allow yourself to feel as the person who has it. be it within. thats how you shift states.
also: how would the world react to that version of you? with this example, the world would see me as someone who always gets A+ so they would react to me as if i was smart and highly intelligent. allow yourself to use those questions to feel and know you are already what you want.
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
How do you believe in the law of attraction?
I don't ☝️
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
omg only if you knew-
There was no dream. It was just me, and the void. Darkness that stretched for light-years on end, or maybe only a few feet away. I couldn't tell. I knew it was a dream, however, a lucid dream. A lucid dream with no dream. It was terrifying, but calming at the same time. I wish I could go back there, find out what the void is really like, yaknow?
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
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Realitywarpingg ✨📿 read carefully
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sugarcoatedcherry · 4 months
Stop making it hard for yourself 😭😭. The only reason why u think it’s hard is because you care about the 3d. GIVE UP ON IT. BE the person u want to be in imagination. FREE YOURSELF IN IMAGINATION. You can have what u want INSTANTLY in imagination, so why are u crying about not having it? You are your only enemy in the law. Take YOUR word for it. Be unstoppable. Take what u want. BE what u want. When are u going to get sick of not having what you want? When are u finally going to say, “fuck it, I have what I want.” ? Stop being a victim and be victorious.
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