sonosheee · 2 years
SasuSaku fanfic recommendation
Hi guys! Can you recommend some really good SasuSaku fanfics?  (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Where maybe Sasuke and Sakura are travelling together, on a mission, and getting closer and closer. For some reason, I'd like to read something like that right now. The tags could be: post fourth shinobi war, traveling, romance, domestic fluff,  post-699, pre-gaiden + and maybe add a little bit of *spice*   (/≧ω\)  You know what I mean.  Thank you so much!  ٩(^◡^)۶
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sonosheee · 2 years
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Codenames by @jellymlk.
(For more translations, plus a link to the original artist and work, check the directory at bit.ly/PeartatoDraws).
All translations are always done with the knowledge and consent of the artist.
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sonosheee · 2 years
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Defenseless by @jellymlk.
(For more translations, plus a link to the original artist and work, check the directory at bit.ly/PeartatoDraws).
All translations are always done with the knowledge and consent of the artist.
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sonosheee · 2 years
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Dreams into Nightmares by jellymlk.
For more translations, as well as a link to the artist, check the directory at bit.ly/PeartatoDraws.
All translations done with the knowledge and consent of the artist.
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sonosheee · 2 years
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brinque com meu fogo, venha se queimar
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sonosheee · 2 years
Riza: Sir, you’re bleeding out. What’s your type?
Roy, half-dead and delirious from blood loss: Blonde, good with guns, willing to shoot me but still loyal, first name starts with an R-
Riza: Your blood type.
Roy: Oh. Red.
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sonosheee · 2 years
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“i’m glad i trusted you, mr. mustang”
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sonosheee · 3 years
Hmm…. Hmmm…. Guys. Do you see what I see?
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Okay, okay! Who will sue the Columbia Pictures and the DreamWorks Pictures? I have a good lawyer! Let’s burn up this too guys! Because ThIs Is So DiSgUsTiNg!  If you are not with me, you are MoRaLlY RuBbIsH!  WoooHoooo! 
*irony was here*
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sonosheee · 3 years
I saw that some of you are argueing on that „this or that character is doesn’t look like old enough to be this” or „to do that.” In my opinion in our case this is totally… ponitless. Because you can’t see the age on the characters! It is so weird to me, but every character from the Inuyasha series look like… yunger than they are. I’m a bit sad, because our alpha-male Sessho became some… young teenage boy suddenly. I mean… Look at him!
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In the Yashahime he looks like a high school fugitive, not a grown ss man. Look at his face! It’s rounder! His smexy jaw line? We sould say goodbeye to it…
And Sango?! My baby Sango really became a… baby herself! Look how young she is!
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Hell I would like to know their skin care routine for sure..! Omg, the longer I look at them, the younger they are. – or how sould I say it! Everybody became cute, with little chubby face! They are like kids! But… that’s okay, I guess. I mean it is the style of the animation, the characters… They are not exactly the same as in the Inuyasha. (I loved that style! I like this too, it is similar... However, not the same! Still nostalgic a bit.)  And we can’t do anything with it! Sango looks like (beautiful! and) young after having her 3th child, she almost looks like Rin in the tree! I mean, it seems like she is around her age… Because the studio chose this… (little bit) weird characterization/style. And it is okay! This is just an anime! Everybody is beautiful, and healthy and... young for forever. :”D Stay safe! Have a great day!  ♡ (ˆ⌣ˆԅ) 
+ Do you remember to manga Sesshomaru? He looks like young as fck in it! He was like a baby! I swear to god! (I liked the anime Sesso more, because… Well, he is a MEN in there.) He was a bit cocky, more arrogant… Like a teenage boy! And the truth is, he was a teenage boy, I think. Of course, he is many (two?) hundred years old, but he is nowhere near to his father, our Lord Inu no Taishō (may he rest in peace). And in the manga, you can see that. (In the Yashahime, he is like... this - he looks more like the “original”. I think.)
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These are just my own opinions! No offense to anyone! English is not my mother tongue! I hope you can understand me!  ♡
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sonosheee · 3 years
i don't know man I'm confused too
alucard’s middle name is fahrenheit????
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sonosheee · 3 years
Beautiful! ♡
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sonosheee · 3 years
prompt: trevor is a good husband to his pregnant wife and perhaps frets a little too much for her comfort
Trevor x Sypha [Romantic]
Rating: T
Word Count: 1k
“For the last time, Trevor, I’m pregnant. I’m not dying.”
But her protests ended there. She would not continue, Trevor knew, when she secretly reveled in being lavished in his attentions. He carried her easily in his arms, after the last few months of doting and worrying and carrying her to bed after a severe bout of vomiting. The vomiting had stopped now, had stopped for weeks, but now at five months, the swell of her abdomen was beginning to show, and he could not help but fret over the smallest of her grievances. 
“Oh, please, woman. Do you know how many wives in this village would kill to have their husbands do everything for them?”
Keep reading
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sonosheee · 3 years
I just realised...
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sonosheee · 4 years
What did he mean?
„We’ve spent a couple os months living YOUR life. Adventures and victories. And now, we’re living MY life.”
What do you think what Trevor meant during the last sentence? 
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They will get drunk is tarvens, and fight with other drunk people and then pass out beneath a tree - and the next day, they will do it again? This will be their „daily routine” - or what? Cuz’ what did he do before Sypha and Alucard, what was „his life”? He killed a monster once in a blue moon, accidentelly - and that was all he did, no? He had nothing, he doesn't care about anything, there was no mission in his life.
So… What now? (I will not mention that in this scene he spoke like it was all Sypha’s fault - because this was „her life”. (Ups, I just did…) And he was rude to her and it was unfair. I mean… LOOK how sad and broken she is! Almost crying… And what did he implied?! It was HER fault! So fck you Trevor! I love you! But… fck you!
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sonosheee · 4 years
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Imagine! Trevor and Sypha have an argument. No. Like a serious argument. And they leave each other. (Not forever! But for a while.) Or: fanfiction idea. I can’t write it. But maybe you can. shitty english grammar warning. (grammar? what is it?) this is in my head for days. i cant hold back  ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
In season 3 I felt that Trevor allows too much to Sypha - I know he has feelings for her, that’s clear, but… You know, while she is with him everything's been turned over for him. As he said „A pretty girl holds your hand and takes you to bed and all of sudden…” „your world changes and you don’t know what to think about it” That disgusting judge finished his sencence but what he said was true. Trevor’s world is a little bit upside down now I think. Yes, he killed monsters before, but now, he has a „misson” - to make a better world and help people. He do what his family did for centuries - this was his fate. Beside this he is not alone anymore on this path. Isn’t is too fast for him? I love Sypha! She is my cute little psychopath, she is fire and ice and… wind… and electricity. She is amazing! But as @roxinwoolsocks said, she has gotten cocky: „Her victories have clearly gone to her head though.” At the finale of the season she got a slap from the life, but I can imagine that after a few weeks (maybe?) she become cheerful and bright again. And confident in fights. And more reckless. So! Here is my fanfiction idea!
Our beautiful babies are fighting whit a massive monster squad. Trevor killed monsters like these before, he knows they are hard to kill but he knows what to do. But Sypha didn’t listen to him. She is powerful, confident, and stubborn. And because of that they almost get into a bigger shitstorm. (She gets an injury maybe - or a bigger wound.) And after that, she acting like as if nothing had happend.
But Trevor had enough. During the fight, when he saw how careless and unstoppable, uncontrollable she was, something snapped in his mind. (It was not his whip.) For a moment, he saw himself. He were axactly like her in the past, he almost got killed every weekend that time. (Oh boi, the scabs on his body… Each wound has it’s own story. There are too many, he can’t remember them all.) He will not let Sypha to continue what she is doing, because that's gonna end badly. He can't let her do that to herself! He can’t let her die!
She’s got a lecture from him. After the fight Trevor yells at her about how she sould follow his orders because he has more experience and knowledge about monster killing. (He’s says NOTHING about his feelings.) Sypha gets mad too, because she thinks Trevor has no right to treats her like a helpless, weak little child. After this there is bad blood between them.
Not long after this (1-2 week after), they found Sypha’s people in a small village - so Trevor and Sypha decide to stay a little bit longer. Sypha is so happy among them, she helps them to heal villagers, she tells stories to everybody around the camp fire, sings beautiful songs, (Trevor never heard her sing before), dance, plays with children… And maybee… she helps to deliver a baby. And as she watching the newborn in her arms she is smiling and seems so happy. And Trevor is watching her from the far, and he realise that killing monsters is not her fate. The day before they left, he said they should talk. He says she will stay, and he will go alone. He says things like „you will be happier here”, „your people need you”… The truth is… this is a good excuse for him to keep Sypha far away from her own pointless death - during fighting with monsters for people who will never deserve any of her sacrifices. In the fight of the begining, he was so scared for her. When she wouldn't listen to him... only followed her own head recklessly… Trevor had nothing and no one for a long time - ha was alone and lonely -, and now he has somebody to protect. He wanted to protect her so bad. But ont he road, during the fights, among the monsters he is not able to do that. He had to let her go. „She will be happier surrounded by her own people. She can use her powers, she can be a good healer. She can be able to tell stories until the day of her death. She will have a family. She can be a mother…” – he keeps saing these things to himself. Sypha… is furoius. She don’t understand Trevor, and doesn’t want to understand. They are arguing again. Trevor gets mad. He wants to do everything to make Sypha stay he starts to insult her. „You just killing yourself with that attitude of yours!” „I can’t always keep an eye on you during the fights!” - he KNOWS how powerful she is, and she doesn’t need help, she proved herself! But he wanted to insult her, he said these things. He starts to complain about other things as well.
One word led to another, and… Sypha start to say something about their… you know. Trevor says: „I just used you! Like men use pretty girls like you! I used you and you used me!” She objects: „I didn’t use you! I…” … (love you) - but she never finished the sentence, she freezed when she realized what she wanted to say. (Oh gosh guys I hope you can understand what I say!)
Trevor (maybe he realised too what she wanted to say, and he fell silenc for a very short moment but than he) just ignored it and continued cruelly: „Ohh, Sypha, you are so naive.”
She looked at him incredulously with wide eyes. Her eyes became glassy from tears, but she didn’t want to look weak infront of Trevor. So her eyes became angry again with a spark of fire in it, and she said: „Get out! Leave then!”  
He did. He left one of the horses and the wagon to her, and on the next dawn he left the village. He said goodbye to the Speakers, but Sypha wasn’t there. „My granddaughter said: I think we have said all we have to say to each other” - Sypha’s grandfather told this to Trevor.
Angst, pain and everything! What can I say? I like it when they suffer…
This is only temporary of course but it is serious. Thanks to this argument they will be far away from each other for months… or a half year - or something. Sypha… She will not stop killing monsters. She will do the jobs alone. BECAUSE SHE IS A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN, and NO ONE can tell her what to do!
Trevor… He gets nightmares where he sees Sypha dying alone, because there are too many monsters around her and she cant’t kill them all. And it is his fault because he left her.
Sypha’s grandfather dies - she became depressed. And the war of the vampires is slowly gets closer. Maybe some serious action will brought them together again. They will „brought together by fate” - and they will have to fight again side by side.
So this is my idea. Feel free to use it, if you want, as you want. I wish I could write it in english! Oh, how I wish! But my english skills… are shamefull as you see. My bad grammar and vocabulary… It’s blocks me! I could write it in my mother tongue, but nobody would care about it - and I would like to share it with You guys! Writing is ART and I don’t want to ruin everything with my bad english. If you feel enough energy or you got some ideas from this little… post, let’s do it! Write it! You don’t have to tag me or anything, just please send it to me - so I can read it! And I will be thankful for it! Because I would like to see how you can write this! ♡ ♡  ♡ ♡ Maybe my characters are a bit out of… character. Would Trevor be able to tolerate Sypha for eternity if she become reckless so much? How would he deal with his emotions? I don’t really know… But I can imagine something like this. I love you guys! Stay safe! ʚ♡⃛ɞ (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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sonosheee · 5 years
Me: Arya will go back to Gendry one day in the future they will find each other and they will be together... or something like this. Yeah!!! I have faith they will find each other again! I don't want to see the scene where they say goodbye forever... Nope! Thats ridiculous! Also me: google  →  sad goodbye forever quotes
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sonosheee · 5 years
Gendrya. need cheering up.. srsly
(So... English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes. I need to write my thoughts and feelings down. Maybe I just need someone to understand me...) Okay, okay... Except nothing is okay! What's wrong with me? After I watched the 4th episode I fell into deep deep depression. I've got a feeling that that something is going to happen. Something sad. I thought I was ready but then... My heart isn't just broken. It's shattered to a thousand pieces. It's only dust now. I can't concentrate on anything, I could cry at any moment - especially when GoT come into my mind. Gendrya is my favourite couple and after so many years of waiting I was so happy - for 2 weeks. Now I just... I don't know. I watch the proposal scene again and again and again, scrolling through insta and tumblr for new posts about them... and torture myself. I want to believe that they will be together somehow in the end or we will get some hint about them but... I know it's not a fairytale. If Gendry will be the Lord of Storm's End and Arya will sails back to Braavos or go to see the world that's will be enough for me because if this happens there will be a chance for them to be together in the future at least (after some time Arya come back to Gendry or something). But it's still like a fairytale and it's still GoT... I read theories and interviews... Half of the theories are ridiculous and the interviews... Maisie said that Arya will be alone in the last scene; Joe said: "...but all the things that he likes about her are the things that will make her never be with him that way." I think they will say goodby to each other... I don't want it. It will be painfull and full of sorrow and sadness. I'm full of sorrow and sadness. Maybe Arya will die (alone)...? If not, she will travel (I think). For years. Gendry (as the Lord of Storm's End) will need to make a heir or the Baratheon blood line will die out. He can't wait to Arya forever... Beside he had some other partners, I think he can get over her and he can fall in love with other ladies... So... yeah...   I thinking on these all the time... I'm tired. I have a lot of tests to write and my exams will start soon and I just can't concentrate on them (anything) because... GoT. It's sounds stupid but this is the sad truth. It's never heppend with me before but it's looks like I'm depressed because... a TV series makes me depressed. I will fail my exams. What are you doing in these days? Do you feel tha same...? Or it's just me? I feel down, tearful... empty and numb. Pleas help me!   (I hope you understand me...) (p.s.: My last hope is the book. Maybe their fate is different in it. Martin wrote so much about their relationship... There are many hints... All that for nothing...? It will be beautiful if Arya Stark became like Nymeria, the warrior (assassin) Princess and join the house Baratheon as the furious wife/partner of Gendry Baratheon. She will be a wolf among stags. And... omg I'm still a dreaming princess...!! How helpless I am..! Anyway... I need a fanfic.)  
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