strannik-fev · 1 year
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Amber Alert: Russia is Kidnapping Ukrainian Children rally - 02.04.2023 by Strannik45 Via Flickr: More photos here 
The rally was organized by Chicago's Ukrainian community to bring attention to the issue that earned Russian President Vladimir Putin an arrest warrant - what Russia has been doing in Ukrainian kids in the occupied territories. 
As with many things happening in the Ukrainian War, there are several things going on. First, Russian forces have been taking kids that were orphaned (or whose next of kin couldn't be found right away, or whose next of kin aren't in the occupied territories) and sending them to Russia to be adopted. And, if there is any question about the ultimate goal of this, Russian government recently gave grants to "help children embrace to their new homeland." 
There is also the part where several kids in occupied areas (mostly Kherson Oblast) who were taken to summer camps in Russia, and when the territories were liberated, Russians weren't exactly willing to give those kids back. And families have no way of getting in touch with them. And if that sounds like a nightmare - congratulations, you have a conscience. 
 The rally was scheduled to kick off at the Old Water Tower, then proceed down Michigan Avenue toward Millennium Park, culminating at the Cloud Gate/the Bean. Now, what I don't think the organizers realized was that the Revolutionary Communist Party was going to have a rally at the northwest corner of the Millennium Park, also at 2:00 PM. It was on my radar, but I wasn't sure, given the timing, if the twain shall meet. 
 Well, RevComm noticed them as they were arriving, and decided to preach their mission of how everyone should stop the "US/NATO Proxy War." I'm not entirely sure if they got to other parts of their spiel, like that Maidan protests were a NATO scheme, that NATO expansion provoked Putin and, oh, that Russia hasn't been Communist since 1950s and that Stalin was a communist "who made a lot of mistakes." But, suffice to say, the Ukrainians were not amused. Chants of "Commies Go Home" got thrown around. 
Still, given the vast disparity in numbers, the communists did ultimately leave, and the rally was finished as planned.
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strannik-fev · 1 year
I’m kind of fascinated by the layers of meta in this. It’s an AU fanfic where the alternate universe is an animated movie loosely based on a legend about real-world events.  It’s Mortal Instruments fanfiction level of meta. 
Anastasia AU
Scroll for premise
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I’m a sucker for Anastasia and Everlark. So here it is:)
If you haven’t watched Anastasia I would if you’re interested in this AU. Everything will make a lot more sense.
Characters: Katniss/Kat = Anastasia/Anya. Peeta = Dimitri. Haymitch = Vlad. Snow = Rasputin
Kat has little memory of her life before she was eight years old due to a traumatic brain injury during the Russian Revolution. The few memories she has are from her nightmares (which she is skeptical are even completely true).
Taken in by an orphanage, she spends the next ten years of her life there with a desire to discover the life she left behind. Always wondering if her family was still alive and knew she was still alive as well.
Tsarina Carine Everdeen has heard of the rumors that her eldest daughter, Katniss, is alive. To whomever finds her and brings her to the Tsarina will receive ten million roubles.
Peeta and Haymitch are two conmen in St. Petersburg. Holding auditions for the rumored alive Tsarevna Katniss. Planning to find a physical match then train her answer the right questions. They plan to split the roubles and commit the biggest con in history.
Katniss is a target of Snow (Rasputin), a deranged man who wants nothing more than the Everdeens dead. He managed to kill Katniss’s father and sister, (why he doesn’t want her mother idk don’t ask me) his next target is Katniss. There is no magical elements in this AU.
Kat is chosen by Peeta and Haymitch as she is found in the palace. She is a perfect physical match to what they have been looking for. They begin to train her to act like a Tsarevna to make her more convincing. It’s a whole thing. She’s still very stubborn.
Peeta falls in love with Kat and she may or may not have feelings for him. However, it’s too late. What is he going to do about that.
I don’t want to spoil the ending for those of which who have not watched it. Maybe I’ll change some things up.
I really hope that I don’t forget this AU. Please constantly remind me.
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strannik-fev · 1 year
The rally wrapped up about 10 minutes later than planned. As some protesters went to the nearby Apple store to get warm, I heard Olga quietly repeating one of the chants. “Russia will be free, Russia will be free, Russia will be free,” she said again and again, like an affirmation, like a mantra. Then she looked up and smiled. “This will be ringing in my head all day.”
Until Russia is free, Wednesday Journal, 01.02.2023
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strannik-fev · 1 year
And reposting to the main Tumblr
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I experimented with ArtBreeder’s collager function and asked it to create a bunch of tokusatsu images. The AI images have flaws (like, say, messing up faces, or forgetting to put in arms), but there are some designs one can work with and refine
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strannik-fev · 1 year
Weirdly - accurate.
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strannik-fev · 2 years
My experience in getting my first smartphone in the end of 2021 and why I went back to a flip phone (albeit a pretty smart one)
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strannik-fev · 2 years
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strannik-fev · 2 years
Grandfather never made a mistake in counting money. He was so honest that workers, on the receiving end of their wages from him, never checked the money they got. The factory owner too did not check the cash or the book-keeping. During the 1905-1907 and 1917-1920 pogroms, both Russian and Ukrainian factory workers hid this family. It was they who unanimously elected Grandfather chairman of the hospital funds, which was the first stage of unionizing
My great-uncle, regarding my great-great-grandfather’s experience as a Jew in what is now Ukraine, as recounted in Her Eyes Extolled Quite Often, Page 10
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strannik-fev · 2 years
In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day
Lancelot. What other good deeds did your dragon accomplish?
Charlemagne. He rid us of gypsies.
Lancelot. But gypsies are very sweet people.
Charlemagne. What! I’m speechless! I admit, I’ve never seen a single gypsy in my life. But even in elementary school they taught us that these are horrible people.
Lancelot. Why is that?
Charlemagne. They are vagrants by nature. It’s in their blood. They are an enemy of any organized state – or they long would have settled down, instead of drifting here and there. Their songs are without courage, and their ideas are destructive. They steal children. They sneak everywhere. Now we have completely cleansed ourselves of them, but as recently as a hundred years ago any brunette had to prove he did not have gypsy blood in him.
Lancelot. And who told you all that about gypsies?
Charlemagne. Our dragon, of course. Gypsies would challenge him blatantly in the first years of his rule.
Lancelot. Now there’s a nice, impatient people.
Charlemagne. Don’t. Please don’t say that.
This passage from the “Dragon,” one of Yegeniy Schwartz’s most iconic plays... as an adult, I couldn’t help but think about what his passage means, coming from a son of Russian Jew, who saw many Russian-Jewish friends (including my great-grandmother, my grandpa and my great-uncle) sent to labor camps. A heartwarming bit of solidarity between two people who’ve been oppressed in Russia for centuries. 
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strannik-fev · 2 years
This isn’t the first time someone tried to do a more canon-accurate, better-written take on the infamous My Immortal, and it won’t be the last. It’s one of the better attempts in this sub-sub-genre.  I guess it boils down to the fact that making something good out of a bad fic (or a bad story in general, really) is a fun exercise, and there is something to be said for working off the foundation of a plot. 
i rewrote the first chapter of my immortal and wanted to torture you with it
Now, before I go on to boring you with the ludicrous details of my dark, depressing life, there’s some things you should know about me.
First thing: My name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. Yes, that is my actual name. I’ll admit that when my Mom handed in the birth certificate, there were a few less middle names, but from my experience, kids do a much better job naming themselves anyways. (And no, as much as I wish I was, I am not related in any way to our lord and saviour Gerard Way. Stop asking.)
Two: I’m a goth bitch. In case you can’t find tell. No preps allowed here, okay? Only those with the blackest of souls may join our ranks. (I’m only half kidding)
Three: I’m a vampire. Y’know, the totally goth fang dudes that everyone seems to hate so much. It’s not the best case scenario, seeing as I kind of… drink people’s blood? But as long as it’s muggle blood, no one in my house seems to care.
Four: I’m a witch. Yep, Vampire and Witch. My parents must have been to some magical creature orgy when they had me or something, but honestly I’m not willing to think about that.
Because of my Witch, my Dad had transferred me from Transylvania’s school for Girls to Hogwarts Wizard Academy a few years ago - I’m now 17, making me a Seventh year. I’m a Slytherin as well - because snakes and vampires both have fangs, get it? Whatever. It fits me.
Like most days in England, it was gloomy. Normally, I would’ve liked this, seeing as the sun was hidden by the clouds, but the rain that pattered down was starting to freeze into snowflakes, landing on my pale skin, and melting to smudge my thick black eyeliner.
As I walked across the courtyard, a gust of wind blew my long, shiny black hair into my eyes, the chill sending a shiver down my spine. For not the first time that day, I began to regret having worn fishnets. As stylish as they were, they did not do much in the way of warmth.
A loud laugh echoed across the lawn, and I looked up. Charlotte stood, her prep junkie squad standing behind her with matching leering expressions. “Heyyyy Ebony!! Omg, you look so cute today!” she raked her eyes over my body, leaving me feeling gross
“I love that skirt,” Jessica chimed in, leaning over her shoulder. She waved at the black leather miniskirt I’d bought from Hot Topic a few weeks back.
“Totally!” Charlotte stepped closer. I moved away, glaring at her. Just because Vampires and Humans are technically at peace in this school did not mean I would hesitate to bite her. “Can we get a picture with you?”
“No,” I snapped, showing off my fangs as a warning. She laughed, and I flipped her off, turning away. I could hear a chorus of cackling erupt as I ran off. I knew I was reacting exactly how they wanted.
Honestly, though, I was too tired to care at this point.
I was almost back inside when I felt someone brush my shoulder. “Fuck off you bi- Oh. It’s you. Sorry about that, Way.” It was Draco Malloy.
He was one of the few people in my house that I had a mutual respect for. At first, he’d been super obnoxious to me - apparently he thought I was a muggle, which, no bitch, I’m a full on fucking vampire - but after I threatened to bite him after he locked my pet raven in the closet, he’d realised the truth and backed off big time.
We’d been not-quite-friends since then. To be honest, he was kind of cute - not that I’d admit it. So maybe I actually did kind of like him. Just, don’t like, ship us. Only my friends get to do that!
“What’s up, Draco,” I muttered, trying not to sound grumpy.
“Good,” he replied, then frowned. “I mean, nothing much.” I giggled, rolling my eyes.
“What class do you have next?” I asked, tilting my head and smirking flirtily. I tried to hide how much I was shivering from my cold, to little avail.
Thankfully, like most boys, he wasn’t paying much attention. “Defense against the dark arts. You?”
“Divination.” I rolled my eyes as he grimaced. “I am so glad I’m not you. Professor Trelawney is an utter fraud. Last time I asked her if I’d get an A on my Charms test, and she said I’d fail. She didn’t even do anything with her tea or whatever! She just told me!” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“So vhat did you get?” I asked slyly. I cringed inwardly. My fucking fangs had gotten in the way again. That’s one of the things I hate about being a vampire - my ‘w’s and ‘th’s come out all wrong.
“An A, obviously.” He replied. I caught a flicker of irritation in his eyes. Liar.
“Hey- are you coming, or what?” Vincent, one of Draco’s loyal minions chimed in, looking between us.
“Shut up, Crabbe,” Draco snapped, tossing his head with annoyance. Turning back to me, he raised an eyebrow, smirking. “See you later, Way?”
“Yep,” I said, smirking back.
I heard a voice call my name from across the lawn. “Ebony! Come on! Trelawney is gonna divine us to death if you skip again, I swear!”
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strannik-fev · 2 years
Honestly, I kind of wish somebody made a movie based on this poster. Not necessarily instead of what Teenagers from Outer Space actually was, but in addition to. 
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strannik-fev · 3 years
Одно другому не мешает.  I personally read it as them flirting and the show laying the groundwork for a throuple. 
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How straight to you have to be to watch Beckett and Jennifer awkwardly flirt and think Beckett is setting Jennifer up with Boimler?
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strannik-fev · 3 years
It’s interesting because, in Russia, we got the Vehicle Voltron season first. As a kid, I was intrigued by the political complexities, and I remember liking Hazar and Hawkins, relating to Chip a lot and being interested in his relationship with Piege, and struggling to keep track of who most of the pilots were. Lion Season was entertaining in its own way, but coming to United Sates, I was confused as to why nobody seems to remember Vehicle Voltron, or understand why the Drule Empire were superior bad guys.  
In the Enemy Camp
I said previously that I wanted to do a write up for the Vehicle Voltron episode “In the Enemy Camp” and, well, here it is. Episodes like this really highlight just how different Vehicle Voltron is from Lion Voltron in both content and tone. And, honestly, as much as people harp on about how the size of VV’s cast hurt the show, I’d argue this difference in tone possibly did more damage. LV set up a popular formula; it was a monster of the day show, fantastical, action oriented, often featured outlandish scenarios, and fast paced. Then comes along the Vehicle Voltron season of DoTU which is, well, very different, as you’re about to see.
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Our story begins with Commander Hawkins flying down from the Explorer to meet with Colonel Cross, who is overseeing the construction of a supply base on an unnamed planet. Cross quickly picks up that Hawkins is on edge and asks him what’s on his mind. Hawkins explains that the Drules consider this area of space, Sector B, their territory and will see the construction of a base here as an act of war. When Cross explains this is only a temporary supply base, Hawkins points out that Hazar won’t understand that. Cross tells Hawkins he must find Hazar and convince him the Alliance means no harm.
Keep reading
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strannik-fev · 3 years
Overlord Mega would do just fine without her husband, think you very much. 
Ok but like. What if someone just took Overlord’s legs. Like they just his tank half and walked off. What does he do. How does he handle this. How can he be the scourge of the universe and kill Megatron without his pants.
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strannik-fev · 3 years
So... who is going to tell the OP about Revenge? (Which, Twitter as my witness, was an entertaining mess, though in a different way than what OP concocted)
i dreamt yesterday that gankutsuou (and or the count of monte cristo but mostly gankutsuou) was adapted by the cw riverdale style. 
and then i started thinking about what that very very cursed idea will entail
- every main and important character is young and fuckable. this means that the count will look much more young adult ish and the young teenage characters would probably look more aged up for the sake of it
- Albert and the rest of the teens will be more broody 
-Franz is the jughead and also has feelings for eugenie. its a bad bad love triangle
- Eugenie becomes a veronica- ish girl-boss and a lot of her vulnerability is erased
-there’ll be a lot more sex scenes in order to titlate the audience. all of them played to corny and unsubtle pop songs.
-in general the songs would be a lot more poppy and unsubtle. gone is the iconic soundtrack of the series
- peppo will get an issue episode about how she’s having troubles fitting in and being trans and the cis characters validate her. it is the only time her identity is brought up.
- fernand, villefort and danglars will lose a lot of their dimension and will be cartoonishly evil (even more with danglars)
- beauchamp and debres will become super heterosexual. in general the characters will lose the queer appeal the show has.
- they handle the incestual elements in a more titalating and less horrifying way unlike the show.
please add more to this list let’s make things worse 
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strannik-fev · 3 years
Andorian weddings canonically require four people
season 3, sometime, during a date
Jennifer: Hey, Lyn, like to join us?
Beckett: There's room for three here. <3
T'Lyn: Illogical, you are quite engaged in this relationship and two seems adequate.
Beckett: I've dated triplets at the same time on Deep Space Nine.
Jennifer: aw, honey, that's cute, I've dated two Bynars at the same time, and I'm dating Barnes at the same time currently.
Beckett: you go, girl! *They share a high five*
T'Lyn: I stand corrected.
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strannik-fev · 3 years
I do sigh sometimes at non-journalists not understanding some basics of how headlines are supposed to work. Newspapers have been around for literal centuries. 
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