studyingegg · 7 years
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studyingegg · 7 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder: study tips psychology taught me
study in shorter intervals and take breaks (ie, 40 minutes studying and 20 minutes break)
during your break don’t watch tv or surf the internet. get outside if you can and go for a walk. or at least listen to some instrumental music and walk around your hall. or meditate or do some art. anything that doesn’t require super directed attention. this allows your attention to be replenished. it’s like a muscle and you gotta give it time to rest. tv doesn’t allow for that.
relate the information to yourself and your life. creating visual images will improve your memory.
when studying, take notes by hand and put them in your own words. generating material yourself will encode the material better in your brain, and you’ll remember it better
don’t just reread, rehearse! quiz yourself on the materials. if you use a visual image “memory palace” technique, walk yourself through it. you’re likely to remember information you’ve tested yourself on better.
organizing information into groups that make sense create more connections in your brain and allow you to remember things better. the more meaningful connections you make, the better.
make sure the last thing you do before bed is study. no phone, no netflix. your brain will process what you’ve just done while you sleep and this improve recall.
(feel free to add any!)
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studyingegg · 7 years
It’s OK to be scared but you have to get out there, open up, make mistakes, learn, be stronger and start all over again.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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studyingegg · 8 years
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Even if you don’t feel like it, you are worth it. I promise.
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studyingegg · 8 years
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studyingegg · 8 years
The Signs as Boyfriends
Aires: The boyfriend who will play wrestle with you and give you little love bites. He loves to tickle you and is always trying so so so hard to impress you. He likes to end fights with making out.
Taurus: The boyfriend who lets you cry into his chest until you’re all better. He is the BEST hugger, loves to stare at your lips and drive you crazy. Will confront anyone he thinks is trying to make a move on you. He will protect you at all costs.
Gemini: The boyfriend who pushes you up against anything and everything to attack you with little kisses. He likes to keep his hand on you most of the time, he wants everyone to know you’re his.
Cancer: The boyfriend who pulls you behind a tree or a corridor and kisses you s l o w l y and makes you melt. He lets you sit on his lap, actually he asks you to.
Leo: The boyfriend who shows you off to everyone: his friends, his parents, and especially onlookers. He is proud of his girlfriend and will kiss her anytime, gets in trouble a lot for PDA. (He just smirks.) Gives you jewelry and expensive gifts all. the. time.
Virgo: The boyfriend who is so gentle, with kisses, words, and actions. He is softer with you than anyone else and it’s clear to see. Except when a guy looks you up and down, he might need to be restrained.
Libra: The boyfriend who acts as a neutralizer. He is always calming down friends in fights, some call him a mediator. And there is nothing more hot than watching him step between two charging guys and pushing them apart. Likes to rub his hands up and down your back when you kiss.
Scorpio: The boyfriend who looks you up and down as you walk by. He makes you feel flustered, and all the girls refer to him as a sex god. They’re right. He likes teasing you with little sexual acts throughout the day to make you need him. Smirking. All. The. Time.
Sagittarius: The boyfriend who is spontaneous and all the girls have a crush on. “Hey, you want to get out of here?” is generally how your dates start. He likes to lay on your chest and touch your collarbones.
Capricorn: The boyfriend who makes you cry with laughter. He’s smart, mature, and has a certain aura to him thats…well, hot. He is a great neck kisser.
Aquarius: The boyfriend who reads to you at night. He likes to be cuddled, climbed on and touched. He has amazing hair.
Pisces: The boyfriend who loves to run his fingers through your hair. He likes tilting your chin up when he kisses you. He is warm, gentle, and understanding. Great with kids and loves animals.
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studyingegg · 8 years
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studyingegg · 8 years
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don’t be so hard on yourself, okay? :))
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studyingegg · 8 years
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sending positive vibes your way :))
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studyingegg · 8 years
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Studying at home today ✌🏻️
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studyingegg · 8 years
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studyingegg · 8 years
Please Remember...
You are allowed to take up space. You are human.
You are allowed to have a voice.
You are allowed to leave whenever you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
You deserve more than someone who doesn’t know how to respect you.
You are allowed to put your own needs first.
You are allowed to love yourself.
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studyingegg · 8 years
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studyingegg · 8 years
yeah i’m beautiful but where is my mental stability???
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studyingegg · 8 years
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04.07.16 My amazon order of mildliners and pilot juice pens came in! Excited to start using them ~
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studyingegg · 8 years
just wanna make friends 💜
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studyingegg · 8 years
reblog if you're a studyblr !
I wanna follow more people so I can meet new faces and talk to more people so reblog this and I’ll check out ur blog and most likely follow u! (bonus if u listen to got7/bts/exo or like anime lmao)
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