starks-sitter-blog · 10 years
"It would be silly if your name-dropping didn't get you anywhere." She said with a pleasant smile, straightening out her dress and folding her cloth napkin over her lap. The night had already started off tremendously, much better than she could ever anticipate. The small dining crowd was comforting, and the gawks from the waiters passing by was a thing that she always enjoyed. And Tony was that added bonus, though he was acting a bit peculiar.
"How are you Tony?  Really?" Pepper looked over her former boss with concern glazing over her expression. She was sincerely worried about him, of course, ever since he announced to her that he was leaving, she had a right to be worried. After not hearing from him in months, maybe even longer than that, Pepper needed to know what had happened since they had last spoken. She peeked around the corner of the menu he held up and then used a dainty hand to push the menu down so she could see his face. "Please tell me what's wrong? I can see it in your eyes."
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"If you’re impressed, it means that I really did something good this time around", he chuckled as he drove past the busy nightclubs; there was a time where he would sit down in his VIP booth and enjoy the drinks and the company, but a lot happened that changed him as a man more than he could possibly imagine. Revelations, arguments with Steve, his friends even, were troubling his mind, but he didn’t want to make Pepper worry more. In the back of his head, he still didn’t know how to talk to people who were involved so much in his life, especially after the War. The guilt was overtaking him, even after the apologies and regrets.
"Here we are..", he said as he stopped the car and rushed to hold the door open for the red head, smiling to her and just mentioning his name to the waiter at the front. Just like he predicted, they were seated in a table near the small stage where a band was performing and were given the menus. "Just like I told ya. The Stark name still bears respect, that’s a huge relief", he pointed out as he read through the different main dishes, side eyeing the wine menu.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
Pepper strode down the halls of the academy with a confident purpose. High heels clacking on the tiles and high ponytail bouncing behind her, she keep her head up and greeted students and teachers alike as she passed them. She wasn't really busy at the moment, but she made it seem like she had somewhere to be. That is, until she blinked for just a moment, and the next, she tumbled over her shoes as she ran into someone, dropping her clipboard and miraculously maintaining her balance. "I am so sorry! I did not see you there." She said frantically, trying to blink away the confusion of the moment.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
His old self, ah how she missed him. Putting up with Tony was one thing, but she had grown used to it, something she could stand without a blink of the eye. What could she say, the both of them looked absolutely stunning, and wherever they dined, all eyes would be on them. It would be a breathtaking night indeed, and Pepper was ecstatic about being able to catch up with the one guy whom she never really got over.
"You might have outdone yourself this time, and that is always something that impresses me." She arched both brows in response with a carefree smile glancing his way. "I'll have to remember that." She then pressed her lips into a thin line, looking out her window and out onto the city scene. It was beautiful and lit up and almost envied the passerbys who weren't feeling the sort of ache she had at the pit of her stomach. There was just that ever lingering feeling, but she pushed the thought of it aside, knowing better than that to let it ruin her evening.
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"That explains it. But still, you look amazing, I clearly do have a good taste, just like stated before", he chuckled. It was nice to be going out again, especially since he did what he did best when faces with self loathing and regret; isolate himself from the world and his friends, avoiding to be seen in a weaker state.
"It’s your favourite, huh? I didn’t even notice", he teased; of course he knew which of his possessions were Pepper’s favourites, and he couldn’t stop feeling guilty about leaving her behind now that she got there. It was something that had to be done, and his timing couldn’t be worse, he reminded himself that he needed to work on it.
"I remembered correctly, you better write this moment down", he laughed as he returned the smile and started the car, driving away from the Academy and into the city. He needed the human company, at least someone that wouldn’t ask him more about Steve and their complicated relationship and offer their comfort; just a dinner to take his mind away from everything sounded good, but he knew that he didn’t have time to rest.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"Well, I'm flattered. I supposed I won't give you all that much grief for the cane." She gave a wicked smile, showing such a dark side to herself. But it was like a game with Phil, and he didn't want pity, so she wasn't going to give him any, afterall, he looked great, was showing great signs of recovery, and Pepper could only manage to see the brighter things in his life and that was always a good thing for her.
Then, the conversation took a small turn. "Thank you Phil. I appreciate all the kind words. And I know Tony expects a lot from me,even now after all that we've been through. I understand that man just about as much as anybody else, so I'm going to stay where I'm needed most, and that's right here. I was upset, I really was when he first told me. But, I know he needed to get away."
"I was worried, it's a big decision, just taking off like that, especially after I just got here. I thought I'd be reunited almost. I thought... I almost thought that we were going to... it's silly, but we got so close, I thought I'd have a chance, but I know better than that."
Pepper let out a long breath of air out. "I'm not going anywhere. There's a lot I've seen that needs to be done around here. And I don't really have anywhere else to go these days." She gave a slight giggle. She could in fact land a job anywhere she wanted, go abroad, see places she's dreamt about, but none of it would mean a thing without her family, and that seemed to be right here. And what with Tony taking off, this only felt right. "Thank you Phil."
A Meeting Between Friends
Phil laughed. “I wouldn’t say they ran well in my absence. Though not within earshot of Maria or Nick. I’m sure everyone’s grateful to have me back, but they’re showing it through pity…and, truth be told, I can’t take it anymore. So I came to be around people who might understand. And I’m glad I found them. You included.”
He surveyed her carefully. “Pepper? You look worried. And that specific kind of worried where it means Tony.”
He sighed. “I know he’s leaving. I’m about as thrilled as you are, Pepper, I promise you that. I’m…conflicted. Maybe this is good for him, maybe not. Maybe I’m not happy about this at all. Okay, definitely. But…I’m worried. Consistently worried abut Tony—but moreso right now, you know?”
He surveyed her with an understanding smile. “Pepper, he’d never leave you for good. I don’t think he’d know what to do with himself if he did. And I’m sure he’s grateful you came…he just expects you to be here when you get back. And that’s not fair to you, it isn’t.”
He sighed. “But he is grateful. And he’s glad you’re here. And…I do think that’s some comfort. It was for me, at least. I can’t say the same for you; I wouldn’t dare assume what you’re thinking. But—you won’t be alone here if you stay here, Pepper.”
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"We were supposed to go to a gala a while back. I suppose you could say it was placed in the external affairs fund I set up for myself on your behalf." She haughtily replied, wrapping her arm around his offered one and felt extremely overdressed to be walking through the halls of the academy. 
When she saw where he was leading her, she looked over to him with a smirk on her face. "You brought my favorite car." It was true, the classic red car was always one of her favorites that Tony had in his collection. She didn't see them often, and that just made the occasion all the more exciting and worthwhile, even though she knew what was going to happen afterwards. He already explained to her that he was leaving, but it still didn't get processed in Pepper's mind, or at least she didn't want to process it. Plus, she had to forget about that minor detail until the night was over to at least enjoy this last get-together for a while. 
"You know authentic French food is my favorite Tony." She buckled in and relaxed into the fine passenger seat before looking over to Tony. Her smile widened and she put everything else at the back of her mind. Tonight, she was going to spend with Tony; a real formal dinner, just the two of them. 
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Tony flashed her a smile, pointing at her dress. “I believe that I should be the one complimenting you here. You look stunning, did I get that dress for you?”, he asked with a nostalgic smile. It felt nice to have someone else back now, with everything happened in the Academy, the chaos and drama, along with Steve’s and Natasha’s leave of absence. Going out with Pepper before his trip to space could potentially calm his mind a lot, not enough to regret his decision of course, but it was still therapeutic. 
He offerer his arm for her to hold, walking across the Academy halls and down to the garage, where he kept some of the cars that belonged to his private collection. Not all of them, most of them were safe deep under the Tower, but some of his favourites were there, including the bright red car that they walked up to, opening the door of the passenger seat for Pepper.
"I was actually thinking of Italian cuisine at first, but then decided that maybe French would be more appropriate", he said with a smile. "Of course, if you prefer anything else, I can arrange that. You don’t need a reservation, all we need is for my name to be dropped and I can get us the finest table"
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"Well, I'm handling everything well. I'm fine, really. As are you, which I'm completely thankful for. I was getting curious as to how an organization like SHIELD could even run without you. But here you are, almost good as new." Pepper's mouth formed into a short and small smile, unsure of how to go about herself.
She was never one to complain all too much, but everything had happened so quickly, she wasn't even sure why she was here anymore. Tony was leaving, she had found a steady position, but was it worth the trouble? Of course it was, but she couldn't see it any other way. Working with Tony was something she loved doing, and if he was just going to get up and leave her in this whole new world, what was bound to happen?
"Sacrifice, right." She repeated his word with an entire new look of dismay. "Someone's gotta take these jobs I guess. And if you call it a break, there must be something worth staying here then. Tony'll be Tony anywhere he goes, unfortunately I can't always be there for him, no matter how hard I try." She wasn't sure how much she could tell Phil about Tony's plans on leaving, so she just left it at that.
A Meeting Between Friends
He shot her a soft look of understanding. “Hey. If this is bothering you, you know you can talk to me about it. I know things are rough on your end, and you handle so much, Pep. You really do.”
He actually blushed. “Ah…thank you. I suppose I’m doing all right for a man my age after all I’ve been through. And I’m grateful for your concern and your care, Pepper. It’s so good to see you. It—it helps to have you back. Quite a bit.”
He laughed. “Ah yes. We have to take that sacrifice for everyone else and live with them, I suppose.”
He settled in and sighed. “Chinese does sound fantastic. And I’m glad you came here. Tony’s needed a break for a long while, but so have you, Pepper, I’m sure of it.”
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
She stepped around him, keeping an eye on him as she proceeded into the room. There was something a bit off about the whole thing and how he seemed so innocent just wanting to play a song for everybody on the intercom system. Pepper couldn't decide what to believe, as his father's reputation earned him a strike already in her book.
"I do." She answered his directed question, but she wasn't going to blatantly give it to him. First, she had to turn the alert off. Typing away at the keyboard, entering the system, she overrode the alarm, and reset the security. "There we are, good as new." She spun on her heel and looked down at the man across from her. "Now you were saying you wanted to play music? I don't believe there happens to be a violation for that, though it is unwarranted that you're up here in the tower to begin with. " Pepper came off as cross, even folding her arms across her chest and raising her brows. "I'm sorry Mr. Stane, we're going to have to take you to the office and have a talk with one of the principals."
Obviously Oblivious || Zeke & Pepper
Zeke smiled. The look of recognition on Pepper’s face as she recalled the trouble caused by Obadiah was quite amusing. She quickly changed the subject, asking what he was up to. Sharp as well, Stark certainly had picked himself a winner. Stepping back to allow her proper access to the tower’s control room, Zeke waved it off passively.
"I was trying to get the PA working to play some music. I thought the students and faculty might appreciate it. It does appear to be wired through here, but it seems there’s a security lock on it." He gave a plausible explanation, but no doubt Stark would have the entire place swept for Technovores within the hour before overhauling the security entirely. "Unfortunately I seem to have tripped something trying to get it working. You wouldn’t happen to know the code to turn it off would you?" he maintained his jovial tone.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
Before losing her balance at the scare she had had from someone opening the door to the security office she had been meaning to get into, a grip grabbed her wrist and straightened her out right. She plucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear and tightened up her posture before looking over the young man who stood before her. "Indeed, I am." 
The introduction of the younger man was a bit hazy, as Pepper recalled the people whom she knew and had run into before, until it hit her. Stane, as in Obadiah Stane, someone she hadn't thought of in a long while. Of course she knew his father. He had worked so hard at getting Stark Industries it became deadly. And now, his son was here. She kept up her appearance though, professional and presently. "Obadiah, yeah?" She cleared her throat, peeking around him towards the security system. "I knew him. What are you doing up here anyways?" 
Obviously Oblivious || Zeke & Pepper
Zeke had heard the alarms go off and frowned. Clearly the security behind these systems was better than he had expected. For now he had failed, but he could pass his meddling off as a fault in the system provided he wasn’t caught here. If Stark spotted him, he would raise hell about Zeke’s true intentions and that wouldn’t do at all. Turning to head for the stairs, he opened the door only to slam right into the one and only Pepper Potts.
Stumbling backward, Zeke’s arm shot out, grabbing Pepper by the wrist before she could go tumbling back down the stairs. Pulling her forward into the room, he smiled. This was going to be irritating.
"I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. You’re Miss Potts, right?" he asked cheerily. "I believe you knew my father, I’m Ezekiel, Ezekiel Stane." he introduced himself, curious as to how Ms. Potts would react.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
Pepper revealed herself to the man waiting for her outside of her door with a top-notch dress she had gotten several months ago in preparation for an event she never got to attend. It was elegant in every mean, hugging her every curve, and her strawberry blonde hair was half up in loose curls. She looked over Tony graciously, and added a half smile onto her bright red lips before making sure she had everything for a night out with Tony. It was something she had often looked forward to, though it was rare over the time she had worked for him.
"You look dashing." She playfully said, leaving her place, and locking the door behind her. "Where exactly is Tony Stark taking me tonight?" 
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Tony felt guilty yet again; he shouldn’t have mentioned the space proposition to her yet, but the fact that he was feeling so low affected him and opened up to her the moment he spotted her. Still, she was there and seemed disappointed even, so he pushed back his own problems again to focus on giving her a warm welcome just like she deserved. He kept his promise, he knocked on her door at exactly 8 o’clock, dressed in one of his smart suits, having carefully trimmed his beard; Pepper shouldn’t have to see him in poor conditions, he was a wreck, yes, but just for one night he would be able to put it behind him.
"Just in time, not a minute late", he said, mostly to himself as he stood by the door, waiting for the woman to open, hands behind his back.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"I know, I know." She looked away for a second, down towards her glass of wine and gulped inwardly with a bit of cowardice in her mind. It was something to be expected for these people who went out of their way to save lives of the public. It was the greater good situation that she wasn't sure how she got herself into, but it was still something she had to think about. 
"I'm glad you got the strength to come back. And you look great, let me tell you." Her pain was a bit eased by the comfortableness of Phil and the nostalgia that this brought back to her. "I cannot imagine having to go through what you've gone through though. I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't quite your old self quite yet, but I'm sure that with what progress you've made, and with your perseverance...PHil Coulson is capable of anything."
"You can't live with 'em, and I suppose the world wouldn't be the place it was today without them." She placed her glass on a coaster on the table in front of her and leaned back into the chair, crossing a leg over the other. "Chinese sounds delicious." She gave him an order of stir-fried rice and broccoli chicken, making sure to thank him and also adding, "Not too much has happened, the usual with the company. Tony went incognito, sort of... and decided best to teach here. As you can see, it took me a while to follow behind, but, as far as everything, there really isn't all that much to share."
A Meeting Between Friends
"It’s all right," he said, his voice soft and soothing as he took in her expression. "I know it hurts. You keep losing people, Pepper. It comes with the business. But superheroes have a knack of finding their way back home. And how could I not want to come back for all this?"
He shook his head and smiled. “Most of us could use a glass at the end of the day, I think. As long as you’re careful not to rely on it too much.”
His worry was mild, enough so that he still poured her the glass, but he set the bottle aside after. “Though I can’t talk. I’ve been relying on this cane for awhile. And to answer your question; part of the physical therapy. I work myself pretty hard, but after the wound, there was a lot of muscle deterioration. Even with the build-up, the wound just…kind of makes me worn out. Even now.”
He exhaled through his teeth and smiled. “Well…all right enough. I mean, I’ve settled in. And for the most part, I’m quite content. But there’s always an undercurrent of trouble around here. Can’t be helped; heroes.”
"Chinese it is," Phil said, picking up his phone and finally sinking into a chair. "I hope you have a few good stories to share too, Pepper."
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
Obviously Oblivious || Zeke & Pepper
There was some sort of security breaching within the system, and Pepper's computer she was typing away at had been alerted, which in turn made her aware of the situation. She had been meaning to get out of the office for a short time, so leaving a note at her desk with her beautiful cursive penmanship that read 'I will be back in 10 minutes', Pepper left for the observation tower. She didn't feel the need to let anyone know of her absence apart from the note, since she thought she would just be gone for a few minutes.
It did however take those few minutes to actually find the observation tower, where her system warning message told her the security was faltering. After walking up and down halls, she find the entrance to the tower and begin her descent upwards. It was a bit eerie feeling, like no one had been there or cleaned up around the place, and she made a mental note to make sure to put that on her list of things to do. Whatever was going on with the system, she had a general knowledge of security cameras, and was optimistic about the whole idea of her at least assessing the situation. It made her feel like she could contribute to something around here. She finally made her way to the room and entered with lots of curiosity and eagerness. 
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"Why don't you go do that!?" Pepper grit her teeth together and blew air through her nose. A part of her was almost scared for the sane part of her. What had happened to her, here she was, threatening Stark but without any reason, like she come under some spell. It didn't matter for long though as the pit of her stomach grew heavy and gnarled. "I did your bidding, all day, every day for so long, and you don't even have the nerve to-" There it was again, the inside of her told her that she was overreacting. Of course she was overreacting. As little as Tony did thank her, she knew he cared, he was all she had, but this curse, whatever had come over her made her tyrant, envious of anything that stood in her way. She wanted so much to apologize, to clean the place and organize things back to how they came, but the rebellion kicked into high gear and she slapped Tony right across the face without warning.
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Rebellious and Easily Angered-Hulk!Pepper and Tony
"Whoa, whoa there! Remind me to ask Banner who his therapist is and what he does exactly to calm down", he said as he raised his hands in the air, part of him so gutted that the pack of candy fell on the floor. "I know you and a couple dozens of people share that opinion about me, but wow, I never knew you were so strong and frustrated about me"
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"BLACKMAIL FOLDER?" She raised her voice again, anger tinging her spirit. Every time he mentioned her hulking out she wanted to pull out her hair. "GOD DAMMIT!" She tromped across the room and pulled on Tony's shirt. "You sir are the bane of my existence!" 
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Rebellious and Easily Angered-Hulk!Pepper and Tony
"That’s way harsher, at least tell me why? Did you find the blackmail folder on my desktop? You Hulking out is surely gonna go there..", he said as he peeked from the couch and tossed at side the packet of crisps to get a pack of sour candy and eating from it.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"I cannot believe you!" She gruffly huffed out, furrowing her brow and staring at Tony. If looks could kill, he'd be a dead man. "I hate you."  She uttered, staring at him and breathing heavily. "I don't know how I could ever work for a man like you!"
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Rebellious and Easily Angered-Hulk!Pepper and Tony
"A man’s gotta do what a hungry man’s gotta do, it’s not my fault I can’t seem to get my stomach stop growling!", he said as he ran behind the couch and grabbed the nearby half finished pack of chips. "Um, I came prepared? You have them all around your office, I guess when you’re having those days, which I think you’re having one right now? Hey, that’s harsh”, he pouted as he put the chocolate away.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
"You're worried about your DAMN MALTESERS!?" Pepper was infuriated with the way Tony had been acting. She stared at him incredulously, passion burning in her eyes. "Why the hell are you eating all that candy? Where are you even getting that!?" And then, she pulled the chocolate bar out of his hands and threw it across the room. "You are disgusting."
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Rebellious and Easily Angered-Hulk!Pepper and Tony
"Wait what? Don’t snap at me, you dropped my Maltesers!", Tony said as he put the rest of the chocolate in his mouth and pulled another candy bar from his pocket. "Did I make those walls indestructible? I should have, you’re on fire!"
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
Rebellious and Easily Angered-Hulk!Pepper and Tony
coconutandmetalflavour replied to your post: m!a - Flaming Youth
"If I wasn’t scared of you throwing your shoes at me again, I would make a joke about your temper being similar to the Hulk’s"
"Did you ju-. OH NO STARK! I have had ENOUGH of you dammit!" Pepper pushes Tony away from her. She was done with him and couldn't control her temper.
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starks-sitter-blog · 11 years
m!a - Flaming Youth
Flaming Youth: Muse is rebellious and easily angered for 8 hours.
"Are ya kidding me? This is not cool! I hate this and everything about it!" Pepper begins to stomp away loudly, groaning.
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