steynalive-blog · 13 years
Old album that I like review // Mmhmm - Relient K
Last week my car went in for service and I had to use my wife's car to get to work. The benefit of that is that her car at least has a compact disc player (the word CD makes it seem even older), which I suppose leaves my car in the stone age. There I discovered an album which I haven't listened to in ages...
Relient K - Mmhmm
Worth a listen if: You're into good lyrics
Best part of it is: The lyrics on Let it all out.
Worst thing about it is: The very dated pop-punk sound.
I think my friends would probably like it because of the insane amount of depth present in this album.
One of my favourite albums used to be Relient K's Mmhmmm. What makes the album great is that it really does reflect life as it is. Sure, so does Avril Lavigne and Britney, but  with this album they look at life from a deeper angle.
Okay, the music is incredibly poppy; probably to the point where the band makes New Found Glory seem like Underoath, but what it lacks in musical kick it more than makes up for in lyrics.
To be honest, I don't think I've ever heard twentysomethings serenade along to wise words that hits you on a spiritual, psychological and intellectual level - at the same time. The album is very spiritual, continually making the statement that we're completely imperfect. While this might sound like a broken record to someone who hasn't heard the album, it also takes a very original look at the world.
One of my favourite lyrics from the album (and one that proves exactly that) is "the beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair" - just one of the gems that you'll find on this album.
I believe the main thing that Matt & Co managed to do is talk about religion in a very casual, approachable way. They speak of their experiences in life candidly from a Christian point of view. The concept of imperfection plays a major role in this album. It continually refers to our human tendency to fall into grooves of comfort, yearning to climb out but too contented to care.
All-in-all, I really enjoy this album and it really relates to me. In fact, it keeps me sane by reminding me that everyone goes through the trials and insecurities that haunt me time and again.
Be My Escape : I’ve given up on giving up slowly, I’m blending in so  You won’t even know me apart from this whole world that shares my fate This one last bullet you mention is my one last shot at redemption  because I know to live you must give your life away And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and  I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because I gotta get outta here  I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake I gotta get outta here  And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape. I’m giving up on doing this alone now Cause I’ve failed and I’m ready to be shown how He’s told me the way and I’m trying to get there And this life sentence that I’m serving I admit that I’m every bit deserving  But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and  I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because I gotta get outta here  Cause I’m afraid that this complacency is something I can’t shake I gotta get outta here  And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape. I am a hostage to my own humanity Self detained and forced to live in this mess I’ve made And all I’m asking is for You to do what You can with me But I can’t ask You to give what You already gave  Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and  I’ve been locked inside that house all the while you hold the key And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because I’ve gotta get outta here  I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake I’ve gotta get outta here  And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging  You to be my escape. I fought You for so long I should have let You in Oh how we regret those things we do And all I was trying to do was save my own skin But so were You So were You
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steynalive-blog · 13 years
I really am starting to love Jaak, a South African artist from the "Boland" in the Western Cape. What I like about him is that he embodies a lot of what is going on in SA from a very certain cultural perspective.
His lyrics contain a lot of depth which is easy to discard at face value. Of course it's fairly difficult to drill down into it if you don't have some understanding of the Afrikaans language. I love the way his lyrics are completely true to the slang that is used among particular peer groups in SA.
Worth a listen and of course, worth support. Check it out here: http://pioneerunit.com/lyrics-sweet-jaak/
Chorus_ Nadat al die dinge was/ innie groot sprokiesland/ vang julle my onkant/ ma’ ons staan mos ons man/ onthou om te onthou/ vergeet om te vergeet/ want ons weet/ elke droom leef van sweet
Verse 1_ My rol isse reeks beheerde valle/ geformuleer virrie verkere kalle/ in versteurde talle/ vuiste gepeerde balle/ inne kultuur van verleerde stamme/ loepie vermeende malle/ en spoeg gegeurde ghalle/ en ôs werkit yt/ met perk en tyd/ moet somsie berg inkyk/ en vi versterkings pleit/ kragbeperkings, suid/ elke dag verwerk en syp/ soe ôs vererg in feit/ ôs bederfingsgyt/ ommie land te werk is kroesiaal/ selfs in tekkies en fatigues soes Fidel/ met haarkêppies in fabriek, soesiaal/ als vi’ nêppies en wassiep, loesiesgêl/ en vi’ Chappies na masiet, koepie spêlt!/ ‘n plattelandse kusklong/ vasgevang inne vallei “this long”/ voorvel swel soes pisbom/ voorspel hel soes dis-jong/ oortel gêl soes, ditshom!/ koor skel wel soes zip, stom!/ wiks hom!/ die styl is bitter wantis goed vi’ jou/ mirresyne wattie bloed skoon hou/ mettie lyne wattie boek toon blou/ ennie seine lattie kroeks skoons vou/ is myne! slattie boep-ooms jou/ kaapse duime vattie goed oënskou/ als afdraend terwyl ek spoed steel/ eerste prys! – lemoenskil maakie koek geel/ in liefde moet iets soets deel/ gegriefde soek swiehts, loep speel!/ daais hoekom kat solo uitie groep peul/ vervloek vleuel
Chorus_ Nadat al die dinge was/ innie groot sprokiesland/ vang julle my onkant/ ma’ ons staan mos ons man/ onthou om te onthou/ vergeet om te vergeet/ want ons weet/ elke droom leef van sweet
Verse 2_ Ek sit netsoe wee’ terug soese gelekte poeriengbakkie/ labrang, voer hom aknie/ loer hom, ag nie!/ sit vingertoppe bymekaa’ en weefe konsep/ herinner hulle waa’ die son set/ tevriede selfs mette brons plek/ los ma’ as ôs klaa’ voor u is/ want ôs lat loop soes Oscar Pistorius/ jou span loep voor…’ie bus/ soe naby ma’ hy skiet gedorie mis/ lat jou wônne watte fokkie storie is?/ beweeg innie mynveld vannie brein/ terwyl ek my kwytskeld vannie pyn/ poephol vannie suid skel vannie wyn/ terwyl ek my rym spel innie trein/ want ek tjyns al tienie grein/ Jaak, jy’s mal, taatie insyn!/ rêp tot my gô annie grond sliep/ wys my kô mannie hond tiep/ maak klaa’, ôh sannie son stiek/ is syf!, drô guns die kôps wiet/ is ôs wiek/ het soedie lôh annie groan biet/ moetie point! kiek!/ en ons gooi nie suiker by hiening/ kry die feite by dié ding/ gespanne soesie kuite se siening/ verstanie geite se miening/ en ruk buite daatien in/ ek vat suipe uit piering/ jy kraak ruite vi’ miering/ ons is gedryf deur funksie/ regs te styf! nie meer linksie/ koes oekie betyds te flinksie/ sê rêp issie kunsie/ dan is Ou Ryperd ‘ie ‘n hingsie/ en ry real katte nie in Binsie/ is nie!
Chorus_ Nadat al die dinge was/ innie groot sprokiesland/ vang julle my onkant/ ma’ ons staan mos ons man/ onthou om te onthou/ vergeet om te vergeet/ want ons weet/ elke droom leef van sweetet
Verse 3_ En partykeer issie brein te vinnig virrie pen/ ma’ ek gie nooite verkere voorskrif virre pasiënt/ jy sal my an my passie ken/ en my formele-dassie stem/ val oppie kassie klêm/ wanan bust ‘ie kênt/ ‘n plassie! dêm!/ kô af op jou soes koue wate’/ bringit haks soes geboue prate/ doenit tjaks soes veroue sake/ spoegit mak deur vernoue kake/ soesit spat uit benoue strate/ verfloue kate/ en nou is George wee bos/ en soek ôs wee’ kos/ ma ôs eet mebos/ en roek oek wee tos/ is alwee ôs, skree hosh!/ en roep ôs op e-pos/ ma ôs sweet mee’, Josh/ oek ruk Soeksoek wee’ mos/ Hop!
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steynalive-blog · 13 years
holy ish!
ever noticed how the word "shit" has been transformed and adopted in popular culture? urban dictionary says the following (if you can trust them as a reference - although i'm pretty sure that when we're talking ish, it's the source...)
Ish 1. Slang term often used to replace "shit." Derived from the process of editing the vocals of rap-songs by revershing the curse words so said song could be played on radio or television.  "That's the dope ish"
in so many songs (most of them of the r&b/hip-hop-ish ((see what i did there?)) genre) the word is reversed in order to be radio friendly. subsequently i've heard so many people on mtv and other shows, perhaps even vuzu, use the word "ish" instead of "shit".
this is an interesting phenomenon and it goes a bit deeper than just being about a word being substituted. when a word is substituted by another with etymologically the same meaning, does that not mean that the word itself should also then be censored? on what basis are words required to be censored - meaning? understanding of them by the public?
it's an interesting topic.
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steynalive-blog · 13 years
Tumblr media
i recently went to watch that new animated movie with the voice of johnny depp (the name of which completely escapes me now) and saw this ad by adidas - and i think it's really cool.
i love how they managed to communicate to a fairly large audience while still traying completely true to the brand... but most of all coming across as a very trendy brand.
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steynalive-blog · 13 years
i know it's fairly old but i love this song by TI feat xtina. it's probably the first song i've ever really liked involving miss aguilera. pretty fresh.
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